- 2025-01-29/dmichaels Thug commit to master branch with fix in main-publish.yml (dcicutils version to 8.17.0).
- 2024-11-26/dmichaels
- Updated to foursight-core 5.8.0 for fix to portal deployment action for cgap-msa.
- 2024-10-11/dmichaels
- Updated dcicutils version (8.16.1) for vulnerabilities.
- Support for Python 3.12.
- Update dependencies
- Added update of a gitinfo.json file in GitHub Actions (.github/workflows/main-publish.yml).
- Update foursight-core with fix to Portal Reindex page (to not show initial deploy), and straighten out blue/green staging/data dichotomy on Reindex and Redeploy pages.
- Minor UI fix to Ingestion page (foursight-core).
- New Portal Reindex page; foursight-core 5.1.0.
- Update poetry to 1.4.2.
- Update magma to bring in fixes for creating and running MWFR
- Update to Python 3.11.
- Add ingestion type to POST body for VCF ingestion action
- Changes (to foursight-core) to the access key check; making sure the action does not run every single day.
- Changes in foursight-core (4.3.0) to fix access key check.
- Minor UI fixes for display of status text for checks/actions - in foursight-core.
- Added UI warning for registered action functions with no associated check - in foursight-core.
- Added UI display of Redis info on INFO page - in foursight-core.
- Added a d default .chalice/config.json and removed this from .gitignore
- Update foursight-core 4.1.2. Fixes for check arguments not being converted (from string) to int/float/etc as appropriate in the React version only (was not calling query_params_to_literals).
- Version changes related to foursight-core changes for SSL certificate and Portal access key checking.
- Using new dcicutils.scripts.publish_to_pypi for publish.
- Dependency updates to update magma + tibanna_ff to fix cost updates on MWFRs
- Lifecycle policy tweaks * Remove default deletion of "long term" storage options * Remove archived files from search
- Update to foursight-core 3.3.2 (and dcicutils 6.8.0).
- Changes related editing user projects/institutions.
- Removed the trigger_codebuild_run check (in foursight-core now).
- Changes related to support for running actions in Foursight React.
- Updated foursight-core version; changes there related to /accounts page. Not actually used currently here, only in foursight.
- Moved lookup of check_setup.json (and accounts.json) to foursight-core, from foursight-cgap/chalicelib_cap/app_utils.py.
Changes related to Foursight React. * Renamed chalicelib directory to chalicelib_cgap. * Renamed target package (pyproject.toml) from chalicelib to chalicelib_cgap. * Moved all Chalice routes to foursight-core (same with foursight). * Moved schedules to chalicelib_cgap/check_schedules.py. * Using new schedule decorator from foursight_core.schedule_decorator. * Added chalicelib_local with a sample check_setup.json suitable for local testing. * Changed check_setup.json lookup (in chalicelib_cgap/app_utils.py) to look for the
above local file if CHALICE_LOCAL environment variable set to "1"; and also to look for check_setup.json in the directory specified by the FOURSIGHT_CHECK_SETUP_DIR environment variable, if set, otherwise look in the local chalicelib_cgap directory; and setup a fallback directory for this lookup to this local chalicelib_cgap directory, which foursight-core will use if there is no (non-empty) check_setup.json in the specified directory.
- Bring in mamga v1.1.0
- Lifecycle management: Only check files with
. Furthermore, exclude files with statusuploading
andto be uploaded by workflow
from the check.
- Assign correct action status when patch_file_lifecycle_status fails.
- Move lifecycle checks to separate group in UI.
- Automatically run action for lifecycle checks.
Spruced up Foursight UI a bit (virtually all in foursight-core but mentioning here). * New header/footer.
- Different looks for Foursight-CGAP (blue header) and Foursight-Fourfront (green header).
- More relevant info in header (login email, environment, stage).
- New /info and /users page.
- New /users and /users/{email} page.
- New dropdown to change environments.
- New logout link.
- New specific error if login fails due to no user record for environment.
- Work to spruce up the UI a bit.
- Created this CHANGELOG.rst file.
- New version of foursight-core (1.0.0) for work related to C4-826 (IDENTITY-izing Foursight).