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NumLin: Linear Types for Linear Algebra

What is NumLin?

NumLin is a small, experimental programming language I wrote (under the guidance of Stephen Dolan and Neel Krishnaswami) to explore the feasiblity and applicability of using linear types and fractional-permissions to model the APIs of low-level linear algebra libraries such as CBLAS/LAPACKE. It compiles to OCaml and this allows using optimized NumLin alongside existing code, as well as integration with tools like Merlin.

Any issues or errors, please let me know! Build Status

Try It! Installation

The easy way is to

  1. Install Docker
  2. Clone the repo git clone
  3. [sudo] docker build -t <tag> <path-to-repo>

Once it is built type:

[sudo] docker run -it <tag>

to fire up an interactive shell.

The difficult way is to basically execute the Dockerfile (or equivalent for your platform) by hand. Note, that I'm working from an Ubuntu 16.04 with Opam 2 and OCaml 4.07.1 base image, so you'll need that (and all its dependencies) first.

Note that [sudo] docker build -t <tag> <path-to-repo> copies the files in the current directory into the image, so you must rebuild if you change the source, not just restart the container. Luckily, the image is cached so only the project stuff will be rebuilt, not everything.

  1. Run the tests: dune runtest. Not much should happen because all the tests should pass. If you wish to see a test fail, then you may change/delete any text inside a [%expect {| .. |}] block and then dune runtest will show you the difference between the expected output and the actual output.

  2. Run the benchmarks: _build/default/bin/benchmark.exe --start 1 --limit 5 --alg lin_reg --micro-quota 10 --macro-runs 1. You may also provide the -help flag for details about the options.

    • --start and --limit control the size of square matrices from 5 × 5 to 55 × 55.
    • --alg chooses the example to run (kalman, l1_norm_min, lin_reg).
    • --micro-quota controls how many seconds smaller benchmarks (limit ≤ 3) are run for.
    • --macro-runs controls N, how many measurements are made for each implement.
  3. Run the repl: _build/default/bin/repl.exe. Type in a NumLin expression, terminated by ;; to see its AST and translation to OCaml. Ctrl-D to exit the application.

  4. Run the transpiler: _build/default/bin/transpile.exe -i <input-file> -o <output-file>. Transpile a file containing a NumLin expression, terminated by ;;, into an OCaml file/module.

  5. Explore the code itself: pushd src && dune utop && popd. This will open up an OCaml REPL with the library in src loaded in under the module name Numlin.


Command Meaning
dune build src/numlin.a Build the library (everything inside src).
cd src && dune utop As above + launches UTop with library loaded.
dune build test/test.exe Build library & tests.
dune runtest Build library & tests and run all tests.
dune build bin/*.exe Build {repl,benchmark,transpile}.
dune clean Delete _build directory of build artifacts.
_build/default/bin/*.exe Launch {repl,transpile,benchmark}.exe

Roadmap (in rough order of priority)


  • ?Documentation with MkDocs
  • ?Performance: less pure-functional implementations behind State_or_error or Check_monad.
  • Combinators interface
  • PPX extension
  • Staging, preferably using ppx_stage
  • Size types


  • Fixed dune utop crash
  • Semantics written in Ott
  • Well-formed types
  • (Some) Owl/Level 1 BLAS Primitives
  • Parser/REPL
  • Code generation
  • Scalars and arithmetic expressions
  • Recursion, conditionals and !-types
  • Elaboration/inference
  • Matrices (some Level 3 BLAS/LAPACK primitives)
  • Syntactic sugar/parsing grammar
  • Matrix expression pattern matching
  • Benchmarking


Code of conduct is here. Overview of the project structure is in the table below.

Directory Purpose
src Library being developed.
test Tests for the library.
bin For executables, like the REPL.
old First attempt at implementation.
write-up My dissertation on all of this.

To understand this project, consider what happens when you use the REPL:

  1. An input string is taken and fed to Eval.eval.

  2. bin/ in turn uses src/ this file needs four things to run a parser over an input: a lexical-token buffer, a way to handle a successful parse, a way to handle an error, and optionally, a way to handle a request for a new lexical-buffer. How these are implemented in bin/ is not relevant for the big-picture.

  3. src/ uses lexer.mll and parser.mly to drive an incremental parser. Making it incremental allows for using parser.messages and for better error-messages. Upon success, src/ returns a value of type Ast.exp, upon failure, a position, to be used by handle in showing a useful error-message.

  4. src/ defines fractional-capabilities, linear types and expressions, as well as pretty-printing code-generation. The code is generated on the assumption that it comes after either the contents of the file or an open Numlin.Template statement.

    •[i] is a full implementation of NumLin's primitives in OCaml.
  5. Given a value of type Ast.exp, the accept function in bin/ passes it to check_expr in src/

  6. src/ checks types, linearity and scoping. It uses operations defined in src/ to implement typing rules.

    •[i] hides implementation details of functions used in the type-checker as well as constraining how those functions are used. For example, wf_lin is how the type-checker ensures fractional-capabilities and linear-types are "well-formed" with respect to the environment. Similarly, not_used is a proof that a variable is not used: it is returned only by lookup and accepted only by use_var: you cannot extract the type of a linear variable unless you mark it as used first.
  7. Regardless of whether checking is successful or not, accept in bin/ does two things (1) output OCaml code representing a translation of the expression entered (2) output the full AST in s-expression form. If the checking is successful, then the type is output, otherwise an error.

  8. Similarly, bin/ reads an entire file as input rather than an interactive, line-by-line entry. It acts as a thin-wrapper around src/ which can take either in_channel/out_channel pairs or file names to translate DSL expressions to OCaml.

Formatting conventions

I'm sticking to to following conventions (except for .mli files and small modules)

  • Max 100 characters line-width
  • Jane Street preset for my Ocp-indent
  • At the top-level: 1 line for binding, 1 or more lines for body/expression, 1 line for ;; (makes for cleaner diffs)
  • Nested match statements: begin match ... on top and solo end at the bottom.

Developing with a Container

I'm not very well-versed with Docker, but I think the first step is to mount the source directory inside Docker to have mutable access to the directory. Then, to get your tools you can either

  • append to the Dockerfile get install all your development gear inside it
  • OR create a new image based on the existing one for development
  • OR use existing tools across the container

I think the last is covered here, in how to run Merlin from outside of a container. See Myths 10-7 in this article for more information.


At its core, it's just an Abstract Syntax Tree and a Checker. I use ppx_let and try and keep everything pure functional, returning 'a Or_error.t for informative error messages.

State_or_error is a Error-monad with state as the result-type. Check_monad uses it to provide very constrained "mutation" interface to the checker, and attempts to use OCaml's type system to prevent invalid use of the interfaces (see Check_monad.use_var).

src/[i] also contains the pretty-printing/code-generation for the AST. They assume/use the functions provided by src/

Parsing and lexing are available for convenience in writing expressions (see the REPL for details).


Please write tricky tests for the checker in test/

There are tests in each module in src for white-box/unit testing modules from the inside and tests in test for black-box/interface/integration testing components used together. Writing a test should be straightforward enough from the code already there. Let me know if it isn't and I will update this README. As an overview, from ppx_inline_test:

let%test "name" = <boolean expr> (* true means ok, false or exn means broken *)
let%test_unit "name" = <unit expr> (* () means ok, exn means broken *)
let%test_module "name" = (module <module-expr>)  (* to group tests/share setup *)

and from ppx_expect:

let%expect_test "addition" =
  printf "%d" (1 + 2);
  [%expect {| 3 |}]

Almost all types can be printed with printf !"%{sexp: <type>}" <value>". You can simply write [%expect {||}] when first writing the test, run dune runtest then dune promote to update the test file with the if it is correct/what you expect.


Something like _build/default/bin/benchmark.exe --start 1 --limit 4 --alg kalman --micro-quota 10 --macro-runs 10 should be a good place to get started. It will take at least 150s for just the micro-benchmarks, and more for the macro-benchmarks. If you have time --micro-quota 20 I've found to be more than enough; you should increase --macro-runs carefully. Please do check that R2, when given, is usally 1 or very close (0.95 or above), otherwise it means something not quite right with this set of measurements/regressions performed by Core_bench.

For profiling, I advise --no-analyse to skip data analysis/printing and just run the algorithm. Something like --alg none --micro-quota 1 --macro-runs 1 for equal --start and --limit will help in getting a baseline without running any of the tests themselves.

Full usage is given by -help. The benchmarks loads (or generates if they don't exist) matrices for a size depending on --start and --limit. For n=5, k=3, matrix sizes grow exponentially from nstart to nlimit (inclusive) with k = 3ni-1.

For small exponents (i ≤ 3), Jane Street's Core_bench runs the benchmark for --micro-quota seconds each (so for --alg all and --micro-quota 10 it will take 10 × 5 algorithms = 50 s + data processing time) to run.

For bigger exponents, it's just a bunch of repeated iterations, the number of which is specified by --macro-runs. Be aware that for limits more than 4, this can be pretty slow.

There are (currently) 4 implementations of a Kalman filter: Python/NumPy, OCaml/Owl, OCaml/NumLin, C/CBLAS-LAPACKE. There are also 3 implementation each of L1-norm minimisation and "linear regression" in Python/NumPy, OCaml/Owl, and OCaml/NumLin.

Continuous Integration

Just a Travis-CI system building the Dockerfile (which includes running tests).

Triggered with every push to the master branch.

.mli Files

There is currently no straightforward way to "generate" .mli files from an .ml file. There are plans to update Merlin with this feature. So, in the meantime, say you are in directory src and you want to generate ast.mli.

  • dune clean
  • dune build numlin.a --verbose
  • Find command ending in -impl and copy it
  • Replace -impl with -i
  • At the end of it all, append > /path/to/file/ast.mli.


This project started off life as "LT4LA", a Part III project for my M.Eng. degree in Computer Science from Trinity College, University of Cambridge.

Like many things in my life, I only got the implementation "right" on the second try, so for posterity, the first implementation is kept in the old directory if anyone wishes to see even humbler origins of this code base.