title: "X-Wing: general-purpose hybrid post-quantum KEM" abbrev: xwing category: info
docname: draft-connolly-cfrg-xwing-kem-latest submissiontype: IRTF # also: "independent", "editorial", "IAB", or "IRTF" number: date: 2024-08-19 consensus: true v: 3 area: "IRTF" workgroup: "Crypto Forum" keyword:
- post quantum
- kem
- PQ/T hybrid venue: group: "Crypto Forum" type: "Research Group" mail: "[email protected]" arch: "https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/search/?email_list=cfrg" github: "dconnolly/draft-connolly-cfrg-xwing-kem" latest: "https://dconnolly.github.io/draft-connolly-cfrg-xwing-kem/draft-connolly-cfrg-xwing-kem.html"
fullname: Deirdre Connolly
organization: SandboxAQ
email: [email protected]
fullname: Peter Schwabe organization: MPI-SP & Radboud University email: [email protected]
ins: B.E. Westerbaan fullname: Bas Westerbaan organization: Cloudflare email: [email protected]
normative: RFC2119: X680: target: https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.680 title: > Information Technology -- Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation date: 2021-02 author: - org: ITU-T seriesinfo: ITU-T Recommendation: X.680 ISO/IEC: 8824-1:2021
informative: I-D.driscoll-pqt-hybrid-terminology: I-D.ounsworth-cfrg-kem-combiners: FIPS202: target: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.202.pdf title: 'FIPS 202: SHA-3 Standard: Permutation-Based Hash and Extendable-Output Functions' author: - ins: National Institute of Standards and Technology MLKEM: target: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/fips/nist.fips.203.pdf title: 'FIPS 203: Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism Standard' author: - ins: National Institute of Standards and Technology RFC9180: RFC7748: HYBRID: I-D.stebila-tls-hybrid-design XYBERHPKE: I-D.westerbaan-cfrg-hpke-xyber768d00 XYBERTLS: I-D.tls-westerbaan-xyber768d00 TLSIANA: I-D.ietf-tls-rfc8447bis SCHMIEG: target: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/523 title: "Unbindable Kemmy Schmidt: ML-KEM is neither MAL-BIND-K-CT nor MAL-BIND-K-PK" author: - ins: S. Schmieg KSMW: target: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1233 title: "Binding Security of Implicitly-Rejecting KEMs and Application to BIKE and HQC" author: - ins: J. Kraemer - ins: P. Struck - ins: M. Weishaupl PROOF: target: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/039 title: "X-Wing: The Hybrid KEM You’ve Been Looking For" author: - ins: M. Barbosa - ins: D. Connolly - ins: J. Duarte - ins: A. Kaiser - ins: P. Schwabe - ins: K. Varner - ins: B.E. Westerbraan
--- abstract
This memo defines X-Wing, a general-purpose post-quantum/traditional hybrid key encapsulation mechanism (PQ/T KEM) built on X25519 and ML-KEM-768.
--- middle
There are many choices that can be made when specifying a hybrid KEM: the constituent KEMs; their security levels; the combiner; and the hash within, to name but a few. Having too many similar options are a burden to the ecosystem.
The aim of X-Wing is to provide a concrete, simple choice for post-quantum hybrid KEM, that should be suitable for the vast majority of use cases.
By making concrete choices, we can simplify and improve many aspects of X-Wing.
Simplicity of definition. Because all shared secrets and cipher texts are fixed length, we do not need to encode the length. Using SHA3-256, we do not need HMAC-based construction. For the concrete choice of ML-KEM-768, we do not need to mix in its ciphertext, see {{secc}}.
Security analysis. Because ML-KEM-768 already assumes the Quantum Random Oracle Model (QROM), we do not need to complicate the analysis of X-Wing by considering stronger models.
Performance. Not having to mix in the ML-KEM-768 ciphertext is a nice performance benefit. Furthermore, by using SHA3-256 in the combiner, which matches the hashing in ML-KEM-768, this hash can be computed in one go on platforms where two-way Keccak is available.
We aim for "128 bits" security (NIST PQC level 1). Although at the moment there is no peer-reviewed evidence that ML-KEM-512 does not reach this level, we would like to hedge against future cryptanalytic improvements, and feel ML-KEM-768 provides a comfortable margin.
We aim for X-Wing to be usable for most applications, including specifically HPKE {{RFC9180}}.
Traditionally most protocols use a Diffie-Hellman (DH) style non-interactive key-agreement. In many cases, a DH key agreement can be replaced by the interactive key-agreement afforded by a KEM without change in the protocol flow. One notable example is TLS {{HYBRID}} {{XYBERTLS}}. However, not all uses of DH can be replaced in a straight-forward manner by a plain KEM.
In particular, X-Wing is not, borrowing the language of {{RFC9180}}, an authenticated KEM.
X-Wing is most similar to HPKE's X25519Kyber768Draft00 {{XYBERHPKE}}. The key differences are:
X-Wing uses the final version of ML-KEM-768.
X-Wing hashes the shared secrets, to be usable outside of HPKE.
X-Wing has a simpler combiner by flattening DHKEM(X25519) into the final hash.
X-Wing does not hash in the ML-KEM-768 ciphertext.
There is also a different KEM called X25519Kyber768Draft00 {{XYBERTLS}} which is used in TLS. This one should not be used outside of TLS, as it assumes the presence of the TLS transcript to ensure non malleability.
The generic combiner of {{I-D.ounsworth-cfrg-kem-combiners}} can be instantiated with ML-KEM-768 and DHKEM(X25519). That achieves similar security, but:
X-Wing is more performant, not hashing in the ML-KEM-768 ciphertext, and flattening the DHKEM construction, with the same level of security.
X-Wing has a fixed 32 byte shared secret, instead of a variable shared secret.
X-Wing does not accept the optional counter and fixedInfo arguments.
{::boilerplate bcp14-tagged}
This document is consistent with all terminology defined in {{I-D.driscoll-pqt-hybrid-terminology}}.
The following terms are used throughout this document to describe these operations:
concat(x0, ..., xN)
: returns the concatenation of byte strings.concat(0x01, 0x0203, 0x040506) = 0x010203040506
: returns a byte string of lengthn
bytes produced by a cryptographically-secure pseudorandom number generator.
X-Wing relies on the following primitives:
ML-KEM-768 post-quantum key-encapsulation mechanism (KEM) {{MLKEM}}:
ML-KEM-768.KeyGen_internal(d, z)
: Deterministic algorithm to generate an ML-KEM-768 key pair(pk_M, sk_M)
of an encapsulation keypk_M
and decapsulation keysk_M
. It is the derandomized version ofML-KEM-768.KeyGen
. Note thatML-KEM-768.KeyGen_internal()
returns the keys in reverse order ofGenerateKeyPair()
defined below.d
are both 32 byte strings. -
: Randomized algorithm to generate(ss_M, ct_M)
, an ephemeral 32 byte shared keyss_M
, and a fixed-length encapsulation (ciphertext) of that keyct_M
for encapsulation keypk_M
MUST perform the encapsulation key check of {{MLKEM}} §7.2 and raise an error if it fails. -
ML-KEM-768.Decap(ct_M, sk_M)
: Deterministic algorithm using the decapsulation keysk_M
to recover the shared key fromct_M
.ML-KEM-768.Decap(ct_M, sk_M)
is NOT required to perform the decapsulation key check of {{MLKEM}} §7.3.
To generate deterministic test vectors, we also use
ML-KEM-768.Encaps_internal(pk_M, m)
: Algorithm to generate(ss_M, ct_M)
, an ephemeral 32 byte shared keyss_M
, and a fixed-length encapsulation (ciphertext) of that keyct_M
for encapsulation keypk_M
is a 32 byte string.ML-KEM-768.Encaps_internal(pk_M)
MUST perform the encapsulation key check of {{MLKEM}} §7.2 and raise an error if it fails.
X25519 elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key-exchange defined in {{Section 5 of RFC7748}}:
X25519(k, u)
: takes 32 byte strings k and u representing a Curve25519 scalar and the u-coordinate of a point respectively, and returns the 32 byte string representing the u-coordinate of their scalar multiplication.X25519_BASE
: the 32 byte string representing the standard base point of Curve25519. In hexadecimal, it is given by0900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Note that 9 is the standard basepoint for X25519, cf {{Section 6.1 of RFC7748}}.
Symmetric cryptography.
SHAKE256(message, outlen)
: The extendable-output function (XOF) with that name defined in Section 6.2 of {{FIPS202}}. Note that outlen counts bits.SHA3-256(message)
: The hash with that name defined in Section 6.1 of {{FIPS202}}.
X-Wing encapsulation key, decapsulation key, ciphertexts and shared secrets are all fixed-length byte strings.
Decapsulation key (private): : 32 bytes
Encapsulation key (public): : 1216 bytes
Ciphertext: : 1120 bytes
Shared secret: : 32 bytes
An X-Wing keypair (decapsulation key, encapsulation key) is generated as follows.
def expandDecapsulationKey(sk):
expanded = SHAKE256(sk, 96*8) # expand sk to 96 bytes using SHAKE256
(pk_M, sk_M) = ML-KEM-768.KeyGen_internal(expanded[0:32], expanded[32:64])
sk_X = expanded[64:96]
pk_X = X25519(sk_X, X25519_BASE)
return (sk_M, sk_X, pk_M, pk_X)
def GenerateKeyPair():
sk = random(32)
(sk_M, sk_X, pk_M, pk_X) = expandDecapsulationKey(sk)
return sk, concat(pk_M, pk_X)
returns the 32 byte secret decapsulation key sk
and the 1216 byte encapsulation key pk
Here and in the balance of the document for clarity we use
the M
and X
subscripts for ML-KEM-768 and X25519 components respectively.
For testing, it is convenient to have a deterministic version of key generation. An X-Wing implementation MAY provide the following derandomized variant of key generation.
def GenerateKeyPairDerand(sk):
sk_M, sk_X, pk_M, pk_X = expandDecapsulationKey(sk)
return sk, concat(pk_M, pk_X)
must be 32 bytes.
returns the 32 byte secret encapsulation key
and the 1216 byte decapsulation key pk
Given 32 byte strings ss_M
, ss_X
, ct_X
, pk_X
, representing the
ML-KEM-768 shared secret, X25519 shared secret, X25519 ciphertext
(ephemeral public key) and X25519 public key respectively, the 32 byte
combined shared secret is given by:
def Combiner(ss_M, ss_X, ct_X, pk_X):
return SHA3-256(concat(
where XWingLabel is the following 6 byte ASCII string
XWingLabel = concat(
In hexadecimal, XWingLabel is given by 5c2e2f2f5e5c
Given an X-Wing encapsulation key pk
, encapsulation proceeds as follows.
def Encapsulate(pk):
pk_M = pk[0:1184]
pk_X = pk[1184:1216]
ek_X = random(32)
ct_X = X25519(ek_X, X25519_BASE)
ss_X = X25519(ek_X, pk_X)
(ss_M, ct_M) = ML-KEM-768.Encaps(pk_M)
ss = Combiner(ss_M, ss_X, ct_X, pk_X)
ct = concat(ct_M, ct_X)
return (ss, ct)
is a 1216 byte X-Wing encapsulation key resulting from GeneratePublicKey()
returns the 32 byte shared secret ss
and the 1120 byte
ciphertext ct
Note that Encapsulate()
may raise an error if the ML-KEM encapsulation
does not pass the check of {{MLKEM}} §7.2.
For testing, it is convenient to have a deterministic version of encapsulation. An X-Wing implementation MAY provide the following derandomized function.
def EncapsulateDerand(pk, eseed):
pk_M = pk[0:1184]
pk_X = pk[1184:1216]
ek_X = eseed[32:64]
ct_X = X25519(ek_X, X25519_BASE)
ss_X = X25519(ek_X, pk_X)
(ss_M, ct_M) = ML-KEM-768.EncapsDerand(pk_M, eseed[0:32])
ss = Combiner(ss_M, ss_X, ct_X, pk_X)
ct = concat(ct_M, ct_X)
return (ss, ct)
is a 1216 byte X-Wing encapsulation key resulting from GeneratePublicKey()
MUST be 64 bytes.
returns the 32 byte shared secret ss
and the 1120 byte
ciphertext ct
def Decapsulate(ct, sk):
(sk_M, sk_X, pk_M, pk_X) = expandDecapsulationKey(sk)
ct_M = ct[0:1088]
ct_X = ct[1088:1120]
ss_M = ML-KEM-768.Decapsulate(ct_M, sk_M)
ss_X = X25519(sk_X, ct_X)
return Combiner(ss_M, ss_X, ct_X, pk_X)
is the 1120 byte ciphertext resulting from Encapsulate()
is a 32 byte X-Wing decapsulation key resulting from GenerateKeyPair()
returns the 32 byte shared secret.
For efficiency, an implementation MAY cache the result of expandDecapsulationKey
This is useful in two cases:
- If multiple ciphertexts for the same key are decapsulated.
- If a ciphertext is decapsulated for a key that has just been generated. This happen on the client-side for TLS.
A typical API pattern to achieve this optimization is to have an opaque decapsulation key object that hides the cached values. For instance, such an API could have the following functions.
returns an encapsulation key and an opaque object that contains the expanded decapsulation key. -
Decapsulate(ct, esk)
takes a ciphertext and an expanded decapsulation key. -
takes an expanded decapsulation key, and returns the packed decapsulation key. -
takes a packed decapsulation key, and returns the expanded decapsulation key. In the case of X-Wing this would be the same as a derandomizedGenerateKeyPair()
The expanded decapsulation key could cache even more computation, such as the expanded matrix A in ML-KEM.
Any such expanded decapsulation key MUST NOT be transmitted between implementations, as this could break the security analysis of X-Wing. In particular, the MAL-BIND-K-PK and MAL-BIND-K-CT binding properties of X-Wing do not hold when transmitting the regular ML-KEM decapsulation key.
X-Wing satisfies the HPKE KEM interface as follows.
The SerializePublicKey
, SerializePrivateKey
and DeserializePrivateKey
are the identity functions,
as X-Wing keys are fixed-length byte strings, see {{encoding}}.
is given by
def DeriveKeyPair(ikm):
# Extract 32-byte seed from variable-length ikm using SHAKE.
sk = SHAKE256(ikm, 32*8)
return GenerateKeyPairDerand(sk)
where the HPKE private key and public key are the X-Wing decapsulation key and encapsulation key respectively.
is Encapsulate()
from {{encaps}}, where an
ML-KEM encapsulation key check failure causes an HPKE EncapError
is Decapsulate()
from {{decaps}}.
X-Wing is not an authenticated KEM: it does not support AuthEncap()
and AuthDecap()
, see {{auth}}.
Nsecret, Nenc, Npk, and Nsk are defined in {{iana}}.
For the client's share, the key_exchange value contains the X-Wing encapsulation key.
For the server's share, the key_exchange value contains the X-Wing ciphertext.
On ML-KEM encapsulation key check failure, the server MUST abort with an illegal_parameter alert.
We use the OID to identify X-Wing keys as described below. In ASN.1 notation:
id-XWing OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) identified-organization(3)
dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) 62253 25722 }
In a X.509 certificate, the subjectPublicKeyInfo field has the SubjectPublicKeyInfo type, which has the following ASN.1 syntax.
SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
subjectPublicKey BIT STRING
AlgorithmIdentifier{ALGORITHM-TYPE, ALGORITHM-TYPE:AlgorithmSet} ::=
algorithm ALGORITHM-TYPE."&"id({AlgorithmSet}),
parameters ALGORITHM-TYPE.
"&"Params({AlgorithmSet}{@algorithm}) OPTIONAL
An X-Wing encapsulation key MUST be encoded directly using the ASN.1 type XWingPublicKey.
XWingPublicKey ::= OCTET STRING
The X-Wing encapsulation key is mapped to a subjectPublicKey (a value of type BIT STRING) as follows: the most significant bit of the OCTET STRING value becomes the most significant bit of the BIT STRING value, and so on; the least significant bit of the OCTET STRING becomes the least significant bit of the BIT STRING.
The id-XWing identifier MUST be used as the algorithm field in the SubjectPublicKeyInfo to identify an X-Wing encapsulation key.
The contents of the parameters component MUST be absent.
Below we replicate part of the definition of OneAsymmetricKey from {{!RFC5958}}.
OneAsymmetricKey ::= SEQUENCE {
version Version,
privateKeyAlgorithm SEQUENCE {
algorithm PUBLIC-KEY.&id({PublicKeySet}),
parameters PUBLIC-KEY.&Params({PublicKeySet}
attributes [0] Attributes OPTIONAL,
[[2: publicKey [1] BIT STRING (CONTAINING
When storing an X-Wing decapsulation key in a OneAsymmetricKey, the privateKey OCTET STRING contains the raw octet string encoding the X-Wing decapsulation key.
The id-XWing identifier MUST be used as the algorithm field in the OneAsymmetricKey to identify an X-Wing decapsulation key.
The publicKey component MUST be absent.
Informally, X-Wing is secure if SHA3 is secure, and either X25519 is secure, or ML-KEM-768 is secure.
More precisely, if SHA3-256, SHA3-512, and SHAKE-256 may be modelled as a random oracle, then the IND-CCA security of X-Wing is bounded by the IND-CCA security of ML-KEM-768, and the gap-CDH security of Curve25519, see {{PROOF}}.
The security of X-Wing relies crucially on the specifics of the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation used in ML-KEM-768: the X-Wing combiner cannot be assumed to be secure, when used with different KEMs. In particular it is not known to be safe to leave out the post-quantum ciphertext from the combiner in the general case.
Some protocols rely on further properties of the KEM. X-Wing satisfies the binding properties MAL-BIND-K-PK and MAL-BIND-K-CT (TODO: reference to proof). This implies {{KSMW}} X-Wing also satisfies
In contrast, ML-KEM on its own does not achieve MAL-BIND-K-PK, MAL-BIND-K-CT, nor MAL-BIND-K,PK-CT. {{SCHMIEG}}
This document requests/registers a new entry to the "HPKE KEM Identifiers" registry.
Value: : 25722 = 25519 + 203 = 0x647a (please)
KEM: : X-Wing
Nsecret: : 32
Nenc: : 1120
Npk: : 1216
Nsk: : 32
Auth: : no
Reference: : This document
Furthermore, this document requests/registers a new entry to the TLS Named Group (or Supported Group) registry, according to the procedures in {{Section 6 of TLSIANA}}.
Value: : 25722 = 25519 + 203 = 0x647a (please)
Description: : X-Wing
Recommended: : N
Reference: : This document
Comment: : PQ/T hybrid of X25519 and ML-KEM-768
Finally, for the ASN.1 module in {asn1}, IANA is requested to assign an object identifier (OID) for the module identifier (TBD) with a Description of "id-mod-XWing-kem-2024".
--- back
Note: implements the older
version of this memo at the time of writing.
For the convenience of implementors, we provide a reference specification in Python. This is a specification; not production ready code: it should not be deployed as-is, as it leaks the private key by its runtime.
{::include ./spec/xwing.py}
{::include ./spec/x25519.py}
{::include ./spec/mlkem.py}
{::include ./spec/test-vectors.txt}
The following are the encodings of the X-Wing keypair with private key 0001…1f
{::include ./x509/xwing.priv}
{::include ./x509/xwing.pub}
This appendix includes the ASN.1 module {{X680}} for X-Wing.
{::include X509-XWING-2024.asn}
TODO acknowledge.
RFC Editor's Note: Please remove this section prior to publication of a final version of this document.
Add asn.1 module.
To match FIPS 202, we request number of bits from SHAKE-256 instead of number of bytes. #27
Update implementations section.
Correct PEM header. #25
Fix several typos.
Change HPKE/TLS codepoint requests to the memorable 25519 + 203.
Add instruction for use in X.509. #21
Note that ML-KEM decapsulation key check is not required.
Properly refer to FIPS 203 dependencies. #20
Move label at the end. As everything fits within a single block of SHA3-256, this does not make any difference.
Use SHAKE-256 to stretch seed. This does not have any security or performance effects: as we only squeeze 96 bytes, we perform a single Keccak permutation whether SHAKE-128 or SHAKE-256 is used. The effective capacity of the sponge in both cases is 832, which gives a security of 416 bits. It does require less thought from anyone analysing X-Wing in a rush.
Add HPKE codepoint.
Don't mark TLS entry as recommended before it has been through the IETF consensus process. (Obviously the authors recommend X-Wing.)
Mandate ML-KEM encapsulation key check, and stipulate effect on TLS and HPKE integration.
Add provisional TLS codepoint. (Not assigned, yet.)
Use seed as private key.
Expand on caching decapsulation key values.
Expand on binding properties.
Add list of implementations.
Miscellaneous editorial improvements.
Add Python reference specification.
Correct definition of
- A copy of the X25519 public key is now included in the X-Wing decapsulation (private) key, so that decapsulation does not require separate access to the X-Wing public key. See #2.