+ filter_html_help: false
+ filter_html_nofollow: false
+ filter_align:
+ id: filter_align
+ provider: filter
+ status: true
+ weight: 7
+ settings: { }
+ filter_caption:
+ id: filter_caption
+ provider: filter
+ status: true
+ weight: 8
+ settings: { }
+ filter_html_image_secure:
+ id: filter_html_image_secure
+ provider: filter
+ status: true
+ weight: 9
+ settings: { }
+ editor_file_reference:
+ id: editor_file_reference
+ provider: editor
+ status: true
+ weight: 11
+ settings: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/filter.format.full_html.yml b/config/sync/filter.format.full_html.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8516b512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/filter.format.full_html.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+uuid: bf39851e-1874-4336-a843-caecd4adeb9e
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - editor
+ default_config_hash: hewPmBgni9jlDK_IjLxUx1HsTbinK-hdl0lOwjbteIY
+name: 'Full HTML'
+format: full_html
+weight: 1
+ filter_align:
+ id: filter_align
+ provider: filter
+ status: true
+ weight: 8
+ settings: { }
+ filter_caption:
+ id: filter_caption
+ provider: filter
+ status: true
+ weight: 9
+ settings: { }
+ filter_htmlcorrector:
+ id: filter_htmlcorrector
+ provider: filter
+ status: true
+ weight: 10
+ settings: { }
+ editor_file_reference:
+ id: editor_file_reference
+ provider: editor
+ status: true
+ weight: 11
+ settings: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/filter.format.plain_text.yml b/config/sync/filter.format.plain_text.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23be11cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/filter.format.plain_text.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+uuid: e5c387fb-fbe0-4f16-96a4-ba6a5af6e931
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: NIKBt6kw_uPhNI0qtR2DnRf7mSOgAQdx7Q94SKMjXbQ
+name: 'Plain text'
+format: plain_text
+weight: 10
+ filter_html_escape:
+ id: filter_html_escape
+ provider: filter
+ status: true
+ weight: -10
+ settings: { }
+ filter_url:
+ id: filter_url
+ provider: filter
+ status: true
+ weight: 0
+ settings:
+ filter_url_length: 72
+ filter_autop:
+ id: filter_autop
+ provider: filter
+ status: true
+ weight: 0
+ settings: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/filter.format.restricted_html.yml b/config/sync/filter.format.restricted_html.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f98d47ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/filter.format.restricted_html.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+uuid: 69589c7c-09de-45f4-8b34-0a234e4705a0
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: KUjJ8Ti_ZJSlhGM88E_mhJP-8mmQRNUB6RFof615Kt0
+name: 'Restricted HTML'
+format: restricted_html
+weight: 0
+ filter_html:
+ id: filter_html
+ provider: filter
+ status: true
+ weight: -10
+ settings:
+ allowed_html: ' -
+ filter_html_help: true
+ filter_html_nofollow: false
+ filter_autop:
+ id: filter_autop
+ provider: filter
+ status: true
+ weight: 0
+ settings: { }
+ filter_url:
+ id: filter_url
+ provider: filter
+ status: true
+ weight: 0
+ settings:
+ filter_url_length: 72
diff --git a/config/sync/filter.settings.yml b/config/sync/filter.settings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfcfed36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/filter.settings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+fallback_format: plain_text
+always_show_fallback_choice: false
+ default_config_hash: FiPjM3WdB__ruFA7B6TLwni_UcZbmek5G4b2dxQItxA
diff --git a/config/sync/image.settings.yml b/config/sync/image.settings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52ee4a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/image.settings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+preview_image: core/modules/image/sample.png
+allow_insecure_derivatives: false
+suppress_itok_output: false
+ default_config_hash: k-yDFHbqNfpe-Srg4sdCSqaosCl2D8uwyEY5esF8gEw
diff --git a/config/sync/image.style.large.yml b/config/sync/image.style.large.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74842d8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/image.style.large.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+uuid: 0df9b897-147b-41f7-8378-568b62b61e7b
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: J2n0RpFzS0-bgSyxjs6rSdgxB1rb-bTAgqywNx_964M
+name: large
+label: 'Large (480×480)'
+ ddd73aa7-4bd6-4c85-b600-bdf2b1628d1d:
+ uuid: ddd73aa7-4bd6-4c85-b600-bdf2b1628d1d
+ id: image_scale
+ weight: 0
+ data:
+ width: 480
+ height: 480
+ upscale: false
diff --git a/config/sync/image.style.medium.yml b/config/sync/image.style.medium.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8826e079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/image.style.medium.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+uuid: 164f191a-8b17-4b4d-aa77-3e42116abb93
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: Y9NmnZHQq20ASSyTNA6JnwtWrJJiSajOehGDtmUFdM0
+name: medium
+label: 'Medium (220×220)'
+ bddf0d06-42f9-4c75-a700-a33cafa25ea0:
+ uuid: bddf0d06-42f9-4c75-a700-a33cafa25ea0
+ id: image_scale
+ weight: 0
+ data:
+ width: 220
+ height: 220
+ upscale: false
diff --git a/config/sync/image.style.thumbnail.yml b/config/sync/image.style.thumbnail.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15107bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/image.style.thumbnail.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+uuid: 246b8af7-6004-4f01-80c7-6578317a4f20
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: cCiWdBHgLwj5omG35lsKc4LkW4MBdmcctkVop4ol5x0
+name: thumbnail
+label: 'Thumbnail (100×100)'
+ 1cfec298-8620-4749-b100-ccb6c4500779:
+ uuid: 1cfec298-8620-4749-b100-ccb6c4500779
+ id: image_scale
+ weight: 0
+ data:
+ width: 100
+ height: 100
+ upscale: false
diff --git a/config/sync/menu_ui.settings.yml b/config/sync/menu_ui.settings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9fe099e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/menu_ui.settings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+override_parent_selector: false
+ default_config_hash: SqMarzIjxC3F8dZo9FEOxfqDKD_sdW1tbcFTV1BA2zU
diff --git a/config/sync/node.settings.yml b/config/sync/node.settings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1657c1cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/node.settings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+use_admin_theme: true
+ default_config_hash: 2OMXCScXUOLSYID9-phjO4q36nnnaMWNUlDxEqZzG1U
diff --git a/config/sync/node.type.article.yml b/config/sync/node.type.article.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08298d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/node.type.article.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: fcff3823-527d-4b02-bb85-a4aea5ea7761
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: AeW1SEDgb1OTQACAWGhzvMknMYAJlcZu0jljfeU3oso
+name: Article
+type: article
+description: 'Use articles for time-sensitive content like news, press releases or blog posts.'
+help: ''
+new_revision: true
+preview_mode: 1
+display_submitted: true
diff --git a/config/sync/node.type.blog.yml b/config/sync/node.type.blog.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17e2c996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/node.type.blog.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+uuid: f19bb827-6d49-4403-beb2-015a2cf75f71
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - menu_ui
+ menu_ui:
+ available_menus:
+ - main
+ parent: 'main:'
+name: Blog
+type: blog
+description: ''
+help: ''
+new_revision: true
+preview_mode: 1
+display_submitted: true
diff --git a/config/sync/node.type.page.yml b/config/sync/node.type.page.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52d3d810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/node.type.page.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: d6c4022a-3ce4-47f7-ae19-e4ee160389f5
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: KuyA4NHPXcmKAjRtwa0vQc2ZcyrUJy6IlS2TAyMNRbc
+name: 'Basic page'
+type: page
+description: 'Use basic pages for your static content, such as an ''About us'' page.'
+help: ''
+new_revision: true
+preview_mode: 1
+display_submitted: false
diff --git a/config/sync/node.type.portfolio.yml b/config/sync/node.type.portfolio.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e03b680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/node.type.portfolio.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+uuid: 48a46bb4-463e-4b2b-8efb-ccacc232b704
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - menu_ui
+ menu_ui:
+ available_menus:
+ - main
+ parent: 'main:'
+name: Portfolio
+type: portfolio
+description: ''
+help: ''
+new_revision: true
+preview_mode: 1
+display_submitted: true
diff --git a/config/sync/rdf.mapping.comment.comment.yml b/config/sync/rdf.mapping.comment.comment.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33172f3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/rdf.mapping.comment.comment.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+uuid: 9f9d837c-e556-47f1-ac8f-006d9d5b1d99
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - comment.type.comment
+ module:
+ - comment
+ default_config_hash: uETe6XupRGKDForx2MpY0pMOEu6CzGgdCAZZOKkbgmk
+id: comment.comment
+targetEntityType: comment
+bundle: comment
+ - 'schema:Comment'
+ subject:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:name'
+ created:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:dateCreated'
+ datatype_callback:
+ callable: 'Drupal\rdf\CommonDataConverter::dateIso8601Value'
+ changed:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:dateModified'
+ datatype_callback:
+ callable: 'Drupal\rdf\CommonDataConverter::dateIso8601Value'
+ comment_body:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:text'
+ uid:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:author'
+ mapping_type: rel
diff --git a/config/sync/rdf.mapping.node.article.yml b/config/sync/rdf.mapping.node.article.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6f21a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/rdf.mapping.node.article.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+uuid: bacfc090-adf0-4ae9-8042-d2525f4cefe7
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - node.type.article
+ module:
+ - node
+ default_config_hash: IdobJe379eDudt7-bXFfJjF7pDqFl-kYxVFtpWrgkro
+id: node.article
+targetEntityType: node
+bundle: article
+ - 'schema:Article'
+ title:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:name'
+ created:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:dateCreated'
+ datatype_callback:
+ callable: 'Drupal\rdf\CommonDataConverter::dateIso8601Value'
+ changed:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:dateModified'
+ datatype_callback:
+ callable: 'Drupal\rdf\CommonDataConverter::dateIso8601Value'
+ body:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:text'
+ uid:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:author'
+ comment:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:comment'
+ mapping_type: rel
+ comment_count:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:interactionCount'
+ datatype_callback:
+ callable: 'Drupal\rdf\SchemaOrgDataConverter::interactionCount'
+ arguments:
+ interaction_type: UserComments
+ field_image:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:image'
+ field_tags:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:about'
diff --git a/config/sync/rdf.mapping.node.page.yml b/config/sync/rdf.mapping.node.page.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1955cf4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/rdf.mapping.node.page.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+uuid: 9edd5934-b766-4329-80d7-f98d06c296a2
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - node.type.page
+ module:
+ - node
+ default_config_hash: 32LxRnl4Wesvzqyfp7HnD0-U9-wxrLBn76pqY5XGNAE
+id: node.page
+targetEntityType: node
+bundle: page
+ - 'schema:WebPage'
+ title:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:name'
+ created:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:dateCreated'
+ datatype_callback:
+ callable: 'Drupal\rdf\CommonDataConverter::dateIso8601Value'
+ changed:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:dateModified'
+ datatype_callback:
+ callable: 'Drupal\rdf\CommonDataConverter::dateIso8601Value'
+ body:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:text'
+ uid:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:author'
+ mapping_type: rel
+ comment_count:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:interactionCount'
+ datatype_callback:
+ callable: 'Drupal\rdf\SchemaOrgDataConverter::interactionCount'
+ arguments:
+ interaction_type: UserComments
diff --git a/config/sync/rdf.mapping.taxonomy_term.tags.yml b/config/sync/rdf.mapping.taxonomy_term.tags.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a33143f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/rdf.mapping.taxonomy_term.tags.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+uuid: 3fa86c4e-77b7-4621-89aa-56a87a06bb25
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - taxonomy.vocabulary.tags
+ module:
+ - taxonomy
+ default_config_hash: o5duwyS1CTHx3tYOZhuu91kspe8VQjQsnwZjAJv9njk
+id: taxonomy_term.tags
+targetEntityType: taxonomy_term
+bundle: tags
+ - 'schema:Thing'
+ name:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:name'
+ description:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:description'
diff --git a/config/sync/rdf.mapping.user.user.yml b/config/sync/rdf.mapping.user.user.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5408b727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/rdf.mapping.user.user.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+uuid: 64e762fd-af17-4521-81e2-5aac574d9a30
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: TGTlmpYAtXxjtYMFA_A0vosE2c4R5MCQwLviIA5HUM0
+id: user.user
+targetEntityType: user
+bundle: user
+ - 'schema:Person'
+ name:
+ properties:
+ - 'schema:name'
diff --git a/config/sync/search.page.node_search.yml b/config/sync/search.page.node_search.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24f5c591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/search.page.node_search.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+uuid: 885554b9-8364-420b-8004-2250e2b7436a
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - node
+ default_config_hash: 97tvtzGOa8_flb22CzSjgtm_YkiGMHvEBO-6q2K9V_U
+id: node_search
+label: Content
+path: node
+weight: -10
+plugin: node_search
+ rankings: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/search.page.user_search.yml b/config/sync/search.page.user_search.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c752a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/search.page.user_search.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+uuid: 5e9557d1-865c-4520-9fb0-947558725a72
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: k3aUaZXGDuhkek2TZIee0PApOPTvYZLadziekdyHA5A
+id: user_search
+label: Users
+path: user
+weight: 0
+plugin: user_search
+configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/search.settings.yml b/config/sync/search.settings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52301dd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/search.settings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+and_or_limit: 7
+default_page: node_search
+ cron_limit: 100
+ overlap_cjk: true
+ minimum_word_size: 3
+ tag_weights:
+ h1: 25
+ h2: 18
+ h3: 15
+ h4: 14
+ h5: 9
+ h6: 6
+ u: 3
+ b: 3
+ i: 3
+ strong: 3
+ em: 3
+ a: 10
+logging: false
+ default_config_hash: hvVxL1G-ZCxaq32IZws0YsfuhvaDiQE_np-0g35KjUk
diff --git a/config/sync/seven.settings.yml b/config/sync/seven.settings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6bba58bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/seven.settings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ shortcut:
+ module_link: true
diff --git a/config/sync/shortcut.set.default.yml b/config/sync/shortcut.set.default.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79df8add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/shortcut.set.default.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+uuid: c8719783-2147-434b-9788-7a8768fdac7d
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: U5VlGjd_SfV0Qm_EfnaynOfc549cNscFAx48JfYoMRI
+id: default
+label: Default
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.comment_publish_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.comment_publish_action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a0af590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.comment_publish_action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: 78d1755e-1a0e-4a9f-aee7-5daa6a0d6253
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - comment
+ default_config_hash: f6w_Pd30AyyDIoMkD4QpPMM2-I8FTEHICchFVOpjiCI
+id: comment_publish_action
+label: 'Publish comment'
+type: comment
+plugin: comment_publish_action
+configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.comment_save_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.comment_save_action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d913340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.comment_save_action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: a6cadfb1-e0f6-4f30-87cf-f091274089d5
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - comment
+ default_config_hash: TSkg_gUZvk-39yXFrIFnKjsxuEzO0qBH82TdDxOMMr4
+id: comment_save_action
+label: 'Save comment'
+type: comment
+plugin: comment_save_action
+configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.comment_unpublish_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.comment_unpublish_action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aea1f9fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.comment_unpublish_action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: 8cb1a013-43e9-40f3-83d9-dd24f351d72e
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - comment
+ default_config_hash: MLin6S_PsJ7Oo480DxS46D46IM8tqFkkWOLyH7TGByI
+id: comment_unpublish_action
+label: 'Unpublish comment'
+type: comment
+plugin: comment_unpublish_action
+configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.node_delete_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.node_delete_action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15e3731e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.node_delete_action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: 9e161a1f-2fe9-4f2c-b26d-6b8b86473b7b
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - node
+ default_config_hash: Zx0jD1Klh5tZaGJy8uOeR_2MCu9FDM4xg7TaUJUEbkI
+id: node_delete_action
+label: 'Delete content'
+type: node
+plugin: node_delete_action
+configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.node_make_sticky_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.node_make_sticky_action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd4664c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.node_make_sticky_action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: 3772c0e3-141a-4ec7-994f-7794da05cdf9
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - node
+ default_config_hash: sOb26JSy3fGpWkvR0WYN6_hMqj_6d1rvbvrkzp1yya0
+id: node_make_sticky_action
+label: 'Make content sticky'
+type: node
+plugin: node_make_sticky_action
+configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.node_make_unsticky_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.node_make_unsticky_action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9b0ba72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.node_make_unsticky_action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: 4c16a8e2-f8ea-43b9-9730-f1392354df23
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - node
+ default_config_hash: lDM9mvIGAu8Sw8rt-uCO4Sr7yX5VPrDPxYcawkbKd6k
+id: node_make_unsticky_action
+label: 'Make content unsticky'
+type: node
+plugin: node_make_unsticky_action
+configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.node_promote_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.node_promote_action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d44804e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.node_promote_action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: dfb7eeac-c5d5-4a38-b55d-4d2ab64d9ed3
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - node
+ default_config_hash: N0RDBTqiK4dKoN4p4oW2j0SGWycdHyALUe9M-Ofp89U
+id: node_promote_action
+label: 'Promote content to front page'
+type: node
+plugin: node_promote_action
+configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.node_publish_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.node_publish_action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d67615e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.node_publish_action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: 4b03481d-f1d3-4399-8c11-92ee9d912885
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - node
+ default_config_hash: lsQkbo4njZ-Q_oGKCPGXGWFjWF1I7QpgA6m-t9rcRoA
+id: node_publish_action
+label: 'Publish content'
+type: node
+plugin: node_publish_action
+configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.node_save_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.node_save_action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e177f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.node_save_action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: a126e26c-21a3-417f-9c0f-601d31da7430
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - node
+ default_config_hash: U9HspszLxcw6pZmRacFa6yDbbheyMN-We4fPbrWWHGg
+id: node_save_action
+label: 'Save content'
+type: node
+plugin: node_save_action
+configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.node_unpromote_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.node_unpromote_action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc474b0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.node_unpromote_action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: 38bfc718-4b45-4d49-9ca0-d48da20bd960
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - node
+ default_config_hash: JBptjnfuOMtsdKygklXxoOgeOCTMtQxlkymjnnj-cC0
+id: node_unpromote_action
+label: 'Remove content from front page'
+type: node
+plugin: node_unpromote_action
+configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.node_unpublish_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.node_unpublish_action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8352b222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.node_unpublish_action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: b3e9d2df-58c1-469b-bf08-7974ae0163f8
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - node
+ default_config_hash: gGQXiSspwGl0lyOS6w_HCPpvGAPDciqDNLFwWOydVtI
+id: node_unpublish_action
+label: 'Unpublish content'
+type: node
+plugin: node_unpublish_action
+configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.user_add_role_action.administrator.yml b/config/sync/system.action.user_add_role_action.administrator.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b440337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.user_add_role_action.administrator.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+uuid: 74df61e8-cc30-4eb8-8bc0-0fb3b73e123d
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - user.role.administrator
+ module:
+ - user
+id: user_add_role_action.administrator
+label: 'Add the Administrator role to the selected users'
+type: user
+plugin: user_add_role_action
+ rid: administrator
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.user_block_user_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.user_block_user_action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22477bdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.user_block_user_action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: 415e31b6-522d-4a80-939e-8d266dff2f0e
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: DyypzTfThX10FFQw-399qPfEbLLyrhXgQrKPVsmAoJ4
+id: user_block_user_action
+label: 'Block the selected user(s)'
+type: user
+plugin: user_block_user_action
+configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.user_cancel_user_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.user_cancel_user_action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07ea0093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.user_cancel_user_action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: 52962a87-016e-4050-8623-7e425f1fcdbc
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: nvrL9bFilzBvm2bjO9rQnFDpBA7dBBUjShSSt6NS-DU
+id: user_cancel_user_action
+label: 'Cancel the selected user account(s)'
+type: user
+plugin: user_cancel_user_action
+configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.user_remove_role_action.administrator.yml b/config/sync/system.action.user_remove_role_action.administrator.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56a85279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.user_remove_role_action.administrator.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+uuid: 0f90c22d-c45f-498c-8a51-d9c979a4e941
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - user.role.administrator
+ module:
+ - user
+id: user_remove_role_action.administrator
+label: 'Remove the Administrator role from the selected users'
+type: user
+plugin: user_remove_role_action
+ rid: administrator
diff --git a/config/sync/system.action.user_unblock_user_action.yml b/config/sync/system.action.user_unblock_user_action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ec46dfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.action.user_unblock_user_action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: a27bd886-efaf-4f13-9796-2cb72673ae52
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: SPsUXsR3Rc8d1y3gewzaAKWa1ncea_ywXX3f7LTn7k0
+id: user_unblock_user_action
+label: 'Unblock the selected user(s)'
+type: user
+plugin: user_unblock_user_action
+configuration: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/system.authorize.yml b/config/sync/system.authorize.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c469caee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.authorize.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+filetransfer_default: null
+ default_config_hash: z63ds8M4zPrylEgFRkRcOlfcsXWwfITzjD4cj1kRdfg
diff --git a/config/sync/system.cron.yml b/config/sync/system.cron.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6801fb59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.cron.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ requirements_warning: 172800
+ requirements_error: 1209600
+logging: 1
+ default_config_hash: 5Pw921y1EPfFN98wykliBBLArm51pC-SmrXeYCe7d0Y
diff --git a/config/sync/system.date.yml b/config/sync/system.date.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc1e16f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.date.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ default: ''
+first_day: 0
+ default: America/New_York
+ user:
+ configurable: true
+ warn: false
+ default: 0
+ default_config_hash: V9UurX2GPT05NWKG9f2GWQqFG2TRG8vczidwjpy7Woo
diff --git a/config/sync/system.diff.yml b/config/sync/system.diff.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c43dd916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.diff.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ lines_leading: 2
+ lines_trailing: 2
+ default_config_hash: 1WanmaEhxW_vM8_5Ktsdntj8MaO9UBHXg0lN603PsWM
diff --git a/config/sync/system.file.yml b/config/sync/system.file.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39ee4cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.file.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+allow_insecure_uploads: false
+default_scheme: public
+ temporary: /tmp
+temporary_maximum_age: 21600
+ default_config_hash: t48gCU9DzYfjb3bAOIqHLzhL0ChBlXh6_5B5Pyo9t8g
diff --git a/config/sync/system.image.gd.yml b/config/sync/system.image.gd.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b676907e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.image.gd.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+jpeg_quality: 75
+ default_config_hash: eNXaHfkJJUThHeF0nvkoXyPLRrKYGxgHRjORvT4F5rQ
diff --git a/config/sync/system.image.yml b/config/sync/system.image.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..990d3dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.image.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+toolkit: gd
+ default_config_hash: durWHaKeBaq4d9Wpi4RqwADj1OufDepcnJuhVLmKN24
diff --git a/config/sync/system.logging.yml b/config/sync/system.logging.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e95b28a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.logging.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+error_level: hide
+ default_config_hash: u3-njszl92FaxjrCMiq0yDcjAfcdx72w1zT1O9dx6aA
diff --git a/config/sync/system.mail.yml b/config/sync/system.mail.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60ed34d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.mail.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ default: php_mail
+ default_config_hash: rYgt7uhPafP2ngaN_ZUPFuyI4KdE0zU868zLNSlzKoE
diff --git a/config/sync/system.maintenance.yml b/config/sync/system.maintenance.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79501fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.maintenance.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+message: '@site is currently under maintenance. We should be back shortly. Thank you for your patience.'
+langcode: en
+ default_config_hash: Z5MXifrF77GEAgx0GQ6iWT8wStjFuY8BD9OruofWTJ8
diff --git a/config/sync/system.menu.account.yml b/config/sync/system.menu.account.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22d84eb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.menu.account.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+uuid: b0aca33c-364b-4665-9d7f-10a85ab3b7b0
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: M_Bh81osDyUQ4wV0GgU_NdBNqkzM87sLxjaCdFj9mnw
+id: account
+label: 'User account menu'
+description: 'Links related to the active user account'
+locked: true
diff --git a/config/sync/system.menu.admin.yml b/config/sync/system.menu.admin.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b44eedc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.menu.admin.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+uuid: ef393bf3-7ec9-4d43-80f6-8900763bc28d
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: sapEi2YDGoI9yQIT_WgIV2vUdQ6DScH0V3fAyTadAL0
+id: admin
+label: Administration
+description: 'Administrative task links'
+locked: true
diff --git a/config/sync/system.menu.devel.yml b/config/sync/system.menu.devel.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a4aec36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.menu.devel.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: 36b4cd16-9773-4edd-9202-92f13642004e
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ enforced:
+ module:
+ - devel
+ default_config_hash: mYceWZ4FHflXMWwxiO7ePCeXvKMl9F-ARIQ9p4IpvWE
+id: devel
+label: Development
+description: 'Links related to Devel module.'
+locked: true
diff --git a/config/sync/system.menu.footer.yml b/config/sync/system.menu.footer.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5c83b78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.menu.footer.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+uuid: 757f8d7a-ea64-4acb-a48a-40494fd559e0
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: 7yrlW5z9zdg2eBucB2GPqXKSMQfH9lSRSO4DbWF7AFc
+id: footer
+label: Footer
+description: 'Site information links'
+locked: true
diff --git a/config/sync/system.menu.main.yml b/config/sync/system.menu.main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02bcb9c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.menu.main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+uuid: 3a6204bf-c759-4984-9208-c7509bcfc4de
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: Q2Ra3jfoIVk0f3SjxJX61byRQFVBAbpzYDQOiY-kno8
+id: main
+label: 'Main navigation'
+description: 'Site section links'
+locked: true
diff --git a/config/sync/system.menu.tools.yml b/config/sync/system.menu.tools.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48fcfc6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.menu.tools.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+uuid: 0a565ece-5e1e-4886-a260-a246b1cd7a88
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: BCM-vV1zzRaLHN18dqAR_CuGOj8AFJvTx7BKl_8Gcxc
+id: tools
+label: Tools
+description: 'User tool links, often added by modules'
+locked: true
diff --git a/config/sync/system.performance.yml b/config/sync/system.performance.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4f85d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.performance.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ page:
+ max_age: 0
+ preprocess: true
+ gzip: true
+ enabled: true
+ paths: '/\.(?:txt|png|gif|jpe?g|css|js|ico|swf|flv|cgi|bat|pl|dll|exe|asp)$/i'
+ exclude_paths: '/\/(?:styles|imagecache)\//'
+ html: '404 Not FoundNot Found
The requested URL "@path" was not found on this server.
+ preprocess: true
+ gzip: true
+stale_file_threshold: 2592000
+ default_config_hash: b2cssrj-lOmATIbdehfCqfCFgVR0qCdxxWhwqa2KBVQ
diff --git a/config/sync/system.rss.yml b/config/sync/system.rss.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..858f127d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.rss.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ description: ''
+ limit: 10
+ view_mode: rss
+langcode: en
+ default_config_hash: TlH7NNk46phfxu1mSUfwg1C0YqaGsUCeD4l9JQnQlDU
diff --git a/config/sync/system.site.yml b/config/sync/system.site.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..166815f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.site.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+uuid: dea861dd-ec4d-4d71-a2a9-64022450190b
+name: 'My Portfolio'
+mail: leormsbee@gmail.com
+slogan: ''
+ 403: ''
+ 404: ''
+ front: /node
+admin_compact_mode: false
+weight_select_max: 100
+langcode: en
+default_langcode: en
+ default_config_hash: AyT9s8OUcclfALRE_imByOMgtZ19eOlqdF6zI3p7yqo
diff --git a/config/sync/system.theme.global.yml b/config/sync/system.theme.global.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad3e46c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.theme.global.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ mimetype: image/vnd.microsoft.icon
+ path: ''
+ url: ''
+ use_default: true
+ comment_user_picture: true
+ comment_user_verification: true
+ favicon: true
+ node_user_picture: true
+ path: ''
+ url: ''
+ use_default: true
+ default_config_hash: 9rAU4Pku7eMBQxauQqAgjzlcicFZ2As6zEa6zvTlCB8
diff --git a/config/sync/system.theme.yml b/config/sync/system.theme.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8764240e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/system.theme.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+admin: seven
+default: bartik
+ default_config_hash: fOjer9hADYYnbCJVZMFZIIM1azTFWyg84ZkFDHfAbUg
diff --git a/config/sync/taxonomy.settings.yml b/config/sync/taxonomy.settings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c98a316b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/taxonomy.settings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+maintain_index_table: true
+override_selector: false
+terms_per_page_admin: 100
+ default_config_hash: zKpaWT6cJc1tVQQaTqatGELaCqU_oyRym6zTl27Yias
diff --git a/config/sync/taxonomy.vocabulary.tags.yml b/config/sync/taxonomy.vocabulary.tags.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..613d8361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/taxonomy.vocabulary.tags.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+uuid: 5ced4dc5-7ceb-48da-9f80-be594736d098
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: lO5ziR5dVI1PpEeHZsSOfQ-Y7NWihSDKW8-MMf6uoms
+name: Tags
+vid: tags
+description: 'Use tags to group articles on similar topics into categories.'
+hierarchy: 0
+weight: 0
diff --git a/config/sync/taxonomy.vocabulary.technologies.yml b/config/sync/taxonomy.vocabulary.technologies.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba006c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/taxonomy.vocabulary.technologies.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+uuid: 79df2125-fe67-4123-aa27-bc82f4d82bf4
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+name: Technologies
+vid: technologies
+description: ''
+hierarchy: 0
+weight: 0
diff --git a/config/sync/text.settings.yml b/config/sync/text.settings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef751a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/text.settings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+default_summary_length: 600
+ default_config_hash: Bkewb77RBOK3_aXMPsp8p87gbc03NvmC5gBLzPl7hVA
diff --git a/config/sync/tour.tour.views-ui.yml b/config/sync/tour.tour.views-ui.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc53c0f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/tour.tour.views-ui.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+uuid: 3f46427a-d78d-4278-9971-eb285464942a
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - views_ui
+ default_config_hash: c-HMyZwgeP8H6AITDcq4hznePkd7azpe8xl_WTnx2O0
+id: views-ui
+label: 'View edit page'
+module: views_ui
+ -
+ route_name: entity.view.edit_form
+ -
+ route_name: entity.view.edit_display_form
+ views-main:
+ id: views-main
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Manage view settings'
+ body: 'View or edit the configuration.'
+ weight: 1
+ views-ui-displays:
+ id: views-ui-displays
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Displays in this view'
+ body: 'A display is a way of outputting the results, e.g., as a page or a block. A view can contain multiple displays, which are listed here. The active display is highlighted.'
+ weight: 2
+ attributes:
+ data-id: views-display-top
+ views-ui-view-admin:
+ id: views-ui-view-admin
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'View administration'
+ body: 'Perform administrative tasks, including adding a description and creating a clone. Click the drop-down button to view the available options.'
+ weight: 3
+ location: left
+ attributes:
+ data-id: views-display-extra-actions
+ views-ui-format:
+ id: views-ui-format
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Output format'
+ body: 'Choose how to output results. E.g., choose Content to output each item completely, using your configured display settings. Or choose Fields, which allows you to output only specific fields for each result. Additional formats can be added by installing modules to extend Drupal''s base functionality.'
+ weight: 4
+ attributes:
+ data-class: views-ui-display-tab-bucket.format
+ views-ui-fields:
+ id: views-ui-fields
+ plugin: text
+ label: Fields
+ body: 'If this view uses fields, they are listed here. You can click on a field to configure it.'
+ weight: 5
+ attributes:
+ data-class: views-ui-display-tab-bucket.field
+ views-ui-filter:
+ id: views-ui-filter
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Filter your view'
+ body: 'Add filters to limit the results in the output. E.g., to only show content that is published, you would add a filter for Published and select Yes.'
+ weight: 6
+ attributes:
+ data-class: views-ui-display-tab-bucket.filter
+ views-ui-filter-operations:
+ id: views-ui-filter-operations
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Filter actions'
+ body: 'Add, rearrange or remove filters.'
+ weight: 7
+ attributes:
+ data-class: 'views-ui-display-tab-bucket.filter .dropbutton-widget'
+ views-ui-sorts:
+ id: views-ui-sorts
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Sort Criteria'
+ body: 'Control the order in which the results are output. Click on an active sort rule to configure it.'
+ weight: 8
+ attributes:
+ data-class: views-ui-display-tab-bucket.sort
+ views-ui-sorts-operations:
+ id: views-ui-sorts-operations
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Sort actions'
+ body: 'Add, rearrange or remove sorting rules.'
+ weight: 9
+ attributes:
+ data-class: 'views-ui-display-tab-bucket.sort .dropbutton-widget'
+ views-ui-preview:
+ id: views-ui-preview
+ plugin: text
+ label: Preview
+ body: 'Show a preview of the view output.'
+ weight: 10
+ location: left
+ attributes:
+ data-id: preview-submit
diff --git a/config/sync/update.settings.yml b/config/sync/update.settings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4166240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/update.settings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ disabled_extensions: false
+ interval_days: 1
+ url: ''
+ max_attempts: 2
+ timeout: 30
+ emails:
+ - leormsbee@gmail.com
+ threshold: all
+ default_config_hash: 2QzULf0zovJQx3J06Y9rufzzfi-CY2CTTlEfJJh2Qyw
diff --git a/config/sync/user.flood.yml b/config/sync/user.flood.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f165c952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/user.flood.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+uid_only: false
+ip_limit: 50
+ip_window: 3600
+user_limit: 5
+user_window: 21600
+ default_config_hash: UYfMzeP1S8jKm9PSvxf7nQNe8DsNS-3bc2WSNNXBQWs
diff --git a/config/sync/user.mail.yml b/config/sync/user.mail.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91808449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/user.mail.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ body: "[user:display-name],\n\nA request to cancel your account has been made at [site:name].\n\nYou may now cancel your account on [site:url-brief] by clicking this link or copying and pasting it into your browser:\n\n[user:cancel-url]\n\nNOTE: The cancellation of your account is not reversible.\n\nThis link expires in one day and nothing will happen if it is not used.\n\n-- [site:name] team"
+ subject: 'Account cancellation request for [user:display-name] at [site:name]'
+ body: "[user:display-name],\n\nA request to reset the password for your account has been made at [site:name].\n\nYou may now log in by clicking this link or copying and pasting it into your browser:\n\n[user:one-time-login-url]\n\nThis link can only be used once to log in and will lead you to a page where you can set your password. It expires after one day and nothing will happen if it's not used.\n\n-- [site:name] team"
+ subject: 'Replacement login information for [user:display-name] at [site:name]'
+ body: "[user:display-name],\n\nA site administrator at [site:name] has created an account for you. You may now log in by clicking this link or copying and pasting it into your browser:\n\n[user:one-time-login-url]\n\nThis link can only be used once to log in and will lead you to a page where you can set your password.\n\nAfter setting your password, you will be able to log in at [site:login-url] in the future using:\n\nusername: [user:name]\npassword: Your password\n\n-- [site:name] team"
+ subject: 'An administrator created an account for you at [site:name]'
+ body: "[user:display-name],\n\nThank you for registering at [site:name]. You may now log in by clicking this link or copying and pasting it into your browser:\n\n[user:one-time-login-url]\n\nThis link can only be used once to log in and will lead you to a page where you can set your password.\n\nAfter setting your password, you will be able to log in at [site:login-url] in the future using:\n\nusername: [user:name]\npassword: Your password\n\n-- [site:name] team"
+ subject: 'Account details for [user:display-name] at [site:name]'
+ body: "[user:display-name],\n\nThank you for registering at [site:name]. Your application for an account is currently pending approval. Once it has been approved, you will receive another email containing information about how to log in, set your password, and other details.\n\n\n-- [site:name] team"
+ subject: 'Account details for [user:display-name] at [site:name] (pending admin approval)'
+ body: "[user:display-name] has applied for an account.\n\n[user:edit-url]"
+ subject: 'Account details for [user:display-name] at [site:name] (pending admin approval)'
+ body: "[user:display-name],\n\nYour account at [site:name] has been activated.\n\nYou may now log in by clicking this link or copying and pasting it into your browser:\n\n[user:one-time-login-url]\n\nThis link can only be used once to log in and will lead you to a page where you can set your password.\n\nAfter setting your password, you will be able to log in at [site:login-url] in the future using:\n\nusername: [user:account-name]\npassword: Your password\n\n-- [site:name] team"
+ subject: 'Account details for [user:display-name] at [site:name] (approved)'
+ body: "[user:display-name],\n\nYour account on [site:name] has been blocked.\n\n-- [site:name] team"
+ subject: 'Account details for [user:display-name] at [site:name] (blocked)'
+ body: "[user:display-name],\n\nYour account on [site:name] has been canceled.\n\n-- [site:name] team"
+ subject: 'Account details for [user:display-name] at [site:name] (canceled)'
+langcode: en
+ default_config_hash: m4J3ROov32OEquRYGLbx3SpdDGuqx9l_zJtNvihqdCg
diff --git a/config/sync/user.role.administrator.yml b/config/sync/user.role.administrator.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5fa2bd46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/user.role.administrator.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+uuid: a2933e68-1fc5-4784-a70d-31c75d71bd03
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: Om6FEO7vZZMkPIbVvfxtdkWerQ2PvQM4sWUd6Q3ZnfI
+id: administrator
+label: Administrator
+weight: 2
+is_admin: true
+permissions: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/user.role.anonymous.yml b/config/sync/user.role.anonymous.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfd4d224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/user.role.anonymous.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+uuid: 09537f70-31be-4eb8-bd14-50a91435b3da
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: j5zLMOdJBqC0bMvSdth5UebkprJB8g_2FXHqhfpJzow
+id: anonymous
+label: 'Anonymous user'
+weight: 0
+is_admin: false
+ - 'access comments'
+ - 'access content'
+ - 'access site-wide contact form'
+ - 'search content'
+ - 'use text format restricted_html'
diff --git a/config/sync/user.role.authenticated.yml b/config/sync/user.role.authenticated.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1d1f69a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/user.role.authenticated.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+uuid: cbc82719-7a60-4ad6-bbee-c490acebbb7b
+langcode: en
+status: true
+dependencies: { }
+ default_config_hash: dJ0L2DNSj5q6XVZAGsuVDpJTh5UeYkIPwKrUOOpr8YI
+id: authenticated
+label: 'Authenticated user'
+weight: 1
+is_admin: false
+ - 'access comments'
+ - 'access content'
+ - 'access shortcuts'
+ - 'access site-wide contact form'
+ - 'post comments'
+ - 'search content'
+ - 'skip comment approval'
+ - 'use text format basic_html'
diff --git a/config/sync/user.settings.yml b/config/sync/user.settings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7627c6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/user.settings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+anonymous: Anonymous
+verify_mail: true
+ cancel_confirm: true
+ password_reset: true
+ status_activated: true
+ status_blocked: false
+ status_canceled: false
+ register_admin_created: true
+ register_no_approval_required: true
+ register_pending_approval: true
+register: visitors_admin_approval
+cancel_method: user_cancel_block
+password_reset_timeout: 86400
+password_strength: true
+langcode: en
+ default_config_hash: r4kwhOM0IWXVMUZDz744Yc16EOh37ZhYbA8kGOhSmLk
diff --git a/config/sync/views.settings.yml b/config/sync/views.settings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fbda2e63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/views.settings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+display_extenders: { }
+skip_cache: false
+sql_signature: false
+ show:
+ additional_queries: false
+ advanced_column: false
+ master_display: false
+ performance_statistics: false
+ preview_information: true
+ sql_query:
+ enabled: false
+ where: above
+ display_embed: false
+ always_live_preview: true
+ exposed_filter_any_label: old_any
+ div: DIV
+ span: SPAN
+ h1: H1
+ h2: H2
+ h3: H3
+ h4: H4
+ h5: H5
+ h6: H6
+ p: P
+ header: HEADER
+ footer: FOOTER
+ article: ARTICLE
+ section: SECTION
+ aside: ASIDE
+ details: DETAILS
+ blockquote: BLOCKQUOTE
+ figure: FIGURE
+ address: ADDRESS
+ code: CODE
+ pre: PRE
+ var: VAR
+ samp: SAMP
+ kbd: KBD
+ strong: STRONG
+ em: EM
+ del: DEL
+ ins: INS
+ q: Q
+ s: S
+ default_config_hash: RaRd9EIcwA4u3qCSRLL8EnCicbda1kV__ASmVbyehvQ
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.archive.yml b/config/sync/views.view.archive.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9e9da32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/views.view.archive.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+uuid: df8ddd7d-ef3c-4be8-9584-054b51993962
+langcode: en
+status: false
+ config:
+ - core.entity_view_mode.node.teaser
+ module:
+ - node
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: SRH1EhxAiIRj01P9xYv0h_LfIfWxjll0Yq-eDfjziFI
+id: archive
+label: Archive
+module: node
+description: 'All content, by month.'
+tag: default
+base_table: node_field_data
+base_field: nid
+core: '8'
+ default:
+ id: default
+ display_title: Master
+ display_plugin: default
+ position: 0
+ display_options:
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options:
+ query_comment: ''
+ disable_sql_rewrite: false
+ distinct: false
+ replica: false
+ query_tags: { }
+ title: 'Monthly archive'
+ access:
+ type: perm
+ options:
+ perm: 'access content'
+ cache:
+ type: tag
+ options: { }
+ exposed_form:
+ type: basic
+ options:
+ submit_button: Apply
+ reset_button: false
+ reset_button_label: Reset
+ exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
+ expose_sort_order: true
+ sort_asc_label: Asc
+ sort_desc_label: Desc
+ pager:
+ type: mini
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 10
+ offset: 0
+ id: 0
+ total_pages: 0
+ expose:
+ items_per_page: false
+ items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
+ items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
+ items_per_page_options_all: false
+ items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
+ offset: false
+ offset_label: Offset
+ tags:
+ previous: ‹‹
+ next: ››
+ sorts:
+ created:
+ id: created
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: created
+ order: DESC
+ plugin_id: date
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ label: ''
+ granularity: second
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: created
+ arguments:
+ created_year_month:
+ id: created_year_month
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: created_year_month
+ default_action: summary
+ exception:
+ title_enable: true
+ title_enable: true
+ title: '{{ arguments.created_year_month }}'
+ default_argument_type: fixed
+ summary:
+ sort_order: desc
+ format: default_summary
+ summary_options:
+ override: true
+ items_per_page: 30
+ specify_validation: true
+ plugin_id: date_year_month
+ entity_type: node
+ filters:
+ status:
+ id: status
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: status
+ value: '1'
+ group: 0
+ expose:
+ operator: '0'
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: status
+ langcode:
+ id: langcode
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: langcode
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: in
+ value:
+ '***LANGUAGE_language_content***': '***LANGUAGE_language_content***'
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ reduce: false
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ plugin_id: language
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: langcode
+ style:
+ type: default
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ uses_fields: false
+ row:
+ type: 'entity:node'
+ options:
+ view_mode: teaser
+ header: { }
+ footer: { }
+ empty: { }
+ relationships: { }
+ fields: { }
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
+ block_1:
+ id: block_1
+ display_title: Block
+ display_plugin: block
+ position: 1
+ display_options:
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options: { }
+ defaults:
+ arguments: false
+ arguments:
+ created_year_month:
+ id: created_year_month
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: created_year_month
+ default_action: summary
+ exception:
+ title_enable: true
+ title_enable: true
+ title: '{{ arguments.created_year_month }}'
+ default_argument_type: fixed
+ summary:
+ format: default_summary
+ summary_options:
+ items_per_page: 30
+ specify_validation: true
+ plugin_id: date_year_month
+ entity_type: node
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
+ page_1:
+ id: page_1
+ display_title: Page
+ display_plugin: page
+ position: 2
+ display_options:
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options: { }
+ path: archive
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.block_content.yml b/config/sync/views.view.block_content.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfed80ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/views.view.block_content.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+uuid: ecb8fe34-643e-467d-b515-d9c2dfeea532
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - block_content
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: msYnighLW1IbiBfyQbwbQwb2cU-5LECiFryt60k0Nfk
+id: block_content
+label: 'Custom block library'
+module: views
+description: 'Find and manage custom blocks.'
+tag: default
+base_table: block_content_field_data
+base_field: id
+core: 8.x
+ default:
+ display_plugin: default
+ id: default
+ display_title: Master
+ position: 0
+ display_options:
+ access:
+ type: perm
+ options:
+ perm: 'administer blocks'
+ cache:
+ type: tag
+ options: { }
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options:
+ disable_sql_rewrite: false
+ distinct: false
+ replica: false
+ query_comment: ''
+ query_tags: { }
+ exposed_form:
+ type: basic
+ options:
+ submit_button: Apply
+ reset_button: false
+ reset_button_label: Reset
+ exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
+ expose_sort_order: true
+ sort_asc_label: Asc
+ sort_desc_label: Desc
+ pager:
+ type: mini
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 50
+ offset: 0
+ id: 0
+ total_pages: null
+ tags:
+ previous: '‹ Previous'
+ next: 'Next ›'
+ expose:
+ items_per_page: false
+ items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
+ items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
+ items_per_page_options_all: false
+ items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
+ offset: false
+ offset_label: Offset
+ style:
+ type: table
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ override: true
+ sticky: false
+ caption: ''
+ summary: ''
+ description: ''
+ columns:
+ info: info
+ type: type
+ changed: changed
+ operations: operations
+ info:
+ info:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ type:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ changed:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: desc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ operations:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ default: changed
+ empty_table: true
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ fields:
+ info:
+ id: info
+ table: block_content_field_data
+ field: info
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: 'Block description'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ click_sort_column: value
+ type: string
+ settings:
+ link_to_entity: true
+ group_column: value
+ group_columns: { }
+ group_rows: true
+ delta_limit: 0
+ delta_offset: 0
+ delta_reversed: false
+ delta_first_last: false
+ multi_type: separator
+ separator: ', '
+ field_api_classes: false
+ entity_type: null
+ entity_field: info
+ plugin_id: field
+ type:
+ id: type
+ table: block_content_field_data
+ field: type
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: 'Block type'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ click_sort_column: target_id
+ type: entity_reference_label
+ settings:
+ link: false
+ group_column: target_id
+ group_columns: { }
+ group_rows: true
+ delta_limit: 0
+ delta_offset: 0
+ delta_reversed: false
+ delta_first_last: false
+ multi_type: separator
+ separator: ', '
+ field_api_classes: false
+ entity_type: block_content
+ entity_field: type
+ plugin_id: field
+ changed:
+ id: changed
+ table: block_content_field_data
+ field: changed
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: Updated
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ entity_type: block_content
+ entity_field: changed
+ type: timestamp
+ settings:
+ date_format: short
+ custom_date_format: ''
+ timezone: ''
+ plugin_id: field
+ operations:
+ id: operations
+ table: block_content
+ field: operations
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: Operations
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ destination: true
+ entity_type: block_content
+ plugin_id: entity_operations
+ filters:
+ info:
+ id: info
+ table: block_content_field_data
+ field: info
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: contains
+ value: ''
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: info_op
+ label: 'Block description'
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: info_op
+ identifier: info
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ administrator: '0'
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ entity_type: block_content
+ entity_field: info
+ plugin_id: string
+ type:
+ id: type
+ table: block_content_field_data
+ field: type
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: in
+ value: { }
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: type_op
+ label: 'Block type'
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: type_op
+ identifier: type
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ administrator: '0'
+ reduce: false
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ entity_type: block_content
+ entity_field: type
+ plugin_id: bundle
+ sorts: { }
+ title: 'Custom block library'
+ header: { }
+ footer: { }
+ empty:
+ area_text_custom:
+ id: area_text_custom
+ table: views
+ field: area_text_custom
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ empty: true
+ tokenize: false
+ content: 'There are no custom blocks available. '
+ plugin_id: text_custom
+ block_content_listing_empty:
+ admin_label: ''
+ empty: true
+ field: block_content_listing_empty
+ group_type: group
+ id: block_content_listing_empty
+ label: ''
+ relationship: none
+ table: block_content
+ plugin_id: block_content_listing_empty
+ entity_type: block_content
+ relationships: { }
+ arguments: { }
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: 0
+ tags: { }
+ page_1:
+ display_plugin: page
+ id: page_1
+ display_title: Page
+ position: 1
+ display_options:
+ display_extenders: { }
+ path: admin/structure/block/block-content
+ menu:
+ type: tab
+ title: 'Custom block library'
+ description: ''
+ parent: block.admin_display
+ weight: 0
+ context: '0'
+ menu_name: admin
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: 0
+ tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.comments_recent.yml b/config/sync/views.view.comments_recent.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b3aa444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/views.view.comments_recent.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+uuid: 7a15d3e4-04f6-4501-a1d1-35a9f8d9dd72
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - comment
+ - node
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: HacS-nsDH7uyoKhQHNyV_MNRClmPVuhU_fWZgNuEyIs
+id: comments_recent
+label: 'Recent comments'
+module: views
+description: 'Recent comments.'
+tag: default
+base_table: comment_field_data
+base_field: cid
+core: 8.x
+ default:
+ display_plugin: default
+ id: default
+ display_title: Master
+ position: 0
+ display_options:
+ access:
+ type: perm
+ options:
+ perm: 'access comments'
+ cache:
+ type: tag
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ exposed_form:
+ type: basic
+ pager:
+ type: some
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 10
+ offset: 0
+ style:
+ type: html_list
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ type: ul
+ wrapper_class: item-list
+ class: ''
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
+ hide_empty: false
+ relationships:
+ node:
+ field: node
+ id: node
+ table: comment_field_data
+ required: true
+ plugin_id: standard
+ fields:
+ subject:
+ id: subject
+ table: comment_field_data
+ field: subject
+ relationship: none
+ type: string
+ settings:
+ link_to_entity: true
+ plugin_id: field
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: ''
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: false
+ ellipsis: false
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: false
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ entity_type: comment
+ entity_field: subject
+ changed:
+ id: changed
+ table: comment_field_data
+ field: changed
+ relationship: none
+ plugin_id: field
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: ''
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: false
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ type: timestamp_ago
+ settings:
+ future_format: '@interval hence'
+ past_format: '@interval ago'
+ granularity: 2
+ entity_type: comment
+ entity_field: changed
+ filters:
+ status:
+ value: '1'
+ table: comment_field_data
+ field: status
+ id: status
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ expose:
+ operator: ''
+ group: 1
+ entity_type: comment
+ entity_field: status
+ status_node:
+ value: '1'
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: status
+ relationship: node
+ id: status_node
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ expose:
+ operator: ''
+ group: 1
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: status
+ sorts:
+ created:
+ id: created
+ table: comment_field_data
+ field: created
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ order: DESC
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ label: ''
+ plugin_id: date
+ entity_type: comment
+ entity_field: created
+ cid:
+ id: cid
+ table: comment_field_data
+ field: cid
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ order: DESC
+ exposed: false
+ plugin_id: field
+ entity_type: comment
+ entity_field: cid
+ title: 'Recent comments'
+ empty:
+ area_text_custom:
+ id: area_text_custom
+ table: views
+ field: area_text_custom
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: ''
+ empty: true
+ content: 'No comments available.'
+ tokenize: false
+ plugin_id: text_custom
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
+ block_1:
+ display_plugin: block
+ id: block_1
+ display_title: Block
+ position: 1
+ display_options:
+ block_description: 'Recent comments'
+ block_category: 'Lists (Views)'
+ allow:
+ items_per_page: true
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.content.yml b/config/sync/views.view.content.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26781115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/views.view.content.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+uuid: 430dd153-93a6-4df7-84a4-a8fd92578971
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - node
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: tS8PbpJX90aRFC3-UTgXzdqkq7_2frk2pz4TMijEebM
+id: content
+label: Content
+module: node
+description: 'Find and manage content.'
+tag: default
+base_table: node_field_data
+base_field: nid
+core: 8.x
+ default:
+ display_options:
+ access:
+ type: perm
+ options:
+ perm: 'access content overview'
+ cache:
+ type: tag
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ exposed_form:
+ type: basic
+ options:
+ submit_button: Filter
+ reset_button: true
+ reset_button_label: Reset
+ exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
+ expose_sort_order: true
+ sort_asc_label: Asc
+ sort_desc_label: Desc
+ pager:
+ type: full
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 50
+ tags:
+ previous: '‹ Previous'
+ next: 'Next ›'
+ first: '« First'
+ last: 'Last »'
+ style:
+ type: table
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ override: true
+ sticky: true
+ caption: ''
+ summary: ''
+ description: ''
+ columns:
+ node_bulk_form: node_bulk_form
+ title: title
+ type: type
+ name: name
+ status: status
+ changed: changed
+ edit_node: edit_node
+ delete_node: delete_node
+ dropbutton: dropbutton
+ timestamp: title
+ info:
+ node_bulk_form:
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ title:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ type:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ name:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: priority-low
+ status:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ changed:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: desc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: priority-low
+ edit_node:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ delete_node:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ dropbutton:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ timestamp:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ default: changed
+ empty_table: true
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ fields:
+ node_bulk_form:
+ id: node_bulk_form
+ table: node
+ field: node_bulk_form
+ label: ''
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ element_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ plugin_id: node_bulk_form
+ entity_type: node
+ title:
+ id: title
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: title
+ label: Title
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ element_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: title
+ type: string
+ settings:
+ link_to_entity: true
+ plugin_id: field
+ type:
+ id: type
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: type
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: 'Content type'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ click_sort_column: target_id
+ type: entity_reference_label
+ settings:
+ link: false
+ group_column: target_id
+ group_columns: { }
+ group_rows: true
+ delta_limit: 0
+ delta_offset: 0
+ delta_reversed: false
+ delta_first_last: false
+ multi_type: separator
+ separator: ', '
+ field_api_classes: false
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: type
+ plugin_id: field
+ name:
+ id: name
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: name
+ relationship: uid
+ label: Author
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ element_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ plugin_id: field
+ type: user_name
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: name
+ status:
+ id: status
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: status
+ label: Status
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ element_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ type: boolean
+ settings:
+ format: custom
+ format_custom_true: Published
+ format_custom_false: Unpublished
+ plugin_id: field
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: status
+ changed:
+ id: changed
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: changed
+ label: Updated
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ element_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ type: timestamp
+ settings:
+ date_format: short
+ custom_date_format: ''
+ timezone: ''
+ plugin_id: field
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: changed
+ operations:
+ id: operations
+ table: node
+ field: operations
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: Operations
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ destination: true
+ plugin_id: entity_operations
+ filters:
+ title:
+ id: title
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: title
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: contains
+ value: ''
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: title_op
+ label: Title
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: title_op
+ identifier: title
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ administrator: '0'
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ plugin_id: string
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: title
+ type:
+ id: type
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: type
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: in
+ value: { }
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: type_op
+ label: 'Content type'
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: type_op
+ identifier: type
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ administrator: '0'
+ reduce: false
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ plugin_id: bundle
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: type
+ status:
+ id: status
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: status
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: '='
+ value: '1'
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: Status
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: status_op
+ identifier: status
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ is_grouped: true
+ group_info:
+ label: 'Published status'
+ description: ''
+ identifier: status
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items:
+ 1:
+ title: Published
+ operator: '='
+ value: '1'
+ 2:
+ title: Unpublished
+ operator: '='
+ value: '0'
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: status
+ langcode:
+ id: langcode
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: langcode
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: in
+ value: { }
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: langcode_op
+ label: Language
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: langcode_op
+ identifier: langcode
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ administrator: '0'
+ reduce: false
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ plugin_id: language
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: langcode
+ status_extra:
+ id: status_extra
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: status_extra
+ operator: '='
+ value: false
+ plugin_id: node_status
+ group: 1
+ entity_type: node
+ sorts: { }
+ title: Content
+ empty:
+ area_text_custom:
+ id: area_text_custom
+ table: views
+ field: area_text_custom
+ empty: true
+ content: 'No content available.'
+ plugin_id: text_custom
+ arguments: { }
+ relationships:
+ uid:
+ id: uid
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: uid
+ admin_label: author
+ required: true
+ plugin_id: standard
+ show_admin_links: false
+ filter_groups:
+ operator: AND
+ groups:
+ 1: AND
+ display_extenders: { }
+ display_plugin: default
+ display_title: Master
+ id: default
+ position: 0
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - user
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: 0
+ tags: { }
+ page_1:
+ display_options:
+ path: admin/content/node
+ menu:
+ type: 'default tab'
+ title: Content
+ description: ''
+ menu_name: admin
+ weight: -10
+ context: ''
+ tab_options:
+ type: normal
+ title: Content
+ description: 'Find and manage content'
+ menu_name: admin
+ weight: -10
+ display_extenders: { }
+ display_plugin: page
+ display_title: Page
+ id: page_1
+ position: 1
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - user
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: 0
+ tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.content_recent.yml b/config/sync/views.view.content_recent.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70b13f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/views.view.content_recent.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+uuid: cbf383e7-6b37-4105-aa3f-435ce8fc7cad
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - node
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: sqwEJaSgef4rCaRMf-JdNAdV_kCICU1SfQh5Wl2sUrc
+id: content_recent
+label: 'Recent content'
+module: node
+description: 'Recent content.'
+tag: default
+base_table: node_field_data
+base_field: nid
+core: 8.x
+ default:
+ display_plugin: default
+ id: default
+ display_title: Master
+ position: 0
+ display_options:
+ access:
+ type: perm
+ options:
+ perm: 'access content'
+ cache:
+ type: tag
+ options: { }
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options:
+ disable_sql_rewrite: false
+ distinct: false
+ replica: false
+ query_comment: ''
+ query_tags: { }
+ exposed_form:
+ type: basic
+ options:
+ submit_button: Apply
+ reset_button: false
+ reset_button_label: Reset
+ exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
+ expose_sort_order: true
+ sort_asc_label: Asc
+ sort_desc_label: Desc
+ pager:
+ type: some
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 10
+ offset: 0
+ style:
+ type: html_list
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ type: ul
+ wrapper_class: item-list
+ class: ''
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ fields:
+ title:
+ id: title
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: title
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: title
+ label: ''
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ make_link: false
+ absolute: false
+ trim: false
+ word_boundary: false
+ ellipsis: false
+ strip_tags: false
+ html: false
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: false
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ type: string
+ settings:
+ link_to_entity: true
+ plugin_id: field
+ changed:
+ id: changed
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: changed
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: ''
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: false
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ click_sort_column: value
+ type: timestamp_ago
+ settings: { }
+ group_column: value
+ group_columns: { }
+ group_rows: true
+ delta_limit: 0
+ delta_offset: 0
+ delta_reversed: false
+ delta_first_last: false
+ multi_type: separator
+ separator: ', '
+ field_api_classes: false
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: changed
+ plugin_id: field
+ filters:
+ status_extra:
+ id: status_extra
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: status_extra
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: '='
+ value: false
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ entity_type: node
+ plugin_id: node_status
+ langcode:
+ id: langcode
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: langcode
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: in
+ value:
+ '***LANGUAGE_language_content***': '***LANGUAGE_language_content***'
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ reduce: false
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: langcode
+ plugin_id: language
+ sorts:
+ changed:
+ id: changed
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: changed
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ order: DESC
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ label: ''
+ granularity: second
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: changed
+ plugin_id: date
+ title: 'Recent content'
+ header: { }
+ footer: { }
+ empty:
+ area_text_custom:
+ id: area_text_custom
+ table: views
+ field: area_text_custom
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ empty: true
+ tokenize: false
+ content: 'No content available.'
+ plugin_id: text_custom
+ relationships:
+ uid:
+ id: uid
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: uid
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: author
+ required: true
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: uid
+ plugin_id: standard
+ arguments: { }
+ display_extenders: { }
+ use_more: false
+ use_more_always: false
+ use_more_text: More
+ link_url: ''
+ link_display: '0'
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - user
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
+ block_1:
+ display_plugin: block
+ id: block_1
+ display_title: Block
+ position: 1
+ display_options:
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - user
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.files.yml b/config/sync/views.view.files.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..162eaad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/views.view.files.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,1124 @@
+uuid: df95d376-ecd1-4016-8920-c1eaba17424a
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - file
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: rRWxAX-IQkJ5viACQRovRkC784EyCl9493GU_G23n2Q
+id: files
+label: Files
+module: file
+description: 'Find and manage files.'
+tag: default
+base_table: file_managed
+base_field: fid
+core: 8.x
+ default:
+ display_plugin: default
+ id: default
+ display_title: Master
+ position: 0
+ display_options:
+ access:
+ type: perm
+ options:
+ perm: 'access files overview'
+ cache:
+ type: tag
+ options: { }
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options:
+ disable_sql_rewrite: false
+ distinct: false
+ replica: false
+ query_comment: ''
+ query_tags: { }
+ exposed_form:
+ type: basic
+ options:
+ submit_button: Filter
+ reset_button: false
+ reset_button_label: Reset
+ exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
+ expose_sort_order: true
+ sort_asc_label: Asc
+ sort_desc_label: Desc
+ pager:
+ type: mini
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 50
+ offset: 0
+ id: 0
+ total_pages: 0
+ tags:
+ previous: '‹ Previous'
+ next: 'Next ›'
+ expose:
+ items_per_page: false
+ items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
+ items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
+ items_per_page_options_all: false
+ items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
+ offset: false
+ offset_label: Offset
+ style:
+ type: table
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ override: true
+ sticky: false
+ caption: ''
+ summary: ''
+ description: ''
+ columns:
+ fid: fid
+ filename: filename
+ filemime: filemime
+ filesize: filesize
+ status: status
+ created: created
+ changed: changed
+ count: count
+ info:
+ fid:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ filename:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ filemime:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: priority-medium
+ filesize:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: priority-low
+ status:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: priority-low
+ created:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: desc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ changed:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: desc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ count:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: priority-medium
+ default: changed
+ empty_table: true
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ fields:
+ fid:
+ id: fid
+ table: file_managed
+ field: fid
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ make_link: false
+ absolute: false
+ trim: false
+ word_boundary: false
+ ellipsis: false
+ strip_tags: false
+ html: false
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: Fid
+ exclude: true
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ plugin_id: field
+ entity_type: file
+ entity_field: fid
+ filename:
+ id: filename
+ table: file_managed
+ field: filename
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: Name
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: false
+ ellipsis: false
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ click_sort_column: value
+ type: file_link
+ group_column: value
+ group_columns: { }
+ group_rows: true
+ delta_limit: 0
+ delta_offset: 0
+ delta_reversed: false
+ delta_first_last: false
+ multi_type: separator
+ separator: ', '
+ field_api_classes: false
+ plugin_id: field
+ entity_type: file
+ entity_field: filename
+ filemime:
+ id: filemime
+ table: file_managed
+ field: filemime
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: 'MIME type'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ type: file_filemime
+ plugin_id: field
+ entity_type: file
+ entity_field: filemime
+ filesize:
+ id: filesize
+ table: file_managed
+ field: filesize
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: Size
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ type: file_size
+ plugin_id: field
+ entity_type: file
+ entity_field: filesize
+ status:
+ id: status
+ table: file_managed
+ field: status
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: Status
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ type: boolean
+ settings:
+ format: custom
+ format_custom_false: Temporary
+ format_custom_true: Permanent
+ plugin_id: field
+ entity_type: file
+ entity_field: status
+ created:
+ id: created
+ table: file_managed
+ field: created
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: 'Upload date'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ type: timestamp
+ settings:
+ date_format: medium
+ custom_date_format: ''
+ timezone: ''
+ plugin_id: field
+ entity_type: file
+ entity_field: created
+ changed:
+ id: changed
+ table: file_managed
+ field: changed
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: 'Changed date'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ type: timestamp
+ settings:
+ date_format: medium
+ custom_date_format: ''
+ timezone: ''
+ plugin_id: field
+ entity_type: file
+ entity_field: changed
+ count:
+ id: count
+ table: file_usage
+ field: count
+ relationship: fid
+ group_type: sum
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: 'Used in'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: true
+ path: 'admin/content/files/usage/{{ fid }}'
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ set_precision: false
+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: true
+ format_plural_string: "1 place\x03@count places"
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ filters:
+ filename:
+ id: filename
+ table: file_managed
+ field: filename
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: word
+ value: ''
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: filemime_op
+ label: Filename
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: filename_op
+ identifier: filename
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ administrator: '0'
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ plugin_id: string
+ entity_type: file
+ entity_field: filename
+ filemime:
+ id: filemime
+ table: file_managed
+ field: filemime
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: word
+ value: ''
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: filemime_op
+ label: 'MIME type'
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: filemime_op
+ identifier: filemime
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ administrator: '0'
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ plugin_id: string
+ entity_type: file
+ entity_field: filemime
+ status:
+ id: status
+ table: file_managed
+ field: status
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: in
+ value: { }
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: status_op
+ label: Status
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: status_op
+ identifier: status
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ administrator: '0'
+ reduce: false
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ plugin_id: file_status
+ entity_type: file
+ entity_field: status
+ sorts: { }
+ title: Files
+ header: { }
+ footer: { }
+ empty:
+ area_text_custom:
+ id: area_text_custom
+ table: views
+ field: area_text_custom
+ empty: true
+ content: 'No files available.'
+ plugin_id: text_custom
+ relationships:
+ fid:
+ id: fid
+ table: file_managed
+ field: fid
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: 'File usage'
+ required: true
+ arguments: { }
+ group_by: true
+ show_admin_links: true
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: 0
+ tags: { }
+ page_1:
+ display_plugin: page
+ id: page_1
+ display_title: 'Files overview'
+ position: 1
+ display_options:
+ path: admin/content/files
+ menu:
+ type: tab
+ title: Files
+ description: ''
+ menu_name: admin
+ weight: 0
+ context: ''
+ display_description: ''
+ defaults:
+ pager: true
+ relationships: false
+ relationships:
+ fid:
+ id: fid
+ table: file_managed
+ field: fid
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: 'File usage'
+ required: false
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: 0
+ tags: { }
+ page_2:
+ display_plugin: page
+ id: page_2
+ display_title: 'File usage'
+ position: 2
+ display_options:
+ display_description: ''
+ path: admin/content/files/usage/%
+ empty: { }
+ defaults:
+ empty: false
+ pager: false
+ filters: false
+ filter_groups: false
+ fields: false
+ group_by: false
+ title: false
+ arguments: false
+ style: false
+ row: false
+ relationships: false
+ pager:
+ type: mini
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 10
+ offset: 0
+ id: 0
+ total_pages: 0
+ tags:
+ previous: '‹ Previous'
+ next: 'Next ›'
+ expose:
+ items_per_page: false
+ items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
+ items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
+ items_per_page_options_all: false
+ items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
+ offset: false
+ offset_label: Offset
+ filters: { }
+ filter_groups:
+ operator: AND
+ groups: { }
+ fields:
+ entity_label:
+ id: entity_label
+ table: file_usage
+ field: entity_label
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: Entity
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ link_to_entity: true
+ plugin_id: entity_label
+ type:
+ id: type
+ table: file_usage
+ field: type
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: 'Entity type'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ plugin_id: standard
+ module:
+ id: module
+ table: file_usage
+ field: module
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: 'Registering module'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ plugin_id: standard
+ count:
+ id: count
+ table: file_usage
+ field: count
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: 'Use count'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ set_precision: false
+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: "1\x03@count"
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ group_by: false
+ title: 'File usage'
+ arguments:
+ fid:
+ id: fid
+ table: file_managed
+ field: fid
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ default_action: 'not found'
+ exception:
+ value: all
+ title_enable: false
+ title: All
+ title_enable: true
+ title: 'File usage information for {{ arguments.fid }}'
+ default_argument_type: fixed
+ default_argument_options:
+ argument: ''
+ default_argument_skip_url: false
+ summary_options:
+ base_path: ''
+ count: true
+ items_per_page: 25
+ override: false
+ summary:
+ sort_order: asc
+ number_of_records: 0
+ format: default_summary
+ specify_validation: false
+ validate:
+ type: none
+ fail: 'not found'
+ validate_options: { }
+ break_phrase: false
+ not: false
+ plugin_id: file_fid
+ entity_type: file
+ entity_field: fid
+ style:
+ type: table
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ override: true
+ sticky: false
+ caption: ''
+ summary: ''
+ description: ''
+ columns:
+ entity_label: entity_label
+ type: type
+ module: module
+ count: count
+ info:
+ entity_label:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ type:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: priority-medium
+ module:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: priority-low
+ count:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ default: entity_label
+ empty_table: true
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options: { }
+ relationships:
+ fid:
+ id: fid
+ table: file_managed
+ field: fid
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: 'File usage'
+ required: true
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: 0
+ tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.frontpage.yml b/config/sync/views.view.frontpage.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c564ec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/views.view.frontpage.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+uuid: 6e3dda51-4708-48eb-bb57-b4c4dad97733
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - core.entity_view_mode.node.rss
+ - core.entity_view_mode.node.teaser
+ module:
+ - node
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: GNfx9kN8-0_KgQ-xf3fjdXCCzZwXCI8T0IPFW8SIe7g
+id: frontpage
+label: Frontpage
+module: node
+description: 'All content promoted to the front page.'
+tag: default
+base_table: node_field_data
+base_field: nid
+core: 8.x
+ default:
+ display_options:
+ access:
+ type: perm
+ options:
+ perm: 'access content'
+ cache:
+ type: tag
+ options: { }
+ empty:
+ area_text_custom:
+ admin_label: ''
+ content: 'No front page content has been created yet.'
+ empty: true
+ field: area_text_custom
+ group_type: group
+ id: area_text_custom
+ label: ''
+ relationship: none
+ table: views
+ tokenize: false
+ plugin_id: text_custom
+ node_listing_empty:
+ admin_label: ''
+ empty: true
+ field: node_listing_empty
+ group_type: group
+ id: node_listing_empty
+ label: ''
+ relationship: none
+ table: node
+ plugin_id: node_listing_empty
+ entity_type: node
+ title:
+ id: title
+ table: views
+ field: title
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: ''
+ empty: true
+ title: 'Welcome to [site:name]'
+ plugin_id: title
+ exposed_form:
+ type: basic
+ options:
+ submit_button: Apply
+ reset_button: false
+ reset_button_label: Reset
+ exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
+ expose_sort_order: true
+ sort_asc_label: Asc
+ sort_desc_label: Desc
+ filters:
+ promote:
+ admin_label: ''
+ expose:
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ label: ''
+ multiple: false
+ operator: ''
+ operator_id: ''
+ remember: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ required: false
+ use_operator: false
+ exposed: false
+ field: promote
+ group: 1
+ group_info:
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ description: ''
+ group_items: { }
+ identifier: ''
+ label: ''
+ multiple: false
+ optional: true
+ remember: false
+ widget: select
+ group_type: group
+ id: promote
+ is_grouped: false
+ operator: '='
+ relationship: none
+ table: node_field_data
+ value: '1'
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: promote
+ status:
+ expose:
+ operator: ''
+ field: status
+ group: 1
+ id: status
+ table: node_field_data
+ value: '1'
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: status
+ langcode:
+ id: langcode
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: langcode
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: in
+ value:
+ '***LANGUAGE_language_content***': '***LANGUAGE_language_content***'
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ reduce: false
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ plugin_id: language
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: langcode
+ pager:
+ type: full
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 10
+ offset: 0
+ id: 0
+ total_pages: 0
+ expose:
+ items_per_page: false
+ items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
+ items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
+ items_per_page_options_all: false
+ items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
+ offset: false
+ offset_label: Offset
+ tags:
+ previous: '‹ Previous'
+ next: 'Next ›'
+ first: '« First'
+ last: 'Last »'
+ quantity: 9
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options:
+ disable_sql_rewrite: false
+ distinct: false
+ replica: false
+ query_comment: ''
+ query_tags: { }
+ row:
+ type: 'entity:node'
+ options:
+ view_mode: teaser
+ sorts:
+ sticky:
+ admin_label: ''
+ expose:
+ label: ''
+ exposed: false
+ field: sticky
+ group_type: group
+ id: sticky
+ order: DESC
+ relationship: none
+ table: node_field_data
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: sticky
+ created:
+ field: created
+ id: created
+ order: DESC
+ table: node_field_data
+ plugin_id: date
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ label: ''
+ granularity: second
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: created
+ style:
+ type: default
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ uses_fields: false
+ title: ''
+ header: { }
+ footer: { }
+ relationships: { }
+ fields: { }
+ arguments: { }
+ display_extenders: { }
+ display_plugin: default
+ display_title: Master
+ id: default
+ position: 0
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
+ feed_1:
+ display_plugin: feed
+ id: feed_1
+ display_title: Feed
+ position: 2
+ display_options:
+ sitename_title: true
+ path: rss.xml
+ displays:
+ page_1: page_1
+ default: ''
+ pager:
+ type: some
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 10
+ offset: 0
+ style:
+ type: rss
+ options:
+ description: ''
+ grouping: { }
+ uses_fields: false
+ row:
+ type: node_rss
+ options:
+ relationship: none
+ view_mode: rss
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
+ page_1:
+ display_options:
+ path: node
+ display_extenders: { }
+ display_plugin: page
+ display_title: Page
+ id: page_1
+ position: 1
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.glossary.yml b/config/sync/views.view.glossary.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db4a36c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/views.view.glossary.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+uuid: 44287496-c70c-4276-bcab-c779c581d1c6
+langcode: en
+status: false
+ config:
+ - system.menu.main
+ module:
+ - node
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: _12Vkw1VGBz_s0_W_LLVCrBPpioNSnB6zcd1lUAQubM
+id: glossary
+label: Glossary
+module: node
+description: 'All content, by letter.'
+tag: default
+base_table: node_field_data
+base_field: nid
+core: '8'
+ default:
+ id: default
+ display_title: Master
+ display_plugin: default
+ position: 0
+ display_options:
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options:
+ query_comment: ''
+ disable_sql_rewrite: false
+ distinct: false
+ replica: false
+ query_tags: { }
+ use_ajax: true
+ access:
+ type: perm
+ options:
+ perm: 'access content'
+ cache:
+ type: tag
+ options: { }
+ exposed_form:
+ type: basic
+ options:
+ submit_button: Apply
+ reset_button: false
+ reset_button_label: Reset
+ exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
+ expose_sort_order: true
+ sort_asc_label: Asc
+ sort_desc_label: Desc
+ pager:
+ type: mini
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 36
+ offset: 0
+ id: 0
+ total_pages: 0
+ expose:
+ items_per_page: false
+ items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
+ items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
+ items_per_page_options_all: false
+ items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
+ offset: false
+ offset_label: Offset
+ tags:
+ previous: ‹‹
+ next: ››
+ fields:
+ title:
+ id: title
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: title
+ plugin_id: field
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: Title
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: title
+ name:
+ id: name
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: name
+ label: Author
+ relationship: uid
+ plugin_id: field
+ type: user_name
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: name
+ changed:
+ id: changed
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: changed
+ label: 'Last update'
+ type: timestamp
+ settings:
+ date_format: long
+ custom_date_format: ''
+ timezone: ''
+ plugin_id: field
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: changed
+ arguments:
+ title:
+ id: title
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: title
+ default_action: default
+ exception:
+ title_enable: true
+ default_argument_type: fixed
+ default_argument_options:
+ argument: a
+ summary:
+ format: default_summary
+ specify_validation: true
+ glossary: true
+ limit: 1
+ case: upper
+ path_case: lower
+ transform_dash: false
+ plugin_id: string
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ title_enable: false
+ title: ''
+ default_argument_skip_url: false
+ summary_options: { }
+ validate:
+ type: none
+ fail: 'not found'
+ validate_options: { }
+ break_phrase: false
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: title
+ relationships:
+ uid:
+ id: uid
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: uid
+ plugin_id: standard
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: author
+ required: false
+ style:
+ type: table
+ options:
+ columns:
+ title: title
+ name: name
+ changed: changed
+ default: title
+ info:
+ title:
+ sortable: true
+ separator: ''
+ name:
+ sortable: true
+ separator: ''
+ changed:
+ sortable: true
+ separator: ''
+ override: true
+ sticky: false
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ uses_fields: false
+ order: asc
+ summary: ''
+ empty_table: false
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ inline: { }
+ separator: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ default_field_elements: true
+ header: { }
+ footer: { }
+ empty: { }
+ sorts: { }
+ filters:
+ langcode:
+ id: langcode
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: langcode
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: in
+ value:
+ '***LANGUAGE_language_content***': '***LANGUAGE_language_content***'
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ reduce: false
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ plugin_id: language
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: langcode
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: 0
+ tags: { }
+ attachment_1:
+ id: attachment_1
+ display_title: Attachment
+ display_plugin: attachment
+ position: 2
+ display_options:
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options: { }
+ pager:
+ type: none
+ options:
+ offset: 0
+ items_per_page: 0
+ defaults:
+ arguments: false
+ arguments:
+ title:
+ id: title
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: title
+ default_action: summary
+ exception:
+ title_enable: true
+ default_argument_type: fixed
+ default_argument_options:
+ argument: a
+ summary:
+ format: unformatted_summary
+ summary_options:
+ items_per_page: 25
+ inline: true
+ separator: ' | '
+ specify_validation: true
+ glossary: true
+ limit: 1
+ case: upper
+ path_case: lower
+ transform_dash: false
+ plugin_id: string
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ title_enable: false
+ title: ''
+ default_argument_skip_url: false
+ validate:
+ type: none
+ fail: 'not found'
+ validate_options: { }
+ break_phrase: false
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: title
+ displays:
+ default: default
+ page_1: page_1
+ inherit_arguments: false
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: 0
+ tags: { }
+ page_1:
+ id: page_1
+ display_title: Page
+ display_plugin: page
+ position: 1
+ display_options:
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options: { }
+ path: glossary
+ menu:
+ type: normal
+ title: Glossary
+ weight: 0
+ menu_name: main
+ parent: ''
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: 0
+ tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.taxonomy_term.yml b/config/sync/views.view.taxonomy_term.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cfb2d26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/views.view.taxonomy_term.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+uuid: 026ef3c2-6302-4e64-83db-33f0044a3085
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - core.entity_view_mode.node.teaser
+ module:
+ - node
+ - taxonomy
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: Gy5PaLdfFhtFSRqJxV-DBTF5AocKgNA2CsCNNEbvx4c
+id: taxonomy_term
+label: 'Taxonomy term'
+module: taxonomy
+description: 'Content belonging to a certain taxonomy term.'
+tag: default
+base_table: node_field_data
+base_field: nid
+core: '8'
+ default:
+ id: default
+ display_title: Master
+ display_plugin: default
+ position: 0
+ display_options:
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options:
+ query_comment: ''
+ disable_sql_rewrite: false
+ distinct: false
+ replica: false
+ query_tags: { }
+ access:
+ type: perm
+ options:
+ perm: 'access content'
+ cache:
+ type: tag
+ options: { }
+ exposed_form:
+ type: basic
+ options:
+ submit_button: Apply
+ reset_button: false
+ reset_button_label: Reset
+ exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
+ expose_sort_order: true
+ sort_asc_label: Asc
+ sort_desc_label: Desc
+ pager:
+ type: mini
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 10
+ offset: 0
+ id: 0
+ total_pages: 0
+ expose:
+ items_per_page: false
+ items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
+ items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
+ items_per_page_options_all: false
+ items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
+ offset: false
+ offset_label: Offset
+ tags:
+ previous: ‹‹
+ next: ››
+ sorts:
+ sticky:
+ id: sticky
+ table: taxonomy_index
+ field: sticky
+ order: DESC
+ plugin_id: standard
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ label: ''
+ created:
+ id: created
+ table: taxonomy_index
+ field: created
+ order: DESC
+ plugin_id: date
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ label: ''
+ granularity: second
+ arguments:
+ tid:
+ id: tid
+ table: taxonomy_index
+ field: tid
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ default_action: 'not found'
+ exception:
+ value: ''
+ title_enable: false
+ title: All
+ title_enable: true
+ title: '{{ arguments.tid }}'
+ default_argument_type: fixed
+ default_argument_options:
+ argument: ''
+ default_argument_skip_url: false
+ summary_options:
+ base_path: ''
+ count: true
+ items_per_page: 25
+ override: false
+ summary:
+ sort_order: asc
+ number_of_records: 0
+ format: default_summary
+ specify_validation: true
+ validate:
+ type: 'entity:taxonomy_term'
+ fail: 'not found'
+ validate_options:
+ access: true
+ operation: view
+ multiple: 0
+ bundles: { }
+ break_phrase: false
+ add_table: false
+ require_value: false
+ reduce_duplicates: false
+ plugin_id: taxonomy_index_tid
+ filters:
+ langcode:
+ id: langcode
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: langcode
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: in
+ value:
+ '***LANGUAGE_language_content***': '***LANGUAGE_language_content***'
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ reduce: false
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ plugin_id: language
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: langcode
+ status:
+ id: status
+ table: taxonomy_index
+ field: status
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: '='
+ value: '1'
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ style:
+ type: default
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ uses_fields: false
+ row:
+ type: 'entity:node'
+ options:
+ view_mode: teaser
+ header:
+ entity_taxonomy_term:
+ id: entity_taxonomy_term
+ table: views
+ field: entity_taxonomy_term
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ empty: true
+ tokenize: true
+ target: '{{ raw_arguments.tid }}'
+ view_mode: full
+ bypass_access: false
+ plugin_id: entity
+ footer: { }
+ empty: { }
+ relationships: { }
+ fields: { }
+ display_extenders: { }
+ link_url: ''
+ link_display: page_1
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
+ feed_1:
+ id: feed_1
+ display_title: Feed
+ display_plugin: feed
+ position: 2
+ display_options:
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options: { }
+ pager:
+ type: some
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 10
+ offset: 0
+ path: taxonomy/term/%/feed
+ displays:
+ page_1: page_1
+ default: '0'
+ style:
+ type: rss
+ options:
+ description: ''
+ grouping: { }
+ uses_fields: false
+ row:
+ type: node_rss
+ options:
+ relationship: none
+ view_mode: default
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
+ page_1:
+ id: page_1
+ display_title: Page
+ display_plugin: page
+ position: 1
+ display_options:
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options: { }
+ path: taxonomy/term/%
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.user_admin_people.yml b/config/sync/views.view.user_admin_people.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f2b22c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/views.view.user_admin_people.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,915 @@
+uuid: c63328e6-dc50-44f1-8b7a-39d2fb3048ea
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: wTJRNzsLVTenCALONNlVfgm_pBOlqucSPuVFLOD56ck
+id: user_admin_people
+label: People
+module: user
+description: 'Find and manage people interacting with your site.'
+tag: default
+base_table: users_field_data
+base_field: uid
+core: 8.x
+ default:
+ display_plugin: default
+ id: default
+ display_title: Master
+ position: 0
+ display_options:
+ access:
+ type: perm
+ options:
+ perm: 'administer users'
+ cache:
+ type: tag
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options:
+ disable_sql_rewrite: false
+ distinct: false
+ replica: false
+ query_comment: ''
+ query_tags: { }
+ exposed_form:
+ type: basic
+ options:
+ submit_button: Filter
+ reset_button: true
+ reset_button_label: Reset
+ exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
+ expose_sort_order: true
+ sort_asc_label: Asc
+ sort_desc_label: Desc
+ pager:
+ type: full
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 50
+ offset: 0
+ id: 0
+ total_pages: 0
+ tags:
+ previous: '‹ Previous'
+ next: 'Next ›'
+ first: '« First'
+ last: 'Last »'
+ expose:
+ items_per_page: false
+ items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
+ items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
+ items_per_page_options_all: false
+ items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
+ offset: false
+ offset_label: Offset
+ quantity: 9
+ style:
+ type: table
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ override: true
+ sticky: false
+ summary: ''
+ columns:
+ user_bulk_form: user_bulk_form
+ name: name
+ status: status
+ rid: rid
+ created: created
+ access: access
+ edit_node: edit_node
+ dropbutton: dropbutton
+ info:
+ user_bulk_form:
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ name:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ status:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: priority-low
+ rid:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: priority-low
+ created:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: desc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: priority-low
+ access:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: desc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: priority-low
+ edit_node:
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: priority-low
+ dropbutton:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ default: created
+ empty_table: true
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ fields:
+ user_bulk_form:
+ id: user_bulk_form
+ table: users
+ field: user_bulk_form
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: 'Bulk update'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ plugin_id: user_bulk_form
+ entity_type: user
+ name:
+ id: name
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: name
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: Username
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ plugin_id: field
+ type: user_name
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: name
+ status:
+ id: status
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: status
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: Status
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ plugin_id: field
+ type: boolean
+ settings:
+ format: custom
+ format_custom_true: Active
+ format_custom_false: Blocked
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: status
+ roles_target_id:
+ id: roles_target_id
+ table: user__roles
+ field: roles_target_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: Roles
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ type: ul
+ separator: ', '
+ plugin_id: user_roles
+ created:
+ id: created
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: created
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: 'Member for'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ type: timestamp_ago
+ settings:
+ future_format: '@interval'
+ past_format: '@interval'
+ granularity: 2
+ plugin_id: field
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: created
+ access:
+ id: access
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: access
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: 'Last access'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ type: timestamp_ago
+ settings:
+ future_format: '@interval hence'
+ past_format: '@interval ago'
+ granularity: 2
+ plugin_id: field
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: access
+ operations:
+ id: operations
+ table: users
+ field: operations
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: Operations
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ destination: true
+ entity_type: user
+ plugin_id: entity_operations
+ mail:
+ id: mail
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: mail
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: ''
+ exclude: true
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: false
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ click_sort_column: value
+ type: basic_string
+ settings: { }
+ group_column: value
+ group_columns: { }
+ group_rows: true
+ delta_limit: 0
+ delta_offset: 0
+ delta_reversed: false
+ delta_first_last: false
+ multi_type: separator
+ separator: ', '
+ field_api_classes: false
+ plugin_id: field
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: mail
+ filters:
+ combine:
+ id: combine
+ table: views
+ field: combine
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: contains
+ value: ''
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: combine_op
+ label: 'Name or email contains'
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: combine_op
+ identifier: user
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ administrator: '0'
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ fields:
+ name: name
+ mail: mail
+ plugin_id: combine
+ status:
+ id: status
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: status
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: '='
+ value: '1'
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: status_op
+ identifier: status
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ administrator: '0'
+ is_grouped: true
+ group_info:
+ label: Status
+ description: ''
+ identifier: status
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items:
+ 1:
+ title: Active
+ operator: '='
+ value: '1'
+ 2:
+ title: Blocked
+ operator: '='
+ value: '0'
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: status
+ roles_target_id:
+ id: roles_target_id
+ table: user__roles
+ field: roles_target_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: or
+ value: { }
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: roles_target_id_op
+ label: Role
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: roles_target_id_op
+ identifier: role
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ administrator: '0'
+ reduce: false
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ reduce_duplicates: false
+ plugin_id: user_roles
+ permission:
+ id: permission
+ table: user__roles
+ field: permission
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: or
+ value: { }
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: permission_op
+ label: Permission
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: permission_op
+ identifier: permission
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ administrator: '0'
+ reduce: false
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ reduce_duplicates: false
+ plugin_id: user_permissions
+ default_langcode:
+ id: default_langcode
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: default_langcode
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: '='
+ value: '1'
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: default_langcode
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ uid_raw:
+ id: uid_raw
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: uid_raw
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: '!='
+ value:
+ min: ''
+ max: ''
+ value: '0'
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: '0'
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ entity_type: user
+ sorts:
+ created:
+ id: created
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: created
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ order: DESC
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ label: ''
+ granularity: second
+ plugin_id: date
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: created
+ title: People
+ empty:
+ area_text_custom:
+ id: area_text_custom
+ table: views
+ field: area_text_custom
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ empty: true
+ tokenize: false
+ content: 'No people available.'
+ plugin_id: text_custom
+ use_more: false
+ use_more_always: false
+ use_more_text: more
+ display_comment: ''
+ use_ajax: false
+ hide_attachment_summary: false
+ show_admin_links: true
+ group_by: false
+ link_url: ''
+ link_display: page_1
+ css_class: ''
+ filter_groups:
+ operator: AND
+ groups:
+ 1: AND
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: 0
+ tags: { }
+ page_1:
+ display_plugin: page
+ id: page_1
+ display_title: Page
+ position: 1
+ display_options:
+ path: admin/people/list
+ show_admin_links: false
+ menu:
+ type: 'default tab'
+ title: List
+ description: 'Find and manage people interacting with your site.'
+ menu_name: admin
+ weight: -10
+ context: ''
+ tab_options:
+ type: normal
+ title: People
+ description: 'Manage user accounts, roles, and permissions.'
+ menu_name: admin
+ weight: 0
+ defaults:
+ show_admin_links: false
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: 0
+ tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.who_s_new.yml b/config/sync/views.view.who_s_new.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..136180cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/views.view.who_s_new.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+uuid: 8f93b78f-c8b1-44e0-be41-499143840ae0
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: o_8fSWHZOVIbydZACGsSX09DtuJhqkRmNOzcVj-4bQI
+id: who_s_new
+label: 'Who''s new'
+module: user
+description: 'Shows a list of the newest user accounts on the site.'
+tag: default
+base_table: users_field_data
+base_field: uid
+core: 8.x
+ default:
+ display_plugin: default
+ id: default
+ display_title: Master
+ position: 0
+ display_options:
+ access:
+ type: perm
+ options:
+ perm: 'access content'
+ cache:
+ type: tag
+ options: { }
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options:
+ disable_sql_rewrite: false
+ distinct: false
+ replica: false
+ query_comment: ''
+ query_tags: { }
+ exposed_form:
+ type: basic
+ options:
+ submit_button: Apply
+ reset_button: false
+ reset_button_label: Reset
+ exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
+ expose_sort_order: true
+ sort_asc_label: Asc
+ sort_desc_label: Desc
+ pager:
+ type: some
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 5
+ offset: 0
+ style:
+ type: html_list
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ fields:
+ name:
+ id: name
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: name
+ label: ''
+ plugin_id: field
+ type: user_name
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ make_link: false
+ absolute: false
+ trim: false
+ word_boundary: false
+ ellipsis: false
+ strip_tags: false
+ html: false
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ exclude: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: name
+ filters:
+ status:
+ value: '1'
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: status
+ id: status
+ expose:
+ operator: '0'
+ group: 1
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: status
+ access:
+ id: access
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: access
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: '>'
+ value:
+ min: ''
+ max: ''
+ value: '1970-01-01'
+ type: date
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: '0'
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ plugin_id: date
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: access
+ sorts:
+ created:
+ id: created
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: created
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ order: DESC
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ label: ''
+ granularity: second
+ plugin_id: date
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: created
+ title: 'Who''s new'
+ header: { }
+ footer: { }
+ empty: { }
+ relationships: { }
+ arguments: { }
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
+ block_1:
+ display_plugin: block
+ id: block_1
+ display_title: 'Who''s new'
+ position: 1
+ display_options:
+ display_description: 'A list of new users'
+ block_description: 'Who''s new'
+ block_category: User
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.who_s_online.yml b/config/sync/views.view.who_s_online.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70ac5bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/views.view.who_s_online.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+uuid: be257fa8-c85e-4277-a7dd-a4269aab3dc6
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - user
+ default_config_hash: m0vmYmhrzMR6S_IC0UlK0Cl-q5lEvL8-EbxbbcDtk34
+id: who_s_online
+label: 'Who''s online block'
+module: user
+description: 'Shows the user names of the most recently active users, and the total number of active users.'
+tag: default
+base_table: users_field_data
+base_field: uid
+core: 8.x
+ default:
+ display_plugin: default
+ id: default
+ display_title: Master
+ position: 0
+ display_options:
+ access:
+ type: perm
+ options:
+ perm: 'access user profiles'
+ cache:
+ type: tag
+ options: { }
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options:
+ disable_sql_rewrite: false
+ distinct: false
+ replica: false
+ query_comment: ''
+ query_tags: { }
+ exposed_form:
+ type: basic
+ options:
+ submit_button: Apply
+ reset_button: false
+ reset_button_label: Reset
+ exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
+ expose_sort_order: true
+ sort_asc_label: Asc
+ sort_desc_label: Desc
+ pager:
+ type: some
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 10
+ offset: 0
+ style:
+ type: html_list
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ type: ul
+ wrapper_class: item-list
+ class: ''
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ fields:
+ name:
+ id: name
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: name
+ label: ''
+ plugin_id: field
+ type: user_name
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ make_link: false
+ absolute: false
+ trim: false
+ word_boundary: false
+ ellipsis: false
+ strip_tags: false
+ html: false
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ exclude: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: name
+ filters:
+ status:
+ value: '1'
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: status
+ id: status
+ expose:
+ operator: '0'
+ group: 1
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: status
+ access:
+ id: access
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: access
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: '>='
+ value:
+ min: ''
+ max: ''
+ value: '-15 minutes'
+ type: offset
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: access_op
+ label: 'Last access'
+ description: 'A user is considered online for this long after they have last viewed a page.'
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: access_op
+ identifier: access
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ administrator: '0'
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ plugin_id: date
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: access
+ sorts:
+ access:
+ id: access
+ table: users_field_data
+ field: access
+ order: DESC
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ label: ''
+ granularity: second
+ plugin_id: date
+ entity_type: user
+ entity_field: access
+ title: 'Who''s online'
+ header:
+ result:
+ id: result
+ table: views
+ field: result
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ empty: false
+ content: 'There are currently @total users online.'
+ plugin_id: result
+ footer: { }
+ empty:
+ area_text_custom:
+ id: area_text_custom
+ table: views
+ field: area_text_custom
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ empty: true
+ tokenize: false
+ content: 'There are currently 0 users online.'
+ plugin_id: text_custom
+ relationships: { }
+ arguments: { }
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
+ who_s_online_block:
+ display_plugin: block
+ id: who_s_online_block
+ display_title: 'Who''s online'
+ position: 1
+ display_options:
+ block_description: 'Who''s online'
+ display_description: 'A list of users that are currently logged in.'
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - user.permissions
+ max-age: -1
+ tags: { }
diff --git a/web/modules/custom/config/install/core.entity_form_display.node.portfolio.default.yml b/web/modules/custom/config/install/core.entity_form_display.node.portfolio.default.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f818125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/modules/custom/config/install/core.entity_form_display.node.portfolio.default.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - field.field.node.portfolio.body
+ - field.field.node.portfolio.field_picture
+ - field.field.node.portfolio.field_technologies
+ - image.style.thumbnail
+ - node.type.portfolio
+ module:
+ - image
+ - path
+ - text
+id: node.portfolio.default
+targetEntityType: node
+bundle: portfolio
+mode: default
+ body:
+ type: text_textarea_with_summary
+ weight: 31
+ settings:
+ rows: 9
+ summary_rows: 3
+ placeholder: ''
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
+ created:
+ type: datetime_timestamp
+ weight: 10
+ region: content
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ field_picture:
+ weight: 32
+ settings:
+ progress_indicator: throbber
+ preview_image_style: thumbnail
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: image_image
+ region: content
+ field_technologies:
+ weight: 33
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: options_buttons
+ region: content
+ path:
+ type: path
+ weight: 30
+ region: content
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ promote:
+ type: boolean_checkbox
+ settings:
+ display_label: true
+ weight: 15
+ region: content
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ sticky:
+ type: boolean_checkbox
+ settings:
+ display_label: true
+ weight: 16
+ region: content
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ title:
+ type: string_textfield
+ weight: -5
+ region: content
+ settings:
+ size: 60
+ placeholder: ''
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ uid:
+ type: entity_reference_autocomplete
+ weight: 5
+ settings:
+ match_operator: CONTAINS
+ size: 60
+ placeholder: ''
+ region: content
+ third_party_settings: { }
+hidden: { }
diff --git a/web/modules/custom/config/install/core.entity_view_display.node.portfolio.default.yml b/web/modules/custom/config/install/core.entity_view_display.node.portfolio.default.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b97616c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/modules/custom/config/install/core.entity_view_display.node.portfolio.default.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - field.field.node.portfolio.body
+ - field.field.node.portfolio.field_picture
+ - field.field.node.portfolio.field_technologies
+ - node.type.portfolio
+ module:
+ - image
+ - text
+ - user
+id: node.portfolio.default
+targetEntityType: node
+bundle: portfolio
+mode: default
+ body:
+ label: hidden
+ type: text_default
+ weight: 101
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
+ field_picture:
+ weight: 102
+ label: above
+ settings:
+ image_style: ''
+ image_link: ''
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: image
+ region: content
+ field_technologies:
+ weight: 103
+ label: above
+ settings:
+ link: true
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: entity_reference_label
+ region: content
+ links:
+ weight: 100
+ region: content
+hidden: { }
diff --git a/web/modules/custom/config/install/core.entity_view_display.node.portfolio.teaser.yml b/web/modules/custom/config/install/core.entity_view_display.node.portfolio.teaser.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0757967d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/modules/custom/config/install/core.entity_view_display.node.portfolio.teaser.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - core.entity_view_mode.node.teaser
+ - field.field.node.portfolio.body
+ - node.type.portfolio
+ module:
+ - text
+ - user
+id: node.portfolio.teaser
+targetEntityType: node
+bundle: portfolio
+mode: teaser
+ body:
+ label: hidden
+ type: text_summary_or_trimmed
+ weight: 101
+ settings:
+ trim_length: 600
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
+ links:
+ weight: 100
+ region: content
+hidden: { }
diff --git a/web/modules/custom/config/install/field.field.node.portfolio.body.yml b/web/modules/custom/config/install/field.field.node.portfolio.body.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0725638a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/modules/custom/config/install/field.field.node.portfolio.body.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.body
+ - node.type.portfolio
+ module:
+ - text
+id: node.portfolio.body
+field_name: body
+entity_type: node
+bundle: portfolio
+label: Description
+description: ''
+required: true
+translatable: true
+default_value: { }
+default_value_callback: ''
+ display_summary: true
+field_type: text_with_summary
diff --git a/web/modules/custom/config/install/field.field.node.portfolio.field_picture.yml b/web/modules/custom/config/install/field.field.node.portfolio.field_picture.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7297140b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/modules/custom/config/install/field.field.node.portfolio.field_picture.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.field_picture
+ - node.type.portfolio
+ module:
+ - image
+id: node.portfolio.field_picture
+field_name: field_picture
+entity_type: node
+bundle: portfolio
+label: Picture
+description: ''
+required: false
+translatable: false
+default_value: { }
+default_value_callback: ''
+ file_extensions: 'png gif jpg jpeg'
+ alt_field: true
+ alt_field_required: true
+ title_field: false
+ title_field_required: false
+ max_resolution: ''
+ min_resolution: ''
+ default_image:
+ uuid: null
+ alt: ''
+ title: ''
+ width: null
+ height: null
+ file_directory: '[date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m]'
+ max_filesize: ''
+ handler: 'default:file'
+ handler_settings: { }
+field_type: image
diff --git a/web/modules/custom/config/install/field.field.node.portfolio.field_technologies.yml b/web/modules/custom/config/install/field.field.node.portfolio.field_technologies.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27ec64b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/modules/custom/config/install/field.field.node.portfolio.field_technologies.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.field_technologies
+ - node.type.portfolio
+ - taxonomy.vocabulary.technologies
+id: node.portfolio.field_technologies
+field_name: field_technologies
+entity_type: node
+bundle: portfolio
+label: Technologies
+description: ''
+required: false
+translatable: false
+default_value: { }
+default_value_callback: ''
+ handler: 'default:taxonomy_term'
+ handler_settings:
+ target_bundles:
+ technologies: technologies
+ sort:
+ field: _none
+ auto_create: false
+ auto_create_bundle: ''
+field_type: entity_reference
diff --git a/web/modules/custom/config/install/field.storage.node.field_picture.yml b/web/modules/custom/config/install/field.storage.node.field_picture.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e26bf4fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/modules/custom/config/install/field.storage.node.field_picture.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - file
+ - image
+ - node
+id: node.field_picture
+field_name: field_picture
+entity_type: node
+type: image
+ default_image:
+ uuid: null
+ alt: ''
+ title: ''
+ width: null
+ height: null
+ target_type: file
+ display_field: false
+ display_default: false
+ uri_scheme: public
+module: image
+locked: false
+cardinality: 1
+translatable: true
+indexes: { }
+persist_with_no_fields: false
+custom_storage: false
diff --git a/web/modules/custom/config/install/field.storage.node.field_technologies.yml b/web/modules/custom/config/install/field.storage.node.field_technologies.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5e06a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/modules/custom/config/install/field.storage.node.field_technologies.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - node
+ - taxonomy
+id: node.field_technologies
+field_name: field_technologies
+entity_type: node
+type: entity_reference
+ target_type: taxonomy_term
+module: core
+locked: false
+cardinality: -1
+translatable: true
+indexes: { }
+persist_with_no_fields: false
+custom_storage: false
diff --git a/web/modules/custom/config/install/node.type.portfolio.yml b/web/modules/custom/config/install/node.type.portfolio.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3f58d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/modules/custom/config/install/node.type.portfolio.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - menu_ui
+ menu_ui:
+ available_menus:
+ - main
+ parent: 'main:'
+name: Portfolio
+type: portfolio
+description: ''
+help: ''
+new_revision: true
+preview_mode: 1
+display_submitted: true
diff --git a/web/modules/custom/portfolio_core.features.yml b/web/modules/custom/portfolio_core.features.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..060a98e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/modules/custom/portfolio_core.features.yml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+required: true
diff --git a/web/modules/custom/portfolio_core.info.yml b/web/modules/custom/portfolio_core.info.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5739516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/modules/custom/portfolio_core.info.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+name: 'Portfolio Core'
+type: module
+core: 8.x
+ - field
+ - file
+ - image
+ - menu_ui
+ - node
+ - path
+ - taxonomy
+ - text
+ - user