GitHub Action - AWS SSM Run Command Github Action for running commands on Linux or Windows machine managed using SSM Usage - name: Execute command uses: debugger24/action-aws-ssm-run-command@v1 with: aws-region: us-east-1 instance-ids: | instance_id_1 instance_id_2 commands: | pwd ls echo "Executed by Github Actions Workflow #${{ github.run_id }}" >> test.txt Action Inputs Input Name Description Required Default Value aws-region AWS Region true instance-ids List of Instance IDs to execute command true commands Commands to be executed on instance true os (Optional) Operating system to run commands (windows or linux) false linux working-directory (Optional) Working directory for command execution false comment (Optional) Comment false Executed by Github Actions Workflow #${{ github.run_id }} Action Outputs Output Name Description command-id Execution command ID generated by AWS send command API