WG projects | DIF page | Mailing list and Wiki | Meeting recordings
For this call, you are encouraged to turn your video on. This is a good way to build rapport given we are a large, disparate group experiencing a lot of churn.
This document is live-edited DURING each call, and stable/authoritative copies live on our github repo under /agenda.md . Please note that we might not notice a pullrequest in time, but you are free to propose agenda items for future meetings via hackmd.
Meeting information
- Before you contribute - join DIF and sign the WG charter (both are required!)
- Time: TODO
- Calendar entry
- Zoom room
Topics for upcoming meetings
- topic 1 (to be discussed on this date)
- topic 2 (to be discussed on this date)
- topic n. (tbd)
- Welcome and introductions
- WG participation tracking
- Review of issues and pull requests
- Main topics
- Action