- Azure agent provisioning on Windows and Linux
- Split azure into platform and vms - execute both for a complete system
- Create an SSH account for azure non-root puppet agents when instructed
- Fixup path to azure.conf
- Refacter azure module for nested subscriptions and non-root users
- yum group install development tools on RHEL to get gems to compile for azure
- Fix licence key handling
- Support for setting the versions of
andazure-mgmt-* gems
as parameters
- Support for automatically installing a license.key file from puppet control repository
- Support for setting the system hostname on linux (systemd)
- Support for joining AD domains
- Support for non-root puppet agent deployment (for cloud/proxying)
- Support for VSphere (untested) - thanks @nelg
- Updated supported release of psquared
- Support for Azure
- Support for NodeJS
- Fixed a typo setting