- Upgraded Coercion dependency
- Fixed OutputTypes handling
- Replaced accessors with property hooks
- Added @phpstan-require-implements constraints
- Upgraded PHPStan to v2
- Tidied boolean logic
- Fixed Exceptional syntax
- Added PHP8.4 to CI workflow
- Made PHP8.4 minimum version
- Converted consts to protected PascalCase
- Made PHP8.1 minimum version
- Refactored main interface methods
- Converted phpstan doc comments to generic
- Migrated to use effigy in CI workflow
- Fixed PHP8.1 testing
- Updated getChildValues() return signature
- Updated composer check script
- Removed __construct() from sanitizer interface
- Reorganised to contain main Lucid interfaces
- Updated key handling in MultiContextProvider
- Added Sanitizer loader interfaces
- Removed force methods
- Ported initial codebase from Lucid