This csv includes the ground truth assignment for each series that was used for training/validating/testing the AI models. These ground truth labels were assigned by developing various regular expressions for parsing the SeriesDescription.
Note -- they have not been verified by a radiologist or clinician.
The ground truth column = gt.
The csv includes identifying information, including the:
- collection_id
- PatientID
- StudyInstanceUID
- SeriesInstanceUID
- SOPInstanceUID.
The csv also holds metadata extracted from the DICOM files, including the:
- RepetitionTime
- EchoTime
- FlipAngle
- InversionTime
- EchoTrainLength
- TriggerTime
- IPP_2 = image position patient z coordinate
- PixelSpacing_x and PixelSpacing_y
The following fields were generated to determine if the volume was 3D or 4D:
- NumSlices = number of slices in the series
- MedianIndex = the index of the middle slice - used for the AI models.
- NumVolumes = number of 3D volumes in the series, calculated by getting the number of times an IPP appeared
- NumSeriesInStudyWithGt = the number of series in the study that had the same ground truth class
- is_4D = our assignment if the series was a 4D series (set to TRUE) or a 3D series (set to FALSE)
The following are derived from the DICOM metadata:
- has_contrast = set to TRUE if contrast is used, FALSE otherwise
- has_multiple_orientations = set to TRUE if multiple_orientations, FALSE otherwise. Determined by number of unique ImageOrientationPatient values.
- has_scanningSequence_SE = set to TRUE if the scanningSequence contains SE, FALSE otherwise
- has_scanningSequence_EP = set to TRUE if the scanningSequence contains EP, FALSE otherwise
- has_scanningSequence_GR = set to TRUE if the scanningSequence contains GR, FALSE otherwise
Other columns of interest:
- gcs_url = Google Cloud storage location, used for downloading
- viewer_url = OHIF viewer url to quickly view the series
Note -- Not all of the fields listed above were used for the development of the AI models.
Please refer to the paper for further details:
Krishnaswamy D, Kovács B, Denner S, Pieper S, Clunie D, Bridge CP, Kapur T, Maier-Hein KH, Fedorov A. Automatic classification of prostate MR series type using image content and metadata. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.10892. 2024 Apr 16.