From d64785323fed81e453a2d9b5295027d1bf29fe1f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ethan Alvizo Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 10:22:10 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 1/9] fix: icon type generation --- plugins/ui/ | 12 +- plugins/ui/ | 30 + .../ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/ | 3 +- .../deephaven/ui/components/types/ | 1 + .../ui/components/types/ | 523 ++++++++++++++++++ 5 files changed, 567 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 plugins/ui/ create mode 100644 plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ diff --git a/plugins/ui/ b/plugins/ui/ index 74d0c43a9..1288635e5 100644 --- a/plugins/ui/ +++ b/plugins/ui/ @@ -73,4 +73,14 @@ python ``` The files will be built into `docs/build/markdown`. -Note that these built files should not be committed to the repository. \ No newline at end of file +Note that these built files should not be committed to the repository. + +## Update Icon Types +Available IconTypes can be generated automatically using icon TypeScript definitions in node_modules. + +Writes to ``. + +```shell +cd plugins/ui +python +``` diff --git a/plugins/ui/ b/plugins/ui/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..95e7798a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/ui/ @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +relative_path = "./src/js/node_modules/@deephaven/icons/dist/index.d.ts" + +icons = [] +with open(relative_path, "r") as file: + content = + words = content.split() + for word in words: + index = words.index(word) + if index < len(words) - 1: + next_word = words[index + 1] + if next_word == "IconDefinition;": + icon = word[:-1] + icons.append(icon) + +output_file_path = "./src/deephaven/ui/components/types/" + +with open(output_file_path, "w") as output_file: + output_file.truncate(0) + + output_file.write( + "from __future__ import annotations" + + "\n" + + "from typing import Literal" + + "\n\n" + ) + output_file.write("Icons = Literal[" + "\n") + for icon in icons: + output_file.write(' "' + icon + '"\n') + + output_file.write("]" + "\n") diff --git a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/ index 0250fd66b..ee73dbed5 100644 --- a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/ +++ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/ @@ -10,12 +10,13 @@ Position, IconSize, IconColor, + IconTypes, ) from .._internal.utils import create_props def icon( - name: str, + name: IconTypes, size: IconSize | None = None, color: IconColor | None = None, flex: LayoutFlex | None = None, diff --git a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ index 6d701a1f6..b55b4aec9 100644 --- a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ +++ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ from .events import * from .layout import * from .validate import * +from .icon_types import * diff --git a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0cdf830e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ @@ -0,0 +1,523 @@ +from __future__ import annotations +from typing import Literal + +IconTypes = Literal[ + "vsAccount" + "vsActivateBreakpoints" + "vsAdd" + "vsArchive" + "vsArrowBoth" + "vsArrowCircleDown" + "vsArrowCircleLeft" + "vsArrowCircleRight" + "vsArrowCircleUp" + "vsArrowDown" + "vsArrowLeft" + "vsArrowRight" + "vsArrowSmallDown" + "vsArrowSmallLeft" + "vsArrowSmallRight" + "vsArrowSmallUp" + "vsArrowSwap" + "vsArrowUp" + "vsAzureDevops" + "vsAzure" + "vsBeakerStop" + "vsBeaker" + "vsBellDot" + "vsBellSlashDot" + "vsBellSlash" + "vsBell" + "vsBlank" + "vsBold" + "vsBook" + "vsBookmark" + "vsBracketDot" + "vsBracketError" + "vsBriefcase" + "vsBroadcast" + "vsBrowser" + "vsBug" + "vsCalendar" + "vsCallIncoming" + "vsCallOutgoing" + "vsCaseSensitive" + "vsCheckAll" + "vsCheck" + "vsChecklist" + "vsChevronDown" + "vsChevronLeft" + "vsChevronRight" + "vsChevronUp" + "vsChip" + "vsChromeClose" + "vsChromeMaximize" + "vsChromeMinimize" + "vsChromeRestore" + "vsCircleFilled" + "vsCircleLargeFilled" + "vsCircleLarge" + "vsCircleSlash" + "vsCircleSmallFilled" + "vsCircleSmall" + "vsCircle" + "vsCircuitBoard" + "vsClearAll" + "vsClippy" + "vsCloseAll" + "vsClose" + "vsCloudDownload" + "vsCloudUpload" + "vsCloud" + "vsCodeOss" + "vsCode" + "vsCoffee" + "vsCollapseAll" + "vsColorMode" + "vsCombine" + "vsCommentDiscussion" + "vsCommentDraft" + "vsCommentUnresolved" + "vsComment" + "vsCompassActive" + "vsCompassDot" + "vsCompass" + "vsCopilot" + "vsCopy" + "vsCoverage" + "vsCreditCard" + "vsDash" + "vsDashboard" + "vsDatabase" + "vsDebugAll" + "vsDebugAltSmall" + "vsDebugAlt" + "vsDebugBreakpointConditionalUnverified" + "vsDebugBreakpointConditional" + "vsDebugBreakpointDataUnverified" + "vsDebugBreakpointData" + "vsDebugBreakpointFunctionUnverified" + "vsDebugBreakpointFunction" + "vsDebugBreakpointLogUnverified" + "vsDebugBreakpointLog" + "vsDebugBreakpointUnsupported" + "vsDebugConsole" + "vsDebugContinueSmall" + "vsDebugContinue" + "vsDebugCoverage" + "vsDebugDisconnect" + "vsDebugLineByLine" + "vsDebugPause" + "vsDebugRerun" + "vsDebugRestartFrame" + "vsDebugRestart" + "vsDebugReverseContinue" + "vsDebugStackframeActive" + "vsDebugStackframe" + "vsDebugStart" + "vsDebugStepBack" + "vsDebugStepInto" + "vsDebugStepOut" + "vsDebugStepOver" + "vsDebugStop" + "vsDebug" + "vsDesktopDownload" + "vsDeviceCameraVideo" + "vsDeviceCamera" + "vsDeviceMobile" + "vsDiffAdded" + "vsDiffIgnored" + "vsDiffModified" + "vsDiffMultiple" + "vsDiffRemoved" + "vsDiffRenamed" + "vsDiffSingle" + "vsDiff" + "vsDiscard" + "vsEdit" + "vsEditorLayout" + "vsEllipsis" + "vsEmptyWindow" + "vsErrorSmall" + "vsError" + "vsExclude" + "vsExpandAll" + "vsExport" + "vsExtensions" + "vsEyeClosed" + "vsEye" + "vsFeedback" + "vsFileBinary" + "vsFileCode" + "vsFileMedia" + "vsFilePdf" + "vsFileSubmodule" + "vsFileSymlinkDirectory" + "vsFileSymlinkFile" + "vsFileZip" + "vsFile" + "vsFiles" + "vsFilterFilled" + "vsFilter" + "vsFlame" + "vsFoldDown" + "vsFoldUp" + "vsFold" + "vsFolderActive" + "vsFolderLibrary" + "vsFolderOpened" + "vsFolder" + "vsGame" + "vsGear" + "vsGift" + "vsGistSecret" + "vsGist" + "vsGitCommit" + "vsGitCompare" + "vsGitFetch" + "vsGitMerge" + "vsGitPullRequestClosed" + "vsGitPullRequestCreate" + "vsGitPullRequestDraft" + "vsGitPullRequestGoToChanges" + "vsGitPullRequestNewChanges" + "vsGitPullRequest" + "vsGitStashApply" + "vsGitStashPop" + "vsGitStash" + "vsGithubAction" + "vsGithubAlt" + "vsGithubInverted" + "vsGithubProject" + "vsGithub" + "vsGlobe" + "vsGoToFile" + "vsGoToSearch" + "vsGrabber" + "vsGraphLeft" + "vsGraphLine" + "vsGraphScatter" + "vsGraph" + "vsGripper" + "vsGroupByRefType" + "vsHeartFilled" + "vsHeart" + "vsHistory" + "vsHome" + "vsHorizontalRule" + "vsHubot" + "vsInbox" + "vsIndent" + "vsInfo" + "vsInsert" + "vsInspect" + "vsIssueDraft" + "vsIssueReopened" + "vsIssues" + "vsItalic" + "vsJersey" + "vsJson" + "vsKebabVertical" + "vsKey" + "vsLaw" + "vsLayersActive" + "vsLayersDot" + "vsLayers" + "vsLayoutActivitybarLeft" + "vsLayoutActivitybarRight" + "vsLayoutCentered" + "vsLayoutMenubar" + "vsLayoutPanelCenter" + "vsLayoutPanelJustify" + "vsLayoutPanelLeft" + "vsLayoutPanelOff" + "vsLayoutPanelRight" + "vsLayoutPanel" + "vsLayoutSidebarLeftOff" + "vsLayoutSidebarLeft" + "vsLayoutSidebarRightOff" + "vsLayoutSidebarRight" + "vsLayoutStatusbar" + "vsLayout" + "vsLibrary" + "vsLightbulbAutofix" + "vsLightbulbSparkle" + "vsLightbulb" + "vsLinkExternal" + "vsLink" + "vsListFilter" + "vsListFlat" + "vsListOrdered" + "vsListSelection" + "vsListTree" + "vsListUnordered" + "vsLiveShare" + "vsLoading" + "vsLocation" + "vsLockSmall" + "vsLock" + "vsMagnet" + "vsMailRead" + "vsMail" + "vsMapFilled" + "vsMapVerticalFilled" + "vsMapVertical" + "vsMap" + "vsMarkdown" + "vsMegaphone" + "vsMention" + "vsMenu" + "vsMerge" + "vsMicFilled" + "vsMic" + "vsMilestone" + "vsMirror" + "vsMortarBoard" + "vsMove" + "vsMultipleWindows" + "vsMusic" + "vsMute" + "vsNewFile" + "vsNewFolder" + "vsNewline" + "vsNoNewline" + "vsNote" + "vsNotebookTemplate" + "vsNotebook" + "vsOctoface" + "vsOpenPreview" + "vsOrganization" + "vsOutput" + "vsPackage" + "vsPaintcan" + "vsPassFilled" + "vsPass" + "vsPercentage" + "vsPersonAdd" + "vsPerson" + "vsPiano" + "vsPieChart" + "vsPin" + "vsPinnedDirty" + "vsPinned" + "vsPlayCircle" + "vsPlay" + "vsPlug" + "vsPreserveCase" + "vsPreview" + "vsPrimitiveSquare" + "vsProject" + "vsPulse" + "vsQuestion" + "vsQuote" + "vsRadioTower" + "vsReactions" + "vsRecordKeys" + "vsRecordSmall" + "vsRecord" + "vsRedo" + "vsReferences" + "vsRefresh" + "vsRegex" + "vsRemoteExplorer" + "vsRemote" + "vsRemove" + "vsReplaceAll" + "vsReplace" + "vsReply" + "vsRepoClone" + "vsRepoForcePush" + "vsRepoForked" + "vsRepoPull" + "vsRepoPush" + "vsRepo" + "vsReport" + "vsRequestChanges" + "vsRobot" + "vsRocket" + "vsRootFolderOpened" + "vsRootFolder" + "vsRss" + "vsRuby" + "vsRunAbove" + "vsRunAllCoverage" + "vsRunAll" + "vsRunBelow" + "vsRunCoverage" + "vsRunErrors" + "vsSaveAll" + "vsSaveAs" + "vsSave" + "vsScreenFull" + "vsScreenNormal" + "vsSearchFuzzy" + "vsSearchStop" + "vsSearch" + "vsSend" + "vsServerEnvironment" + "vsServerProcess" + "vsServer" + "vsSettingsGear" + "vsSettings" + "vsShare" + "vsShield" + "vsSignIn" + "vsSignOut" + "vsSmiley" + "vsSnake" + "vsSortPrecedence" + "vsSourceControl" + "vsSparkleFilled" + "vsSparkle" + "vsSplitHorizontal" + "vsSplitVertical" + "vsSquirrel" + "vsStarEmpty" + "vsStarFull" + "vsStarHalf" + "vsStopCircle" + "vsSurroundWith" + "vsSymbolArray" + "vsSymbolBoolean" + "vsSymbolClass" + "vsSymbolColor" + "vsSymbolConstant" + "vsSymbolEnumMember" + "vsSymbolEnum" + "vsSymbolEvent" + "vsSymbolField" + "vsSymbolFile" + "vsSymbolInterface" + "vsSymbolKey" + "vsSymbolKeyword" + "vsSymbolMethod" + "vsSymbolMisc" + "vsSymbolNamespace" + "vsSymbolNumeric" + "vsSymbolOperator" + "vsSymbolParameter" + "vsSymbolProperty" + "vsSymbolRuler" + "vsSymbolSnippet" + "vsSymbolString" + "vsSymbolStructure" + "vsSymbolVariable" + "vsSyncIgnored" + "vsSync" + "vsTable" + "vsTag" + "vsTarget" + "vsTasklist" + "vsTelescope" + "vsTerminalBash" + "vsTerminalCmd" + "vsTerminalDebian" + "vsTerminalLinux" + "vsTerminalPowershell" + "vsTerminalTmux" + "vsTerminalUbuntu" + "vsTerminal" + "vsTextSize" + "vsThreeBars" + "vsThumbsdownFilled" + "vsThumbsdown" + "vsThumbsupFilled" + "vsThumbsup" + "vsTools" + "vsTrash" + "vsTriangleDown" + "vsTriangleLeft" + "vsTriangleRight" + "vsTriangleUp" + "vsTwitter" + "vsTypeHierarchySub" + "vsTypeHierarchySuper" + "vsTypeHierarchy" + "vsUnfold" + "vsUngroupByRefType" + "vsUnlock" + "vsUnmute" + "vsUnverified" + "vsVariableGroup" + "vsVerifiedFilled" + "vsVerified" + "vsVersions" + "vsVmActive" + "vsVmConnect" + "vsVmOutline" + "vsVmRunning" + "vsVm" + "vsVr" + "vsVscodeInsiders" + "vsVscode" + "vsWand" + "vsWarning" + "vsWatch" + "vsWhitespace" + "vsWholeWord" + "vsWindow" + "vsWordWrap" + "vsWorkspaceTrusted" + "vsWorkspaceUnknown" + "vsWorkspaceUntrusted" + "vsZoomIn" + "vsZoomOut" + "dhAddSmall" + "dhArrowToBottom" + "dhArrowToTop" + "dhCheckSquare" + "dhChevronDownSquare" + "dhCircleLargeOutlineNotch" + "dhClock" + "dhExclamation" + "dhEyeSlash" + "dhEye" + "dhFileCertificate" + "dhFileCsv" + "dhFileDownload" + "dhFilePrint" + "dhFileSearch" + "dhFileSpreadsheet" + "dhFilterFilled" + "dhFilterSlash" + "dhFreeze" + "dhGearFilled" + "dhGearsFilled" + "dhGraphLineDown" + "dhGraphLineUp" + "dhICursor" + "dhInput" + "dhNewCircleLargeFilled" + "dhNewSquareFilled" + "dhOrganizationAdd" + "dhPandas" + "dhPanels" + "dhPython" + "dhRefresh" + "dhRemoveSquareFilled" + "dhRunSelection" + "dhShapes" + "dhShareFilled" + "dhShare" + "dhSortAlphaDown" + "dhSortAlphaUp" + "dhSortAmountDown" + "dhSortDown" + "dhSortSlash" + "dhSortUp" + "dhSort" + "dhSplitBoth" + "dhSquareFilled" + "dhStickyNoteFilled" + "dhStrikethrough" + "dhTable" + "dhTrashUndo" + "dhTriangleDownSquare" + "dhTruck" + "dhUnderline" + "dhUnlink" + "dhUserIncognito" + "dhUser" + "dhWarningCircleFilled" + "dhWarningFilled" +] From 23a4e95daa6c2be8f02b00cd1bb9866a65f09930 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ethan Alvizo Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2024 23:56:46 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 2/9] updated file reading --- plugins/ui/ | 16 +++++++--------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/plugins/ui/ b/plugins/ui/ index 95e7798a5..d7190b341 100644 --- a/plugins/ui/ +++ b/plugins/ui/ @@ -1,15 +1,13 @@ relative_path = "./src/js/node_modules/@deephaven/icons/dist/index.d.ts" icons = [] + with open(relative_path, "r") as file: - content = - words = content.split() - for word in words: - index = words.index(word) - if index < len(words) - 1: - next_word = words[index + 1] - if next_word == "IconDefinition;": - icon = word[:-1] + lines = file.readlines() + for line in lines: + if "IconDefinition" in line: + icon = line.split(" ")[2].strip()[:-1] + if icon != "IconDefinition": icons.append(icon) output_file_path = "./src/deephaven/ui/components/types/" @@ -23,7 +21,7 @@ + "from typing import Literal" + "\n\n" ) - output_file.write("Icons = Literal[" + "\n") + output_file.write("IconTypes = Literal[" + "\n") for icon in icons: output_file.write(' "' + icon + '"\n') From f9deeefc82c1bd8ec8ee644fece69178b6605c90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ethan Alvizo Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 14:07:34 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 3/9] normalize icons --- plugins/ui/ | 60 +- .../ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/ | 4 +- .../ui/components/types/ | 4645 +++++++++++++++-- 3 files changed, 4186 insertions(+), 523 deletions(-) diff --git a/plugins/ui/ b/plugins/ui/ index d7190b341..300ba1a29 100644 --- a/plugins/ui/ +++ b/plugins/ui/ @@ -1,6 +1,17 @@ +import re + + +def camel_to_snake(name: str) -> str: + s1 = re.sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", name) + return re.sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", s1).lower() + + relative_path = "./src/js/node_modules/@deephaven/icons/dist/index.d.ts" -icons = [] +icons = {} +snakeCase = {} +noPrefix = {} +snakeCaseNoPrefix = {} with open(relative_path, "r") as file: lines = file.readlines() @@ -8,7 +19,22 @@ if "IconDefinition" in line: icon = line.split(" ")[2].strip()[:-1] if icon != "IconDefinition": - icons.append(icon) + icons[icon] = icon + snakeCase[camel_to_snake(icon)] = icon + + noPrefixIcon = icon[2:] + if noPrefixIcon in noPrefix: + if noPrefixIcon.startswith("vs"): + noPrefix[noPrefixIcon] = icon + else: + noPrefix[noPrefixIcon] = icon + + snakeCaseNoPrefixIcon = camel_to_snake(noPrefixIcon) + if snakeCaseNoPrefixIcon in snakeCaseNoPrefix: + if icon.startswith("vs"): + snakeCaseNoPrefix[snakeCaseNoPrefixIcon] = icon + else: + snakeCaseNoPrefix[snakeCaseNoPrefixIcon] = icon output_file_path = "./src/deephaven/ui/components/types/" @@ -21,8 +47,34 @@ + "from typing import Literal" + "\n\n" ) + + ## IconTypes output_file.write("IconTypes = Literal[" + "\n") - for icon in icons: - output_file.write(' "' + icon + '"\n') + for key, value in icons.items(): + output_file.write(' "' + key + '",' + "\n") + for key, value in noPrefix.items(): + output_file.write(' "' + key + '",' + "\n") + + for key, value in snakeCase.items(): + output_file.write(' "' + key + '",' + "\n") + + for key, value in snakeCaseNoPrefix.items(): + output_file.write(' "' + key + '",' + "\n") output_file.write("]" + "\n") + + ## IconMapping + output_file.write("\n") + output_file.write("IconMapping = {" + "\n") + for key, value in icons.items(): + output_file.write(' "' + key + '": "' + value + '",' + "\n") + + for key, value in noPrefix.items(): + output_file.write(' "' + key + '": "' + value + '",' + "\n") + + for key, value in snakeCase.items(): + output_file.write(' "' + key + '": "' + value + '",' + "\n") + + for key, value in snakeCaseNoPrefix.items(): + output_file.write(' "' + key + '": "' + value + '",' + "\n") + output_file.write("}" + "\n") diff --git a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/ index ee73dbed5..caa469a35 100644 --- a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/ +++ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/ @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ IconSize, IconColor, IconTypes, + IconMapping, ) from .._internal.utils import create_props @@ -115,4 +116,5 @@ def icon( """ children, props = create_props(locals()) - return BaseElement(f"deephaven.ui.icons.{name}", *children, **props) + normalized_name = IconMapping[name] + return BaseElement(f"deephaven.ui.icons.{normalized_name}", *children, **props) diff --git a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ index 0cdf830e2..d71ea39f8 100644 --- a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ +++ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ @@ -2,522 +2,4131 @@ from typing import Literal IconTypes = Literal[ - "vsAccount" - "vsActivateBreakpoints" - "vsAdd" - "vsArchive" - "vsArrowBoth" - "vsArrowCircleDown" - "vsArrowCircleLeft" - "vsArrowCircleRight" - "vsArrowCircleUp" - "vsArrowDown" - "vsArrowLeft" - "vsArrowRight" - "vsArrowSmallDown" - "vsArrowSmallLeft" - "vsArrowSmallRight" - "vsArrowSmallUp" - "vsArrowSwap" - "vsArrowUp" - "vsAzureDevops" - "vsAzure" - "vsBeakerStop" - "vsBeaker" - "vsBellDot" - "vsBellSlashDot" - "vsBellSlash" - "vsBell" - "vsBlank" - "vsBold" - "vsBook" - "vsBookmark" - "vsBracketDot" - "vsBracketError" - "vsBriefcase" - "vsBroadcast" - "vsBrowser" - "vsBug" - "vsCalendar" - "vsCallIncoming" - "vsCallOutgoing" - "vsCaseSensitive" - "vsCheckAll" - "vsCheck" - "vsChecklist" - "vsChevronDown" - "vsChevronLeft" - "vsChevronRight" - "vsChevronUp" - "vsChip" - "vsChromeClose" - "vsChromeMaximize" - "vsChromeMinimize" - "vsChromeRestore" - "vsCircleFilled" - "vsCircleLargeFilled" - "vsCircleLarge" - "vsCircleSlash" - "vsCircleSmallFilled" - "vsCircleSmall" - "vsCircle" - "vsCircuitBoard" - "vsClearAll" - "vsClippy" - "vsCloseAll" - "vsClose" - "vsCloudDownload" - "vsCloudUpload" - "vsCloud" - "vsCodeOss" - "vsCode" - "vsCoffee" - "vsCollapseAll" - "vsColorMode" - "vsCombine" - "vsCommentDiscussion" - "vsCommentDraft" - "vsCommentUnresolved" - "vsComment" - "vsCompassActive" - "vsCompassDot" - "vsCompass" - "vsCopilot" - "vsCopy" - "vsCoverage" - "vsCreditCard" - "vsDash" - "vsDashboard" - "vsDatabase" - "vsDebugAll" - "vsDebugAltSmall" - "vsDebugAlt" - "vsDebugBreakpointConditionalUnverified" - "vsDebugBreakpointConditional" - "vsDebugBreakpointDataUnverified" - "vsDebugBreakpointData" - "vsDebugBreakpointFunctionUnverified" - "vsDebugBreakpointFunction" - "vsDebugBreakpointLogUnverified" - "vsDebugBreakpointLog" - "vsDebugBreakpointUnsupported" - "vsDebugConsole" - "vsDebugContinueSmall" - "vsDebugContinue" - "vsDebugCoverage" - "vsDebugDisconnect" - "vsDebugLineByLine" - "vsDebugPause" - "vsDebugRerun" - "vsDebugRestartFrame" - "vsDebugRestart" - "vsDebugReverseContinue" - "vsDebugStackframeActive" - "vsDebugStackframe" - "vsDebugStart" - "vsDebugStepBack" - "vsDebugStepInto" - "vsDebugStepOut" - "vsDebugStepOver" - "vsDebugStop" - "vsDebug" - "vsDesktopDownload" - "vsDeviceCameraVideo" - "vsDeviceCamera" - "vsDeviceMobile" - "vsDiffAdded" - "vsDiffIgnored" - "vsDiffModified" - "vsDiffMultiple" - "vsDiffRemoved" - "vsDiffRenamed" - "vsDiffSingle" - "vsDiff" - "vsDiscard" - "vsEdit" - "vsEditorLayout" - "vsEllipsis" - "vsEmptyWindow" - "vsErrorSmall" - "vsError" - "vsExclude" - "vsExpandAll" - "vsExport" - "vsExtensions" - "vsEyeClosed" - "vsEye" - "vsFeedback" - "vsFileBinary" - "vsFileCode" - "vsFileMedia" - "vsFilePdf" - "vsFileSubmodule" - "vsFileSymlinkDirectory" - "vsFileSymlinkFile" - "vsFileZip" - "vsFile" - "vsFiles" - "vsFilterFilled" - "vsFilter" - "vsFlame" - "vsFoldDown" - "vsFoldUp" - "vsFold" - "vsFolderActive" - "vsFolderLibrary" - "vsFolderOpened" - "vsFolder" - "vsGame" - "vsGear" - "vsGift" - "vsGistSecret" - "vsGist" - "vsGitCommit" - "vsGitCompare" - "vsGitFetch" - "vsGitMerge" - "vsGitPullRequestClosed" - "vsGitPullRequestCreate" - "vsGitPullRequestDraft" - "vsGitPullRequestGoToChanges" - "vsGitPullRequestNewChanges" - "vsGitPullRequest" - "vsGitStashApply" - "vsGitStashPop" - "vsGitStash" - "vsGithubAction" - "vsGithubAlt" - "vsGithubInverted" - "vsGithubProject" - "vsGithub" - "vsGlobe" - "vsGoToFile" - "vsGoToSearch" - "vsGrabber" - "vsGraphLeft" - "vsGraphLine" - "vsGraphScatter" - "vsGraph" - "vsGripper" - "vsGroupByRefType" - "vsHeartFilled" - "vsHeart" - "vsHistory" - "vsHome" - "vsHorizontalRule" - "vsHubot" - "vsInbox" - "vsIndent" - "vsInfo" - "vsInsert" - "vsInspect" - "vsIssueDraft" - "vsIssueReopened" - "vsIssues" - "vsItalic" - "vsJersey" - "vsJson" - "vsKebabVertical" - "vsKey" - "vsLaw" - "vsLayersActive" - "vsLayersDot" - "vsLayers" - "vsLayoutActivitybarLeft" - "vsLayoutActivitybarRight" - "vsLayoutCentered" - "vsLayoutMenubar" - "vsLayoutPanelCenter" - "vsLayoutPanelJustify" - "vsLayoutPanelLeft" - "vsLayoutPanelOff" - "vsLayoutPanelRight" - "vsLayoutPanel" - "vsLayoutSidebarLeftOff" - "vsLayoutSidebarLeft" - "vsLayoutSidebarRightOff" - "vsLayoutSidebarRight" - "vsLayoutStatusbar" - "vsLayout" - "vsLibrary" - "vsLightbulbAutofix" - "vsLightbulbSparkle" - "vsLightbulb" - "vsLinkExternal" - "vsLink" - "vsListFilter" - "vsListFlat" - "vsListOrdered" - "vsListSelection" - "vsListTree" - "vsListUnordered" - "vsLiveShare" - "vsLoading" - "vsLocation" - "vsLockSmall" - "vsLock" - "vsMagnet" - "vsMailRead" - "vsMail" - "vsMapFilled" - "vsMapVerticalFilled" - "vsMapVertical" - "vsMap" - "vsMarkdown" - "vsMegaphone" - "vsMention" - "vsMenu" - "vsMerge" - "vsMicFilled" - "vsMic" - "vsMilestone" - "vsMirror" - "vsMortarBoard" - "vsMove" - "vsMultipleWindows" - "vsMusic" - "vsMute" - "vsNewFile" - "vsNewFolder" - "vsNewline" - "vsNoNewline" - "vsNote" - "vsNotebookTemplate" - "vsNotebook" - "vsOctoface" - "vsOpenPreview" - "vsOrganization" - "vsOutput" - "vsPackage" - "vsPaintcan" - "vsPassFilled" - "vsPass" - "vsPercentage" - "vsPersonAdd" - "vsPerson" - "vsPiano" - "vsPieChart" - "vsPin" - "vsPinnedDirty" - "vsPinned" - "vsPlayCircle" - "vsPlay" - "vsPlug" - "vsPreserveCase" - 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+ "warning_filled": "dhWarningFilled", +} From 2eedfd5dbd53dfef2d7294ac4fee360353c2e5cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ethan Alvizo Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 14:17:58 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 4/9] linter fix --- plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/ | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/ index 3c1533696..226b8422d 100644 --- a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/ +++ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ NecessityIndicator, ) -from ..types import Icon +from .types import IconTypes from .basic import component_element from ..elements import Element @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def text_area( - icon: Element | Icon | None = None, + icon: Element | IconTypes | None = None, is_quiet: bool | None = None, is_disabled: bool | None = None, is_read_only: bool | None = None, @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ def text_area( return component_element( "TextArea", - icon=icon_component(icon) if type(icon) == str else icon, + icon=icon_component(name=icon) if type(icon) == str else icon, is_quiet=is_quiet, is_disabled=is_disabled, is_read_only=is_read_only, From 9d05ed91a0f095f8c3e8c036d1fb97a6cbb36cd5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ethan Alvizo Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:55:35 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 5/9] PR comments wip --- plugins/ui/ | 3 +- plugins/ui/ | 50 +- .../ui/components/types/ | 1549 ----------------- 3 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 1576 deletions(-) diff --git a/plugins/ui/ b/plugins/ui/ index 1288635e5..cea787e2b 100644 --- a/plugins/ui/ +++ b/plugins/ui/ @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ Available IconTypes can be generated automatically using icon TypeScript definit Writes to ``. ```shell +npm install cd plugins/ui -python +python ``` diff --git a/plugins/ui/ b/plugins/ui/ index 300ba1a29..af4fa2cb1 100644 --- a/plugins/ui/ +++ b/plugins/ui/ @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ import re +from typing import Dict, Any def camel_to_snake(name: str) -> str: @@ -6,6 +7,16 @@ def camel_to_snake(name: str) -> str: return re.sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", s1).lower() +def update_dict( + dictionary: Dict[str, str], key: str, value: str, overwrite_condition: bool +) -> None: + if key in dictionary: + if overwrite_condition: + dictionary[key] = value + else: + dictionary[key] = value + + relative_path = "./src/js/node_modules/@deephaven/icons/dist/index.d.ts" icons = {} @@ -14,27 +25,19 @@ def camel_to_snake(name: str) -> str: snakeCaseNoPrefix = {} with open(relative_path, "r") as file: - lines = file.readlines() - for line in lines: + for line in file: if "IconDefinition" in line: icon = line.split(" ")[2].strip()[:-1] if icon != "IconDefinition": icons[icon] = icon snakeCase[camel_to_snake(icon)] = icon + isVsIcon = icon.startswith("vs") noPrefixIcon = icon[2:] - if noPrefixIcon in noPrefix: - if noPrefixIcon.startswith("vs"): - noPrefix[noPrefixIcon] = icon - else: - noPrefix[noPrefixIcon] = icon + update_dict(noPrefix, noPrefixIcon, icon, isVsIcon) snakeCaseNoPrefixIcon = camel_to_snake(noPrefixIcon) - if snakeCaseNoPrefixIcon in snakeCaseNoPrefix: - if icon.startswith("vs"): - snakeCaseNoPrefix[snakeCaseNoPrefixIcon] = icon - else: - snakeCaseNoPrefix[snakeCaseNoPrefixIcon] = icon + update_dict(snakeCaseNoPrefix, snakeCaseNoPrefixIcon, icon, isVsIcon) output_file_path = "./src/deephaven/ui/components/types/" @@ -42,23 +45,11 @@ def camel_to_snake(name: str) -> str: output_file.truncate(0) output_file.write( - "from __future__ import annotations" - + "\n" - + "from typing import Literal" - + "\n\n" + "from __future__ import annotations\n" + "from typing import Literal\n\n" ) ## IconTypes - output_file.write("IconTypes = Literal[" + "\n") - for key, value in icons.items(): - output_file.write(' "' + key + '",' + "\n") - - for key, value in noPrefix.items(): - output_file.write(' "' + key + '",' + "\n") - - for key, value in snakeCase.items(): - output_file.write(' "' + key + '",' + "\n") - + output_file.write("IconTypes = Literal[\n") for key, value in snakeCaseNoPrefix.items(): output_file.write(' "' + key + '",' + "\n") output_file.write("]" + "\n") @@ -78,3 +69,10 @@ def camel_to_snake(name: str) -> str: for key, value in snakeCaseNoPrefix.items(): output_file.write(' "' + key + '": "' + value + '",' + "\n") output_file.write("}" + "\n") + + +print(f"Generated file: {output_file_path}") +print(f"Total number of icon types: {len(snakeCaseNoPrefix)}") +print( + f"Total number of icon mappings: {len(icons) + len(noPrefix) + len(snakeCase) + len(snakeCaseNoPrefix)}" +) diff --git a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ index d71ea39f8..9cbc17203 100644 --- a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ +++ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ @@ -2,1555 +2,6 @@ from typing import Literal IconTypes = Literal[ - "vsAccount", - "vsActivateBreakpoints", - "vsAdd", - "vsArchive", - "vsArrowBoth", - "vsArrowCircleDown", - "vsArrowCircleLeft", - "vsArrowCircleRight", - "vsArrowCircleUp", - "vsArrowDown", - "vsArrowLeft", - "vsArrowRight", - "vsArrowSmallDown", - "vsArrowSmallLeft", - "vsArrowSmallRight", - "vsArrowSmallUp", - "vsArrowSwap", - "vsArrowUp", - "vsAzureDevops", - "vsAzure", - "vsBeakerStop", - "vsBeaker", - "vsBellDot", - "vsBellSlashDot", - "vsBellSlash", - "vsBell", - "vsBlank", - "vsBold", - "vsBook", - "vsBookmark", - "vsBracketDot", - "vsBracketError", - "vsBriefcase", - "vsBroadcast", - "vsBrowser", - "vsBug", - "vsCalendar", - "vsCallIncoming", - "vsCallOutgoing", - "vsCaseSensitive", - "vsCheckAll", - "vsCheck", - "vsChecklist", - "vsChevronDown", - "vsChevronLeft", - "vsChevronRight", - "vsChevronUp", - "vsChip", - "vsChromeClose", - "vsChromeMaximize", - "vsChromeMinimize", - "vsChromeRestore", - "vsCircleFilled", - "vsCircleLargeFilled", - "vsCircleLarge", - "vsCircleSlash", - "vsCircleSmallFilled", - "vsCircleSmall", - "vsCircle", - "vsCircuitBoard", - "vsClearAll", - "vsClippy", - "vsCloseAll", - 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"vs_references", - "vs_refresh", - "vs_regex", - "vs_remote_explorer", - "vs_remote", - "vs_remove", - "vs_replace_all", - "vs_replace", - "vs_reply", - "vs_repo_clone", - "vs_repo_force_push", - "vs_repo_forked", - "vs_repo_pull", - "vs_repo_push", - "vs_repo", - "vs_report", - "vs_request_changes", - "vs_robot", - "vs_rocket", - "vs_root_folder_opened", - "vs_root_folder", - "vs_rss", - "vs_ruby", - "vs_run_above", - "vs_run_all_coverage", - "vs_run_all", - "vs_run_below", - "vs_run_coverage", - "vs_run_errors", - "vs_save_all", - "vs_save_as", - "vs_save", - "vs_screen_full", - "vs_screen_normal", - "vs_search_fuzzy", - "vs_search_stop", - "vs_search", - "vs_send", - "vs_server_environment", - "vs_server_process", - "vs_server", - "vs_settings_gear", - "vs_settings", - "vs_share", - "vs_shield", - "vs_sign_in", - "vs_sign_out", - "vs_smiley", - "vs_snake", - "vs_sort_precedence", - "vs_source_control", - "vs_sparkle_filled", - "vs_sparkle", - "vs_split_horizontal", - "vs_split_vertical", - "vs_squirrel", - "vs_star_empty", - "vs_star_full", - "vs_star_half", - "vs_stop_circle", - "vs_surround_with", - "vs_symbol_array", - "vs_symbol_boolean", - "vs_symbol_class", - "vs_symbol_color", - "vs_symbol_constant", - "vs_symbol_enum_member", - "vs_symbol_enum", - "vs_symbol_event", - "vs_symbol_field", - "vs_symbol_file", - "vs_symbol_interface", - "vs_symbol_key", - "vs_symbol_keyword", - "vs_symbol_method", - "vs_symbol_misc", - "vs_symbol_namespace", - "vs_symbol_numeric", - "vs_symbol_operator", - "vs_symbol_parameter", - "vs_symbol_property", - "vs_symbol_ruler", - "vs_symbol_snippet", - "vs_symbol_string", - "vs_symbol_structure", - "vs_symbol_variable", - "vs_sync_ignored", - "vs_sync", - "vs_table", - "vs_tag", - "vs_target", - "vs_tasklist", - "vs_telescope", - "vs_terminal_bash", - "vs_terminal_cmd", - "vs_terminal_debian", - "vs_terminal_linux", - "vs_terminal_powershell", - "vs_terminal_tmux", - "vs_terminal_ubuntu", - "vs_terminal", - "vs_text_size", - "vs_three_bars", - "vs_thumbsdown_filled", - "vs_thumbsdown", - "vs_thumbsup_filled", - "vs_thumbsup", - "vs_tools", - "vs_trash", - "vs_triangle_down", - "vs_triangle_left", - "vs_triangle_right", - "vs_triangle_up", - "vs_twitter", - "vs_type_hierarchy_sub", - "vs_type_hierarchy_super", - "vs_type_hierarchy", - "vs_unfold", - "vs_ungroup_by_ref_type", - "vs_unlock", - "vs_unmute", - "vs_unverified", - "vs_variable_group", - "vs_verified_filled", - "vs_verified", - "vs_versions", - "vs_vm_active", - "vs_vm_connect", - "vs_vm_outline", - "vs_vm_running", - "vs_vm", - "vs_vr", - "vs_vscode_insiders", - "vs_vscode", - "vs_wand", - "vs_warning", - "vs_watch", - "vs_whitespace", - "vs_whole_word", - "vs_window", - "vs_word_wrap", - "vs_workspace_trusted", - "vs_workspace_unknown", - "vs_workspace_untrusted", - "vs_zoom_in", - "vs_zoom_out", - "dh_add_small", - "dh_arrow_to_bottom", - "dh_arrow_to_top", - "dh_check_square", - "dh_chevron_down_square", - "dh_circle_large_outline_notch", - "dh_clock", - "dh_exclamation", - "dh_eye_slash", - "dh_eye", - "dh_file_certificate", - "dh_file_csv", - "dh_file_download", - "dh_file_print", - "dh_file_search", - "dh_file_spreadsheet", - "dh_filter_filled", - "dh_filter_slash", - "dh_freeze", - "dh_gear_filled", - "dh_gears_filled", - "dh_graph_line_down", - "dh_graph_line_up", - "dh_i_cursor", - "dh_input", - "dh_new_circle_large_filled", - "dh_new_square_filled", - "dh_organization_add", - "dh_pandas", - "dh_panels", - "dh_python", - "dh_refresh", - "dh_remove_square_filled", - "dh_run_selection", - "dh_shapes", - "dh_share_filled", - "dh_share", - "dh_sort_alpha_down", - "dh_sort_alpha_up", - "dh_sort_amount_down", - "dh_sort_down", - "dh_sort_slash", - "dh_sort_up", - "dh_sort", - "dh_split_both", - "dh_square_filled", - "dh_sticky_note_filled", - "dh_strikethrough", - "dh_table", - "dh_trash_undo", - "dh_triangle_down_square", - "dh_truck", - "dh_underline", - "dh_unlink", - "dh_user_incognito", - "dh_user", - "dh_warning_circle_filled", - "dh_warning_filled", "account", "activate_breakpoints", "add", From 4c2c9dff966bf49a938ff11fa3447b03ddcc5c97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ethan Alvizo Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 10:29:03 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 6/9] PR comments --- plugins/ui/ | 18 ++++++------------ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) mode change 100644 => 100755 plugins/ui/ diff --git a/plugins/ui/ b/plugins/ui/ old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index af4fa2cb1..3e418353f --- a/plugins/ui/ +++ b/plugins/ui/ @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ def update_dict( relative_path = "./src/js/node_modules/@deephaven/icons/dist/index.d.ts" +icon_pattern = r"^export const (\w+): IconDefinition;$" icons = {} snakeCase = {} @@ -26,7 +27,8 @@ def update_dict( with open(relative_path, "r") as file: for line in file: - if "IconDefinition" in line: + match = re.match(icon_pattern, line) + if match: icon = line.split(" ")[2].strip()[:-1] if icon != "IconDefinition": icons[icon] = icon @@ -57,17 +59,9 @@ def update_dict( ## IconMapping output_file.write("\n") output_file.write("IconMapping = {" + "\n") - for key, value in icons.items(): - output_file.write(' "' + key + '": "' + value + '",' + "\n") - - for key, value in noPrefix.items(): - output_file.write(' "' + key + '": "' + value + '",' + "\n") - - for key, value in snakeCase.items(): - output_file.write(' "' + key + '": "' + value + '",' + "\n") - - for key, value in snakeCaseNoPrefix.items(): - output_file.write(' "' + key + '": "' + value + '",' + "\n") + for dict in [icons, noPrefix, snakeCase, snakeCaseNoPrefix]: + for key, value in dict.items(): + output_file.write(' "' + key + '": "' + value + '",' + "\n") output_file.write("}" + "\n") From 3afb35618490084f1e043098bd571621fb0cbd35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ethan Alvizo Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 14:53:55 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 7/9] PR comments --- plugins/ui/ | 8 +-- .../ui/components/types/ | 58 +++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/plugins/ui/ b/plugins/ui/ index 3e418353f..5e10fdb4d 100755 --- a/plugins/ui/ +++ b/plugins/ui/ @@ -10,10 +10,7 @@ def camel_to_snake(name: str) -> str: def update_dict( dictionary: Dict[str, str], key: str, value: str, overwrite_condition: bool ) -> None: - if key in dictionary: - if overwrite_condition: - dictionary[key] = value - else: + if overwrite_condition or not key in dictionary: dictionary[key] = value @@ -54,6 +51,9 @@ def update_dict( output_file.write("IconTypes = Literal[\n") for key, value in snakeCaseNoPrefix.items(): output_file.write(' "' + key + '",' + "\n") + for key, value in snakeCase.items(): + if key.startswith("dh"): + output_file.write(' "' + key + '",' + "\n") output_file.write("]" + "\n") ## IconMapping diff --git a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ index 9cbc17203..a0ce24d78 100644 --- a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ +++ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ @@ -515,6 +515,64 @@ "user", "warning_circle_filled", "warning_filled", + "dh_add_small", + "dh_arrow_to_bottom", + "dh_arrow_to_top", + "dh_check_square", + "dh_chevron_down_square", + "dh_circle_large_outline_notch", + "dh_clock", + "dh_exclamation", + "dh_eye_slash", + "dh_eye", + "dh_file_certificate", + "dh_file_csv", + "dh_file_download", + "dh_file_print", + "dh_file_search", + "dh_file_spreadsheet", + "dh_filter_filled", + "dh_filter_slash", + "dh_freeze", + "dh_gear_filled", + "dh_gears_filled", + "dh_graph_line_down", + "dh_graph_line_up", + "dh_i_cursor", + "dh_input", + "dh_new_circle_large_filled", + "dh_new_square_filled", + "dh_organization_add", + "dh_pandas", + "dh_panels", + "dh_python", + "dh_refresh", + "dh_remove_square_filled", + "dh_run_selection", + "dh_shapes", + "dh_share_filled", + "dh_share", + "dh_sort_alpha_down", + "dh_sort_alpha_up", + "dh_sort_amount_down", + "dh_sort_down", + "dh_sort_slash", + "dh_sort_up", + "dh_sort", + "dh_split_both", + "dh_square_filled", + "dh_sticky_note_filled", + "dh_strikethrough", + "dh_table", + "dh_trash_undo", + "dh_triangle_down_square", + "dh_truck", + "dh_underline", + "dh_unlink", + "dh_user_incognito", + "dh_user", + "dh_warning_circle_filled", + "dh_warning_filled", ] IconMapping = { From bf9a5f107d03e75604ce93e6eefd691f688d5fe8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ethan Alvizo Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 09:38:44 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 8/9] PR comments --- plugins/ui/ | 15 +- .../ui/components/types/ | 159 ------------------ 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-) diff --git a/plugins/ui/ b/plugins/ui/ index 5e10fdb4d..da25502ce 100755 --- a/plugins/ui/ +++ b/plugins/ui/ @@ -7,13 +7,6 @@ def camel_to_snake(name: str) -> str: return re.sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", s1).lower() -def update_dict( - dictionary: Dict[str, str], key: str, value: str, overwrite_condition: bool -) -> None: - if overwrite_condition or not key in dictionary: - dictionary[key] = value - - relative_path = "./src/js/node_modules/@deephaven/icons/dist/index.d.ts" icon_pattern = r"^export const (\w+): IconDefinition;$" @@ -33,10 +26,12 @@ def update_dict( isVsIcon = icon.startswith("vs") noPrefixIcon = icon[2:] - update_dict(noPrefix, noPrefixIcon, icon, isVsIcon) - snakeCaseNoPrefixIcon = camel_to_snake(noPrefixIcon) - update_dict(snakeCaseNoPrefix, snakeCaseNoPrefixIcon, icon, isVsIcon) + + ## DH Icons are always prefixed with "dh" + if isVsIcon: + noPrefix[noPrefixIcon] = icon + snakeCaseNoPrefix[camel_to_snake(noPrefixIcon)] = icon output_file_path = "./src/deephaven/ui/components/types/" diff --git a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ index a0ce24d78..c06772e90 100644 --- a/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ +++ b/plugins/ui/src/deephaven/ui/components/types/ @@ -462,59 +462,6 @@ "workspace_untrusted", "zoom_in", "zoom_out", - "add_small", - "arrow_to_bottom", - "arrow_to_top", - "check_square", - "chevron_down_square", - "circle_large_outline_notch", - "clock", - "exclamation", - "eye_slash", - "file_certificate", - "file_csv", - "file_download", - "file_print", - "file_search", - "file_spreadsheet", - "filter_slash", - "freeze", - "gear_filled", - "gears_filled", - "graph_line_down", - "graph_line_up", - "i_cursor", - "input", - "new_circle_large_filled", - "new_square_filled", - "organization_add", - "pandas", - "panels", - "python", - "remove_square_filled", - "run_selection", - "shapes", - "share_filled", - "sort_alpha_down", - "sort_alpha_up", - "sort_amount_down", - "sort_down", - "sort_slash", - "sort_up", - "sort", - "split_both", - "square_filled", - "sticky_note_filled", - "strikethrough", - "trash_undo", - "triangle_down_square", - "truck", - "underline", - "unlink", - "user_incognito", - "user", - "warning_circle_filled", - "warning_filled", "dh_add_small", "dh_arrow_to_bottom", "dh_arrow_to_top", @@ -1554,59 +1501,6 @@ "WorkspaceUntrusted": "vsWorkspaceUntrusted", "ZoomIn": "vsZoomIn", "ZoomOut": "vsZoomOut", - "AddSmall": "dhAddSmall", - "ArrowToBottom": "dhArrowToBottom", - "ArrowToTop": "dhArrowToTop", - "CheckSquare": "dhCheckSquare", - "ChevronDownSquare": "dhChevronDownSquare", - "CircleLargeOutlineNotch": "dhCircleLargeOutlineNotch", - "Clock": "dhClock", - "Exclamation": "dhExclamation", - "EyeSlash": "dhEyeSlash", - "FileCertificate": "dhFileCertificate", - "FileCsv": "dhFileCsv", - "FileDownload": "dhFileDownload", - "FilePrint": "dhFilePrint", - "FileSearch": "dhFileSearch", - "FileSpreadsheet": "dhFileSpreadsheet", - "FilterSlash": "dhFilterSlash", - "Freeze": "dhFreeze", - "GearFilled": "dhGearFilled", - "GearsFilled": "dhGearsFilled", - "GraphLineDown": "dhGraphLineDown", - "GraphLineUp": "dhGraphLineUp", - "ICursor": "dhICursor", - "Input": "dhInput", - "NewCircleLargeFilled": "dhNewCircleLargeFilled", - "NewSquareFilled": "dhNewSquareFilled", - "OrganizationAdd": "dhOrganizationAdd", - "Pandas": "dhPandas", - "Panels": "dhPanels", - "Python": "dhPython", - "RemoveSquareFilled": "dhRemoveSquareFilled", - "RunSelection": "dhRunSelection", - "Shapes": "dhShapes", - "ShareFilled": "dhShareFilled", - "SortAlphaDown": "dhSortAlphaDown", - "SortAlphaUp": "dhSortAlphaUp", - "SortAmountDown": "dhSortAmountDown", - "SortDown": "dhSortDown", - "SortSlash": "dhSortSlash", - "SortUp": "dhSortUp", - "Sort": "dhSort", - "SplitBoth": "dhSplitBoth", - "SquareFilled": "dhSquareFilled", - "StickyNoteFilled": "dhStickyNoteFilled", - "Strikethrough": "dhStrikethrough", - "TrashUndo": "dhTrashUndo", - "TriangleDownSquare": "dhTriangleDownSquare", - "Truck": "dhTruck", - "Underline": "dhUnderline", - "Unlink": "dhUnlink", - "UserIncognito": "dhUserIncognito", - "User": "dhUser", - "WarningCircleFilled": "dhWarningCircleFilled", - "WarningFilled": "dhWarningFilled", "vs_account": "vsAccount", "vs_activate_breakpoints": "vsActivateBreakpoints", "vs_add": "vsAdd", @@ -2585,57 +2479,4 @@ "workspace_untrusted": "vsWorkspaceUntrusted", "zoom_in": "vsZoomIn", "zoom_out": "vsZoomOut", - "add_small": "dhAddSmall", - "arrow_to_bottom": "dhArrowToBottom", - "arrow_to_top": "dhArrowToTop", - "check_square": "dhCheckSquare", - "chevron_down_square": "dhChevronDownSquare", - "circle_large_outline_notch": "dhCircleLargeOutlineNotch", - "clock": "dhClock", - "exclamation": "dhExclamation", - "eye_slash": "dhEyeSlash", - "file_certificate": "dhFileCertificate", - "file_csv": "dhFileCsv", - "file_download": "dhFileDownload", - "file_print": "dhFilePrint", - "file_search": "dhFileSearch", - "file_spreadsheet": "dhFileSpreadsheet", - "filter_slash": "dhFilterSlash", - "freeze": "dhFreeze", - "gear_filled": "dhGearFilled", - "gears_filled": "dhGearsFilled", - "graph_line_down": "dhGraphLineDown", - "graph_line_up": "dhGraphLineUp", - "i_cursor": "dhICursor", - "input": "dhInput", - "new_circle_large_filled": "dhNewCircleLargeFilled", - "new_square_filled": "dhNewSquareFilled", - "organization_add": "dhOrganizationAdd", - "pandas": "dhPandas", - "panels": "dhPanels", - "python": "dhPython", - "remove_square_filled": "dhRemoveSquareFilled", - "run_selection": "dhRunSelection", - "shapes": "dhShapes", - "share_filled": "dhShareFilled", - "sort_alpha_down": "dhSortAlphaDown", - "sort_alpha_up": "dhSortAlphaUp", - "sort_amount_down": "dhSortAmountDown", - "sort_down": "dhSortDown", - "sort_slash": "dhSortSlash", - "sort_up": "dhSortUp", - "sort": "dhSort", - "split_both": "dhSplitBoth", - "square_filled": "dhSquareFilled", - "sticky_note_filled": "dhStickyNoteFilled", - "strikethrough": "dhStrikethrough", - "trash_undo": "dhTrashUndo", - "triangle_down_square": "dhTriangleDownSquare", - "truck": "dhTruck", - "underline": "dhUnderline", - "unlink": "dhUnlink", - "user_incognito": "dhUserIncognito", - "user": "dhUser", - "warning_circle_filled": "dhWarningCircleFilled", - "warning_filled": "dhWarningFilled", } From 4bc798956aff7b20e65adab01c65ca82c4ea7a0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ethan Alvizo Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 21:56:32 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 9/9] PR comments --- plugins/ui/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/plugins/ui/ b/plugins/ui/ index da25502ce..41f52b50a 100755 --- a/plugins/ui/ +++ b/plugins/ui/ @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def camel_to_snake(name: str) -> str: ## DH Icons are always prefixed with "dh" if isVsIcon: noPrefix[noPrefixIcon] = icon - snakeCaseNoPrefix[camel_to_snake(noPrefixIcon)] = icon + snakeCaseNoPrefix[snakeCaseNoPrefixIcon] = icon output_file_path = "./src/deephaven/ui/components/types/"