diff --git a/.coveragerc b/.coveragerc
index 4602a609f..da13860e7 100644
--- a/.coveragerc
+++ b/.coveragerc
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
# .coveragerc to control coverage.py
+omit =
+ dff/utils/testing/parser_test_generators.py
# Regexes for lines to exclude from consideration
exclude_lines =
# Have to re-enable the standard pragma
@@ -13,3 +17,16 @@ exclude_lines =
# Don't complain if tests don't cover error handling:
except .*
+ # Don't complain if tests don't cover unreachable code:
+ if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
+ # Don't complain if tests don't cover abstract methods:
+ @abstractmethod
+ # Don't complain if tests don't cover type overload:
+ @tp.overload
+ @overload
+ @typing.overload
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test_coverage.yml b/.github/workflows/test_coverage.yml
index 5737716ba..4505095c1 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test_coverage.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test_coverage.yml
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ jobs:
- name: build & install package
run: |
+ sudo apt install graphviz
python -m pip install build
python -m build
find . -name "*.whl" -exec python -m pip install {}[test_full] ';'
diff --git a/dff/utils/parser/base_parser_object.py b/dff/utils/parser/base_parser_object.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed2103303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dff/utils/parser/base_parser_object.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1312 @@
+Base Parser Objects
+This module defines parser objects.
+Each class defined here is either an interface for other classes or represents a subset of :py:mod:`ast` classes.
+The base interface for every parser object is :py:class:`~.BaseParserObject`.
+Instances of its subclasses form a parser tree.
+For example, an instance representing a statement `module.object = 6` is a node in the parser tree, and it has two
+child nodes: `module.object` and `6`.
+This tree structure allows to assign IDs to various objects (such as transition conditions) as a path to that object
+from the tree root.
+import typing as tp
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from collections import defaultdict
+import ast
+import logging
+from inspect import Signature, Parameter
+from enum import Enum
+ from functools import cached_property
+except ImportError:
+ try:
+ from cached_property import cached_property # type: ignore
+ except ImportError:
+ raise ModuleNotFoundError(
+ "Module `cached_property` is not installed. Install it with `pip install dff[parser]`."
+ )
+# todo: remove this when python3.7 support is dropped
+ from ast import unparse
+except ImportError:
+ try:
+ from astunparse import unparse # type: ignore
+ except ImportError:
+ raise ModuleNotFoundError("Module `astunparse` is not installed. Install it with `pip install dff[parser]`.")
+# todo: remove this when python3.8 support is dropped
+ from dff.utils.parser.namespace import Namespace
+ from dff.utils.parser.dff_project import DFFProject
+from dff.utils.parser.exceptions import StarError, ParsingError
+from dff.utils.parser.utils import is_instance
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class BaseParserObject(ABC):
+ """
+ An interface for other parser objects specifying methods that all parser objects should define:
+ - :py:meth:`~.BaseParserObject.dump`
+ - :py:meth:`~.BaseParserObject.from_ast`
+ This class also implements some useful methods for any parser object.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.parent: tp.Optional[BaseParserObject] = None
+ "Parent node."
+ self._name: tp.Optional[str] = None
+ "Name of the node: `path = parent.path + _name`."
+ self.children: tp.MutableMapping[str, BaseParserObject] = {}
+ "Mapping from child names to child nodes."
+ def dependencies(self) -> tp.Dict[str, tp.Set[str]]:
+ """A list of objects defined in :py:class:`.Namespace`\\s that are used inside current node.
+ :return: A mapping from :py:class:`.Namespace`\\s names to sets of object names.
+ """
+ result: tp.DefaultDict[str, tp.Set[str]] = defaultdict(set)
+ if len(self.path) >= 2:
+ result[self.path[0]].add(self.path[1])
+ else: # self is a Namespace, return no dependencies
+ return result
+ if isinstance(self, ReferenceObject):
+ resolved = self._resolve_once
+ if resolved is not None:
+ for namespace, objects in resolved.dependencies().items():
+ result[namespace].update(objects)
+ for child in self.children.values():
+ for namespace, objects in child.dependencies().items():
+ result[namespace].update(objects)
+ return dict(result)
+ def add_child(self, child: "BaseParserObject", asname: str):
+ """Add a child node `child` by the name `asname`.
+ :param child: Child node to add.
+ :param asname: Name of the child node.
+ """
+ child.parent = self
+ child._name = asname
+ self.children[asname] = child
+ def resolve_path(self, path: tp.Tuple[str, ...]) -> "BaseParserObject":
+ """Resolve tree path relative to this node.
+ :param path: A tuple of child names.
+ :raises KeyError:
+ If a key in `path` cannot be found in children.
+ :return: A child path[-1] of a child path[-2] of .. a child path[0] of this object.
+ """
+ if len(path) == 0:
+ return self
+ child = self.children.get(path[0])
+ if child is None:
+ raise KeyError(f"Not found key {path[0]} in {str(self)}")
+ return child.resolve_path(path[1:])
+ @cached_property
+ def path(self) -> tp.Tuple[str, ...]:
+ """Path to this node from the tree root node."""
+ if self._name is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Name is not set: {str(self)}")
+ if self.parent is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Parent is not set: {str(self)}")
+ return self.parent.path + (self._name,)
+ @cached_property
+ def namespace(self) -> "Namespace":
+ """Namespace this object belongs to."""
+ if self.parent is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Parent is not set: {str(self)}")
+ return self.parent.namespace
+ @cached_property
+ def dff_project(self) -> "DFFProject":
+ """DFFProject this object belongs to."""
+ return self.namespace.dff_project
+ @abstractmethod
+ def dump(self, current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4) -> str:
+ """
+ Dump object as string. `current_indent` should already be applied to the current line by the node's parent.
+ `current_indent` is supposed to be used only when creating new lines.
+ :param current_indent: Current indentation level (in whitespace number), defaults to 0.
+ :param indent:
+ Indentation increment (in whitespace number), defaults to 4.
+ If set to None, an object is dumped in one line.
+ :return: Representation of the object as a string.
+ """
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return self.__class__.__name__ + "(" + self.true_value() + ")"
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return self.dump()
+ def true_value(self) -> str:
+ """Return the true value of the object that is used to compare objects and compute hash."""
+ return self.dump(indent=None)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.true_value())
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, BaseParserObject):
+ return self.true_value() == other.true_value()
+ if isinstance(other, str):
+ return self.true_value() == other
+ return NotImplemented
+ @classmethod
+ @abstractmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs):
+ """Construct an object from an :py:class:`ast.stmt` or :py:class:`ast.expr`.
+ :param node: AST node to construct the object from.
+ :return: Constructed object(s) or None if an object cannot be constructed from `node`.
+ """
+class Statement(BaseParserObject, ABC):
+ """
+ This class is for nodes that represent :py:class:`ast.stmt`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ BaseParserObject.__init__(self)
+ self.parent: tp.Optional[Namespace] = None
+ self.children: tp.MutableMapping[str, Expression] = {}
+ @classmethod
+ @abstractmethod
+ def from_ast(
+ cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs
+ ) -> tp.Optional[tp.Union[tp.Mapping[str, "Statement"], "Python"]]:
+ """
+ Extract statements from ast node.
+ :return:
+ - None, if type of the `node` is not compatible with the current class.
+ - For non-:py:class:`~.Python` classes
+ return a mapping from names of defined objects inside the statement to their definitions.
+ - :py:class:`~.Python` should return an instance of itself.
+ """
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def auto(cls, node: ast.stmt, **kwargs) -> tp.Union[tp.Mapping[str, "Statement"], "Python"]: # type: ignore
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def auto(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> None:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def auto(cls, node, **kwargs):
+ """Construct a statement automatically choosing the correct type."""
+ if not isinstance(node, ast.stmt):
+ return None
+ for _cls in (Import, ImportFrom, Assignment, Python):
+ _cls = tp.cast(tp.Type[Statement], _cls)
+ obj = _cls.from_ast(node, **kwargs)
+ if obj is not None:
+ return obj
+ raise RuntimeError(node)
+class Expression(BaseParserObject, ABC):
+ """
+ This class is for nodes that represent :py:class:`ast.expr`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ BaseParserObject.__init__(self)
+ self.parent: tp.Optional[tp.Union[Statement, Expression]] = None
+ self.children: tp.MutableMapping[str, Expression] = {}
+ @classmethod
+ @abstractmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> tp.Optional["Expression"]:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def from_str(cls, string: str) -> "Expression":
+ """
+ Construct an expression from a string representing it.
+ :raises ParsingError:
+ - If a string represents anything but a single expression (:py:class:`ast.Expr`).
+ """
+ body = ast.parse(string).body
+ if len(body) != 1:
+ raise ParsingError(f"Body should contain only one expression: {string}")
+ statement = body[0]
+ if not isinstance(statement, ast.Expr):
+ raise ParsingError(f"Body should contain only expressions: {string}")
+ return cls.auto(statement.value)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_obj(cls, obj: object) -> "Expression":
+ """Construct an expression representing an object."""
+ return cls.from_str(repr(obj))
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def auto(cls, node: ast.expr, **kwargs) -> "Expression": # type: ignore
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def auto(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> None:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def auto(cls, node, **kwargs):
+ """Construct an expression automatically choosing the correct type."""
+ if not isinstance(node, ast.expr):
+ return None
+ for _cls in (Comprehension, Call, Iterable, Subscript, Name, Attribute, Dict, String, Python):
+ _cls = tp.cast(tp.Type[Expression], _cls)
+ obj = _cls.from_ast(node, **kwargs)
+ if obj is not None:
+ return obj
+ raise RuntimeError(node)
+class ReferenceObject(BaseParserObject, ABC):
+ """
+ An interface for reference objects. Reference objects are objects that reference other objects,
+ e.g. Name, Import, Subscript.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ BaseParserObject.__init__(self)
+ @cached_property
+ @abstractmethod
+ def _resolve_once(self) -> tp.Optional[BaseParserObject]:
+ """Try to find the object being referenced by the object.
+ :return: Referenced object or None if it can't be resolved.
+ """
+ ...
+ @cached_property
+ def absolute(self) -> tp.Optional[BaseParserObject]: # todo: handle recursion
+ """An absolute object -- if the current object is a reference to another reference, that reference will
+ be resolved as well.
+ :return: A final object that is not :py:class:`.ReferenceObject` or None if any object cannot be resolved.
+ """
+ resolved = self._resolve_once
+ if isinstance(resolved, ReferenceObject):
+ return resolved.absolute
+ return resolved
+ @cached_property
+ @abstractmethod
+ def referenced_object(self) -> str:
+ """
+ Return a path of a referenced object (as well as modifiers such as indexes or attribute references).
+ So if `ReferenceObject` is `from dff import pipeline as pl referenced_object` for `pl` is `dff.pipeline`.
+ However, if `ReferencedObject` is `pl.Pipeline` or `pl.dictionary[pl.number][5]` then their
+ `referenced_object`\\s are, respectively, `dff.pipeline.Pipeline` and
+ `dff.pipeline.dictionary[dff.pipeline.number][5]`.
+ """
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.dump(indent=None) == self.true_value():
+ return BaseParserObject.__repr__(self)
+ return self.__class__.__name__ + "(dump=" + self.dump(indent=None) + "; true_value=" + self.true_value() + ")"
+ def true_value(self) -> str:
+ if self.absolute is not None:
+ return self.absolute.true_value()
+ return self.referenced_object
+ @staticmethod
+ def resolve_absolute(obj: BaseParserObject) -> BaseParserObject:
+ """
+ Process an object and return its absolute value if possible.
+ :param obj: An object to process.
+ :return:
+ `obj.absolute` if `obj` is `ReferenceObject` and `absolute` is not None.
+ Return `obj` otherwise.
+ """
+ if isinstance(obj, ReferenceObject):
+ return obj.absolute or obj
+ return obj
+ @staticmethod
+ def resolve_expression(obj: Expression) -> Expression:
+ """
+ Process an object and return its absolute value of :py:class:`~.Expression` if possible.
+ :param obj: An object to process.
+ :return:
+ `obj.absolute` if `obj` is `ReferenceObject` and `absolute` has :py:class:`~.Expression` type.
+ Return `obj` otherwise.
+ """
+ if isinstance(obj, ReferenceObject):
+ absolute = obj.absolute
+ if isinstance(absolute, Expression):
+ return absolute
+ return obj
+class Import(Statement, ReferenceObject):
+ """
+ This class if for nodes that represent :py:class:`ast.Import`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, module: str, alias: tp.Optional[str] = None):
+ ReferenceObject.__init__(self)
+ Statement.__init__(self)
+ self.module = module
+ self.alias = alias
+ def dump(self, current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4) -> str:
+ return f"import {self.module}" + (f" as {self.alias}" if self.alias else "")
+ @cached_property
+ def _resolve_once(self) -> tp.Optional[BaseParserObject]:
+ namespace_name = self.namespace.resolve_relative_import(self.module)
+ namespace = self.dff_project.get_namespace(namespace_name)
+ if namespace is None:
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{self.__class__.__name__} did not resolve: {str(self)}\nNamespace {namespace_name} not found"
+ )
+ return None
+ return namespace
+ @cached_property
+ def referenced_object(self) -> str:
+ return self.namespace.resolve_relative_import(self.module)
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: ast.Import, **kwargs) -> tp.Dict[str, "Import"]: # type: ignore
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> None:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Extract imports from ast node.
+ :return: A dictionary of statements contained in the node.
+ The keys are names under which an object is imported, and the values are instances of this class.
+ For example an import statement `import obj_1 as obj, obj_2, obj_3 as obj_3`
+ will produce a dictionary with the following items:
+ - `(obj, Import(import obj_1 as obj))`
+ - `(obj_2, Import(import obj_2))`
+ - `(obj_3, Import(import obj_3 as obj_3))`
+ """
+ if not isinstance(node, ast.Import):
+ return None
+ result = {}
+ for name in node.names:
+ result[name.asname or name.name] = cls(name.name, name.asname)
+ return result
+class ImportFrom(Statement, ReferenceObject):
+ """
+ This class if for nodes that represent :py:class:`ast.ImportFrom`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, module: str, level: int, obj: str, alias: tp.Optional[str] = None):
+ ReferenceObject.__init__(self)
+ Statement.__init__(self)
+ self.module = module
+ self.level = level
+ self.obj = obj
+ self.alias = alias
+ def dump(self, current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4) -> str:
+ return f"from {self.level * '.' + self.module} import {self.obj}" + (f" as {self.alias}" if self.alias else "")
+ @cached_property
+ def _resolve_once(self) -> tp.Optional[BaseParserObject]:
+ namespace_name = self.namespace.resolve_relative_import(self.module, self.level)
+ namespace = self.dff_project.get_namespace(namespace_name)
+ if namespace is None:
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{self.__class__.__name__} did not resolve: {str(self)}\nNamespace {namespace_name} not found"
+ )
+ return None
+ if not is_instance(namespace, "dff.utils.parser.namespace.Namespace"):
+ raise RuntimeError(namespace)
+ obj = namespace.get_object(self.obj)
+ if obj is None:
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{self.__class__.__name__} did not resolve: {str(self)}\n"
+ f"Object {self.obj} not found in namespace {namespace}"
+ )
+ return None
+ return obj
+ @cached_property
+ def referenced_object(self) -> str:
+ resolved = self._resolve_once
+ if isinstance(resolved, ReferenceObject):
+ return resolved.referenced_object
+ if self.level > 0:
+ substitute_module_name = self.namespace.resolve_relative_import(self.module, self.level) + "." + self.obj
+ else:
+ substitute_module_name = self.module + "." + self.obj
+ return substitute_module_name
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: ast.ImportFrom, **kwargs) -> tp.Dict[str, "ImportFrom"]: # type: ignore
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> None:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Extract from-imports from ast node.
+ :return:
+ A dictionary of statements contained in the node.
+ The keys are names under which an object is imported, and the values are instances of this class.
+ For example an import statement `from module import obj_1 as obj, obj_2, obj_3 as obj_3`
+ will produce a dictionary with the following items:
+ - `(obj, ImportFrom(from module import obj_1 as obj))`
+ - `(obj_2, ImportFrom(from module import obj_2))`
+ - `(obj_3, ImportFrom(from module import obj_3 as obj_3))`
+ """
+ if not isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom):
+ return None
+ result = {}
+ for name in node.names:
+ if name.name == "*":
+ raise StarError(f"Starred import is not supported: {unparse(node)}")
+ result[name.asname or name.name] = cls(node.module or "", node.level, name.name, name.asname)
+ return result
+class Assignment(Statement):
+ """
+ This class if for nodes that represent :py:class:`ast.Assign` or :py:class:`ast.AnnAssign`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, target: Expression, value: Expression):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.add_child(target, "target")
+ self.add_child(value, "value")
+ def dump(self, current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4) -> str:
+ return (
+ f"{self.children['target'].dump(current_indent, indent)} ="
+ f" {self.children['value'].dump(current_indent, indent)}"
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast( # type: ignore
+ cls, node: tp.Union[ast.Assign, ast.AnnAssign], **kwargs
+ ) -> tp.Dict[str, "Assignment"]:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> None:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Extract assignments from ast node.
+ :return:
+ A dictionary of statements contained in the node.
+ The keys are names of declared object, and the values are instances of this class.
+ For example an assignment statement `a = b = c = 1`
+ will produce a dictionary with the following items:
+ - `(c, Assignment(c = 1))`
+ - `(a, Assignment(a = c))`
+ - `(b, Assignment(b = c))`
+ """
+ if isinstance(node, ast.Assign):
+ result = {}
+ target = Expression.auto(node.targets[-1])
+ value = Expression.auto(node.value)
+ result[str(target)] = cls(target=target, value=value)
+ for new_target in map(Expression.auto, node.targets[:-1]):
+ # todo: add support for tuple targets
+ result[str(new_target)] = cls(target=new_target, value=target)
+ return result
+ if isinstance(node, ast.AnnAssign):
+ result = {}
+ if node.value is None:
+ logger.warning(f"Assignment has no value: {unparse(node)}")
+ return None
+ target = Expression.auto(node.target)
+ value = Expression.auto(node.value)
+ result[str(target)] = cls(target=target, value=value)
+ return result
+ return None
+class String(Expression):
+ """
+ This class is for nodes that represent :py:class:`ast.Str` (for python 3.7)
+ or :py:class:`ast.Constant` with str value.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, string: str):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.string = string
+ def dump(self, current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4) -> str:
+ return repr(self.string)
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.Str, ast.Constant], **kwargs) -> "String": # type: ignore
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> None:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node, **kwargs):
+ if isinstance(node, ast.Str): # todo: remove this when python3.7 support is dropped
+ return cls(node.s)
+ elif isinstance(node, ast.Constant):
+ if isinstance(node.value, str):
+ return cls(node.value)
+ return None
+class Python(Expression, Statement): # type: ignore
+ """
+ This class is for nodes that cannot be represented by any other classes. It's children contain direct children
+ as well as children inside iterable fields.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, node: tp.Union[ast.expr, ast.stmt]):
+ Expression.__init__(self)
+ Statement.__init__(self)
+ self.parent: tp.Optional[tp.Union[Namespace, Statement, Expression]] = None # type: ignore
+ for key, value in node.__dict__.items():
+ if isinstance(value, ast.expr):
+ self.add_child(Expression.auto(value), key)
+ elif isinstance(value, tp.Iterable):
+ for index, child in enumerate(value):
+ if isinstance(child, ast.expr):
+ self.add_child(Expression.auto(child), key + "_" + str(index))
+ if unparse.__module__ == "astunparse":
+ self.string = unparse(node).strip()
+ # astunparse.unparse adds "\n"
+ # todo: remove this when python3.8 support is dropped
+ else:
+ self.string = unparse(node)
+ self.type = node.__class__.__name__
+ def dump(self, current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4) -> str:
+ return self.string
+ @classmethod
+ def from_str(cls, string: str) -> "Python":
+ parsed = ast.parse(string).body
+ if len(parsed) != 1:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"String {string} should contain only one statement or expression")
+ statement = parsed[0]
+ if isinstance(statement, ast.stmt):
+ return cls(statement)
+ elif isinstance(statement, ast.Expr):
+ return cls(statement.value)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(statement)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> "Python": # type: ignore
+ return cls(node)
+class Dict(Expression):
+ """
+ This class if for nodes that represent :py:class:`ast.Dict`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, keys: tp.List[Expression], values: tp.List[Expression]):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.__keys: tp.List[tp.Tuple[Expression, str]] = []
+ for key, value in zip(keys, values):
+ self.__keys.append((key, str(key)))
+ self.add_child(key, self._key(key))
+ self.add_child(value, self._value(key))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _key(str_key: tp.Union[Expression, str]) -> str:
+ """Get a name which is used to store a child that is a key in the dictionary.
+ :param str_key: An object or a string representation of an object.
+ The object represents a key in the dictionary.
+ :return: Name of a child-key.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(str_key, str):
+ str_key = str(str_key)
+ return "key_" + str_key
+ @staticmethod
+ def _value(str_value: tp.Union[Expression, str]) -> str:
+ """Get a name which is used to store a child that is a value in the dictionary.
+ :param str_value: An object or a string representation of an object.
+ The object represents a value in the dictionary.
+ :return: Name of a child-value.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(str_value, str):
+ str_value = str(str_value)
+ return "value_" + str_value
+ @staticmethod
+ def _clear(child_name: str) -> str:
+ """Get a string representation of a key that is associated with a child under the name `child_name`.
+ :param child_name: A name of a child.
+ :return: A string representation of the corresponding key.
+ """
+ if child_name.startswith("value_"):
+ return child_name[len("value_") :] # noqa: E203
+ if child_name.startswith("key_"):
+ return child_name[len("key_") :] # noqa: E203
+ return child_name
+ def key_by_value(self, value: Expression) -> Expression:
+ """Get a key by the value.
+ :param value: Value stored in a dictionary.
+ :return: A key that is associated with the value.
+ """
+ child_name = value._name
+ if child_name is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Value does not have a parent: {value}")
+ return self.children[self._key(self._clear(child_name))]
+ def keys(self) -> tp.Iterator[Expression]:
+ """An iterator over keys in the dictionary."""
+ for _, key_str in self.__keys:
+ yield self.children[self._key(key_str)]
+ def values(self) -> tp.Iterator[Expression]:
+ """An iterator over values in the dictionary."""
+ for _, key_str in self.__keys:
+ yield self.children[self._value(key_str)]
+ def items(self) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[Expression, Expression]]:
+ """An iterator over tuples of keys and values in the dictionary."""
+ for _, key_str in self.__keys:
+ yield self.children[self._key(key_str)], self.children[self._value(key_str)]
+ @cached_property
+ def _keys(self) -> tp.Dict[Expression, str]:
+ """A mapping from dictionary keys to their string representations."""
+ result = {}
+ for key, value in self.__keys:
+ result[key] = value
+ return result
+ def dump(self, current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4) -> str:
+ items = [
+ (indent * " " if indent else "")
+ + self.children[self._key(key)].dump(
+ current_indent=0 if indent is None else (current_indent + indent), indent=indent
+ )
+ + ": "
+ + self.children[self._value(key)].dump(
+ current_indent=0 if indent is None else (current_indent + indent), indent=indent
+ )
+ + ","
+ for _, key in self.__keys
+ ]
+ if indent is None:
+ return "{" + " ".join(items) + "}"
+ else:
+ return ("\n" + current_indent * " ").join(["{", *items, "}"])
+ def __getitem__(self, item: tp.Union[Expression, str]) -> Expression:
+ """Get dictionary value based on a key.
+ :param item: Either a key or a string representation of a key.
+ :return: Dictionary value.
+ :raises TypeError:
+ If the type of `item` is not :py:class:`.BaseParserObject` nor `str`.
+ :raises KeyError:
+ If the key is not in the dictionary.
+ """
+ if isinstance(item, Expression):
+ key = self._keys[item]
+ return self.children[self._value(key)]
+ elif isinstance(item, str):
+ return self.children[self._value(item)]
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(f"Item {repr(item)} is not `BaseParserObject` nor `str`")
+ def get(self, item: tp.Union[Expression, str], default=None) -> Expression:
+ """Get dictionary value based on a key.
+ :param item: Either a key or a string representation of a key.
+ :param default: Value to return if the dictionary does not have the `item` key.
+ :return: Dictionary value.
+ :raises TypeError:
+ If the type of `item` is not :py:class:`.BaseParserObject` nor `str`.
+ """
+ if isinstance(item, Expression):
+ key = self._keys.get(item)
+ if key is None:
+ return default
+ return self.children.get(self._value(key), default)
+ elif isinstance(item, str):
+ return self.children.get(self._value(item), default)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(f"Item {repr(item)} is not `BaseParserObject` nor `str`")
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: ast.Dict, **kwargs) -> "Dict": # type: ignore
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> None:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node, **kwargs):
+ if not isinstance(node, ast.Dict):
+ return None
+ keys, values = [], []
+ for key, value in zip(node.keys, node.values):
+ if key is None:
+ raise StarError(f"Dict unpacking is not supported: {unparse(node)}")
+ keys.append(Expression.auto(key))
+ values.append(Expression.auto(value))
+ return cls(keys, values)
+class Name(Expression, ReferenceObject):
+ """
+ This class if for nodes that represent :py:class:`ast.Name`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name: str):
+ Expression.__init__(self)
+ ReferenceObject.__init__(self)
+ self.name = name
+ @cached_property
+ def _resolve_once(self) -> tp.Optional[BaseParserObject]:
+ result = self.namespace.get_object(self.name)
+ if result is None:
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{self.__class__.__name__} did not resolve: {str(self)}\n"
+ f"Object {self.name} not found in {self.namespace}"
+ )
+ return result
+ @cached_property
+ def referenced_object(self) -> str:
+ resolved = self._resolve_once
+ if isinstance(resolved, ReferenceObject):
+ return resolved.referenced_object
+ return ".".join([*self.namespace.location, self.name])
+ def dump(self, current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4) -> str:
+ return self.name
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: ast.Name, **kwargs) -> "Name": # type: ignore
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> None:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node, **kwargs):
+ if not isinstance(node, ast.Name):
+ return None
+ return cls(node.id)
+class Attribute(Expression, ReferenceObject):
+ """
+ This class if for nodes that represent :py:class:`ast.Attribute`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, value: Expression, attr: str):
+ Expression.__init__(self)
+ ReferenceObject.__init__(self)
+ self.add_child(value, "value")
+ self.attr = attr
+ @cached_property
+ def _resolve_once(self) -> tp.Optional[BaseParserObject]:
+ value: tp.Optional[tp.Union[BaseParserObject, "Namespace"]] = ReferenceObject.resolve_absolute(
+ self.children["value"]
+ )
+ if is_instance(value, "dff.utils.parser.namespace.Namespace"):
+ value = tp.cast("Namespace", value)
+ obj = value.get_object(self.attr)
+ if obj is None:
+ logger.debug(
+ f"{self.__class__.__name__} did not resolve: {str(self)}\nKey {self.attr} does not exist in {value}"
+ )
+ return obj
+ return None
+ @cached_property
+ def referenced_object(self) -> str:
+ resolved = self._resolve_once
+ if isinstance(resolved, ReferenceObject):
+ return resolved.referenced_object
+ value = self.children["value"]
+ return value.true_value() + "." + self.attr
+ def dump(self, current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4) -> str:
+ return self.children["value"].dump(current_indent, indent) + "." + self.attr
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: ast.Attribute, **kwargs) -> "Attribute": # type: ignore
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> None:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node, **kwargs):
+ if not isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
+ return None
+ return cls(Expression.auto(node.value), node.attr)
+class Subscript(Expression, ReferenceObject):
+ """
+ This class if for nodes that represent :py:class:`ast.Subscript`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, value: Expression, index: Expression):
+ Expression.__init__(self)
+ ReferenceObject.__init__(self)
+ self.add_child(value, "value")
+ self.add_child(index, "index")
+ @cached_property
+ def _resolve_once(self) -> tp.Optional[BaseParserObject]:
+ value: tp.Optional[BaseParserObject] = ReferenceObject.resolve_absolute(self.children["value"])
+ index: tp.Optional[BaseParserObject] = ReferenceObject.resolve_absolute(self.children["index"])
+ debug_message = f"{self.__class__.__name__} did not resolve: {str(self)}"
+ if value is None:
+ logger.debug(f"{debug_message}\nValue did not resolve: {self.children['value']}")
+ return None
+ if index is None:
+ logger.debug(f"{debug_message}\nIndex did not resolve: {self.children['index']}")
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(value, (Dict, Iterable)):
+ logger.debug(f"{debug_message}\nValue is not a `Dict`: {value}")
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(index, Expression):
+ logger.debug(f"{debug_message}\nIndex is not an `Expression`: {index}")
+ return None
+ result = value.get(index)
+ if result is None:
+ logger.debug(f"{debug_message}\nKey not found.\nKey: {index}\nDict: {value}")
+ return None
+ return result
+ @cached_property
+ def referenced_object(self) -> str:
+ resolved = self._resolve_once
+ if isinstance(resolved, ReferenceObject):
+ return resolved.referenced_object
+ value = self.children["value"]
+ index = self.children["index"]
+ return value.true_value() + "[" + index.true_value() + "]"
+ def dump(self, current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4) -> str:
+ return (
+ self.children["value"].dump(current_indent, indent)
+ + "["
+ + self.children["index"].dump(current_indent, indent)
+ + "]"
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: ast.Subscript, **kwargs) -> "Subscript": # type: ignore
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> None:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node, **kwargs):
+ if not isinstance(node, ast.Subscript):
+ return None
+ value = Expression.auto(node.value)
+ # todo: remove the right part when python3.8 support is dropped
+ if isinstance(node.slice, ast.Slice) or is_instance(node.slice, "_ast.ExtSlice"):
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Slices are not supported: {unparse(node)}")
+ index = node.slice
+ # todo: remove this when python3.8 support is dropped
+ if is_instance(index, "_ast.Index"):
+ index = index.value # type: ignore
+ return cls(value, Expression.auto(index))
+class Iterable(Expression):
+ """
+ This class if for nodes that represent :py:class:`ast.Tuple`, :py:class:`ast.List` or :py:class:`ast.Set`.
+ """
+ class Type(tuple, Enum):
+ LIST = ("[", "]")
+ TUPLE = ("(", ")")
+ SET = ("{", "}")
+ def __init__(self, iterable: tp.Iterable[Expression], iterable_type: Type):
+ Expression.__init__(self)
+ self.children: tp.Dict[str, Expression]
+ self.type: Iterable.Type = iterable_type
+ """Type of the iterable"""
+ for index, value in enumerate(iterable):
+ self.add_child(value, str(index))
+ def __iter__(self):
+ yield from self.children.values()
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.children)
+ def __getitem__(self, item: tp.Union[Expression, str, int]) -> Expression:
+ if isinstance(item, str):
+ return self.children[item]
+ elif isinstance(item, int):
+ return self.children[str(item)]
+ else:
+ return self.children[str(item)]
+ def get(self, item: tp.Union[Expression, str, int], default=None) -> Expression:
+ if isinstance(item, str):
+ return self.children.get(item, default)
+ elif isinstance(item, int):
+ return self.children.get(str(item), default)
+ else:
+ return self.children.get(str(item), default)
+ def dump(self, current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4) -> str:
+ return (
+ self.type.value[0]
+ + ", ".join([child.dump(current_indent, indent) for child in self.children.values()])
+ + ("," if (len(self.children) == 1 and self.type == Iterable.Type.TUPLE) else "")
+ + self.type.value[1]
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.Tuple, ast.List, ast.Set], **kwargs) -> "Iterable": # type: ignore
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> None:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node, **kwargs):
+ if not isinstance(node, (ast.Tuple, ast.List, ast.Set)):
+ return None
+ result = []
+ for item in node.elts:
+ result.append(Expression.auto(item))
+ if isinstance(node, ast.Tuple):
+ iterable_type = Iterable.Type.TUPLE
+ elif isinstance(node, ast.List):
+ iterable_type = Iterable.Type.LIST
+ else:
+ iterable_type = Iterable.Type.SET
+ return cls(result, iterable_type)
+class Call(Expression):
+ """
+ This class if for nodes that represent :py:class:`ast.Call`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, func: Expression, args: tp.List[Expression], keywords: tp.Dict[str, Expression]):
+ Expression.__init__(self)
+ self.add_child(func, "func")
+ self.args: tp.List[Expression] = args
+ self.keywords: tp.Dict[str, Expression] = keywords
+ for index, arg in enumerate(args):
+ self.add_child(arg, "arg_" + str(index))
+ for key, value in keywords.items():
+ self.add_child(value, "keyword_" + key)
+ def get_args(self, func_sig: Signature) -> tp.Dict[str, Expression]:
+ """
+ Return a dictionary of pairs `{arg_name: arg_value}`.
+ If `arg_name` corresponds to a collection of unbound arguments (such as `args` in `def func(*args, **kwargs):`),
+ `arg_value` has type :py:class:`~.Iterable` (for a tuple of positional unbound arguments)
+ or :py:class:`~.Dict`(for a dict of unbound keyword arguments).
+ Note: alternative names for collections of unbound arguments are supported
+ (i.e. if a function is defined as `def func(*func_args, **func_kwargs):`).
+ :param func_sig: Function signature.
+ :return: A mapping from argument names to their values (represented by :py:class:`.Expression`).
+ :raises TypeError:
+ If `self.args` and `self.kwargs` do not match function signature.
+ """
+ first_arg = list(func_sig.parameters.keys())[0]
+ if first_arg in ("self", "cls"):
+ stub = [None]
+ else:
+ stub = []
+ params = func_sig.bind(*stub, *self.args, **self.keywords)
+ params.apply_defaults()
+ result: tp.Dict[str, Expression] = {}
+ for key, value in params.arguments.items():
+ if key not in ("self", "cls"):
+ if func_sig.parameters[key].kind == Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL: # *args processing
+ result[key] = Iterable(value, Iterable.Type.TUPLE)
+ elif func_sig.parameters[key].kind == Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD: # **kwargs processing
+ result[key] = Dict(list(map(Expression.from_obj, value.keys())), list(value.values()))
+ else:
+ result[key] = value if isinstance(value, Expression) else Expression.from_obj(value)
+ return result
+ @cached_property
+ def func_name(self) -> str:
+ """Name of the function being called. If function being called is a lambda function, it's body is returned."""
+ func = self.children["func"]
+ if isinstance(func, ReferenceObject):
+ return func.referenced_object
+ return str(func)
+ def dump(self, current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4) -> str:
+ return (
+ self.children["func"].dump(current_indent, indent)
+ + "("
+ + ", ".join(
+ [
+ self.children[arg].dump(current_indent, indent)
+ for arg in self.children.keys()
+ if arg.startswith("arg_")
+ ]
+ + [
+ f"{keyword[len('keyword_'):]}={self.children[keyword].dump(current_indent, indent)}"
+ for keyword in self.children.keys()
+ if keyword.startswith("keyword_")
+ ]
+ )
+ + ")"
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: ast.Call, **kwargs) -> "Call": # type: ignore
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> None:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node, **kwargs):
+ if not isinstance(node, ast.Call):
+ return None
+ func = Expression.auto(node.func)
+ args = []
+ keywords = {}
+ for arg in node.args:
+ if isinstance(arg, ast.Starred):
+ raise StarError(f"Starred calls are not supported: {unparse(node)}")
+ args.append(Expression.auto(arg))
+ for keyword in node.keywords:
+ if keyword.arg is None:
+ raise StarError(f"Starred calls are not supported: {unparse(node)}")
+ keywords[str(keyword.arg)] = Expression.auto(keyword.value)
+ return cls(func, args, keywords)
+class Generator(BaseParserObject):
+ """
+ This class if for nodes that represent :py:class:`ast.comprehension`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, target: Expression, iterator: Expression, ifs: tp.List[Expression], is_async: bool):
+ BaseParserObject.__init__(self)
+ self.add_child(target, "target")
+ self.add_child(iterator, "iter")
+ for index, if_expr in enumerate(ifs):
+ self.add_child(if_expr, "if_" + str(index))
+ self.is_async = is_async
+ def dump(self, current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4) -> str:
+ ifs = [
+ f"if {expression.dump(current_indent, indent)}"
+ for key, expression in self.children.items()
+ if key.startswith("if_")
+ ]
+ return (
+ ("async " if self.is_async else "")
+ + f"for {self.children['target'].dump(current_indent, indent)}"
+ + f" in {self.children['iter'].dump(current_indent, indent)}"
+ + (" " if ifs else "")
+ + " ".join(ifs)
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: ast.comprehension, **kwargs) -> "Generator": # type: ignore
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> None:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node, **kwargs):
+ if not isinstance(node, ast.comprehension):
+ return None
+ return cls(
+ target=Expression.auto(node.target),
+ iterator=Expression.auto(node.iter),
+ ifs=[Expression.auto(if_expr) for if_expr in node.ifs],
+ is_async=node.is_async == 1,
+ )
+class Comprehension(Expression):
+ """
+ This class if for nodes that represent :py:class:`ast.DictComp`, :py:class:`ast.ListComp`,
+ :py:class:`ast.SetComp` or :py:class:`ast.GeneratorExp`.
+ """
+ class Type(tuple, Enum):
+ LIST = ("[", "]")
+ GEN = ("(", ")")
+ SET = ("{", "}")
+ DICT = (None, None)
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ element: tp.Union[Expression, tp.Tuple[Expression, Expression]],
+ generators: tp.List[Generator],
+ comp_type: Type,
+ ):
+ Expression.__init__(self)
+ if isinstance(element, tuple):
+ if comp_type is not Comprehension.Type.DICT:
+ raise RuntimeError(comp_type)
+ self.add_child(element[0], "key")
+ self.add_child(element[1], "value")
+ else:
+ if comp_type is Comprehension.Type.DICT:
+ raise RuntimeError(comp_type)
+ self.add_child(element, "element")
+ self.comp_type: Comprehension.Type = comp_type
+ """Type of comprehension"""
+ for index, generator in enumerate(generators):
+ self.add_child(generator, "gens_" + str(index))
+ def dump(self, current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4) -> str:
+ gens = [gen.dump(current_indent, indent) for key, gen in self.children.items() if key.startswith("gens_")]
+ if self.comp_type is Comprehension.Type.DICT:
+ return (
+ f"{{{self.children['key'].dump(current_indent, indent)}: "
+ f"{self.children['value'].dump(current_indent, indent)}" + (" " if gens else "") + " ".join(gens) + "}"
+ )
+ else:
+ return (
+ self.comp_type.value[0]
+ + self.children["element"].dump(current_indent, indent)
+ + (" " if gens else "")
+ + " ".join(gens)
+ + self.comp_type.value[1]
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast( # type: ignore
+ cls, node: tp.Union[ast.ListComp, ast.SetComp, ast.GeneratorExp], **kwargs
+ ) -> "Comprehension":
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ @tp.overload
+ def from_ast(cls, node: tp.Union[ast.stmt, ast.expr], **kwargs) -> None:
+ ...
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node, **kwargs):
+ if not isinstance(node, (ast.DictComp, ast.ListComp, ast.SetComp, ast.GeneratorExp)):
+ return None
+ gens = [Generator.from_ast(gen) for gen in node.generators]
+ if isinstance(node, ast.DictComp):
+ return cls(
+ (Expression.auto(node.key), Expression.auto(node.value)),
+ gens,
+ Comprehension.Type.DICT,
+ )
+ elif isinstance(node, ast.ListComp):
+ comp_type = Comprehension.Type.LIST
+ elif isinstance(node, ast.SetComp):
+ comp_type = Comprehension.Type.SET
+ elif isinstance(node, ast.GeneratorExp):
+ comp_type = Comprehension.Type.GEN
+ return cls(
+ Expression.auto(node.elt),
+ gens,
+ comp_type,
+ )
diff --git a/dff/utils/parser/dff_project.py b/dff/utils/parser/dff_project.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59ce1bc31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dff/utils/parser/dff_project.py
@@ -0,0 +1,864 @@
+DFF Project
+This module defines a class that represents a DFF project --
+a collection of python source files that define a script and a Pipeline.
+Script Initializer -- A function that takes a DFF script and uses it to initialize an object to store and process it.
+from pathlib import Path
+import json
+import typing as tp
+import logging
+from collections import defaultdict
+import ast
+import inspect
+from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
+ import networkx as nx
+except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError("Module `networkx` is not installed. Install it with `pip install dff[parser]`.")
+from dff.utils.parser.base_parser_object import (
+ cached_property,
+ BaseParserObject,
+ Call,
+ ReferenceObject,
+ Import,
+ ImportFrom,
+ Assignment,
+ Expression,
+ Dict,
+ String,
+ Iterable,
+ Statement,
+ Python,
+from dff.utils.parser.namespace import Namespace
+from dff.utils.parser.exceptions import ScriptValidationError, ParsingError
+from dff.utils.parser.yaml import yaml
+from dff.pipeline.pipeline.pipeline import Actor, Pipeline
+from dff.script.core.keywords import Keywords
+import dff.script.labels as labels
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+script_initializers: tp.Dict[str, inspect.Signature] = {
+ **{
+ actor_name: inspect.signature(Actor.__init__)
+ for actor_name in (
+ "dff.pipeline.pipeline.actor.Actor",
+ "dff.pipeline.pipeline.pipeline.Actor",
+ )
+ },
+ **{
+ pipeline_name: inspect.signature(Pipeline.from_script)
+ for pipeline_name in (
+ "dff.pipeline.Pipeline.from_script",
+ "dff.pipeline.pipeline.pipeline.Pipeline.from_script",
+ )
+ },
+A mapping from names of script initializers to their signatures.
+:meta hide-value:
+label_prefixes = (
+ "dff.script.labels.std_labels.",
+ "dff.script.labels.",
+"""A tuple of possible prefixes for label names."""
+label_args: tp.Dict[str, inspect.Signature] = {
+ label_prefix + label.__name__: inspect.signature(label)
+ for label in (
+ getattr(labels, lbl)
+ for lbl in (
+ "backward",
+ "forward",
+ "previous",
+ "repeat",
+ "to_fallback",
+ "to_start",
+ )
+ )
+ for label_prefix in label_prefixes
+A mapping from label names to their signatures.
+:meta hide-value:
+keyword_prefixes = (
+ "dff.script.core.keywords.Keywords.",
+ "dff.script.core.keywords.",
+ "dff.script.",
+ "dff.script.Keywords.",
+"""A tuple of possible keyword name prefixes."""
+keyword_dict = {k: [keyword_prefix + k for keyword_prefix in keyword_prefixes] for k in Keywords.__members__}
+A mapping from short names of keywords to all their full names.
+(e.g. GLOBAL -> [dff.script.GLOBAL, dff.script.Keywords.GLOBAL, ...])
+:meta hide-value:
+keyword_list = [keyword_prefix + k for keyword_prefix in keyword_prefixes for k in Keywords.__members__]
+A list of all keyword full names.
+:meta hide-value:
+reversed_keyword_dict = {keyword_prefix + k: k for k in Keywords.__members__ for keyword_prefix in keyword_prefixes}
+A mapping from full keyword names to their short names.
+:meta hide-value:
+RecursiveDictValue: TypeAlias = tp.Union[str, tp.Dict[str, "RecursiveDictValue"]]
+RecursiveDict: TypeAlias = tp.Dict[str, "RecursiveDictValue"]
+DFFProjectDict: TypeAlias = tp.Dict[str, "RecursiveDict"]
+class DFFProject(BaseParserObject):
+ """
+ A collection of files that define a script and a script initializer.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ namespaces: tp.List["Namespace"],
+ validate: bool = True,
+ script_initializer: tp.Optional[str] = None,
+ ):
+ """
+ :param namespaces: A list of Namespaces that comprise a DFF project.
+ :param validate:
+ Whether to perform validation -- check for a script initializer and validate its arguments.
+ Defaults to True.
+ :param script_initializer:
+ A colon-separated string that points to a script initializer call.
+ The first part of the string should be the name of the namespace.
+ The second part of the string should be the name of the object that is a result of script initializer call.
+ Defaults to None.
+ """
+ BaseParserObject.__init__(self)
+ self.children: tp.MutableMapping[str, Namespace] = {}
+ self.script_initializer = script_initializer
+ """
+ A colon-separated string that points to a script initializer call.
+ The first part of the string should be the name of the namespace.
+ The second part of the string should be the name of the object that is a result of script initializer call.
+ """
+ if script_initializer is not None and len(script_initializer.split(":")) != 2:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"`script_initializer` should be a string of two parts separated by `:`: {script_initializer}"
+ )
+ for namespace in namespaces:
+ self.add_child(namespace, namespace.name)
+ if validate:
+ _ = self.graph
+ def get_namespace(self, namespace_name: str) -> tp.Optional[Namespace]:
+ """Get a namespace by its name. Return None if it does not exist."""
+ return self.children.get(namespace_name) or self.children.get(namespace_name + ".__init__")
+ @cached_property
+ def script_initializer_call(self) -> Call:
+ """
+ Return a Script Initializer call.
+ If `self.script_initializer` is specified during `__init__` return the call it points to and verify it.
+ Otherwise, search for a Script Initializer call in `self.namespaces`.
+ :raises ScriptValidationError:
+ This exception is called under these conditions:
+ - If `self.script_initializer` is specified during `__init__` and any of the following is true:
+ - Namespace specified by the first part of the `script_initializer`
+ does not exist in `self.namespaces`.
+ - Object specified by the second part of the `script_initializer` does not exist in namespace.
+ - Object specified by the second part of the `script_initializer` is not an assignment.
+ - Object specified by the second part of the `script_initializer`
+ assigns an object other than :py:class:`~.Call`.
+ - Object specified by the second part of the `script_initializer`
+ assigns an object other than any specified in :py:data:`~.script_initializers`.
+ - If `self.script_initializer` is not specified and a search found multiple or no Script Initializer calls.
+ """
+ call = None
+ if self.script_initializer is not None:
+ namespace_name, obj_name = self.script_initializer.split(":")
+ namespace = self.children.get(namespace_name)
+ if namespace is None:
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Namespace {namespace_name} not found.")
+ obj = namespace.children.get(obj_name)
+ if obj is None:
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Object {obj_name} not found in namespace {namespace_name}.")
+ if not isinstance(obj, Assignment):
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Object {obj_name} is not `Assignment`: {obj}")
+ value = obj.children["value"]
+ if not isinstance(value, Call):
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Object {obj_name} is not `Call`: {value}")
+ if value.func_name not in script_initializers.keys():
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Object {obj_name} is not a Script Initializer: {value.func_name}")
+ return value
+ for namespace in self.children.values():
+ for statement in namespace.children.values():
+ if isinstance(statement, Assignment):
+ value = statement.children["value"]
+ if isinstance(value, Call):
+ func_name = value.func_name
+ if func_name in script_initializers.keys():
+ if call is None:
+ call = value
+ else:
+ raise ScriptValidationError(
+ f"Found two Script Initializer calls\nFirst: {str(call)}\nSecond:{str(value)}"
+ )
+ if call is not None:
+ return call
+ raise ScriptValidationError(
+ "Script Initialization call is not found (use either `Actor` or `Pipeline.from_script`"
+ )
+ @cached_property
+ def script_initializer_dependencies(self) -> tp.Dict[str, tp.Set[str]]:
+ """Dependencies of script initializer."""
+ return self.script_initializer_call.dependencies()
+ @cached_property
+ def script(self) -> tp.Tuple[Expression, Expression, Expression]:
+ """
+ Extract objects representing script, start label and fallback label from Script Initializer call.
+ If fallback label is not specified in that call, return start label instead.
+ :raises ScriptValidationError:
+ If Script Initializer call does not include `script` or `start_label` parameters.
+ """
+ call = self.script_initializer_call
+ args: tp.Dict[str, Expression] = call.get_args(script_initializers[call.func_name])
+ script = args.get("script")
+ start_label = args.get("start_label")
+ fallback_label = args.get("fallback_label")
+ # script validation
+ if script is None or script == "None":
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Actor argument `script` is not found: {str(call)}")
+ # start_label validation
+ if start_label is None or start_label == "None":
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Actor argument `start_label` is not found: {str(call)}")
+ # fallback_label validation
+ if fallback_label is None or fallback_label == "None":
+ fallback_label = start_label
+ return script, start_label, fallback_label
+ @cached_property
+ def resolved_script(
+ self,
+ ) -> tp.Tuple[
+ tp.Dict[Expression, tp.Dict[tp.Optional[Expression], tp.Dict[str, Expression]]],
+ tp.Tuple[str, str],
+ tp.Tuple[str, str],
+ ]:
+ """
+ Resolve values of :py:attr:`.~DFFProject.script`.
+ The first value (script) is resolved in the following way:
+ 1. For each (`flow_name`, `flow`) pair in the script resulting dict has a
+ (`resolved_flow_name`, `resolved_flow`) pair where `resolved_flow_name` is the result of
+ :py:meth:`~.ReferenceObject.resolve_expression` applied to `flow_name`;
+ and `resolved_flow` is a dictionary constructed in the following way:
+ 2. If `resolved_flow_name` is `GLOBAL`, `resolved_flow` is a dictionary with a single pair
+ (`None`, `resolved_node`) where `resolved_node` is the result of processing `flow` in the same way nodes are
+ processed (see step 3).
+ If `resolved_flow_name` is not `GLOBAL`, for each (`node_name`, `node`) pair in `flow`
+ resulting dict `resolved_flow` contains a pair (`resolved_node_name`, `resolved_node`) where
+ `resolved_node_name` is the result of :py:meth:`~.ReferenceObject.resolve_expression` applied to `node_name`;
+ and `resolved_node` is a dictionary constructed in the following way:
+ 3. For each (`key`, `value`) pair in `node` resulting dict has a
+ (`keyword`, `resolved_value`) pair where `resolved_value` is the result of
+ :py:meth:`~.ReferenceObject.resolve_expression` applied to `value`; and `keyword` is one of the keys of
+ :py:data:`~.keyword_dict`. If `key` is not a keyword, :py:exc:`~.ScriptValidationError`
+ is raised. Additionally the result contains a (__node__, `resolved_node`) pair
+ where __node__ is a literal string and `resolved_node` is the result of
+ :py:meth:`~.ReferenceObject.resolve_expression` applied to `node`.
+ The second and third values (start label and fallback label) are resolved in the following way:
+ If a label resolves to :py:class:`~.Iterable` of length 2 both elements of which resolve to
+ :py:class:`~.String` a tuple of their values is returned. Otherwise, :py:exc:`~.ScriptValidationError`
+ is raised.
+ Labels are also validated (checking that label keys exist in the script).
+ :return: A tuple (resolved_script, resolved_start_label, resolved_fallback_label).
+ :raises ScriptValidationError:
+ During script resolution if:
+ - The first element of :py:attr:`~.DFFProject.script` does not resolve to :py:class:`~.Dict`.
+ - If `resolved_flow_name` is not `GLOBAL` and `flow` does not resolve to :py:class:`~.Dict`.
+ - Here `node` refers to both `node` and, if `resolved_flow_name` is `GLOBAL`, `flow`:
+ - If `node` does not resolve to :py:class:`~. Dict`.
+ - If any key in `node` is not a keyword (is not in :py:data:`~.keyword_list`).
+ - If any key in `node` is a `GLOBAL` or `LOCAL` keyword.
+ - If any key is found twice inside the `node` dictionary.
+ During label resolution if:
+ - Label does not resolve to :py:class:`~.Iterable`.
+ - Number of elements in label is not 2.
+ - Label elements do not resolve to :py:class:`~.String`.
+ During label validation if a node referenced by a label does not exist in resolved script.
+ """
+ script: tp.DefaultDict[Expression, tp.Dict[tp.Optional[Expression], tp.Dict[str, Expression]]] = defaultdict(
+ dict
+ )
+ def resolve_label(label: Expression) -> tp.Tuple[str, str]:
+ label = ReferenceObject.resolve_expression(label)
+ if not isinstance(label, Iterable):
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Label {label} is not iterable.")
+ if len(label) != 2:
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Length of label should be 2: {label}")
+ resolved_flow_name = ReferenceObject.resolve_absolute(label[0])
+ resolved_node_name = ReferenceObject.resolve_absolute(label[1])
+ if not isinstance(resolved_flow_name, String) or not isinstance(resolved_node_name, String):
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Label elements should be strings: {label}")
+ return str(resolved_flow_name), str(resolved_node_name)
+ def resolve_node(node_info: Expression) -> tp.Dict[str, Expression]:
+ result: tp.Dict[str, Expression] = {}
+ node_info = ReferenceObject.resolve_expression(node_info)
+ if not isinstance(node_info, Dict):
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Node {str(node_info)} is not a Dict")
+ result["__node__"] = node_info
+ for key, value in node_info.items():
+ str_key = key.true_value()
+ if str_key not in keyword_list:
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Node key {str_key} is not a keyword")
+ if str_key in keyword_dict["GLOBAL"]:
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Node key is a GLOBAL keyword: {str_key}")
+ if str_key in keyword_dict["LOCAL"]:
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Node key is a LOCAL keyword: {str_key}")
+ keyword = reversed_keyword_dict[str_key]
+ if result.get(keyword) is not None: # duplicate found
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Keyword {str_key} is used twice in one node: {str(node_info)}")
+ result[keyword] = ReferenceObject.resolve_expression(value)
+ return result
+ flows = ReferenceObject.resolve_absolute(self.script[0])
+ if not isinstance(flows, Dict):
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"{str(self.script[0])} is not a Dict: {str(flows)}")
+ for flow, nodes in flows.items():
+ resolved_flow = ReferenceObject.resolve_expression(flow)
+ if flow in keyword_dict["GLOBAL"]:
+ script[resolved_flow][None] = resolve_node(nodes)
+ else:
+ resolved_nodes = ReferenceObject.resolve_expression(nodes)
+ if not isinstance(resolved_nodes, Dict):
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"{str(nodes)} is not a Dict: {str(resolved_nodes)}")
+ for node, info in resolved_nodes.items():
+ script[resolved_flow][ReferenceObject.resolve_expression(node)] = resolve_node(info)
+ resolved_start_label = resolve_label(self.script[1])
+ resolved_fallback_label = resolve_label(self.script[2])
+ # validate labels
+ for resolved_label in (resolved_start_label, resolved_fallback_label):
+ flow = script.get(resolved_label[0]) # type: ignore
+ if flow is None:
+ raise ScriptValidationError(
+ f"Not found flow {str(resolved_label[0])} in {[str(key) for key in script.keys()]}"
+ )
+ else:
+ if flow.get(resolved_label[1]) is None: # type: ignore
+ raise ScriptValidationError(
+ f"Not found node {str(resolved_label[1])} in {[str(key) for key in script.keys()]}"
+ )
+ return script, resolved_start_label, resolved_fallback_label
+ @cached_property
+ def graph(self) -> nx.MultiDiGraph:
+ """
+ Export DFF project as a networkx graph and validate transitions.
+ Resulting graph contains the following fields:
+ - full_script: Stores dictionary exported via :py:meth:`~.DFFProject.to_dict`.
+ - start_label: A tuple of two strings (second element of :py:attr:`~.DFFProject.resolved_script`).
+ - fallback_label: A tuple of two strings (third element of :py:attr:`~.DFFProject.resolved_script`).
+ All nodes of the resulting graph are represented by a single value -- a tuple of strings or lists of strings.
+ For each node in the script there is a node in the resulting graph which has a value of:
+ - `("GLOBAL_NODE", flow_name)` if the node belongs to the `GLOBAL` flow.
+ - `("LOCAL_NODE", flow_name, node_name)` if the node is a `LOCAL` node.
+ - `("NODE", flow_name, node_name)` otherwise.
+ where `flow_name` and `node_name` are results of `str` applied to `resolved_flow_name` and `resolved_node_name`
+ respectively (see documentation of :py:attr:`~.DFFProject.resolved_script`).
+ Additionally, nodes representing script nodes contain the following field:
+ - ref: Path to the :py:class:`~.Expression` representing the node (see :py:attr:`~.BaseParserObject.path`).
+ Graph has other nodes:
+ - `("NONE",)` -- empty node.
+ - Label nodes. The first element of their value is `"LABEL"`,
+ the second element is the name of the label used (e.g. `"to_fallback"`).
+ The rest of the elements are tuples of two strings with the first element being a name
+ of a function argument, and the second element being its `true_value`.
+ For each transition between script nodes there is an edge in the graph:
+ The first node of the edge is always a node representing a node in the script.
+ The second node is either a node in the script (if transition directly specifies it), a label node
+ (if one of the labels from :py:mod:`~.dff.script.labels` is used) and an empty node otherwise.
+ All edges have 4 fields:
+ - label_ref: Path to the object defining transition label.
+ - label: `str` of either absolute value of the label or the label itself.
+ - condition_ref: Path to the object defining transition condition.
+ - condition: `str` of either absolute value of the condition or the condition itself.
+ :raises ScriptValidationError:
+ - If `TRANSITION` keyword does not refer to a :py:class:`~.Dict`.
+ - If any of the first two elements of any transition label is not :py:class:`~.String`.
+ """
+ def resolve_label(label: Expression, current_flow: Expression) -> tuple:
+ if isinstance(label, ReferenceObject): # label did not resolve (possibly due to a missing func def)
+ return ("NONE",)
+ if isinstance(label, String):
+ return "NODE", str(current_flow), str(label)
+ if isinstance(label, Iterable):
+ resolved_flow_name = ReferenceObject.resolve_absolute(label[0])
+ resolved_node_name = ReferenceObject.resolve_absolute(label[1])
+ if not isinstance(resolved_flow_name, String):
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"First argument of label is not str: {label}")
+ if len(label) == 2 and not isinstance(resolved_node_name, String): # second element is priority
+ return "NODE", str(current_flow), str(resolved_flow_name)
+ if len(label) == 2:
+ return "NODE", str(resolved_flow_name), str(resolved_node_name)
+ if len(label) == 3:
+ if not isinstance(resolved_node_name, String):
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Second argument of label is not str: {label}")
+ return "NODE", str(resolved_flow_name), str(resolved_node_name)
+ if isinstance(label, Call):
+ if label.func_name in label_args:
+ return (
+ "LABEL",
+ label.func_name.rpartition(".")[2],
+ *[
+ (key, value.true_value())
+ for key, value in label.get_args(label_args[label.func_name]).items()
+ ],
+ )
+ logger.warning(f"Label did not resolve: {label}")
+ return ("NONE",)
+ graph = nx.MultiDiGraph(
+ full_script=self.to_dict(),
+ start_label=self.resolved_script[1],
+ fallback_label=self.resolved_script[2],
+ )
+ for flow_name, flow in self.resolved_script[0].items():
+ for node_name, node_info in flow.items():
+ if node_name is None:
+ current_label = ("GLOBAL_NODE", str(flow_name))
+ elif node_name in keyword_dict["LOCAL"]:
+ current_label = ("LOCAL_NODE", str(flow_name), str(node_name))
+ else:
+ current_label = ("NODE", str(flow_name), str(node_name))
+ graph.add_node(
+ current_label,
+ ref=node_info["__node__"].path,
+ )
+ transitions = node_info.get("TRANSITIONS")
+ if transitions is None:
+ continue
+ if not isinstance(transitions, Dict):
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"TRANSITIONS keyword should point to a dictionary: {transitions}")
+ for transition_label, transition_condition in transitions.items():
+ graph.add_edge(
+ current_label,
+ resolve_label(ReferenceObject.resolve_expression(transition_label), flow_name),
+ label_ref=ReferenceObject.resolve_absolute(transition_label).path,
+ label=str(ReferenceObject.resolve_absolute(transition_label)),
+ condition_ref=ReferenceObject.resolve_absolute(transition_condition).path,
+ condition=str(ReferenceObject.resolve_absolute(transition_condition)),
+ )
+ return graph
+ def to_dict(
+ self,
+ object_filter: tp.Optional[tp.Dict[str, tp.Set[str]]] = None,
+ ) -> DFFProjectDict:
+ """
+ Export DFF Project as a dictionary.
+ First-level keys in the dictionary are the names of the namespaces in the project.
+ Second-level keys in the dictionary are the names of the objects in the namespaces.
+ Values in the dictionary are results of applying the `process` function to the objects
+ in the namespaces. The function works in the following way:
+ - If the object is :py:class:`~.Assignment`, the result is the same as the one that
+ assignment value would have.
+ `process(target=value) = process(value)`
+ - If the object is :py:class:`~.Import` or :py:class:`~.ImportFrom`, the result is the string
+ representation of the object without import alias.
+ `process(import a as b) = process(import a) = "import a"`
+ - If the object is :py:class:`~.Dict`, the result is also a dictionary in which keys and values are results
+ of applying the `process` function to keys and values of the dictionary being processed.
+ `process({a: b}) = {process(a): process(b)}`
+ - Otherwise, the result is the string representation of the object (:py:meth:`~.BaseParserObject.__str__`).
+ `process(a) = str(a)`
+ :param object_filter:
+ A dictionary from namespace names to sets of object names.
+ Only objects in the sets will be in the resulting dictionary.
+ Defaults to :py:attr:`~.DFFProject.script_initializer_dependencies`.
+ :raises ScriptValidationError:
+ Inside the `process` function -- if a key of :py:class:`~.Dict` is also a `dict`.
+ :raises TypeError:
+ Inside the `process` function -- if value is not a :py:class:`~.Statement` nor a :py:class:`~.Expression`.
+ """
+ def process_base_parser_object(bpo: BaseParserObject) -> RecursiveDictValue:
+ if isinstance(bpo, Assignment):
+ return process_base_parser_object(bpo.children["value"])
+ if isinstance(bpo, Import):
+ return f"import {bpo.module}"
+ if isinstance(bpo, ImportFrom):
+ return f"from {bpo.level * '.' + bpo.module} import {bpo.obj}"
+ if isinstance(bpo, Dict):
+ processed_dict: RecursiveDict = {}
+ for key, value in bpo.items():
+ processed_key = process_base_parser_object(key)
+ if not isinstance(processed_key, str):
+ raise ScriptValidationError(f"Key should be `str`: {processed_key}")
+ processed_dict[processed_key] = process_base_parser_object(value)
+ return processed_dict
+ elif isinstance(bpo, (Statement, Expression)):
+ return str(bpo)
+ raise TypeError(str(type(bpo)) + "_" + repr(bpo))
+ result: DFFProjectDict = defaultdict(dict)
+ if object_filter is None:
+ object_filter = self.script_initializer_dependencies
+ for namespace_name, namespace in self.children.items():
+ namespace_filter = object_filter.get(namespace_name)
+ if namespace_filter is not None:
+ for obj_name, obj in namespace.children.items():
+ if obj_name in namespace_filter:
+ result[namespace_name][obj_name] = process_base_parser_object(obj)
+ return dict(result)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(
+ cls,
+ dictionary: DFFProjectDict,
+ validate: bool = True,
+ script_initializer: tp.Optional[str] = None,
+ ):
+ """
+ Construct DFF Project from a dictionary.
+ :param dictionary:
+ A dictionary with the same characteristics as one returned by :py:meth:`~.DFFProject.to_dict`.
+ :param validate:
+ Whether to perform validation -- check for a script initializer and validate its arguments.
+ Defaults to True.
+ :param script_initializer:
+ A colon-separated string that points to a script initializer call.
+ The first part of the string should be the name of the namespace.
+ The second part of the string should be the name of the object that is a result of script initializer call.
+ Defaults to None.
+ :raises ParsingError:
+ - If a dictionary object is an Import statement that contains an import alias.
+ - If a dictionary object is an Assignment statement.
+ """
+ def process_dict(d):
+ return (
+ "{" + ", ".join([f"{k}: {process_dict(v) if isinstance(v, dict) else v}" for k, v in d.items()]) + "}"
+ )
+ namespaces = []
+ for namespace_name, namespace in dictionary.items():
+ objects = []
+ for obj_name, obj in namespace.items():
+ if isinstance(obj, str):
+ split = obj.split(" ")
+ if split[0] == "import":
+ if len(split) != 2:
+ raise ParsingError(
+ f"Import statement should contain 2 words. AsName is set via key.\n{obj}"
+ )
+ objects.append(obj if split[1] == obj_name else obj + " as " + obj_name)
+ elif split[0] == "from":
+ if len(split) != 4:
+ raise ParsingError(
+ f"ImportFrom statement should contain 4 words. AsName is set via key.\n{obj}"
+ )
+ objects.append(obj if split[3] == obj_name else obj + " as " + obj_name)
+ elif obj_name.isnumeric():
+ objects.append(obj) # unsupported by BPOs statement (e.g. func def)
+ else:
+ if isinstance(ast.parse(obj).body[0], (ast.Assign, ast.AnnAssign)):
+ raise ParsingError(f"Assignment statement should not be used in the dictionary: {obj}")
+ objects.append(f"{obj_name} = {obj}")
+ else:
+ objects.append(f"{obj_name} = {str(process_dict(obj))}")
+ namespaces.append(Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("\n".join(objects)), location=namespace_name.split(".")))
+ return cls(namespaces, validate, script_initializer)
+ def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> Namespace:
+ if isinstance(item, str):
+ return self.children[item]
+ raise TypeError(f"{type(item)}")
+ @cached_property
+ def path(self) -> tp.Tuple[str, ...]:
+ return ()
+ @cached_property
+ def namespace(self) -> "Namespace":
+ raise RuntimeError(f"DFFProject does not have a `namespace` attribute\n{repr(self)}")
+ @cached_property
+ def dff_project(self) -> "DFFProject":
+ return self
+ def dump(self, current_indent=0, indent=4) -> str:
+ return repr(self.children)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node, **kwargs):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @classmethod
+ def from_python(
+ cls,
+ project_root_dir: Path,
+ entry_point: Path,
+ validate: bool = True,
+ script_initializer: tp.Optional[str] = None,
+ ):
+ """
+ Construct DFF Project from a directory of python files.
+ Namespaces are created from files using :py:meth:`~.Namespace.from_file`.
+ :param project_root_dir:
+ A directory that stores the project.
+ :param entry_point:
+ A file to start processing with (only files that are imported in processed files will be processed).
+ :param validate:
+ Whether to perform validation -- check for a script initializer and validate its arguments.
+ Defaults to True.
+ :param script_initializer:
+ A colon-separated string that points to a script initializer call.
+ The first part of the string should be the name of the namespace.
+ The second part of the string should be the name of the object that is a result of script initializer call.
+ Instead of a colon-separated string a name of the object can be provided
+ in which case the name of the namespace is assumed to be the name of `entry_point`.
+ Defaults to None.
+ """
+ namespaces = {}
+ if not project_root_dir.exists():
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Path does not exist: {project_root_dir}")
+ if not entry_point.exists():
+ raise RuntimeError(f"File {entry_point} does not exist in {project_root_dir}")
+ def _process_file(file: Path):
+ namespace = Namespace.from_file(project_root_dir, file)
+ namespaces[namespace.name] = namespace
+ result = namespace.name
+ for imported_file in namespace.get_imports():
+ if imported_file not in namespaces.keys():
+ path = project_root_dir.joinpath(*imported_file.split(".")).with_suffix(".py")
+ if path.exists():
+ _process_file(path)
+ return result
+ namespace_name = _process_file(entry_point)
+ if script_initializer is not None:
+ if not isinstance(script_initializer, str):
+ raise TypeError("Argument `script_initializer` should be `str`")
+ if ":" not in script_initializer:
+ script_initializer = namespace_name + ":" + script_initializer
+ return cls(list(namespaces.values()), validate, script_initializer)
+ def to_python(self, project_root_dir: Path, object_filter: tp.Optional[tp.Dict[str, tp.Set[str]]] = None):
+ """
+ Export DFF Project as a directory of python files.
+ For each namespace in the project if a file corresponding to that namespace does not exist in the directory,
+ a new file will be created and the namespace will be dumped into it.
+ If a file already exists, it will be edited in the following way:
+ All statements are extracted from the file the same way :py:meth:`~.Namespace.from_file` extracts them.
+ Extracted statements are then edited:
+ Starting from the top of the namespace its statements are inserted into the list of extracted statements
+ as late as possible (always inserts before the last inserted statement and if a statement with the same name
+ already exists it will be replaced; if a statement with the same name already exists but comes after the last
+ inserted statement a warning is given and a new statement is inserted before the last inserted statement
+ resulting in two statements with the same name -- one before the last inserted statement and one after).
+ This is done with the following in mind:
+ If two statements come in the namespace one after another, their order likely matters (either because of direct
+ referencing or some actions done in the first statement that affect the result of the second statement).
+ :param project_root_dir:
+ A directory to extract the project to.
+ :param object_filter:
+ An optional dictionary from namespace names to sets of object names. Only objects specified in the filter
+ will be written into files.
+ Defaults to :py:attr:`~.DFFProject.script_initializer_dependencies`.
+ """
+ logger.info(f"Executing `to_python` with project_root_dir={project_root_dir}")
+ if object_filter is None:
+ object_filter = self.script_initializer_dependencies
+ for namespace in self.children.values():
+ namespace_object_filter = object_filter.get(namespace.name)
+ if namespace_object_filter is None:
+ continue
+ file = project_root_dir.joinpath(*namespace.name.split(".")).with_suffix(".py")
+ if file.exists():
+ objects: tp.List[Statement] = []
+ names: tp.Dict[str, int] = {} # reverse index of names
+ with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
+ parsed_file = ast.parse(fd.read())
+ for statement in parsed_file.body:
+ statements = Statement.auto(statement)
+ if isinstance(statements, dict):
+ for obj_name, obj in statements.items():
+ if names.get(obj_name) is not None:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"The same name is used twice:\n{str(names.get(obj_name))}\n{str(obj)}\nfile:{file}"
+ )
+ names[obj_name] = len(objects)
+ objects.append(obj)
+ elif isinstance(statements, Python):
+ objects.append(statements)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(statement)
+ last_insertion_index = len(objects)
+ for replaced_obj_name, replaced_obj in reversed(list(namespace.children.items())):
+ if replaced_obj_name in namespace_object_filter:
+ obj_index = names.get(replaced_obj_name)
+ if obj_index is not None:
+ if obj_index > last_insertion_index:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Object order was changed. This might cause issues.\n"
+ f"Inserting object: {str(replaced_obj)}\n"
+ f"New script places it below: {str(objects[last_insertion_index])}"
+ )
+ objects.insert(last_insertion_index, replaced_obj)
+ else:
+ objects.pop(obj_index)
+ objects.insert(obj_index, replaced_obj)
+ last_insertion_index = obj_index
+ else:
+ objects.insert(last_insertion_index, replaced_obj)
+ with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
+ fd.write(Namespace.dump_statements(objects))
+ else:
+ logger.warning(f"File {file} is not found. It will be created.")
+ file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ file.touch()
+ with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
+ fd.write(namespace.dump(object_filter=namespace_object_filter))
+ @classmethod
+ def from_yaml(cls, file: Path, validate: bool = True, script_initializer: tp.Optional[str] = None):
+ """
+ Construct DFF Project from a yaml file.
+ :param file:
+ Yaml file containing a result of :py:meth:`~.DFFProject.to_yaml`.
+ :param validate:
+ Whether to perform validation -- check for a script initializer and validate its arguments.
+ Defaults to True.
+ :param script_initializer:
+ A colon-separated string that points to a script initializer call.
+ The first part of the string should be the name of the namespace.
+ The second part of the string should be the name of the object that is a result of script initializer call.
+ Defaults to None.
+ """
+ with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
+ return cls.from_dict(yaml.load(fd), validate, script_initializer)
+ def to_yaml(self, file: Path):
+ """
+ Export DFF Project in the yaml format.
+ Uses :py:meth:`~.DFFProject.to_dict`.
+ """
+ file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ file.touch()
+ with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
+ yaml.dump(self.to_dict(), fd)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_graph(cls, file: Path, validate: bool = True, script_initializer: tp.Optional[str] = None):
+ """
+ Construct DFF Project from a graph file.
+ :param file:
+ Graph file containing a result of :py:meth:`~.DFFProject.to_graph`.
+ :param validate:
+ Whether to perform validation -- check for a script initializer and validate its arguments.
+ Defaults to True.
+ :param script_initializer:
+ A colon-separated string that points to a script initializer call.
+ The first part of the string should be the name of the namespace.
+ The second part of the string should be the name of the object that is a result of script initializer call.
+ Defaults to None.
+ """
+ with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
+ return cls.from_dict(json.load(fd)["graph"]["full_script"], validate, script_initializer)
+ def to_graph(self, file: Path):
+ """
+ Export DFF Project in the graph format.
+ Graph file contains :py:attr:`~.DFFProject.graph` exported by :py:func:`networkx.readwrite.node_link_data`.
+ """
+ file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ file.touch()
+ with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
+ json.dump(nx.readwrite.node_link_data(self.graph), fd, indent=4)
diff --git a/dff/utils/parser/exceptions.py b/dff/utils/parser/exceptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..587222fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dff/utils/parser/exceptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+This module defines exceptions raised during parsing.
+class BaseParserException(BaseException):
+ ...
+class ScriptValidationError(BaseParserException):
+ """
+ Raised during script validation.
+ """
+class ParsingError(BaseParserException):
+ """
+ Raised during parsing.
+ """
+class ResolutionError(BaseParserException):
+ """
+ Raised during name resolution.
+ """
+ ...
+# todo: add support for star notation
+class StarError(BaseParserException):
+ """
+ Raised when star notation is used.
+ """
+ ...
diff --git a/dff/utils/parser/namespace.py b/dff/utils/parser/namespace.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73fe1ab4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dff/utils/parser/namespace.py
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+This module defines a :py:class:`~.Namespace` class.
+Its children attribute stores all statements defined inside a single python file.
+import typing as tp
+import ast
+from pathlib import Path
+from dff.utils.parser.base_parser_object import (
+ BaseParserObject,
+ cached_property,
+ Statement,
+ Assignment,
+ Import,
+ ImportFrom,
+ Python,
+ from dff.utils.parser.dff_project import DFFProject
+class Namespace(BaseParserObject):
+ """
+ This class represents a python file.
+ It stores all the statements / expressions defined in a file as well as the location of that file relative to
+ `project_root_dir`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, location: tp.List[str], names: tp.Dict[str, Statement]):
+ BaseParserObject.__init__(self)
+ self.children: tp.MutableMapping[str, Statement] = {}
+ self.location: tp.List[str] = location
+ """Location of the file (as a list of path extensions from `project_root_dir`)"""
+ self.name: str = ".".join(location)
+ """A name of the file as it would be imported in python (except `__init__` files -- they end with `.__init__`"""
+ for key, value in names.items():
+ self.add_child(value, key)
+ def resolve_relative_import(self, module: str, level: int = 0) -> str:
+ """
+ Find a location of a namespace referenced by `level * "." + module` in this namespace.
+ :param module: Name of the module.
+ :param level: Relative position of the module.
+ :return: A location of the module (a string representing path to the module separated by dots).
+ """
+ stripped_module = module.lstrip(".")
+ leading_dots = len(module) - len(stripped_module)
+ if leading_dots != 0:
+ if level == 0:
+ level = leading_dots
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Level is set but module contains leading dots: module={module}, level={level}")
+ if level == 0:
+ level = 1
+ if level > len(self.location):
+ raise ImportError(
+ f"Cannot import file outside the project_root_dir\n"
+ f"Current file location={self.location}\nAttempted import of {module} at level {level}"
+ )
+ return ".".join(self.location[:-level] + ([stripped_module] if stripped_module else []))
+ @cached_property
+ def namespace(self) -> "Namespace":
+ return self
+ @cached_property
+ def dff_project(self) -> "DFFProject":
+ if self.parent is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Parent is not set: {repr(self)}")
+ return self.parent.dff_project
+ def get_object(self, item: str):
+ """Return an object by its name. If the object is of type `Assignment` return its value."""
+ obj = self.children.get(item)
+ if isinstance(obj, Assignment):
+ return obj.children["value"]
+ return obj
+ def __getitem__(self, item: str):
+ """
+ Return an object by its name. If the object is of type `Assignment` return its value.
+ :raises KeyError:
+ Object not found.
+ """
+ obj = self.children[item]
+ if isinstance(obj, Assignment):
+ return obj.children["value"]
+ return obj
+ @staticmethod
+ def dump_statements(statements: tp.List[Statement], current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4) -> str:
+ """
+ A method for dumping a list of statements. Inserts newlines between statements in the following amount:
+ - If any of the two neighboring statements is `Def` -- 3 new lines.
+ - If both neighboring statements are :py:class:`~.Import` or :py:class:`.~ImportFrom` -- 1 new line.
+ - Otherwise, 2 new lines.
+ :param statements: A list of statements to dump.
+ :param current_indent: Current indentation level (in whitespace number), defaults to 0.
+ :param indent:
+ Indentation increment (in whitespace number), defaults to 4.
+ If set to None, all statements will be printed in one line (except for unsupported statements).
+ :return: Dumps of the statements separated by an appropriate amount of new lines.
+ """
+ def get_newline_count(statement: Statement):
+ if isinstance(statement, (Import, ImportFrom)):
+ return 1
+ if isinstance(statement, Python) and statement.type.endswith("Def"): # function and class defs
+ return 3
+ return 2
+ if len(statements) == 0:
+ return "\n"
+ result = [statements[0].dump(current_indent, indent)]
+ previous_stmt = statements[0]
+ for current_stmt in statements[1:]:
+ result.append(max(get_newline_count(previous_stmt), get_newline_count(current_stmt)) * "\n")
+ result.append(current_indent * " " + current_stmt.dump(current_indent, indent))
+ previous_stmt = current_stmt
+ return "".join(result) + "\n"
+ def dump(
+ self, current_indent: int = 0, indent: tp.Optional[int] = 4, object_filter: tp.Optional[tp.Set[str]] = None
+ ) -> str:
+ """
+ Dump all statements in the namespace.
+ :param current_indent: Current indentation level (in whitespace number), defaults to 0.
+ :param indent:
+ Indentation increment (in whitespace number), defaults to 4.
+ If set to None, all statements will be printed in one line (except for unsupported statements).
+ :param object_filter:
+ A set of object names. If specified, only objects specified in the filter will be dumped.
+ Defaults to None.
+ :return: Representation of the namespace as a string.
+ """
+ return self.dump_statements(
+ [value for key, value in self.children.items() if object_filter is None or key in object_filter],
+ current_indent,
+ indent,
+ )
+ def get_imports(self) -> tp.List[str]:
+ """Return a list of imported modules (represented by their locations)."""
+ imports = []
+ for statement in self.children.values():
+ if isinstance(statement, Import):
+ imports.append(self.resolve_relative_import(statement.module))
+ if isinstance(statement, ImportFrom):
+ imports.append(self.resolve_relative_import(statement.module, statement.level))
+ return imports
+ @classmethod
+ def from_ast(cls, node: ast.Module, **kwargs) -> "Namespace": # type: ignore
+ """
+ Construct Namespace from :py:class:`ast.Module`.
+ For each statement in the module:
+ - If it is supported by any :py:class:`~.Statement`, all objects extracted from the statement will be added to
+ the namespace under their names.
+ - Otherwise a :py:class:`~.Python` object is added under a string representation of the count of python
+ objects added to the namespace so far.
+ For example, there is currently no :py:class:`~.Statement` that supports function definitions and
+ if one is present in `node`, its (key, value) pair will be `("0", Python(def ...))`.
+ """
+ children = {}
+ python_counter = 0
+ for statement in node.body:
+ statements = Statement.auto(statement)
+ if isinstance(statements, dict):
+ children.update(statements)
+ elif isinstance(statements, Python):
+ children[str(python_counter)] = statements
+ python_counter += 1
+ return cls(names=children, **kwargs)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_file(cls, project_root_dir: Path, file: Path):
+ """
+ Construct a Namespace from a python file.
+ For each statement in the file:
+ - If it is supported by any :py:class:`~.Statement`, all objects extracted from the statement will be added to
+ the namespace under their names.
+ - Otherwise a :py:class:`~.Python` object is added under a string representation of the count of python
+ objects added to the namespace so far.
+ For example, there is currently no :py:class:`~.Statement` that supports function definitions and
+ if one is present in `file`, its (key, value) pair will be `("0", Python(def ...))`.
+ :param project_root_dir: A root dir of the dff project. All project files should be inside this dir.
+ :param file: A `.py` file to construct the namespace from.
+ :return: A Namespace of the file.
+ """
+ location = list(file.with_suffix("").relative_to(project_root_dir).parts)
+ with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
+ return Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse(fd.read()), location=location)
diff --git a/dff/utils/parser/utils.py b/dff/utils/parser/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4326fb88d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dff/utils/parser/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+This module defines useful functions.
+from typing import Union, Iterable
+from collections.abc import Iterable as abc_Iterable
+def is_instance(obj: object, cls: Union[str, type, Iterable[Union[str, type]]]):
+ """
+ The same as builtin `isinstance` but also accepts strings as types.
+ This allows checking if the object is of the type that is not defined.
+ E.g. a type that is only present in previous versions of python:
+ >>> is_instance(node, "_ast.ExtSlice")
+ Or a type importing which would cause circular import.
+ """
+ def _is_instance(_cls: Union[str, type]):
+ if isinstance(_cls, str):
+ return obj.__class__.__module__ + "." + obj.__class__.__name__ == _cls
+ return isinstance(obj, _cls)
+ if isinstance(cls, (str, type)):
+ return _is_instance(cls)
+ if isinstance(cls, abc_Iterable):
+ return any(map(_is_instance, cls))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(f"{type(cls)}")
diff --git a/dff/utils/parser/yaml.py b/dff/utils/parser/yaml.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5997d8e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dff/utils/parser/yaml.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+This module defines an object for writing and reading yaml files and a configuration for that object.
+from math import inf
+ from ruamel.yaml import YAML
+except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError("Module `ruamel.yaml` is not installed. Install it with `pip install dff[parser]`.")
+yaml = YAML()
+yaml.width = inf # type: ignore
diff --git a/dff/utils/viewer/__init__.py b/dff/utils/viewer/__init__.py
index 973e6e2d5..45e872a9e 100644
--- a/dff/utils/viewer/__init__.py
+++ b/dff/utils/viewer/__init__.py
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# flake8: noqa: F401
+from .cli import make_image, make_server # noqa: F401
diff --git a/dff/utils/viewer/app.py b/dff/utils/viewer/app.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..782eac33e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dff/utils/viewer/app.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+import dash
+from dash import dcc
+from dash import html
+def create_app(fig: go.Figure):
+ fig.update_layout(title="Script Graph View")
+ fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=False).update_yaxes(showticklabels=False)
+ app = dash.Dash()
+ app.layout = html.Div(
+ [dcc.Graph(id="script", figure=fig, style={"width": "160vh", "height": "120vh", "margin": "auto"})]
+ )
+ return app
diff --git a/dff/utils/viewer/chord_plot.py b/dff/utils/viewer/chord_plot.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ae55d895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dff/utils/viewer/chord_plot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+import networkx as nx
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+import random
+from .utils import get_spaced_colors, normalize_color
+from .preprocessing import get_adjacency_dataframe
+PI = np.pi
+# def moduloAB(x, a, b):
+# if a >= b:
+# raise ValueError("Incorrect inverval ends")
+# y = (x - a) % (b - a)
+# return y + b if y < 0 else y + a
+def test_2PI(x):
+ return 0 <= x < 2 * PI
+def get_ideogram_ends(ideogram_len, gap):
+ ideo_ends = []
+ left = 0
+ for k in range(len(ideogram_len)):
+ right = left + ideogram_len[k]
+ ideo_ends.append([left, right])
+ left = right + gap
+ return ideo_ends
+def make_ideogram_arc(R, phi, a=50):
+ """
+ R is the circle radius
+ Phi is a list of the ends angle coordinates of an arc
+ a is a parameter that controls the number of points to be evaluated
+ """
+ # if not test_2PI(phi[0]) or not test_2PI(phi[1]):
+ # phi = [moduloAB(t, 0, 2 * PI) for t in phi]
+ length = (phi[1] - phi[0]) % 2 * PI
+ nr = 5 if length <= PI / 4 else int(a * length / PI)
+ # if phi[0] < phi[1]:
+ nr = 100
+ theta = np.linspace(phi[0], phi[1], nr)
+ # else:
+ # phi = [moduloAB(t, -PI, PI) for t in phi]
+ # # nr = 100
+ # theta = np.linspace(phi[0], phi[1], nr)
+ return R * np.exp(1j * theta)
+def map_data(data_matrix, row_value, ideogram_length):
+ n = data_matrix.shape[0] # square, so same as 1
+ mapped = np.zeros([n, n])
+ for j in range(n):
+ mapped[:, j] = ideogram_length * data_matrix[:, j] / row_value
+ return mapped
+def make_ribbon_ends(mapped_data, ideo_ends, idx_sort):
+ n = mapped_data.shape[0]
+ ribbon_boundary = np.zeros((n, n + 1))
+ for k in range(n):
+ start = ideo_ends[k][0]
+ ribbon_boundary[k][0] = start
+ for j in range(1, n + 1):
+ J = idx_sort[k][j - 1]
+ ribbon_boundary[k][j] = start + mapped_data[k][J]
+ start = ribbon_boundary[k][j]
+ return [[(ribbon_boundary[k][j], ribbon_boundary[k][j + 1]) for j in range(n)] for k in range(n)]
+def control_pts(angle, radius):
+ if len(angle) != 3:
+ raise ValueError("Angle must have len = 3")
+ b_cplx = np.array([np.exp(1j * angle[k]) for k in range(3)])
+ b_cplx[1] = radius * b_cplx[1]
+ return list(zip(b_cplx.real, b_cplx.imag))
+def ctrl_rib_chords(left, right, radius):
+ if len(left) != 2 or len(right) != 2:
+ raise ValueError("The arc ends must be elements in a list of len 2")
+ return [control_pts([left[j], (left[j] + right[j]) / 2, right[j]], radius) for j in range(2)]
+def make_q_bezier(b):
+ if len(b) != 3:
+ raise ValueError("Control polygon must have 3 points")
+ A, B, C = b
+ return (
+ "M "
+ + str(A[0])
+ + ","
+ + str(A[1])
+ + " "
+ + "Q "
+ + str(B[0])
+ + ", "
+ + str(B[1])
+ + " "
+ + str(C[0])
+ + ", "
+ + str(C[1])
+ )
+def make_ribbon_arc(theta0, theta1):
+ if test_2PI(theta0) and test_2PI(theta1):
+ # if theta0 < theta1:
+ # theta0 = moduloAB(theta0, -PI, PI)
+ # theta1 = moduloAB(theta1, -PI, PI)
+ # if theta0 * theta1 > 0:
+ # raise ValueError("Incorrect angle coordinates for ribbon")
+ nr = int(40 * (theta0 - theta1) / PI)
+ if nr <= 2:
+ nr = 3
+ theta = np.linspace(theta0, theta1, nr)
+ pts = np.exp(1j * theta)
+ string_arc = ""
+ for k in range(len(theta)):
+ string_arc += "L " + str(pts.real[k]) + ", " + str(pts.imag[k]) + " "
+ return string_arc
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("The angle coords for arc ribbon must be [0, 2*PI]")
+def make_layout(title):
+ xaxis = dict(
+ showline=False, automargin=False, zeroline=False, showgrid=False, showticklabels=False, title=dict(standoff=0)
+ )
+ yaxis = {**xaxis, "scaleanchor": "x"}
+ return dict(
+ title=title,
+ xaxis=xaxis,
+ yaxis=yaxis,
+ showlegend=False,
+ margin=dict(t=0, b=0, l=0, r=0),
+ hovermode="closest",
+ shapes=[],
+ )
+def make_ideo_shape(path, line_color, fill_color):
+ return dict(
+ line=go.layout.shape.Line(color=line_color, width=0.45),
+ path=path,
+ type="path",
+ fillcolor=fill_color,
+ layer="below",
+ )
+def make_ribbon(left, right, line_color, fill_color, radius=0.2):
+ poligon = ctrl_rib_chords(left, right, radius)
+ b, c = poligon
+ return dict(
+ line=go.layout.shape.Line(color=line_color, width=0.5),
+ path=make_q_bezier(b)
+ + make_ribbon_arc(right[0], right[1])
+ + make_q_bezier(c[::-1])
+ + make_ribbon_arc(left[1], left[0]),
+ type="path",
+ fillcolor=fill_color,
+ layer="below",
+ )
+def make_self_rel(line, line_color, fill_color, radius):
+ b = control_pts([line[0], (line[0] + line[1]) / 2, line[1]], radius)
+ return dict(
+ line=dict(color=line_color, width=0.5),
+ path=make_q_bezier(b) + make_ribbon_arc(line[1], line[0]),
+ type="path",
+ fillcolor=fill_color,
+ layer="below",
+ )
+def invPerm(perm):
+ inv = [0] * len(perm)
+ for i, s in enumerate(perm):
+ inv[s] = i
+ return inv
+def make_filled_chord(adjacency_df: pd.DataFrame, width: int = 800, height: int = 800): # ,labels):
+ labels = list(adjacency_df.columns)
+ adjacency_df = adjacency_df.T
+ matrix = adjacency_df.to_numpy()
+ n = adjacency_df.shape[0]
+ row_sum = [np.sum(matrix[k, :]) or 1 for k in range(n)]
+ gap = 2 * PI * 10e-8
+ ideogram_length = 2 * PI * np.asarray(row_sum) / sum(row_sum) - gap * np.ones(n)
+ flow_labels = list(set([i.split(", ")[1] for i in labels]))
+ flow_col_dict = {flow: x for flow, x in zip(flow_labels, get_spaced_colors(len(flow_labels)))}
+ flow_colors = [normalize_color(flow_col_dict[i.split(", ")[1]], level="flow") for i in labels]
+ ideo_colors = [normalize_color(flow_col_dict[i.split(", ")[1]], level="node") for i in labels]
+ mapped_data = map_data(matrix, row_sum, ideogram_length)
+ idx_sort = np.argsort(mapped_data, axis=1)
+ ideo_ends = get_ideogram_ends(ideogram_length, gap)
+ ribbon_ends = make_ribbon_ends(mapped_data, ideo_ends, idx_sort)
+ ribbon_color = [n * [ideo_colors[k]] for k in range(n)]
+ layout = make_layout(" ")
+ ribbon_info = []
+ radii_sribb = [0.2] * n
+ for k in range(n):
+ sigma = idx_sort[k]
+ sigma_inv = invPerm(sigma)
+ for j in range(k, n):
+ if adjacency_df.iloc[k, j] == 0 and adjacency_df.iloc[j, k] == 0:
+ continue
+ eta = idx_sort[j]
+ eta_inv = invPerm(eta)
+ left = ribbon_ends[k][sigma_inv[j]]
+ if j == k:
+ layout["shapes"].append(make_self_rel(left, "rgb(175,175,175)", ideo_colors[k], radius=radii_sribb[k]))
+ z = 0.9 * np.exp(1j * (left[0] + left[1]) / 2)
+ text = labels[k] + " {0} transitions to ".format(adjacency_df.iloc[k, k])
+ ribbon_info.append(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=[z.real],
+ y=[z.imag],
+ mode="markers",
+ text=text,
+ hoverinfo="text",
+ marker=dict(size=0.5, color=ideo_colors[k]),
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ right = ribbon_ends[j][eta_inv[k]]
+ zi = 0.9 * np.exp(1j * (left[0] + left[1]) / 2)
+ zf = 0.9 * np.exp(1j * (right[0] + right[1]) / 2)
+ texti = labels[k] + " {0} transitions to ".format(matrix[k][j]) + labels[j]
+ textf = labels[j] + " {0} transitions to ".format(matrix[j][k]) + labels[k]
+ ribbon_info.append(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=[zi.real],
+ y=[zi.imag],
+ mode="markers",
+ text=texti,
+ hoverinfo="text",
+ marker=dict(size=0.5, color=ribbon_color[k][j]),
+ )
+ )
+ ribbon_info.append(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=[zf.real],
+ y=[zf.imag],
+ mode="markers",
+ text=textf,
+ hoverinfo="text",
+ marker=dict(size=0.5, color=ribbon_color[j][k]),
+ )
+ )
+ right = (right[1], right[0])
+ if matrix[k][j] > matrix[j][k]:
+ color_of_highest = ribbon_color[k][j]
+ else:
+ color_of_highest = ribbon_color[j][k]
+ layout["shapes"].append(make_ribbon(left, right, "rgb(175, 175, 175)", color_of_highest))
+ ideograms = []
+ for k in range(len(ideo_ends)):
+ node_z = make_ideogram_arc(1.1, ideo_ends[k])
+ node_zi = make_ideogram_arc(1.0, ideo_ends[k])
+ flow_z = make_ideogram_arc(1.1 + 0.2, ideo_ends[k])
+ flow_zi = make_ideogram_arc(1.1, ideo_ends[k])
+ for z, zi, label, meta, color in [
+ (node_z, node_zi, labels[k], "node", ideo_colors[k]),
+ (flow_z, flow_zi, labels[k].split(", ")[1], "flow", flow_colors[k]),
+ ]:
+ m = len(z)
+ n = len(zi)
+ ideograms.append(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=z.real,
+ y=z.imag,
+ mode="lines",
+ name=label,
+ line=dict(color=color, shape="spline", width=0.25),
+ text=label,
+ hoverinfo="text",
+ meta=[meta],
+ )
+ )
+ path = "M "
+ for s in range(m):
+ path += str(z.real[s]) + ", " + str(z.imag[s]) + " L "
+ Zi = np.array(zi.tolist()[::-1])
+ for s in range(m):
+ path += str(Zi.real[s]) + ", " + str(Zi.imag[s]) + " L "
+ path += str(z.real[0]) + " ," + str(z.imag[0])
+ layout["shapes"].append(make_ideo_shape(path, "rgb(150,150,150)", color))
+ layout["width"] = width
+ layout["height"] = height
+ data = ideograms + ribbon_info
+ fig = {"data": data, "layout": layout}
+ return fig
+def add_annotations(figure: go.Figure):
+ def add_annotations_inner(trace):
+ if not trace.meta or "node" not in trace.meta:
+ return ()
+ rand = 1.6
+ anno = figure.add_annotation(
+ x=trace.x[len(trace.x) // 2] * rand,
+ y=trace.y[len(trace.y) // 2] * rand,
+ text=trace.name.replace(", ", "
+ showarrow=False,
+ align="right",
+ font_size=8,
+ )
+ return anno
+ return add_annotations_inner
+def get_plot(
+ nx_graph: nx.Graph,
+ random_seed: int = 1,
+ **kwargs, # for cli integration
+) -> go.Figure:
+ random.seed(random_seed)
+ adj_df = get_adjacency_dataframe(nx_graph)
+ figure_data = make_filled_chord(adjacency_df=adj_df)
+ figure = go.Figure(figure_data)
+ figure.for_each_trace(add_annotations(figure))
+ return figure
diff --git a/dff/utils/viewer/cli.py b/dff/utils/viewer/cli.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c55c232bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dff/utils/viewer/cli.py
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Optional
+import argparse
+import hupper
+from . import graph_plot
+from . import chord_plot
+from . import image
+from .graph import get_graph
+from .app import create_app
+from .preprocessing import preprocess
+from .utils import graphviz_to_plotly
+def is_dir(arg: Optional[str]) -> Optional[Path]:
+ """Check that the passed argument is a directory
+ :param arg: Argument to check
+ :return: :py:class:`.Path` instance created from arg if it is a directory
+ """
+ if arg is None:
+ return arg
+ elif isinstance(arg, str):
+ path = Path(arg)
+ if path.is_dir():
+ return path
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"Not a directory: {path}")
+def is_file(arg: str) -> Path:
+ """Check that the passed argument is a file
+ :param arg: Argument to check
+ :return: :py:class:`.Path` instance created from arg if it is a file
+ """
+ path = Path(arg)
+ if path.is_file():
+ return path
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"Not a file: {path}")
+py2file_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ "-e",
+ "--entry_point",
+ required=True,
+ metavar="ENTRY_POINT",
+ help="Python file to start parsing with",
+ type=is_file,
+ "-d",
+ "--project_root_dir",
+ metavar="PROJECT_ROOT_DIR",
+ help="Directory that contains all the local files required to run ROOT_FILE",
+ type=is_dir,
+ "-t",
+ "--type",
+ choices=["graph", "chord"],
+ default="graph",
+ help="Plot type: graph plot or chord plot.",
+ "-r", "--show_response", "--show-response", action="store_true", help="Show node response values."
+py2file_parser.add_argument("-m", "--show_misc", "--show-misc", action="store_true", help="Show node misc values.")
+py2file_parser.add_argument("-l", "--show_local", "--show-local", action="store_true", help="Show local transitions.")
+ "-p", "--show_processing", "--show-processing", action="store_true", help="Show processing functions."
+ "-g", "--show_global", "--show-global", action="store_true", help="Show global transitions."
+ "-i", "--show_isolates", "--show-isolates", action="store_true", help="Show isolated nodes."
+ "-u", "--show_unresolved", "--show-unresolved", action="store_true", help="Show unresolved transitions"
+ "-rs",
+ "--random_seed",
+ "--random-seed",
+ required=False,
+ type=int,
+ default=1,
+ help="Random seed to control color generation.",
+server_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ "-H", "--host", required=False, metavar="HOST", type=str, default="", help="Dash application host."
+ "-P", "--port", required=False, metavar="PORT", type=int, default=5000, help="Dash application port."
+def make_server(args=sys.argv[1:]):
+ server_praser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[py2file_parser, server_parser], add_help=True)
+ parsed_args: argparse.Namespace = server_praser.parse_args(args)
+ processed_graph = preprocess(get_graph(**vars(parsed_args)), **vars(parsed_args))
+ if parsed_args.type == "graph":
+ plotly_fig = graphviz_to_plotly(graph_plot.get_plot(processed_graph, **vars(parsed_args)))
+ elif parsed_args.type == "chord":
+ plotly_fig = chord_plot.get_plot(processed_graph, **vars(parsed_args))
+ else:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError("Invalid value for argument `type`")
+ app = create_app(plotly_fig)
+ reloader = hupper.start_reloader("dff.utils.viewer.cli.make_server")
+ reloader.watch_files([str(i) for i in parsed_args.entry_point.parent.absolute().glob("./**/*.py")])
+ app.run(host=parsed_args.host, port=parsed_args.port, debug=True, dev_tools_hot_reload=True)
+def make_image(args=sys.argv[1:]):
+ image_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[py2file_parser], add_help=True)
+ image_parser.add_argument(
+ "-f",
+ "--format",
+ metavar="FORMAT",
+ help="Plot output format",
+ default="png",
+ choices=["png", "jpeg", "pdf", "svg", "gif", "bmp", "dot"],
+ type=str,
+ )
+ image_parser.add_argument(
+ "-o",
+ "--output_file",
+ "--output-file",
+ metavar="OUTPUT_FILE",
+ help="Image file",
+ type=str,
+ )
+ parsed_args: argparse.Namespace = image_parser.parse_args(args)
+ args_dict = vars(parsed_args)
+ graph = get_graph(**args_dict)
+ processed_graph = preprocess(graph, **args_dict)
+ if args_dict["type"] == "graph":
+ plot = graph_plot.get_plot(processed_graph, **args_dict)
+ image.graphviz_image(plot, parsed_args.output_file, format=parsed_args.format)
+ elif args_dict["type"] == "chord":
+ plot = chord_plot.get_plot(processed_graph, **args_dict)
+ image.plotly_image(plot, parsed_args.output_file, format=parsed_args.format)
+ else:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError("Invalid value for argument `type`")
diff --git a/dff/utils/viewer/graph.py b/dff/utils/viewer/graph.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b000dc7b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dff/utils/viewer/graph.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from typing import Union
+from pathlib import Path
+import networkx as nx
+from dff.utils.parser.dff_project import DFFProject
+def get_graph(
+ entry_point: Union[str, Path], project_root_dir: Union[str, Path, None] = None, **kwargs # For cli integration
+) -> nx.Graph:
+ if not isinstance(entry_point, Path):
+ entry_point = Path(entry_point)
+ project_root_dir = project_root_dir or entry_point.parent
+ project: DFFProject = DFFProject.from_python(
+ project_root_dir=project_root_dir.absolute(), entry_point=entry_point.absolute()
+ )
+ return project.graph
diff --git a/dff/utils/viewer/graph_plot.py b/dff/utils/viewer/graph_plot.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8e33382c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dff/utils/viewer/graph_plot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+import random
+from typing import Dict
+import networkx as nx
+import graphviz
+from .utils import get_random_colors
+from .preprocessing import get_script, UNRESOLVED_KEY
+ "fontname": "Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif",
+ "shape": "box",
+ "style": "rounded, filled",
+ "fillcolor": "#ffffffbf",
+def format_name(name: str):
+ """
+ Format node name as graphviz html code.
+ If the node name is 'NONE', replace it with the UNRESOLVED_KEY constant.
+ """
+ name_value = name.upper().strip("'")
+ return f'
| {name_value} |
+def format_title(title: str): # second
to the left for spacing
+ return f'
| {title} |
' # noqa: E501
+def format_lines(lines: list):
+ return f'
| {" ".join(lines)} |
+def format_port(name: str, port: str) -> str:
+ return f'(
| {name} | )
+def format_as_table(rows: list) -> str:
+ return "".join(['<>"])
+def get_node_struct(node: tuple) -> Dict:
+ """
+ Get a formatted node structure.
+ """
+ return {
+ "name": str(node),
+ "label": [format_name(node[-1])],
+ "transitions": {},
+ "ports": [],
+ "full_label": None,
+ }
+def get_script_data(script_node: dict, key: str, show_flag: bool) -> list:
+ if not show_flag or key not in script_node: # add response data
+ return []
+ return ["
", format_title(key.title()), format_lines([str(script_node[key])])]
+def get_plot(
+ nx_graph: nx.Graph,
+ show_response: bool = False,
+ show_processing: bool = False,
+ show_misc: bool = False,
+ random_seed: int = 1,
+ **requirements, # for cli integration
+) -> graphviz.Digraph:
+ random.seed(random_seed)
+ graph = graphviz.Digraph()
+ graph.attr(compound="true", splines="spline", overlap="ipsep", fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif")
+ graph.node_attr.update(**NODE_ATTRS)
+ nodes: Dict[str, Dict] = {}
+ for node, node_data in nx_graph.nodes.items():
+ if node not in nodes:
+ node_struct = get_node_struct(node)
+ nodes[node] = node_struct
+ if node[-1] == UNRESOLVED_KEY:
+ continue
+ # get script data if necessary, add to node struct
+ script_node = get_script(nx_graph, node_data)
+ node_copy = list(node[1:]) # skip the initial NODE identifier
+ while node_copy: # recursively get node
+ label_part = node_copy.pop(0)
+ script_node = script_node.get(label_part, {})
+ nodes[node]["label"].extend(get_script_data(script_node, "RESPONSE", show_response))
+ nodes[node]["label"].extend(get_script_data(script_node, "PRE_RESPONSE_PROCESSING", show_processing))
+ nodes[node]["label"].extend(get_script_data(script_node, "PRE_TRANSITIONS_PROCESSING", show_processing))
+ nodes[node]["label"].extend(get_script_data(script_node, "MISC", show_misc))
+ # add edge data to node structs
+ for edge, edge_data in nx_graph.edges.items():
+ edge_source_node, edge_target_node, _ = edge
+ if edge_target_node not in nodes:
+ continue # ignore expelled nodes
+ nodes[edge_source_node]["ports"] += [format_port(edge_data["condition"], edge_data["label"])]
+ # port id mapped to the target node
+ nodes[edge_source_node]["transitions"][edge_data["label"]] = str(edge_target_node)
+ flows: dict = {}
+ # add flows, nodes, edges to graphviz graph
+ for key in nodes.keys():
+ _, flow, _ = key
+ if flow not in flows:
+ flows[flow] = graphviz.Digraph(name=f"cluster_{flow}")
+ flows[flow].attr(label=flow.upper().strip("'"), style="rounded, filled")
+ if len(nodes[key]["ports"]) > 0:
+ nodes[key]["label"].extend(["
", format_title("Transitions"), *nodes[key]["ports"]])
+ nodes[key]["full_label"] = format_as_table(nodes[key]["label"])
+ flows[flow].node(name=nodes[key]["name"], label=nodes[key]["full_label"])
+ for transition, dest in nodes[key]["transitions"].items():
+ graph.edge(f"{key}:{transition}", dest)
+ for color, subgraph in zip(get_random_colors(), flows.values()):
+ subgraph.attr(color=color.lower())
+ graph.subgraph(subgraph)
+ graph = graph.unflatten(stagger=5, fanout=True)
+ return graph
diff --git a/dff/utils/viewer/image.py b/dff/utils/viewer/image.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..209c4b3cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dff/utils/viewer/image.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+from graphviz import Digraph
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+from plotly.io import write_image
+def graphviz_image(plot: Digraph, output_file: str, format: str = "png") -> None:
+ if format == "dot":
+ plot.render(filename=output_file)
+ return
+ _bytes = plot.pipe(format=format)
+ with open(output_file, "wb+") as file:
+ file.write(_bytes)
+def plotly_image(plot: go.Figure, output_file: str, format: str = "png") -> None:
+ write_image(plot, output_file, format=format)
diff --git a/dff/utils/viewer/preprocessing.py b/dff/utils/viewer/preprocessing.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eced9e670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dff/utils/viewer/preprocessing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+import networkx as nx
+import pandas as pd
+VIRTUAL_FLOW_KEY = "virtual"
+def get_script(nx_graph: nx.Graph, node_data: dict) -> dict:
+ namespace, script_name, *_ = node_data["ref"] # get namespace from ref
+ script = nx_graph.graph["full_script"].get(namespace, {}).get(script_name, {})
+ return script
+def get_label_by_index_shifting(
+ nx_graph: nx.Graph, node_id: tuple, increment_flag: bool = True, cyclicality_flag: bool = True
+) -> tuple:
+ script = get_script(nx_graph, nx_graph.nodes[node_id])
+ _, flow, *info = node_id
+ labels = list(script[flow])
+ if "LOCAL" in labels:
+ labels.remove("LOCAL") # cannot transition into LOCAL
+ node_label = info[0]
+ label_index = labels.index(node_label)
+ label_index = label_index + 1 if increment_flag else label_index - 1
+ if not (cyclicality_flag or (0 <= label_index < len(labels))):
+ return ("NODE", *nx_graph.graph["fallback_label"])
+ label_index %= len(labels)
+ return ("NODE", flow, labels[label_index])
+def resolve_labels(nx_graph: nx.Graph, edge: tuple, edge_data: dict) -> dict:
+ source_node, target_node, *edge_info = edge
+ _, label_type, *_ = target_node
+ source_type, *source_info = source_node
+ # get label transition sources
+ if source_type == "GLOBAL_NODE":
+ sources = [node for node in nx_graph.nodes.keys() if node[0] not in RESTRICTED_NODE_TYPES]
+ elif source_type == "LOCAL_NODE":
+ sources = [
+ node for node in nx_graph.nodes.keys() if node[1] == source_info[0] and node[0] not in RESTRICTED_NODE_TYPES
+ ]
+ else:
+ sources = [source_node]
+ # get label transiton targets
+ if label_type == "repeat":
+ targets = sources
+ elif label_type == "to_fallback":
+ targets = [("NODE", *nx_graph.graph["fallback_label"])] * len(sources)
+ elif label_type == "to_start":
+ targets = [("NODE", *nx_graph.graph["start_label"])] * len(sources)
+ elif label_type == "forward":
+ targets = [get_label_by_index_shifting(nx_graph, node_id, increment_flag=True) for node_id in sources]
+ elif label_type == "backward":
+ targets = [get_label_by_index_shifting(nx_graph, node_id, increment_flag=False) for node_id in sources]
+ else:
+ return {}
+ new_data = edge_data.copy()
+ new_data["label"] = label_type
+ return [(s, t, new_data) for s, t in zip(sources, targets)]
+def transform_virtual(node: tuple):
+ """
+ Put special nodes to virtual flow. Replace NONE with unresolved key constant.
+ """
+ if node == ("GLOBAL_NODE", "GLOBAL"):
+ return ("NODE", VIRTUAL_FLOW_KEY, node[-1])
+ elif node == ("NONE",):
+ return node
+def preprocess(
+ nx_graph: nx.Graph,
+ show_global: bool = False,
+ show_local: bool = False,
+ show_unresolved: bool = False,
+ show_isolates: bool = True,
+ **kwargs, # for cli integration
+) -> nx.Graph:
+ label_edges = []
+ for edge, edge_data in nx_graph.edges.items():
+ if edge[1][0] != "LABEL":
+ continue
+ label_edges += resolve_labels(nx_graph, edge, edge_data)
+ nx_graph.add_edges_from(label_edges)
+ nx_graph.remove_nodes_from(list(node for node in nx_graph.nodes if node[0] == "LABEL"))
+ if not show_global and ("GLOBAL_NODE", "GLOBAL") in nx_graph.nodes:
+ nx_graph.remove_nodes_from([("GLOBAL_NODE", "GLOBAL")])
+ if not show_local:
+ nx_graph.remove_nodes_from(list(node for node in nx_graph.nodes if node[-1] == "LOCAL"))
+ if not show_unresolved and ("NONE",) in nx_graph.nodes:
+ nx_graph.remove_nodes_from([("NONE",)])
+ if not show_isolates:
+ nx_graph.remove_nodes_from(list(nx.isolates(nx_graph)))
+ nx_graph = nx.relabel_nodes(nx_graph, {name: transform_virtual(name) for name in nx_graph.nodes.keys()})
+ return nx_graph
+def get_adjacency_dataframe(nx_graph: nx.Graph) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ matrix = nx.adjacency_matrix(nx_graph).toarray()
+ df = pd.DataFrame(
+ matrix, index=[str(x[:3]) for x in nx_graph.nodes.keys()], columns=[str(x[:3]) for x in nx_graph.nodes.keys()]
+ )
+ df = df.loc[(df != 0).any(axis=1), (df != 0).any(axis=0)]
+ df = df.reindex(sorted(df.columns), axis=1).reindex(sorted(df.index), axis=0)
+ return df
diff --git a/dff/utils/viewer/utils.py b/dff/utils/viewer/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..608d95179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dff/utils/viewer/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import random
+from base64 import b64encode
+from io import BytesIO
+from graphviz import Digraph
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+def graphviz_to_plotly(plot: Digraph) -> go.Figure:
+ _bytes = plot.pipe(format="png")
+ prefix = "data:image/png;base64,"
+ with BytesIO(_bytes) as stream:
+ base64 = prefix + b64encode(stream.getvalue()).decode("utf-8")
+ fig = go.Figure(go.Image(source=base64))
+ return fig
+def get_random_colors():
+ target_colors = ["#96B0AF", "#C6AE82", "#F78378", "#FF7B9C", "#D289AB", "#86ACD5", "#86ACD5", "#F8D525", "#F6AE2D"]
+ reserve = []
+ for element in target_colors:
+ yield element
+ reserve.append(random.choice(target_colors))
+ while reserve:
+ yield reserve.pop(0)
+def get_spaced_colors(n):
+ colors = [
+ f"rgb({int(color[1:3], base=16)}, {int(color[3:5], base=16)}, {int(color[5:7], base=16)})"
+ for _, color in zip(range(n), get_random_colors())
+ ]
+ return colors or None
+def normalize_color(color: str, level: str = "node"):
+ opacity_value = 95
+ if level == "node":
+ r, g, b = color.strip("rgb()").split(", ")
+ r, g, b = (
+ (int(r) + random.randint(-25, 25)),
+ (int(g) + random.randint(-25, 25)),
+ (int(b) + random.randint(-25, 25)),
+ )
+ r = 0 if r < 0 else 255 if r > 255 else r
+ g = 0 if g < 0 else 255 if g > 255 else g
+ b = 0 if b < 0 else 255 if b > 255 else b
+ color = f"rgb({r}, {g}, {b})"
+ opacity_value = 70
+ normalized = color[:3] + "a" + color[3:-1] + f",.{opacity_value}" + color[-1]
+ return normalized
diff --git a/docs/source/conf.py b/docs/source/conf.py
index 00da310a9..d44e0707e 100644
--- a/docs/source/conf.py
+++ b/docs/source/conf.py
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ def setup(_):
("dff.messengers", "Messenger Interfaces"),
("dff.pipeline", "Pipeline"),
("dff.script", "Script"),
+ ("dff.utils.parser", "Parser"),
("dff.utils.testing", "Utils"),
diff --git a/examples/viewer/1_server.py b/examples/viewer/1_server.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74a575287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/viewer/1_server.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# %% [markdown]
+# 1. Server
+## View the graph on a Dash server
+dff.viewer.server -e "./python_files/main.py" -d "./python_files/" -H localhost -P 8000
+## CLI parameters reference
+--entry_point: Python file to start parsing with.
+--project_root_dir: Directory that contains all the local files required to run ROOT_FILE.
+--show_response: Show node response values.
+--show_misc: Show node misc values.
+--show_local: Show local transitions.
+--show_processing: Show processing functions.
+--show_global: Show global transitions.
+--show_isolates: Show isolated nodes.
+--random_seed: Random seed to control color generation.
+--host: Dash application host.
+--port: Dash application port.
+# %%
+from pathlib import Path
+import sys
+from dff.utils.viewer import make_server
+from dff.utils.testing.common import is_interactive_mode
+if is_interactive_mode():
+ entry_point = "../../tests/viewer/TEST_CASES/main.py"
+ entry_point = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "tests" / "viewer" / "TEST_CASES" / "main.py"
+sys.argv = ["", f"--entry_point={entry_point}"]
diff --git a/examples/viewer/2_image.py b/examples/viewer/2_image.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b84f4f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/viewer/2_image.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# %% [markdown]
+# 2. Image
+## View the graph as a static image.
+dff.viewer.image -e ./python_files/main.py -d ./python_files/ -o ./plot.png
+## CLI parameters reference
+--entry_point: Python file to start parsing with.
+--project_root_dir: Directory that contains all the local files required to run ROOT_FILE.
+--show_response: Show node response values.
+--show_misc: Show node misc values.
+--show_local: Show local transitions.
+--show_processing: Show processing functions.
+--show_global: Show global transitions.
+--show_isolates: Show isolated nodes.
+--random_seed: Random seed to control color generation.
+--format: Graphviz output format.
+--output_file: Image file.
+# %%
+from pathlib import Path
+from dff.utils.viewer import make_image
+from dff.utils.testing.common import is_interactive_mode
+if is_interactive_mode():
+ entry_point = "../../tests/viewer/TEST_CASES/main.py"
+ entry_point = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "tests" / "viewer" / "TEST_CASES" / "main.py"
+make_image([f"--entry_point={entry_point}", "--output_file=plot.png"])
+# %%
diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index b84e14fde..c5c0fc5d9 100644
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -29,20 +29,20 @@ venv:
pip install -e .[devel_full]
format: venv
- black --line-length=120 --exclude='venv|build|tutorials' .
+ black --line-length=120 --exclude='venv|build|tutorials|tests/parser/TEST_CASES' .
black --line-length=100 tutorials
.PHONY: format
lint: venv
- flake8 --max-line-length=120 --exclude venv,build,tutorials .
+ flake8 --max-line-length=120 --exclude venv,build,tutorials,tests/parser/TEST_CASES .
flake8 --max-line-length=100 tutorials
- @set -e && black --line-length=120 --check --exclude='venv|build|tutorials' . && black --line-length=100 --check tutorials || ( \
+ @set -e && black --line-length=120 --check --exclude='venv|build|tutorials|tests/parser/TEST_CASES' . && black --line-length=100 --check tutorials || ( \
echo "================================"; \
echo "Bad formatting? Run: make format"; \
echo "================================"; \
# TODO: Add mypy testing
- # @mypy . --exclude venv*,build
+ # mypy .
.PHONY: lint
diff --git a/mypy.ini b/mypy.ini
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e8d7006e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mypy.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+exclude = (?x)(
+ ^venv
+ | ^build
+ | ^tests/parser/TEST_CASES
+ | ^docs/examples
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index ed6f1f58c..2a6727ad4 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -80,6 +80,28 @@ def merge_req_lists(*req_lists: List[str]) -> List[str]:
+parser_dependencies = [
+ "cached-property==1.5.2; python_version<'3.8'",
+ "astunparse==1.6.3; python_version<'3.9'",
+ "ruamel.yaml",
+ "networkx",
+script_viewer_dependencies = merge_req_lists(
+ parser_dependencies,
+ [
+ "graphviz==0.17",
+ "dash==2.6.2",
+ "hupper==1.11",
+ "watchdog==3.0.0",
+ "plotly<=5.10.0",
+ "numpy<=1.24.2",
+ "scipy<=1.10.1",
+ "pandas<=1.5.3",
+ "kaleido==0.2.1",
+ ],
full = merge_req_lists(
@@ -90,6 +112,8 @@ def merge_req_lists(*req_lists: List[str]) -> List[str]:
+ parser_dependencies,
+ script_viewer_dependencies,
requests_requirements = [
@@ -101,7 +125,10 @@ def merge_req_lists(*req_lists: List[str]) -> List[str]:
"pytest >=7.2.1,<8.0.0",
"pytest-cov >=4.0.0,<5.0.0",
"pytest-asyncio >=0.14.0,<0.15.0",
- "flake8 >=3.8.3,<4.0.0",
+ "flake8==6.0.0; python_version>'3.7'",
+ "flake8<=5.0.4; python_version=='3.7'",
+ "pyflakes==3.0.1; python_version>'3.7'",
+ "pyflakes<=2.5.0; python_version=='3.7'",
"black ==20.8b1",
"isort >=5.0.6,<6.0.0",
@@ -142,7 +169,8 @@ def merge_req_lists(*req_lists: List[str]) -> List[str]:
mypy_dependencies = [
- "mypy==0.950",
+ "mypy==1.1.1",
+ "networkx-stubs==0.0.1",
devel_full = merge_req_lists(
@@ -163,6 +191,8 @@ def merge_req_lists(*req_lists: List[str]) -> List[str]:
"postgresql": postgresql_dependencies, # dependencies for using PostgreSQL
"ydb": ydb_dependencies, # dependencies for using Yandex Database
"telegram": telegram_dependencies, # dependencies for using Telegram
+ "parser": parser_dependencies, # dependencies for using parser
+ "viewer": script_viewer_dependencies, # dependencies for script viewer
"full": full, # full dependencies including all options above
"tests": test_requirements, # dependencies for running tests
"test_full": tests_full, # full dependencies for running all tests (all options above)
@@ -203,4 +233,10 @@ def merge_req_lists(*req_lists: List[str]) -> List[str]:
install_requires=core, # Optional
+ entry_points={
+ "console_scripts": [
+ "dff.viewer.server=dff.utils.viewer:make_server",
+ "dff.viewer.image=dff.utils.viewer:make_image",
+ ]
+ },
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/graph.json b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/graph.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b9bf0fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/graph.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1761 @@
+ "directed": true,
+ "multigraph": true,
+ "graph": {
+ "full_script": {
+ "main": {
+ "re": "import re",
+ "TRANSITIONS": "from dff.script.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS",
+ "RESPONSE": "from dff.script.core.keywords import RESPONSE",
+ "GLOBAL": "from dff.script.core.keywords import GLOBAL",
+ "MISC": "from dff.script.core.keywords import MISC",
+ "cnd": "import dff.script.conditions",
+ "lbl": "import dff.script.labels",
+ "rsp": "import dff.script.responses",
+ "Pipeline": "from dff.pipeline import Pipeline",
+ "transitions": "import transitions",
+ "global_flow": "from flow import global_flow",
+ "script": {
+ "GLOBAL": {
+ "('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1)": "cnd.regexp('\\\\b(hi|hello)\\\\b', re.I)",
+ "('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1)": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)": "cnd.true()",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])])",
+ "lbl.repeat(0.2)": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))])"
+ },
+ "MISC": {
+ "'var1'": "'global_data'",
+ "'var2'": "'global_data'",
+ "'var3'": "'global_data'"
+ },
+ "RESPONSE": "\"''\""
+ },
+ "'global_flow'": "global_flow",
+ "'greeting_flow'": {
+ "'node1'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "rsp.choice(['Hi, what is up?', 'Hello, how are you?'])",
+ "('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1)": "cnd.true()",
+ "'node2'": "cnd.regexp('how are you')"
+ },
+ "MISC": {
+ "'var3'": "'info_of_step_1'"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node2'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "'Good. What do you want to talk about?'",
+ "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)": "cnd.true()",
+ "lbl.forward(0.5)": "cnd.regexp('talk about')",
+ "('music_flow', 'node1')": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "lbl.previous()": "cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node3'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "foo",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp('bye')"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node4'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "bar('bye')",
+ "'node1'": "cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "'music_flow'": {
+ "'node1'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "'I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? '",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node2'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "'System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.'",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.repeat()": "cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node3'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "'The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.'",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.backward()": "cnd.regexp('back', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.repeat()": "cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node4'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "\"That's all what I know\"",
+ "transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition": "cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "transitions.high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4')": "cnd.regexp('next time', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "pipeline": "Pipeline.from_script(fallback_label=('global_flow', 'fallback_node'), script=script, start_label=('global_flow', 'start_node'))"
+ },
+ "flow": {
+ "TRANSITIONS": "from dff.script.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS",
+ "RESPONSE": "from dff.script.core.keywords import RESPONSE",
+ "cnd": "import dff.script.conditions",
+ "lbl": "import dff.script.labels.std_labels",
+ "re": "import re",
+ "global_flow": {
+ "'start_node'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "''",
+ "('music_flow', 'node1')": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "('greeting_flow', 'node1')": "cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "'fallback_node'": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'fallback_node'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "'Ooops'",
+ "('music_flow', 'node1')": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "('greeting_flow', 'node1')": "cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.previous()": "cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.repeat()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "start_label": [
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "fallback_label": [
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.1"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "repeat",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.2"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "previous",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "repeat",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.5"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "backward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "NONE"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "links": [
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1)"
+ ],
+ "label": "('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('\\\\b(hi|hello)\\\\b', re.I)",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1)"
+ ],
+ "label": "('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.to_fallback(0.1)"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.to_fallback(0.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.1"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])])",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.repeat(0.2)"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat(0.2)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.repeat(0.2)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))])",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "repeat",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.2"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1)"
+ ],
+ "label": "('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node2'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('how are you')",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('music_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('music_flow', 'node1')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('music_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('greeting_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('greeting_flow', 'node1')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('greeting_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'fallback_node'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('music_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('music_flow', 'node1')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('music_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('greeting_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('greeting_flow', 'node1')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('greeting_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.previous()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "previous",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "flow",
+ "global_flow",
+ "value",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "repeat",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.to_fallback(0.1)"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.to_fallback(0.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.1"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward(0.5)"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward(0.5)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward(0.5)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('talk about')",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.5"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('music_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('music_flow', 'node1')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('music_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.previous()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "previous",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('bye')",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node1'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "repeat",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.backward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.backward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.backward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('back', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "backward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "repeat",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition"
+ ],
+ "label": "transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_transitions.high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4')"
+ ],
+ "label": "transitions.high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_transitions.high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('next time', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/new_script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/new_script.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..817102512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/new_script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ re: import re
+ TRANSITIONS: from dff.script.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: from dff.script.core.keywords import RESPONSE
+ GLOBAL: from dff.script.core.keywords import GLOBAL
+ MISC: from dff.script.core.keywords import MISC
+ cnd: import dff.script.conditions
+ lbl: import dff.script.labels
+ rsp: import dff.script.responses
+ Pipeline: from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+ transitions: import transitions
+ global_flow: from flow import global_flow
+ global_flow_1: global_flow
+ script:
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1): cnd.regexp('\\b(hi|hello)\\b', re.I)
+ ('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true()
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])])
+ lbl.repeat(0.2): cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))])
+ "'var1'": "'global_data'"
+ "'var2'": "'global_data'"
+ "'var3'": "'global_data'"
+ RESPONSE: "\"''\""
+ "'global_flow'": global_flow_1
+ "'greeting_flow'":
+ "'node1'":
+ RESPONSE: rsp.choice(['Hi, what is up?', 'Hello, how are you?'])
+ ('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1): cnd.true()
+ "'node2'": cnd.regexp('how are you')
+ "'var3'": "'info_of_step_1'"
+ "'node2'":
+ RESPONSE: "'Good. What do you want to talk about?'"
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true()
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp('talk about')
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)
+ "'node3'":
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('bye')
+ "'node4'":
+ RESPONSE: bar('bye')
+ "'node1'": cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'music_flow'":
+ "'node1'":
+ RESPONSE: "'I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? '"
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'node2'":
+ RESPONSE: "'System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.'"
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'node3'":
+ RESPONSE: "'The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.'"
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp('back', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'node4'":
+ RESPONSE: "\"That's all what I know\""
+ transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition: cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)
+ transitions.high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4'): cnd.regexp('next time', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ pipeline: Pipeline.from_script(fallback_label=('global_flow', 'fallback_node'), script=script, start_label=('global_flow', 'start_node'))
+ TRANSITIONS: from dff.script.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: from dff.script.core.keywords import RESPONSE
+ cnd: import dff.script.conditions
+ re: import re
+ lbl: import dff.script.labels.std_labels
+ global_flow:
+ "'start_node'":
+ RESPONSE: "''"
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)
+ "'fallback_node'": cnd.true()
+ "'fallback_node'":
+ RESPONSE: "'Ooops'"
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true()
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/python_files/flow.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/python_files/flow.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b2dde633f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/python_files/flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+from dff.script.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS, RESPONSE
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+import dff.script.labels.std_labels as lbl
+import re
+global_flow = {
+ "start_node": { # This is an initial node, it doesn't need an `RESPONSE`
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(
+ r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE
+ ), # second check
+ # ("global_flow", "fallback_node"): cnd.true(), # third check
+ "fallback_node": cnd.true(), # third check
+ # "fallback_node" is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node")
+ },
+ },
+ "fallback_node": { # We get to this node if an error occurred while the agent was running
+ RESPONSE: "Ooops",
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(
+ r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE
+ ), # second check
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE), # third check
+ # lbl.previous() is equivalent to ("PREVIOUS_flow", "PREVIOUS_node")
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true(), # fourth check
+ # lbl.repeat() is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node")
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1cfaa54cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+import re
+from dff.script.core.keywords import (
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+import dff.script.labels as lbl
+import dff.script.responses as rsp
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+import transitions
+from flow import global_flow
+script = {
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"\b(hi|hello)\b", re.I),
+ ("music_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.all(
+ [
+ cnd.regexp(r"next\b"),
+ cnd.has_last_labels(
+ labels=[("music_flow", i) for i in ["node2", "node3"]]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ lbl.repeat(0.2): cnd.all(
+ [
+ cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.I),
+ cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=["global_flow"])),
+ ]
+ ),
+ },
+ MISC: {
+ "var1": "global_data",
+ "var2": "global_data",
+ "var3": "global_data",
+ },
+ RESPONSE: """''""",
+ },
+ "global_flow": global_flow,
+ "greeting_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ RESPONSE: rsp.choice(
+ ["Hi, what is up?", "Hello, how are you?"]
+ ), # When the agent goes to node1, we return "Hi, how are you?"
+ ("global_flow", "fallback_node", 0.1): cnd.true(), # second check
+ "node2": cnd.regexp(r"how are you"), # first check
+ # "node2" is equivalent to ("greeting_flow", "node2", 1.0)
+ },
+ MISC: {"var3": "info_of_step_1"},
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ RESPONSE: "Good. What do you want to talk about?",
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(), # third check
+ # lbl.to_fallback(0.1) is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node", 0.1)
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp(r"talk about"), # second check
+ # lbl.forward(0.5) is equivalent to ("greeting_flow", "node3", 0.5)
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE), # third check
+ # ("music_flow", "node1") is equivalent to ("music_flow", "node1", 1.0)
+ },
+ },
+ "node3": {RESPONSE: foo, TRANSITIONS: {lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"bye")}},
+ "node4": {
+ RESPONSE: bar("bye"),
+ "node1": cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE), # first check
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(), # second check
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "music_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ RESPONSE: "I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? ",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"yes|yep|ok", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ RESPONSE: "System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node3": {
+ RESPONSE: "The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp(r"back", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node4": {
+ RESPONSE: "That's all what I know",
+ transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition: cnd.regexp(
+ r"next", re.IGNORECASE
+ ),
+ transitions.high_priority_node_transition(
+ "greeting_flow", "node4"
+ ): cnd.regexp(r"next time", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(
+ fallback_label=("global_flow", "fallback_node"),
+ script=script,
+ start_label=("global_flow", "start_node"),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/python_files/transitions.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/python_files/transitions.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..15dca2a14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/python_files/transitions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from dff.script.core.types import NodeLabel3Type
+from dff.script import Context
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+import typing as tp
+def greeting_flow_n2_transition(
+ _: Context, __: Pipeline, *args, **kwargs
+) -> NodeLabel3Type:
+ return "greeting_flow", "node2", 1.0
+def high_priority_node_transition(
+ flow_label: str, label: str
+) -> tp.Callable[..., NodeLabel3Type]:
+ def transition(_: Context, __: Pipeline, *args, **kwargs) -> NodeLabel3Type:
+ return flow_label, label, 2.0
+ return transition
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/result_creating/flow.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/result_creating/flow.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e01f9f687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/result_creating/flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from dff.script.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS
+from dff.script.core.keywords import RESPONSE
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+import re
+import dff.script.labels.std_labels as lbl
+global_flow = {
+ 'start_node': {
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music'),
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE),
+ 'fallback_node': cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'fallback_node': {
+ RESPONSE: 'Ooops',
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music'),
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/result_creating/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/result_creating/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b90a3b0b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/result_creating/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+import re
+from dff.script.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS
+from dff.script.core.keywords import RESPONSE
+from dff.script.core.keywords import GLOBAL
+from dff.script.core.keywords import MISC
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+import dff.script.labels as lbl
+import dff.script.responses as rsp
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+import transitions
+from flow import global_flow
+global_flow_1 = global_flow
+script = {
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1): cnd.regexp('\\b(hi|hello)\\b', re.I),
+ ('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1): cnd.regexp('talk about music'),
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]),
+ lbl.repeat(0.2): cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]),
+ },
+ MISC: {
+ 'var1': 'global_data',
+ 'var2': 'global_data',
+ 'var3': 'global_data',
+ },
+ RESPONSE: "''",
+ },
+ 'global_flow': global_flow_1,
+ 'greeting_flow': {
+ 'node1': {
+ RESPONSE: rsp.choice(['Hi, what is up?', 'Hello, how are you?']),
+ ('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1): cnd.true(),
+ 'node2': cnd.regexp('how are you'),
+ },
+ MISC: {
+ 'var3': 'info_of_step_1',
+ },
+ },
+ 'node2': {
+ RESPONSE: 'Good. What do you want to talk about?',
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(),
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp('talk about'),
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music'),
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node3': {
+ RESPONSE: foo,
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('bye'),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node4': {
+ RESPONSE: bar('bye'),
+ 'node1': cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ 'music_flow': {
+ 'node1': {
+ RESPONSE: 'I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? ',
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node2': {
+ RESPONSE: 'System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.',
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node3': {
+ RESPONSE: 'The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.',
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp('back', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node4': {
+ RESPONSE: "That's all what I know",
+ transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition: cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE),
+ transitions.high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4'): cnd.regexp('next time', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(fallback_label=('global_flow', 'fallback_node'), script=script, start_label=('global_flow', 'start_node'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/result_editing/flow.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/result_editing/flow.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5356c39a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/result_editing/flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+from dff.script.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS
+from dff.script.core.keywords import RESPONSE
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+import re
+import dff.script.labels.std_labels as lbl
+import re
+global_flow = {
+ 'start_node': {
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music'),
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE),
+ 'fallback_node': cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'fallback_node': {
+ RESPONSE: 'Ooops',
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music'),
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/result_editing/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/result_editing/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b90a3b0b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/result_editing/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+import re
+from dff.script.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS
+from dff.script.core.keywords import RESPONSE
+from dff.script.core.keywords import GLOBAL
+from dff.script.core.keywords import MISC
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+import dff.script.labels as lbl
+import dff.script.responses as rsp
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+import transitions
+from flow import global_flow
+global_flow_1 = global_flow
+script = {
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1): cnd.regexp('\\b(hi|hello)\\b', re.I),
+ ('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1): cnd.regexp('talk about music'),
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]),
+ lbl.repeat(0.2): cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]),
+ },
+ MISC: {
+ 'var1': 'global_data',
+ 'var2': 'global_data',
+ 'var3': 'global_data',
+ },
+ RESPONSE: "''",
+ },
+ 'global_flow': global_flow_1,
+ 'greeting_flow': {
+ 'node1': {
+ RESPONSE: rsp.choice(['Hi, what is up?', 'Hello, how are you?']),
+ ('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1): cnd.true(),
+ 'node2': cnd.regexp('how are you'),
+ },
+ MISC: {
+ 'var3': 'info_of_step_1',
+ },
+ },
+ 'node2': {
+ RESPONSE: 'Good. What do you want to talk about?',
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(),
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp('talk about'),
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music'),
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node3': {
+ RESPONSE: foo,
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('bye'),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node4': {
+ RESPONSE: bar('bye'),
+ 'node1': cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ 'music_flow': {
+ 'node1': {
+ RESPONSE: 'I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? ',
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node2': {
+ RESPONSE: 'System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.',
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node3': {
+ RESPONSE: 'The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.',
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp('back', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node4': {
+ RESPONSE: "That's all what I know",
+ transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition: cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE),
+ transitions.high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4'): cnd.regexp('next time', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(fallback_label=('global_flow', 'fallback_node'), script=script, start_label=('global_flow', 'start_node'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/result_editing/transitions.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/result_editing/transitions.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..15dca2a14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/result_editing/transitions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from dff.script.core.types import NodeLabel3Type
+from dff.script import Context
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+import typing as tp
+def greeting_flow_n2_transition(
+ _: Context, __: Pipeline, *args, **kwargs
+) -> NodeLabel3Type:
+ return "greeting_flow", "node2", 1.0
+def high_priority_node_transition(
+ flow_label: str, label: str
+) -> tp.Callable[..., NodeLabel3Type]:
+ def transition(_: Context, __: Pipeline, *args, **kwargs) -> NodeLabel3Type:
+ return flow_label, label, 2.0
+ return transition
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/script.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f543ac542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ re: import re
+ TRANSITIONS: from dff.script.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: from dff.script.core.keywords import RESPONSE
+ GLOBAL: from dff.script.core.keywords import GLOBAL
+ MISC: from dff.script.core.keywords import MISC
+ cnd: import dff.script.conditions
+ lbl: import dff.script.labels
+ rsp: import dff.script.responses
+ Pipeline: from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+ transitions: import transitions
+ global_flow: from flow import global_flow
+ script:
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1): cnd.regexp('\\b(hi|hello)\\b', re.I)
+ ('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true()
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])])
+ lbl.repeat(0.2): cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))])
+ "'var1'": "'global_data'"
+ "'var2'": "'global_data'"
+ "'var3'": "'global_data'"
+ RESPONSE: "\"''\""
+ "'global_flow'": global_flow
+ "'greeting_flow'":
+ "'node1'":
+ RESPONSE: rsp.choice(['Hi, what is up?', 'Hello, how are you?'])
+ ('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1): cnd.true()
+ "'node2'": cnd.regexp('how are you')
+ "'var3'": "'info_of_step_1'"
+ "'node2'":
+ RESPONSE: "'Good. What do you want to talk about?'"
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true()
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp('talk about')
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)
+ "'node3'":
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('bye')
+ "'node4'":
+ RESPONSE: bar('bye')
+ "'node1'": cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'music_flow'":
+ "'node1'":
+ RESPONSE: "'I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? '"
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'node2'":
+ RESPONSE: "'System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.'"
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'node3'":
+ RESPONSE: "'The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.'"
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp('back', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'node4'":
+ RESPONSE: "\"That's all what I know\""
+ transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition: cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)
+ transitions.high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4'): cnd.regexp('next time', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ pipeline: Pipeline.from_script(fallback_label=('global_flow', 'fallback_node'), script=script, start_label=('global_flow', 'start_node'))
+ TRANSITIONS: from dff.script.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: from dff.script.core.keywords import RESPONSE
+ cnd: import dff.script.conditions
+ lbl: import dff.script.labels.std_labels
+ re: import re
+ global_flow:
+ "'start_node'":
+ RESPONSE: "''"
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)
+ "'fallback_node'": cnd.true()
+ "'fallback_node'":
+ RESPONSE: "'Ooops'"
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true()
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/script.yaml.diff b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/script.yaml.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9eae9a82a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/just_works/script.yaml.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ main:
+ re: import re
+ TRANSITIONS: from dff.script.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: from dff.script.core.keywords import RESPONSE
+ GLOBAL: from dff.script.core.keywords import GLOBAL
+ MISC: from dff.script.core.keywords import MISC
+ cnd: import dff.script.conditions
+ lbl: import dff.script.labels
+ rsp: import dff.script.responses
+ Pipeline: from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+ transitions: import transitions
+ global_flow: from flow import global_flow
++ global_flow_1: global_flow
+ script:
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1): cnd.regexp('\\b(hi|hello)\\b', re.I)
+ ('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true()
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])])
+ lbl.repeat(0.2): cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))])
+ "'var1'": "'global_data'"
+ "'var2'": "'global_data'"
+ "'var3'": "'global_data'"
+ RESPONSE: "\"''\""
+- "'global_flow'": global_flow
++ "'global_flow'": global_flow_1
+? ++
+ "'greeting_flow'":
+ "'node1'":
+ RESPONSE: rsp.choice(['Hi, what is up?', 'Hello, how are you?'])
+ ('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1): cnd.true()
+ "'node2'": cnd.regexp('how are you')
+ "'var3'": "'info_of_step_1'"
+ "'node2'":
+ RESPONSE: "'Good. What do you want to talk about?'"
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true()
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp('talk about')
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)
+ "'node3'":
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('bye')
+ "'node4'":
+ RESPONSE: bar('bye')
+ "'node1'": cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'music_flow'":
+ "'node1'":
+ RESPONSE: "'I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? '"
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'node2'":
+ RESPONSE: "'System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.'"
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'node3'":
+ RESPONSE: "'The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.'"
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp('back', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'node4'":
+ RESPONSE: "\"That's all what I know\""
+ transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition: cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)
+ transitions.high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4'): cnd.regexp('next time', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ pipeline: Pipeline.from_script(fallback_label=('global_flow', 'fallback_node'), script=script, start_label=('global_flow', 'start_node'))
+ flow:
+ TRANSITIONS: from dff.script.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: from dff.script.core.keywords import RESPONSE
+ cnd: import dff.script.conditions
++ re: import re
+ lbl: import dff.script.labels.std_labels
+- re: import re
+ global_flow:
+ "'start_node'":
+ RESPONSE: "''"
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)
+ "'fallback_node'": cnd.true()
+ "'fallback_node'":
+ RESPONSE: "'Ooops'"
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true()
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/graph.json b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/graph.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b6df4f37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/graph.json
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ "directed": true,
+ "multigraph": true,
+ "graph": {
+ "full_script": {
+ "script": {
+ "flow": "from flows.start import flow",
+ "Pipeline": "from dff.pipeline import Pipeline",
+ "pipeline": "Pipeline.from_script(script={\n 'start_flow': flow,\n}, start_label=('start_flow', 'start_node'))"
+ },
+ "flows.start": {
+ "node": "from ..nodes.node_1 import node",
+ "flow": {
+ "'start_node'": "node"
+ }
+ },
+ "nodes.node_1": {
+ "kw": "from dff.script import Keywords",
+ "node": {
+ "kw.RESPONSE": "'hey'"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "start_label": [
+ "'start_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "fallback_label": [
+ "'start_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "nodes.node_1",
+ "node",
+ "value"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'start_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "links": []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/new_script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/new_script.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..49d670982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/new_script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ flow: from flows.start import flow
+ Pipeline: from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+ start_label: "('start_flow', 'start_node')"
+ pipeline: "Pipeline.from_script(script={'start_flow': flow}, start_label=start_label)"
+ node: from ..nodes.node_1 import node
+ flow:
+ "'start_node'": node
+ kw: from dff.script import Keywords
+ node:
+ kw.RESPONSE: "'hey!'"
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/flows/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/flows/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/flows/start.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/flows/start.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..415e2115c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/flows/start.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from ..nodes.node_1 import node
+flow = {"start_node": node}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e23b9e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from script import pipeline
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/nodes/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/nodes/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/nodes/node_1.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/nodes/node_1.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec2679651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/nodes/node_1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from dff.script import Keywords as kw
+node = {kw.RESPONSE: "hey"}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/script.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/script.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c74d3c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/python_files/script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from flows.start import flow
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(script={"start_flow": flow}, start_label=("start_flow", "start_node"))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_creating/flows/start.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_creating/flows/start.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebd705ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_creating/flows/start.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from ..nodes.node_1 import node
+flow = {
+ 'start_node': node,
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_creating/nodes/node_1.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_creating/nodes/node_1.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71b6cd04a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_creating/nodes/node_1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from dff.script import Keywords as kw
+node = {
+ kw.RESPONSE: 'hey!',
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_creating/script.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_creating/script.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dce8cb6a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_creating/script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+from flows.start import flow
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+start_label = ('start_flow', 'start_node')
+pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(script={
+ 'start_flow': flow,
+}, start_label=start_label)
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/flows/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/flows/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/flows/start.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/flows/start.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebd705ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/flows/start.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from ..nodes.node_1 import node
+flow = {
+ 'start_node': node,
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e23b9e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from script import pipeline
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/nodes/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/nodes/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/nodes/node_1.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/nodes/node_1.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71b6cd04a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/nodes/node_1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from dff.script import Keywords as kw
+node = {
+ kw.RESPONSE: 'hey!',
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/script.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/script.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dce8cb6a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/result_editing/script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+from flows.start import flow
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+start_label = ('start_flow', 'start_node')
+pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(script={
+ 'start_flow': flow,
+}, start_label=start_label)
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/script.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb95158f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ flow: from flows.start import flow
+ Pipeline: from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+ pipeline: "Pipeline.from_script(script={\n 'start_flow': flow,\n}, start_label=('start_flow', 'start_node'))"
+ node: from ..nodes.node_1 import node
+ flow:
+ "'start_node'": node
+ kw: from dff.script import Keywords
+ node:
+ kw.RESPONSE: "'hey'"
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/script.yaml.diff b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/script.yaml.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5873c8f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/complex_cases/modular/script.yaml.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ script:
+ flow: from flows.start import flow
+ Pipeline: from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
++ start_label: "('start_flow', 'start_node')"
+- pipeline: "Pipeline.from_script(script={\n 'start_flow': flow,\n}, start_label=('start_flow', 'start_node'))"
+? ------ --- -- - -------- ^^^^^^ ^^
++ pipeline: "Pipeline.from_script(script={'start_flow': flow}, start_label=start_label)"
+? ^ ^
+ flows.start:
+ node: from ..nodes.node_1 import node
+ flow:
+ "'start_node'": node
+ nodes.node_1:
+ kw: from dff.script import Keywords
+ node:
+- kw.RESPONSE: "'hey'"
++ kw.RESPONSE: "'hey!'"
+? +
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/1_basics.json b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/1_basics.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..639827e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/1_basics.json
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ "directed": true,
+ "multigraph": true,
+ "graph": {
+ "full_script": {
+ "1_basics": {
+ "TRANSITIONS": "from dff.script import TRANSITIONS",
+ "RESPONSE": "from dff.script import RESPONSE",
+ "Message": "from dff.script import Message",
+ "Pipeline": "from dff.pipeline import Pipeline",
+ "cnd": "import dff.script.conditions",
+ "toy_script": {
+ "'greeting_flow'": {
+ "'start_node'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message()",
+ "'node1'": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node1'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Hi, how are you?')",
+ "'node2'": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text=\"I'm fine, how are you?\"))"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node2'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Good. What do you want to talk about?')",
+ "'node3'": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text=\"Let's talk about music.\"))"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node3'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Sorry, I can not talk about music now.')",
+ "'node4'": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Ok, goodbye.'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node4'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Bye')",
+ "'node1'": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "'fallback_node'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Ooops')",
+ "'node1'": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "pipeline": "Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('greeting_flow', 'start_node'), fallback_label=('greeting_flow', 'fallback_node'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "start_label": [
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "fallback_label": [
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "links": [
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node1'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node2'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text=\"I'm fine, how are you?\"))",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node3'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node3'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node3'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text=\"Let's talk about music.\"))",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node4'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node4'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node4'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Ok, goodbye.'))",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node1'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node1'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "1_basics",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/1_basics.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/1_basics.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba20877eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/1_basics.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+from dff.script import RESPONSE
+from dff.script import Message
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+toy_script = {
+ 'greeting_flow': {
+ 'start_node': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(),
+ 'node1': cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi')),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node1': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Hi, how are you?'),
+ 'node2': cnd.exact_match(Message(text="I'm fine, how are you?")),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node2': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Good. What do you want to talk about?'),
+ 'node3': cnd.exact_match(Message(text="Let's talk about music.")),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node3': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Sorry, I can not talk about music now.'),
+ 'node4': cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Ok, goodbye.')),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node4': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Bye'),
+ 'node1': cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi')),
+ },
+ },
+ 'fallback_node': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Ooops'),
+ 'node1': cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi')),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('greeting_flow', 'start_node'), fallback_label=('greeting_flow', 'fallback_node'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/1_basics.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/1_basics.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d3cf8cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/1_basics.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ TRANSITIONS: from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: from dff.script import RESPONSE
+ Message: from dff.script import Message
+ Pipeline: from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+ cnd: import dff.script.conditions
+ toy_script:
+ "'greeting_flow'":
+ "'start_node'":
+ RESPONSE: Message()
+ "'node1'": cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))
+ "'node1'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Hi, how are you?')
+ "'node2'": cnd.exact_match(Message(text="I'm fine, how are you?"))
+ "'node2'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Good. What do you want to talk about?')
+ "'node3'": cnd.exact_match(Message(text="Let's talk about music."))
+ "'node3'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Sorry, I can not talk about music now.')
+ "'node4'": cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Ok, goodbye.'))
+ "'node4'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Bye')
+ "'node1'": cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))
+ "'fallback_node'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Ooops')
+ "'node1'": cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))
+ pipeline: Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('greeting_flow', 'start_node'), fallback_label=('greeting_flow', 'fallback_node'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/2_conditions.json b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/2_conditions.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94188df91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/2_conditions.json
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+ "directed": true,
+ "multigraph": true,
+ "graph": {
+ "full_script": {
+ "2_conditions": {
+ "re": "import re",
+ "TRANSITIONS": "from dff.script import TRANSITIONS",
+ "RESPONSE": "from dff.script import RESPONSE",
+ "Message": "from dff.script import Message",
+ "cnd": "import dff.script.conditions",
+ "Pipeline": "from dff.pipeline import Pipeline",
+ "toy_script": {
+ "'greeting_flow'": {
+ "'start_node'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message()",
+ "'node1'": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node1'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Hi, how are you?')",
+ "'node2'": "cnd.regexp('.*how are you', re.IGNORECASE)"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node2'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Good. What do you want to talk about?')",
+ "'node3'": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp('talk'), cnd.regexp('about.*music')])"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node3'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Sorry, I can not talk about music now.')",
+ "'node4'": "cnd.regexp(re.compile('Ok, goodbye.'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node4'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='bye')",
+ "'node1'": "cnd.any([hi_lower_case_condition, cnd.exact_match(Message(text='hello'))])"
+ }
+ },
+ "'fallback_node'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Ooops')",
+ "'node1'": "complex_user_answer_condition",
+ "'fallback_node'": "predetermined_condition(True)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "pipeline": "Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('greeting_flow', 'start_node'), fallback_label=('greeting_flow', 'fallback_node'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "start_label": [
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "fallback_label": [
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "links": [
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node1'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node2'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('.*how are you', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node3'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node3'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node3'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp('talk'), cnd.regexp('about.*music')])",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node4'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node4'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node4'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(re.compile('Ok, goodbye.'))",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node1'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.any([hi_lower_case_condition, cnd.exact_match(Message(text='hello'))])",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node1'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "complex_user_answer_condition",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'fallback_node'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "2_conditions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "predetermined_condition(True)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/2_conditions.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/2_conditions.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4b8aa322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/2_conditions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import re
+from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+from dff.script import RESPONSE
+from dff.script import Message
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+toy_script = {
+ 'greeting_flow': {
+ 'start_node': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(),
+ 'node1': cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi')),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node1': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Hi, how are you?'),
+ 'node2': cnd.regexp('.*how are you', re.IGNORECASE),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node2': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Good. What do you want to talk about?'),
+ 'node3': cnd.all([cnd.regexp('talk'), cnd.regexp('about.*music')]),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node3': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Sorry, I can not talk about music now.'),
+ 'node4': cnd.regexp(re.compile('Ok, goodbye.')),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node4': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='bye'),
+ 'node1': cnd.any([hi_lower_case_condition, cnd.exact_match(Message(text='hello'))]),
+ },
+ },
+ 'fallback_node': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Ooops'),
+ 'node1': complex_user_answer_condition,
+ 'fallback_node': predetermined_condition(True),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('greeting_flow', 'start_node'), fallback_label=('greeting_flow', 'fallback_node'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/2_conditions.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/2_conditions.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2112f441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/2_conditions.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ re: import re
+ TRANSITIONS: from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: from dff.script import RESPONSE
+ Message: from dff.script import Message
+ cnd: import dff.script.conditions
+ Pipeline: from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+ toy_script:
+ "'greeting_flow'":
+ "'start_node'":
+ RESPONSE: Message()
+ "'node1'": cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))
+ "'node1'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Hi, how are you?')
+ "'node2'": cnd.regexp('.*how are you', re.IGNORECASE)
+ "'node2'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Good. What do you want to talk about?')
+ "'node3'": cnd.all([cnd.regexp('talk'), cnd.regexp('about.*music')])
+ "'node3'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Sorry, I can not talk about music now.')
+ "'node4'": cnd.regexp(re.compile('Ok, goodbye.'))
+ "'node4'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='bye')
+ "'node1'": cnd.any([hi_lower_case_condition, cnd.exact_match(Message(text='hello'))])
+ "'fallback_node'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Ooops')
+ "'node1'": complex_user_answer_condition
+ "'fallback_node'": predetermined_condition(True)
+ pipeline: Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('greeting_flow', 'start_node'), fallback_label=('greeting_flow', 'fallback_node'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/3_responses.json b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/3_responses.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92300c565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/3_responses.json
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+ "directed": true,
+ "multigraph": true,
+ "graph": {
+ "full_script": {
+ "3_responses": {
+ "TRANSITIONS": "from dff.script import TRANSITIONS",
+ "RESPONSE": "from dff.script import RESPONSE",
+ "Message": "from dff.script import Message",
+ "rsp": "import dff.script.responses",
+ "cnd": "import dff.script.conditions",
+ "Pipeline": "from dff.pipeline import Pipeline",
+ "toy_script": {
+ "'greeting_flow'": {
+ "'start_node'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message()",
+ "'node1'": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node1'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "rsp.choice([Message(text='Hi, what is up?'), Message(text='Hello, how are you?')])",
+ "'node2'": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text=\"I'm fine, how are you?\"))"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node2'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Good. What do you want to talk about?')",
+ "'node3'": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text=\"Let's talk about music.\"))"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node3'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "cannot_talk_about_topic_response",
+ "'node4'": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Ok, goodbye.'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node4'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "upper_case_response(Message(text='bye'))",
+ "'node1'": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "'fallback_node'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "fallback_trace_response",
+ "'node1'": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "pipeline": "Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('greeting_flow', 'start_node'), fallback_label=('greeting_flow', 'fallback_node'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "start_label": [
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "fallback_label": [
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "links": [
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node1'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node2'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text=\"I'm fine, how are you?\"))",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node3'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node3'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node3'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text=\"Let's talk about music.\"))",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node4'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node4'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node4'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Ok, goodbye.'))",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node1'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node1'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "3_responses",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/3_responses.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/3_responses.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e4007142b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/3_responses.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+from dff.script import RESPONSE
+from dff.script import Message
+import dff.script.responses as rsp
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+toy_script = {
+ 'greeting_flow': {
+ 'start_node': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(),
+ 'node1': cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi')),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node1': {
+ RESPONSE: rsp.choice([Message(text='Hi, what is up?'), Message(text='Hello, how are you?')]),
+ 'node2': cnd.exact_match(Message(text="I'm fine, how are you?")),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node2': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Good. What do you want to talk about?'),
+ 'node3': cnd.exact_match(Message(text="Let's talk about music.")),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node3': {
+ RESPONSE: cannot_talk_about_topic_response,
+ 'node4': cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Ok, goodbye.')),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node4': {
+ RESPONSE: upper_case_response(Message(text='bye')),
+ 'node1': cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi')),
+ },
+ },
+ 'fallback_node': {
+ RESPONSE: fallback_trace_response,
+ 'node1': cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi')),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('greeting_flow', 'start_node'), fallback_label=('greeting_flow', 'fallback_node'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/3_responses.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/3_responses.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ed610dce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/3_responses.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ TRANSITIONS: from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: from dff.script import RESPONSE
+ Message: from dff.script import Message
+ rsp: import dff.script.responses
+ cnd: import dff.script.conditions
+ Pipeline: from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+ toy_script:
+ "'greeting_flow'":
+ "'start_node'":
+ RESPONSE: Message()
+ "'node1'": cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))
+ "'node1'":
+ RESPONSE: rsp.choice([Message(text='Hi, what is up?'), Message(text='Hello, how are you?')])
+ "'node2'": cnd.exact_match(Message(text="I'm fine, how are you?"))
+ "'node2'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Good. What do you want to talk about?')
+ "'node3'": cnd.exact_match(Message(text="Let's talk about music."))
+ "'node3'":
+ RESPONSE: cannot_talk_about_topic_response
+ "'node4'": cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Ok, goodbye.'))
+ "'node4'":
+ RESPONSE: upper_case_response(Message(text='bye'))
+ "'node1'": cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))
+ "'fallback_node'":
+ RESPONSE: fallback_trace_response
+ "'node1'": cnd.exact_match(Message(text='Hi'))
+ pipeline: Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('greeting_flow', 'start_node'), fallback_label=('greeting_flow', 'fallback_node'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/4_transitions.json b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/4_transitions.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a26dd2cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/4_transitions.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1530 @@
+ "directed": true,
+ "multigraph": true,
+ "graph": {
+ "full_script": {
+ "4_transitions": {
+ "re": "import re",
+ "TRANSITIONS": "from dff.script import TRANSITIONS",
+ "RESPONSE": "from dff.script import RESPONSE",
+ "Message": "from dff.script import Message",
+ "cnd": "import dff.script.conditions",
+ "lbl": "import dff.script.labels",
+ "Pipeline": "from dff.pipeline import Pipeline",
+ "toy_script": {
+ "'global_flow'": {
+ "'start_node'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message()",
+ "('music_flow', 'node1')": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "('greeting_flow', 'node1')": "cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "'fallback_node'": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'fallback_node'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Ooops')",
+ "('music_flow', 'node1')": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "('greeting_flow', 'node1')": "cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.previous()": "cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.repeat()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "'greeting_flow'": {
+ "'node1'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Hi, how are you?')",
+ "('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1)": "cnd.true()",
+ "'node2'": "cnd.regexp('how are you')"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node2'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Good. What do you want to talk about?')",
+ "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)": "cnd.true()",
+ "lbl.forward(0.5)": "cnd.regexp('talk about')",
+ "('music_flow', 'node1')": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "lbl.previous()": "cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node3'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Sorry, I can not talk about that now.')",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp('bye')"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node4'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Bye')",
+ "'node1'": "cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "'music_flow'": {
+ "'node1'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to talk about it?')",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node2'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in 1994.')",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.repeat()": "cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node3'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.')",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.backward()": "cnd.regexp('back', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.repeat()": "cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node4'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text=\"That's all what I know.\")",
+ "greeting_flow_n2_transition": "cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4')": "cnd.regexp('next time', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "pipeline": "Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('global_flow', 'start_node'), fallback_label=('global_flow', 'fallback_node'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "start_label": [
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "fallback_label": [
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "previous",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "repeat",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.1"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.5"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "backward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "NONE"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "links": [
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('music_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('music_flow', 'node1')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('music_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('greeting_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('greeting_flow', 'node1')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('greeting_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'fallback_node'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1)"
+ ],
+ "label": "('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node2'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('how are you')",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('music_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('music_flow', 'node1')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('music_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('greeting_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('greeting_flow', 'node1')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('greeting_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.previous()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "previous",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "repeat",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.to_fallback(0.1)"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.to_fallback(0.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.1"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward(0.5)"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward(0.5)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward(0.5)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('talk about')",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.5"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('music_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('music_flow', 'node1')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('music_flow', 'node1')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.previous()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "previous",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('bye')",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node1'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "repeat",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.backward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.backward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.backward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('back', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "backward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "repeat",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_greeting_flow_n2_transition"
+ ],
+ "label": "greeting_flow_n2_transition",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_greeting_flow_n2_transition"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4')"
+ ],
+ "label": "high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('next time', re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "4_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/4_transitions.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/4_transitions.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..04a781004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/4_transitions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+import re
+from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+from dff.script import RESPONSE
+from dff.script import Message
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+import dff.script.labels as lbl
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+toy_script = {
+ 'global_flow': {
+ 'start_node': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(),
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music'),
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE),
+ 'fallback_node': cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'fallback_node': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Ooops'),
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music'),
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ 'greeting_flow': {
+ 'node1': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Hi, how are you?'),
+ ('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1): cnd.true(),
+ 'node2': cnd.regexp('how are you'),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node2': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Good. What do you want to talk about?'),
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(),
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp('talk about'),
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music'),
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node3': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Sorry, I can not talk about that now.'),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('bye'),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node4': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Bye'),
+ 'node1': cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ 'music_flow': {
+ 'node1': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to talk about it?'),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node2': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in 1994.'),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node3': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.'),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp('back', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node4': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text="That's all what I know."),
+ greeting_flow_n2_transition: cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE),
+ high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4'): cnd.regexp('next time', re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('global_flow', 'start_node'), fallback_label=('global_flow', 'fallback_node'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/4_transitions.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/4_transitions.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cda5b426f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/4_transitions.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ re: import re
+ TRANSITIONS: from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: from dff.script import RESPONSE
+ Message: from dff.script import Message
+ cnd: import dff.script.conditions
+ lbl: import dff.script.labels
+ Pipeline: from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+ toy_script:
+ "'global_flow'":
+ "'start_node'":
+ RESPONSE: Message()
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)
+ "'fallback_node'": cnd.true()
+ "'fallback_node'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Ooops')
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true()
+ "'greeting_flow'":
+ "'node1'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Hi, how are you?')
+ ('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1): cnd.true()
+ "'node2'": cnd.regexp('how are you')
+ "'node2'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Good. What do you want to talk about?')
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true()
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp('talk about')
+ ('music_flow', 'node1'): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.IGNORECASE)
+ "'node3'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Sorry, I can not talk about that now.')
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('bye')
+ "'node4'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Bye')
+ "'node1'": cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'music_flow'":
+ "'node1'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to talk about it?')
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'node2'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in 1994.')
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'node3'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.')
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp('back', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ "'node4'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text="That's all what I know.")
+ greeting_flow_n2_transition: cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE)
+ high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4'): cnd.regexp('next time', re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ pipeline: Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('global_flow', 'start_node'), fallback_label=('global_flow', 'fallback_node'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/5_global_transitions.json b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/5_global_transitions.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd7d87a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/5_global_transitions.json
@@ -0,0 +1,939 @@
+ "directed": true,
+ "multigraph": true,
+ "graph": {
+ "full_script": {
+ "5_global_transitions": {
+ "re": "import re",
+ "GLOBAL": "from dff.script import GLOBAL",
+ "TRANSITIONS": "from dff.script import TRANSITIONS",
+ "RESPONSE": "from dff.script import RESPONSE",
+ "Message": "from dff.script import Message",
+ "cnd": "import dff.script.conditions",
+ "lbl": "import dff.script.labels",
+ "Pipeline": "from dff.pipeline import Pipeline",
+ "toy_script": {
+ "GLOBAL": {
+ "('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1)": "cnd.regexp('\\\\b(hi|hello)\\\\b', re.I)",
+ "('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1)": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)": "cnd.true()",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])])",
+ "lbl.repeat(0.2)": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))])"
+ }
+ },
+ "'global_flow'": {
+ "'start_node'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message()"
+ },
+ "'fallback_node'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Ooops')",
+ "lbl.previous()": "cnd.regexp('previous', re.I)"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "'greeting_flow'": {
+ "'node1'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Hi, how are you?')",
+ "'node2'": "cnd.regexp('how are you')"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node2'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Good. What do you want to talk about?')",
+ "lbl.forward(0.5)": "cnd.regexp('talk about')",
+ "lbl.previous()": "cnd.regexp('previous', re.I)"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node3'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='Sorry, I can not talk about that now.')",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp('bye')"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node4'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='bye')"
+ }
+ },
+ "'music_flow'": {
+ "'node1'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to talk about it?')",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.I)"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node2'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in 1994.')"
+ },
+ "'node3'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.')",
+ "lbl.backward()": "cnd.regexp('back', re.I)"
+ }
+ },
+ "'node4'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text=\"That's all what I know.\")",
+ "('greeting_flow', 'node4')": "cnd.regexp('next time', re.I)",
+ "('greeting_flow', 'node2')": "cnd.regexp('next', re.I)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "pipeline": "Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('global_flow', 'start_node'), fallback_label=('global_flow', 'fallback_node'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "start_label": [
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "fallback_label": [
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.1"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "repeat",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.2"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'start_node'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'start_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "previous",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.5"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "backward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "links": [
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1)"
+ ],
+ "label": "('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('\\\\b(hi|hello)\\\\b', re.I)",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1)"
+ ],
+ "label": "('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('talk about music')",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.to_fallback(0.1)"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.to_fallback(0.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "to_fallback",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.1"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])])",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.repeat(0.2)"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat(0.2)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.repeat(0.2)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))])",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "repeat",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.2"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'node2'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'node2'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('how are you')",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.I)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node1'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.previous()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'global_flow'",
+ "value_'fallback_node'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('previous', re.I)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'global_flow'",
+ "'fallback_node'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "previous",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward(0.5)"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward(0.5)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward(0.5)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('talk about')",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.5"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.previous()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('previous', re.I)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "previous",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'greeting_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('bye')",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.backward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.backward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.backward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('back', re.I)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "backward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('greeting_flow', 'node4')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('greeting_flow', 'node4')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('greeting_flow', 'node4')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('next time', re.I)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('greeting_flow', 'node2')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('greeting_flow', 'node2')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'music_flow'",
+ "value_'node4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('greeting_flow', 'node2')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp('next', re.I)",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'music_flow'",
+ "'node4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'greeting_flow'",
+ "'node2'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/5_global_transitions.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/5_global_transitions.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dec540811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/5_global_transitions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import re
+from dff.script import GLOBAL
+from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+from dff.script import RESPONSE
+from dff.script import Message
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+import dff.script.labels as lbl
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+toy_script = {
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1): cnd.regexp('\\b(hi|hello)\\b', re.I),
+ ('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1): cnd.regexp('talk about music'),
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]),
+ lbl.repeat(0.2): cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]),
+ },
+ },
+ 'global_flow': {
+ 'start_node': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(),
+ },
+ 'fallback_node': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Ooops'),
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.I),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ 'greeting_flow': {
+ 'node1': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Hi, how are you?'),
+ 'node2': cnd.regexp('how are you'),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node2': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Good. What do you want to talk about?'),
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp('talk about'),
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.I),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node3': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Sorry, I can not talk about that now.'),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('bye'),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node4': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='bye'),
+ },
+ },
+ 'music_flow': {
+ 'node1': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to talk about it?'),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.I),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node2': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in 1994.'),
+ },
+ 'node3': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.'),
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp('back', re.I),
+ },
+ },
+ 'node4': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text="That's all what I know."),
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node4'): cnd.regexp('next time', re.I),
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node2'): cnd.regexp('next', re.I),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('global_flow', 'start_node'), fallback_label=('global_flow', 'fallback_node'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/5_global_transitions.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/5_global_transitions.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d951fedd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/5_global_transitions.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ re: import re
+ GLOBAL: from dff.script import GLOBAL
+ TRANSITIONS: from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: from dff.script import RESPONSE
+ Message: from dff.script import Message
+ cnd: import dff.script.conditions
+ lbl: import dff.script.labels
+ Pipeline: from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+ toy_script:
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1): cnd.regexp('\\b(hi|hello)\\b', re.I)
+ ('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1): cnd.regexp('talk about music')
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true()
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])])
+ lbl.repeat(0.2): cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))])
+ "'global_flow'":
+ "'start_node'":
+ RESPONSE: Message()
+ "'fallback_node'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Ooops')
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.I)
+ "'greeting_flow'":
+ "'node1'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Hi, how are you?')
+ "'node2'": cnd.regexp('how are you')
+ "'node2'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Good. What do you want to talk about?')
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp('talk about')
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp('previous', re.I)
+ "'node3'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='Sorry, I can not talk about that now.')
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('bye')
+ "'node4'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='bye')
+ "'music_flow'":
+ "'node1'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to talk about it?')
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.I)
+ "'node2'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in 1994.')
+ "'node3'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.')
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp('back', re.I)
+ "'node4'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text="That's all what I know.")
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node4'): cnd.regexp('next time', re.I)
+ ('greeting_flow', 'node2'): cnd.regexp('next', re.I)
+ pipeline: Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('global_flow', 'start_node'), fallback_label=('global_flow', 'fallback_node'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/6_context_serialization.json b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/6_context_serialization.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c2e5c88a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/6_context_serialization.json
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ "directed": true,
+ "multigraph": true,
+ "graph": {
+ "full_script": {
+ "6_context_serialization": {
+ "TRANSITIONS": "from dff.script import TRANSITIONS",
+ "RESPONSE": "from dff.script import RESPONSE",
+ "cnd": "import dff.script.conditions",
+ "Pipeline": "from dff.pipeline import Pipeline",
+ "toy_script": {
+ "'flow_start'": {
+ "'node_start'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "response_handler",
+ "('flow_start', 'node_start')": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "pipeline": "Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('flow_start', 'node_start'), post_services=[process_response])"
+ }
+ },
+ "start_label": [
+ "'flow_start'",
+ "'node_start'"
+ ],
+ "fallback_label": [
+ "'flow_start'",
+ "'node_start'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "6_context_serialization",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow_start'",
+ "value_'node_start'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow_start'",
+ "'node_start'"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "links": [
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "6_context_serialization",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow_start'",
+ "value_'node_start'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('flow_start', 'node_start')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('flow_start', 'node_start')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "6_context_serialization",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow_start'",
+ "value_'node_start'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('flow_start', 'node_start')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow_start'",
+ "'node_start'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow_start'",
+ "'node_start'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/6_context_serialization.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/6_context_serialization.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43dfebf76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/6_context_serialization.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+from dff.script import RESPONSE
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+toy_script = {
+ 'flow_start': {
+ 'node_start': {
+ RESPONSE: response_handler,
+ ('flow_start', 'node_start'): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('flow_start', 'node_start'), post_services=[process_response])
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/6_context_serialization.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/6_context_serialization.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d66575ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/6_context_serialization.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ TRANSITIONS: from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: from dff.script import RESPONSE
+ cnd: import dff.script.conditions
+ Pipeline: from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+ toy_script:
+ "'flow_start'":
+ "'node_start'":
+ RESPONSE: response_handler
+ ('flow_start', 'node_start'): cnd.true()
+ pipeline: Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('flow_start', 'node_start'), post_services=[process_response])
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/7_pre_response_processing.json b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/7_pre_response_processing.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ada966616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/7_pre_response_processing.json
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+ "directed": true,
+ "multigraph": true,
+ "graph": {
+ "full_script": {
+ "7_pre_response_processing": {
+ "GLOBAL": "from dff.script import GLOBAL",
+ "LOCAL": "from dff.script import LOCAL",
+ "RESPONSE": "from dff.script import RESPONSE",
+ "TRANSITIONS": "from dff.script import TRANSITIONS",
+ "Message": "from dff.script import Message",
+ "lbl": "import dff.script.labels",
+ "cnd": "import dff.script.conditions",
+ "Pipeline": "from dff.pipeline import Pipeline",
+ "toy_script": {
+ "'root'": {
+ "'start'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message()",
+ "('flow', 'step_0')": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'fallback'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='the end')"
+ }
+ },
+ "GLOBAL": {
+ "'proc_name_1'": "add_prefix('l1_global')",
+ "'proc_name_2'": "add_prefix('l2_global')"
+ }
+ },
+ "'flow'": {
+ "LOCAL": {
+ "'proc_name_2'": "add_prefix('l2_local')",
+ "'proc_name_3'": "add_prefix('l3_local')"
+ }
+ },
+ "'step_0'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='first')",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'step_1'": {
+ "'proc_name_1'": "add_prefix('l1_step_1')"
+ },
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='second')",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'step_2'": {
+ "'proc_name_2'": "add_prefix('l2_step_2')"
+ },
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='third')",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'step_3'": {
+ "'proc_name_3'": "add_prefix('l3_step_3')"
+ },
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='fourth')",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'step_4'": {
+ "'proc_name_4'": "add_prefix('l4_step_4')"
+ },
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='fifth')",
+ "'step_0'": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "pipeline": "Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('root', 'start'), fallback_label=('root', 'fallback'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "start_label": [
+ "'root'",
+ "'start'"
+ ],
+ "fallback_label": [
+ "'root'",
+ "'fallback'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'root'",
+ "value_'start'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'root'",
+ "'start'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_0'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_0'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'root'",
+ "value_'fallback'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'root'",
+ "'fallback'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_LOCAL"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "'flow'",
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_1'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_1'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_2'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_2'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_3'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_3'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_4'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_4'"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "links": [
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'root'",
+ "value_'start'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('flow', 'step_0')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('flow', 'step_0')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'root'",
+ "value_'start'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('flow', 'step_0')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'root'",
+ "'start'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_0'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_0'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_0'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_0'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_1'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'step_0'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'step_0'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'step_0'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_0'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/7_pre_response_processing.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/7_pre_response_processing.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..952cf55a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/7_pre_response_processing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+from dff.script import GLOBAL
+from dff.script import LOCAL
+from dff.script import RESPONSE
+from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+from dff.script import PRE_RESPONSE_PROCESSING
+from dff.script import Message
+import dff.script.labels as lbl
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+toy_script = {
+ 'root': {
+ 'start': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(),
+ ('flow', 'step_0'): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'fallback': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='the end'),
+ },
+ },
+ 'proc_name_1': add_prefix('l1_global'),
+ 'proc_name_2': add_prefix('l2_global'),
+ },
+ },
+ 'flow': {
+ LOCAL: {
+ 'proc_name_2': add_prefix('l2_local'),
+ 'proc_name_3': add_prefix('l3_local'),
+ },
+ },
+ 'step_0': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='first'),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'step_1': {
+ 'proc_name_1': add_prefix('l1_step_1'),
+ },
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='second'),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'step_2': {
+ 'proc_name_2': add_prefix('l2_step_2'),
+ },
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='third'),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'step_3': {
+ 'proc_name_3': add_prefix('l3_step_3'),
+ },
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='fourth'),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'step_4': {
+ 'proc_name_4': add_prefix('l4_step_4'),
+ },
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='fifth'),
+ 'step_0': cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('root', 'start'), fallback_label=('root', 'fallback'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/7_pre_response_processing.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/7_pre_response_processing.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b3449839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/7_pre_response_processing.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ GLOBAL: from dff.script import GLOBAL
+ LOCAL: from dff.script import LOCAL
+ RESPONSE: from dff.script import RESPONSE
+ TRANSITIONS: from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+ Message: from dff.script import Message
+ lbl: import dff.script.labels
+ cnd: import dff.script.conditions
+ Pipeline: from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+ toy_script:
+ "'root'":
+ "'start'":
+ RESPONSE: Message()
+ ('flow', 'step_0'): cnd.true()
+ "'fallback'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='the end')
+ "'proc_name_1'": add_prefix('l1_global')
+ "'proc_name_2'": add_prefix('l2_global')
+ "'flow'":
+ "'proc_name_2'": add_prefix('l2_local')
+ "'proc_name_3'": add_prefix('l3_local')
+ "'step_0'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='first')
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true()
+ "'step_1'":
+ "'proc_name_1'": add_prefix('l1_step_1')
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='second')
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true()
+ "'step_2'":
+ "'proc_name_2'": add_prefix('l2_step_2')
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='third')
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true()
+ "'step_3'":
+ "'proc_name_3'": add_prefix('l3_step_3')
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='fourth')
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true()
+ "'step_4'":
+ "'proc_name_4'": add_prefix('l4_step_4')
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='fifth')
+ "'step_0'": cnd.true()
+ pipeline: Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('root', 'start'), fallback_label=('root', 'fallback'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/8_misc.json b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/8_misc.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e09003313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/8_misc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+ "directed": true,
+ "multigraph": true,
+ "graph": {
+ "full_script": {
+ "8_misc": {
+ "GLOBAL": "from dff.script import GLOBAL",
+ "LOCAL": "from dff.script import LOCAL",
+ "RESPONSE": "from dff.script import RESPONSE",
+ "TRANSITIONS": "from dff.script import TRANSITIONS",
+ "MISC": "from dff.script import MISC",
+ "Message": "from dff.script import Message",
+ "lbl": "import dff.script.labels",
+ "cnd": "import dff.script.conditions",
+ "Pipeline": "from dff.pipeline import Pipeline",
+ "toy_script": {
+ "'root'": {
+ "'start'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message()",
+ "('flow', 'step_0')": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'fallback'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='the end')"
+ }
+ },
+ "GLOBAL": {
+ "MISC": {
+ "'var1'": "'global_data'",
+ "'var2'": "'global_data'",
+ "'var3'": "'global_data'"
+ }
+ },
+ "'flow'": {
+ "LOCAL": {
+ "MISC": {
+ "'var2'": "'rewrite_by_local'",
+ "'var3'": "'rewrite_by_local'"
+ }
+ },
+ "'step_0'": {
+ "MISC": {
+ "'var3'": "'info_of_step_0'"
+ },
+ "RESPONSE": "custom_response",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'step_1'": {
+ "MISC": {
+ "'var3'": "'info_of_step_1'"
+ },
+ "RESPONSE": "custom_response",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'step_2'": {
+ "MISC": {
+ "'var3'": "'info_of_step_2'"
+ },
+ "RESPONSE": "custom_response",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'step_3'": {
+ "MISC": {
+ "'var3'": "'info_of_step_3'"
+ },
+ "RESPONSE": "custom_response",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'step_4'": {
+ "MISC": {
+ "'var3'": "'info_of_step_4'"
+ },
+ "RESPONSE": "custom_response",
+ "'step_0'": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "pipeline": "Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('root', 'start'), fallback_label=('root', 'fallback'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "start_label": [
+ "'root'",
+ "'start'"
+ ],
+ "fallback_label": [
+ "'root'",
+ "'fallback'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'root'",
+ "value_'start'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'root'",
+ "'start'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_0'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_0'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'root'",
+ "value_'fallback'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'root'",
+ "'fallback'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_LOCAL"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "'flow'",
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_1'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_1'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_2'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_2'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_3'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_3'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_4'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_4'"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "links": [
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'root'",
+ "value_'start'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('flow', 'step_0')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('flow', 'step_0')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'root'",
+ "value_'start'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('flow', 'step_0')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'root'",
+ "'start'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_0'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_0'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_0'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_0'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_1'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_1'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_2'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_2'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_3'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_3'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_'step_0'"
+ ],
+ "label": "'step_0'",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "8_misc",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_4'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_'step_0'"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_4'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_0'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/8_misc.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/8_misc.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..995a53593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/8_misc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+from dff.script import GLOBAL
+from dff.script import LOCAL
+from dff.script import RESPONSE
+from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+from dff.script import MISC
+from dff.script import Message
+import dff.script.labels as lbl
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+toy_script = {
+ 'root': {
+ 'start': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(),
+ ('flow', 'step_0'): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'fallback': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='the end'),
+ },
+ },
+ MISC: {
+ 'var1': 'global_data',
+ 'var2': 'global_data',
+ 'var3': 'global_data',
+ },
+ },
+ 'flow': {
+ LOCAL: {
+ MISC: {
+ 'var2': 'rewrite_by_local',
+ 'var3': 'rewrite_by_local',
+ },
+ },
+ 'step_0': {
+ MISC: {
+ 'var3': 'info_of_step_0',
+ },
+ RESPONSE: custom_response,
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'step_1': {
+ MISC: {
+ 'var3': 'info_of_step_1',
+ },
+ RESPONSE: custom_response,
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'step_2': {
+ MISC: {
+ 'var3': 'info_of_step_2',
+ },
+ RESPONSE: custom_response,
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'step_3': {
+ MISC: {
+ 'var3': 'info_of_step_3',
+ },
+ RESPONSE: custom_response,
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'step_4': {
+ MISC: {
+ 'var3': 'info_of_step_4',
+ },
+ RESPONSE: custom_response,
+ 'step_0': cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('root', 'start'), fallback_label=('root', 'fallback'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/8_misc.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/8_misc.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a79af833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/8_misc.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ GLOBAL: from dff.script import GLOBAL
+ LOCAL: from dff.script import LOCAL
+ RESPONSE: from dff.script import RESPONSE
+ TRANSITIONS: from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+ MISC: from dff.script import MISC
+ Message: from dff.script import Message
+ lbl: import dff.script.labels
+ cnd: import dff.script.conditions
+ Pipeline: from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+ toy_script:
+ "'root'":
+ "'start'":
+ RESPONSE: Message()
+ ('flow', 'step_0'): cnd.true()
+ "'fallback'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='the end')
+ "'var1'": "'global_data'"
+ "'var2'": "'global_data'"
+ "'var3'": "'global_data'"
+ "'flow'":
+ "'var2'": "'rewrite_by_local'"
+ "'var3'": "'rewrite_by_local'"
+ "'step_0'":
+ "'var3'": "'info_of_step_0'"
+ RESPONSE: custom_response
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true()
+ "'step_1'":
+ "'var3'": "'info_of_step_1'"
+ RESPONSE: custom_response
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true()
+ "'step_2'":
+ "'var3'": "'info_of_step_2'"
+ RESPONSE: custom_response
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true()
+ "'step_3'":
+ "'var3'": "'info_of_step_3'"
+ RESPONSE: custom_response
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.true()
+ "'step_4'":
+ "'var3'": "'info_of_step_4'"
+ RESPONSE: custom_response
+ "'step_0'": cnd.true()
+ pipeline: Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('root', 'start'), fallback_label=('root', 'fallback'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/9_pre_transitions_processing.json b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/9_pre_transitions_processing.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c7d201f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/9_pre_transitions_processing.json
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+ "directed": true,
+ "multigraph": true,
+ "graph": {
+ "full_script": {
+ "9_pre_transitions_processing": {
+ "GLOBAL": "from dff.script import GLOBAL",
+ "RESPONSE": "from dff.script import RESPONSE",
+ "TRANSITIONS": "from dff.script import TRANSITIONS",
+ "Message": "from dff.script import Message",
+ "lbl": "import dff.script.labels",
+ "cnd": "import dff.script.conditions",
+ "Pipeline": "from dff.pipeline import Pipeline",
+ "toy_script": {
+ "'root'": {
+ "'start'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message()",
+ "('flow', 'step_0')": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'fallback'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='the end')"
+ }
+ },
+ "GLOBAL": {
+ "'proc_name_1'": "get_previous_node_response_for_response_processing"
+ },
+ "'proc_name_1'": "save_previous_node_response_to_ctx_processing"
+ },
+ "lbl.forward(0.1)": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "'flow'": {
+ "'step_0'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='first')"
+ },
+ "'step_1'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='second')"
+ },
+ "'step_2'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='third')"
+ },
+ "'step_3'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='fourth')"
+ },
+ "'step_4'": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Message(text='fifth')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "pipeline": "Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('root', 'start'), fallback_label=('root', 'fallback'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "start_label": [
+ "'root'",
+ "'start'"
+ ],
+ "fallback_label": [
+ "'root'",
+ "'fallback'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "9_pre_transitions_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'root'",
+ "value_'start'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'root'",
+ "'start'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "9_pre_transitions_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_0'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_0'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "9_pre_transitions_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'root'",
+ "value_'fallback'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'root'",
+ "'fallback'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "9_pre_transitions_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.1"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "9_pre_transitions_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_1'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_1'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "9_pre_transitions_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_2'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_2'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "9_pre_transitions_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_3'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_3'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "9_pre_transitions_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'flow'",
+ "value_'step_4'"
+ ],
+ "id": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_4'"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "links": [
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "9_pre_transitions_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'root'",
+ "value_'start'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_('flow', 'step_0')"
+ ],
+ "label": "('flow', 'step_0')",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "9_pre_transitions_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_'root'",
+ "value_'start'",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_('flow', 'step_0')"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'root'",
+ "'start'"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NODE",
+ "'flow'",
+ "'step_0'"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "9_pre_transitions_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "key_lbl.forward(0.1)"
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward(0.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "9_pre_transitions_processing",
+ "toy_script",
+ "value",
+ "value_GLOBAL",
+ "value_TRANSITIONS",
+ "value_lbl.forward(0.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "LABEL",
+ "forward",
+ [
+ "priority",
+ "0.1"
+ ],
+ [
+ "cyclicality_flag",
+ "True"
+ ],
+ [
+ "args",
+ "()"
+ ],
+ [
+ "kwargs",
+ "{}"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/9_pre_transitions_processing.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/9_pre_transitions_processing.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d760ba199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/9_pre_transitions_processing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+from dff.script import GLOBAL
+from dff.script import RESPONSE
+from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+from dff.script import PRE_RESPONSE_PROCESSING
+from dff.script import PRE_TRANSITIONS_PROCESSING
+from dff.script import Message
+import dff.script.labels as lbl
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+toy_script = {
+ 'root': {
+ 'start': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(),
+ ('flow', 'step_0'): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'fallback': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='the end'),
+ },
+ },
+ 'proc_name_1': get_previous_node_response_for_response_processing,
+ },
+ 'proc_name_1': save_previous_node_response_to_ctx_processing,
+ },
+ lbl.forward(0.1): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ 'flow': {
+ 'step_0': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='first'),
+ },
+ 'step_1': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='second'),
+ },
+ 'step_2': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='third'),
+ },
+ 'step_3': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='fourth'),
+ },
+ 'step_4': {
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='fifth'),
+ },
+ },
+pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('root', 'start'), fallback_label=('root', 'fallback'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/9_pre_transitions_processing.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/9_pre_transitions_processing.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8cc678b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/core_tutorials/9_pre_transitions_processing.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ GLOBAL: from dff.script import GLOBAL
+ RESPONSE: from dff.script import RESPONSE
+ TRANSITIONS: from dff.script import TRANSITIONS
+ Message: from dff.script import Message
+ lbl: import dff.script.labels
+ cnd: import dff.script.conditions
+ Pipeline: from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+ toy_script:
+ "'root'":
+ "'start'":
+ RESPONSE: Message()
+ ('flow', 'step_0'): cnd.true()
+ "'fallback'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='the end')
+ "'proc_name_1'": get_previous_node_response_for_response_processing
+ "'proc_name_1'": save_previous_node_response_to_ctx_processing
+ lbl.forward(0.1): cnd.true()
+ "'flow'":
+ "'step_0'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='first')
+ "'step_1'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='second')
+ "'step_2'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='third')
+ "'step_3'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='fourth')
+ "'step_4'":
+ RESPONSE: Message(text='fifth')
+ pipeline: Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=('root', 'start'), fallback_label=('root', 'fallback'))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_directory/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_directory/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_directory/another_package/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_directory/another_package/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_directory/another_package/file.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_directory/another_package/file.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_directory/dir/file.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_directory/dir/file.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_directory/file.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_directory/file.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_graph2py/complex_tests/test_1/graph_files/graph.json b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_graph2py/complex_tests/test_1/graph_files/graph.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f68ecd3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_graph2py/complex_tests/test_1/graph_files/graph.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1227 @@
+ "directed": true,
+ "multigraph": true,
+ "graph": {
+ "script": {
+ "namespaces": {
+ "main": {
+ "TRANSITIONS": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords TRANSITIONS",
+ "RESPONSE": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords RESPONSE",
+ "PROCESSING": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords PROCESSING",
+ "GLOBAL": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords GLOBAL",
+ "MISC": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords MISC",
+ "LOCAL": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords LOCAL",
+ "cnd": "!import dff.core.engine.conditions",
+ "lbl": "!import dff.core.engine.labels",
+ "Act": "!from dff.core.engine.core Actor",
+ "Context": "!from dff.core.engine.core Context",
+ "rsp": "!import dff.core.engine.responses",
+ "add_prefix": "!from functions add_prefix",
+ "tp": "!import typing",
+ "re": "!import re",
+ "transitions": "!import transitions",
+ "global_flow": "!from flow global_flow",
+ "script": {
+ "GLOBAL": {
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\", 1.1)": "cnd.regexp(r\"\\b(hi|hello)\\b\", re.I)",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\", 1.1)": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)": "cnd.true()",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp(r\"next\\b\"),cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[(\"music_flow\", i) for i in [\"node2\", \"node3\"]]),])",
+ "lbl.repeat(0.2)": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp(r\"repeat\", re.I),cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=[\"global_flow\"])),])"
+ },
+ "'1'\n": "add_prefix(\"l1_global\")",
+ "'2'\n": "add_prefix(\"l2_global\")"
+ },
+ "MISC": {
+ "var1": "global_data",
+ "var2": "global_data",
+ "var3": "global_data"
+ },
+ "RESPONSE": "!str"
+ },
+ "!str global_flow": {
+ "LOCAL": {
+ "'2'\n": "add_prefix(\"l2_local\")",
+ "'3'\n": "add_prefix(\"l3_local\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "start_node": {
+ "RESPONSE": "!str",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "fallback_node": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "fallback_node": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Ooops",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.previous()": "cnd.regexp(r\"previous\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.repeat()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "greeting_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ "RESPONSE": "rsp.choice([\"Hi, what is up?\", \"Hello, how are you?\"])",
+ "(\"global_flow\", \"fallback_node\", 0.1)": "cnd.true()",
+ "node2": "cnd.regexp(r\"how are you\")"
+ },
+ "MISC": {
+ "var3": "info_of_step_1"
+ }
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Good. What do you want to talk about?",
+ "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)": "cnd.true()",
+ "lbl.forward(0.5)": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about\")",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "lbl.previous()": "cnd.regexp(r\"previous\", re.IGNORECASE)"
+ }
+ },
+ "node3": {
+ "RESPONSE": "!py foo",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp(r\"bye\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "node4": {
+ "RESPONSE": "!py bar(\"bye\")",
+ "node1": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "music_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ "RESPONSE": "'I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? '\n",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp(r\"yes|yep|ok\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ "RESPONSE": "System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp(r\"next\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.repeat()": "cnd.regexp(r\"repeat\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "node3": {
+ "RESPONSE": "The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp(r\"next\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.backward()": "cnd.regexp(r\"back\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.repeat()": "cnd.regexp(r\"repeat\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "node4": {
+ "RESPONSE": "That's all what I know",
+ "transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition": "cnd.regexp(r\"next\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "transitions.high_priority_node_transition(\"greeting_flow\", \"node4\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"next time\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "actor": "!call\nname: Act\nargs:\n fallback_label:\n - !str global_flow\n - fallback_node\n script: script\n start_label:\n - !str global_flow\n - start_node\n"
+ },
+ "flow": {
+ "TRANSITIONS": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords TRANSITIONS",
+ "RESPONSE": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords RESPONSE",
+ "PROCESSING": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords PROCESSING",
+ "LOCAL": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords LOCAL",
+ "cnd": "!import dff.core.engine.conditions",
+ "lbl": "!import dff.core.engine.labels",
+ "re": "!import re",
+ "add_prefix": "!from functions add_prefix",
+ "global_flow": {
+ "LOCAL": {
+ "'2'\n": "add_prefix(\"l2_local\")",
+ "'3'\n": "add_prefix(\"l3_local\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "start_node": {
+ "RESPONSE": "!str",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "fallback_node": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "fallback_node": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Ooops",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.previous()": "cnd.regexp(r\"previous\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.repeat()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "NONE"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ ],
+ "local": true,
+ "id": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "dff.core.engine.core.keywords.LOCAL"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "start_label": true,
+ "id": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "fallback_label": true,
+ "id": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "links": [
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\", 1.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\", 1.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"\\b(hi|hello)\\b\", re.I)",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\", 1.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\", 1.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp(r\"next\\b\"),cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[(\"music_flow\", i) for i in [\"node2\", \"node3\"]]),])",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat(0.2)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "lbl.repeat(0.2)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp(r\"repeat\", re.I),cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=[\"global_flow\"])),])",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"global_flow\", \"fallback_node\", 0.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1",
+ "(\"global_flow\", \"fallback_node\", 0.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1",
+ ],
+ "label": "node2",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"how are you\")",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1",
+ "lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"yes|yep|ok\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "source": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node",
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node",
+ ],
+ "label": "fallback_node",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "source": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.previous()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ "lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"previous\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ "lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward(0.5)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ "lbl.forward(0.5)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about\")",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.previous()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ "lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"previous\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node3",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node3",
+ "lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"bye\")",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4",
+ ],
+ "label": "node1",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2",
+ "lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"next\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2",
+ "lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"repeat\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ "lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"next\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.backward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ "lbl.backward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"back\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ "lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"repeat\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4",
+ ],
+ "label": "transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4",
+ "transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"next\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4",
+ ],
+ "label": "transitions.high_priority_node_transition(\"greeting_flow\", \"node4\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4",
+ "transitions.high_priority_node_transition(\"greeting_flow\", \"node4\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"next time\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 2
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_graph2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/flow.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_graph2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/flow.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32f691479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_graph2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS as TRANSITIONS
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import RESPONSE as RESPONSE
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import PROCESSING as PROCESSING
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import LOCAL as LOCAL
+import dff.core.engine.conditions as cnd
+import dff.core.engine.labels as lbl
+import re as re
+from functions import add_prefix as add_prefix
+global_flow = {
+ LOCAL: {PROCESSING: {2: add_prefix("l2_local"), 3: add_prefix("l3_local")}},
+ "start_node": {
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE),
+ "fallback_node": cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "fallback_node": {
+ RESPONSE: "Ooops",
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_graph2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_graph2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..268995796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_graph2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS as TRANSITIONS
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import RESPONSE as RESPONSE
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import PROCESSING as PROCESSING
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import GLOBAL as GLOBAL
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import MISC as MISC
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import LOCAL as LOCAL
+import dff.core.engine.conditions as cnd
+import dff.core.engine.labels as lbl
+from dff.core.engine.core import Actor as Act
+from dff.core.engine.core import Context as Context
+import dff.core.engine.responses as rsp
+from functions import add_prefix as add_prefix
+import typing as tp
+import re as re
+import transitions as transitions
+from flow import global_flow as global_flow
+script = {
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"\b(hi|hello)\b", re.I),
+ ("music_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.all(
+ [
+ cnd.regexp(r"next\b"),
+ cnd.has_last_labels(
+ labels=[("music_flow", i) for i in ["node2", "node3"]]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ lbl.repeat(0.2): cnd.all(
+ [
+ cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.I),
+ cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=["global_flow"])),
+ ]
+ ),
+ },
+ PROCESSING: {1: add_prefix("l1_global"), 2: add_prefix("l2_global")},
+ MISC: {"var1": "global_data", "var2": "global_data", "var3": "global_data"},
+ },
+ "global_flow": {
+ LOCAL: {PROCESSING: {2: add_prefix("l2_local"), 3: add_prefix("l3_local")}},
+ "start_node": {
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE),
+ "fallback_node": cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "fallback_node": {
+ RESPONSE: "Ooops",
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "greeting_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ RESPONSE: rsp.choice(["Hi, what is up?", "Hello, how are you?"]),
+ ("global_flow", "fallback_node", 0.1): cnd.true(),
+ "node2": cnd.regexp(r"how are you"),
+ },
+ MISC: {"var3": "info_of_step_1"},
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ RESPONSE: "Good. What do you want to talk about?",
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(),
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp(r"talk about"),
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE),
+ },
+ },
+ "node3": {RESPONSE: foo, TRANSITIONS: {lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"bye")}},
+ "node4": {
+ RESPONSE: bar("bye"),
+ "node1": cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "music_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ RESPONSE: "I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? ",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"yes|yep|ok", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ RESPONSE: "System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node3": {
+ RESPONSE: "The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp(r"back", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node4": {
+ RESPONSE: "That's all what I know",
+ transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition: cnd.regexp(
+ r"next", re.IGNORECASE
+ ),
+ transitions.high_priority_node_transition(
+ "greeting_flow", "node4"
+ ): cnd.regexp(r"next time", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+actor = Act(
+ fallback_label=("global_flow", "fallback_node"),
+ script=script,
+ start_label=("global_flow", "start_node"),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/graph_files/graph.json b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/graph_files/graph.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..229823587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/graph_files/graph.json
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+ "directed": true,
+ "multigraph": true,
+ "graph": {
+ "script": {
+ "namespaces": {
+ "main": {
+ "module": "!import module",
+ "TRANSITIONS": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords TRANSITIONS",
+ "GLOBAL": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords GLOBAL",
+ "Actor": "!from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor",
+ "glob": {
+ "glob": "GLOBAL"
+ },
+ "flow": {
+ "flow": "flow"
+ },
+ "act": "!call\nname: Actor\nargs:\n script:\n glob[\"glob\"]:\n TRANSITIONS:\n module.consts.there[module.node1.ints[module.node1.ints[3]]]: module.proxy.node1.ints[3]\n flow[\"flow\"]:\n node1: module.proxy.node1.node\n module.proxy.node1.d[2][3]: module.node1.node\n flow2:\n node1: module.proxy.node1.node\n start_label:\n - !str flow\n - node1\n"
+ },
+ "module.__init__": {
+ "proxy": "!import module.proxy"
+ },
+ "module.proxy": {
+ "node1": "!import module.node1"
+ },
+ "module.node1": {
+ "tr": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords TRANSITIONS",
+ "consts": "!import module.consts",
+ "d": {
+ "'1'\n": "flow",
+ "'2'\n": {
+ "'3'\n": "node2"
+ }
+ },
+ "ints": {
+ "'3'\n": "'3'\n"
+ },
+ "here": {
+ "(\"flow2\", \"node1\")": "print(\"cond\")"
+ },
+ "node": {
+ "tr": {
+ "(\"flow\", \"node1\")": "print(\"cnd\")",
+ "(d[1], d[2][ints[3]])": "consts.conds[1]",
+ "consts.there[ints[3]]": "here[consts.there[ints[3]]]"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "module.consts": {
+ "conds": {
+ "'1'\n": "print(\"2\")"
+ },
+ "there": {
+ "'3'\n": "(\"flow2\", \"node1\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "act",
+ "script",
+ "glob[\"glob\"]"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "node"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "flow2",
+ "node1"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "node"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "start_label": true,
+ "id": [
+ "flow",
+ "node1"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "node"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "flow",
+ "node2"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "links": [
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "module.consts",
+ "there",
+ "3"
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"flow2\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "ints",
+ "3"
+ ],
+ "condition": "3",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "flow2",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "node",
+ "tr"
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"flow\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "node",
+ "tr",
+ "(\"flow\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "print(\"cnd\")",
+ "source": [
+ "flow2",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "node",
+ "tr"
+ ],
+ "label": "(d[1], d[2][ints[3]])",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "module.consts",
+ "conds",
+ "1"
+ ],
+ "condition": "print(\"2\")",
+ "source": [
+ "flow2",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "module.consts",
+ "there",
+ "3"
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"flow2\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "here",
+ "(\"flow2\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "print(\"cond\")",
+ "source": [
+ "flow2",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "flow2",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "node",
+ "tr"
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"flow\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "node",
+ "tr",
+ "(\"flow\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "print(\"cnd\")",
+ "source": [
+ "flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "node",
+ "tr"
+ ],
+ "label": "(d[1], d[2][ints[3]])",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "module.consts",
+ "conds",
+ "1"
+ ],
+ "condition": "print(\"2\")",
+ "source": [
+ "flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "module.consts",
+ "there",
+ "3"
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"flow2\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "here",
+ "(\"flow2\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "print(\"cond\")",
+ "source": [
+ "flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "flow2",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "node",
+ "tr"
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"flow\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "node",
+ "tr",
+ "(\"flow\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "print(\"cnd\")",
+ "source": [
+ "flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "node",
+ "tr"
+ ],
+ "label": "(d[1], d[2][ints[3]])",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "module.consts",
+ "conds",
+ "1"
+ ],
+ "condition": "print(\"2\")",
+ "source": [
+ "flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "module.consts",
+ "there",
+ "3"
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"flow2\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "module.node1",
+ "here",
+ "(\"flow2\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "print(\"cond\")",
+ "source": [
+ "flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "flow2",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89f31d0c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import module
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS, GLOBAL
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+glob = {"glob": GLOBAL}
+flow = {"flow": "flow"}
+act = Actor(
+ {
+ glob["glob"]: {
+ TRANSITIONS: {module.consts.there[module.node1.ints[module.node1.ints[3]]]: module.proxy.node1.ints[3]}
+ },
+ flow["flow"]: {
+ "node1": module.proxy.node1.node,
+ module.proxy.node1.d[2][3]: module.node1.node,
+ },
+ "flow2": {"node1": module.proxy.node1.node},
+ },
+ start_label=("flow", "node1"),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/module/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/module/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f62115a6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/module/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+import proxy
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/module/consts.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/module/consts.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d14ef76d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/module/consts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+conds = {1: print("2")}
+there = {3: ("flow2", "node1")}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/module/node1.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/module/node1.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70955e5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/module/node1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS as tr
+import consts
+d = {
+ 1: "flow",
+ 2: {
+ 3: "node2",
+ },
+ints = {3: 3}
+here = {("flow2", "node1"): print("cond")}
+node = {
+ tr: {
+ ("flow", "node1"): print("cnd"),
+ (d[1], d[2][ints[3]]): consts.conds[1],
+ consts.there[ints[3]]: here[consts.there[ints[3]]],
+ }
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/module/proxy.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/module/proxy.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7aca3613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/module/proxy.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+import node1
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_2/graph_files/graph.json b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_2/graph_files/graph.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f68ecd3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_2/graph_files/graph.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1227 @@
+ "directed": true,
+ "multigraph": true,
+ "graph": {
+ "script": {
+ "namespaces": {
+ "main": {
+ "TRANSITIONS": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords TRANSITIONS",
+ "RESPONSE": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords RESPONSE",
+ "PROCESSING": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords PROCESSING",
+ "GLOBAL": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords GLOBAL",
+ "MISC": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords MISC",
+ "LOCAL": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords LOCAL",
+ "cnd": "!import dff.core.engine.conditions",
+ "lbl": "!import dff.core.engine.labels",
+ "Act": "!from dff.core.engine.core Actor",
+ "Context": "!from dff.core.engine.core Context",
+ "rsp": "!import dff.core.engine.responses",
+ "add_prefix": "!from functions add_prefix",
+ "tp": "!import typing",
+ "re": "!import re",
+ "transitions": "!import transitions",
+ "global_flow": "!from flow global_flow",
+ "script": {
+ "GLOBAL": {
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\", 1.1)": "cnd.regexp(r\"\\b(hi|hello)\\b\", re.I)",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\", 1.1)": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)": "cnd.true()",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp(r\"next\\b\"),cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[(\"music_flow\", i) for i in [\"node2\", \"node3\"]]),])",
+ "lbl.repeat(0.2)": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp(r\"repeat\", re.I),cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=[\"global_flow\"])),])"
+ },
+ "'1'\n": "add_prefix(\"l1_global\")",
+ "'2'\n": "add_prefix(\"l2_global\")"
+ },
+ "MISC": {
+ "var1": "global_data",
+ "var2": "global_data",
+ "var3": "global_data"
+ },
+ "RESPONSE": "!str"
+ },
+ "!str global_flow": {
+ "LOCAL": {
+ "'2'\n": "add_prefix(\"l2_local\")",
+ "'3'\n": "add_prefix(\"l3_local\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "start_node": {
+ "RESPONSE": "!str",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "fallback_node": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "fallback_node": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Ooops",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.previous()": "cnd.regexp(r\"previous\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.repeat()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "greeting_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ "RESPONSE": "rsp.choice([\"Hi, what is up?\", \"Hello, how are you?\"])",
+ "(\"global_flow\", \"fallback_node\", 0.1)": "cnd.true()",
+ "node2": "cnd.regexp(r\"how are you\")"
+ },
+ "MISC": {
+ "var3": "info_of_step_1"
+ }
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Good. What do you want to talk about?",
+ "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)": "cnd.true()",
+ "lbl.forward(0.5)": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about\")",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "lbl.previous()": "cnd.regexp(r\"previous\", re.IGNORECASE)"
+ }
+ },
+ "node3": {
+ "RESPONSE": "!py foo",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp(r\"bye\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "node4": {
+ "RESPONSE": "!py bar(\"bye\")",
+ "node1": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "music_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ "RESPONSE": "'I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? '\n",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp(r\"yes|yep|ok\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ "RESPONSE": "System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp(r\"next\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.repeat()": "cnd.regexp(r\"repeat\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "node3": {
+ "RESPONSE": "The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.",
+ "lbl.forward()": "cnd.regexp(r\"next\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.backward()": "cnd.regexp(r\"back\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.repeat()": "cnd.regexp(r\"repeat\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "node4": {
+ "RESPONSE": "That's all what I know",
+ "transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition": "cnd.regexp(r\"next\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "transitions.high_priority_node_transition(\"greeting_flow\", \"node4\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"next time\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "actor": "!call\nname: Act\nargs:\n fallback_label:\n - !str global_flow\n - fallback_node\n script: script\n start_label:\n - !str global_flow\n - start_node\n"
+ },
+ "flow": {
+ "TRANSITIONS": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords TRANSITIONS",
+ "RESPONSE": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords RESPONSE",
+ "PROCESSING": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords PROCESSING",
+ "LOCAL": "!from dff.core.engine.core.keywords LOCAL",
+ "cnd": "!import dff.core.engine.conditions",
+ "lbl": "!import dff.core.engine.labels",
+ "re": "!import re",
+ "add_prefix": "!from functions add_prefix",
+ "global_flow": {
+ "LOCAL": {
+ "'2'\n": "add_prefix(\"l2_local\")",
+ "'3'\n": "add_prefix(\"l3_local\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "start_node": {
+ "RESPONSE": "!str",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "fallback_node": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ },
+ "fallback_node": {
+ "RESPONSE": "Ooops",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.previous()": "cnd.regexp(r\"previous\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "lbl.repeat()": "cnd.true()"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": [
+ "NONE"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ ],
+ "local": true,
+ "id": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "dff.core.engine.core.keywords.LOCAL"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "start_label": true,
+ "id": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "fallback_label": true,
+ "id": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ],
+ "local": false,
+ "id": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "links": [
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\", 1.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\", 1.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"\\b(hi|hello)\\b\", re.I)",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\", 1.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\", 1.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp(r\"next\\b\"),cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[(\"music_flow\", i) for i in [\"node2\", \"node3\"]]),])",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat(0.2)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "lbl.repeat(0.2)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.all([cnd.regexp(r\"repeat\", re.I),cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=[\"global_flow\"])),])",
+ "source": [
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"global_flow\", \"fallback_node\", 0.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1",
+ "(\"global_flow\", \"fallback_node\", 0.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1",
+ ],
+ "label": "node2",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"how are you\")",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1",
+ "lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"yes|yep|ok\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "source": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node",
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node",
+ ],
+ "label": "fallback_node",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "start_node"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "source": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ "(\"greeting_flow\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.previous()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ "lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"previous\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node",
+ "lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "global_flow",
+ "fallback_node"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ "lbl.to_fallback(0.1)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward(0.5)",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ "lbl.forward(0.5)"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about\")",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.previous()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ "lbl.previous()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"previous\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ ],
+ "label": "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2",
+ "(\"music_flow\", \"node1\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"talk about music\")",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node3",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node3",
+ "lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"bye\")",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4",
+ ],
+ "label": "node1",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4",
+ "node1"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"hi|hello\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "greeting_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2",
+ "lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"next\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2",
+ "lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"repeat\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node2"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.forward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ "lbl.forward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"next\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.backward()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ "lbl.backward()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"back\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.repeat()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ "lbl.repeat()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"repeat\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node3"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4",
+ ],
+ "label": "transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4",
+ "transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"next\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4",
+ ],
+ "label": "transitions.high_priority_node_transition(\"greeting_flow\", \"node4\")",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4",
+ "transitions.high_priority_node_transition(\"greeting_flow\", \"node4\")"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.regexp(r\"next time\", re.IGNORECASE)",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "label_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4",
+ ],
+ "label": "lbl.to_fallback()",
+ "condition_ref": [
+ "main",
+ "script",
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4",
+ "lbl.to_fallback()"
+ ],
+ "condition": "cnd.true()",
+ "source": [
+ "music_flow",
+ "node4"
+ ],
+ "target": [
+ "NONE"
+ ],
+ "key": 2
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/flow.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/flow.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..191b7e443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS, RESPONSE, PROCESSING, LOCAL
+import dff.core.engine.conditions as cnd
+import dff.core.engine.labels as lbl
+import re
+from functions import add_prefix
+global_flow = {
+ LOCAL: {PROCESSING: {2: add_prefix("l2_local"), 3: add_prefix("l3_local")}},
+ "start_node": { # This is an initial node, it doesn't need an `RESPONSE`
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(
+ r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE
+ ), # second check
+ # ("global_flow", "fallback_node"): cnd.true(), # third check
+ "fallback_node": cnd.true(), # third check
+ # "fallback_node" is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node")
+ },
+ },
+ "fallback_node": { # We get to this node if an error occurred while the agent was running
+ RESPONSE: "Ooops",
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(
+ r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE
+ ), # second check
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE), # third check
+ # lbl.previous() is equivalent to ("PREVIOUS_flow", "PREVIOUS_node")
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true(), # fourth check
+ # lbl.repeat() is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node")
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/functions.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/functions.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..754c6c889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/functions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core import Actor, Context
+def add_prefix(prefix):
+ def add_prefix_processing(ctx: Context, actor: Actor, *args, **kwargs) -> Context:
+ processed_node = ctx.a_s.get("processed_node", ctx.a_s["next_node"])
+ processed_node.response = f"{prefix}: {processed_node.response}"
+ ctx.a_s["processed_node"] = processed_node
+ return ctx
+ return add_prefix_processing
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ec76c0dd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import (
+import dff.core.engine.conditions as cnd
+import dff.core.engine.labels as lbl
+from dff.core.engine.core import Actor as Act, Context
+import dff.core.engine.responses as rsp
+from functions import add_prefix
+import typing as tp, re, transitions
+from flow import global_flow
+script = {
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"\b(hi|hello)\b", re.I),
+ ("music_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.all(
+ [
+ cnd.regexp(r"next\b"),
+ cnd.has_last_labels(
+ labels=[("music_flow", i) for i in ["node2", "node3"]]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ lbl.repeat(0.2): cnd.all(
+ [
+ cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.I),
+ cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=["global_flow"])),
+ ]
+ ),
+ },
+ PROCESSING: {1: add_prefix("l1_global"), 2: add_prefix("l2_global")},
+ MISC: {
+ "var1": "global_data",
+ "var2": "global_data",
+ "var3": "global_data",
+ },
+ },
+ "global_flow": {
+ LOCAL: {PROCESSING: {2: add_prefix("l2_local"), 3: add_prefix("l3_local")}},
+ "start_node": { # This is an initial node, it doesn't need an `RESPONSE`
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(
+ r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE
+ ), # second check
+ # ("global_flow", "fallback_node"): cnd.true(), # third check
+ "fallback_node": cnd.true(), # third check
+ # "fallback_node" is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node")
+ },
+ },
+ "fallback_node": { # We get to this node if an error occurred while the agent was running
+ RESPONSE: "Ooops",
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(
+ r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE
+ ), # second check
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE), # third check
+ # lbl.previous() is equivalent to ("PREVIOUS_flow", "PREVIOUS_node")
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true(), # fourth check
+ # lbl.repeat() is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node")
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "greeting_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ RESPONSE: rsp.choice(
+ ["Hi, what is up?", "Hello, how are you?"]
+ ), # When the agent goes to node1, we return "Hi, how are you?"
+ ("global_flow", "fallback_node", 0.1): cnd.true(), # second check
+ "node2": cnd.regexp(r"how are you"), # first check
+ # "node2" is equivalent to ("greeting_flow", "node2", 1.0)
+ },
+ MISC: {"var3": "info_of_step_1"},
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ RESPONSE: "Good. What do you want to talk about?",
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(), # third check
+ # lbl.to_fallback(0.1) is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node", 0.1)
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp(r"talk about"), # second check
+ # lbl.forward(0.5) is equivalent to ("greeting_flow", "node3", 0.5)
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE), # third check
+ # ("music_flow", "node1") is equivalent to ("music_flow", "node1", 1.0)
+ },
+ },
+ "node3": {RESPONSE: foo, TRANSITIONS: {lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"bye")}},
+ "node4": {
+ RESPONSE: bar("bye"),
+ "node1": cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE), # first check
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(), # second check
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "music_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ RESPONSE: "I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? ",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"yes|yep|ok", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ RESPONSE: "System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node3": {
+ RESPONSE: "The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp(r"back", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node4": {
+ RESPONSE: "That's all what I know",
+ transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition: cnd.regexp(
+ r"next", re.IGNORECASE
+ ),
+ transitions.high_priority_node_transition(
+ "greeting_flow", "node4"
+ ): cnd.regexp(r"next time", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+actor = Act(
+ fallback_label=("global_flow", "fallback_node"),
+ script=script,
+ start_label=("global_flow", "start_node"),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/transitions.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/transitions.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c01823d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2graph/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/transitions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.types import NodeLabel3Type
+from dff.core.engine.core import Actor, Context
+import typing as tp
+def greeting_flow_n2_transition(
+ ctx: Context, actor: Actor, *args, **kwargs
+) -> NodeLabel3Type:
+ return "greeting_flow", "node2", 1.0
+def high_priority_node_transition(
+ flow_label: str, label: str
+) -> tp.Callable[..., NodeLabel3Type]:
+ def transition(ctx: Context, actor: Actor, *args, **kwargs) -> NodeLabel3Type:
+ return flow_label, label, 2.0
+ return transition
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/flows/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/flows/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..23ad7351b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/flows/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from fallback_flow import fallback_flow as ff
+from start_flow import start_flow as sf
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/flows/fallback_flow.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/flows/fallback_flow.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8c9137f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/flows/fallback_flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from ..nodes.fallback_node import fallback_node
+from ..nodes import start_node as sn
+fallback_flow = {"fallback_node": fallback_node, "other_node": sn.start_node}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/flows/start_flow.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/flows/start_flow.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..500410866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/flows/start_flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+from ..nodes import sn
+from ..nodes.fallback_node import fallback_node
+start_flow = {
+ "start_node": sn,
+ "other_node": fallback_node,
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..898e81130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor as act
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import GLOBAL as glb, RESPONSE as rsp
+import flows
+script = {glb: {rsp: "glb"}, "start_flow": flows.sf, "fallback_flow": flows.ff}
+actor = act(fallback_label=("fallback_flow", "fallback_node"), start_label=("start_flow", "start_node"), script=script)
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/nodes/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/nodes/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..779608b38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/nodes/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from start_node import start_node as sn
+from fallback_node import fallback_node as fn
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/nodes/fallback_node.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/nodes/fallback_node.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..565febf18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/nodes/fallback_node.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import RESPONSE as rp
+fallback_node = {rp: "bye"}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/nodes/start_node.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/nodes/start_node.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..382f21230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/nodes/start_node.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import RESPONSE as rsp
+start_node = {rsp: "hi"}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4734326b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_1/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ python_files.main:
+ act: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ glb: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords GLOBAL
+ rsp: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords RESPONSE
+ flows: !import python_files.flows
+ script:
+ glb:
+ rsp: !str glb
+ start_flow: flows.sf
+ fallback_flow: flows.ff
+ actor: !call
+ name: act
+ args:
+ fallback_label:
+ - fallback_flow
+ - fallback_node
+ start_label:
+ - start_flow
+ - start_node
+ script: script
+ python_files.__init__: {}
+ python_files.flows.__init__:
+ ff: !from python_files.flows.fallback_flow fallback_flow
+ sf: !from python_files.flows.start_flow start_flow
+ python_files.flows.fallback_flow:
+ fallback_node: !from python_files.nodes.fallback_node fallback_node
+ sn: !from python_files.nodes start_node
+ fallback_flow:
+ !str fallback_node: fallback_node
+ other_node: sn.start_node
+ python_files.nodes.fallback_node:
+ rp: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords RESPONSE
+ fallback_node:
+ rp: bye
+ python_files.nodes.__init__:
+ sn: !from python_files.nodes.start_node start_node
+ fn: !from python_files.nodes.fallback_node fallback_node
+ python_files.nodes.start_node:
+ rsp: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords RESPONSE
+ start_node:
+ rsp: hi
+ python_files.flows.start_flow:
+ sn: !from python_files.nodes sn
+ fallback_node: !from python_files.nodes.fallback_node fallback_node
+ start_flow:
+ start_node: sn
+ other_node: fallback_node
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/flows/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/flows/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/flows/start.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/flows/start.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..415e2115c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/flows/start.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from ..nodes.node_1 import node
+flow = {"start_node": node}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..543cb999a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from script import act
+from dff.core.engine import function_does_not_exist
+result = function_does_not_exist(act, script={1: 1}, value=2)
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/nodes/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/nodes/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/nodes/node_1.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/nodes/node_1.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d8fa94d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/nodes/node_1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import dff.core.engine.core.keywords as kw
+node = {kw.RESPONSE: "hey"}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/script.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/script.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a67e5085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from flows.start import flow
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+act = Actor(script={"start_flow": flow}, start_label=("start_flow", "start_node"))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fbb49859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_2/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ main:
+ act: !from script act
+ function_does_not_exist: !from dff.core.engine function_does_not_exist
+ result: !call
+ name: function_does_not_exist
+ args:
+ 0: act
+ script:
+ '1': '1'
+ value: '2'
+ script:
+ flow: !from flows.start flow
+ Actor: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ act: !call
+ name: Actor
+ args:
+ script:
+ start_flow: flow
+ start_label:
+ - start_flow
+ - start_node
+ flows.start:
+ node: !from nodes.node_1 node
+ flow:
+ start_node: node
+ flows.__init__: {}
+ nodes.node_1:
+ kw: !import dff.core.engine.core.keywords
+ node:
+ kw.RESPONSE: hey
+ nodes.__init__: {}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/flow.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/flow.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..191b7e443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS, RESPONSE, PROCESSING, LOCAL
+import dff.core.engine.conditions as cnd
+import dff.core.engine.labels as lbl
+import re
+from functions import add_prefix
+global_flow = {
+ LOCAL: {PROCESSING: {2: add_prefix("l2_local"), 3: add_prefix("l3_local")}},
+ "start_node": { # This is an initial node, it doesn't need an `RESPONSE`
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(
+ r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE
+ ), # second check
+ # ("global_flow", "fallback_node"): cnd.true(), # third check
+ "fallback_node": cnd.true(), # third check
+ # "fallback_node" is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node")
+ },
+ },
+ "fallback_node": { # We get to this node if an error occurred while the agent was running
+ RESPONSE: "Ooops",
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(
+ r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE
+ ), # second check
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE), # third check
+ # lbl.previous() is equivalent to ("PREVIOUS_flow", "PREVIOUS_node")
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true(), # fourth check
+ # lbl.repeat() is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node")
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/functions.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/functions.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..754c6c889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/functions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core import Actor, Context
+def add_prefix(prefix):
+ def add_prefix_processing(ctx: Context, actor: Actor, *args, **kwargs) -> Context:
+ processed_node = ctx.a_s.get("processed_node", ctx.a_s["next_node"])
+ processed_node.response = f"{prefix}: {processed_node.response}"
+ ctx.a_s["processed_node"] = processed_node
+ return ctx
+ return add_prefix_processing
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ec76c0dd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import (
+import dff.core.engine.conditions as cnd
+import dff.core.engine.labels as lbl
+from dff.core.engine.core import Actor as Act, Context
+import dff.core.engine.responses as rsp
+from functions import add_prefix
+import typing as tp, re, transitions
+from flow import global_flow
+script = {
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"\b(hi|hello)\b", re.I),
+ ("music_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.all(
+ [
+ cnd.regexp(r"next\b"),
+ cnd.has_last_labels(
+ labels=[("music_flow", i) for i in ["node2", "node3"]]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ lbl.repeat(0.2): cnd.all(
+ [
+ cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.I),
+ cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=["global_flow"])),
+ ]
+ ),
+ },
+ PROCESSING: {1: add_prefix("l1_global"), 2: add_prefix("l2_global")},
+ MISC: {
+ "var1": "global_data",
+ "var2": "global_data",
+ "var3": "global_data",
+ },
+ },
+ "global_flow": {
+ LOCAL: {PROCESSING: {2: add_prefix("l2_local"), 3: add_prefix("l3_local")}},
+ "start_node": { # This is an initial node, it doesn't need an `RESPONSE`
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(
+ r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE
+ ), # second check
+ # ("global_flow", "fallback_node"): cnd.true(), # third check
+ "fallback_node": cnd.true(), # third check
+ # "fallback_node" is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node")
+ },
+ },
+ "fallback_node": { # We get to this node if an error occurred while the agent was running
+ RESPONSE: "Ooops",
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(
+ r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE
+ ), # second check
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE), # third check
+ # lbl.previous() is equivalent to ("PREVIOUS_flow", "PREVIOUS_node")
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true(), # fourth check
+ # lbl.repeat() is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node")
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "greeting_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ RESPONSE: rsp.choice(
+ ["Hi, what is up?", "Hello, how are you?"]
+ ), # When the agent goes to node1, we return "Hi, how are you?"
+ ("global_flow", "fallback_node", 0.1): cnd.true(), # second check
+ "node2": cnd.regexp(r"how are you"), # first check
+ # "node2" is equivalent to ("greeting_flow", "node2", 1.0)
+ },
+ MISC: {"var3": "info_of_step_1"},
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ RESPONSE: "Good. What do you want to talk about?",
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(), # third check
+ # lbl.to_fallback(0.1) is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node", 0.1)
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp(r"talk about"), # second check
+ # lbl.forward(0.5) is equivalent to ("greeting_flow", "node3", 0.5)
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE), # third check
+ # ("music_flow", "node1") is equivalent to ("music_flow", "node1", 1.0)
+ },
+ },
+ "node3": {RESPONSE: foo, TRANSITIONS: {lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"bye")}},
+ "node4": {
+ RESPONSE: bar("bye"),
+ "node1": cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE), # first check
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(), # second check
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "music_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ RESPONSE: "I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? ",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"yes|yep|ok", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ RESPONSE: "System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node3": {
+ RESPONSE: "The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp(r"back", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node4": {
+ RESPONSE: "That's all what I know",
+ transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition: cnd.regexp(
+ r"next", re.IGNORECASE
+ ),
+ transitions.high_priority_node_transition(
+ "greeting_flow", "node4"
+ ): cnd.regexp(r"next time", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+actor = Act(
+ fallback_label=("global_flow", "fallback_node"),
+ script=script,
+ start_label=("global_flow", "start_node"),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/transitions.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/transitions.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c01823d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/transitions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.types import NodeLabel3Type
+from dff.core.engine.core import Actor, Context
+import typing as tp
+def greeting_flow_n2_transition(
+ ctx: Context, actor: Actor, *args, **kwargs
+) -> NodeLabel3Type:
+ return "greeting_flow", "node2", 1.0
+def high_priority_node_transition(
+ flow_label: str, label: str
+) -> tp.Callable[..., NodeLabel3Type]:
+ def transition(ctx: Context, actor: Actor, *args, **kwargs) -> NodeLabel3Type:
+ return flow_label, label, 2.0
+ return transition
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_3/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_3/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..00b0c04b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/complex_tests/test_3/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ main:
+ TRANSITIONS: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords RESPONSE
+ PROCESSING: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords PROCESSING
+ GLOBAL: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords GLOBAL
+ MISC: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords MISC
+ LOCAL: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords LOCAL
+ cnd: !import dff.core.engine.conditions
+ lbl: !import dff.core.engine.labels
+ Act: !from dff.core.engine.core Actor
+ Context: !from dff.core.engine.core Context
+ rsp: !import dff.core.engine.responses
+ add_prefix: !from functions add_prefix
+ tp: !import typing
+ re: !import re
+ transitions: !import transitions
+ global_flow: !from flow global_flow
+ script:
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"\b(hi|hello)\b", re.I)
+ ("music_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music")
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true()
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.all([cnd.regexp(r"next\b"),cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[("music_flow", i) for i in ["node2", "node3"]]),])
+ lbl.repeat(0.2): cnd.all([cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.I),cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=["global_flow"])),])
+ '1': add_prefix("l1_global")
+ '2': add_prefix("l2_global")
+ var1: global_data
+ var2: global_data
+ var3: global_data
+ RESPONSE: !str
+ !str global_flow:
+ '2': add_prefix("l2_local")
+ '3': add_prefix("l3_local")
+ start_node:
+ RESPONSE: !str
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music")
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE)
+ fallback_node: cnd.true()
+ fallback_node:
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music")
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true()
+ greeting_flow:
+ node1:
+ RESPONSE: rsp.choice(["Hi, what is up?", "Hello, how are you?"])
+ ("global_flow", "fallback_node", 0.1): cnd.true()
+ node2: cnd.regexp(r"how are you")
+ var3: info_of_step_1
+ node2:
+ RESPONSE: Good. What do you want to talk about?
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true()
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp(r"talk about")
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music")
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE)
+ node3:
+ RESPONSE: !py foo
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"bye")
+ node4:
+ RESPONSE: !py bar("bye")
+ node1: cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ music_flow:
+ node1:
+ RESPONSE: 'I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? '
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"yes|yep|ok", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ node2:
+ RESPONSE: System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ node3:
+ RESPONSE: The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp(r"back", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ node4:
+ RESPONSE: That's all what I know
+ transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition: cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE)
+ transitions.high_priority_node_transition("greeting_flow", "node4"): cnd.regexp(r"next time", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ actor: !call
+ name: Act
+ args:
+ fallback_label:
+ - !str global_flow
+ - fallback_node
+ script: script
+ start_label:
+ - !str global_flow
+ - start_node
+ flow:
+ TRANSITIONS: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords RESPONSE
+ PROCESSING: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords PROCESSING
+ LOCAL: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords LOCAL
+ cnd: !import dff.core.engine.conditions
+ lbl: !import dff.core.engine.labels
+ re: !import re
+ add_prefix: !from functions add_prefix
+ global_flow:
+ '2': add_prefix("l2_local")
+ '3': add_prefix("l3_local")
+ start_node:
+ RESPONSE: !str
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music")
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE)
+ fallback_node: cnd.true()
+ fallback_node:
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music")
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true()
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_1/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_1/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..25accbcec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_1/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import abc
+d = {}
+c = {1: d}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_1/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_1/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..70e34cdf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_1/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ main:
+ abc: !import abc
+ d: {}
+ c:
+ '1': d
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_10/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_10/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d1835b353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_10/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+from scripts import script
+actor = Actor(
+ script,
+ ("flow", "node"),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_10/python_files/scripts.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_10/python_files/scripts.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..51e04eacf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_10/python_files/scripts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords as kw
+another_script = script = {"flow": {"node": {kw.RESPONSE: "hi"}}}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_10/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_10/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1d9fca44c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_10/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ main:
+ Actor: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ script: !from scripts script
+ actor: !call
+ name: Actor
+ args:
+ script: script
+ start_label:
+ - flow
+ - node
+ scripts:
+ kw: !from dff.core.engine.core keywords
+ another_script:
+ flow:
+ node:
+ kw.RESPONSE: hi
+ script: another_script
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_11/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_11/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b9fa0e579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_11/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords as kw
+dictionary = {"node": {kw.RESPONSE: "hi"}}
+script = {"flow": dictionary}
+actor = Actor(
+ script,
+ ("flow", "node"),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_11/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_11/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f6bab01a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_11/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ main:
+ Actor: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ kw: !from dff.core.engine.core keywords
+ dictionary:
+ node:
+ kw.RESPONSE: hi
+ script:
+ flow: dictionary
+ actor: !call
+ name: Actor
+ args:
+ script: script
+ start_label:
+ - flow
+ - node
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_12/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_12/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..92a87f19d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_12/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords as kw
+strs = strings = {"node": "node"}
+dicts = {1: {strs["node"]: 1}}
+script = {"flow": dicts[1]}
+actor = Actor(
+ script,
+ ("flow", strings["node"]),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_12/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_12/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_13/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_13/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..991827574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_13/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords as kw
+strs = strings = {"node": "node"}
+dicts = {1: {strs["node"]: {kw.RESPONSE: "hi"}}}
+script = {"flow": dicts[1]}
+actor = Actor(
+ script,
+ ("flow", strings["node"]),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_13/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_13/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..93defa690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_13/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ main:
+ Actor: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ kw: !from dff.core.engine.core keywords
+ strs:
+ node: node
+ strings: strs
+ dicts:
+ '1':
+ strs["node"]:
+ kw.RESPONSE: hi
+ script:
+ flow: dicts[1]
+ actor: !call
+ name: Actor
+ args:
+ script: script
+ start_label:
+ - flow
+ - strings["node"]
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_14/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_14/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bb649e039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_14/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords as kw
+node = {3: "node"}
+strs = strings = {1: {"node": {1: "node"}}, 2: {"node": {2: "node"}}}
+dicts = {1: {strs[1][node[3]][1]: {kw.RESPONSE: "hi"}}}
+script = {"flow": dicts[1]}
+actor = Actor(
+ script,
+ ("flow", strings[2][node[3]][2]),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_14/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_14/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d00ab5bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_14/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ main:
+ Actor: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ kw: !from dff.core.engine.core keywords
+ node:
+ '3': node
+ strs:
+ '1':
+ !str node:
+ '1': !str node
+ '2':
+ !str node:
+ '2': !str node
+ strings: strs
+ dicts:
+ '1':
+ strs[1][node[3]][1]:
+ kw.RESPONSE: hi
+ script:
+ flow: dicts[1]
+ actor: !call
+ name: Actor
+ args:
+ script: script
+ start_label:
+ - flow
+ - strings[2][node[3]][2]
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_15/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_15/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..144ac0d67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_15/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords as kw
+node = {3: "node"}
+strs = strings = {1: {"node": {1: "node_incorrect"}}, 2: {"node": {2: "node"}}}
+dicts = {1: {strs[1][node[3]][1]: {kw.RESPONSE: "hi"}}}
+script = {"flow": dicts[1]}
+actor = Actor(
+ script,
+ ("flow", strings[2][node[3]][2]),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_15/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_15/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_16/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_16/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a127134d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_16/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords as kw
+node = {3: "node"}
+keywords_2 = {2: kw.RESPONSE}
+keywords = {"rsp": keywords_2[2]}
+strs = strings = {1: {"node": {1: "node"}}, 2: {"node": {2: "node"}}}
+dicts = {1: {strs[1][node[3]][1]: {keywords["rsp"]: "hi"}}}
+script = {"flow": dicts[1]}
+actor = Actor(
+ script,
+ ("flow", strings[2][node[3]][2]),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_16/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_16/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d6fec71d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_16/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ main:
+ Actor: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ kw: !from dff.core.engine.core keywords
+ node:
+ '3': node
+ keywords_2:
+ '2': kw.RESPONSE
+ keywords:
+ rsp: keywords_2[2]
+ strs:
+ '1':
+ !str node:
+ '1': !str node
+ '2':
+ !str node:
+ '2': !str node
+ strings: strs
+ dicts:
+ '1':
+ strs[1][node[3]][1]:
+ keywords["rsp"]: hi
+ script:
+ flow: dicts[1]
+ actor: !call
+ name: Actor
+ args:
+ script: script
+ start_label:
+ - flow
+ - strings[2][node[3]][2]
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_17/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_17/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7c240322b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_17/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords as kw
+import proxy
+keywords_2 = {2: kw.RESPONSE}
+keywords = {"rsp": keywords_2[2]}
+strs = strings = {1: {"node": {1: "node"}}, 2: {"node": {2: "node"}}}
+dicts = {1: {strs[1][proxy.node.node[3]][1]: {keywords["rsp"]: "hi"}}}
+script = {"flow": dicts[1]}
+actor = Actor(
+ script,
+ ("flow", strings[2][proxy.node.node[3]][2]),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_17/python_files/node.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_17/python_files/node.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb5ab051a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_17/python_files/node.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+node = {3: "node"}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_17/python_files/proxy.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_17/python_files/proxy.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5aefdb97c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_17/python_files/proxy.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+import node
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_17/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_17/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..523f854d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_17/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ main:
+ Actor: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ kw: !from dff.core.engine.core keywords
+ proxy: !import proxy
+ keywords_2:
+ '2': kw.RESPONSE
+ keywords:
+ rsp: keywords_2[2]
+ strs:
+ '1':
+ node:
+ '1': node
+ '2':
+ node:
+ '2': node
+ strings: strs
+ dicts:
+ '1':
+ strs[1][proxy.node.node[3]][1]:
+ keywords["rsp"]: hi
+ script:
+ flow: dicts[1]
+ actor: !call
+ name: Actor
+ args:
+ script: script
+ start_label:
+ - flow
+ - strings[2][proxy.node.node[3]][2]
+ proxy:
+ node: !import node
+ node:
+ node:
+ '3': node
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_18/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_18/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6ddc685c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_18/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core import Actor as act
+import dff.core.engine.core.keywords as kw
+import dff.core.engine.conditions as cnd
+actor = act(
+ {
+ "flow1": {
+ "node": {
+ kw.RESPONSE: "hey",
+ ("flow2", "node"): cnd.true()
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "flow2": {
+ "node": {
+ kw.RESPONSE: "hi",
+ ("flow1", "node"): cnd.true()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ("flow1", "node")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_18/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_18/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..779d9527d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_18/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ main:
+ act: !from dff.core.engine.core Actor
+ kw: !import dff.core.engine.core.keywords
+ cnd: !import dff.core.engine.conditions
+ actor: !call
+ name: act
+ args:
+ script:
+ flow1:
+ node:
+ kw.RESPONSE: hey
+ ("flow2", "node"): cnd.true()
+ flow2:
+ node:
+ kw.RESPONSE: hi
+ ("flow1", "node"): cnd.true()
+ start_label:
+ - flow1
+ - node
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_2/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_2/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..670d3af12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_2/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor as Act1
+from dff.core.engine.core import Actor as Act2
+script = {
+ 1: "hey",
+actor = Act1(script, (1,), (1,))
+actor = Act2(script, (1,), (1,))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_2/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_2/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_3/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_3/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..202184adf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_3/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+script = {1: 1}
+actor = Actor(script, (1,), (1,))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_3/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_3/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_4/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_4/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..671b12568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_4/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords
+script = {keywords.GLOBAL: {keywords.RESPONSE: ""}}
+actor = Actor(
+ script,
+ (keywords.GLOBAL, keywords.RESPONSE),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_4/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_4/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bce3ef860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_4/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ main:
+ Actor: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ keywords: !from dff.core.engine.core keywords
+ script:
+ keywords.GLOBAL:
+ keywords.RESPONSE: !str
+ actor: !call
+ name: Actor
+ args:
+ script: script
+ start_label:
+ - keywords.GLOBAL
+ - keywords.RESPONSE
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_5/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_5/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c0c16d866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_5/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords
+script = {keywords.GLOBAL: {"keywords.RESPONSE": ""}}
+actor = Actor(
+ script,
+ (keywords.GLOBAL, "keywords.RESPONSE"),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_5/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_5/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_6/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_6/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..205641c8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_6/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords
+script = {keywords.GLOBAL: {keywords.RESPONSE: ""}}
+actor = Actor(
+ script,
+ (keywords.GLOBAL, "keywords.RESPONSE"),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_6/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_6/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_7/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_7/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ce7ff6219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_7/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords
+script = {"flow": {"node": {keywords.RESPONS: "hi"}}}
+actor = Actor(
+ script,
+ ("flow", "node"),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_7/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_7/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_8/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_8/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..54bc0a92b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_8/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords
+ints = {1: 2}
+strings = {1: {2: "flow"}}
+script = {strings[1][ints[1]]: {"node": {keywords.RESPONSE: "hi"}}}
+actor = Actor(
+ script,
+ (strings[1][ints[1]], "node"),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_8/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_8/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d6c42e4cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_8/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ main:
+ Actor: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ keywords: !from dff.core.engine.core keywords
+ ints:
+ '1': '2'
+ strings:
+ '1':
+ '2': flow
+ script:
+ strings[1][ints[1]]:
+ node:
+ keywords.RESPONSE: hi
+ actor: !call
+ name: Actor
+ args:
+ script: script
+ start_label:
+ - strings[1][ints[1]]
+ - node
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_9/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_9/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7c3f26303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_9/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords as kw
+another_script = script = {"flow": {"node": {kw.RESPONSE: "hi"}}}
+actor = Actor(
+ script,
+ ("flow", "node"),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_9/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_9/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f1a98d1e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_py2yaml/simple_tests/test_9/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ main:
+ Actor: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ kw: !from dff.core.engine.core keywords
+ another_script:
+ flow:
+ node:
+ kw.RESPONSE: hi
+ script: another_script
+ actor: !call
+ name: Actor
+ args:
+ script: script
+ start_label:
+ - flow
+ - node
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/flows/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/flows/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c706afbfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/flows/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from python_files.flows.fallback_flow import fallback_flow as ff
+from python_files.flows.start_flow import start_flow as sf
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/flows/fallback_flow.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/flows/fallback_flow.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0d5aa42f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/flows/fallback_flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from python_files.nodes.fallback_node import fallback_node as fallback_node
+from python_files.nodes import start_node as sn
+fallback_flow = {"fallback_node": fallback_node, "other_node": sn.start_node}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/flows/start_flow.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/flows/start_flow.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2fd4af221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/flows/start_flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from python_files.nodes import sn as sn
+from python_files.nodes.fallback_node import fallback_node as fallback_node
+start_flow = {"start_node": sn, "other_node": fallback_node}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4da63948a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor as act
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import GLOBAL as glb
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import RESPONSE as rsp
+import python_files.flows as flows
+script = {glb: {rsp: "glb"}, "start_flow": flows.sf, "fallback_flow": flows.ff}
+actor = act(
+ fallback_label=("fallback_flow", "fallback_node"),
+ start_label=("start_flow", "start_node"),
+ script=script,
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/nodes/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/nodes/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06dbf7561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/nodes/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from python_files.nodes.start_node import start_node as sn
+from python_files.nodes.fallback_node import fallback_node as fn
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/nodes/fallback_node.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/nodes/fallback_node.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..565febf18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/nodes/fallback_node.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import RESPONSE as rp
+fallback_node = {rp: "bye"}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/nodes/start_node.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/nodes/start_node.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..382f21230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/python_files/python_files/nodes/start_node.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import RESPONSE as rsp
+start_node = {rsp: "hi"}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4734326b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_1/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ python_files.main:
+ act: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ glb: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords GLOBAL
+ rsp: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords RESPONSE
+ flows: !import python_files.flows
+ script:
+ glb:
+ rsp: !str glb
+ start_flow: flows.sf
+ fallback_flow: flows.ff
+ actor: !call
+ name: act
+ args:
+ fallback_label:
+ - fallback_flow
+ - fallback_node
+ start_label:
+ - start_flow
+ - start_node
+ script: script
+ python_files.__init__: {}
+ python_files.flows.__init__:
+ ff: !from python_files.flows.fallback_flow fallback_flow
+ sf: !from python_files.flows.start_flow start_flow
+ python_files.flows.fallback_flow:
+ fallback_node: !from python_files.nodes.fallback_node fallback_node
+ sn: !from python_files.nodes start_node
+ fallback_flow:
+ !str fallback_node: fallback_node
+ other_node: sn.start_node
+ python_files.nodes.fallback_node:
+ rp: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords RESPONSE
+ fallback_node:
+ rp: bye
+ python_files.nodes.__init__:
+ sn: !from python_files.nodes.start_node start_node
+ fn: !from python_files.nodes.fallback_node fallback_node
+ python_files.nodes.start_node:
+ rsp: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords RESPONSE
+ start_node:
+ rsp: hi
+ python_files.flows.start_flow:
+ sn: !from python_files.nodes sn
+ fallback_node: !from python_files.nodes.fallback_node fallback_node
+ start_flow:
+ start_node: sn
+ other_node: fallback_node
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/flows/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/flows/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/flows/start.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/flows/start.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1691d6662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/flows/start.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from nodes.node_1 import node as node
+flow = {"start_node": node}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02fed5a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from script import act as act
+from dff.core.engine import function_does_not_exist as function_does_not_exist
+result = function_does_not_exist(act, script={1: 1}, value=2)
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/nodes/__init__.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/nodes/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/nodes/node_1.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/nodes/node_1.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d8fa94d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/nodes/node_1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import dff.core.engine.core.keywords as kw
+node = {kw.RESPONSE: "hey"}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/script.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/script.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e1b73508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/python_files/script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from flows.start import flow as flow
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor as Actor
+act = Actor(script={"start_flow": flow}, start_label=("start_flow", "start_node"))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fbb49859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_2/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ main:
+ act: !from script act
+ function_does_not_exist: !from dff.core.engine function_does_not_exist
+ result: !call
+ name: function_does_not_exist
+ args:
+ 0: act
+ script:
+ '1': '1'
+ value: '2'
+ script:
+ flow: !from flows.start flow
+ Actor: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ act: !call
+ name: Actor
+ args:
+ script:
+ start_flow: flow
+ start_label:
+ - start_flow
+ - start_node
+ flows.start:
+ node: !from nodes.node_1 node
+ flow:
+ start_node: node
+ flows.__init__: {}
+ nodes.node_1:
+ kw: !import dff.core.engine.core.keywords
+ node:
+ kw.RESPONSE: hey
+ nodes.__init__: {}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/flow.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/flow.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32f691479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS as TRANSITIONS
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import RESPONSE as RESPONSE
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import PROCESSING as PROCESSING
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import LOCAL as LOCAL
+import dff.core.engine.conditions as cnd
+import dff.core.engine.labels as lbl
+import re as re
+from functions import add_prefix as add_prefix
+global_flow = {
+ LOCAL: {PROCESSING: {2: add_prefix("l2_local"), 3: add_prefix("l3_local")}},
+ "start_node": {
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE),
+ "fallback_node": cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "fallback_node": {
+ RESPONSE: "Ooops",
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..268995796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_3/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS as TRANSITIONS
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import RESPONSE as RESPONSE
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import PROCESSING as PROCESSING
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import GLOBAL as GLOBAL
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import MISC as MISC
+from dff.core.engine.core.keywords import LOCAL as LOCAL
+import dff.core.engine.conditions as cnd
+import dff.core.engine.labels as lbl
+from dff.core.engine.core import Actor as Act
+from dff.core.engine.core import Context as Context
+import dff.core.engine.responses as rsp
+from functions import add_prefix as add_prefix
+import typing as tp
+import re as re
+import transitions as transitions
+from flow import global_flow as global_flow
+script = {
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"\b(hi|hello)\b", re.I),
+ ("music_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.all(
+ [
+ cnd.regexp(r"next\b"),
+ cnd.has_last_labels(
+ labels=[("music_flow", i) for i in ["node2", "node3"]]
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ lbl.repeat(0.2): cnd.all(
+ [
+ cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.I),
+ cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=["global_flow"])),
+ ]
+ ),
+ },
+ PROCESSING: {1: add_prefix("l1_global"), 2: add_prefix("l2_global")},
+ MISC: {"var1": "global_data", "var2": "global_data", "var3": "global_data"},
+ },
+ "global_flow": {
+ LOCAL: {PROCESSING: {2: add_prefix("l2_local"), 3: add_prefix("l3_local")}},
+ "start_node": {
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE),
+ "fallback_node": cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "fallback_node": {
+ RESPONSE: "Ooops",
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "greeting_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ RESPONSE: rsp.choice(["Hi, what is up?", "Hello, how are you?"]),
+ ("global_flow", "fallback_node", 0.1): cnd.true(),
+ "node2": cnd.regexp(r"how are you"),
+ },
+ MISC: {"var3": "info_of_step_1"},
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ RESPONSE: "Good. What do you want to talk about?",
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(),
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp(r"talk about"),
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE),
+ },
+ },
+ "node3": {RESPONSE: foo, TRANSITIONS: {lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"bye")}},
+ "node4": {
+ RESPONSE: bar("bye"),
+ "node1": cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "music_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ RESPONSE: "I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? ",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"yes|yep|ok", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ RESPONSE: "System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node3": {
+ RESPONSE: "The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp(r"back", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node4": {
+ RESPONSE: "That's all what I know",
+ transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition: cnd.regexp(
+ r"next", re.IGNORECASE
+ ),
+ transitions.high_priority_node_transition(
+ "greeting_flow", "node4"
+ ): cnd.regexp(r"next time", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+actor = Act(
+ fallback_label=("global_flow", "fallback_node"),
+ script=script,
+ start_label=("global_flow", "start_node"),
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_3/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_3/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..184ba3e4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/complex_tests/test_3/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ main:
+ TRANSITIONS: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords RESPONSE
+ PROCESSING: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords PROCESSING
+ GLOBAL: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords GLOBAL
+ MISC: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords MISC
+ LOCAL: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords LOCAL
+ cnd: !import dff.core.engine.conditions
+ lbl: !import dff.core.engine.labels
+ Act: !from dff.core.engine.core Actor
+ Context: !from dff.core.engine.core Context
+ rsp: !import dff.core.engine.responses
+ add_prefix: !from functions add_prefix
+ tp: !import typing
+ re: !import re
+ transitions: !import transitions
+ global_flow: !from flow global_flow
+ script:
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"\b(hi|hello)\b", re.I)
+ ("music_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music")
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true()
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.all([cnd.regexp(r"next\b"),cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[("music_flow", i) for i in ["node2", "node3"]]),])
+ lbl.repeat(0.2): cnd.all([cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.I),cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=["global_flow"])),])
+ '1': add_prefix("l1_global")
+ '2': add_prefix("l2_global")
+ var1: global_data
+ var2: global_data
+ var3: global_data
+ RESPONSE: !str
+ !str global_flow:
+ '2': add_prefix("l2_local")
+ '3': add_prefix("l3_local")
+ start_node:
+ RESPONSE: !str
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music")
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE)
+ fallback_node: cnd.true()
+ fallback_node:
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music")
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true()
+ greeting_flow:
+ node1:
+ RESPONSE: rsp.choice(["Hi, what is up?", "Hello, how are you?"])
+ ("global_flow", "fallback_node", 0.1): cnd.true()
+ node2: cnd.regexp(r"how are you")
+ var3: info_of_step_1
+ node2:
+ RESPONSE: Good. What do you want to talk about?
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true()
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp(r"talk about")
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music")
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE)
+ node3:
+ RESPONSE: !py foo
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"bye")
+ node4:
+ RESPONSE: !py bar("bye")
+ node1: cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ music_flow:
+ node1:
+ RESPONSE: 'I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? '
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"yes|yep|ok", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ node2:
+ RESPONSE: System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ node3:
+ RESPONSE: The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp(r"back", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ node4:
+ RESPONSE: That's all what I know
+ transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition: cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE)
+ transitions.high_priority_node_transition("greeting_flow", "node4"): cnd.regexp(r"next time", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true()
+ actor: !call
+ name: Act
+ args:
+ fallback_label:
+ - !str global_flow
+ - fallback_node
+ script: script
+ start_label:
+ - !str global_flow
+ - start_node
+ flow:
+ TRANSITIONS: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords TRANSITIONS
+ RESPONSE: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords RESPONSE
+ PROCESSING: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords PROCESSING
+ LOCAL: !from dff.core.engine.core.keywords LOCAL
+ cnd: !import dff.core.engine.conditions
+ lbl: !import dff.core.engine.labels
+ re: !import re
+ add_prefix: !from functions add_prefix
+ global_flow:
+ '2': add_prefix("l2_local")
+ '3': add_prefix("l3_local")
+ start_node:
+ RESPONSE: !str
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music")
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE)
+ fallback_node: cnd.true()
+ fallback_node:
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music")
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE)
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true()
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_1/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_1/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a47a0f77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_1/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+import abc as abc
+d = {}
+c = {1: d}
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_1/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_1/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..baa3ab014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_1/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ main:
+ abc: !import abc
+ d: { }
+ c:
+ '1': d
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_2/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_2/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0a68856d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_2/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor as Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords as keywords
+script = {keywords.GLOBAL: {keywords.RESPONSE: ""}}
+actor = Actor(script=script, start_label=(keywords.GLOBAL, keywords.RESPONSE))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_2/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_2/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..69c71d505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_2/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ main:
+ Actor: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ keywords: !from dff.core.engine.core keywords
+ script:
+ keywords.GLOBAL:
+ keywords.RESPONSE: !str
+ actor: !call
+ name: Actor
+ args:
+ script: script
+ start_label:
+ - keywords.GLOBAL
+ - keywords.RESPONSE
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_3/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_3/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99ce5d1e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_3/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor as Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords as keywords
+ints = {1: 2}
+strings = {1: {2: "flow"}}
+script = {strings[1][ints[1]]: {"node": {keywords.RESPONSE: "hi"}}}
+actor = Actor(script=script, start_label=(strings[1][ints[1]], "node"))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_3/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_3/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..da2a99a78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_3/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ main:
+ Actor: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ keywords: !from dff.core.engine.core keywords
+ ints:
+ '1': '2'
+ strings:
+ '1':
+ '2': flow
+ script:
+ strings[1][ints[1]]:
+ node:
+ keywords.RESPONSE: hi
+ actor: !call
+ name: Actor
+ args:
+ script: script
+ start_label:
+ - strings[1][ints[1]]
+ - node
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_4/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_4/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..239c22fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_4/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor as Actor
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords as kw
+another_script = {"flow": {"node": {kw.RESPONSE: "hi"}}}
+script = another_script
+actor = Actor(script=script, start_label=("flow", "node"))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_4/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_4/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ed4c773a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_4/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ main:
+ Actor: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ kw: !from dff.core.engine.core keywords
+ another_script:
+ flow:
+ node:
+ kw.RESPONSE: hi
+ script: another_script
+ actor: !call
+ name: Actor
+ args:
+ script: script
+ start_label:
+ - flow
+ - node
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_5/python_files/main.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_5/python_files/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..894a1e2ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_5/python_files/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core.actor import Actor as Actor
+from scripts import script as script
+actor = Actor(script=script, start_label=("flow", "node"))
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_5/python_files/scripts.py b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_5/python_files/scripts.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7e203ecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_5/python_files/scripts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from dff.core.engine.core import keywords as kw
+another_script = {"flow": {"node": {kw.RESPONSE: "hi"}}}
+script = another_script
diff --git a/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_5/yaml_files/script.yaml b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_5/yaml_files/script.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a9413e93e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/TEST_CASES/test_yaml2py/simple_tests/test_5/yaml_files/script.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ main:
+ Actor: !from dff.core.engine.core.actor Actor
+ script: !from scripts script
+ actor: !call
+ name: Actor
+ args:
+ script: script
+ start_label:
+ - flow
+ - node
+ scripts:
+ kw: !from dff.core.engine.core keywords
+ another_script:
+ flow:
+ node:
+ kw.RESPONSE: hi
+ script: another_script
diff --git a/tests/parser/__init__.py b/tests/parser/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..449c45490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ import pytest
+ pytest.register_assert_rewrite("tests.parser.utils")
+except ImportError:
+ ...
diff --git a/tests/parser/parser_test_generators.py b/tests/parser/parser_test_generators.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70077c5e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/parser_test_generators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+Generate results for test cases.
+from pathlib import Path
+from shutil import rmtree, copytree
+import difflib
+from dff.utils.parser.dff_project import DFFProject
+TEST_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / "TEST_CASES"
+def rebuild_complex_cases():
+ """
+ Expected structure of directories inside `TEST_DIR / complex_cases`:
+ - `python_files` directory containing dff project.
+ - `new_script.yaml` file -- an edited dff project.
+ The function generates new files inside such directories:
+ - `script.yaml` -- a yaml representation of files in `python_files` (`to_yaml(python_files)`).
+ - `graph.json` -- a graph representation of files in `python_files` (`to_graph(python_files)`).
+ - `script.yaml.diff` -- a diff file for `script.yaml` and `new_script.yaml`.
+ - `result_creating` directory -- a python representation of `new_script.yaml` (`to_python(new_script.yaml)`).
+ - `result_editing` directory -- a result of editing `new_script.yaml` over `python_files`
+ (`to_python(new_script.yaml) -> python_files`).
+ :raises RuntimeError:
+ If the directory is missing required filed.
+ """
+ for working_dir in (TEST_DIR / "complex_cases").iterdir():
+ if not working_dir.is_dir():
+ continue
+ # Generate script.yaml and graph.json
+ python_dir = working_dir / "python_files"
+ main_file = python_dir / "main.py"
+ if not python_dir.exists():
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Python dir {python_dir} not found.")
+ if not main_file.exists():
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Main file {main_file} not found.")
+ dff_project = DFFProject.from_python(python_dir, main_file)
+ dff_project.to_yaml(working_dir / "script.yaml")
+ dff_project.to_graph(working_dir / "graph.json")
+ # Generate diff file
+ with open(working_dir / "script.yaml", "r") as fd:
+ original = fd.readlines()
+ new_script = working_dir / "new_script.yaml"
+ if not new_script.exists():
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Edited script {new_script} not found.")
+ with open(new_script, "r") as fd:
+ new = fd.readlines()
+ diff = difflib.ndiff(original, new)
+ with open(working_dir / "script.yaml.diff", "w") as fd:
+ fd.write("".join(diff))
+ # Generate results of to_python
+ dff_project = DFFProject.from_yaml(working_dir / "new_script.yaml")
+ creation_dir = working_dir / "result_creating"
+ if creation_dir.exists():
+ rmtree(creation_dir)
+ creation_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ editing_dir = working_dir / "result_editing"
+ if editing_dir.exists():
+ rmtree(editing_dir)
+ copytree(working_dir / "python_files", editing_dir)
+ dff_project.to_python(working_dir / "result_creating")
+ dff_project.to_python(working_dir / "result_editing")
+def rebuild_core_tutorials():
+ engine_tutorial_dir = Path("tutorials/script/core")
+ test_dir = TEST_DIR / "core_tutorials"
+ if test_dir.exists():
+ rmtree(test_dir)
+ test_dir.mkdir(parents=True)
+ for file in engine_tutorial_dir.iterdir():
+ if file.is_file():
+ dff_project = DFFProject.from_python(engine_tutorial_dir, file, script_initializer="pipeline")
+ dff_project.to_python(test_dir)
+ dff_project.to_yaml(test_dir / (file.stem + ".yaml"))
+ dff_project.to_graph(test_dir / (file.stem + ".json"))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ rebuild_complex_cases()
+ rebuild_core_tutorials()
diff --git a/tests/parser/test_basics.py b/tests/parser/test_basics.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..edf8b89be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/test_basics.py
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+import ast
+from sys import version_info
+from pathlib import Path
+from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
+import pytest
+ from dff.utils.parser.base_parser_object import (
+ Dict,
+ Expression,
+ Python,
+ Import,
+ Attribute,
+ Subscript,
+ Call,
+ Iterable,
+ )
+ from dff.utils.parser.namespace import Namespace
+ from dff.utils.parser.dff_project import DFFProject
+ from .utils import assert_dirs_equal
+except ImportError:
+ pytest.skip(reason="`parser` is not available", allow_module_level=True)
+def test_just_works():
+ obj = Expression.from_str("{1: {2: '3'}}")
+ assert isinstance(obj, Dict)
+ assert str(obj.children["value_1"]) == "{\n 2: '3',\n}"
+def test_path():
+ obj = Expression.from_str("{1: {2: '3'}}")
+ assert obj.children["value_1"].children["key_2"] == obj.resolve_path(("value_1", "key_2"))
+def test_multiple_keys():
+ obj = Expression.from_str("{1: 1, '1': '1'}")
+ assert obj.resolve_path(("value_1",)) == "1"
+ assert obj.resolve_path(("key_1",)) == "1"
+ assert obj.resolve_path(("value_'1'",)) == "'1'"
+ assert obj.resolve_path(("key_'1'",)) == "'1'"
+def test_get_item():
+ obj = Expression.from_str("{1: 1, '1': '1'}")
+ assert isinstance(obj, Dict)
+ assert obj["1"] == "1"
+ assert obj["'1'"] == "'1'"
+def test_import_resolution():
+ namespace1 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("import namespace2"), location=["namespace1"])
+ namespace2 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("import namespace1"), location=["namespace2"])
+ dff_project = DFFProject([namespace1, namespace2], validate=False)
+ import_stmt = dff_project.resolve_path(("namespace1", "namespace2"))
+ assert isinstance(import_stmt, Import)
+ assert import_stmt._resolve_once == namespace2
+ assert import_stmt == namespace1.resolve_path(("namespace2",))
+ assert import_stmt.path == ("namespace1", "namespace2")
+def test_multiple_imports():
+ namespace1 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("import namespace2, namespace3"), location=["namespace1"])
+ namespace2 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse(""), location=["namespace2"])
+ namespace3 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse(""), location=["namespace3"])
+ dff_project = DFFProject([namespace1, namespace2, namespace3], validate=False)
+ import_2 = dff_project.resolve_path(("namespace1", "namespace2"))
+ import_3 = dff_project.resolve_path(("namespace1", "namespace3"))
+ assert isinstance(import_2, Import)
+ assert isinstance(import_3, Import)
+ assert import_2._resolve_once == namespace2
+ assert import_3._resolve_once == namespace3
+ assert str(import_2) == "import namespace2"
+ assert str(import_3) == "import namespace3"
+def test_multilevel_import_resolution():
+ namespace1 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("import module.namespace2 as n2"), location=["namespace1"])
+ namespace2 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("import namespace1"), location=["module", "namespace2"])
+ dff_project = DFFProject([namespace1, namespace2], validate=False)
+ import_stmt1 = dff_project.resolve_path(("namespace1", "n2"))
+ assert isinstance(import_stmt1, Import)
+ assert import_stmt1._resolve_once == namespace2
+ assert import_stmt1 == namespace1.resolve_path(("n2",))
+ assert import_stmt1.path == ("namespace1", "n2")
+def test_assignment():
+ namespace = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("a = 1"), location=["namespace"])
+ assert namespace["a"] == Python.from_str("1")
+ assert namespace.resolve_path(("a", "value")) == Python.from_str("1")
+def test_import_from():
+ namespace1 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("import module.namespace2 as n2"), location=["namespace1"])
+ namespace2 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("from . import a"), location=["module", "namespace2"])
+ namespace3 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("a = 1"), location=["module", "__init__"])
+ dff_project = DFFProject([namespace1, namespace2, namespace3], validate=False)
+ assert namespace2["a"] == Python.from_str("1")
+ assert Python.from_str("1") == namespace2["a"]
+ assert dff_project["namespace1"]["n2"].absolute["a"] == Python.from_str("1")
+def test_name():
+ namespace1 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("a=b=1\nc=a\nd=b"), location=["namespace1"])
+ assert namespace1["c"] == Python.from_str("1")
+ assert namespace1["d"] == Python.from_str("1")
+def test_attribute():
+ namespace1 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("import namespace2 as n2\na=n2.a"), location=["namespace1"])
+ namespace2 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("a=1"), location=["namespace2"])
+ _ = DFFProject([namespace1, namespace2], validate=False)
+ assert isinstance(namespace1["a"], Attribute)
+ assert namespace1["a"] == namespace2["a"] == Python.from_str("1")
+def test_subscript():
+ namespace = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("a = {1: {2: 3}}\nb = a[1][2]"), location=["namespace"])
+ assert isinstance(namespace["b"], Subscript)
+ assert namespace["b"] == Python.from_str("3")
+def test_iterable():
+ namespace = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("a = [1, 2, 3]\nb = a[2]"), location=["namespace"])
+ assert namespace["b"] == "3"
+ assert namespace["a"]["0"] == "1"
+ for index, element in enumerate(namespace["a"]):
+ assert element == str(index + 1)
+ assert len(namespace["a"]) == 3
+ # test obj dump
+ for obj in ((), [], (1,), [1], {1}, (1, 2), [1, 2], {1, 2}):
+ expr = Expression.from_obj(obj)
+ assert isinstance(expr, Iterable)
+ assert expr.dump() == repr(obj)
+def test_call():
+ namespace = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("import Actor\na = Actor(1, 2, c=3)"), location=["namespace"])
+ _ = DFFProject([namespace], validate=False)
+ call = namespace["a"]
+ assert isinstance(call, Call)
+ assert repr(call.resolve_path(("func",))) == "Name(Actor)"
+ assert call.resolve_path(("arg_1",)) == Python.from_str("2")
+ assert call.resolve_path(("keyword_c",)) == Python.from_str("3")
+ assert call.func_name == "Actor"
+ namespace = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("a = (lambda x, y, z: 1)(1, 2, c=3)"), location=["namespace"])
+ _ = DFFProject([namespace], validate=False)
+ call = namespace["a"]
+ assert isinstance(call, Call)
+ if version_info >= (3, 9):
+ assert call.func_name == "lambda x, y, z: 1"
+ else:
+ assert call.func_name == "(lambda x, y, z: 1)"
+def test_comprehensions():
+ list_comp_str = "[x for x in a]"
+ set_comp_str = "{x for q in b for x in q}"
+ dict_comp_str = "{x: x ** 2 for q in c if q for x in q if x > 0}"
+ gen_comp_str = "((x, q, z) for x in a if x > 0 if x < 10 for q, z in b if q.startswith('i') for y in c if true(y))"
+ namespace = Namespace.from_ast(
+ ast.parse(
+ f"import a, b, c\n"
+ f"list_comp={list_comp_str}\n"
+ f"set_comp={set_comp_str}\n"
+ f"dict_comp={dict_comp_str}\n"
+ f"gen_comp={gen_comp_str}"
+ ),
+ location=["namespace"],
+ )
+ _ = DFFProject([namespace], validate=False)
+ assert str(namespace["list_comp"]) == list_comp_str
+ assert str(namespace["set_comp"]) == set_comp_str
+ if version_info >= (3, 9):
+ assert str(namespace["dict_comp"]) == dict_comp_str
+ else:
+ assert str(namespace["dict_comp"]) == "{x: (x ** 2) for q in c if q for x in q if (x > 0)}"
+ if version_info >= (3, 9):
+ assert (
+ str(namespace["gen_comp"])
+ == "((x, q, z) for x in a if x > 0 if x < 10 for (q, z) in b if q.startswith('i') for y in c if true(y))"
+ )
+ else:
+ assert (
+ str(namespace["gen_comp"])
+ == "((x, q, z) for x in a if (x > 0) if (x < 10) for (q, z) in b if q.startswith('i') "
+ "for y in c if true(y))"
+ )
+def test_dependency_extraction():
+ namespace1 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("import namespace2\na = namespace2.a"), location=["namespace1"])
+ namespace2 = Namespace.from_ast(
+ ast.parse(
+ "from namespace3 import c\nimport namespace3\nfrom namespace4 import d\na = print(c[d] + namespace3.j[1])"
+ ),
+ location=["namespace2"],
+ )
+ namespace3 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("c=e\ne={1: 2}\nf=1\nj={1: 2}"), location=["namespace3"])
+ namespace4 = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("d=1\nq=4\nz=1"), location=["namespace4"])
+ _ = DFFProject([namespace1, namespace2, namespace3, namespace4], validate=False)
+ assert namespace1["a"].dependencies() == {
+ "namespace1": {"a", "namespace2"},
+ "namespace2": {"c", "d", "a", "namespace3"},
+ "namespace3": {"c", "e", "j"},
+ "namespace4": {"d"},
+ }
+def test_eq_operator():
+ namespace = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse("import dff.keywords as kw\na = kw.RESPONSE\nb=a"), location=["namespace"])
+ _ = DFFProject([namespace], validate=False)
+ assert "dff.keywords.RESPONSE" == namespace["a"]
+ assert namespace["b"] in ["dff.keywords.RESPONSE"]
+def test_long_import_chain():
+ dff_project = DFFProject.from_dict(
+ {
+ "main": {"imp": "from imp_1 import imp"},
+ "imp_1": {"imp": "from imp_2 import imp"},
+ "imp_2": {"imp": "from module.imp import obj"},
+ "module.imp": {"obj": "from variables import number"},
+ "module.variables": {"number": "1"},
+ },
+ validate=False,
+ )
+ assert dff_project["main"]["imp"].absolute == "1"
+ assert dff_project["main"]["imp"] == "1"
+def test_deep_import():
+ dff_project = DFFProject.from_dict(
+ {
+ "main": {"obj": "1"},
+ "module.__init__": {},
+ "module.main": {"obj": "from ..main import obj", "missing": "from ..main import missing"},
+ "module.module.__init__": {},
+ "module.module.main": {
+ "obj": "from ...main import obj",
+ "missing": "from ...main import missing",
+ "other_missing": "from ..main import missing",
+ },
+ },
+ validate=False,
+ )
+ assert dff_project.resolve_path(("module.main", "obj")) == "1"
+ assert dff_project.resolve_path(("module.main", "missing")) == "main.missing"
+ assert dff_project.resolve_path(("module.module.main", "obj")) == "1"
+ assert dff_project.resolve_path(("module.module.main", "missing")) == "main.missing"
+ assert dff_project.resolve_path(("module.module.main", "other_missing")) == "main.missing"
+def test_get_methods():
+ ... # todo: add tests for get methods of Dict and Iterable
+def test_namespace_filter():
+ init_file = "from dff.pipeline import Pipeline\nunused_var=1\npipeline=Pipeline.from_script({'':{'':{}}},('',''))"
+ clean_file = "from dff.pipeline import Pipeline\npipeline=Pipeline.from_script({'':{'':{}}},('',''))"
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir, TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir_clean:
+ file = Path(tmpdir) / "main.py"
+ file.touch()
+ with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
+ fd.write(init_file)
+ file_clean = Path(tmpdir_clean) / "main.py"
+ file_clean.touch()
+ with open(file_clean, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
+ fd.write(clean_file)
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as result, TemporaryDirectory() as correct_result:
+ DFFProject.from_python(Path(tmpdir), file).to_python(Path(result))
+ DFFProject.from_python(Path(tmpdir_clean), file_clean).to_python(Path(correct_result))
+ assert_dirs_equal(Path(result), Path(correct_result))
+def test_statement_extraction():
+ file = (
+ "import obj_1 as obj, obj_2, obj_3 as obj_3\n"
+ "from module import m_obj_1 as m_obj, m_obj_2, m_obj_3 as m_obj_3\n"
+ "a = b = c = 1"
+ )
+ namespace = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse(file), location=["main"])
+ _ = DFFProject(namespaces=[namespace], validate=False)
+ assert (
+ namespace.dump() == "import obj_1 as obj\n"
+ "import obj_2\n"
+ "import obj_3 as obj_3\n"
+ "from module import m_obj_1 as m_obj\n"
+ "from module import m_obj_2\n"
+ "from module import m_obj_3 as m_obj_3\n"
+ "\n"
+ "c = 1\n\n"
+ "a = c\n\n"
+ "b = c\n"
+ ""
+ )
diff --git a/tests/parser/test_complex.py b/tests/parser/test_complex.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8a4183b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/test_complex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+from inspect import signature
+import ast
+import pytest
+ from dff.utils.parser.dff_project import DFFProject
+ from dff.utils.parser.base_parser_object import Expression, Call, Python
+ from dff.utils.parser.namespace import Namespace
+except ImportError:
+ pytest.skip(reason="`parser` is not available", allow_module_level=True)
+def test_referenced_object():
+ dff_project = DFFProject.from_dict(
+ {
+ "main": {
+ "proxy_1": "import proxy_1",
+ "proxy_2": "import proxy_2",
+ "nonexistent": "import mod",
+ "other_nonexistent": "from module import object",
+ "number": "proxy_1.prox.numbers[proxy_1.numbers.numbers[proxy_2.vars.lower_number]]"
+ "[proxy_2.vars.number]",
+ "object": "nonexistent._1._2",
+ "other_object": "other_nonexistent._3._4",
+ "value_nonexistent": "other_nonexistent[proxy_1.prox.numbers[1][2]]",
+ "index_nonexistent": "proxy_2.numbers[object]",
+ "second_index_nonexistent": "proxy_2.numbers[1][object]",
+ },
+ "proxy_1": {"prox": "import proxy_2", "numbers": "import other_variables"},
+ "proxy_2": {
+ "numbers": "from variables import dictionary",
+ "vars": "import variables",
+ },
+ "variables": {
+ "dictionary": "{1: {2: 3}}",
+ "number": "2",
+ "lower_number": "1",
+ },
+ "other_variables": {"numbers": "{1: 1, 2: 2}"},
+ },
+ validate=False,
+ )
+ assert dff_project["main"]["number"] == "3"
+ assert dff_project["main"]["proxy_2"] == dff_project["proxy_2"]
+ assert dff_project["main"]["nonexistent"] == "mod"
+ assert dff_project["main"]["other_nonexistent"] == "module.object"
+ assert dff_project["main"]["object"] == "mod._1._2"
+ assert dff_project["main"]["other_object"] == "module.object._3._4"
+ assert dff_project["main"]["value_nonexistent"] == "module.object[3]"
+ assert dff_project["main"]["index_nonexistent"] == "{1: {2: 3,},}[mod._1._2]"
+ assert dff_project["main"]["second_index_nonexistent"] == "{2: 3,}[mod._1._2]"
+def test_get_args():
+ def func(param, another: int = 1, *args, **kwargs):
+ ...
+ func_call = Expression.from_str("func(1, 2, 3, 4, stuff={'key': 'value'})")
+ assert isinstance(func_call, Call)
+ args = func_call.get_args(signature(func))
+ assert args == {
+ "param": Expression.from_obj(1),
+ "another": Expression.from_obj(2),
+ "args": Expression.from_obj((3, 4)),
+ "kwargs": Expression.from_obj({"stuff": {"key": "value"}}),
+ }
+ func_call = Expression.from_str("func()")
+ assert isinstance(func_call, Call)
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc_info:
+ _ = func_call.get_args(signature(func))
+ assert exc_info.value.args[0] == "missing a required argument: 'param'"
+ func_call = Expression.from_str("func(param=2)")
+ assert isinstance(func_call, Call)
+ args = func_call.get_args(signature(func))
+ assert args == {
+ "param": Expression.from_obj(2),
+ "another": Expression.from_obj(1),
+ "args": Expression.from_obj(()),
+ "kwargs": Expression.from_obj({}),
+ }
+ # test alternative naming
+ def func(*func_args, **func_kwargs):
+ ...
+ func_call = Expression.from_str("func(1, 2, 3, 4, stuff={'key': 'value'})")
+ assert isinstance(func_call, Call)
+ args = func_call.get_args(signature(func))
+ assert args == {
+ "func_args": Expression.from_obj((1, 2, 3, 4)),
+ "func_kwargs": Expression.from_obj({"stuff": {"key": "value"}}),
+ }
+ # test self / cls omitting
+ def func(self):
+ ...
+ func_call = Expression.from_str("func()")
+ assert isinstance(func_call, Call)
+ args = func_call.get_args(signature(func))
+ assert args == {}
+ def func(cls):
+ ...
+ func_call = Expression.from_str("func()")
+ assert isinstance(func_call, Call)
+ args = func_call.get_args(signature(func))
+ assert args == {}
+def test_python_dependencies():
+ dff_project = DFFProject.from_dict(
+ {
+ "main": {
+ "transitions": "from .transitions import transitions",
+ "variables": "import variables",
+ "unrelated_variable": "1",
+ "python_object": "len(transitions[1]) > 0 > -2 > (lambda: -5 + variables.number)()",
+ },
+ "transitions": {
+ "number": "from .variables import number",
+ "transitions": {
+ "1": "'cnd'",
+ "'two'": "'label'",
+ },
+ },
+ "variables": {
+ "number": "7",
+ "unrelated_number": "0",
+ },
+ },
+ validate=False,
+ )
+ python_object = dff_project["main"]["python_object"]
+ assert isinstance(python_object, Python)
+ assert python_object.dependencies() == {
+ "main": {
+ "variables",
+ "transitions",
+ "python_object",
+ },
+ "transitions": {
+ "transitions",
+ },
+ "variables": {
+ "number",
+ },
+ }
+def test_python_dumping():
+ file = "\n".join(
+ [
+ "import obj",
+ "import obj2",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "def func():",
+ " ...",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "other_obj = obj",
+ "",
+ "another_obj = obj",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "async def func():",
+ " ...",
+ "",
+ "",
+ # `Base` is needed because python3.8- and python3.9+ dump parentless class definitions differently
+ "class Class(Base):",
+ " ...",
+ "",
+ ]
+ )
+ file_dict = {
+ "main": {
+ "obj": "import obj",
+ "obj2": "import obj2",
+ "0": "def func():\n ...",
+ "other_obj": "obj",
+ "another_obj": "obj",
+ "1": "async def func():\n ...",
+ "2": "class Class(Base):\n ...",
+ }
+ }
+ object_filter = {"main": set(file_dict["main"].keys())}
+ # init from ast
+ namespace = Namespace.from_ast(ast.parse(file), location=["main"])
+ dff_project = DFFProject(namespaces=[namespace], validate=False)
+ assert dff_project["main"].dump() == file
+ assert dff_project.to_dict(object_filter=object_filter) == file_dict
+ # init from dict
+ dff_project = DFFProject.from_dict(file_dict, validate=False)
+ assert dff_project["main"].dump() == file
+ assert dff_project.to_dict(object_filter=object_filter) == file_dict
diff --git a/tests/parser/test_dff_project.py b/tests/parser/test_dff_project.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ffcc8a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/test_dff_project.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+from shutil import copytree
+from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
+import pytest
+ from dff.utils.parser.dff_project import DFFProject
+ from tests.parser.utils import assert_dirs_equal, assert_files_equal
+except ImportError:
+ pytest.skip(reason="`parser` is not available", allow_module_level=True)
+TEST_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / "TEST_CASES"
+ENGINE_TUTORIAL_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / "tutorials" / "script" / "core"
+# todo: add more parameters?
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_case", [str(working_dir) for working_dir in (TEST_DIR / "complex_cases").iterdir()])
+def test_conversions(test_case: str, tmp_path):
+ working_dir = Path(test_case)
+ python_dir = working_dir / "python_files"
+ main_file = python_dir / "main.py"
+ yaml_script = working_dir / "script.yaml"
+ graph_script = working_dir / "graph.json"
+ # from_python -> to_yaml & to_graph
+ dff_project = DFFProject.from_python(python_dir, main_file)
+ dff_project.to_yaml(tmp_path / "script.yaml")
+ dff_project.to_graph(tmp_path / "graph.json")
+ assert_files_equal(tmp_path / "script.yaml", yaml_script)
+ assert_files_equal(tmp_path / "graph.json", graph_script)
+ # from_yaml -> to_graph
+ dff_project = DFFProject.from_yaml(yaml_script)
+ dff_project.to_graph(tmp_path / "graph.json")
+ assert_files_equal(tmp_path / "graph.json", graph_script)
+ # from_graph -> to_yaml
+ dff_project = DFFProject.from_graph(graph_script)
+ dff_project.to_yaml(tmp_path / "script.yaml")
+ assert_files_equal(tmp_path / "script.yaml", yaml_script)
+ # from_yaml(new_script) -> to_python
+ dff_project = DFFProject.from_yaml(working_dir / "new_script.yaml")
+ # test creating
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
+ created = Path(tmpdir)
+ dff_project.to_python(created)
+ assert_dirs_equal(working_dir / "result_creating", created)
+ # test editing
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
+ edited = Path(copytree(working_dir / "python_files", tmpdir + "/edited"))
+ dff_project.to_python(edited)
+ assert_dirs_equal(working_dir / "result_editing", edited)
+ "tutorial_name",
+ [
+ "1_basics",
+ "2_conditions",
+ "3_responses",
+ "4_transitions",
+ "5_global_transitions",
+ "6_context_serialization",
+ "7_pre_response_processing",
+ "8_misc",
+ "9_pre_transitions_processing",
+ ],
+def test_core_tutorials(tutorial_name: str, tmp_path):
+ python_name = tutorial_name + ".py"
+ dff_project = DFFProject.from_python(
+ ENGINE_TUTORIAL_DIR, (ENGINE_TUTORIAL_DIR / python_name), script_initializer="pipeline"
+ )
+ dff_project.to_yaml(tmp_path / (tutorial_name + ".yaml"))
+ assert_files_equal(tmp_path / (tutorial_name + ".yaml"), TEST_DIR / "core_tutorials" / (tutorial_name + ".yaml"))
+ dff_project = DFFProject.from_yaml(tmp_path / (tutorial_name + ".yaml"))
+ dff_project.to_graph(tmp_path / (tutorial_name + ".json"))
+ assert_files_equal(tmp_path / (tutorial_name + ".json"), TEST_DIR / "core_tutorials" / (tutorial_name + ".json"))
+ dff_project = DFFProject.from_graph(tmp_path / (tutorial_name + ".json"))
+ dff_project.to_python(tmp_path)
+ assert_files_equal((tmp_path / python_name), TEST_DIR / "core_tutorials" / python_name)
diff --git a/tests/parser/utils.py b/tests/parser/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9bb8f7b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+from filecmp import dircmp
+from typing import List
+def assert_files_equal(file1: Path, file2: Path):
+ with open(file1, "r") as first, open(file2, "r") as second:
+ assert list(first.readlines()) == list(second.readlines())
+def assert_dirs_equal(dir1: Path, dir2: Path):
+ subdir_stack: List[str] = []
+ def _assert_dir_eq(dir_cmp: dircmp):
+ assert len(dir_cmp.left_only) == 0
+ assert len(dir_cmp.right_only) == 0
+ for diff_file in dir_cmp.diff_files:
+ with open(dir1.joinpath(*subdir_stack, diff_file), "r") as first, open(
+ dir2.joinpath(*subdir_stack, diff_file), "r"
+ ) as second:
+ assert list(first.readlines()) == list(second.readlines())
+ for name, subdir in dir_cmp.subdirs.items():
+ subdir_stack.append(name)
+ _assert_dir_eq(subdir)
+ subdir_stack.pop()
+ _assert_dir_eq(dircmp(dir1, dir2))
diff --git a/tests/viewer/TEST_CASES/flow.py b/tests/viewer/TEST_CASES/flow.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..473cdd23d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/viewer/TEST_CASES/flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+from dff.script.core.keywords import TRANSITIONS, RESPONSE, PROCESSING, LOCAL
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+import dff.script.labels as lbl
+import re
+from functions import add_prefix
+global_flow = {
+ LOCAL: {PROCESSING: {2: add_prefix("l2_local"), 3: add_prefix("l3_local")}},
+ "start_node": { # This is an initial node, it doesn't need an `RESPONSE`
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE), # second check
+ # ("global_flow", "fallback_node"): cnd.true(), # third check
+ "fallback_node": cnd.true(), # third check
+ # "fallback_node" is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node")
+ },
+ },
+ "fallback_node": { # We get to this node if an error occurred while the agent was running
+ RESPONSE: "Ooops",
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE), # second check
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE), # third check
+ # lbl.previous() is equivalent to ("PREVIOUS_flow", "PREVIOUS_node")
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true(), # fourth check
+ # lbl.repeat() is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node")
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/tests/viewer/TEST_CASES/functions.py b/tests/viewer/TEST_CASES/functions.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..736e27df9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/viewer/TEST_CASES/functions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from dff.script import Actor, Context
+def add_prefix(prefix):
+ def add_prefix_processing(ctx: Context, actor: Actor, *args, **kwargs) -> Context:
+ processed_node = ctx.a_s.get("processed_node", ctx.a_s["next_node"])
+ processed_node.response = f"{prefix}: {processed_node.response}"
+ ctx.a_s["processed_node"] = processed_node
+ return ctx
+ return add_prefix_processing
diff --git a/tests/viewer/TEST_CASES/main.py b/tests/viewer/TEST_CASES/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2db2f6a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/viewer/TEST_CASES/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+from dff.script import (
+import dff.script.conditions as cnd
+import dff.script.labels as lbl
+from dff.script import Context # noqa: F401
+from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
+import dff.script.responses as rsp
+from functions import add_prefix
+import typing as tp, re, transitions # noqa: E401, F401
+from flow import global_flow # noqa: F401
+script = {
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"\b(hi|hello)\b", re.I),
+ ("music_flow", "node1", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"),
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(),
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.all(
+ [
+ cnd.regexp(r"next\b"),
+ cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[("music_flow", i) for i in ["node2", "node3"]]),
+ ]
+ ),
+ lbl.repeat(0.2): cnd.all(
+ [
+ cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.I),
+ cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=["global_flow"])),
+ ]
+ ),
+ },
+ PRE_RESPONSE_PROCESSING: {1: add_prefix("l1_global"), 2: add_prefix("l2_global")},
+ MISC: {
+ "var1": "global_data",
+ "var2": "global_data",
+ "var3": "global_data",
+ },
+ },
+ "global_flow": {
+ LOCAL: {
+ PRE_RESPONSE_PROCESSING: {2: add_prefix("l2_local"), 3: add_prefix("l3_local")},
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"greetings"),
+ },
+ },
+ "start_node": { # This is an initial node, it doesn't need an `RESPONSE`
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE), # second check
+ # ("global_flow", "fallback_node"): cnd.true(), # third check
+ "fallback_node": cnd.true(), # third check
+ # "fallback_node" is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node")
+ },
+ },
+ "fallback_node": { # We get to this node if an error occurred while the agent was running
+ RESPONSE: "Ooops",
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE), # second check
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE), # third check
+ # lbl.previous() is equivalent to ("PREVIOUS_flow", "PREVIOUS_node")
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.true(), # fourth check
+ # lbl.repeat() is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node")
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "greeting_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ RESPONSE: rsp.choice(
+ ["Hi, what is up?", "Hello, how are you?"]
+ ), # When the agent goes to node1, we return "Hi, how are you?"
+ ("global_flow", "fallback_node", 0.1): cnd.true(), # second check
+ "node2": cnd.regexp(r"how are you"), # first check
+ # "node2" is equivalent to ("greeting_flow", "node2", 1.0)
+ },
+ MISC: {"var3": "info_of_step_1"},
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ RESPONSE: "Good. What do you want to talk about?",
+ lbl.to_fallback(0.1): cnd.true(), # third check
+ # lbl.to_fallback(0.1) is equivalent to ("global_flow", "fallback_node", 0.1)
+ lbl.forward(0.5): cnd.regexp(r"talk about"), # second check
+ # lbl.forward(0.5) is equivalent to ("greeting_flow", "node3", 0.5)
+ ("music_flow", "node1"): cnd.regexp(r"talk about music"), # first check
+ lbl.previous(): cnd.regexp(r"previous", re.IGNORECASE), # third check
+ # ("music_flow", "node1") is equivalent to ("music_flow", "node1", 1.0)
+ },
+ },
+ "node3": {RESPONSE: foo, TRANSITIONS: {lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"bye")}}, # noqa: F821
+ "node4": {
+ RESPONSE: bar("bye"), # noqa: F821
+ "node1": cnd.regexp(r"hi|hello", re.IGNORECASE), # first check
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(), # second check
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "music_flow": {
+ "node1": {
+ RESPONSE: "I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? ",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"yes|yep|ok", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node2": {
+ RESPONSE: "System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node3": {
+ RESPONSE: "The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.",
+ lbl.forward(): cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.backward(): cnd.regexp(r"back", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.repeat(): cnd.regexp(r"repeat", re.IGNORECASE),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ "node4": {
+ RESPONSE: "That's all what I know",
+ transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition: cnd.regexp(r"next", re.IGNORECASE),
+ transitions.high_priority_node_transition("greeting_flow", "node4"): cnd.regexp(
+ r"next time", re.IGNORECASE
+ ),
+ lbl.to_fallback(): cnd.true(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+actor = Pipeline.from_script(
+ fallback_label=("global_flow", "fallback_node"),
+ script=script,
+ start_label=("global_flow", "start_node"),
diff --git a/tests/viewer/TEST_CASES/transitions.py b/tests/viewer/TEST_CASES/transitions.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f90b6088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/viewer/TEST_CASES/transitions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+from dff.script.core.types import NodeLabel3Type
+from dff.script import Actor, Context
+import typing as tp
+def greeting_flow_n2_transition(ctx: Context, actor: Actor, *args, **kwargs) -> NodeLabel3Type:
+ return "greeting_flow", "node2", 1.0
+def high_priority_node_transition(flow_label: str, label: str) -> tp.Callable[..., NodeLabel3Type]:
+ def transition(ctx: Context, actor: Actor, *args, **kwargs) -> NodeLabel3Type:
+ return flow_label, label, 2.0
+ return transition
diff --git a/tests/viewer/__init__.py b/tests/viewer/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/viewer/opts_off.dot b/tests/viewer/opts_off.dot
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50d4de73d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/viewer/opts_off.dot
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+digraph {
+ graph [compound=true,
+ fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif",
+ overlap=ipsep,
+ splines=spline
+ ];
+ node [fillcolor="#ffffffbf",
+ fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif",
+ shape=box,
+ style="rounded, filled"
+ ];
+ subgraph "cluster_'greeting_flow'" {
+ graph [color="#96b0af",
+ style="rounded, filled"
+ ];
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")" [label=<
| NODE1 |
| Transitions |
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.regexp('how are you') | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")" [label=<
| NODE2 |
| Transitions |
| cnd.regexp('talk about music') | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.regexp('talk about') | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node3'\")" [label=<
| NODE3 |
| Transitions |
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.regexp('bye') | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node4'\")" [label=<
| NODE4 |
| Transitions |
| cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
+ }
+ subgraph "cluster_'music_flow'" {
+ graph [color="#c6ae82",
+ label=MUSIC_FLOW,
+ style="rounded, filled"
+ ];
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")" [label=<
| NODE1 |
| Transitions |
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node2'\")" [label=<
| NODE2 |
| Transitions |
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
| cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE) | )
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node3'\")" [label=<
| NODE3 |
| Transitions |
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
| cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.regexp('back', re.IGNORECASE) | )
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node4'\")" [label=<
| NODE4 |
| Transitions |
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
+ }
+ subgraph "cluster_'global_flow'" {
+ graph [color="#f78378",
+ label=GLOBAL_FLOW,
+ style="rounded, filled"
+ ];
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")" [label=<
| Transitions |
| cnd.regexp('talk about music') | )
| cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")" [label=<
| Transitions |
| cnd.regexp('talk about music') | )
| cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
+ }
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":"('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1)" -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":"'node2'" -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")":"('greeting_flow', 'node1')" -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")":"('music_flow', 'node1')" -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")":"('music_flow', 'node1')" -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node3'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node2'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node2'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node2'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node2'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node2'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node3'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")":"('greeting_flow', 'node1')" -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")":"'fallback_node'" -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")":"('music_flow', 'node1')" -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node3'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node3'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node3'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node3'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node4'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":"'node1'" -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node4'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node3'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node3'\")":backward -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node2'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node3'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node3'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node3'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node4'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node4'\")";
diff --git a/tests/viewer/opts_on.dot b/tests/viewer/opts_on.dot
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66337b24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/viewer/opts_on.dot
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+digraph {
+ graph [compound=true,
+ fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif",
+ overlap=ipsep,
+ splines=spline
+ ];
+ node [fillcolor="#ffffffbf",
+ fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif",
+ shape=box,
+ style="rounded, filled"
+ ];
+ subgraph cluster_virtual {
+ graph [color="#96b0af",
+ label=VIRTUAL,
+ style="rounded, filled"
+ ];
+ "('NODE', 'virtual', 'GLOBAL')" [label=<
| Transitions |
| cnd.regexp('\\b(hi|hello)\\b', re.I) | )
| cnd.regexp('talk about music') | )
+ "('NODE', 'virtual', 'UNRESOLVED')" [label=<>];
+ }
+ subgraph "cluster_'greeting_flow'" {
+ graph [color="#c6ae82",
+ style="rounded, filled"
+ ];
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")" [label=<
| NODE1 |
| Response |
| rsp.choice(['Hi, what is up?', 'Hello, how are you?']) |
| Misc |
| {"'var3'": "'info_of_step_1'"} |
| Transitions |
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.regexp('how are you') | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")" [label=<
| NODE2 |
| Response |
| 'Good. What do you want to talk about?' |
| Transitions |
| cnd.regexp('talk about music') | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.regexp('talk about') | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node3'\")" [label=<
| NODE3 |
| Response |
| foo |
| Transitions |
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.regexp('bye') | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node4'\")" [label=<
| NODE4 |
| Response |
| bar('bye') |
| Transitions |
| cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
+ }
+ subgraph "cluster_'music_flow'" {
+ graph [color="#f78378",
+ label=MUSIC_FLOW,
+ style="rounded, filled"
+ ];
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")" [label=<
| NODE1 |
| Response |
| 'I love `System of a Down` group, would you like to tell about it? ' |
| Transitions |
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.regexp('yes|yep|ok', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node2'\")" [label=<
| NODE2 |
| Response |
| 'System of a Down is an Armenian-American heavy metal band formed in in 1994.' |
| Transitions |
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
| cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE) | )
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node3'\")" [label=<
| NODE3 |
| Response |
| 'The band achieved commercial success with the release of five studio albums.' |
| Transitions |
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
| cnd.regexp('repeat', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.regexp('back', re.IGNORECASE) | )
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node4'\")" [label=<
| NODE4 |
| Response |
| "That's all what I know" |
| Transitions |
| cnd.regexp('next', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.regexp('next time', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
+ }
+ subgraph "cluster_'global_flow'" {
+ graph [color="#ff7b9c",
+ label=GLOBAL_FLOW,
+ style="rounded, filled"
+ ];
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")" [label=<
| Response |
| 'Ooops' |
| Transitions |
| cnd.regexp('talk about music') | )
| cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
+ "('LOCAL_NODE', \"'global_flow'\", 'LOCAL')" [label=<
| Pre_Response_Processing |
| {'2': "add_prefix('l2_local')", '3': "add_prefix('l3_local')"} |
| Transitions |
| cnd.regexp('greetings') | )
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")" [label=<
| Response |
| '' |
| Transitions |
| cnd.regexp('talk about music') | )
| cnd.regexp('hi|hello', re.IGNORECASE) | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.true() | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('next\\b'), cnd.has_last_labels(labels=[('music_flow', i) for i in ['node2', 'node3']])]) | )
| cnd.all([cnd.regexp('repeat', re.I), cnd.negation(cnd.has_last_labels(flow_labels=['global_flow']))]) | )
+ }
+ "('NODE', 'virtual', 'GLOBAL')":"('greeting_flow', 'node1', 1.1)" -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', 'virtual', 'GLOBAL')":"('music_flow', 'node1', 1.1)" -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":"('global_flow', 'fallback_node', 0.1)" -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":"'node2'" -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node2'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")":"('greeting_flow', 'node1')" -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")":"('music_flow', 'node1')" -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")":"('music_flow', 'node1')" -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node2'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node3'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node2'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node2'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node2'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node2'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node3'\")";
+ "('LOCAL_NODE', \"'global_flow'\", 'LOCAL')":"('greeting_flow', 'node1')" -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")" [minlen=1];
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")":"('greeting_flow', 'node1')" -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")":"('music_flow', 'node1')" -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")":"'fallback_node'" -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'start_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node3'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node3'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node3'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node3'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node4'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":"'node1'" -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'greeting_flow'\", \"'node4'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node3'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node3'\")":backward -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node2'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node3'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node3'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node3'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node4'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":forward -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node1'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":to_fallback -> "('NODE', \"'global_flow'\", \"'fallback_node'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":repeat -> "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node4'\")";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":"transitions.greeting_flow_n2_transition" -> "('NODE', 'virtual', 'UNRESOLVED')";
+ "('NODE', \"'music_flow'\", \"'node4'\")":"transitions.high_priority_node_transition('greeting_flow', 'node4')" -> "('NODE', 'virtual', 'UNRESOLVED')";
diff --git a/tests/viewer/test_df_script_viewer.py b/tests/viewer/test_df_script_viewer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6291ed330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/viewer/test_df_script_viewer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+import os
+import difflib
+import time
+import multiprocessing
+from pathlib import Path
+import pytest
+ from dff.utils.viewer import app
+ from dff.utils.viewer import graph
+ from dff.utils.viewer import graph_plot
+ from dff.utils.viewer import chord_plot
+ from dff.utils.viewer import cli
+ from dff.utils.viewer import preprocessing
+ from dff.utils.viewer import utils
+except ImportError:
+ pytest.skip(allow_module_level=True, reason="Missing dependencies for dff parser.")
+dot_exec_result = os.system("which dot")
+if dot_exec_result != 0:
+ pytest.skip(allow_module_level=True, reason="Graphviz missing from the system.")
+def example_dir():
+ example_d = Path(__file__).parent / "TEST_CASES"
+ yield example_d
+def nx_graph(example_dir):
+ G = graph.get_graph(example_dir / "main.py", example_dir.absolute())
+ yield G
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("show_global", [True, False])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("show_local", [True, False])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("show_isolates", [True, False])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("show_unresolved", [True, False])
+def test_preprocessing(nx_graph, show_global, show_local, show_isolates, show_unresolved):
+ G = preprocessing.preprocess(**locals())
+ glob = ("NODE", preprocessing.VIRTUAL_FLOW_KEY, "GLOBAL") in G.nodes
+ assert glob == show_global
+ unresolved = ("NODE", preprocessing.VIRTUAL_FLOW_KEY, preprocessing.UNRESOLVED_KEY) in G.nodes
+ assert unresolved == show_unresolved
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("show_misc", [True, False])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("show_response", [True, False])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("show_processing", [True, False])
+def test_plotting(nx_graph, show_misc, show_response, show_processing):
+ nx_graph = preprocessing.preprocess(**locals())
+ testing_plot = graph_plot.get_plot(**locals())
+ plotly_fig = utils.graphviz_to_plotly(testing_plot)
+ assert app.create_app(plotly_fig)
+ assert plotly_fig
+ plotly_fig_2 = chord_plot.get_plot(**locals())
+ assert plotly_fig_2
+ ["params", "reference_file"],
+ [
+ (
+ dict(
+ show_misc=False,
+ show_processing=False,
+ show_response=False,
+ show_global=False,
+ show_local=False,
+ show_isolates=False,
+ show_unresolved=False,
+ random_seed=1,
+ ),
+ Path(__file__).parent / "opts_off.dot",
+ ),
+ (
+ dict(
+ show_misc=True,
+ show_processing=True,
+ show_response=True,
+ show_global=True,
+ show_local=True,
+ show_isolates=True,
+ show_unresolved=True,
+ random_seed=1,
+ ),
+ Path(__file__).parent / "opts_on.dot",
+ ),
+ ],
+def test_plotting_2(nx_graph, params, reference_file, tmp_path):
+ nx_graph = preprocessing.preprocess(nx_graph, **params)
+ testing_plot = graph_plot.get_plot(nx_graph, **params)
+ plot_file = tmp_path / "plot"
+ testing_plot.render(filename=plot_file)
+ test_lines = plot_file.open().readlines()
+ reference_lines = reference_file.open().readlines()
+ diff = difflib.unified_diff(test_lines, reference_lines)
+ assert len(list(diff)) == 0
+ ["params", "reference_file"],
+ [
+ (
+ [
+ "--random_seed=1",
+ ],
+ Path(__file__).parent / "opts_off.dot",
+ ),
+ (
+ [
+ "--show_misc",
+ "--show_processing",
+ "--show_response",
+ "--show_global",
+ "--show_local",
+ "--show_isolates",
+ "--show_unresolved",
+ "--random_seed=1",
+ ],
+ Path(__file__).parent / "opts_on.dot",
+ ),
+ ],
+def test_image_cli(params, example_dir, reference_file, tmp_path):
+ plot_file = str((tmp_path / "plot").absolute())
+ entrypoint, entrydir = str((example_dir / "main.py").absolute()), str(example_dir.absolute())
+ cli.make_image(
+ args=[
+ *params,
+ "--type=chord",
+ f"--entry_point={entrypoint}",
+ f"--project_root_dir={entrydir}",
+ "-f",
+ "jpeg",
+ "-o",
+ f"{plot_file}.jpg",
+ ]
+ )
+ cli.make_image(
+ args=[
+ *params,
+ f"--entry_point={entrypoint}",
+ f"--project_root_dir={entrydir}",
+ "-f",
+ "jpeg",
+ "-o",
+ f"{plot_file}.jpg",
+ ]
+ )
+ cli.make_image(
+ args=[
+ *params,
+ f"--entry_point={entrypoint}",
+ f"--project_root_dir={entrydir}",
+ "-f",
+ "dot",
+ "-o",
+ f"{plot_file}",
+ ]
+ )
+ test_lines = Path(plot_file).open().readlines()
+ reference_lines = reference_file.open().readlines()
+ diff = difflib.unified_diff(test_lines, reference_lines)
+ assert len(list(diff)) == 0
+@pytest.mark.parametrize(["_type"], [(["-t", "chord"],), (["-t", "graph"],)])
+ ["params"],
+ [
+ (
+ [
+ "--random_seed=1",
+ ],
+ ),
+ (
+ [
+ "--show_misc",
+ "--show_processing",
+ "--show_response",
+ "--show_global",
+ "--show_local",
+ "--show_isolates",
+ "--random_seed=1",
+ ],
+ ),
+ ],
+def test_server_cli(params, _type, example_dir):
+ entrypoint, entrydir = str((example_dir / "main.py").absolute()), str(example_dir.absolute())
+ args = _type + [*params, "-e", entrypoint, "-d", entrydir, "-H", "localhost", "-P", "5000"]
+ try:
+ from pytest_cov.embed import cleanup_on_sigterm
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ cleanup_on_sigterm()
+ process = multiprocessing.Process(target=cli.make_server, name="Image", args=(args,))
+ try:
+ process.start()
+ time.sleep(3)
+ assert process.is_alive()
+ process.terminate()
+ finally:
+ process.join()