diff --git a/Audit.md b/Audit.md
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index b3239b49..00000000
--- a/Audit.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-- [Installation](#Installation)
-- [Testing with Echidna](#testing-properties-with-echidna)
-- [Code verification with Manticore](#Code-verification-with-Manticore)
-# Installation
-pip3 install slither-analyzer
-pip3 install manticore
-See [Echidna Installation](https://github.com/crytic/building-secure-contracts/tree/master/program-analysis/echidna#installation).
-docker run -it -v "$PWD":/home/training trailofbits/eth-security-toolbox
-solc-select 0.5.12
-cd /home/training
-# Testing properties with Echidna
-`slither-flat` will export the contract and translate external function to public, to faciliate writting properties:
-slither-flat . --convert-external
-The flattened contracts are in `crytic-export/flattening`. The Echidna properties are in `echidna/`.
-## Properties
-Echidna properties can be broadly divided in two categories: general properties of the contracts that states what user can and cannot do and
-specific properties based on unit tests.
-To test a property, run `echidna-test echidna/CONTRACT_file.sol CONTRACT_name --config echidna/CONTRACT_name.yaml`.
-## General Properties
-| Description | Name | Contract | Finding | Status |
-| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
-| An attacker cannot steal assets from a public pool. | [`attacker_token_balance`](echidna/TBPoolBalance.sol#L22-L25) | [`TBPoolBalance`](echidna/TBPoolBalance.sol) |FAILED ([#193](https://github.com/balancer-labs/balancer-core/issues/193))| **Fixed** |
-| An attacker cannot force the pool balance to be out-of-sync. | [`pool_record_balance`](echidna/TBPoolBalance.sol#L27-L33) | [`TBPoolBalance`](echidna/TBPoolBalance.sol)|PASSED| |
-| An attacker cannot generate free pool tokens with `joinPool` (1, 2). | [`joinPool`](contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolJoinPool.sol#L7-L31) | [`TBPoolJoinPool`](contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolBalance.sol)|FAILED ([#204](https://github.com/balancer-labs/balancer-core/issues/204))| **Mitigated** |
-| Calling `joinPool-exitPool` does not lead to free pool tokens (no fee) (1, 2). | [`joinPool`](contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolJoinExitPoolNoFee.sol#L34-L59) | [`TBPoolJoinExitNoFee`](contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolJoinExitPoolNoFee.sol)|FAILED ([#205](https://github.com/balancer-labs/balancer-core/issues/205))| **Mitigated** |
-| Calling `joinPool-exitPool` does not lead to free pool tokens (with fee) (1, 2). | [`joinPool`](contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolJoinExitPool.sol#L37-L62) | [`TBPoolJoinExit`](contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolJoinExitPool.sol)|FAILED ([#205](https://github.com/balancer-labs/balancer-core/issues/205))| **Mitigated** |
-| Calling `exitswapExternAmountOut` does not lead to free asset (1). | [`exitswapExternAmountOut`](echidna/TBPoolExitSwap.sol#L8-L21) | [`TBPoolExitSwap`](contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolExitSwap.sol)|FAILED ([#203](https://github.com/balancer-labs/balancer-core/issues/203))| **Mitigated** |
-(1) These properties target a specific piece of code.
-(2) These properties don't need slither-flat, and are integrated into `contracts/test/echidna/`. To test them run `echidna-test . CONTRACT_name --config ./echidna_general_config.yaml`.
-## Unit-test-based Properties
-| Description | Name | Contract | Finding | Status |
-| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
-| If the controller calls `setController`, then the `getController()` should return the new controller. | [`controller_should_change`](echidna/TBPoolController.sol#L6-L13) | [`TBPoolController`](echidna/TBPoolController.sol)|PASSED| |
-| The controller cannot be changed to a null address (`0x0`). | [`controller_cannot_be_null`](echidna/TBPoolController.sol#L15-L23) | [`TBPoolController`](echidna/TBPoolController.sol)|FAILED ([#198](https://github.com/balancer-labs/balancer-core/issues/198))| **WONT FIX** |
-| The controller cannot be changed by other users. | [`no_other_user_can_change_the_controller`](echidna/TBPoolController.sol#L28-L31) | [`TBPoolController`](echidna/TBPoolController.sol)|PASSED| |
-| The sum of normalized weight should be 1 if there are tokens binded. | [`valid_weights`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol#L35-L52) | [`TBPoolLimits`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol) |FAILED ([#208](https://github.com/balancer-labs/balancer-core/issues/208)| **Mitigated** |
-| The balances of all the tokens are greater or equal than `MIN_BALANCE`. | [`min_token_balance`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol#L65-L74) | [`TBPoolLimits`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol) |FAILED ([#210](https://github.com/balancer-labs/balancer-core/issues/210)) | **WONT FIX**|
-| The weight of all the tokens are less or equal than `MAX_WEIGHT`. | [`max_weight`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol#L76-L85) | [`TBPoolLimits`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol) |PASSED| |
-| The weight of all the tokens are greater or equal than `MIN_WEIGHT`. | [`min_weight`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol#L87-L96) | [`TBPoolLimits`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol) |PASSED| |
-| The swap fee is less or equal tan `MAX_FEE`. | [`min_swap_free`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol#L99-L102) | [`TBPoolLimits`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol) |PASSED| |
-| The swap fee is greater or equal than `MIN_FEE`. | [`max_swap_free`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol#L104-L107) | [`TBPoolLimits`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol) |PASSED| |
-| An user can only swap in less than 50% of the current balance of tokenIn for a given pool. | [`max_swapExactAmountIn`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol#L134-L156) | [`TBPoolLimits`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol) |FAILED ([#212](https://github.com/balancer-labs/balancer-core/issues/212))| **Fixed** |
-| An user can only swap out less than 33.33% of the current balance of tokenOut for a given pool. | [`max_swapExactAmountOut`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol#L109-L132) | [`TBPoolLimits`](echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol) |FAILED ([#212](https://github.com/balancer-labs/balancer-core/issues/212))| **Fixed** |
-| If a token is bounded, the `getSpotPrice` should never revert. | [`getSpotPrice_no_revert`](echidna/TBPoolNoRevert.sol#L34-L44) | [`TBPoolNoRevert`](echidna/TBPoolNoRevert.sol) |PASSED| |
-| If a token is bounded, the `getSpotPriceSansFee` should never revert. | [`getSpotPriceSansFee_no_revert`](echidna/TBPoolNoRevert.sol#L46-L56) | [`TBPoolNoRevert`](echidna/TBPoolNoRevert.sol) |PASSED| |
-| Calling `swapExactAmountIn` with a small value of the same token should never revert. | [`swapExactAmountIn_no_revert`](echidna/TBPoolNoRevert.sol#L58-L77) | [`TBPoolNoRevert`](echidna/TBPoolNoRevert.sol) |PASSED| |
-| Calling `swapExactAmountOut` with a small value of the same token should never revert. | [`swapExactAmountOut_no_revert`](echidna/TBPoolNoRevert.sol#L79-L99) | [`TBPoolNoRevert`](echidna/TBPoolNoRevert.sol) |PASSED| |
-| If a user joins pool and exits it with the same amount, the balances should keep constant. | [`joinPool_exitPool_balance_consistency`](echidna/TBPoolJoinExit.sol#L48-L97) | [`TBPoolJoinExit`](echidna/TBPoolJoinExit.sol) |PASSED| |
-| If a user joins pool and exits it with a larger amount, `exitPool` should revert. | [`impossible_joinPool_exitPool`](echidna/TBPoolJoinExit.sol#L99-L112) | [`TBPoolJoinExit`](echidna/TBPoolJoinExit.sol) |PASSED| |
-| It is not possible to bind more than `MAX_BOUND_TOKENS`. | [`getNumTokens_less_or_equal_MAX_BOUND_TOKENS`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol#L40-L43) | [`TBPoolBind`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol) |PASSED| |
-| It is not possible to bind more than once the same token. | [`bind_twice`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol#L45-L54) | [`TBPoolBind`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol) |PASSED| |
-| It is not possible to unbind more than once the same token. | [`unbind_twice`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol#L56-L66) | [`TBPoolBind`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol) |PASSED| |
-| It is always possible to unbind a token. | [`all_tokens_are_unbindable`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol#L68-L81) | [`TBPoolBind`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol) |PASSED| |
-| All tokens are rebindable with valid parameters. | [`all_tokens_are_rebindable_with_valid_parameters`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol#L83-L95) | [`TBPoolBind`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol) |PASSED| |
-| It is not possible to rebind an unbinded token. | [`rebind_unbinded`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol#L97-L107) | [`TBPoolBind`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol) |PASSED| |
-| Only the controller can bind. | [`when_bind`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol#L150-L154) and [`only_controller_can_bind`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol#L145-L148) | [`TBPoolBind`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol) |PASSED| |
-| If a user that is not the controller, tries to bind, rebind or unbind, the operation will revert. | [`when_bind`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol#L150-L154), [`when_rebind`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol#L150-L154) and [`when_unbind`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol#L163-L168) | [`TBPoolBind`](echidna/TBPoolBind.sol) |PASSED| |
-| Transfer tokens to the null address (`0x0`) causes a revert | [`transfer_to_zero`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol#L75-L79) and [`transferFrom_to_zero`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol#L85-L89) | [`TBTokenERC20`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol) |FAILED ([#197](https://github.com/balancer-labs/balancer-core/issues/197))| **WONT FIX** |
-| The null address (`0x0`) owns no tokens | [`zero_always_empty`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol#L34-L36) | [`TBTokenERC20`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol) |FAILED| **WONT FIX** |
-| Transfer a valid amout of tokens to non-null address reduces the current balance | [`transferFrom_to_other`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol#L108-L113) and [`transfer_to_other`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol#L131-L142) | [`TBTokenERC20`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol) |PASSED| |
-| Transfer an invalid amout of tokens to non-null address reverts or returns false | [`transfer_to_user`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol#L149-L155) | [`TBTokenERC20`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol) |PASSED| |
-| Self transfer a valid amout of tokens keeps the current balance constant | [`self_transferFrom`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol#L96-L101) and [`self_transfer`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol#L120-L124) | [`TBTokenERC20`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol) |PASSED| |
-| Approving overwrites the previous allowance value | [`approve_overwrites`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol#L42-L49) | [`TBTokenERC20`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol) |PASSED| |
-| The `totalSupply` is a constant | [`totalSupply_constant`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol#L166-L168) | [`TBTokenERC20`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol) |PASSED| |
-| The balances are consistent with the `totalSupply` | [`totalSupply_balances_consistency`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol#L63-L65) and [`balance_less_than_totalSupply`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol#L55-L57) | [`TBTokenERC20`](echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol) |PASSED| |
-# Code verification with Manticore
-The following properties have equivalent Echidna property, but Manticore allows to either prove the absence of bugs, or look for an upper bound.
-To execute the script, run `python3 ./manticore/script_name.py`.
-| Description | Script | Contract | Status |
-| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
-| An attacker cannot generate free pool tokens with `joinPool`. | [`TBPoolJoinPool.py`](manticore/TBPoolJoinPool.py)| [`TBPoolJoinPool`](manticore/contracts/TBPoolJoinPool.sol) | **FAILED** ([#204](https://github.com/balancer-labs/balancer-core/issues/204)) |
-| Calling `joinPool-exitPool` does not lead to free pool tokens (no fee). | [`TBPoolJoinExitNoFee.py`](manticore/TBPoolJoinExitNoFee.py) | [`TBPoolJoinExitPoolNoFee`](manticore/contracts/TBPoolJoinExitPoolNoFee.sol) |**FAILED** ([#205](https://github.com/balancer-labs/balancer-core/issues/205)) |
-| Calling `joinPool-exitPool` does not lead to free pool tokens (with fee).| [`TBPoolJoinExit.py`](manticore/TBPoolJoinExit.py) | [`TBPoolJoinExit`](manticore/contracts/TBPoolJoinExitPool.sol) |**FAILED** ([#205](https://github.com/balancer-labs/balancer-core/issues/205))|
diff --git a/Trail of Bits Full Audit.pdf b/Trail of Bits Full Audit.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index b6fcff1b..00000000
Binary files a/Trail of Bits Full Audit.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/echidna/BMathInternal.sol b/echidna/BMathInternal.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 4598873e..00000000
--- a/echidna/BMathInternal.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
- This file is a flatenen version of BMath where all the public functions have been marked internal.
- This helps Echidna to focus on some specific properties.
-pragma solidity 0.8.23;
-contract BColor {
- function getColor()
- internal view
- returns (bytes32);
-contract BBronze is BColor {
- function getColor()
- internal view
- returns (bytes32) {
- return bytes32("BRONZE");
- }
-contract BConst is BBronze {
- uint internal constant BONE = 10**18;
- uint internal constant MAX_BOUND_TOKENS = 8;
- uint internal constant BPOW_PRECISION = BONE / 10**10;
- uint internal constant MIN_FEE = BONE / 10**6;
- uint internal constant MAX_FEE = BONE / 10;
- uint internal constant EXIT_FEE = BONE / 10000;
- uint internal constant MIN_WEIGHT = BONE;
- uint internal constant MAX_WEIGHT = BONE * 50;
- uint internal constant MAX_TOTAL_WEIGHT = BONE * 50;
- uint internal constant MIN_BALANCE = BONE / 10**12;
- uint internal constant MAX_BALANCE = BONE * 10**12;
- uint internal constant MIN_POOL_SUPPLY = BONE;
- uint internal constant MIN_BPOW_BASE = 1 wei;
- uint internal constant MAX_BPOW_BASE = (2 * BONE) - 1 wei;
- uint internal constant MAX_IN_RATIO = BONE / 2;
- uint internal constant MAX_OUT_RATIO = (BONE / 3) + 1 wei;
-contract BNum is BConst {
- function btoi(uint a)
- internal pure
- returns (uint)
- {
- return a / BONE;
- }
- function bfloor(uint a)
- internal pure
- returns (uint)
- {
- return btoi(a) * BONE;
- }
- function badd(uint a, uint b)
- internal pure
- returns (uint)
- {
- uint c = a + b;
- require(c >= a, "ERR_ADD_OVERFLOW");
- return c;
- }
- function bsub(uint a, uint b)
- internal pure
- returns (uint)
- {
- (uint c, bool flag) = bsubSign(a, b);
- require(!flag, "ERR_SUB_UNDERFLOW");
- return c;
- }
- function bsubSign(uint a, uint b)
- internal pure
- returns (uint, bool)
- {
- if (a >= b) {
- return (a - b, false);
- } else {
- return (b - a, true);
- }
- }
- function bmul(uint a, uint b)
- internal pure
- returns (uint)
- {
- uint c0 = a * b;
- require(a == 0 || c0 / a == b, "ERR_MUL_OVERFLOW");
- uint c1 = c0 + (BONE / 2);
- require(c1 >= c0, "ERR_MUL_OVERFLOW");
- uint c2 = c1 / BONE;
- return c2;
- }
- function bdiv(uint a, uint b)
- internal pure
- returns (uint)
- {
- require(b != 0, "ERR_DIV_ZERO");
- uint c0 = a * BONE;
- require(a == 0 || c0 / a == BONE, "ERR_DIV_INTERNAL"); // bmul overflow
- uint c1 = c0 + (b / 2);
- require(c1 >= c0, "ERR_DIV_INTERNAL"); // badd require
- uint c2 = c1 / b;
- return c2;
- }
- // DSMath.wpow
- function bpowi(uint a, uint n)
- internal pure
- returns (uint)
- {
- uint z = n % 2 != 0 ? a : BONE;
- for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) {
- a = bmul(a, a);
- if (n % 2 != 0) {
- z = bmul(z, a);
- }
- }
- return z;
- }
- // Compute b^(e.w) by splitting it into (b^e)*(b^0.w).
- // Use `bpowi` for `b^e` and `bpowK` for k iterations
- // of approximation of b^0.w
- function bpow(uint base, uint exp)
- internal pure
- returns (uint)
- {
- require(base >= MIN_BPOW_BASE, "ERR_BPOW_BASE_TOO_LOW");
- require(base <= MAX_BPOW_BASE, "ERR_BPOW_BASE_TOO_HIGH");
- uint whole = bfloor(exp);
- uint remain = bsub(exp, whole);
- uint wholePow = bpowi(base, btoi(whole));
- if (remain == 0) {
- return wholePow;
- }
- uint partialResult = bpowApprox(base, remain, BPOW_PRECISION);
- return bmul(wholePow, partialResult);
- }
- function bpowApprox(uint base, uint exp, uint precision)
- internal pure
- returns (uint)
- {
- // term 0:
- uint a = exp;
- (uint x, bool xneg) = bsubSign(base, BONE);
- uint term = BONE;
- uint sum = term;
- bool negative = false;
- // term(k) = numer / denom
- // = (product(a - i - 1, i=1-->k) * x^k) / (k!)
- // each iteration, multiply previous term by (a-(k-1)) * x / k
- // continue until term is less than precision
- for (uint i = 1; term >= precision; i++) {
- uint bigK = i * BONE;
- (uint c, bool cneg) = bsubSign(a, bsub(bigK, BONE));
- term = bmul(term, bmul(c, x));
- term = bdiv(term, bigK);
- if (term == 0) break;
- if (xneg) negative = !negative;
- if (cneg) negative = !negative;
- if (negative) {
- sum = bsub(sum, term);
- } else {
- sum = badd(sum, term);
- }
- }
- return sum;
- }
-contract BMath is BBronze, BConst, BNum {
- /**********************************************************************************************
- // calcSpotPrice //
- // sP = spotPrice //
- // bI = tokenBalanceIn ( bI / wI ) 1 //
- // bO = tokenBalanceOut sP = ----------- * ---------- //
- // wI = tokenWeightIn ( bO / wO ) ( 1 - sF ) //
- // wO = tokenWeightOut //
- // sF = swapFee //
- **********************************************************************************************/
- function calcSpotPrice(
- uint tokenBalanceIn,
- uint tokenWeightIn,
- uint tokenBalanceOut,
- uint tokenWeightOut,
- uint swapFee
- )
- internal pure
- returns (uint spotPrice)
- {
- uint numer = bdiv(tokenBalanceIn, tokenWeightIn);
- uint denom = bdiv(tokenBalanceOut, tokenWeightOut);
- uint ratio = bdiv(numer, denom);
- uint scale = bdiv(BONE, bsub(BONE, swapFee));
- return (spotPrice = bmul(ratio, scale));
- }
- /**********************************************************************************************
- // calcOutGivenIn //
- // aO = tokenAmountOut //
- // bO = tokenBalanceOut //
- // bI = tokenBalanceIn / / bI \ (wI / wO) \ //
- // aI = tokenAmountIn aO = bO * | 1 - | -------------------------- | ^ | //
- // wI = tokenWeightIn \ \ ( bI + ( aI * ( 1 - sF )) / / //
- // wO = tokenWeightOut //
- // sF = swapFee //
- **********************************************************************************************/
- function calcOutGivenIn(
- uint tokenBalanceIn,
- uint tokenWeightIn,
- uint tokenBalanceOut,
- uint tokenWeightOut,
- uint tokenAmountIn,
- uint swapFee
- )
- internal pure
- returns (uint tokenAmountOut)
- {
- uint weightRatio = bdiv(tokenWeightIn, tokenWeightOut);
- uint adjustedIn = bsub(BONE, swapFee);
- adjustedIn = bmul(tokenAmountIn, adjustedIn);
- uint y = bdiv(tokenBalanceIn, badd(tokenBalanceIn, adjustedIn));
- uint foo = bpow(y, weightRatio);
- uint bar = bsub(BONE, foo);
- tokenAmountOut = bmul(tokenBalanceOut, bar);
- return tokenAmountOut;
- }
- /**********************************************************************************************
- // calcInGivenOut //
- // aI = tokenAmountIn //
- // bO = tokenBalanceOut / / bO \ (wO / wI) \ //
- // bI = tokenBalanceIn bI * | | ------------ | ^ - 1 | //
- // aO = tokenAmountOut aI = \ \ ( bO - aO ) / / //
- // wI = tokenWeightIn -------------------------------------------- //
- // wO = tokenWeightOut ( 1 - sF ) //
- // sF = swapFee //
- **********************************************************************************************/
- function calcInGivenOut(
- uint tokenBalanceIn,
- uint tokenWeightIn,
- uint tokenBalanceOut,
- uint tokenWeightOut,
- uint tokenAmountOut,
- uint swapFee
- )
- internal pure
- returns (uint tokenAmountIn)
- {
- uint weightRatio = bdiv(tokenWeightOut, tokenWeightIn);
- uint diff = bsub(tokenBalanceOut, tokenAmountOut);
- uint y = bdiv(tokenBalanceOut, diff);
- uint foo = bpow(y, weightRatio);
- foo = bsub(foo, BONE);
- tokenAmountIn = bsub(BONE, swapFee);
- tokenAmountIn = bdiv(bmul(tokenBalanceIn, foo), tokenAmountIn);
- return tokenAmountIn;
- }
- /**********************************************************************************************
- // calcPoolOutGivenSingleIn //
- // pAo = poolAmountOut / \ //
- // tAi = tokenAmountIn /// / // wI \ \\ \ wI \ //
- // wI = tokenWeightIn //| tAi *| 1 - || 1 - -- | * sF || + tBi \ -- \ //
- // tW = totalWeight pAo=|| \ \ \\ tW / // | ^ tW | * pS - pS //
- // tBi = tokenBalanceIn \\ ------------------------------------- / / //
- // pS = poolSupply \\ tBi / / //
- // sF = swapFee \ / //
- **********************************************************************************************/
- function calcPoolOutGivenSingleIn(
- uint tokenBalanceIn,
- uint tokenWeightIn,
- uint poolSupply,
- uint totalWeight,
- uint tokenAmountIn,
- uint swapFee
- )
- internal pure
- returns (uint poolAmountOut)
- {
- // Charge the trading fee for the proportion of tokenAi
- /// which is implicitly traded to the other pool tokens.
- // That proportion is (1- weightTokenIn)
- // tokenAiAfterFee = tAi * (1 - (1-weightTi) * poolFee);
- uint normalizedWeight = bdiv(tokenWeightIn, totalWeight);
- uint zaz = bmul(bsub(BONE, normalizedWeight), swapFee);
- uint tokenAmountInAfterFee = bmul(tokenAmountIn, bsub(BONE, zaz));
- uint newTokenBalanceIn = badd(tokenBalanceIn, tokenAmountInAfterFee);
- uint tokenInRatio = bdiv(newTokenBalanceIn, tokenBalanceIn);
- // uint newPoolSupply = (ratioTi ^ weightTi) * poolSupply;
- uint poolRatio = bpow(tokenInRatio, normalizedWeight);
- uint newPoolSupply = bmul(poolRatio, poolSupply);
- poolAmountOut = bsub(newPoolSupply, poolSupply);
- return poolAmountOut;
- }
- /**********************************************************************************************
- // calcSingleInGivenPoolOut //
- // tAi = tokenAmountIn //(pS + pAo)\ / 1 \\ //
- // pS = poolSupply || --------- | ^ | --------- || * bI - bI //
- // pAo = poolAmountOut \\ pS / \(wI / tW)// //
- // bI = balanceIn tAi = -------------------------------------------- //
- // wI = weightIn / wI \ //
- // tW = totalWeight | 1 - ---- | * sF //
- // sF = swapFee \ tW / //
- **********************************************************************************************/
- function calcSingleInGivenPoolOut(
- uint tokenBalanceIn,
- uint tokenWeightIn,
- uint poolSupply,
- uint totalWeight,
- uint poolAmountOut,
- uint swapFee
- )
- internal pure
- returns (uint tokenAmountIn)
- {
- uint normalizedWeight = bdiv(tokenWeightIn, totalWeight);
- uint newPoolSupply = badd(poolSupply, poolAmountOut);
- uint poolRatio = bdiv(newPoolSupply, poolSupply);
- //uint newBalTi = poolRatio^(1/weightTi) * balTi;
- uint boo = bdiv(BONE, normalizedWeight);
- uint tokenInRatio = bpow(poolRatio, boo);
- uint newTokenBalanceIn = bmul(tokenInRatio, tokenBalanceIn);
- uint tokenAmountInAfterFee = bsub(newTokenBalanceIn, tokenBalanceIn);
- // Do reverse order of fees charged in joinswap_ExternAmountIn, this way
- // ``` pAo == joinswap_ExternAmountIn(Ti, joinswap_PoolAmountOut(pAo, Ti)) ```
- //uint tAi = tAiAfterFee / (1 - (1-weightTi) * swapFee) ;
- uint zar = bmul(bsub(BONE, normalizedWeight), swapFee);
- tokenAmountIn = bdiv(tokenAmountInAfterFee, bsub(BONE, zar));
- return tokenAmountIn;
- }
- /**********************************************************************************************
- // calcSingleOutGivenPoolIn //
- // tAo = tokenAmountOut / / \\ //
- // bO = tokenBalanceOut / // pS - (pAi * (1 - eF)) \ / 1 \ \\ //
- // pAi = poolAmountIn | bO - || ----------------------- | ^ | --------- | * b0 || //
- // ps = poolSupply \ \\ pS / \(wO / tW)/ // //
- // wI = tokenWeightIn tAo = \ \ // //
- // tW = totalWeight / / wO \ \ //
- // sF = swapFee * | 1 - | 1 - ---- | * sF | //
- // eF = exitFee \ \ tW / / //
- **********************************************************************************************/
- function calcSingleOutGivenPoolIn(
- uint tokenBalanceOut,
- uint tokenWeightOut,
- uint poolSupply,
- uint totalWeight,
- uint poolAmountIn,
- uint swapFee
- )
- internal pure
- returns (uint tokenAmountOut)
- {
- uint normalizedWeight = bdiv(tokenWeightOut, totalWeight);
- // charge exit fee on the pool token side
- // pAiAfterExitFee = pAi*(1-exitFee)
- uint poolAmountInAfterExitFee = bmul(poolAmountIn, bsub(BONE, EXIT_FEE));
- uint newPoolSupply = bsub(poolSupply, poolAmountInAfterExitFee);
- uint poolRatio = bdiv(newPoolSupply, poolSupply);
- // newBalTo = poolRatio^(1/weightTo) * balTo;
- uint tokenOutRatio = bpow(poolRatio, bdiv(BONE, normalizedWeight));
- uint newTokenBalanceOut = bmul(tokenOutRatio, tokenBalanceOut);
- uint tokenAmountOutBeforeSwapFee = bsub(tokenBalanceOut, newTokenBalanceOut);
- // charge swap fee on the output token side
- //uint tAo = tAoBeforeSwapFee * (1 - (1-weightTo) * swapFee)
- uint zaz = bmul(bsub(BONE, normalizedWeight), swapFee);
- tokenAmountOut = bmul(tokenAmountOutBeforeSwapFee, bsub(BONE, zaz));
- return tokenAmountOut;
- }
- /**********************************************************************************************
- // calcPoolInGivenSingleOut //
- // pAi = poolAmountIn // / tAo \\ / wO \ \ //
- // bO = tokenBalanceOut // | bO - -------------------------- |\ | ---- | \ //
- // tAo = tokenAmountOut pS - || \ 1 - ((1 - (tO / tW)) * sF)/ | ^ \ tW / * pS | //
- // ps = poolSupply \\ -----------------------------------/ / //
- // wO = tokenWeightOut pAi = \\ bO / / //
- // tW = totalWeight ------------------------------------------------------------- //
- // sF = swapFee ( 1 - eF ) //
- // eF = exitFee //
- **********************************************************************************************/
- function calcPoolInGivenSingleOut(
- uint tokenBalanceOut,
- uint tokenWeightOut,
- uint poolSupply,
- uint totalWeight,
- uint tokenAmountOut,
- uint swapFee
- )
- internal pure
- returns (uint poolAmountIn)
- {
- // charge swap fee on the output token side
- uint normalizedWeight = bdiv(tokenWeightOut, totalWeight);
- //uint tAoBeforeSwapFee = tAo / (1 - (1-weightTo) * swapFee) ;
- uint zoo = bsub(BONE, normalizedWeight);
- uint zar = bmul(zoo, swapFee);
- uint tokenAmountOutBeforeSwapFee = bdiv(tokenAmountOut, bsub(BONE, zar));
- uint newTokenBalanceOut = bsub(tokenBalanceOut, tokenAmountOutBeforeSwapFee);
- uint tokenOutRatio = bdiv(newTokenBalanceOut, tokenBalanceOut);
- //uint newPoolSupply = (ratioTo ^ weightTo) * poolSupply;
- uint poolRatio = bpow(tokenOutRatio, normalizedWeight);
- uint newPoolSupply = bmul(poolRatio, poolSupply);
- uint poolAmountInAfterExitFee = bsub(poolSupply, newPoolSupply);
- // charge exit fee on the pool token side
- // pAi = pAiAfterExitFee/(1-exitFee)
- poolAmountIn = bdiv(poolAmountInAfterExitFee, bsub(BONE, EXIT_FEE));
- return poolAmountIn;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/echidna/CryticInterface.sol b/echidna/CryticInterface.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b43050b..00000000
--- a/echidna/CryticInterface.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-contract CryticInterface {
- address internal crytic_owner = address(0x41414141);
- address internal crytic_user = address(0x42424242);
- address internal crytic_attacker = address(0x43434343);
diff --git a/echidna/MyToken.sol b/echidna/MyToken.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c48dba9..00000000
--- a/echidna/MyToken.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-import "../crytic-export/flattening/BPool.sol";
-import "./CryticInterface.sol";
-contract MyToken is BToken, CryticInterface{
- constructor(uint balance, address allowed) {
- // balance is the new totalSupply
- _totalSupply = balance;
- // each user receives 1/3 of the balance and sets
- // the allowance of the allowed address.
- uint initialTotalSupply = balance;
- _balance[crytic_owner] = initialTotalSupply/3;
- _allowance[crytic_owner][allowed] = balance;
- _balance[crytic_user] = initialTotalSupply/3;
- _allowance[crytic_user][allowed] = balance;
- _balance[crytic_attacker] = initialTotalSupply/3;
- _allowance[crytic_attacker][allowed] = balance;
- }
diff --git a/echidna/TBPoolBalance.sol b/echidna/TBPoolBalance.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 6931e434..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBPoolBalance.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-import "../crytic-export/flattening/BPool.sol";
-import "./MyToken.sol";
-import "./CryticInterface.sol";
-contract TBPoolBalance is BPool, CryticInterface {
- MyToken public token;
- uint internal initial_token_balance = uint(-1);
- constructor() public{
- // Create a new token with initial_token_balance as total supply.
- // After the token is created, each user defined in CryticInterface
- // (crytic_owner, crytic_user and crytic_attacker) receives 1/3 of
- // the initial balance
- token = new MyToken(initial_token_balance, address(this));
- // Bind the token with the minimal balance/weights
- bind(address(token), MIN_BALANCE, MIN_WEIGHT);
- // Enable public swap
- setPublicSwap(true);
- }
- function echidna_attacker_token_balance() public returns(bool){
- // An attacker cannot obtain more tokens than its initial balance
- return token.balanceOf(crytic_attacker) == initial_token_balance/3; //initial balance of crytic_attacker
- }
- function echidna_pool_record_balance() public returns (bool) {
- // If the token was unbinded, avoid revert and return true
- if (this.getNumTokens() == 0)
- return true;
- // The token balance should not be out-of-sync
- return (token.balanceOf(address(this)) >= this.getBalance(address(token)));
- }
diff --git a/echidna/TBPoolBalance.yaml b/echidna/TBPoolBalance.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index cd4d21c4..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBPoolBalance.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-seqLen: 50
-testLimit: 100000
-prefix: "echidna_"
-deployer: "0x41414141"
-sender: ["0x41414141", "0x42424242","0x43434343"]
-psender: "0x41414141"
-dashboard: true
diff --git a/echidna/TBPoolBind.sol b/echidna/TBPoolBind.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e98164d..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBPoolBind.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-import "../crytic-export/flattening/BPool.sol";
-import "./MyToken.sol";
-import "./CryticInterface.sol";
-contract TBPoolBindPrivileged is CryticInterface, BPool {
- constructor() {
- // Create a new token with initial_token_balance as total supply.
- // After the token is created, each user defined in CryticInterface
- // (crytic_owner, crytic_user and crytic_attacker) receives 1/3 of
- // the initial balance
- MyToken t;
- t = new MyToken(initial_token_balance, address(this));
- bind(address(t), MIN_BALANCE, MIN_WEIGHT);
- }
- // initial token balances is the max amount for uint256
- uint internal initial_token_balance = uint(-1);
- // these two variables are used to save valid balances and denorm parameters
- uint internal valid_balance_to_bind = MIN_BALANCE;
- uint internal valid_denorm_to_bind = MIN_WEIGHT;
- // this function allows to create as many tokens as needed
- function create_and_bind(uint balance, uint denorm) public returns (address) {
- // Create a new token with initial_token_balance as total supply.
- // After the token is created, each user defined in CryticInterface
- // (crytic_owner, crytic_user and crytic_attacker) receives 1/3 of
- // the initial balance
- MyToken bt = new MyToken(initial_token_balance, address(this));
- bt.approve(address(this), initial_token_balance);
- // Bind the token with the provided parameters
- bind(address(bt), balance, denorm);
- // Save the balance and denorm values used. These are used in the rebind checks
- valid_balance_to_bind = balance;
- valid_denorm_to_bind = denorm;
- return address(bt);
- }
- function echidna_getNumTokens_less_or_equal_MAX_BOUND_TOKENS() public returns (bool) {
- // it is not possible to bind more than `MAX_BOUND_TOKENS`
- return this.getNumTokens() <= MAX_BOUND_TOKENS;
- }
- function echidna_revert_bind_twice() public returns (bool) {
- if (this.getCurrentTokens().length > 0 && this.getController() == crytic_owner && !this.isFinalized()) {
- // binding the first token should be enough, if we have this property to always revert
- bind(this.getCurrentTokens()[0], valid_balance_to_bind, valid_denorm_to_bind);
- // This return will make this property to fail
- return true;
- }
- // If there are no tokens or if the controller was changed or if the pool was finalized, just revert.
- revert();
- }
- function echidna_revert_unbind_twice() public returns (bool) {
- if (this.getCurrentTokens().length > 0 && this.getController() == crytic_owner && !this.isFinalized()) {
- address[] memory current_tokens = this.getCurrentTokens();
- // unbinding the first token twice should be enough, if we want this property to always revert
- unbind(current_tokens[0]);
- unbind(current_tokens[0]);
- return true;
- }
- // if there are no tokens or if the controller was changed or if the pool was finalized, just revert
- revert();
- }
- function echidna_all_tokens_are_unbindable() public returns (bool) {
- if (this.getController() == crytic_owner && !this.isFinalized()) {
- address[] memory current_tokens = this.getCurrentTokens();
- // unbind all the tokens, one by one
- for (uint i = 0; i < current_tokens.length; i++) {
- unbind(current_tokens[i]);
- }
- // at the end, the list of current tokens should be empty
- return (this.getCurrentTokens().length == 0);
- }
- // if the controller was changed or if the pool was finalized, just return true
- return true;
- }
- function echidna_all_tokens_are_rebindable_with_valid_parameters() public returns (bool) {
- if (this.getController() == crytic_owner && !this.isFinalized()) {
- address[] memory current_tokens = this.getCurrentTokens();
- for (uint i = 0; i < current_tokens.length; i++) {
- // rebind all the tokens, one by one, using valid parameters
- rebind(current_tokens[i], valid_balance_to_bind, valid_denorm_to_bind);
- }
- // at the end, the list of current tokens should have not change in size
- return current_tokens.length == this.getCurrentTokens().length;
- }
- // if the controller was changed or if the pool was finalized, just return true
- return true;
- }
- function echidna_revert_rebind_unbinded() public returns (bool) {
- if (this.getCurrentTokens().length > 0 && this.getController() == crytic_owner && !this.isFinalized()) {
- address[] memory current_tokens = this.getCurrentTokens();
- // unbinding and rebinding the first token should be enough, if we want this property to always revert
- unbind(current_tokens[0]);
- rebind(current_tokens[0], valid_balance_to_bind, valid_denorm_to_bind);
- return true;
- }
- // if the controller was changed or if the pool was finalized, just return true
- revert();
- }
-contract TBPoolBindUnprivileged is CryticInterface, BPool {
- MyToken t1;
- MyToken t2;
- // initial token balances is the max amount for uint256
- uint internal initial_token_balance = uint(-1);
- constructor() {
- // two tokens with minimal balances and weights are created by the controller
- t1 = new MyToken(initial_token_balance, address(this));
- bind(address(t1), MIN_BALANCE, MIN_WEIGHT);
- t2 = new MyToken(initial_token_balance, address(this));
- bind(address(t2), MIN_BALANCE, MIN_WEIGHT);
- }
- // these two variables are used to save valid balances and denorm parameters
- uint internal valid_balance_to_bind = MIN_BALANCE;
- uint internal valid_denorm_to_bind = MIN_WEIGHT;
- // this function allows to create as many tokens as needed
- function create_and_bind(uint balance, uint denorm) public returns (address) {
- // Create a new token with initial_token_balance as total supply.
- // After the token is created, each user defined in CryticInterface
- // (crytic_owner, crytic_user and crytic_attacker) receives 1/3 of
- // the initial balance
- MyToken bt = new MyToken(initial_token_balance, address(this));
- bt.approve(address(this), initial_token_balance);
- // Bind the token with the provided parameters
- bind(address(bt), balance, denorm);
- // Save the balance and denorm values used. These are used in the rebind checks
- valid_balance_to_bind = balance;
- valid_denorm_to_bind = denorm;
- return address(bt);
- }
- function echidna_only_controller_can_bind() public returns (bool) {
- // the number of tokens cannot be changed
- return this.getNumTokens() == 2;
- }
- function echidna_revert_when_bind() public returns (bool) {
- // calling bind will revert
- create_and_bind(valid_balance_to_bind, valid_denorm_to_bind);
- return true;
- }
- function echidna_revert_when_rebind() public returns (bool) {
- // calling rebind on binded tokens will revert
- rebind(address(t1), valid_balance_to_bind, valid_denorm_to_bind);
- rebind(address(t2), valid_balance_to_bind, valid_denorm_to_bind);
- return true;
- }
- function echidna_revert_when_unbind() public returns (bool) {
- // calling unbind on binded tokens will revert
- unbind(address(t1));
- unbind(address(t2));
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/echidna/TBPoolBindPrivileged.yaml b/echidna/TBPoolBindPrivileged.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1695608f..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBPoolBindPrivileged.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-seqLen: 50
-testLimit: 100000
-prefix: "echidna_"
-deployer: "0x41414141"
-sender: ["0x41414141", "0x42424242", "0x43434343"]
-psender: "0x41414141"
-dashboard: true
-corpusDir: "corpus"
-mutation: true
diff --git a/echidna/TBPoolBindUnprivileged.yaml b/echidna/TBPoolBindUnprivileged.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 95044fad..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBPoolBindUnprivileged.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-seqLen: 50
-testLimit: 20000
-prefix: "echidna_"
-deployer: "0x41414141"
-sender: ["0x42424242", "0x43434343"]
-psender: "0x42424242"
-dashboard: true
diff --git a/echidna/TBPoolController.sol b/echidna/TBPoolController.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a3d3947..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBPoolController.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-import "../crytic-export/flattening/BPool.sol";
-import "./CryticInterface.sol";
-contract TBPoolControllerPrivileged is CryticInterface, BPool {
- function echidna_controller_should_change() public returns (bool) {
- if (this.getController() == crytic_owner) {
- setController(crytic_user);
- return (this.getController() == crytic_user);
- }
- // if the controller was changed, this should return true
- return true;
- }
- function echidna_revert_controller_cannot_be_null() public returns (bool) {
- if (this.getController() == crytic_owner) {
- // setting the controller to 0x0 should fail
- setController(address(0x0));
- return true;
- }
- // if the controller was changed, this should revert anyway
- revert();
- }
-contract TBPoolControllerUnprivileged is CryticInterface, BPool {
- function echidna_no_other_user_can_change_the_controller() public returns (bool) {
- // the controller cannot be changed by other users
- return this.getController() == crytic_owner;
- }
diff --git a/echidna/TBPoolControllerPrivileged.yaml b/echidna/TBPoolControllerPrivileged.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 86790a19..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBPoolControllerPrivileged.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-seqLen: 50
-testLimit: 20000
-prefix: "echidna_"
-deployer: "0x41414141"
-sender: ["0x41414141", "0x42424242", "0x43434343"]
-psender: "0x41414141"
-dashboard: true
diff --git a/echidna/TBPoolControllerUnprivileged.yaml b/echidna/TBPoolControllerUnprivileged.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e69a8a9..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBPoolControllerUnprivileged.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-seqLen: 50
-testLimit: 20000
-prefix: "echidna_"
-deployer: "0x41414141"
-sender: ["0x42424242", "0x43434343"]
-psender: "0x41414141"
-dashboard: true
diff --git a/echidna/TBPoolExitSwap.sol b/echidna/TBPoolExitSwap.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index fb1826a2..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBPoolExitSwap.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-import "./BMathInternal.sol";
-// This contract used a modified version of BMath where all the public/external functions are internal to speed up Echidna exploration
-contract TestSwapOut is BMath {
- bool public echidna_no_bug = true;
- // A bug is found if tokenAmountOut can be greater than 0 while calcPoolInGivenSingleOut returns 0
- function exitswapExternAmountOut(uint balanceOut, uint poolTotal, uint tokenAmountOut) public {
- // We constraint poolTotal and _records_t_balance
- // To have "realistic" values
- require(poolTotal <= 100 ether);
- require(poolTotal >= 1 ether);
- require(balanceOut <= 10 ether);
- require(balanceOut >= 10**6);
- require(tokenAmountOut > 0);
- require(calcPoolInGivenSingleOut(balanceOut, MIN_WEIGHT, poolTotal, MIN_WEIGHT*2, tokenAmountOut, MIN_FEE)==0);
- echidna_no_bug = false;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/echidna/TBPoolJoinExit.sol b/echidna/TBPoolJoinExit.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index c2563036..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBPoolJoinExit.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-import "../crytic-export/flattening/BPool.sol";
-import "./MyToken.sol";
-import "./CryticInterface.sol";
-contract TBPoolJoinExit is CryticInterface, BPool {
- uint MAX_BALANCE = BONE * 10**12;
- constructor() {
- MyToken t;
- t = new MyToken(uint(-1), address(this));
- bind(address(t), MAX_BALANCE, MAX_WEIGHT);
- }
- // initial token balances is the max amount for uint256
- uint internal initial_token_balance = uint(-1);
- // this function allows to create as many tokens as needed
- function create_and_bind(uint balance, uint denorm) public returns (address) {
- // Create a new token with initial_token_balance as total supply.
- // After the token is created, each user defined in CryticInterface
- // (crytic_owner, crytic_user and crytic_attacker) receives 1/3 of
- // the initial balance
- MyToken bt = new MyToken(initial_token_balance, address(this));
- bt.approve(address(this), initial_token_balance);
- // Bind the token with the provided parameters
- bind(address(bt), balance, denorm);
- return address(bt);
- }
- uint[] internal maxAmountsIn = [uint(-1), uint(-1), uint(-1), uint(-1), uint(-1), uint(-1)];
- uint[] internal minAmountsOut = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
- uint[8] internal balances = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
- uint internal amount = EXIT_FEE;
- uint internal amount1 = EXIT_FEE;
- uint internal amount2 = EXIT_FEE;
- // sets an amount between EXIT_FEE and EXIT_FEE + 2**64
- function set_input(uint _amount) public {
- amount = EXIT_FEE + _amount % 2**64;
- }
- // sets two amounts between EXIT_FEE and EXIT_FEE + 2**64
- function set_two_inputs(uint _amount1, uint _amount2) public {
- amount1 = EXIT_FEE + _amount1 % 2**64;
- amount2 = EXIT_FEE + _amount2 % 2**64;
- }
- function echidna_joinPool_exitPool_balance_consistency() public returns (bool) {
- // if the pool was not finalize, return true (it is unclear how to finalize it)
- if (!this.isFinalized())
- return true;
- // check this precondition for joinPool
- if (bdiv(amount, this.totalSupply()) == 0)
- return true;
- // save all the token balances in `balances` before calling joinPool / exitPool
- address[] memory current_tokens = this.getCurrentTokens();
- for (uint i = 0; i < current_tokens.length; i++)
- balances[i] = (IERC20(current_tokens[i]).balanceOf(address(msg.sender)));
- // save the amount of share tokens
- uint old_balance = this.balanceOf(crytic_owner);
- // call joinPool, with some some reasonable amount
- joinPool(amount, maxAmountsIn);
- // check that the amount of shares decreased
- if (this.balanceOf(crytic_owner) - amount != old_balance)
- return false;
- // check the precondition for exitPool
- uint exit_fee = bmul(amount, EXIT_FEE);
- uint pAiAfterExitFee = bsub(amount, exit_fee);
- if(bdiv(pAiAfterExitFee, this.totalSupply()) == 0)
- return true;
- // call exitPool with some reasonable amount
- exitPool(amount, minAmountsOut);
- uint new_balance = this.balanceOf(crytic_owner);
- // check that the amount of shares decreased, taking in consideration that
- // _factory is crytic_owner, so it will receive the exit_fees
- if (old_balance != new_balance - exit_fee)
- return false;
- // verify that the final token balance are consistent. It is possible
- // to have rounding issues, but it should not allow to obtain more tokens than
- // the ones a user owned
- for (uint i = 0; i < current_tokens.length; i++) {
- uint current_balance = IERC20(current_tokens[i]).balanceOf(address(msg.sender));
- if (balances[i] < current_balance)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function echidna_revert_impossible_joinPool_exitPool() public returns (bool) {
- // the amount to join should be smaller to the amount to exit
- if (amount1 >= amount2)
- revert();
- // burn all the shares transfering them to 0x0
- transfer(address(0x0), this.balanceOf(msg.sender));
- // join a pool with a reasonable amount.
- joinPool(amount1, maxAmountsIn);
- // exit a pool with a larger amount
- exitPool(amount2, minAmountsOut);
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/echidna/TBPoolJoinExit.yaml b/echidna/TBPoolJoinExit.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e27c5ce4..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBPoolJoinExit.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-seqLen: 50
-testLimit: 1000000
-prefix: "echidna_"
-deployer: "0x41414141"
-sender: ["0x41414141", "0x42424242", "0x43434343"]
-psender: "0x41414141"
-dashboard: true
-corpusDir: "corpus"
-mutation: true
diff --git a/echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol b/echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index c2407ede..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBPoolLimits.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-import "../crytic-export/flattening/BPool.sol";
-import "./MyToken.sol";
-import "./CryticInterface.sol";
-contract TBPoolLimits is CryticInterface, BPool {
- uint MAX_BALANCE = BONE * 10**12;
- constructor() {
- MyToken t;
- t = new MyToken(uint(-1), address(this));
- bind(address(t), MIN_BALANCE, MIN_WEIGHT);
- }
- // initial token balances is the max amount for uint256
- uint internal initial_token_balance = uint(-1);
- // these two variables are used to save valid balances and denorm parameters
- uint internal valid_balance_to_bind = MIN_BALANCE;
- uint internal valid_denorm_to_bind = MIN_WEIGHT;
- // this function allows to create as many tokens as needed
- function create_and_bind(uint balance, uint denorm) public returns (address) {
- // Create a new token with initial_token_balance as total supply.
- // After the token is created, each user defined in CryticInterface
- // (crytic_owner, crytic_user and crytic_attacker) receives 1/3 of
- // the initial balance
- MyToken bt = new MyToken(initial_token_balance, address(this));
- bt.approve(address(this), initial_token_balance);
- // Bind the token with the provided parameters
- bind(address(bt), balance, denorm);
- // Save the balance and denorm values used. These are used in the rebind checks
- valid_balance_to_bind = balance;
- valid_denorm_to_bind = denorm;
- return address(bt);
- }
- function echidna_valid_weights() public returns (bool) {
- address[] memory current_tokens = this.getCurrentTokens();
- // store the normalized weight in this variable
- uint nw = 0;
- for (uint i = 0; i < current_tokens.length; i++) {
- // accumulate the total normalized weights, checking for overflows
- nw = badd(nw,this.getNormalizedWeight(current_tokens[i]));
- }
- // convert the sum of normalized weights into an integer
- nw = btoi(nw);
- // if there are no tokens, check that the normalized weight is zero
- if (current_tokens.length == 0)
- return (nw == 0);
- // if there are tokens, the normalized weight should be 1
- return (nw == 1);
- }
- function echidna_min_token_balance() public returns (bool) {
- address[] memory current_tokens = this.getCurrentTokens();
- for (uint i = 0; i < current_tokens.length; i++) {
- // verify that the balance of each token is more than `MIN_BALACE`
- if (this.getBalance(address(current_tokens[i])) < MIN_BALANCE)
- return false;
- }
- // if there are no tokens, return true
- return true;
- }
- function echidna_max_weight() public returns (bool) {
- address[] memory current_tokens = this.getCurrentTokens();
- for (uint i = 0; i < current_tokens.length; i++) {
- // verify that the weight of each token is less than `MAX_WEIGHT`
- if (this.getDenormalizedWeight(address(current_tokens[i])) > MAX_WEIGHT)
- return false;
- }
- // if there are no tokens, return true
- return true;
- }
- function echidna_min_weight() public returns (bool) {
- address[] memory current_tokens = this.getCurrentTokens();
- for (uint i = 0; i < current_tokens.length; i++) {
- // verify that the weight of each token is more than `MIN_WEIGHT`
- if (this.getDenormalizedWeight(address(current_tokens[i])) < MIN_WEIGHT)
- return false;
- }
- // if there are no tokens, return true
- return true;
- }
- function echidna_min_swap_free() public returns (bool) {
- // verify that the swap fee is greater or equal than `MIN_FEE`
- return this.getSwapFee() >= MIN_FEE;
- }
- function echidna_max_swap_free() public returns (bool) {
- // verify that the swap fee is less or equal than `MAX_FEE`
- return this.getSwapFee() <= MAX_FEE;
- }
- function echidna_revert_max_swapExactAmountOut() public returns (bool) {
- // if the controller was changed, revert
- if (this.getController() != crytic_owner)
- revert();
- // if the pool is not finalized, make sure public swap is enabled
- if (!this.isFinalized())
- setPublicSwap(true);
- address[] memory current_tokens = this.getCurrentTokens();
- // if there is not token, revert
- if (current_tokens.length == 0)
- revert();
- uint large_balance = this.getBalance(current_tokens[0])/3 + 2;
- // check that the balance is large enough
- if (IERC20(current_tokens[0]).balanceOf(crytic_owner) < large_balance)
- revert();
- // call swapExactAmountOut with more than 1/3 of the balance should revert
- swapExactAmountOut(address(current_tokens[0]), uint(-1), address(current_tokens[0]), large_balance, uint(-1));
- return true;
- }
- function echidna_revert_max_swapExactAmountIn() public returns (bool) {
- // if the controller was changed, revert
- if (this.getController() != crytic_owner)
- revert();
- // if the pool is not finalized, make sure public swap is enabled
- if (!this.isFinalized())
- setPublicSwap(true);
- address[] memory current_tokens = this.getCurrentTokens();
- // if there is not token, revert
- if (current_tokens.length == 0)
- revert();
- uint large_balance = this.getBalance(current_tokens[0])/2 + 1;
- if (IERC20(current_tokens[0]).balanceOf(crytic_owner) < large_balance)
- revert();
- swapExactAmountIn(address(current_tokens[0]), large_balance, address(current_tokens[0]), 0, uint(-1));
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/echidna/TBPoolLimits.yaml b/echidna/TBPoolLimits.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1695608f..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBPoolLimits.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-seqLen: 50
-testLimit: 100000
-prefix: "echidna_"
-deployer: "0x41414141"
-sender: ["0x41414141", "0x42424242", "0x43434343"]
-psender: "0x41414141"
-dashboard: true
-corpusDir: "corpus"
-mutation: true
diff --git a/echidna/TBPoolNoRevert.sol b/echidna/TBPoolNoRevert.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ddb4f92..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBPoolNoRevert.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-import "../crytic-export/flattening/BPool.sol";
-import "./MyToken.sol";
-import "./CryticInterface.sol";
-contract TBPoolNoRevert is CryticInterface, BPool {
- constructor() { // out-of-gas?
- // Create a new token with initial_token_balance as total supply.
- // After the token is created, each user defined in CryticInterface
- // (crytic_owner, crytic_user and crytic_attacker) receives 1/3 of
- // the initial balance
- MyToken t;
- t = new MyToken(initial_token_balance, address(this));
- bind(address(t), MIN_BALANCE, MIN_WEIGHT);
- }
- // initial token balances is the max amount for uint256
- uint internal initial_token_balance = uint(-1);
- // this function allows to create as many tokens as needed
- function create_and_bind(uint balance, uint denorm) public returns (address) {
- // Create a new token with initial_token_balance as total supply.
- // After the token is created, each user defined in CryticInterface
- // (crytic_owner, crytic_user and crytic_attacker) receives 1/3 of
- // the initial balance
- MyToken bt = new MyToken(initial_token_balance, address(this));
- bt.approve(address(this), initial_token_balance);
- // Bind the token with the provided parameters
- bind(address(bt), balance, denorm);
- // Save the balance and denorm values used. These are used in the rebind checks
- return address(bt);
- }
- function echidna_getSpotPrice_no_revert() public returns (bool) {
- address[] memory current_tokens = this.getCurrentTokens();
- for (uint i = 0; i < current_tokens.length; i++) {
- for (uint j = 0; j < current_tokens.length; j++) {
- // getSpotPrice should not revert for any pair of tokens
- this.getSpotPrice(address(current_tokens[i]), address(current_tokens[j]));
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- function echidna_getSpotPriceSansFee_no_revert() public returns (bool) {
- address[] memory current_tokens = this.getCurrentTokens();
- for (uint i = 0; i < current_tokens.length; i++) {
- for (uint j = 0; j < current_tokens.length; j++) {
- // getSpotPriceSansFee should not revert for any pair of tokens
- this.getSpotPriceSansFee(address(current_tokens[i]), address(current_tokens[j]));
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- function echidna_swapExactAmountIn_no_revert() public returns (bool) {
- // if the controller was changed, return true
- if (this.getController() != crytic_owner)
- return true;
- // if the pool was not finalized, enable the public swap
- if (!this.isFinalized())
- setPublicSwap(true);
- address[] memory current_tokens = this.getCurrentTokens();
- for (uint i = 0; i < current_tokens.length; i++) {
- // a small balance is 1% of the total balance available
- uint small_balance = this.getBalance(current_tokens[i])/100;
- // if the user has a small balance, it should be able to swap it
- if (IERC20(current_tokens[i]).balanceOf(crytic_owner) > small_balance)
- swapExactAmountIn(address(current_tokens[i]), small_balance, address(current_tokens[i]), 0, uint(-1));
- }
- return true;
- }
- function echidna_swapExactAmountOut_no_revert() public returns (bool) {
- // if the controller was changed, return true
- if (this.getController() != crytic_owner)
- return true;
- // if the pool was not finalized, enable the public swap
- if (!this.isFinalized())
- setPublicSwap(true);
- address[] memory current_tokens = this.getCurrentTokens();
- for (uint i = 0; i < current_tokens.length; i++) {
- // a small balance is 1% of the total balance available
- uint small_balance = this.getBalance(current_tokens[i])/100;
- // if the user has a small balance, it should be able to swap it
- if (IERC20(current_tokens[i]).balanceOf(crytic_owner) > small_balance)
- swapExactAmountOut(address(current_tokens[i]), uint(-1), address(current_tokens[i]), small_balance, uint(-1));
- }
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/echidna/TBPoolNoRevert.yaml b/echidna/TBPoolNoRevert.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1695608f..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBPoolNoRevert.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-seqLen: 50
-testLimit: 100000
-prefix: "echidna_"
-deployer: "0x41414141"
-sender: ["0x41414141", "0x42424242", "0x43434343"]
-psender: "0x41414141"
-dashboard: true
-corpusDir: "corpus"
-mutation: true
diff --git a/echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol b/echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index ca750037..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBTokenERC20.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-import "../crytic-export/flattening/BPool.sol";
-contract CryticInterface{
- address internal crytic_owner = address(0x41414141);
- address internal crytic_user = address(0x42424242);
- address internal crytic_attacker = address(0x43434343);
- uint internal initialTotalSupply = uint(-1);
- uint internal initialBalance_owner;
- uint internal initialBalance_user;
- uint internal initialBalance_attacker;
- uint initialAllowance_user_attacker;
- uint initialAllowance_attacker_user;
- uint initialAllowance_attacker_attacker;
-contract TBTokenERC20 is CryticInterface, BToken {
- constructor() {
- _totalSupply = initialTotalSupply;
- _balance[crytic_owner] = 0;
- _balance[crytic_user] = initialTotalSupply/2;
- initialBalance_user = initialTotalSupply/2;
- _balance[crytic_attacker] = initialTotalSupply/2;
- initialBalance_attacker = initialTotalSupply/2;
- }
- /*
- Type: Code quality
- Return: Success
- */
- function echidna_zero_always_empty() public returns(bool){
- return this.balanceOf(address(0x0)) == 0;
- }
- /*
- Type: Code Quality
- Return:
- */
- function echidna_approve_overwrites() public returns (bool) {
- bool approve_return;
- approve_return = approve(crytic_user, 10);
- require(approve_return);
- approve_return = approve(crytic_user, 20);
- require(approve_return);
- return this.allowance(msg.sender, crytic_user) == 20;
- }
- /*
- Type: Undetermined severity
- Return: Success
- */
- function echidna_balance_less_than_totalSupply() public returns(bool){
- return this.balanceOf(msg.sender) <= _totalSupply;
- }
- /*
- Type: Low severity
- Return: Success
- */
- function echidna_totalSupply_balances_consistency() public returns(bool){
- return this.balanceOf(crytic_owner) + this.balanceOf(crytic_user) + this.balanceOf(crytic_attacker) <= totalSupply();
- }
- /*
- Properties: Transferable
- */
- /*
- Type: Code Quality
- Return: Fail or Throw
- */
- function echidna_revert_transfer_to_zero() public returns (bool) {
- if (this.balanceOf(msg.sender) == 0)
- revert();
- return transfer(address(0x0), this.balanceOf(msg.sender));
- }
- /*
- Type: Code Quality
- Return: Fail or Throw
- */
- function echidna_revert_transferFrom_to_zero() public returns (bool) {
- uint balance = this.balanceOf(msg.sender);
- bool approve_return = approve(msg.sender, balance);
- return transferFrom(msg.sender, address(0x0), this.balanceOf(msg.sender));
- }
- /*
- Type: ERC20 Standard
- Fire: Transfer(msg.sender, msg.sender, balanceOf(msg.sender))
- Return: Success
- */
- function echidna_self_transferFrom() public returns(bool){
- uint balance = this.balanceOf(msg.sender);
- bool approve_return = approve(msg.sender, balance);
- bool transfer_return = transferFrom(msg.sender, msg.sender, balance);
- return (this.balanceOf(msg.sender) == balance) && approve_return && transfer_return;
- }
- /*
- Type: ERC20 Standard
- Return: Success
- */
- function echidna_self_transferFrom_to_other() public returns(bool){
- uint balance = this.balanceOf(msg.sender);
- bool approve_return = approve(msg.sender, balance);
- bool transfer_return = transferFrom(msg.sender, crytic_owner, balance);
- return (this.balanceOf(msg.sender) == 0) && approve_return && transfer_return;
- }
- /*
- Type: ERC20 Standard
- Fire: Transfer(msg.sender, msg.sender, balanceOf(msg.sender))
- Return: Success
- */
- function echidna_self_transfer() public returns(bool){
- uint balance = this.balanceOf(msg.sender);
- bool transfer_return = transfer(msg.sender, balance);
- return (this.balanceOf(msg.sender) == balance) && transfer_return;
- }
- /*
- Type: ERC20 Standard
- Fire: Transfer(msg.sender, other, 1)
- Return: Success
- */
- function echidna_transfer_to_other() public returns(bool){
- uint balance = this.balanceOf(msg.sender);
- address other = crytic_user;
- if (other == msg.sender) {
- other = crytic_owner;
- }
- if (balance >= 1) {
- bool transfer_other = transfer(other, 1);
- return (this.balanceOf(msg.sender) == balance-1) && (this.balanceOf(other) >= 1) && transfer_other;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /*
- Type: ERC20 Standard
- Fire: Transfer(msg.sender, user, balance+1)
- Return: Fail or Throw
- */
- function echidna_revert_transfer_to_user() public returns(bool){
- uint balance = this.balanceOf(msg.sender);
- if (balance == (2 ** 256 - 1))
- revert();
- bool transfer_other = transfer(crytic_user, balance+1);
- return true;
- }
- /*
- Properties: Not Mintable
- */
- /*
- Type: Undetermined severity
- Return: Success
- */
- function echidna_totalSupply_constant() public returns(bool){
- return initialTotalSupply == totalSupply();
- }
diff --git a/echidna/TBTokenERC20.yaml b/echidna/TBTokenERC20.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9234033a..00000000
--- a/echidna/TBTokenERC20.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-seqLen: 50
-testLimit: 100000
-prefix: "echidna_"
-deployer: "0x41414141"
-sender: ["0x42424242", "0x43434343"]
-psender: "0x43434343"
-dashboard: true
diff --git a/echidna_general_config.yaml b/echidna_general_config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 19d47dde..00000000
--- a/echidna_general_config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-seqLen: 50
-testLimit: 1000000
diff --git a/manticore/TBPoolJoinExit.py b/manticore/TBPoolJoinExit.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c604d0b7..00000000
--- a/manticore/TBPoolJoinExit.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-from manticore.ethereum import ManticoreEVM, ABI
-from manticore.core.smtlib import Operators, Z3Solver
-from manticore.utils import config
-from manticore.core.plugin import Plugin
-m = ManticoreEVM()
-# Disable the gas tracking
-consts_evm = config.get_group("evm")
-consts_evm.oog = "ignore"
-# Increase the solver timeout
-config.get_group("smt").defaultunsat = False
-config.get_group("smt").timeout = 3600
-ETHER = 10 ** 18
-user = m.create_account(balance=1 * ETHER)
-# This plugin is used to speed up the exploration and skip the require(false) paths
-# It won't be needed once https://github.com/trailofbits/manticore/issues/1593 is added
-class SkipRequire(Plugin):
- def will_evm_execute_instruction_callback(self, state, instruction, arguments):
- world = state.platform
- if state.platform.current_transaction.sort != 'CREATE':
- if instruction.semantics == "JUMPI":
- potential_revert = world.current_vm.read_code(world.current_vm.pc + 4)
- if potential_revert[0].size == 8 and potential_revert[0].value == 0xfd:
- state.constrain(arguments[1] == True)
-print(f'controller: {hex(user.address)}')
-skipRequire = SkipRequire()
-TestBpool = m.solidity_create_contract('./manticore/contracts/TBPoolJoinExit.sol',
- contract_name='TestJoinExit',
- owner=user)
-print(f'TBPoolJoinExit deployed {hex(TestBpool.address)}')
-# Call joinAndExitPool with symbolic values
-poolAmountOut = m.make_symbolic_value()
-poolAmountIn = m.make_symbolic_value()
-poolTotal = m.make_symbolic_value()
-_records_t_balance = m.make_symbolic_value()
-TestBpool.joinAndExitPool(poolAmountOut, poolAmountIn, poolTotal, _records_t_balance)
-print(f'joinAndExitPool Called')
-for state in m.ready_states:
- m.generate_testcase(state, name="BugFound")
- # Look over the 10**i, and try to generate more free tokens
- for i in range(0, 18):
- print(i)
- add_value = 10**i
- condition = Operators.AND(poolAmountOut > poolAmountIn + add_value, poolAmountIn + add_value > poolAmountIn)
- m.generate_testcase(state, name=f"BugFound{add_value}", only_if=condition)
-print(f'Results are in {m.workspace}')
diff --git a/manticore/TBPoolJoinExitNoFee.py b/manticore/TBPoolJoinExitNoFee.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f049712..00000000
--- a/manticore/TBPoolJoinExitNoFee.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-from manticore.ethereum import ManticoreEVM, ABI
-from manticore.core.smtlib import Operators, Z3Solver
-from manticore.utils import config
-from manticore.core.plugin import Plugin
-m = ManticoreEVM()
-# Disable the gas tracking
-consts_evm = config.get_group("evm")
-consts_evm.oog = "ignore"
-# Increase the solver timeout
-config.get_group("smt").defaultunsat = False
-config.get_group("smt").timeout = 3600
-ETHER = 10 ** 18
-user = m.create_account(balance=1 * ETHER)
-# This plugin is used to speed up the exploration and skip the require(false) paths
-# It won't be needed once https://github.com/trailofbits/manticore/issues/1593 is added
-class SkipRequire(Plugin):
- def will_evm_execute_instruction_callback(self, state, instruction, arguments):
- world = state.platform
- if state.platform.current_transaction.sort != 'CREATE':
- if instruction.semantics == "JUMPI":
- potential_revert = world.current_vm.read_code(world.current_vm.pc + 4)
- if potential_revert[0].size == 8 and potential_revert[0].value == 0xfd:
- state.constrain(arguments[1] == True)
-print(f'controller: {hex(user.address)}')
-skipRequire = SkipRequire()
-TestBpool = m.solidity_create_contract('./manticore/contracts/TBPoolJoinExitNoFee.sol',
- contract_name='TBPoolJoinExitNoFee',
- owner=user)
-print(f'TestJoinExit deployed {hex(TestBpool.address)}')
-# Call joinAndExitNoFeePool with symbolic values
-poolAmountOut = m.make_symbolic_value()
-poolAmountIn = m.make_symbolic_value()
-poolTotal = m.make_symbolic_value()
-_records_t_balance = m.make_symbolic_value()
-TestBpool.joinAndExitNoFeePool(poolAmountOut, poolAmountIn, poolTotal, _records_t_balance)
-print(f'joinAndExitNoFeePool Called')
-for state in m.ready_states:
- m.generate_testcase(state, name="BugFound")
- # Look over the 10**i, and try to generate more free tokens
- for i in range(0, 18):
- print(i)
- add_value = 10**i
- condition = Operators.AND(poolAmountOut > poolAmountIn + add_value, poolAmountIn + add_value > poolAmountIn)
- m.generate_testcase(state, name=f"BugFound{add_value}", only_if=condition)
-print(f'Results are in {m.workspace}')
diff --git a/manticore/TBPoolJoinPool.py b/manticore/TBPoolJoinPool.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 09b16875..00000000
--- a/manticore/TBPoolJoinPool.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-from manticore.ethereum import ManticoreEVM, ABI
-from manticore.core.smtlib import Operators, Z3Solver
-from manticore.utils import config
-from manticore.core.plugin import Plugin
-m = ManticoreEVM()
-# Disable the gas tracking
-consts_evm = config.get_group("evm")
-consts_evm.oog = "ignore"
-# Increase the solver timeout
-config.get_group("smt").defaultunsat = False
-config.get_group("smt").timeout = 3600
-ETHER = 10 ** 18
-user = m.create_account(balance=1 * ETHER)
-# This plugin is used to speed up the exploration and skip the require(false) paths
-# It won't be needed once https://github.com/trailofbits/manticore/issues/1593 is added
-class SkipRequire(Plugin):
- def will_evm_execute_instruction_callback(self, state, instruction, arguments):
- world = state.platform
- if state.platform.current_transaction.sort != 'CREATE':
- if instruction.semantics == "JUMPI":
- potential_revert = world.current_vm.read_code(world.current_vm.pc + 4)
- if potential_revert[0].size == 8 and potential_revert[0].value == 0xfd:
- state.constrain(arguments[1] == True)
-print(f'controller: {hex(user.address)}')
-skipRequire = SkipRequire()
-TestBpool = m.solidity_create_contract('./manticore/contracts/TBPoolJoinPool.sol',
- contract_name='TBPoolJoinPool',
- owner=user)
-print(f'TBPoolJoinPool deployed {hex(TestBpool.address)}')
-# Call joinAndExitNoFeePool with symbolic values
-poolAmountOut = m.make_symbolic_value()
-poolTotal = m.make_symbolic_value()
-_records_t_balance = m.make_symbolic_value()
-TestBpool.joinPool(poolAmountOut, poolTotal, _records_t_balance)
-print(f'joinPool Called')
-for state in m.ready_states:
- m.generate_testcase(state, name="BugFound")
- # Look over the 10**i, and try to generate more free tokens
- for i in range(0, 18):
- print(i)
- add_value = 10**i
- condition = Operators.AND(poolAmountOut > poolAmountIn + add_value, poolAmountIn + add_value > poolAmountIn)
- m.generate_testcase(state, name=f"BugFound{add_value}", only_if=condition)
-print(f'Results are in {m.workspace}')
diff --git a/manticore/contracts/BNum.sol b/manticore/contracts/BNum.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index e6708bd3..00000000
--- a/manticore/contracts/BNum.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// This file is a flatenen verison of BNum
-// where require(cond, string) where replaced by require(cond)
-// To allow SkipRequire to work properly
-// It won't be needed once https://github.com/trailofbits/manticore/issues/1593 is added
-contract BConst {
- uint internal constant BONE = 10**18;
- uint internal constant MAX_BOUND_TOKENS = 8;
- uint internal constant BPOW_PRECISION = BONE / 10**10;
- uint internal constant MIN_FEE = BONE / 10**6;
- uint internal constant MAX_FEE = BONE / 10;
- uint internal constant EXIT_FEE = BONE / 10000;
- uint internal constant MIN_WEIGHT = BONE;
- uint internal constant MAX_WEIGHT = BONE * 50;
- uint internal constant MAX_TOTAL_WEIGHT = BONE * 50;
- uint internal constant MIN_BALANCE = BONE / 10**12;
- uint internal constant MAX_BALANCE = BONE * 10**12;
- uint internal constant MIN_POOL_SUPPLY = BONE;
- uint internal constant MIN_BPOW_BASE = 1 wei;
- uint internal constant MAX_BPOW_BASE = (2 * BONE) - 1 wei;
- uint internal constant MAX_IN_RATIO = BONE / 2;
- uint internal constant MAX_OUT_RATIO = (BONE / 3) + 1 wei;
-contract BNum is BConst {
- function badd(uint a, uint b)
- internal pure
- returns (uint)
- {
- uint c = a + b;
- require(c >= a);
- return c;
- }
- function bsub(uint a, uint b)
- internal pure
- returns (uint)
- {
- (uint c, bool flag) = bsubSign(a, b);
- require(!flag);
- return c;
- }
- function bsubSign(uint a, uint b)
- internal pure
- returns (uint, bool)
- {
- if (a >= b) {
- return (a - b, false);
- } else {
- return (b - a, true);
- }
- }
- function bmul(uint a, uint b)
- internal pure
- returns (uint)
- {
- uint c0 = a * b;
- require(a == 0 || c0 / a == b);
- uint c1 = c0 + (BONE / 2);
- require(c1 >= c0);
- uint c2 = c1 / BONE;
- return c2;
- }
- function bdiv(uint a, uint b)
- internal pure
- returns (uint)
- {
- require(b != 0);
- uint c0 = a * BONE;
- require(a == 0 || c0 / a == BONE); // bmul overflow
- uint c1 = c0 + (b / 2);
- require(c1 >= c0); // badd require
- uint c2 = c1 / b;
- return c2;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manticore/contracts/TBPoolJoinExitPool.sol b/manticore/contracts/TBPoolJoinExitPool.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 03487b51..00000000
--- a/manticore/contracts/TBPoolJoinExitPool.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-import "./BNum.sol";
-// This test is similar to TBPoolJoin but with an exit fee
-contract TBPoolJoinExit is BNum {
- // joinPool models the BPool.joinPool behavior for one token
- function joinPool(uint poolAmountOut, uint poolTotal, uint _records_t_balance)
- internal pure returns(uint)
- {
- uint ratio = bdiv(poolAmountOut, poolTotal);
- require(ratio != 0);
- uint bal = _records_t_balance;
- uint tokenAmountIn = bmul(ratio, bal);
- return tokenAmountIn;
- }
- // exitPool models the BPool.exitPool behavior for one token
- function exitPool(uint poolAmountIn, uint poolTotal, uint _records_t_balance)
- internal pure returns(uint)
- {
- uint exitFee = bmul(poolAmountIn, EXIT_FEE);
- uint pAiAfterExitFee = bsub(poolAmountIn, exitFee);
- uint ratio = bdiv(pAiAfterExitFee, poolTotal);
- require(ratio != 0);
- uint bal = _records_t_balance;
- uint tokenAmountOut = bmul(ratio, bal);
- return tokenAmountOut;
- }
- // This function model an attacker calling joinPool - exitPool and taking advantage of potential rounding
- // issues to generate free pool token
- function joinAndExitPool(uint poolAmountOut, uint poolAmountIn, uint poolTotal, uint _records_t_balance) public pure {
- uint tokenAmountIn = joinPool(poolAmountOut, poolTotal, _records_t_balance);
- // We constraint poolTotal and _records_t_balance
- // To have "realistic" values
- require(poolTotal <= 100 ether);
- require(poolTotal >= 1 ether);
- require(_records_t_balance <= 10 ether);
- require(_records_t_balance >= 10**6);
- poolTotal = badd(poolTotal, poolAmountOut);
- _records_t_balance = badd(_records_t_balance, tokenAmountIn);
- require(tokenAmountIn > 0); // prevent triggering the free token generation from joinPool
- require(poolTotal >= poolAmountIn);
- uint tokenAmountOut = exitPool(poolAmountIn, poolTotal, _records_t_balance);
- require(_records_t_balance >= tokenAmountOut);
- // We try to generate free pool share
- require(poolAmountOut > poolAmountIn);
- require(tokenAmountOut == tokenAmountIn);
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manticore/contracts/TBPoolJoinExitPoolNoFee.sol b/manticore/contracts/TBPoolJoinExitPoolNoFee.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 703ca1d4..00000000
--- a/manticore/contracts/TBPoolJoinExitPoolNoFee.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-import "./BNum.sol";
-// This test is similar to TBPoolJoinExit but with no exit fee
-contract TBPoolJoinExitNoFee is BNum {
- bool public echidna_no_bug_found = true;
- // joinPool models the BPool.joinPool behavior for one token
- function joinPool(uint poolAmountOut, uint poolTotal, uint _records_t_balance)
- internal pure returns(uint)
- {
- uint ratio = bdiv(poolAmountOut, poolTotal);
- require(ratio != 0);
- uint bal = _records_t_balance;
- uint tokenAmountIn = bmul(ratio, bal);
- return tokenAmountIn;
- }
- // exitPool models the BPool.exitPool behavior for one token where no fee is applied
- function exitPoolNoFee(uint poolAmountIn, uint poolTotal, uint _records_t_balance)
- internal pure returns(uint)
- {
- uint ratio = bdiv(poolAmountIn, poolTotal);
- require(ratio != 0);
- uint bal = _records_t_balance;
- uint tokenAmountOut = bmul(ratio, bal);
- return tokenAmountOut;
- }
- // This function model an attacker calling joinPool - exitPool and taking advantage of potential rounding
- // issues to generate free pool token
- function joinAndExitNoFeePool(uint poolAmountOut, uint poolAmountIn, uint poolTotal, uint _records_t_balance) public {
- uint tokenAmountIn = joinPool(poolAmountOut, poolTotal, _records_t_balance);
- // We constraint poolTotal and _records_t_balance
- // To have "realistic" values
- require(poolTotal <= 100 ether);
- require(poolTotal >= 1 ether);
- require(_records_t_balance <= 10 ether);
- require(_records_t_balance >= 10**6);
- poolTotal = badd(poolTotal, poolAmountOut);
- _records_t_balance = badd(_records_t_balance, tokenAmountIn);
- require(tokenAmountIn > 0); // prevent triggering the free token generation from joinPool
- require(poolTotal >= poolAmountIn);
- uint tokenAmountOut = exitPoolNoFee(poolAmountIn, poolTotal, _records_t_balance);
- require(_records_t_balance >= tokenAmountOut);
- // We try to generate free pool share
- require(poolAmountOut > poolAmountIn);
- require(tokenAmountOut == tokenAmountIn);
- echidna_no_bug_found = false;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manticore/contracts/TBPoolJoinPool.sol b/manticore/contracts/TBPoolJoinPool.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 21441b0b..00000000
--- a/manticore/contracts/TBPoolJoinPool.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-import "./BNum.sol";
-contract TBPoolJoinPool is BNum {
- bool public echidna_no_bug_found = true;
- // joinPool models the BPool.joinPool behavior for one token
- // A bug is found if poolAmountOut is greater than 0
- // And tokenAmountIn is 0
- function joinPool(uint poolAmountOut, uint poolTotal, uint _records_t_balance)
- public returns(uint)
- {
- // We constraint poolTotal and _records_t_balance
- // To have "realistic" values
- require(poolTotal <= 100 ether);
- require(poolTotal >= 1 ether);
- require(_records_t_balance <= 10 ether);
- require(_records_t_balance >= 10**6);
- uint ratio = bdiv(poolAmountOut, poolTotal);
- require(ratio != 0);
- uint bal = _records_t_balance;
- uint tokenAmountIn = bmul(ratio, bal);
- require(poolAmountOut > 0);
- require(tokenAmountIn == 0);
- echidna_no_bug_found = false;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/contracts/test/TMath.sol b/src/contracts/test/TMath.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index b5cd0cf5..00000000
--- a/src/contracts/test/TMath.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-pragma solidity 0.8.23;
-import "../BMath.sol";
-import "../BNum.sol";
-// Contract to wrap internal functions for testing
-contract TMath is BMath {
- function calc_btoi(uint a) external pure returns (uint) {
- return btoi(a);
- }
- function calc_bfloor(uint a) external pure returns (uint) {
- return bfloor(a);
- }
- function calc_badd(uint a, uint b) external pure returns (uint) {
- return badd(a, b);
- }
- function calc_bsub(uint a, uint b) external pure returns (uint) {
- return bsub(a, b);
- }
- function calc_bsubSign(uint a, uint b) external pure returns (uint, bool) {
- return bsubSign(a, b);
- }
- function calc_bmul(uint a, uint b) external pure returns (uint) {
- return bmul(a, b);
- }
- function calc_bdiv(uint a, uint b) external pure returns (uint) {
- return bdiv(a, b);
- }
- function calc_bpowi(uint a, uint n) external pure returns (uint) {
- return bpowi(a, n);
- }
- function calc_bpow(uint base, uint exp) external pure returns (uint) {
- return bpow(base, exp);
- }
- function calc_bpowApprox(uint base, uint exp, uint precision) external pure returns (uint) {
- return bpowApprox(base, exp, precision);
- }
diff --git a/src/contracts/test/TToken.sol b/src/contracts/test/TToken.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index d9134492..00000000
--- a/src/contracts/test/TToken.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-pragma solidity 0.8.23;
-// Test Token
-contract TToken {
- string private _name;
- string private _symbol;
- uint8 private _decimals;
- address private _owner;
- uint internal _totalSupply;
- mapping(address => uint) private _balance;
- mapping(address => mapping(address=>uint)) private _allowance;
- modifier _onlyOwner_() {
- require(msg.sender == _owner, "ERR_NOT_OWNER");
- _;
- }
- event Approval(address indexed src, address indexed dst, uint amt);
- event Transfer(address indexed src, address indexed dst, uint amt);
- // Math
- function add(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint c) {
- require((c = a + b) >= a);
- }
- function sub(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint c) {
- require((c = a - b) <= a);
- }
- constructor(
- string memory name,
- string memory symbol,
- uint8 decimals
- ) public {
- _name = name;
- _symbol = symbol;
- _decimals = decimals;
- _owner = msg.sender;
- }
- function name() public view returns (string memory) {
- return _name;
- }
- function symbol() public view returns (string memory) {
- return _symbol;
- }
- function decimals() public view returns(uint8) {
- return _decimals;
- }
- function _move(address src, address dst, uint amt) internal {
- require(_balance[src] >= amt, "ERR_INSUFFICIENT_BAL");
- _balance[src] = sub(_balance[src], amt);
- _balance[dst] = add(_balance[dst], amt);
- emit Transfer(src, dst, amt);
- }
- function _push(address to, uint amt) internal {
- _move(address(this), to, amt);
- }
- function _pull(address from, uint amt) internal {
- _move(from, address(this), amt);
- }
- function _mint(address dst, uint amt) internal {
- _balance[dst] = add(_balance[dst], amt);
- _totalSupply = add(_totalSupply, amt);
- emit Transfer(address(0), dst, amt);
- }
- function allowance(address src, address dst) external view returns (uint) {
- return _allowance[src][dst];
- }
- function balanceOf(address whom) external view returns (uint) {
- return _balance[whom];
- }
- function totalSupply() public view returns (uint) {
- return _totalSupply;
- }
- function approve(address dst, uint amt) external returns (bool) {
- _allowance[msg.sender][dst] = amt;
- emit Approval(msg.sender, dst, amt);
- return true;
- }
- function mint(address dst, uint256 amt) public _onlyOwner_ returns (bool) {
- _mint(dst, amt);
- return true;
- }
- function burn(uint amt) public returns (bool) {
- require(_balance[address(this)] >= amt, "ERR_INSUFFICIENT_BAL");
- _balance[address(this)] = sub(_balance[address(this)], amt);
- _totalSupply = sub(_totalSupply, amt);
- emit Transfer(address(this), address(0), amt);
- return true;
- }
- function transfer(address dst, uint amt) external returns (bool) {
- _move(msg.sender, dst, amt);
- return true;
- }
- function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint amt) external returns (bool) {
- require(msg.sender == src || amt <= _allowance[src][msg.sender], "ERR_BTOKEN_BAD_CALLER");
- _move(src, dst, amt);
- if (msg.sender != src && _allowance[src][msg.sender] != type(uint256).max) {
- _allowance[src][msg.sender] = sub(_allowance[src][msg.sender], amt);
- emit Approval(msg.sender, dst, _allowance[src][msg.sender]);
- }
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/src/contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolJoinExitPool.sol b/src/contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolJoinExitPool.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dcc7836..00000000
--- a/src/contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolJoinExitPool.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-import "../../BNum.sol";
-pragma solidity 0.8.23;
-// This test is similar to TBPoolJoin but with an exit fee
-contract TBPoolJoinExit is BNum {
- bool public echidna_no_bug_found = true;
- // joinPool models the BPool.joinPool behavior for one token
- function joinPool(uint poolAmountOut, uint poolTotal, uint _records_t_balance)
- internal pure returns(uint)
- {
- uint ratio = bdiv(poolAmountOut, poolTotal);
- require(ratio != 0, "ERR_MATH_APPROX");
- uint bal = _records_t_balance;
- uint tokenAmountIn = bmul(ratio, bal);
- return tokenAmountIn;
- }
- // exitPool models the BPool.exitPool behavior for one token
- function exitPool(uint poolAmountIn, uint poolTotal, uint _records_t_balance)
- internal pure returns(uint)
- {
- uint exitFee = bmul(poolAmountIn, EXIT_FEE);
- uint pAiAfterExitFee = bsub(poolAmountIn, exitFee);
- uint ratio = bdiv(pAiAfterExitFee, poolTotal);
- require(ratio != 0, "ERR_MATH_APPROX");
- uint bal = _records_t_balance;
- uint tokenAmountOut = bmul(ratio, bal);
- return tokenAmountOut;
- }
- // This function model an attacker calling joinPool - exitPool and taking advantage of potential rounding
- // issues to generate free pool token
- function joinAndExitPool(uint poolAmountOut, uint poolAmountIn, uint poolTotal, uint _records_t_balance) public {
- uint tokenAmountIn = joinPool(poolAmountOut, poolTotal, _records_t_balance);
- // We constraint poolTotal and _records_t_balance
- // To have "realistic" values
- require(poolTotal <= 100 ether);
- require(poolTotal >= 1 ether);
- require(_records_t_balance <= 10 ether);
- require(_records_t_balance >= 10**6);
- poolTotal = badd(poolTotal, poolAmountOut);
- _records_t_balance = badd(_records_t_balance, tokenAmountIn);
- require(tokenAmountIn > 0); // prevent triggering the free token generation from joinPool
- require(poolTotal >= poolAmountIn);
- uint tokenAmountOut = exitPool(poolAmountIn, poolTotal, _records_t_balance);
- require(_records_t_balance >= tokenAmountOut);
- // We try to generate free pool share
- require(poolAmountOut > poolAmountIn);
- require(tokenAmountOut == tokenAmountIn);
- echidna_no_bug_found = false;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolJoinExitPoolNoFee.sol b/src/contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolJoinExitPoolNoFee.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index e79d8f73..00000000
--- a/src/contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolJoinExitPoolNoFee.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-import "../../BNum.sol";
-pragma solidity 0.8.23;
-// This test is similar to TBPoolJoinExit but with no exit fee
-contract TBPoolJoinExitNoFee is BNum {
- bool public echidna_no_bug_found = true;
- // joinPool models the BPool.joinPool behavior for one token
- function joinPool(uint poolAmountOut, uint poolTotal, uint _records_t_balance)
- internal pure returns(uint)
- {
- uint ratio = bdiv(poolAmountOut, poolTotal);
- require(ratio != 0, "ERR_MATH_APPROX");
- uint bal = _records_t_balance;
- uint tokenAmountIn = bmul(ratio, bal);
- return tokenAmountIn;
- }
- // exitPool models the BPool.exitPool behavior for one token where no fee is applied
- function exitPoolNoFee(uint poolAmountIn, uint poolTotal, uint _records_t_balance)
- internal pure returns(uint)
- {
- uint ratio = bdiv(poolAmountIn, poolTotal);
- require(ratio != 0, "ERR_MATH_APPROX");
- uint bal = _records_t_balance;
- uint tokenAmountOut = bmul(ratio, bal);
- return tokenAmountOut;
- }
- // This function model an attacker calling joinPool - exitPool and taking advantage of potential rounding
- // issues to generate free pool token
- function joinAndExitNoFeePool(uint poolAmountOut, uint poolAmountIn, uint poolTotal, uint _records_t_balance)
- public
- {
- uint tokenAmountIn = joinPool(poolAmountOut, poolTotal, _records_t_balance);
- // We constraint poolTotal and _records_t_balance
- // To have "realistic" values
- require(poolTotal <= 100 ether);
- require(poolTotal >= 1 ether);
- require(_records_t_balance <= 10 ether);
- require(_records_t_balance >= 10**6);
- poolTotal = badd(poolTotal, poolAmountOut);
- _records_t_balance = badd(_records_t_balance, tokenAmountIn);
- require(tokenAmountIn > 0); // prevent triggering the free token generation from joinPool
- require(poolTotal >= poolAmountIn);
- uint tokenAmountOut = exitPoolNoFee(poolAmountIn, poolTotal, _records_t_balance);
- require(_records_t_balance >= tokenAmountOut);
- // We try to generate free pool share
- require(poolAmountOut > poolAmountIn);
- require(tokenAmountOut == tokenAmountIn);
- echidna_no_bug_found = false;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolJoinPool.sol b/src/contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolJoinPool.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c37972b..00000000
--- a/src/contracts/test/echidna/TBPoolJoinPool.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-import "../../BNum.sol";
-pragma solidity 0.8.23;
-contract TBPoolJoinPool is BNum {
- bool public echidna_no_bug_found = true;
- // joinPool models the BPool.joinPool behavior for one token
- // A bug is found if poolAmountOut is greater than 0
- // And tokenAmountIn is 0
- function joinPool(uint poolAmountOut, uint poolTotal, uint _records_t_balance)
- public returns(uint)
- {
- // We constraint poolTotal and _records_t_balance
- // To have "realistic" values
- require(poolTotal <= 100 ether);
- require(poolTotal >= 1 ether);
- require(_records_t_balance <= 10 ether);
- require(_records_t_balance >= 10**6);
- uint ratio = bdiv(poolAmountOut, poolTotal);
- require(ratio != 0, "ERR_MATH_APPROX");
- uint bal = _records_t_balance;
- uint tokenAmountIn = bmul(ratio, bal);
- require(poolAmountOut > 0);
- require(tokenAmountIn == 0);
- echidna_no_bug_found = false;
- }
\ No newline at end of file