Very light weight add-on to Comfey to power your states with Finite State Machine logic.
import Comfey from 'comfey';
import fsm from 'comfey/fsm';
const DEBUG = true;
const locationFsmConfig = {
start: 'a',
a: { goToC: 'c' },
c: { goToX: 'x', goToA: 'a' },
const app = new Comfey(document.getElementById('app'), DEBUG);
const location = fsm(app, 'location', locationFsmConfig, locationWatcher);
function locationWatcher(newLoc, oldLoc) {
console.log('Transitioning:', oldLoc + ' -> ' + newLoc);
console.log('Current Location:', location.getState()); // a
console.log('Possible Transitions:', location.getTransitions()); // ['goToC']
console.log('Current Location:', location.getState()); // c
console.log('Possible Transitions:', location.getTransitions()); // ['goToX', 'goToA']