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Diffusion Marketplace


Environment url
development http://localhost:3200
ftl staging
ftl production
vaec development
vaec staging
vaec production

Custom Rails Tasks:

Task command description
rails dm:db_setup Set up database. Runs rails db:create rails db:migrate rails db:seed
rails dm:full_import Set up data using the full flow of the importer
rails dm:reset_up Re-sets up database and imports all data from the full flow of the importer
rails importer:import_answers import an xlsx and create practices
rails importer:initial_featured sets up the "original" featured practices to show up on the landing page - depends on spreadsheet being imported
rails surveymonkey:download_response_files (DEPRECATED) Rake task to download files from our SurveyMonkey practice submission form. Do not use this anymore. Ever.
rails visns:create_visns_and_transfer_data Creates new VISN records based on the data from the "practice_origin_lookup.json" file
rails va_facilities:create_or_update_va_facilities Creates or updates VA facility records based on the data from the "va_facilities.json" file
rails visns:create_visn_liaisons_and_transfer_data Creates new VISN liaison records based on the data from the "practice_origin_lookup.json" file
rails diffusion_history:all Imports all of the diffusion history we have so far for practices - used to populate the geolocation feature (Practice <-> Facility mappings)
rails milestones:milestones_transfer Transfers all of the original timeline entry milestones to the new milestone model
rails go_fish_practices:assign_go_fish_badge Assigns the Go Fish badge to all Go Fish practices
rails shark_tank_practices:assign_shark_tank_badge Assigns the Shark Tank badge to all previous Shark Tank winners
rails inet_partner_practices:assign_inet_partner Assigns the iNET practice partner to practices that have iNET as a partner
rails shark_tank_practices:assign_shark_tank_badge Assigns the Shark Tank badge to all previous Shark Tank winners
rails categories:add_covid_cats Adds COVID related categories and assigns them to practices
rails practice_origin_facilities:move_practice_initiating_facility Moves practice initiating facilities to the practice_origin_facilities table
rails port_milestones_to_timelines:port_milestones_to_timelines Ports data from Milestone table description field to Timelines.milestone field.
rails practice_multimedia:transfer_practice_impact_photos Ports data from ImpactPhotos table PracticeMultimedia table.
rails practice_multimedia:transfer_practice_videos Ports data from VideoFile table to PracticeMultimedia table.
rails documentation:port_additional_documents_to_practice_resources Ports additional documents to practice_resources
rails documentation:port_publications_to_practice_resources Ports publications (links) to practice_resources
rails risk_and_mitigation:remove_unpaired_risks_and_mitigation Removes risks without a corresponding mitigation AND removes mitigations without a corresponding risk.
rails practice_editors:add_practice_owners_to_practice_editors Adds each practice owner to the practice editors list of their corresponding practice
rails va_facilities:fix_data_va_facilities updates bad data in the va_facilities table (complexity field: 'fy17_parent_station_complexity_level')
rails practice_partners:apply_is_major_flag_to_partners Creates/updates certain flagship practice partners and applies the 'is_major' flag to them
rails practice_partners:add_new_practice_partners Adds new practice partners to the DB based on a spreadsheet provided in March 2022

Ruby version

  • ruby 3.0.6

  • rails ~> 6.0.0

System dependencies


Check out database.yml to change the username/password for the database user. Be sure to create that user/role in the local postgres instance

Development Environment Variables

  • run figaro install to get the "application.yml" file in your config folder

Please ask an engineer on the team for credentials to various APIs that we use.



GA_TRACKING_ID  # (prod only)

# For the importer to download the practice files and pictures
S3_TEST_BUCKET # Optional

# Optional
SESSION_REMEMBER_FOR_IN_DAYS # how long to remember the user for if they check the "Remember me" checkbox. default is 1 day
SESSION_TIMEOUT_IN_MINUTES # without checking the checkbox, how long the user's session stays alive if they are active. default is 15 minutes

Database creation

  • rails db:create

Database initialization

  • rails db:seed

How to run the test suite

  • rspec

Development Environment Setup Instructions


  • all system dependencies have been met
  • command line interface such as bash
  • (if applicable) postgresql has a dm user and role, and this user can create databases

Set up

Within the command line:

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone

  2. Change directory into the newly created project directory

    cd diffusion-marketplace

  3. Install project dependencies

    bundle install

  4. Create the database

    rails db:create

  5. Spin up the sever

    rails s

  6. In a browser, browse to http://localhost:3200 to make sure everything built correctly.

Initial data - Bulk Importer


Environment Variables


Order of operations for running DM Specific rake tasks to set up data

  1. Run rails dm:full_import

This will run:

  1. rails dm:db_setup - sets up the db with rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
  2. rails importer:import_answers - imports the initial practice data the Diffusion Marketplace team collected via Survey Monkey, images and all~
  3. rails importer:initial_featured - sets the first three initial featured practices for the homepage
  4. rails visns:create_visns_and_transfer_data - Creates new VISN records based on the data from the "practice_origin_lookup.json" file
  5. rails va_facilities:create_or_update_va_facilities - Creates or updates VA facility records based on the data from the "va_facilities.json" file
  6. rails visns:create_visn_liaisons_and_transfer_data - Creates new VISN liaison records based on the data from the "practice_origin_lookup.json" file
  7. rails diffusion_history:all - set up the initial diffusion history for the first five practices. Individual commands can be found here: lib/tasks/diffusion_history.rake
  8. rails go_fish_practices:assign_go_fish_badge - assigns the Go Fish badge to all Go Fish practices
  9. rails shark_tank_practices:assign_shark_tank_badge - assigns the Shark Tank badge to all previous Shark Tank winners
  10. rails inet_partner_practices:assign_inet_partner - assigns the iNET practice partner to practices that have iNET as a partner
  11. rails categories:add_covid_cats - adds COVID related categories and assigns them to practices
  12. rails practice_origin_facilities:move_practice_initiating_facility - moves practice initiating facilities to the practice_origin_facilities table
  13. rails practice_multimedia:transfer_practice_impact_photos - moves practice impact photos to practice multimedia
  14. rails practice_multimedia:transfer_practice_videos - moves practice videos to practice multimedia
  15. rails practice_editors:add_practice_owners_to_practice_editors - Adds each practice owner to the practice editors list of their corresponding practice
  16. rails va_facilities:fix_data_va_facilities - updates bad data in the va_facilities table (complexity field: 'fy17_parent_station_complextity_level')
  17. rails practice_partners:apply_is_major_flag_to_partners - Creates/updates certain flagship practice partners and applies the 'is_major' flag to them
  18. rails practice_partners:add_new_practice_partners - Adds new practice partners to the DB based on a spreadsheet provided in March 2022

To reset all of the data and do the process all over again, run:

rails dm:reset_up