A plattform to ease DRL research.
Arena2D is a research framework for fast development and training of reinforcement learning algorithms for autonomous navigation. It aims to ease the overall pipeline and make training more efficient using simple 2D environments together with interfaces for additional modules, which users can freely experiment with. We have incorporated novel ideas from state of the art research and arena2d provides APIs, which every user can use to integrate new ideas.
Our design principles are:
- Efficient simulation: Training in arena2D require less time compared to 3D simulations while achieving similar results on lidar scan data.
- Flexible development: Make it easy for new users to try out research ideas.
- Easy experimentation: Make it easy for new users to test with benchmarks and run richful evaluations
- Modular expandability: New functionalities can be build in easily, therefore we provide APIs.
- Motivation
- Citing Arena2D
- Installation
- Docker Setup
- Training and Testing Agent
- Documentation
- Simulation Environment
- Baselines
- Tutorials
- License
- Acknowledgments
- References
If you use the arena2d platform in your research, please cite the following paper:
title={Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based Semantic Navigation of Mobile Robots in Dynamic Environments},
author={K{\"a}stner, Linh and Marx, Cornelius and Lambrecht, Jens},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.00516},
- 20/10/2020:** add support for loading static map, full description please refer to the LEVEL part in the
's README. - 15/09/2020:** full support for stable DRL baselines: https://github.com/hill-a/stable-baselines(s. branch arena-ros)
- 15/08/2020:** including a new class to simulate 2d humans
- 29/07/2020:** including integration into ROS melodic see branch arena-ros
- 01/07/2020:** including A3C agent, based on Lapan et al. (2018)
- 01/06/2020:** including asynchronous training. It is now possible to run multiple training environments and threads in parallel. See agent-sim.rd section asynchronous training for more information
The simulator is built using CMake. Compiling the application requires the C libraries SDL2, Freetype, as well as the Python developer tools. For the evaluation of training sessions and running of baseline agents the Python libraries numpy, matplotlib, pytorch and tensorboard are required. The following instructions take you through the process of installing these libraries and compiling the arena2d application.
NOTE: We built using CMake 3.14. For CMake Version above 3.14. you might encounter the error message
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:18 (add_executable):
Target "main" links to item "-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lSDL2 " which has
leading or trailing whitespace. This is now an error according to policy
In that case open sdl2-config.cmake in
sudo vim /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/SDL2/sdl2-config.cmake
and remove the space in the last line
set(SDL2_LIBRARIES "-L${SDL2_LIBDIR} -lSDL2 ") <---- here
We provide building with and without ROS. If you consider testing your agents with ROS messages (e.g. within a ROS map or on real hardware), we recommend building with ROS by following the instructions down below.
It is encouraged (but not necessary) to install the python libraries within a conda environment:
conda create --name arena2d
conda activate arena2d
Now you can safely install the python libraries without the risk of breaking any dependencies: Inside the conda environment you can install the libraries using conda or pip.
conda install -c anaconda cmake
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
conda install -c pytorch torchvision
Make sure your PYTHONPATH is pointing to these libs e.g. you can set it inside the commandline:
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/anaconda3/envs/arena2d/lib/python3.8/site-packages
pip install cmake python-devtools numpy matplotlib torch torchvision tensorboard
Install libraries for compiling:
sudo apt-get install cmake libsdl2-dev libfreetype-dev
brew install cmake sdl2 freetype
Clone the repository and navigate to the folder arena2d-sim/
git clone https://github.com/ignc-research/arena2d
cd arena2d/arena2d-sim/
Create build directory:
mkdir build && cd build/
Configure CMake and build application:
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j
Error Handling: In case you run into errors complaining about missing libs and dependencies do following changes inside CMakeList.txt:
- delete box2d from
- Add box2d, pthread, util and ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} to target_link_libraries (line 106) (in the same order as below!)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} "${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} ${ARENA_LINK_LIBRARIES}" pthread ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} box2d util)
- Save and make again
make -j
After compilation with Cmake make sure that python from your conda environment is used instead of your system conda. The output of
cmake ../
should look as following (when using conda and python 3.8)
-- Using python version 3.8.5
Include directories:
-> sdl2: /usr/include/SDL2
-> freetype: /usr/include/freetype2/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/freetype2
-> python: /home/username/anaconda3/envs/py3.8/include/python3.8
-> sdl2: -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lSDL2
-> opengl: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so
-> freetype: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfreetype.so
-> python: /home/username/anaconda3/envs/py3.8/lib/libpython3.8.so
(Optional) Install binary to system folder:
sudo make install
Once you have compiled the application you can run the application from the arena2d-sim/
folder with ./build/arena2d
If you have installed the binary to your system folder you can run the simulator from anywhere by simply executing arena2d
- Standard ROS setup. The link can be found here (Code has been tested with Melodic on Ubuntu 18.04)
- Python3 and dependencies. its recommended to use conda to install necessary packages listed in the
.conda env create -f environment.yml
- Create a catkin workspace:
$ mkdir -p ~/ARENA2d_ws/src $ cd ~/ARENA2d_ws/ $ rosws update
- Clone this repository in the src-folder of your catkin workspace and checkout the branch
. Compile tehe code and add the workspace to the ROS environment with:$ catkin_make -DSUPPORT_ROS_AGENT=ON $ source devel/setup.bash
- Make sure
is included in the PYTHONPATH. Append following command to your.bashrc
:$ export PYTHONPATH=${path_to_this_package}/rl_ros_agents:${PYTHONPATH}
- open the simulator by:
Turning the Video on or off have no significant difference in the training speed.
$ roslaunch arena2d arena_sim_video_off.launch OR $ roslaunch arena2d arena_sim_video_on.launch
- running the training script:
$ conda activate arena2d $ python scripts/train_a3c.py
- To visualize robot position and laserscan run the the script in an another terminal
$ python scripts/rviz_visualize_helper.py
- open the rviz and start it with a config file
$ rviz -d launch/rviz_arena_config.rviz
For training and testing preexisting or new agents please see Agent-Doc
Overall workflow of arena2D. The simulator is written in C++ whereas the agent files including network designs and DRL algorithms are reralized in python. The simulator will call the respective python function using callbacks.
Architecture of arena2d
See Simulation-Doc for more details about the sensor data, how you can add new classes, levels, etc.
We provide some pretrained agents as baselines, which can be downloaded using following link: TBR. We compare the agents in terms of the different metrics: Success Rate, Collision Rate (number of collisions), efficiency (time to reach goal), training time on a GPU RTX 2080 TI, 8 Cores CPU. Note: test runs were conducted a total of 30 times and the average was calculated. More details will be released soon.
Agents | Success Rate [%] | Collision Rate [%] | Training Time | Complex Environment |
vanilla DQN | 99.9 | 0.1 | 18h | no |
DQN 1/2-step | 99.9 | 0.1 | 12h | no |
Double DQN 1/2-Step | 99.9 | 0 | 8h | no |
D3QN | x | x | × | × |
DQN + LSTM | not stable! 62 | 30 | 3d | yes |
A3C + LSTM (discrete) | not stable! 44 | 14 | 4d 5h | yes |
A3C + LSTM (continous) | x | x | × | × |
PPO + LSTM | x | x | × | × |
DDPG + LSTM | x | x | × | × |
We provide some basic tutorials, on how to setup a basic training workflow including agent setup, parameter settings and evaluation pipeline. TBR
Arena2D is MIT licensed. See the LICENSE file for details.