Day 1. Install Arduino and ESP
- Install Arduino 1.8.19
- Open arduino IDE
- To install ESP board in arduino
- Go to file > preference > copy below url and past in board URL section.
Day 1. Thingspeak Server Server link - Day 1. - Make an account there, add a channel and copy channel number and API key. Make changes in code lines 19 and 20 in code send_temprature_server.ino
Replace with channel number
unsigned long myChannelNumber = ;
Replace with API key
const char * myWriteAPIKey = "";
Day 2 inter device communication Code file - inter_device_mqtt.ino Change these line 7 and 8 code for wifi username and password.
const char* ssid = "WIFI_NAME";
const char* password = "WIFI_PASSWORD";
You have to write you name here. on line 9 in place of "teamA"
char * sub_topic = "teamA"; //This is YOU (Your team)
You have to write you name here. on line 10 in place of "teamA"
char * pub_topic = "teamB"; //This is THEM (Another team)