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118 lines (95 loc) · 4.94 KB

File metadata and controls

118 lines (95 loc) · 4.94 KB


DTGaugeView started as a fork and is inspired by Thomas Winklers - SFGaugeView. A custom UIView with a gauge control (tachometer like control). Changes of the needle are animated.

Colors, sizes, visibility and opacity can be customized. You can use the IBs Attributes Inspector (see screenshot below) to change all properties and just need to adjust the currentNeedleLevel to have your value displayed.





Installing with CocoaPods

If you're unfamiliar with CocoaPods you can check out this tutorial here.

  1. In Terminal navigate to the root of your project.

  2. Run 'touch Podfile' to create the Podfile.

  3. Open the Podfile using 'open -a Xcode Podfile'

  4. Add the pod DTGaugeView to your Podfile.

     platform :ios, '8.0'
     use_frameworks! # update cocoapods if needed "[sudo] gem install cocoapods"
     source ''
     pod 'DTGaugeView', '~> 0.1.0'
  5. Run pod install.

  6. Open your app's .xcworkspace file to launch Xcode and start using the control!


  1. Either create DTGaugeView by dragging UIView from storyboard and change implementing class or create it programmatically (see Screenshot below for storyboard configuration)
  2. Create an outlet (if create via storyboard)
  3. Set up parameters like below
  4. GaugeControl interaction currentNeedleLevel --> sets the current level of the needle
DTGaugeView *gauge;
gauge = [[DTGaugeView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 275, 170, 200)];
// use arcBackgroundColor or set an NSArray of UIColors to add a gradient
gauge.arcBackgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
// if arcGradientColors are set the arcBackgroundColor can't be seen
gauge.arcGradientColors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
(id)[UIColor grayColor].CGColor,
(id)[UIColor yellowColor].CGColor,
(id)[UIColor blueColor].CGColor,
(id)[UIColor blackColor].CGColor,
gauge.needleColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:27/255.0 green:103/255.0 blue:107/255.0 alpha:1];
gauge.minlevel = 0;
gauge.maxlevel = 100;
gauge.currentNeedleLevel = 60;
gauge.isGivenInDegrees = YES;
[self.view addSubview:gauge];

These properties can all be set:

// Min/Max labels
CGFloat             minlevel;					// level for left side of arc and MinLabels text
CGFloat             maxlevel;					// level for right side of arc and MaxLabels text
BOOL                hideMinMaxLabels;			// if set to YES the MinMaxLabels are hidden
CGFloat             minMaxTextSize;				// text size of both MinMaxLabels
UIColor             *minimumTextColor;			// text color of minimum label
UIColor             *maximumTextColor;			// text color of maximum label
BOOL                showMinMaxLabelsAsCircle;	// if set to YES both MinMaxLabels are drawn as circle
UIColor             *minBackgroundColor;		// background color of minimum label
UIColor             *maxBackgroundColor;		// background color of maximum label
CGFloat             minMaxLabelAlpha;			// opacity/alpha of both MinMaxLabels

// Needle label
CGFloat             needleTextSize;				// text size of needles value label
UIColor             *needleTextColor;			// text color of needles value label

// Needle
CGFloat             needleWidth;				// width of needles source/circle
UIColor             *needleColor;				// color of needle
UIColor             *needleStrokeColor;			// color of needle border
CGFloat             currentNeedleLevel;			// sets the current Level
CGFloat             needleOpacity;

// Unit label
NSString            *unit;						// string for unit label
BOOL                hideUnitLabel;				// if set to YES the unit label is hidden
UIColor             *unitTextColor;				// text color of unit label below needle
UIColor             *unitBackgroundColor;		// background color of unit label below needle
CGFloat             unitTextSize;				// text size of unit label below needle
BOOL                showUnitLabelAsCircle;		// if set to YES unit label is drawn as circle

// Arc
UIColor             *arcBackgroundColor;		// background color of arc on top
NSArray             *arcGradientColors;			// NSArray of UIColor for the gradient of the arc
CGFloat             arcWidth;					// width of arc

// Border of needle view just for help
CGFloat             needleViewBorderWidth;		// border width of needle view to see where it is drawn
UIColor             *needleViewBorderColor;		// border color of needle view

// etc
BOOL                isGivenInDegrees;			// if set to YES "°" is added to text in needle



Distributed under the MIT License.