Part 0
"To there and back again"
- Title / introduction
Part 1
"The Council of Elrond" (Part 2?)
- History of git
- Design goals
- All systems
Part 2
"A Conspiracy Unmasked" (Part 1?)
- how it works
- Three states
- basic work flow, modify, stage, commit
- independent, no server needed
Part 3
"The White Rider"
- What a branch is
- SVN vs. Git model of branching
Part 4
"The Taming of Smeagol"
Cloning projects
ex: clone remote project locally
ex 1: basic:
- add,
- modify,
- stage,
- commit
ex 2: branching:
- branch,
- merge,
- log --stat, --pretty, --oneline, --graph, --since2.weeks,
- log ..master, log master..
- ignore,
- diff (--cached)
- stash
ex 3: undoing things
- checkout
- reset
- rebase
Part 5
"The Muster of Rohan"
ex 4: remotes
- adding
- pull
- fetch
- rebase
submodules ? <- maybe lightning talk about subs and subtrees
Distributed Workflows
Part 6
"The Steward and the King"
- protocols
- tools
- Gitweb:
- Gitosis:
- Gitolite:
- hosted services
Part N:
"The Grey Havens"
- My contact info
- Additional reading
- "First time setup" config, etc
- Thanks to Scotta