diff --git a/devito/ir/iet/visitors.py b/devito/ir/iet/visitors.py
index d574d8c235d..13c7c712612 100644
--- a/devito/ir/iet/visitors.py
+++ b/devito/ir/iet/visitors.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 from sympy import IndexedBase
 from sympy.core.function import Application
+from devito.parameters import configuration
 from devito.exceptions import VisitorException
 from devito.ir.iet.nodes import (Node, Iteration, Expression, ExpressionBundle,
                                  Call, Lambda, BlankLine, Section, ListMajor)
@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ class CGen(Visitor):
     def __init__(self, *args, compiler=None, **kwargs):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self._compiler = compiler
+        self._compiler = compiler or configuration['compiler']
     # The following mappers may be customized by subclasses (that is,
     # backend-specific CGen-erators)
diff --git a/devito/passes/iet/misc.py b/devito/passes/iet/misc.py
index 5ec6207977a..7fb18bb9101 100644
--- a/devito/passes/iet/misc.py
+++ b/devito/passes/iet/misc.py
@@ -200,17 +200,26 @@ def complex_include(iet, language, compiler):
     Add headers for complex arithmetic
-    lib = _complex_lib.get(language, 'complex' if compiler._cpp else 'complex.h')
+    lib = (_complex_lib.get(language, 'complex' if compiler._cpp else 'complex.h'),)
     headers = {}
     # For openacc (cpp) need to define constant _Complex_I that isn't found otherwise
     if compiler._cpp:
+        # Constant I
         headers = {('_Complex_I', ('std::complex<float>(0.0f, 1.0f)'))}
+        # Mix arithmetic definitions
+        dest = compiler.get_jit_dir()
+        hfile = dest.joinpath('stdcomplex_arith.h')
+        if not hfile.is_file():
+            with open(str(hfile), 'w') as ff:
+                ff.write(str(_stdcomplex_defs))
+        lib += (str(hfile),)
     for f in FindSymbols().visit(iet):
             if np.issubdtype(f.dtype, np.complexfloating):
-                return iet, {'includes': (lib,), 'headers': headers}
+                return iet, {'includes': lib, 'headers': headers}
         except TypeError:
@@ -295,3 +304,23 @@ def _rename_subdims(target, dimensions):
     return {d: d._rebuild(d.root.name) for d in dims
             if d.root not in dimensions
             and names.count(d.root.name) < 2}
+_stdcomplex_defs = """
+#include <complex>
+template<typename _Tp, typename _Ti>
+std::complex<_Tp> operator * (const _Ti & a, const std::complex<_Tp> & b){
+  return std::complex<_Tp>(b.real() * a, b.imag() * a);
+template<typename _Tp, typename _Ti>
+std::complex<_Tp> operator / (const _Ti & a, const std::complex<_Tp> & b){
+  return std::complex<_Tp>(b.real() / a, b.imag() / a);
+template<typename _Tp, typename _Ti>
+std::complex<_Tp> operator + (const _Ti & a, const std::complex<_Tp> & b){
+  return std::complex<_Tp>(b.real() + a, b.imag());
diff --git a/devito/symbolics/printer.py b/devito/symbolics/printer.py
index 35038d868f2..9b6b9ab815f 100644
--- a/devito/symbolics/printer.py
+++ b/devito/symbolics/printer.py
@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ def dtype(self):
     def compiler(self):
         return self._settings['compiler']
+    @property
+    def cpp(self):
+        return self.compiler._cpp
     def parenthesize(self, item, level, strict=False):
         if isinstance(item, BooleanFunction):
             return "(%s)" % self._print(item)
@@ -101,7 +105,7 @@ def _print_math_func(self, expr, nest=False, known=None):
             return super()._print_math_func(expr, nest=nest, known=known)
         dtype = sympy_dtype(expr)
-        if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating):
+        if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating) and not self.cpp:
             cname = 'c%s' % cname
             dtype = self.dtype(0).real.dtype.type
@@ -255,7 +259,7 @@ def _print_ComponentAccess(self, expr):
     def _print_TrigonometricFunction(self, expr):
         func_name = str(expr.func)
         dtype = self.dtype
-        if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating):
+        if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating) and not self.cpp:
             func_name = 'c%s' % func_name
             dtype = self.dtype(0).real.dtype.type
         if dtype == np.float32: