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devonfw release
This page documents how to create and publish a release of DEVON4J.
For each release there is a milestone that contains an issue for creating the release itself (the github issue of that issue is referred as «issue»). The release version is referred as «x.y.z».
To release the code follow these steps.
Create a clean clone of the repository:
git clone https://github.com/devonfw/devon4j.git
In case you want to build a (bug fix) release from a different branch, switch to that branch:
git checkout -b develop-«x.y» origin/develop-«x.y»
Ensure your branch is up-to-date:
git pull
Ensure that the result is what you want to release (mvn clean install).
Bump the release version by removing the -SNAPSHOT from devon4j.version property in top-level pom.xml.
Create an annotated tag for your release:
git tag -a release/x.y.z -m "#«issue»: tagged x.y.z"
e.g For release 2.5.0 the command would look like
git tag -a release/2.5.0 -m "#618: tagged 2.5.0"
where #618 is the issue number created for release itself under release milestone. You can confirm if the tag is created by listing out the tags with the following command
git tag
For publishing artifacts to OSSRH, we need an OSSRH account with necessary rights for publishing and managing staging repositories. And configure this account in Devon distribution to create connection and deploy to OSSRH.
If you do not already have an account on OSSRH, create an account on the link below https://issues.sonatype.org/secure/Signup!default.jspa
You need manager access to deploy artifacts to OSSRH. For same contact OASP administrators for OSSRH.
Create a new batch file at the root of devonfw distribution with name "variables-customized.bat". Add content below to the file and save. This will override default credentials for OSSRH.
Here ossrh_username & ossrh_password are the credentials used to login into OSSRH and should have rights to publish artifacts to OSSRH OASP repository.[source,bash] @echo off rem ******************************************************************************* rem Customized OSSRH User credentials. rem ******************************************************************************* set OSSRH_USER=<ossrh_username> set OSSRH_PASSWD=<ossrh_password>
Open file <devon_distribution_root> > conf > .m2 > setting.xml and add a new server with following details
Here OSSRH_USER & OSSRH_PASSWD are OSSRH credentials configured above in file "variables-customized.bat". Id "ossrh" here points to the OSSRH repository for snaphost and release declared in DEVON4J/pom.xml under "<distributionManagement>" section as shown below. "ossrh" is the default Id but please check and ascertain the Ids match.<server> <id>ossrh</id> <username>${OSSRH_USER}</username> <password>${OSSRH_PASSWD}</password> </server>
Artifacts should be PGP signed before they can be deployed to OSSRH. Artifacts can be signed either by using command line tool GnuPG or GUI based tool Gpg4win Kleopetra(preferred). Follow the steps below to sign artifacts using either of the two tools.
Download tools GnuPg - https://www.gnupg.org/download/ gpg4win - https://www.gpg4win.org/download.html
Installation Installation is self explanatory for GnuPG and gpg4win. To verify installation of GnuPg, open windows command line and run "gpg --version or gpg2 --version"
Generate PGP key pair for signing artifacts.
Remember the passphrase set for PGP keys as it will be used later for authentication during signing of artifacts by maven. |
Using GnuPg follow either of the link below
Using Kleopetra follow link below
Exporting PGP key to public key-server
Using GnuPg - http://central.sonatype.org/pages/working-with-pgp-signatures.html#distributing-your-public-key
Using Kleopetra, click on the certificate entry you want to publish to OpenPGP certificate servers and select File > Publish on Server as shown below. These instructions are as per Kleopatra 3.0.1-gpg4win-3.0.2, for latest versions there might be some variation.
Go to the root of DEVON4J project and run following command. Make sure there are no spaces between comma separated profiles.
mvn clean deploy -P deploy
A pop will appear asking for passphrase for PGP key. Enter the passphrase and press "OK".
If you face the error below, contact one of the people who have access to the repository for access rights. |
Open OSSRH, login and open staging repositories.
Find your deployment repository as iooasp-NNNN and check its Content.
Then click on Close to close the repository and wait a minute.
Refresh the repository and copy the URL.
Create a vote for the release and paste the URL of the staging repository.
After the vote has passed with success go back to OSSRH and and click on Release to publish the release and stage to maven central.
Edit the top-level pom.xml and change devon4j.version property to the next planned release version including the -SNAPSHOT suffix.
Commit and push the changes:
git commit -m "#«issue»: open next snapshot version" git push
In case you build the release from a branch other that
ensure to follow the next steps. Otherwise you are done here and can continue to the next section. To merge the changes (bug fixes) onto develop do:git checkout develop git merge develop-«x.y»
You most probably will have a conflict in the top-level
. Then resolve this conflict. In any case edit thispom.xml
and ensure that it is still pointing to the latest plannedSNAPSHOT
for thedevelop
branch. -
If there are local changes to the top-level
, commit them:git commit -m "#«issue»: open next snapshot version"
Push the changes of your
branch:git push
Initially and only once you have to create a local checkout of the github pages and of the wiki repository connected to the oasp-forge wiki:
git clone https://github.com/oasp/oasp.github.io.git git clone https://github.com/oasp/oasp4j.wiki.git cd oasp4j.wiki git remote add forge https://github.com/oasp-forge/oasp4j-wiki.wiki.git
Ensure that in the forge wiki the version is correct on the DEVON4J page.
Pull from origin as well as from forge:
git pull origin git pull forge
Carefully review all changes that have been done on the forge wiki. Potentially reject changes if necessary.
When you are complete push your changes:
git push origin
In case you have rejected changes or merged content, you also need to integrate these changes back into the forge wiki.
Build the documentation PDF as described by docgen or fetch it from the automtic jenkins build job (report and pdf located at http://oasp-ci.cloudapp.net/jenkins/job/oasp4j-wiki/ ) which runs after every change of wiki.
Create a new folder for your version in your checkout of oasp.github.io/oasp4j (as «x.y.z»).
Copy the just generated DEVON4J.pdf into the new release version folder.
Copy the index.html from the previous release to the new release version folder.
Edit the new copy of index.html and replace all occurrences of the version to the new release as well as the release date.
Generate the maven site from the devon4j release checkout (see code release):
mvn site mvn site:deploy
Review that the maven site is intact and copy it to the new release version folder (from oasp4j/target/oasp4j/maven to oasp.github.io/oasp4j/«x.y.z»/maven).
Update the link in the oasp4j/index.html to the latest stable documentation.
Add, commit and push the new release version folder.
git add «x.y.z» git commit -m "devonfw/devon4j#«issue»: released documentation" git push
This documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons License (Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International).