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Rubén Díaz edited this page Jun 18, 2017 · 5 revisions


Defining API

  1. The TypeScript merger has his own objects that defines the respective TypeScrit AST node.

  2. Each definition must have his own toString() and merge() methods.

  3. If the new node object will have identifier and type, it must extends the GeneralInterface class. The GeneralInterface class only has identifier and type attributes as String type.

  4. The new object class must has setter/getters for every attribute and add element methods for array attributes.

For example, a ClassDeclaration node is defined at the ClassDeclaration.ts:

export class ClassDeclaration extends GeneralInterface {
    private decorators: Decorator [] = [];
    private heritages: String[] = [];
    private modifiers: String[] = [];
    private methods: Method[] = [];
    private properties: PropertyDeclaration[] = [];
    private construct: Constructor = new Constructor();

the current definitions are:

  • TSFile:

    1. Array of ImportClause

    2. A ClassDeclaration

    3. Array of VariableStatement

  • ClassDeclaration

    1. Array of Decorator

    2. Array of PropertyDeclaration

    3. Array of Method

    4. A Constructor

  • Method

    1. Array of Decorator

    2. Array of Parameter

    3. A BodyMethod

  • PropertyDeclaration

    1. Array of Decorator

Mapping the AST node into the new object

Reading the TS code from the input files we get the AST. Afterwards, the AST is read in a loop to get the different node type. Once the node is a node type we want to map, just we apply the correspondent mapping method from the MappingTool:

  • Read the source TS files:

let sourceFilePatch: ts.SourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(filePatch, fs.readFileSync(filePatch).toString(), ts.ScriptTarget.ES2016, false);
let sourceFile: ts.SourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(fileBase, fs.readFileSync(fileBase).toString(), ts.ScriptTarget.ES2016, false);
  • Looping over the AST:

sourceFile.getChildAt(0).getChildren().forEach(child => {
  • Every TypeScript node has a type number. This number can change from one version of TypeScript to another, so we must use the SyntaxKind library:

  • Map the AST node into our defined object (the start point will be the TSFile mapping):

export function mapFile(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) {
    let file: TSFile = new TSFile();
    sourceFile.getChildAt(0).getChildren().forEach(child => {
            case ts.SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration:
            case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
                file.setClass(mapClass(<ts.ClassDeclaration>child, sourceFile));
            case ts.SyntaxKind.VariableStatement:
                file.addVariable(mapVariableStatement((<ts.VariableStatement>child), sourceFile));
    return file;

From here, every needed mapping will be called when needed.


Once we have all nodes mapped, just call the merge method from TSFile class. The merge strategy must be passed as argument to these methods.

baseFile.merge(patchFile, patchOverrides);

The merge method from TSFile will make use of MergeTool the perform the correspondent merge process for every definition.

merge(patchFile: TSFile, patchOverrides: boolean) {
    mergeTools.mergeImports(this, patchFile);
    mergeTools.mergeClass(this, patchFile, patchOverrides);
    mergeTools.mergeVariables(this, patchFile, patchOverrides);

The merge for every definiton are called:

baseObject.merge(patchObject, patchOverrides)

Being baseObject and patchObject of the same definition type.



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