Provide a suggestion service for people looking for something to do during a period of boredom, or inactivity
:::image type="content" source="assets/" alt-text="Architecture Diagram":::
Service Providers
- CMS: Kentico Kontent
- Datastore: FaunaDB
- API: Netlify Functions
- SMS/Voice: Twilio
- Website: Vue.js + Gridsome
- Web Host: Netlify
- Contiuous Integration: CircleCI
- Source Code Repo: GitHub
- Learn Web Assembly
Netlify CLI
npm install netlify-cli -g
Twilio CLI
npm install twilio-cli -g
In separate, command-line windows run the following commands to start up the development environment.
Window 1 - Netlify CLI
netlify dev -c "npm run develop" -f functions\
Window 2 - Twilio CLI
twilio phone-numbers:update "<twilio_phone_number>" --sms-url="http://localhost:34567/question"
Want to help? Suggest ideas by submitting a PR. Please include a title, link to content, your handle. Format: [{title}]({link to source}) - {suggested by}
- Learn Blazor Web Assembly - @curiousdrive
- [Learn Vue.js]
- Learn Gridsome
- Learn React
- Learn Gatsby