** Note that the release notes for v2.1.0 is moved.
(JS) Bug fix: InfoWindow setContent() Stopped Working #1748
(JS) Bug fix: MarkerCluster not working in last version 2.0.9 #1751
(JS) Bug fix: The methods of marker class do not work
(JS) Merge Pull request: #1753
(JS) Bug fix: InfoWindow setContent() Stopped Working #1748
(JS) Bug fix: TileOverlay can not be shown #1750
(JS) Fix: ERROR: Plugin 'map_0_408997062859' not found, or is not a CDVPlugin (#1726)
(JS/iOS) update: follow the map div that is under the value of "-webkit-overflow-scrolling" css rule is "touch" element
(JS) Bug fix: marker.defineProperty is not a function.
(iOS) Bug fix: Can not remove all markers on iOS #1739
(Android) Bug fix: can not access to the HTMLNodeRectFs property
(JS) Bug fix: DOM hierarchy calculation
(JS) Add: prevent executing methods after the instance is removed
(iOS) update: Set the webView frame dimension to the pluginScrollView
(iOS) update: prevent memory leak
(JS) Bug fix: Typo in Map.js #1737
(JS) update: Ionic 2 - Slow DOM manipulation (reopening) #1740
(Android) Bug fix: all methods do not execute after map.panBy (#1730)
(Android) Bug fix: Crash when using GroundOverlay #1721
(JS) Bug fix: Can not control the map with the latest version #1727 Bug fix: removeAttribute("__pluginDomId") breaks cache mechanism
(JS/iOS) Bug fix: Marker’s infoWindow is not opened when clicking on another marker and back on iOS using marker cluster. #1723
- (Android) Bug fix: Crash when using GroundOverlay #1721
- (JS) Update: pass overlay instance for the @ionic-native/google-maps wrapper plugin
- (iOS) Bug fix: can not tap the debug button of the monaca debugger on iOS