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Easy Copy Number !


EaCoN aims to be an all-packed in, user-friendly solution to perform relative or absolute copy-number analysis for multiple sources of data, with three different segmenters available (and corresponding three copy-number modelization methods). It consists in a series of R packages that perform such type of analysis, from raw CEL files of Affymetrix microarrays (GenomeWide snp6, OncoScan, CytoScan 750K, CytoScan HD) or from aligned reads as BAMs for WES (whole exome sequencing).


  • Full R (no OS-, language-, nor shell-specific dependencies)
  • Platform-independent (ie, the three most common ones : Linux, Windows and OSX)
  • Support of multiple sources of data :
    • Affymetrix (homo sapiens)
      • Genomide SNP6
      • CytoScan 750k
      • CytoScan HD
      • OncoScan / OncoScan_CNV
    • WES (any species)
      • Any design for which a capture BED and known genome are available
  • Full workflow analysis, from the raw data to an annotated HTML report :
    • L2R and BAF normalization from raw data using
      • Affymetrix Power Tools (binaries, embedded) for Affymetrix arrays and the rawcopy BAF normalization methods for CytoScan and SNP6 arrays
      • internal methods for WES data
    • L2R and BAF bivariate segmentation using ASCAT (recommended), FACETS or SEQUENZA
    • L2R profile centralization
    • L2R profile CNA calling
    • Generation of results as tables and plots
    • Generation of a portable and interactive HTML report (for hs, mm and rn species at the moment)
    • Total (TCN) and allele-specific copy number (ASCN), ploidy and cellularity estimations using ASCAT (recommended), FACETS or SEQUENZA for both WES and arrays (except for SNP6 arrays for the two latter)
  • Required annotations for Affymetrix data provided (via additional packages)
  • Pre-computed normalization (GC%, wave) tracks provided for arrays (either)
  • Few functions to call
  • Few parameters
  • Recommended guidelines provided for supported microarray designs, as well as for WES


2018-12-10 : v0.3.4-1 (PostRoscovite) is out !

  • CORR : SNP6.Process(), CSHD.Process() : Edited code to handle changes in the rcnorm package, to discard the "chromosomes" package dependency.
  • MOD : Removed some dependencies (already called by other dependencies, like 'copynumber' from 'sequenza') to make installation easier and more convenient.
  • MOD : Edited the (rewrote the INSTALL section)
  • MOD : WES.Bin() : Added support for BAI files that have the exact same rootname as BAM files (instead of rootname.bam.bai only)
  • MOD : Added "call. = FALSE" top all stop() calls
  • ADD : WES.Bin() : Added raw read depth plots (to control putative TEST / REF inversion, or sex mismatch)

2018-10-30 : v0.3.4 (Papy60) is out !

  • Now FACETS can be used on OncoScan, OncoScan_CNV, CytoScan750k and CytoScanHD arrays (still not on SNP6, though).
  • Some bugs corrected, too.
  • Sequenza CN output fixed.
  • Changed the formula for the "most width" ploidy version, so that a value of 0 can't be returned.
  • Paving the way to handle non-canonical genomes in the report (not active yet, though).
  • Small code changes to adapt to "non-completely covered" genomes (ie, few chromosomes for toy datasets, by example).
  • Harmonized the penalty parameter for all segmenters (now just "penalty" rather than "ASCAT.pen", "SEQUENZA.pen" or "FACETS.pen")
  • Officially dropping support for sequenza with SNP6 arrays as it leads to a huge RAM consumption by copynumber::aspcf, due to the few probes covering both L2R and BAF.
  • Included chromosomes objects in package for hs, mm and rn, to avaoid dependency to another non-public sourceable package.

2018-10-02 : v0.3.3-1 (LittleWomanNoCry) is out !

  • Multiple little bugs correction, tweaks.

2018-09-12 : v0.3.3 (Trinity) is out !

  • Now EaCoN supports SEQUENZA segmenter and copy number estimator (except for Affymatrix SNP6) ! This makes 3 different segmenters available for quick. Sequenza uses the same bivariate segmentation algorithm as ASCAT, (PCF : piecewise constant curve fitting), but in a different implementation (sequenza relies on the copynumber package, ASCAT has its own implementation built-in), so expect similar but not identical results !
  • Few bugs solved.

2018-08-08 : v0.3.2 (PapeMamiePichine) is out !

  • Now EaCoN supports FACETS segmenter and copy number estimator ! This segmenter extends the famous CBS (Circular Binary Segmentation) algorithm by making it compatible with bi-variate segmentation (using both the L2R and BAF signals). However, please note that FACETS is only avaiable for WES data.
  • Few bugs solved.



  • Please first install the devtools package that will allow installing packages from github :
  • Then install ASCAT and FACETS from github :

  • Then install required BioConductor packages :

    ## try using http:// if https:// URLs are not supported
    biocLite(c("affxparser", "Biostrings", "aroma.light", "BSgenome", "copynumber", "GenomicRanges", "limma", "rhdf5", "sequenza"))
  • Then install EaCoN from github !

    ## Install the most recent STABLE version (@master)
    ## ... or try your luck with the most recent DEVELOPMENT version (@dev)
    devtools::install_github("gustaveroussy/EaCoN", ref = "dev")


While the current EaCoN package is the core of the process and will straitfully work for WES data, multiple other packages are needed to properly handle Affymetrix microarray : APT (affymetrix power tools), designs and corresponding annotations (genome build, Affymetrix annotation databases) ; others are required for the (re)normalization, especially pre-computed GC% or Wavetracks.


  • The affy.CN.norm package provides pre-computed GC% and wave-effect (re)normalization datasets for all compatible Affymetrix designs, for both NA33/NA35 (hg19) and NA36 (hg38) human genome builds. Install from remote URL :

    install.packages("", repos = NULL, type = "source")


  • First, install embedded APT tool from github :

  • Then install annotations from remote URL :

    • For the NA33 (hg19) build :

      • For the OncoScan design :

        install.packages("", repos = NULL, type = "source")
      • For the OncoScan_CNV design :

        install.packages("", repos = NULL, type = "source")
    • For the NA36 (hg38) build :

      • For the OncoScan design :

        install.packages("", repos = NULL, type = "source")
      • For the OncoScan_CNV design :

        install.packages( "", repos = NULL, type = "source")

CYTOSCAN FAMILY (CytoScan 750k / CytoScan HD)

  • First, install embedded APT tool from github :

  • Then install annotations from remote URL :

    • For the NA33 (hg19) build :

      • For the CytoScan 750k design :

        install.packages("", repos = NULL, type = "source")
      • For the CytoScan HD design :

        install.packages( "", repos = NULL, type = "source")
    • For the NA36 (hg38) build :

      • For the CytoScan 750k design :

        install.packages("", repos = NULL, type = "source")
      • For the CytoScan HD design :

        install.packages( "", repos = NULL, type = "source")
  • Lastly, install the rcnorm package to perform BAF normalization for CytoScan family of arrays :

    install.packages( "", repos = NULL, type = "source")


  • First, install embedded APT tool from github :

  • Then install annotations from remote URL (There is no other build available than NA35 (hg19)) :

    install.packages("", repos = NULL, type = "source")
  • Lastly, install the rcnorm package to perform BAF normalization for SNP6 arrays (if not already installed at the CytoScan step!) :

    install.packages( "", repos = NULL, type = "source")


  • EaCoN requires a genome as available thanks to the BSgenome package, available at BioConductor. To check which genomes are publicly availabe at BioConductor :

  • To check genome(s) installed in your R library :

  • For Affymetrix microarrays, you need to install these human genomes depending on which annotation package you want to use :

    ## try using http:// if https:// URLs are not supported
    ## To support NA33 / NA35 annotations (hg19)
    ## To support NA36 annotations (hg38)
  • For TCGA WES data, you will need the hs37d5 genome (a variation of the hg19 build used in the 1000 Genomes project)

    ## try using http:// if https:// URLs are not supported
  • If your favorite genome is not available, it is possible to build your own !

    • Simply download locally any public genome package (by example BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
    • Uncompress it locally (MS Windows users can use 7-zip)
    • Rename the decompressed folder to your genome name
    • Edit all possible files (DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, R/zzz.R, man/package.Rd) to insert all required information relative to your own genome
    • Replace the inst/extdata/single_sequenes.2bit file by your genome sequence in the 2bit format (which can be converted to from a regular fasta file thanks to converters developed by the UCSC)
    • Re-compress the modified and renamed directory to a .tar.gz (Windows users : 7-zip can do that, too)
    • Install !


  • Raw data :
    • For Affymetrix microarrays : the CEL file(s), fresh out of the Affymetrix Scanner
    • For WES data :
      • The aligned reads of the test and reference samples, in two different BAM files
      • The capture BED file (the file containing the genomic regions targeted by the exome capture kit used in the wet experiment)


The full workflow is decomposed in a few different functions, which roughly correspond to these steps :

normalization -> segmentation +-> reporting
                              +-> copy-number estimation

EaCoN allows different ways to perform the full workflow : considering the analysis of a single sample, you can either perform each step independently and write, then load the intermediate results, or you can pipe all steps in a single line of code. You can also perform the step-by-step approach on multiple samples in a row, even possibly at the same time using multithreading, using a batch mode.

Step by step mode

First, under R, load EaCoN and choose a directory in which results will be written, by exemple : /home/project/EaCoN_results


Raw data processing

Affymetrix OncoScan / OncoScan_CNV
  • Let's say we have a pair of OncoScan_CNV CEL files to analyse in a /home/project/CEL/ directory (Affymetrix OncoScan experiments have 2 arrays for a single experiment, thus a pair) :

    OS.Process(ATChannelCel = "/home/project/CEL/S1_OncoScan_CNV_A.CEL", GCChannelCel = "/home/project/CEL/S1_OncoScan_CNV_C.CEL", samplename = "S1_OS")
  • This will perform the normalization step, create a /home/project/EaCoN_results/S1_OS/ subdirectory and write 5 files in it :

    • S1_OS_OncoScan_CNV_hg19_processed.RDS : contains the normalized data which will be provided to the next step
    • S1_OS_OncoScan_CNV_hg19_rawplot.png : shows a graphical representation of the normalized L2R and BAF data
    • S1_OS_2.4.0_na33.r2.paircheck.txt : gives some statistics to evaluate the probability that the two "A" "C" CEL files effectively belong to the same individual (generated by APT)
    • S1_OS_2.4.0_na33.r2.qc.txt : some quality metrics of the arrays and profiles (generated by APT)
    • S1_OS_2.4.0_na33.r2.log : a simple log file (generated by APT)
Affymetrix CytoScan 750k / CytoScan HD
  • This is identical to OncoScan, except that we have a single CEL file, and we just have to change the function name :

    CS.Process(CEL = "/home/project/CEL/S2_CytoScanHD.CEL", samplename = "S2_CSHD")
  • The same output files will be generated (except for the "paircheck" file, obviously)

Affymetrix GenomeWide SNP6
  • Here again, this is identical to OncoScan, except that we have a single CEL file, and we just have to change the function name :

    SNP6.Process(CEL = "/home/project/CEL/S3_GenomeWide_snp.6.CEL", samplename = "S3_SNP6")
  • Again, the same output files will be generated (except for the "paircheck" file, obviously)

WES data
  • This time it is quite different : the processing will be performed in three steps :
    • First, we will use the capture BED (A text file containing the positions of the captured regions, usualy provided by the capture kit manufacturer), choose a genome version corresponding to our aligned BAM files, and choose a window size for the future binning of the data. Thses will be used to generate what we call a "BINpack", a set of pre-computed tracks containing the bins position and corresponding GC% values. Several tracks will be computed corresponding to different levels of elongation of the bin positions. In the example below, we used the BED corresponding to Agilent SureSelect v5 capture kit, a bin size of 50 nt, and chose the human hg19 genome build.

      BINpack.Maker(bed.file = "/home/project/WES/SureSelect_v5.bed", bin.size = 50, genome.pkg = "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19")
      • This will generate a "BINpack" (with a ".rda" extension) that will be used in the next normalization steps : /home/project/EaCoN_results/SureSelect_v5_merged_sorted_hg19_b50.GC.rda


    • Second, the WES data will be binned using the generated BINpack. We need three files as input :

      • The aligned reads for the test sample (usualy in cancer, the patient tumor), in BAM format

      • The aligned reads for the reference sample (patient normal), in BAM format too

      • The BINpack itself

        WES.Bin(testBAM = "/home/project/WES/S4_WES_hg19_Tumor.BAM", refBAM = "/home/project/WES/S4_WES_hg19_Tumor.BAM", BINpack = "/home/project/EaCoN_results/SureSelect_v5_merged_sorted_hg19_b50.GC.rda", samplename = "S4_WES")
      • This will generate a /home/project/EaCoN_results/S4_WES/ subdirectory which contains :

        • S4_WES_hg19_b50_binned.RDS : contains the binned data which will be provided to the next step
        • S4_WES_hg19_b50_coverage.png : shows a graphical representation of the proportion of the capture bed regions covered at different coverage levels
        • S4_WES_hg19_b50_coverage.txt : contins the numerical values corresponding to the coverage plot
    • Third, now that the data have been binned, the normalization step can be performed :

      WES.Normalize.ff(BIN.RDS.file = "/home/project/EaCoN_results/S4_WES/S4_WES_hg19_b50_binned.RDS", BINpack = "/home/project/EaCoN_results/SureSelect_v5_merged_sorted_hg19_b50.GC.rda")
      • Analogously to what was described for Affymetrix microarrays, a /home/project/EaCoN_results/S4_WES/ASCAT/L2R/ subdirectory will be created, containing the same type of files described earlierly.

L2R & BAF Segmentation

  • Now that we described the normalization process specific to each type of source data, we can segment it. The good news is that it's the very same step for each source type, one just have to pass the _processed.RDS normalized file. Here is an example with the one obtained for OncoScan data, using the ASCAT segmenter :

    Segment.ff(RDS.file = "/home/me/my_project/EaCoN_results/SAMPLE1/S1_OncoScan_CNV_hg19_processed.RDS", segmenter = "ASCAT")
    • This will perform the segmentation, centralization and calling steps, create a /home/project/EaCoN_results/S1/ASCAT/L2R/ subdirectory and write multiple files in it :
      • S1.SEG.ASCAT.RDS : contains the segmented data which will be provided to the optional next step(s)
      • S1.SEG.ASCAT.png : shows a graphical representation of the segmented, centered and called L2R and BAF data
      • S1.Rorschach.png : shows a graphical representation of BAF vs L2R of probes, by chromosome
      • : contains the L2R segmentation results in the standard CBS format. "Cut" means that L2R value for the segments called as normal were set to a value of 0.0
      • : Same as above, but the segments considered as normal have their L2R value intact
      • S1.SegmentedBAF.txt : contains the BAF segmentation results
  • To perform the same using the FACETS segmenter, just change the value of the segmenter parameter !

  • I suppose you guessed how to do the same with SEQUENZA, right ? ;)

Copy-number estimation

  • Then an estimation of the total and allele-specific copy-number profiles, as well as global ploidy and sample cellularity can be estimated. Here is an example using the ASCAT ASCN estimation, from a RDS generated by the Segment.ASCAT() function :

    ASCN.ff(RDS.file = "/home/me/my_project/EaCoN_results/SAMPLE1/ASCAT/L2R/SAMPLE1.ASCAT.RDS")
    • This will perform these estimations for a range of values (default os 0.35 to 0.95, with a step of 0.05) of the "gamma" parameters (see more details in the ASCAT R package help pages), create a /home/project/EaCoN_results/S1/ASCAT/ASCN/ subdirectory, in which other subdirectories will be created, one for each gamma value /home/project/EaCoN_results/S1/ASCAT/ASCN/gamma_0.xx/. In each of those will be written :
      • S1_ascat.ASCN.RDS : contains the TCN and ASCN segmentations, and cellularity and ploidy data
      • S1_ASCATprofile.png : shows a graphical representation of the final segmented TCN and ASCN profiles
      • S1_rawprofile.png : shows a graphical representation of the raw (uncorrected) segmented TCN and ASCN profiles
      • S1_Rorschach.clown.png : shows a graphical representation of BAF vs L2R of probes, by chromosome, with a coloration corresponding to CN levels.
      • S1_TCNvsL2R.png : shows a graphical representation of the comparison of the TCN and L2R values of each segment, clustered by TCN level. This is usefull to identify some mistakes in the TCN modelization.
      • : contains the TCN and ASCN segmentation results in a non-standard format derived the CBS format
      • S1_gamma0.xx_model.txt : Contains the ploidy, cellularity and model statistics
  • To perform the same using the FACETS or SEQUENZA estimator, just use a RDS generated with Segment.FACETS() or Segment.SEQUENZA(), respectively (or their ".ff" equivalent).

HTML reporting

  • Endly, an annotated HTML report can be rendered with :

    Annotate.ff(RDS.file = "/home/project/EaCoN_results/S1/ASCAT/L2R/S1.EaCoN.ASPCF.RDS", = "Me!")
    • This will write the HTML report in /home/project/EaCoN_results/S1/ASCAT/L2R/.

Batch mode (with multithreadng)

All the steps described above in single sample mode can be run in batch mode, that is for multiple samples, even possibly with multithreading to process multiple at the same time. It simply consists into using different function with the same name but an added ".Batch" suffix. Those are just wrappers to the single-sample version of these.

Raw data processing

Affymetrix OncoScan / OncoScan_CNV

The OS.Process.Batch function replaces the ATChannelCel, GCChannelCel and samplename parameters by the pairs.file parameters, which consists in a tab-separated file with made of three columns with a header, and one sample per line :

  • ATChannelCel : the path to the "A" OncoScan CEL file
  • GCChannelCel : the path to the "C" OncoScan CEL file
  • SampleName : the sample name to use

By default, the function will run all samples one by one, but multithreading can be set using the nthread parameter with a value greater than 1. Beware not setting a value higher than the current number of available threads on your machine ! Please also remember that each new thread will use its own amount of RAM...

Here is a synthetic example with 4 samples :

  • The pairs.file (stored as /home/project/CEL/OS_pairs.txt) :
ATChannelCel GCChannelCEL SampleName
/home/project/CEL/S1_OncoScan_CNV_A.CEL /home/project/CEL/S1_OncoScan_CNV_C.CEL S1_OS
/home/project/CEL/S5_OncoScan_CNV_A.CEL /home/project/CEL/S5_OncoScan_CNV_C.CEL S5_OS
/home/project/CEL/S6_OncoScan_CNV_A.CEL /home/project/CEL/S6_OncoScan_CNV_C.CEL S6_OS
/home/project/CEL/S7_OncoScan_CNV_A.CEL /home/project/CEL/S7_OncoScan_CNV_C.CEL S7_OS
  • The command line (using 2 threads)

    OS.Process.Batch(pairs.file = "/home/project/CEL/OS_pairs.txt", nthread = 2)
Affymetrix CytoScan 750k / CytoScan HD

Same principle, but this time we have one column less and header changes a bit :

  • CEL : The path to the CEL file
  • SampleName : the sample name to use

Here is a synthetic example with 4 samples :

  • The CEL.list.file (stored as /home/project/CEL/CSHD_list.txt) :
CEL SampleName
/home/project/CEL/S8_CytoScanHD.CEL S8_CSHD
/home/project/CEL/S9_CytoScanHD.CEL S9_CSHD
/home/project/CEL/S10_CytoScanHD.CEL S10_CSHD
/home/project/CEL/S11_CytoScanHD.CEL S11_CSHD
  • The command line (using 2 threads)

    CS.Process.Batch(pairs.file = "/home/project/CEL/CSHD_list.txt", nthread = 2)
Affymetrix GenomeWide SNP6

Identical to CytoScan 750k / HD, but the function is named SNP6.Process.Batch.

WES data

Still the same principle with an external list file, with column names :

  • testBAM : the path to the test BAM file
  • refBAM : the path to the reference BAM file
  • SampleName : the sample name to use

Here is a synthetic example with 4 samples :

  • The BAM.list.file (stored as /home/project/WES/BAM_list.txt) :
testBAM refBAM SampleName
/home/project/WES/S4_WES_hg19_Tumor.BAM /home/project/WES/S4_WES_hg19_Normal.BAM S4_WES
/home/project/WES/S12_WES_hg19_Tumor.BAM /home/project/WES/S12_WES_hg19_Normal.BAM S12_WES
/home/project/WES/S13_WES_hg19_Tumor.BAM /home/project/WES/S13_WES_hg19_Normal.BAM S13_WES
/home/project/WES/S14_WES_hg19_Tumor.BAM /home/project/WES/S14_WES_hg19_Normal.BAM S14_WES
  • The binning, then normalization command lines (using 2 threads)

    WES.Bin.Batch(BAM.list.file = "/home/project/WES/BAM_list.txt", BINpack = "/home/project/EaCoN_results/SureSelect_v5_merged_sorted_hg19_b50.GC.rda", nthread = 2)
    WES.Normalize.ff.Batch(BINpack = "/home/project/EaCoN_results/SureSelect_v5_merged_sorted_hg19_b50.GC.rda", nthread = 2)

You can notice that here we did not specify any RDS or list file to WES.Normalize.ff.Batch. This is because this fonction needs as its first argument BIN.RDS.files, a list of "_binned.RDS" files (generated at the former command line), and by default it will recursively search downwards the current working directory for any of these RDS files. You can of course design your own list of RDS files to process, if you know a bit of R.

L2R & BAF Segmentation

As for the WES.Normalize.ff.Batch function, the Segment.ff.Batch function needs as its first argument RDS.files, a list of "_processed.RDS" files (generated at the raw data processing step). Likewise, it will by default recursively search downwards for any compatible RDS file.

Here is a synthetic example that will segment our CytoScan HD samples (as defined by the pattern below) using ASCAT :

Segment.ff.Batch(RDS.files = list.files(path = getwd(), pattern = ".*_processed.RDS$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE), segmenter = "ASCAT", smooth.k = 5, SER.pen = 20, nrf = 1.0, nthread = 2)
  • To perform the same using the FACETS segmenter, just change the value of the segmenter parameter.

  • I suppose you guessed how to do the same with SEQUENZA, right ? ;)

Copy-number estimation

Still the same, with the ASCN.ff.Batch :

ASCN.ff.Batch(RDS.files = list.files(path = getwd(), pattern = "SEG\\..*\\.RDS$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE), nthread = 2)

HTML reporting

And here again with the Annotate.ff.Batch :

Annotate.ff.Batch(RDS.files = list.files(path = getwd(), pattern = "SEG\\..*\\.RDS$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE), = "Me!")


EaCoN has been implemented in a way that one can also choose to launch the full workflow in a single command line for a single sample, using pipes from the magrittr package. However, this is not recommended as default use : even though EaCoN is provided with recommandations that should fit most case, the user may have to deal with particular profiles that would require parameter tweaking, which is not possible in piped mode... Here is an example using ASCAT :

samplename <- "SAMPLE1_OS"
workdir <- "/home/me/my_project/EaCoN_results"

OS.Process(ATChannelCel = "/home/me/my_project/CEL/SAMPLE1_OncoScan_CNV_A.CEL", GCChannelCel = "/home/me/my_project/CEL/SAMPLE1_OncoScan_CNV_C.CEL", samplename = samplename, = TRUE) %>% Segment(out.dir = paste0(workdir, "/", samplename), segmenter = "ASCAT", = TRUE) %T>% Annotate(out.dir = paste0(workdir, "/", samplename, "/ASCAT/L2R")) %>% ASCN.ASCAT(out.dir = paste0(workdir, "/", samplename))

Conclusion on usage

  • So, as you may have already noticed, most functions exist in EaCoN in three flavors :
    • The "directly" named : that accept a R data object as first parameter, designed to be used in pipe mode.
    • The ".ff" named ("from file") : that require a file as first parameter, designed to be used in step-by-step mode.
    • The ".ff.Batch" named ("from file, in batch") : that require a list as first parameter, designed to be used in step-by-step mode, but running multiple samples for each step, possibly with multithreading.



  • For each step, default values for each data source already correspond to recommendations. However, for the common segmentation step, adaptation to the data source is recommended, by changing few parameters :
SOURCE SER.pen smooth.k nrf BAF.filter
OncoScan 40 (default) NULL (default) 0.5 (default) 0.9
CytoScan HD 20 5 1.0 0.75 (default)
SNP6 60 5 0.25 0.75 (default)
WES 2 to 10 5 0.5 (default) to 1 0.75 (default)
  • The FACETS segmenter cannot currently be used on SNP6 data (due to missing normalized A and B signals).

  • SEQUENZA segmenter SHOULD NOT be used in SNP6 microarrays (it theoretically can, but requires huge amounts of RAM, ie more than 32 GB). This may halt / swap your computer !

  • For WES data, any sorted BAM should work, but we recommend using BAMs for which duplicates were marked/removed (samtools markdup, Picard MarkDuplicates, etc...), for results of better quality.


  • All the functions depicted above have other parameters not described here. As the above recommandations should do the trick in most cases, they certainly won't fit all. To adjust parameters more finely, I suggest to refer to the R help pages for corresponding functions.