Port of the espresso ESP32 Bluetooth A2DP_Source to compile and log to Serial using Arduino https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tree/master/examples/bluetooth/a2dp_source
The following link is another modification of the espressif source (which I found after uploading this): https://github.com/markingle/a2dp_source
Ideally this could be merged with a more complete library which includes decoding of other codecs, etc
As it stands the code can often (see below) connect to my BNX-60 bluetooth headset and play white noise or one of a couple of other patterns as per the original example, but playing a proper audio file isn't yet implemented...
Unfortunately I have found this can require multiple reboots of the ESP32 and/or BT headset before it will pair (although it seems stable once it does), so I may also try the Blue Kitchen btstack https://github.com/bluekitchen/btstack which has a port for ESP-32 and rumour has it might be better...
BTW in case it's helpful the following script can be run in Microsoft Word to convert binary files (such as mods or wav files) into text format for use with progmem if using eg ESP8622Audio library https://github.com/earlephilhower/ESP8266Audio
Sub modsToText()
curFilename = "C:\Users\dgm3333\Downloads\1_channel_moog.it" ' change this to your file name
Dim intFileNum%, bytTemp As Byte, intCellRow%
intFileNum = FreeFile
intCellRow = 0
Open curFilename For Binary Access Read As intFileNum
linecount = 0
Selection.TypeText ("const unsigned char converted_mod[] PROGMEM = {" & vbCrLf & " ")
Do While Not EOF(intFileNum)
Get intFileNum, , bytTemp
a = Hex(bytTemp)
If Len(a) = 1 Then a = "0" & a
Selection.TypeText (" 0x" & a)
If Not EOF(intFileNum) Then
linecount = linecount + 1
If linecount = 9 Then linecount = 0
If linecount = 0 Then
Selection.TypeText ("," & vbCrLf & " ")
Selection.TypeText (",")
End If
End If
Selection.TypeText (vbCrLf & "};")
Close intFileNum
End Sub