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Releases: dhis2/dhis2-android-sdk


10 Dec 15:21
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ANDROSDK-1945 Endpoint /api/ping is not available in older patches of some DHIS2 major versions

Release 1.11.0

25 Nov 12:29
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ANDROSDK-1615 Date: implement period generator for KMM

ANDROSDK-1916 Download fileResources granularly

ANDROSDK-1899 Implement missing period type (Quarterly November)

ANDROSDK-1897 Create new properties for map configuration (accuracy and manual capture)

ANDROSDK-1919 Add support for TrackedEntity LineList

ANDROSDK-1870 Add support for Category in Line Listing

ANDROSDK-1867 Add non-authorized server ping service

ANDROSDK-1621 Replace Retrofit with KMM alternative Ktor

ANDROSDK-1891 Expose Ktor method for public API interaction


ANDROSDK-1889 Property `isOnline` is not correctly evaluted in Tracker Search

ANDROSDK-1898 Filter by Category not working in TrackerVisualization

ANDROSDK-1907 Filter by dataElement value does not respect program indicator boundaries

ANDROSDK-1908 Add property displayContent in programRuleAction

ANDROSDK-1923 Crash on android 7.0 and lower

ANDROSDK-1924 Update lastest version algorithm to match logic in the APK Distribution app

ANDROSDK-1930 Network connection is closed or reset

ANDROSDK-1931 fix list parameters in request builder

ANDROSDK-1933 Relationship is created without creation date

ANDROSDK-1936 Expired cookie redirection not correctly handled

ANDROSDK-1939 EventService is returning EXPIRED event when expiryDays is 0

ANDROSDK-1940 Size parameter to download images is not correct

Library updates:

ANDROSDK-1873 Remove Flipper dependencies

ANDROSDK-1900 Remove Calendar dependencies

ANDROSDK-1888 Remove retrofit dependencies

ANDROSDK-1874 Upgrade to Kotlin 2.0

Breaking changes

  • Ongoing migration from Java to Kotlin may cause warnings and breaking changes.
  • The Retrofit http client service has been replaced with the KMM alternative Ktor. This change implied migrating all the API services to accommodate Ktor requirements. A detailed explanation and a guide for updating API services can be found here.

Release 1.10.1

26 Aug 12:23
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ANDROSDK-1883 Program indicator engine shows NaN

ANDROSDK-1871 Program labels are not translated

ANDROSDK-1876 SQL query was failing with orgunit names including single quotes

ANDROSDK-1882 DataSetIntance evaluation does not filter by assgined orgunits

ANDROSDK-1885 Tracker importer: quicker cancellation of uncreated job

ANDROSDK-1893 Program specific setting (limit by orgunit) is overriden by global parameter

ANDROSDK-1868 Ignore null dimensions in Visualizations

ANDROSDK-1394 Do no change state if value is not changed


14 Jun 05:46
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ANDROSDK-1866 Events without registration are not downloaded

Release 1.10.0

29 May 15:11
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ANDROSDK-1218 Import / Export database

ANDROSDK-1630 Download custom icons for metadata

ANDROSDK-1799 Line listing in local analytics

ANDROSDK-1801 Support multiselect in analytics

ANDROSDK-1695 Download attributes/dataElements to display in relationships

ANDROSDK-1750 Add option to bypass DHIS2 version restriction

ANDROSDK-1800 Download configurable basemaps

ANDROSDK-1803 Add keyDefaultBaseMap property in SystemSettings

ANDROSDK-1806 Download custom tracker terminology

ANDROSDK-1816 Restrict APK distribution version by userGroup

ANDROSDK-1817 Download userGroups

ANDROSDK-1833 Create method .getCurrentAccount() in AccountManager

ANDROSDK-1839 Expose api/system/ping call


ANDROSDK-1852 Android API <= 24 fail to login in Let's encrypt servers

ANDROSDK-1818 OpenID login is failing due to database check

ANDROSDK-1825 EventService: method `isEventExpired` fails when eventDate is null

ANDROSDK-1835 Editable events crashes when no event or due date provided

ANDROSDK-1841 [Crash] ParserException: Invalid string token 'AVG' at line:1 character:0

Library updates:

ANDROSDK-1789 Implement Paging3

Update Gradle (8.3.1)

Release 1.9.1

29 Jan 12:11
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  • New tracker import: do not send values that have not been modified (trackerDataValues, attributeValues) (ANDROSDK-1564).
  • Add missing value type validators (ANDROSDK-1777).
  • Expose Attribute collection repository (ANDROSDK-1776).
  • Database is not responsive when using encryption (ANDROSDK-1784).

Library updates:

  • Update kotlin (1.9.21 and gradle (8.2.0) (ANDROSDK-1793).
  • Update SQLCipher (4.5.5).

Release 1.9.0

22 Nov 08:44
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Library changes:

  • ANDROSDK-1737 Update Kotlin version to 1.9.10.
  • ANDROSDK-1740 Upgrade OkHttp library to 4.10.0. It might imply the update of OkHttp resolution to at least 4.10.0.
  • ANDROSDK-1618 Dagger is replaced by Koin
  • Some changes in the SDK forces to update Gradle to >= 7.4.2 in the consuming app.

Breaking changes:

  • If you are using Kotlin, you might experience some breaking changes in your code. These changes come from the continuous refactor of the codebase to Kotlin and usually they cannot be avoided. They have to do with how Java and Kotlin deal with nullability and, in general, these changes will introduce more robustness (null safety) in your code.

    A common change is the return type of different methods, such as ObjectRepository. Taking DataElement as an example, this query (dataElements().uid("uid").get()) in the JAVA-implemented repository will return a DataElement! in Kotlin, which means that it can't tell if the returned object is nullable or not. In this case, the Kotlin compiler let you deal with these object as if they were NonNull, which could lead to a NullPointerException. Now, the repository will return a DataElement?, which explicitly informs about the nullability of the object.

Release 1.8.2

30 Aug 09:01
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  • Do not send dataValues / attributes that are not assigned to a program (ANDROSDK-1704).
  • If search text contains a comma the api fails (ANDROSDK-1219).
  • Network authentication does not support special characters (ANDROSDK-1739).
  • Login offline in local instance is not working (ANDROSDK-1706).
  • Relationship with missed item are not properly cleaned (ANDROSDK-1715).


09 Jun 10:28
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Release 1.8.1

07 Jun 11:40
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  • Program indicators: implement support for operator "" (ANDROSDK-1686), add missing support for d2:minValue and d2:maxValue functions (ANDROSDK-1571).
  • Analytics: calculation support (ANDROSDK-1687).
  • Map download: add optional NetworkTimeout parameter (ANDROSDK-1690).