DHIS2-9896: Add WSO2 OpenID Connect provider support
Components: [API] Security
DHIS2-10040: Support SMS text UTF-8 encoding
Components: [API] SMS
DHIS2-10479: Add indexes to relationshipitem's id columns
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-9835: Username, userid, first name and last name needed for tracker notes
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-10111: Only download relevant org units for programs
Components: [App] Capture
DHIS2-9056: Front-end support for translation of RelationshipType From/To name
Components: [App] Maintenance
DHIS2-10266: Only download relevant org units
Components: [App] Tracker capture
DHIS2-10227: ANTLR division parsing bug: "Expression is empty"
Components: [API] Analytics
DHIS2-10480: incorrect pager for dataElementOperands
Components: [API] Analytics
DHIS2-10441: Indicator .periodOffset() doesn't work for negative offsets
Components: [API] Analytics
DHIS2-10319: Items by dimension pager doesn't account for filter
Components: [API] Analytics
DHIS2-10346: Correct column name for enrollment status when using EVENT type Analytics
Components: [API] Analytics
DHIS2-10304: Wrong program indicator result when using V{creation_date} with analytics boundaries
Components: [API] Analytics
DHIS2-10056: Deleting an AO throws 500 "No row with the given identifier exists"
Components: [API] Analytics, [App] Data visualizer
DHIS2-10166: Push Analysis - broken html around report table visualizations
Components: [API] Analytics
DHIS2-9939: File descriptor leak for app resources leads to unusable DHIS 2 instance
Components: [API] App management
DHIS2-9702: "Run Data Integrity Checks" displaying nothing on Data Administration, Data Integrity sub section
Components: [API] Data administration
DHIS2-10414: Adding = or & in PI/PR expressions/filter cause 500 error
Components: [API] Data administration, [API] Program rules
DHIS2-6642: Impossible to permanently delete soft deleted events
Components: [API] Data administration
DHIS2-10119: Events endpoint not returning events whose attributeCos are not shared publicly
Components: [API] Events
DHIS2-10000: Filtering on data elements of value type integer fails
Components: [API] Events
DHIS2-9571: Schedule and Send message PRAs do not work
Components: [API] Messaging, [App] Messaging
DHIS2-10620: Slow searches in /api/reportTables
Components: [API] Metadata import-export
DHIS2-10010: Adding and removing objects in a single request not working
Components: [API] Metadata model
DHIS2-10219: getMetaData action with ANTLR parsing is too slow
Components: [API] Other
DHIS2-10220: Search functionality within sharing dialog doesn't work across first and last names
Components: [API] Other
DHIS2-9467: Audit for OrganisationUnit throw hibernate lazy exception
Components: [API] Other
DHIS2-10189: Struts2 vulnerability S2-061
Components: [API] Security
DHIS2-10076: SMS confidential parameters are not pushed to database
Components: [API] SMS
DHIS2-9480: Duplicate IDs in SMS list
Components: [API] SMS
DHIS2-9941: SMS inbound issue on originator and user phone
Components: [API] SMS
DHIS2-10416: Password change reminder does not reference the instance URL
Components: [API] System configuration
DHIS2-10351: Endpoint for tracked entity instances returns one less entry than requested
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-10601: TEI search by unique attribute takes long when user search scope is lower level org unit
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-10603: Search takes long when max tei limit to return in search is set
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-10600: Front page list takes a long time to load when there are many teis in org unit
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-10409: Tracker audit fails and crashes the instance with higher load
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-10342: Extremely high memory allocation when posting TEIs with non super user
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-10375: Response leaks SQL query if number of teis is too big
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-9628: Tracker Capture - open existing relationship fails when Prog & orgunits differ
Components: [API] Tracker, [App] Tracker capture
DHIS2-10341: Slow PSQL queries when checking that TEA is unique
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-9787: Error while using V{due_date} variable in Enrollment type Program Indicators
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-10139: Reduce the number of queries required to check if an Event's Org Unit belongs to a Program's Org Units List
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-10318: Endpoint /trackedEntityInstances requires "ou" even if TEI uid is provided
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-8911: Tracker API allow setting an arbitrary string as "storedBy" for Tracked Entity Attribute Values and Data Element Values
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-9454: User API NextPage Only Shows One User per Page
Components: [API] User, [App] User
DHIS2-10135: User App Pagination issue (existing in 2.35.1)
Components: [API] User
DHIS2-10415: Cache constant map for performance
Components: [API] Validation
DHIS2-10336: Validation fails when all data elements referenced with catOptionCombos are also referenced without them
Components: [API] Validation
DHIS2-10632: No translations in Cache Cleaner App
Components: [App] Cache cleaner
DHIS2-10398: new param restrictToCaptureScope=true break down our instances
Components: [App] Capture
DHIS2-5490: Program indicators concatenating numerical TEAs when null
Components: [App] Capture
DHIS2-10358: Column Totals not working in sections forms
Components: [App] Data entry
DHIS2-2510: Allow for implied 0s for non decimals between 0 and 1
Components: [App] Data entry
DHIS2-10216: Localisations not showing in Data Quality app
Components: [App] Data quality
DHIS2-10355: In pivot tables two relative period are selected
Components: [App] Event reports, [App] Pivot table, [App] Settings
DHIS2-10440: Blank data item name and spinning wheel after saving Event Report
Components: [App] Event reports
DHIS2-10163: Event Reports 'breaks' with Data Elements, Attributes and Program Indicators selected
Components: [App] Event reports
DHIS2-10379: Cannot see the fixed period selection field in Event Reports
Components: [App] Event reports
DHIS2-9839: Enrollment Line List in Event Report cannot sort with DEs from multiple stages
Components: [App] Event reports
DHIS2-3602: Event Import: Incorrect Text when missing Attribute Option Combo
Components: [App] Import-export
DHIS2-10200: Null Pointer Exception in Metadata Import
Components: [App] Import-export
DHIS2-9913: Labels for "Numerator Description" and "Denominator Description"
Components: [App] Maintenance, [App] Translations
DHIS2-8658: Maps app: Non-translatable fields
Components: [App] Maps
DHIS2-10576: No translations in Messaging App
Components: [App] Messaging
DHIS2-9849: Message attachements can't be opened in messaging app
Components: [App] Messaging
DHIS2-10301: Login page does not show favicon
Components: [App] Other
DHIS2-10609: Reports app is loading all visualizations from API
Components: [App] Reports
DHIS2-10502: Unregistered parser cannot parse command string
Components: [App] SMS configuration
DHIS2-10548: Inefficient query on /api/enrollments causes heap explosion
Components: [App] Tracker capture
DHIS2-9935: Program rule action "Send message" is not working when the first stage appears on the registration page
Components: [App] Tracker capture
DHIS2-10636: No translations in Usage Analytics App
Components: [App] Usage analytics
DHIS2-10377: User app crashes browser when there are many users in the system
Components: [App] User