DHIS2-9934: Re-work of /dataItems endpoint
Components: [API] Other
DHIS2-10562: Make chart/visualisation components translatable
Components: [API] Translations
In Progress
DHIS2-10556: Make "trackedEntityInstanceFilters" & "ProgramStageInstanceFilters" translatable
Components: [API] Translations
DHIS2-5587: Translations for Program Rule Actions (SHOWERROR/SHOWWARNING content)
Components: [API] Translations
Needs Update
DHIS2-10674: Chart and ReportTable are returning invalid "access" attribute
Components: [API] Analytics
DHIS2-10648: Charts are missing values for rows, columns and filters when filter by UID is used
Components: [API] Analytics
DHIS2-10022: Event import failled with IdScheme='Code' (error on programStage id)
Components: [API] Events
DHIS2-10622: Import fails to link programstagedataelement to programstage due to renderType
Components: [API] Metadata import-export
DHIS2-10169: Problem With Oauth2
Components: [API] Other
DHIS2-10697: Path index on organisationunit table not working as expected
Components: [API] Other
DHIS2-10487: getModules.action does not translate displayName to user locale
Components: [API] Other
DHIS2-8256: Deleting interpretation comments does not always work
Components: [API] Other
DHIS2-8262: DataSet Sections are not getting translated first time it is saved.
Components: [API] Other
DHIS2-10764: Error when using lastUpdatedStartDate in get TEIs API
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-8947: [2.33] User Search > Paging issue
Components: [API] User
DHIS2-10653: Remove the word "asdas" in Multi organisation unit forms
Components: [App] Data entry
DHIS2-10754: Getting error on running a job on scheduler app
Components: [App] Job scheduler
DHIS2-8869: Error "???" code when show result of Data Set report that has custom form
Components: [App] Reports
DHIS2-8874: Analytics statistics don't echo continuous analytics
Components: [App] User Profile