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4th of April, 2023 retroThis was the first retrospective in 5 months, so a lot was covered. The main themes for the topics that the team raised were:
Various other points were raised too, about topics ranging from improving the process (better issue management, more focused meetings, and proactive management of users' requests) to improving the team culture when it comes to taking ownership of tasks, and dealing with conflicts and differences in opinion. A screenshot of the retro board is available here, and the discussion is covered in more details in the meeting notes here. ActionsGiven the long period covered in this retro, some of the actions are not very concrete but they are still actionable and can help kick off further actions. Future retros will be more regular and we should aim for smarter actions. Each action has an owner, who is the person accountable for it, but they can choose to share the responsibility with others whenever it makes sense. @stian-sandvold and @kabaros will be responsible for overlooking the general progress on these actions to ensure we are on track, and to evaluate them their state in the next retro. 1. Have regular product updatesOwner: @DavidCKen Context: Many of the issues raised in the retro fell under the way we do planning, requirements analysis and prioritisation. We understand that - with David joining the team - this is an area that will improve massively in the coming period. We also understand that tackling these issues is a long-term goal and will not be achieved over night, nevertheless, the exercise was good to come up with a wish-list of what we'd like to happen from developers' perspective. In the short term, we would just like to have better visibility about the progress, the challenges and what's coming next. Key Result: to have a regular (monthly?) update from David about the state of product planning, the state of the roadmap and issues and projects coming in the horizon. 2. Clean up Jira boardOwner: @dhis2/team-platform Context: Right now, our Jira board is not reflecting what we're working on and we need to improve its state if we were to achieve any progress when it comes to planning or our way of working. So please make sure that Jira reflects what you're working on (even ad-hoc business-as-usual tasks that take more than half-day should be there). As our process matures, we will improve the details of how a ticket ends up in a sprint in the first place (definition of ready), and our issue management cycle (sprints vs kanban etc...) but for now, the goal is just to have some basic visibility over what we're doing as a starting point. Key Result: the whole team should update the board to reflect what they are doing now, and keep the board up to date. 3. Document our way of workingOwner: @kabaros Context: Few of the points that were raised fall under our process and way of working, for example, the need to have visibility on current state of projects, highlighting blocked issues, making ownership clearer, tackling scope creep, our definition of ready and done, adjusting issue management mechanism (longer sprints, kanban etc..). A starting point to tackle these is to begin discussions about where we are now and where we want to get. Key Result: document our current way of working and have a blueprint of where we want to get, as a base for discussions with the team and other stakeholders (QA, Product, UX etc..). 4. Lead discussions about improving FE/BE collaborationOwner: @stian-sandvold Context: At this stage, we just want to kick off the discussion about ways of improving the FE/BE collaboration. Some concerns and questions raised are whether the Tuesday meeting format is focused enough, would topic-based discussions be better? How can we ensure that we know as early as possible about upcoming Backend features? Key Result: kick off discussions with different stakeholders to come up with more concrete actions 5. Become more proactive with CoP requestsOwner: @tomzemp Context: At this point, this seems to be mostly a one-man (Tom) effort. A starting point is to document what he does right now (which channels, threads he follows for example), how he interacts with the issues that he finds, what categories the requests roughly fall under, how others can help, and how he thinks this work can become part of our regular work stream. Key Result: a presentation during our weekly meeting, based on which we can take further actions. 6. Get feedback about the platform from external users (Uganda training group)Context: In the theme of becoming more proactive with users' requests, we also want to establish channels with developers who use the platform. The developers' meeting in Uganda is a good chance to gather feedback. We suggested to pass to them the survey that @ismay created before, but regardless of the means, we just want to make sure we get objective feedback from them, and establish communication channels for the future. Key Result: share a survey with Uganda participants, and share the learnings / results with the team
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2nd of October Retro
Pending actions from previous retros:
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December 2023 retrotwo stars and a wish - run by Stian |
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Below is a screenshot of the retro board Actions from previous retros
Previous actions still ongoing
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Actions from retro
Previous ongoing Actions
Retro BoardBelow is a screenshot of the board (and mood chart) |
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1st August RetroActions from retro
Actions from previous retros
Retro Board![]() ![]() |
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9th Septeber RetroActions from retro
Actions from previous retros
Retro Board |
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30th September RetroActions from retro
Actions from previous retros
Retro Board![]() ![]() |
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4th November RetroActions from retro
Actions from previous retros
Retro Board![]() ![]() |
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2nd December RetroActions from retro
Actions from previous retros
Retro Board![]() ![]() |
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13th January RetroActions from retro
Actions from previous retros
Retro Board![]() ![]() |
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3rd February RetroActions from retro
Actions from previous retros
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3rd March RetroActions from retro
Actions from previous retros
Retro Board![]() ![]() |
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This is an ongoing post to document the Platform FE retrospectives, and track the actions taken in each one.
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