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Getting started

Michele Guerriero edited this page Sep 23, 2016 · 14 revisions

In order to run DICER, assuming that you already created a DDSM model using the provided metamodel and with the help of the Ecore Reflective Diagram Editor, you just need to run the compiler .jar artifact giving as input the path to the input DDSM model and the path to the output TOSCA models. If youMake sure the dicer-core-0.1.0.jar is in the same directory of the transformation/ and metamodels/ folders. In order to run DICER against one o the available models you can execute following command:

java -jar dicer-core-0.1.0.jar -inModel models/storm_cluster.xmi -outModel models/storm_cluster_tosca

Make sure that the -outModel argument is a path to a file with no extention. DICER will create also an xmi and a json version of the generated deployment blueprint.