Plots the mass distribution for H->ZZ*->4mu.
The program requires at least python 3.8 and ROOT 6.24 In addition an installed CMS Computing environment is required, in particular the Grid UI und CVMFS (Both available at CLIP).
As CLIP has no python3 installed, the recommended way is to use a bootstrap conda environment. The suggested environment contains some useful tools. In case you prefer, feel free to define your own.
Add to.bashrc
# Conda setup
eval "$('/software/2020/software/anaconda3/2019.10/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
conda activate /groups/hephy/cms/dietrich.liko/conda/envs/my-base
and login again.
As a relative modern toolchain is required, currently the release CMSSW_12_3_X_2022-02-02-1100
is suggested.
Create the environment
cmsrel CMSSW_12_3_X_2022-02-02-1100
cd CMS_12_3_X/src
and checkout the repository
git clone [email protected]:dietrichliko/higgs4l.git
An alternative is to setup the full stack in a separate conda
environment. It is
suggested to move your private conda environments from the home area to the group area
by creating a corresponding .condarc
. Adapt the directory paths to your needs.
It is suggested to move your private conda environments from the home area to the group area by creating a
corresponding .condarc
. Adapt the directory paths to your needs.
auto_activate_base: false
pip_interop_enabled: True
- /groups/hephy/cms/dietrich.liko/conda/envs
- /groups/hephy/cms/dietrich.liko/conda/pkgs
The bootstrap conda environment contains mamba, a faster implementation
of conda install recommended for the use with conda-forge
Create an environment for the Higgs analysis
conda activate my-base
mamba create -y -n higgs4l -c conda-forge python=3.8 root pyyaml
conda deactivate
Enable the environment enable it with conda
conda activate higgs4l
and checkout the repository
git clone [email protected]:dietrichliko/higgs4l.git
Check the state of the CLIP scratch area. The full doubleMuon datasets requires about 850GB.
df -h /scratch/cbe
Pre-stage the data can be done from the login node
As the analysis program fills all CPU available, it is good practice to allocate a worker node. Please keep in mind that allocating a full node is relatively expensive and keep its usage to the required minimum.
srun --time=00:30:00 --nodes=1 --pty /bin/bash