- IDE set-up
- Anaconda Navigator - download here
- OR just download git bash: git for windows
- Download and set up a text editor; I recommend Visual Studio Code
- Account set-up
- GitHub -> send me your username
- Constellate
- SMART Goals
- Come up with a plan & schedule for your goal
- Start your log: use logs/sample.md as the template; write up your log using
- Command line workshop
- Direct link: Tutorial link
- Go through it and let me know if you have questions
- DSRI Tutorial
- Introduction to the Bash Command Line, Ian Milligan and James Baker, The Programming Historian
- Software Carpentry's tutorial on the Unix Shell (for more advanced tutorials, see the “Loops” and “Shell Scripts” sections)
- Terminus command line game (a fantasy choose-your-own adventure like game; good for getting used to navigating file structures--uses only a few commands)
- Git
- Git command line cheatsheet
- GitHub Desktop, a GUI client for Git
- Git features in VS Code
- GitHub
- Markdown
- Markdown syntax cheatsheet
- Pandoc: open-source command line tool to turn markdown documents into dozens of different file types
- Programming Historian tutorial: Sustainable Authorship in Plain Text using Pandoc and Markdown
- Quick Markdown Guide
- SMART Goals
- Detailed schedule for goal: add to log
- Command line workshop
- Direct link: Tutorial link
- Go through it and let me know if you have questions
- GitHub workshop
- Either review my slides and follow along or do the DHRI tutorial (see above)
- Create a new github repository and add your python practice code to it
- DSRI Tutorial: HTML & CSS tutorial
- Learning HTML
- Self-paced interactive HTML Tutorial from w3schools.com
- Free Code Camp Responsive Web Design course
- LinkedIn Learning: HTML Essential Training (2h 45m)
- Learning CSS
- CSS Diner
- Self-paced interactive CSS tutorial from w3schools.com
- LinkedIn Learning: CSS Essential Training (4h 28m)
- Templates and models
- Create a super-simple static html site following these instructions
- Follow the HTML & CSS tutorial through the end of the HTML section
- Send me updates on your learning goal and project