This example contains a simple Node.js application that demonstrates how to connect to a Clover device using the Clover Javascript Cloud Connector. It also shows how to communicate with the device to display information, transact sales, and perform other operations.
- Node.js. We recommend v6.11.3 LTS.
To run the example app, enter the following on the command line:
$ npm install
$ node ./lib/ExampleCLI.js
The JavaScript Cloud Connector requires WebSocket and XMLHttpRequest (cloud only) implementations. The browser provides these implementations when using the Cloud Connector in a web application. However, implementations must be provided in a Node.js environment. Implementations can be found on npm. We've included a list of libraries that work with the JavaScript Cloud Connector below.
- ws 3.2.0 (recommended) - This library works out of the box with the JavaScript Cloud Connector.
- nodejs-websocket 1.7.1 (alternative) - While this library works with the JavaScript Cloud Connector, the
method must be overridden, due to API differences. From./lib/support/ExampleWebSocketFactory.js
webSocketOverrides["connect"] = function () { this.webSocket = this.createWebSocket(this.endpoint); // The nodejs-websocket library uses "on" instead of "addEventListener" and it // sends the data unwrapped. We are accounting for these differences here so // that nodejs-websocket plays nicely with our API. this.webSocket["on"]("connect", (event) => this.notifyOnOpen({data: event})); // not standard this.webSocket["on"]("text", (event) => this.notifyOnMessage({data: event})); // not standard this.webSocket["on"]("binary", (event) => this.notifyOnMessage({data: event})); // not standard this.webSocket["on"]("close", (event) => this.notifyOnClose({data: event})); this.webSocket["on"]("error", (event) => this.notifyOnError({data: event})); return this; }
- xmlhttprequest-ssl 1.5.5 (recommended) - This library works out of the box with the JavaScript Cloud Connector.
is part of the Clover API.- An
implementation is passed into the configuration object used when connecting to the device. It is used to print and retrieve images from a URL. An example implementation is provided in this repository (see ./lib/support/ImageUtil.js).