1.1 Phil Hagelberg (http://technomancy.us)
- Soli Deo Gloria
- Hacker-Errant, Heroku
- Second-tallest man in Clojure
- Founded Seajure, Seattle Clojure Group
- Social
- Learning (teaching?)
- What’s going in this room here
- But not sustainable
- Not even a particularly good way of learning
- Audience is sufficiently alert, caffeinated, etc
- Presenter can keep your attention.
- good jokes
- cat pictures
- by J.C.R. Licklider and Robert Taylor
- Creative communication
- distinct from simply data transfer
\begin{quote} Any communication between people about the same thing is a common revelatory experience about informational models of that thing. \end{quote}
- Able to act directly on that substance
- Dispensing with intermediate modeling steps
- (Modeling still happens in your head)
- Ascertain skill levels
- Push to Github/Clojars/Heroku
- Chat log analysis http://www.raynes.me/logs/irc.freenode.net/
- Dependency trees (Clojuresphere data) http://git.io/melange
- Github rankings https://github.com/Raynes/tentacles
- Group web site (members, projects listed)
- Games
- Mastermind
- Tic-tac-toe
- Create separate “swarm” user
- Setup script: http://git.io/swarmup.sh
- Use the SSH key http://git.io/id_swarm
- \texttt{ssh [email protected]}
- \texttt{tmux attach}