- While the contributors are working on their ideas, you make your own plans for the project documentation. In particular, you think that three aspects should be covered prominently: (1) The goals of the project, (2) a guide on how to get started, and (3) an example illustrating how to use CoLRev. Create three issues for these aspects.
- Read the following playbook and prepare to complete the following subsection in front of the class.
- Remember that you can switch roles after each subsection.
- Get the attention of the other groups
- Share your ideas: the three issues your project should address
- State that you recognized incoming contributions from the community
- Navigate to the pull request area and check the pull requests
- Explain that it is useful to connect issues and pull requests (to get a better overview of the changes that are requested and the changes that are actually proposed)
- Go to the goals issue and link the corresponding pull request:
- Go to the pull requests
- Upon reviewing the changes, ask the group to briefly summarize their work
- Check whether the necessary header information is provided
- Assign the pull-requests to the remaining issus
Recognize that one pull-request suggests to use CoLRev for interview data
State that this is not in line with the goals of the project
Politely decline the pull-request and add the
label -
Note that not everyone can change the issues (balancing control and openness)
- Everyone can comment (when logged in)
- Only maintainers can assign issues and labels, or close the issue
- Those who opened the issue can close it
- Summarize that the project is making good progress
- State that all files currently suggest the same
value (in the header), so it would not be clear in which order the pages should be displayed:
layout: default
title: FAQ
nav_order: 2
Assign reasonable
values to each group by posting it in the pull request (e.g., "Please change the nav_order to ...") -
State that you will now review the contributions in more detail
Ask the contributors to add links to the other pages