diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
index 38118dae1..e3c465905 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -41,5 +41,5 @@ jobs:
cat default.nix
mv Makefile Makefile.old
echo 'GHC_OPTIONS+= -rtsopts=all\n.SHELLFLAGS := -eu -o pipefail -c\n\n'|cat - Makefile.old > Makefile
- nix-shell --run "new-application Web && make build/bin/RunUnoptimizedProdServer"
+ nix-shell --option sandbox false --run "new-application Web && make build/bin/RunUnoptimizedProdServer"
diff --git a/IHP/Controller/Redirect.hs b/IHP/Controller/Redirect.hs
index 8d8754f45..4d41db7a7 100644
--- a/IHP/Controller/Redirect.hs
+++ b/IHP/Controller/Redirect.hs
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import IHP.Controller.RequestContext
import IHP.RouterSupport (HasPath (pathTo))
import IHP.FrameworkConfig
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
+import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
import IHP.Controller.Context
import IHP.ControllerSupport
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ redirectTo action = redirectToPath (pathTo action)
-- Use 'redirectTo' if you want to redirect to a controller action.
redirectToPath :: (?context :: ControllerContext) => Text -> IO ()
-redirectToPath path = redirectToUrl (fromConfig baseUrl <> path)
+redirectToPath path = redirectToUrl (appHost <> path)
{-# INLINABLE redirectToPath #-}
-- | Redirects to a url (given as a string)
@@ -65,6 +66,20 @@ redirectToUrl url = do
respondAndExit redirectResponse
{-# INLINABLE redirectToUrl #-}
+appHost :: (?context :: ControllerContext) => Text
+appHost =
+ let
+ request = ?context
+ |> get #requestContext
+ |> get #request
+ protocol = if Wai.isSecure request
+ then "https"
+ else "http"
+ in request
+ |> Wai.requestHeaderHost
+ |> \case
+ Just host -> protocol <> "://" <> cs host
+ Nothing -> fromConfig baseUrl
-- | Redirects back to the last page
diff --git a/IHP/DataSync/Controller.hs b/IHP/DataSync/Controller.hs
index 4673bf525..c1e4706e5 100644
--- a/IHP/DataSync/Controller.hs
+++ b/IHP/DataSync/Controller.hs
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import qualified Data.Pool as Pool
import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Types as GraphQL
import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Parser as GraphQL
import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Compiler as GraphQL
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Analysis as GraphQL
import IHP.GraphQL.JSON ()
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Attoparsec
@@ -68,6 +69,8 @@ instance (
Left parserError -> error (cs $ tshow parserError)
Right statements -> statements
+ ensureRLSEnabledForGraphQLDocument ensureRLSEnabled document
let [(theQuery, theParams)] = GraphQL.compileDocument variables document
[PG.Only graphQLResult] <- sqlQueryWithRLSAndTransactionId transactionId theQuery theParams
@@ -154,6 +157,84 @@ instance (
sendJSON DidDeleteDataSubscription { subscriptionId, requestId }
+ handleMessage CreateGraphQLLiveQuery { requestId, gql, variables } = do
+ let document = case Attoparsec.parseOnly GraphQL.parseDocument gql of
+ Left parserError -> error (cs $ tshow parserError)
+ Right statements -> statements
+ tablesRLS <- ensureRLSEnabledForGraphQLDocument ensureRLSEnabled document
+ -- Fetch the initial data
+ let [(theQuery, theParams)] = GraphQL.compileDocument variables document
+ [PG.Only (UndecodedJSON graphQLResultText)] <- sqlQueryWithRLSAndTransactionId Nothing theQuery theParams
+ let (Just graphQLResult) = Aeson.decode (cs graphQLResultText)
+ -- We need to keep track of all the ids of entities we're watching to make
+ -- sure that we only send update notifications to clients that can actually
+ -- access the record (e.g. if a RLS policy denies access)
+ let watchedRecordIds = GraphQL.recordIds document graphQLResult
+ -- Store it in IORef as an INSERT requires us to add an id
+ watchedRecordIdsRef <- newIORef watchedRecordIds
+ -- Make sure the database triggers are there
+ forEach tablesRLS installTableChangeTriggers
+ liveQueryId <- UUID.nextRandom
+ let callback table notification = case notification of
+ ChangeNotifications.DidInsert { id } -> do
+ -- The new record could not be accessible to the current user with a RLS policy
+ -- E.g. it could be a new record in a 'projects' table, but the project belongs
+ -- to a different user, and thus the current user should not be able to see it.
+ --
+ -- The new record could also be not part of the WHERE condition of the initial query.
+ -- Therefore we need to use the subscriptions WHERE condition to fetch the new record here.
+ --
+ -- To honor the RLS policies we therefore need to fetch the record as the current user
+ -- If the result set is empty, we know the record is not accesible to us
+ [PG.Only (UndecodedJSON graphQLResultText)] <- sqlQueryWithRLSAndTransactionId Nothing theQuery theParams
+ let (Just graphQLResult) = Aeson.decode (cs graphQLResultText)
+ case GraphQL.extractRecordById id graphQLResult of
+ Just newRecord -> do
+ -- Add the new record to 'watchedRecordIdsRef'
+ -- Otherwise the updates and deletes will not be dispatched to the client
+ modifyIORef' watchedRecordIdsRef (HashMap.adjust (Set.insert id) table)
+ sendJSON LiveQueryDidInsert { liveQueryId, newRecord, table }
+ Nothing -> pure ()
+ ChangeNotifications.DidUpdate { id, changeSet } -> do
+ -- Only send the notifcation if the deleted record was part of the initial
+ -- results set
+ isWatchingRecord <- Set.member id . HashMap.lookupDefault Set.empty table <$> readIORef watchedRecordIdsRef
+ when isWatchingRecord do
+ sendJSON LiveQueryDidUpdate { liveQueryId, id, changeSet = changesToValue changeSet }
+ ChangeNotifications.DidDelete { id } -> do
+ -- Only send the notifcation if the deleted record was part of the initial
+ -- results set
+ isWatchingRecord <- Set.member id . HashMap.lookupDefault Set.empty table <$> readIORef watchedRecordIdsRef
+ when isWatchingRecord do
+ sendJSON LiveQueryDidDelete { liveQueryId, table, id }
+ let startWatchers tablesRLS = case tablesRLS of
+ (tableNameRLS:rest) -> do
+ let subscribe = PGListener.subscribeJSON (ChangeNotifications.channelName tableNameRLS) (callback (get #tableName tableNameRLS)) pgListener
+ let unsubscribe subscription = PGListener.unsubscribe subscription pgListener
+ Exception.bracket subscribe unsubscribe (\_ -> startWatchers rest)
+ [] -> do
+ close <- MVar.newEmptyMVar
+ modifyIORef' ?state (\state -> state |> modify #subscriptions (HashMap.insert liveQueryId close))
+ -- sendJSON DidCreateDataSubscription { subscriptionId, requestId, result }
+ sendJSON DidCreateLiveQuery { liveQueryId, graphQLResult, requestId }
+ MVar.takeMVar close
+ startWatchers tablesRLS
handleMessage CreateRecordMessage { table, record, requestId, transactionId } = do
ensureRLSEnabled table
@@ -453,6 +534,13 @@ sqlExecWithRLSAndTransactionId ::
) => Maybe UUID -> PG.Query -> parameters -> IO Int64
sqlExecWithRLSAndTransactionId transactionId theQuery theParams = runInModelContextWithTransaction (sqlExecWithRLS theQuery theParams) transactionId
+ensureRLSEnabledForGraphQLDocument :: _ -> GraphQL.Document -> IO [TableWithRLS]
+ensureRLSEnabledForGraphQLDocument ensureRLSEnabled document = do
+ let tables = document
+ |> GraphQL.tablesUsedInDocument
+ |> Set.toList
+ mapM ensureRLSEnabled tables
$(deriveFromJSON defaultOptions 'DataSyncQuery)
$(deriveToJSON defaultOptions 'DataSyncResult)
diff --git a/IHP/DataSync/REST/Controller.hs b/IHP/DataSync/REST/Controller.hs
index f16ef5196..4a194ca11 100644
--- a/IHP/DataSync/REST/Controller.hs
+++ b/IHP/DataSync/REST/Controller.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal as Aeson
import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Types as GraphQL
import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Parser as GraphQL
import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Compiler as GraphQL
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.SchemaCompiler as GraphQL
import IHP.GraphQL.JSON ()
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Resolver as GraphQL
+import qualified IHP.IDE.SchemaDesigner.Parser as SchemaDesigner
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Attoparsec
instance (
@@ -156,14 +159,17 @@ instance (
action GraphQLQueryAction = do
graphQLRequest :: GraphQL.GraphQLRequest <- case fromJSON requestBodyJSON of
- Error errorMessage -> error (cs errorMessage)
+ Error errorMessage -> do
+ renderJson GraphQL.GraphQLErrorResponse { errors = [ cs errorMessage ] }
+ pure undefined -- Unreachable
Data.Aeson.Success value -> pure value
- let [(theQuery, theParams)] = GraphQL.compileDocument (get #variables graphQLRequest) (get #query graphQLRequest)
- [PG.Only graphQLResult] <- sqlQueryWithRLS theQuery theParams
- renderJson (graphQLResult :: UndecodedJSON)
+ (Right sqlSchema) <- SchemaDesigner.parseSchemaSql
+ let schema = GraphQL.sqlSchemaToGraphQLSchema sqlSchema
+ result <- handleGraphQLError (GraphQL.resolve schema sqlQueryWithRLS graphQLRequest)
+ case result of
+ (Left error) -> renderJson error
+ (Right graphQLResult) -> renderJson graphQLResult
buildDynamicQueryFromRequest table = DynamicSQLQuery
{ table
@@ -254,3 +260,12 @@ instance ToJSON GraphQLResult where
instance ToJSON UndecodedJSON where
toJSON (UndecodedJSON _) = error "Not implemented"
toEncoding (UndecodedJSON json) = Aeson.unsafeToEncoding (ByteString.byteString json)
+handleGraphQLError runGraphQLHandler = do
+ result <- Exception.try runGraphQLHandler
+ pure case result of
+ Left (exception :: SomeException) ->
+ case Exception.fromException exception of
+ Just (exception :: EnhancedSqlError) -> Left GraphQL.GraphQLErrorResponse { errors = [ cs $ get #sqlErrorMsg (get #sqlError exception) ] }
+ Nothing -> Left GraphQL.GraphQLErrorResponse { errors = [ tshow exception ] }
+ Right result -> Right result
diff --git a/IHP/DataSync/RowLevelSecurity.hs b/IHP/DataSync/RowLevelSecurity.hs
index 77bbeb6ef..91df00f5b 100644
--- a/IHP/DataSync/RowLevelSecurity.hs
+++ b/IHP/DataSync/RowLevelSecurity.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module IHP.DataSync.RowLevelSecurity
, makeCachedEnsureRLSEnabled
, sqlQueryWithRLS
, sqlExecWithRLS
+, sqlQueryWithRLS'
@@ -33,11 +34,21 @@ sqlQueryWithRLS ::
, PG.ToField userId
, FromRow result
) => PG.Query -> parameters -> IO [result]
-sqlQueryWithRLS query parameters = sqlQuery queryWithRLS parametersWithRLS
- where
- (queryWithRLS, parametersWithRLS) = wrapStatementWithRLS query parameters
+sqlQueryWithRLS query parameters = sqlQueryWithRLS' (get #id <$> currentUserOrNothing) query parameters
{-# INLINE sqlQueryWithRLS #-}
+sqlQueryWithRLS' ::
+ ( ?modelContext :: ModelContext
+ , PG.ToRow parameters
+ , PG.ToField userId
+ , FromRow result
+ , ?context :: ControllerContext
+ ) => Maybe userId -> PG.Query -> parameters -> IO [result]
+sqlQueryWithRLS' userId query parameters = sqlQuery queryWithRLS parametersWithRLS
+ where
+ (queryWithRLS, parametersWithRLS) = wrapStatementWithRLS userId query parameters
+{-# INLINE sqlQueryWithRLS' #-}
sqlExecWithRLS ::
( ?modelContext :: ModelContext
, PG.ToRow parameters
@@ -52,27 +63,19 @@ sqlExecWithRLS ::
) => PG.Query -> parameters -> IO Int64
sqlExecWithRLS query parameters = sqlExec queryWithRLS parametersWithRLS
- (queryWithRLS, parametersWithRLS) = wrapStatementWithRLS query parameters
+ (queryWithRLS, parametersWithRLS) = wrapStatementWithRLS (get #id <$> currentUserOrNothing) query parameters
{-# INLINE sqlExecWithRLS #-}
wrapStatementWithRLS ::
( ?modelContext :: ModelContext
, PG.ToRow parameters
, ?context :: ControllerContext
- , userId ~ Id CurrentUserRecord
- , Show (PrimaryKey (GetTableName CurrentUserRecord))
- , HasNewSessionUrl CurrentUserRecord
- , Typeable CurrentUserRecord
- , ?context :: ControllerContext
- , HasField "id" CurrentUserRecord (Id' (GetTableName CurrentUserRecord))
, PG.ToField userId
- ) => PG.Query -> parameters -> (PG.Query, [PG.Action])
-wrapStatementWithRLS query parameters = (queryWithRLS, parametersWithRLS)
+ ) => Maybe userId -> PG.Query -> parameters -> (PG.Query, [PG.Action])
+wrapStatementWithRLS maybeUserId query parameters = (queryWithRLS, parametersWithRLS)
queryWithRLS = "SET LOCAL ROLE ?; SET LOCAL rls.ihp_user_id = ?; " <> query <> ";"
- maybeUserId = get #id <$> currentUserOrNothing
-- When the user is not logged in and maybeUserId is Nothing, we cannot
-- just pass @NULL@ to postgres. The @SET LOCAL@ values can only be strings.
diff --git a/IHP/DataSync/Types.hs b/IHP/DataSync/Types.hs
index 0a0652ff4..814600991 100644
--- a/IHP/DataSync/Types.hs
+++ b/IHP/DataSync/Types.hs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import qualified IHP.PGListener as PGListener
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PG
import Control.Concurrent.MVar as MVar
import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Types as GraphQL
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
data DataSyncMessage
= DataSyncQuery { query :: !DynamicSQLQuery, requestId :: !Int, transactionId :: !(Maybe UUID) }
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ data DataSyncMessage
| StartTransaction { requestId :: !Int }
| RollbackTransaction { requestId :: !Int, id :: !UUID }
| CommitTransaction { requestId :: !Int, id :: !UUID }
+ | CreateGraphQLLiveQuery { gql :: !Text, requestId :: !Int, variables :: !GraphQL.Variables }
+ | DeleteGraphQLLiveQuery { liveQueryId :: !UUID, requestId :: !Int }
deriving (Eq, Show)
data DataSyncResponse
@@ -45,6 +47,11 @@ data DataSyncResponse
| DidStartTransaction { requestId :: !Int, transactionId :: !UUID }
| DidRollbackTransaction { requestId :: !Int, transactionId :: !UUID }
| DidCommitTransaction { requestId :: !Int, transactionId :: !UUID }
+ | DidCreateLiveQuery { requestId :: !Int, liveQueryId :: !UUID, graphQLResult :: !Aeson.Value }
+ | DidDeleteLiveQuery { requestId :: !Int, liveQueryId :: !UUID }
+ | LiveQueryDidInsert { liveQueryId :: !UUID, newRecord :: !Aeson.Value, table :: !Text }
+ | LiveQueryDidUpdate { liveQueryId :: !UUID, id :: UUID, changeSet :: !Value }
+ | LiveQueryDidDelete { liveQueryId :: !UUID, id :: !UUID, table :: !Text }
data GraphQLResult = GraphQLResult { graphQLResult :: !UndecodedJSON, requestId :: !Int }
diff --git a/IHP/GraphQL/Analysis.hs b/IHP/GraphQL/Analysis.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c942660d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IHP/GraphQL/Analysis.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+module IHP.GraphQL.Analysis where
+import IHP.Prelude
+import IHP.GraphQL.Types
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import qualified Data.Aeson.Internal as Aeson
+import Data.Aeson ((.:))
+import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
+import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
+import qualified Data.List as List
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+type TableName = Text
+-- | Returns the database tables used by a GraphQL query
+tablesUsedInDocument :: Document -> Set TableName
+tablesUsedInDocument Document { definitions } = mconcat (map tablesUsedInDefinition definitions)
+ where
+ tablesUsedInDefinition :: Definition -> Set Text
+ tablesUsedInDefinition ExecutableDefinition { operation } = tablesUsedInOperation operation
+ tablesUsedInOperation :: OperationDefinition -> Set Text
+ tablesUsedInOperation OperationDefinition { selectionSet, operationType } = tablesUsedInSelectionSet operationType selectionSet
+ tablesUsedInSelectionSet :: OperationType -> [Selection] -> Set Text
+ tablesUsedInSelectionSet operationType selectionSet = mconcat (map (tablesUsedInSelection operationType) selectionSet)
+ tablesUsedInSelection :: OperationType -> Selection -> Set Text
+ tablesUsedInSelection _ Field { selectionSet = [] } = Set.empty
+ tablesUsedInSelection operationType Field { name, selectionSet, arguments } = Set.singleton normalizedName <> tablesUsedInSelectionSet Query selectionSet
+ where
+ -- `createTask` => tasks
+ -- `deleteTask` => tasks
+ -- `updateTask` => tasks
+ normalizedName = case operationType of
+ Mutation ->
+ case Text.stripPrefix "create" name of
+ Just suffix -> modelNameToTableName suffix
+ Nothing -> case Text.stripPrefix "delete" name of
+ Just suffix -> modelNameToTableName suffix
+ Nothing -> case Text.stripPrefix "update" name of
+ Just suffix -> modelNameToTableName suffix
+ Nothing -> name
+ _ -> case selectionSet of
+ [] -> name
+ _ -> pluralize name -- `project(id: $projectId)` => projects
+recordIds :: Document -> Aeson.Value -> HashMap TableName (Set UUID)
+recordIds Document { definitions } result = mconcat (map recordIdsInDefinition definitions)
+ where
+ recordIdsInDefinition :: Definition -> HashMap TableName (Set UUID)
+ recordIdsInDefinition ExecutableDefinition { operation } = recordIdsInOperation operation
+ recordIdsInOperation :: OperationDefinition -> HashMap TableName (Set UUID)
+ recordIdsInOperation OperationDefinition { selectionSet } = recordIdsInSelectionSet selectionSet result
+ recordIdsInSelectionSet :: [Selection] -> Aeson.Value -> HashMap TableName (Set UUID)
+ recordIdsInSelectionSet selectionSet result = mconcat (map (recordIdsInSelection result) selectionSet)
+ recordIdsInSelection :: Aeson.Value -> Selection -> HashMap TableName (Set UUID)
+ recordIdsInSelection result Field { selectionSet = [] } = HashMap.empty
+ recordIdsInSelection result Field { name, alias, selectionSet } = mconcat $
+ (HashMap.singleton tableName selectionIds):(map (recordIdsInSelection selectedResult) childNodes)
+ where
+ (selectionIds, tableName) = selectionIdsAndName
+ aliasOrName :: Text
+ aliasOrName = fromMaybe name alias
+ childNodes = selectionSet
+ |> filter selectionIsNode
+ selectedResult :: Aeson.Value
+ selectedResult = case result of
+ Aeson.Object hashMap -> hashMap
+ |> HashMap.lookup aliasOrName
+ |> \case
+ Just result -> result
+ Nothing -> error ("Could not find " <> tshow aliasOrName <> " in result set")
+ Aeson.Array vector -> vector
+ |> Vector.toList
+ |> map (\case
+ Aeson.Object hashMap -> hashMap
+ |> HashMap.lookup aliasOrName
+ |> \case
+ Just (Aeson.Array result) -> result
+ Nothing -> error ("Could not find " <> tshow aliasOrName <> " in result set")
+ otherwise -> error ("selectedResult -> array: Object expxected")
+ )
+ |> map Vector.toList
+ |> concat
+ |> Vector.fromList
+ |> Aeson.Array
+ otherwise -> error ("selectedResult at " <> name <> ": Expected an object here, got: " <> tshow otherwise)
+ selectionIdsAndName :: (Set UUID, Text)
+ selectionIdsAndName = case selectedResult of
+ Aeson.Array vector ->
+ vector
+ |> Vector.toList
+ |> map (\case
+ Aeson.Object record -> extractId record
+ otherwise -> error ("selectionIds: unexpected " <> tshow selectedResult)
+ )
+ |> Set.fromList
+ |> \ids -> (ids, name)
+ Aeson.Object hashMap -> (Set.singleton (extractId hashMap), pluralize name)
+ _ -> error "unexpected object here"
+ extractId :: HashMap Text Aeson.Value -> UUID
+ extractId record = record
+ |> HashMap.lookup "id"
+ |> \case
+ Just (Aeson.String string) ->
+ case UUID.fromText string of
+ Just uuid -> uuid
+ Nothing -> error "Failed to parse UUID"
+ Just otherwise -> error "Expected 'id' field to be a string"
+ Nothing -> error "Could not find 'id' field for record"
+selectionIsNode :: Selection -> Bool
+selectionIsNode Field { selectionSet = [] } = False
+selectionIsNode otherwise = True
+extractRecordById :: UUID -> Aeson.Value -> Maybe Aeson.Value
+extractRecordById id result =
+ case result of
+ record@(Aeson.Object hashMap) ->
+ let traverseObjectKeys =
+ hashMap
+ |> HashMap.elems
+ |> mapMaybe (extractRecordById id)
+ |> headMay
+ in case HashMap.lookup "id" hashMap of
+ Just (Aeson.String idString) ->
+ case UUID.fromText idString of
+ Just uuid -> if uuid == id
+ then Just record
+ else traverseObjectKeys
+ Nothing -> error "Failed to parse UUID"
+ otherwise -> traverseObjectKeys
+ Aeson.Array vector ->
+ vector
+ |> Vector.toList
+ |> mapMaybe (extractRecordById id)
+ |> headMay
+ otherwise -> Nothing
+isSubscriptionDocument :: Document -> Bool
+isSubscriptionDocument Document { definitions } = foldl' (&&) True (map isSubscriptionDefinition definitions)
+ where
+ isSubscriptionDefinition ExecutableDefinition { operation = OperationDefinition { operationType } } = operationType == Subscription
+newtype Path = Path [Text]
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+nodePathsForTable :: Text -> Document -> [Path]
+nodePathsForTable tableName Document { definitions } = reversePath <$> mconcat (map nodePathsForTableDefinition definitions)
+ where
+ -- e.g. "users" or "userProjects"
+ targetSelectionName = lcfirst $ tableNameToControllerName tableName
+ reversePath :: Path -> Path
+ reversePath (Path path) = (Path (reverse path))
+ nodePathsForTableDefinition :: Definition -> [Path]
+ nodePathsForTableDefinition ExecutableDefinition { operation } = nodePathsForTableOperation operation
+ nodePathsForTableOperation :: OperationDefinition -> [Path]
+ nodePathsForTableOperation OperationDefinition { selectionSet } = nodePathsForTableSelectionSet [] selectionSet
+ nodePathsForTableSelectionSet :: [Text] -> [Selection] -> [Path]
+ nodePathsForTableSelectionSet path selectionSet = mconcat (map (nodePathsForTableSelection path) selectionSet)
+ nodePathsForTableSelection :: [Text] -> Selection -> [Path]
+ nodePathsForTableSelection path Field { selectionSet = [] } = []
+ nodePathsForTableSelection path Field { name, alias, selectionSet } =
+ let
+ nameOrAlias = (fromMaybe name alias)
+ cur = Path (nameOrAlias:path)
+ rec = nodePathsForTableSelectionSet (nameOrAlias:path) selectionSet
+ in
+ if name == targetSelectionName
+ then cur:rec
+ else rec
+applyFunctionAtNode :: (Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Value) -> Path -> Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Value
+applyFunctionAtNode function (Path path) json = applyFunctionAtNode' function path json
+ where
+ applyFunctionAtNode' function [] value = function value
+ applyFunctionAtNode' function (curPath:restPath) (Aeson.Object hashMap) = Aeson.Object (HashMap.adjust (applyFunctionAtNode' function restPath) curPath hashMap)
+ applyFunctionAtNode' function path (Aeson.Array vector) = Aeson.Array (Vector.map (applyFunctionAtNode' function path) vector)
+documentIsExecutable :: Document -> Bool
+documentIsExecutable Document { definitions } = isJust (find isExecutableDefinition definitions)
+isExecutableDefinition :: Definition -> Bool
+isExecutableDefinition ExecutableDefinition {} = True
+isExecutableDefinition _ = False
+splitDocumentIntoResolvableUnits :: Document -> [(Resolver, Document)]
+splitDocumentIntoResolvableUnits Document { definitions } = removeEmptyResolvers $ split [] [] definitions
+ where
+ isPostgresSelection Field { name = "__schema" } = False
+ isPostgresSelection otherwise = True
+ removeEmptyResolvers :: [(Resolver, Document)] -> [(Resolver, Document)]
+ removeEmptyResolvers documentsWithResolver = filter (\(resolver, document) -> documentIsExecutable document) documentsWithResolver
+ split :: [Definition] -> [Definition] -> [Definition] -> [(Resolver, Document)]
+ split postgresDefinitions introspectionDefinitions (ed@(ExecutableDefinition { operation = od@(OperationDefinition { selectionSet }) }):rest) =
+ case List.partition isPostgresSelection selectionSet of
+ (postgresSelection, []) -> split (postgresDefinitions <> [ed]) introspectionDefinitions rest
+ ([], introspectionSelection) -> split postgresDefinitions (introspectionDefinitions <> [ed]) rest
+ (postgresSelection, introspectionSelection) -> split (postgresDefinitions <> [ ExecutableDefinition { operation = od { selectionSet = postgresSelection } } ]) (introspectionDefinitions <> [ ExecutableDefinition { operation = od { selectionSet = introspectionSelection } } ]) rest
+ split postgresDefinitions introspectionDefinitions (x:xs) =
+ if isExecutableDefinition x
+ then split (postgresDefinitions <> [x]) introspectionDefinitions xs
+ else split (postgresDefinitions <> [x]) (introspectionDefinitions <> [x]) xs -- E.g. fragments need to be in both queries
+ split postgresDefinitions introspectionDefinitions [] = [(PostgresResolver, Document postgresDefinitions), (IntrospectionResolver, Document introspectionDefinitions)]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IHP/GraphQL/Compiler.hs b/IHP/GraphQL/Compiler.hs
index 329e45751..24b39f937 100644
--- a/IHP/GraphQL/Compiler.hs
+++ b/IHP/GraphQL/Compiler.hs
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@ module IHP.GraphQL.Compiler where
import IHP.Prelude
import IHP.GraphQL.Types
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Introspection as Introspection
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField as PG
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types as PG
import Prelude (Semigroup (..))
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
+import qualified Data.List as List
data SqlQuery = SqlQuery { query :: Text, params :: [PG.Action]}
@@ -16,31 +18,44 @@ data QueryPart = QueryPart { sql :: PG.Query, params :: [PG.Action] }
compileDocument :: Variables -> Document -> [(PG.Query, [PG.Action])]
compileDocument (Variables arguments) document@(Document { definitions = (definition:rest) }) =
case definition of
- ExecutableDefinition { operation = OperationDefinition { operationType = Query } } ->
- [ unpackQueryPart ("SELECT to_json(_root.data) FROM (" <> compileDefinition document definition arguments <> ") AS _root") ]
+ ExecutableDefinition { operation = OperationDefinition { operationType } } | operationType == Query || operationType == Subscription ->
+ [ unpackQueryPart (compileDefinition document definition arguments) ]
ExecutableDefinition { operation = OperationDefinition { operationType = Mutation } } ->
- map unpackQueryPart $ compileMutationDefinition definition arguments
+ map unpackQueryPart $ compileMutationDefinition document definition arguments
compileDefinition :: Document -> Definition -> [Argument] -> QueryPart
-compileDefinition document ExecutableDefinition { operation = OperationDefinition { operationType = Query, selectionSet } } variables =
- selectionSet
- |> map (compileSelection document variables)
- |> unionAll
+compileDefinition document ExecutableDefinition { operation = OperationDefinition { operationType, selectionSet } } variables | operationType == Query || operationType == Subscription =
+ "SELECT json_build_object(" <> commaSep aggregations <> ")"
+ where
+ aggregations = map (compileSelection document variables) selectionSet
-compileMutationDefinition :: Definition -> [Argument] -> [QueryPart]
-compileMutationDefinition ExecutableDefinition { operation = OperationDefinition { operationType = Mutation, selectionSet } } arguments =
+compileMutationDefinition :: Document -> Definition -> [Argument] -> [QueryPart]
+compileMutationDefinition document ExecutableDefinition { operation = OperationDefinition { operationType = Mutation, selectionSet } } arguments =
- |> map (compileMutationSelection arguments)
+ |> map ((compileMutationSelection document) arguments)
compileSelection :: Document -> [Argument] -> Selection -> QueryPart
compileSelection document variables field@(Field { alias, name = fieldName, arguments }) =
- ("(SELECT json_build_object(?, json_agg(?.*)) AS data FROM (SELECT " |> withParams [PG.toField nameOrAlias, PG.toField (PG.Identifier subqueryId)])
- <> selectQueryPieces document (PG.toField (PG.Identifier tableName)) field
- <> (" FROM ?" |> withParams [PG.toField (PG.Identifier tableName)])
- <> joins
- <> where_
- <> (") AS ?)" |> withParams [ PG.toField (PG.Identifier subqueryId) ])
+ aggregation
+ query =
+ "(SELECT "
+ <> selectQueryPieces document tableName field
+ <> (" FROM ?" |> withParams [PG.toField (PG.Identifier tableName)])
+ <> joins document variables tableName field
+ <> where_
+ <> (") AS ?" |> withParams [ PG.toField (PG.Identifier subqueryId) ])
+ -- | Builds a tuple as used in `json_build_object('users', json_agg(_users), 'tasks', json_agg(_tasks))`
+ aggregation = (
+ if isSingleResult
+ then
+ (("?, (SELECT coalesce(row_to_json(?), '[]'::json) FROM " |> withParams [PG.toField nameOrAlias, PG.toField (PG.Identifier subqueryId)]) <> query <> ")")
+ else
+ (("?, (SELECT coalesce(json_agg(row_to_json(?)), '[]'::json) FROM " |> withParams [PG.toField nameOrAlias, PG.toField (PG.Identifier subqueryId)]) <> query <> ")"))
+ isSingleResult = isJust idArgument
subqueryId = "_" <> fieldName
nameOrAlias = fromMaybe fieldName alias
@@ -58,79 +73,115 @@ compileSelection document variables field@(Field { alias, name = fieldName, argu
[Argument { argumentName = "id", argumentValue }] -> Just argumentValue
_ -> Nothing
+joins :: Document -> [Argument] -> Text -> Selection -> QueryPart
+joins document variables tableName field = field
+ |> get #selectionSet
+ |> filter isJoinField
+ |> map (fieldToJoin document variables tableName)
+ |> \case
+ [] -> ""
+ joins -> " " <> spaceSep joins
+ where
isJoinField :: Selection -> Bool
isJoinField Field { selectionSet } = not (null selectionSet)
isJoinField FragmentSpread {} = False -- TODO: Also support fragment spreads in joined tables
- joins :: QueryPart
- joins = field
- |> get #selectionSet
- |> filter isJoinField
- |> map (fieldToJoin document tableName)
- |> \case
- [] -> ""
- joins -> " " <> spaceSep joins
-selectQueryPieces :: Document -> PG.Action -> Selection -> QueryPart
-selectQueryPieces document tableName field = field
+selectQueryPieces :: Document -> Text -> Selection -> QueryPart
+selectQueryPieces document tableName field =
+ selectFields document tableName field
+ |> map (\(left, right, isAlias) -> if isAlias
+ then left <> " AS ?" |> withParams [PG.toField (PG.Identifier right)]
+ else left
+ )
+ |> commaSep
+returnQueryPieces :: Document -> Text -> Selection -> QueryPart
+returnQueryPieces document tableName field =
+ selectFields document tableName field
+ |> map (\(left, right, isAlias) -> ("?, " |> withParams [PG.toField right]) <> left )
+ |> commaSep
+selectFields :: Document -> Text -> Selection -> [(QueryPart, Text, Bool)]
+selectFields document tableName field =
+ field
|> get #selectionSet
|> map compileSelection
|> mconcat
- |> commaSep
+ qualified :: Selection -> QueryPart
qualified field = if isEmpty (get #selectionSet field)
- then "?." |> withParams [tableName]
+ then "?." |> withParams [PG.toField (PG.Identifier tableName)]
else ""
- compileSelection :: Selection -> [QueryPart]
+ compileSelection :: Selection -> [(QueryPart, Text, Bool)]
compileSelection field@(Field {}) = [compileField field]
compileSelection fragmentSpread@(FragmentSpread {}) = compileFragmentSpread fragmentSpread
- compileField :: Selection -> QueryPart
- compileField field@(Field { alias = Just alias, name }) = qualified field <> "? AS ?" |> withParams [ PG.toField (PG.Identifier (fieldNameToColumnName name)), PG.toField (PG.Identifier alias) ]
- compileField field@(Field { alias = Nothing, name }) =
+ compileField :: Selection -> (QueryPart, Text, Bool)
+ compileField field@(Field { alias, name = "__typename" }) =
+ ( "?" |> withParams [ PG.toField typeName ]
+ , fromMaybe "__typename" alias
+ , alias /= "__typename"
+ )
+ where
+ typeName = tableNameToModelName tableName
+ compileField field@(Field { alias = Just alias, name }) =
+ ( qualified field <> ("?" |> withParams [ PG.toField (PG.Identifier (fieldNameToColumnName name)) ])
+ , alias
+ , True
+ )
+ compileField field@(Field { alias = Nothing, name }) =
columnName = fieldNameToColumnName name
- if columnName /= name
- then qualified field <> "? AS ?" |> withParams [ PG.toField (PG.Identifier (fieldNameToColumnName name)), PG.toField (PG.Identifier name) ]
- else qualified field <> "?" |> withParams [ PG.toField (PG.Identifier (fieldNameToColumnName name)) ]
+ ( qualified field <> ("?" |> withParams [ PG.toField (PG.Identifier (fieldNameToColumnName name)) ])
+ , name
+ , columnName /= name
+ )
- compileFragmentSpread :: Selection -> [QueryPart]
+ compileFragmentSpread :: Selection -> [(QueryPart, Text, Bool)]
compileFragmentSpread FragmentSpread { fragmentName } =
|> get #selectionSet
|> map compileSelection
|> mconcat
- fragment :: Fragment
- fragment = document
- |> get #definitions
- |> find (\case
- FragmentDefinition (Fragment { name }) -> name == fragmentName
- otherwise -> False
- )
- |> fromMaybe (error $ "Could not find fragment named " <> fragmentName)
- |> \case
- FragmentDefinition fragment -> fragment
-fieldToJoin :: Document -> Text -> Selection -> QueryPart
-fieldToJoin document rootTableName field@(Field { name }) =
+ fragment = findFragmentByName document fragmentName
+fieldToJoin :: Document -> [Argument] -> Text -> Selection -> QueryPart
+fieldToJoin document variables rootTableName field@(Field { name }) =
- <> "SELECT to_json(_sub) FROM ("
+ <> when isHasMany "SELECT ARRAY("
+ <> when isHasMany "SELECT to_json(_sub) FROM ("
<> "SELECT "
- <> selectQueryPieces document foreignTable field
+ <> selectQueryPieces document foreignTableName field
<> (" FROM ?" |> withParams [foreignTable])
- <> (" WHERE ?.? = ?.?" |> withParams [foreignTable, foreignTableForeignKey, rootTable, rootTablePrimaryKey])
- <> ") AS _sub"
- <> (") AS ?" |> withParams [aliasOrName])
+ <> joins document variables rootTableName field
+ <> (" WHERE ?.? = ?.?" |> withParams conditionParams)
+ <> when isHasMany ") AS _sub"
+ <> when isHasMany (") AS ?" |> withParams [aliasOrName])
<> (") ? ON true" |> withParams [aliasOrName])
- foreignTable = PG.toField (PG.Identifier name)
+ isHasOne :: Bool
+ isHasOne = singularize name == name -- Is it a singular name, like `user` instead of `users`?
+ isHasMany = not isHasOne
+ conditionParams = if isHasMany
+ then [foreignTable, foreignTableForeignKey, rootTable, rootTablePrimaryKey]
+ else [foreignTable, PG.toField (PG.Identifier "id"), rootTable, PG.toField (PG.Identifier $ (fieldNameToColumnName name) <> "_id" )]
+ when condition then_ = if condition then then_ else ""
+ foreignTable = PG.toField (PG.Identifier foreignTableName)
+ foreignTableName =
+ if isHasOne
+ then pluralize name
+ else name
foreignTableForeignKey = PG.toField (PG.Identifier foreignTableForeignKeyName)
foreignTableForeignKeyName = rootTableName
|> singularize
@@ -143,19 +194,19 @@ fieldToJoin document rootTableName field@(Field { name }) =
Just alias -> alias
Nothing -> get #name field
-compileMutationSelection :: [Argument] -> Selection -> QueryPart
-compileMutationSelection queryArguments field@(Field { alias, name = fieldName, arguments, selectionSet }) = fromMaybe (error ("Invalid mutation: " <> tshow fieldName)) do
+compileMutationSelection :: Document -> [Argument] -> Selection -> QueryPart
+compileMutationSelection document queryArguments field@(Field { alias, name = fieldName, arguments, selectionSet }) = fromMaybe (error ("Invalid mutation: " <> tshow fieldName)) do
let create = do
modelName <- Text.stripPrefix "create" fieldName
- pure $ compileSelectionToInsertStatement queryArguments field modelName
+ pure $ compileSelectionToInsertStatement document queryArguments field modelName
let delete = do
modelName <- Text.stripPrefix "delete" fieldName
- pure $ compileSelectionToDeleteStatement queryArguments field modelName
+ pure $ compileSelectionToDeleteStatement document queryArguments field modelName
let update = do
modelName <- Text.stripPrefix "update" fieldName
- pure $ compileSelectionToUpdateStatement queryArguments field modelName
+ pure $ compileSelectionToUpdateStatement document queryArguments field modelName
create <|> delete <|> update
@@ -182,8 +233,8 @@ compileMutationSelection queryArguments field@(Field { alias, name = fieldName,
-- > VALUES ('dc984c2f-d91c-4143-9091-400ad2333f83', 'Hello World')
-- > RETURNING json_build_object('id', projects.id, 'title', projects.title)
-compileSelectionToInsertStatement :: [Argument] -> Selection -> Text -> QueryPart
-compileSelectionToInsertStatement queryArguments field@(Field { alias, name = fieldName, arguments, selectionSet }) modelName =
+compileSelectionToInsertStatement :: Document -> [Argument] -> Selection -> Text -> QueryPart
+compileSelectionToInsertStatement document queryArguments field@(Field { alias, name = fieldName, arguments, selectionSet }) modelName =
("INSERT INTO ? (" |> withParams [PG.toField $ PG.Identifier tableName]) <> commaSep columns <> ") VALUES (" <> commaSep values <> ") RETURNING " <> returning
tableName = modelNameToTableName modelName
@@ -204,10 +255,7 @@ compileSelectionToInsertStatement queryArguments field@(Field { alias, name = fi
|> unzip
returning :: QueryPart
- returning = "json_build_object(" <> returningArgs <> ")"
- returningArgs = selectionSet
- |> map (\Field { name = fieldName } -> "?, ?.?" |> withParams [PG.toField (fieldNameToColumnName fieldName), PG.toField (PG.Identifier tableName), PG.toField (PG.Identifier (fieldNameToColumnName fieldName))])
- |> commaSep
+ returning = ("json_build_object(?, json_build_object(" |> withParams [PG.toField (nameOrAlias field) ]) <> returnQueryPieces document tableName field <> "))"
-- | Turns a @update..@ mutation into a UPDATE SQL query
@@ -234,8 +282,8 @@ compileSelectionToInsertStatement queryArguments field@(Field { alias, name = fi
-- > WHERE id = 'df1f54d5-ced6-4f65-8aea-fcd5ea6b9df1'
-- > RETURNING json_build_object('id', projects.id, 'title', projects.title)
-compileSelectionToUpdateStatement :: [Argument] -> Selection -> Text -> QueryPart
-compileSelectionToUpdateStatement queryArguments field@(Field { alias, name = fieldName, arguments, selectionSet }) modelName =
+compileSelectionToUpdateStatement :: Document -> [Argument] -> Selection -> Text -> QueryPart
+compileSelectionToUpdateStatement document queryArguments field@(Field { alias, name = fieldName, arguments, selectionSet }) modelName =
("UPDATE ? SET " |> withParams [PG.toField $ PG.Identifier tableName]) <> commaSep setValues <> where_ <> " RETURNING " <> returning
tableName = modelNameToTableName modelName
@@ -258,10 +306,7 @@ compileSelectionToUpdateStatement queryArguments field@(Field { alias, name = fi
|> map (\(fieldName, value) -> ("? = ?" |> withParams [PG.toField (PG.Identifier (fieldNameToColumnName fieldName)), valueToSQL value]))
returning :: QueryPart
- returning = "json_build_object(" <> returningArgs <> ")"
- returningArgs = selectionSet
- |> map (\Field { name = fieldName } -> "?, ?.?" |> withParams [PG.toField (fieldNameToColumnName fieldName), PG.toField (PG.Identifier tableName), PG.toField (PG.Identifier (fieldNameToColumnName fieldName))])
- |> commaSep
+ returning = ("json_build_object(?, json_build_object(" |> withParams [PG.toField (nameOrAlias field) ]) <> returnQueryPieces document tableName field <> "))"
-- | Turns a @delete..@ mutation into a DELETE SQL query
@@ -283,8 +328,8 @@ compileSelectionToUpdateStatement queryArguments field@(Field { alias, name = fi
-- > WHERE project_id = 'dc984c2f-d91c-4143-9091-400ad2333f83'
-- > RETURNING json_build_object('id', projects.id, 'title', projects.title)
-compileSelectionToDeleteStatement :: [Argument] -> Selection -> Text -> QueryPart
-compileSelectionToDeleteStatement queryArguments field@(Field { alias, name = fieldName, arguments, selectionSet }) modelName =
+compileSelectionToDeleteStatement :: Document -> [Argument] -> Selection -> Text -> QueryPart
+compileSelectionToDeleteStatement document queryArguments field@(Field { alias, name = fieldName, arguments, selectionSet }) modelName =
("DELETE FROM ? WHERE id = ?" |> withParams [PG.toField $ PG.Identifier tableName, recordId]) <> " RETURNING " <> returning
tableName = modelNameToTableName modelName
@@ -294,10 +339,7 @@ compileSelectionToDeleteStatement queryArguments field@(Field { alias, name = fi
Nothing -> error $ "Expected first argument to " <> fieldName <> " to be an ID, got no arguments"
returning :: QueryPart
- returning = "json_build_object(" <> returningArgs <> ")"
- returningArgs = selectionSet
- |> map (\Field { name = fieldName } -> "?, ?.?" |> withParams [PG.toField (fieldNameToColumnName fieldName), PG.toField (PG.Identifier tableName), PG.toField (PG.Identifier (fieldNameToColumnName fieldName))])
- |> commaSep
+ returning = ("json_build_object(?, json_build_object(" |> withParams [PG.toField (nameOrAlias field) ]) <> returnQueryPieces document tableName field <> "))"
valueToSQL :: Value -> PG.Action
valueToSQL (IntValue int) = PG.toField int
@@ -313,11 +355,58 @@ resolveVariables (Variable varName) arguments =
Nothing -> error ("Could not resolve variable " <> varName)
resolveVariables otherwise _ = otherwise
+compileIntrospectionSelection :: GraphQLSchema -> Document -> [Argument] -> Selection -> (Maybe QueryPart, QueryPart)
+compileIntrospectionSelection schema document variables field@(Field { name, selectionSet }) = (Nothing, aggregation)
+ where
+ aggregation = ("?, json_build_object(" |> withParams [PG.toField (nameOrAlias field)]) <> buildSchemaSelection <> ")"
+ buildSchemaSelection = commaSep (map (compileSchemaSelection (Introspection.introspectionGraph schema)) selectionSet)
+ compileSchemaSelection :: StaticGraph -> Selection -> QueryPart
+ compileSchemaSelection graph field@(Field { name, selectionSet = [] }) =
+ let
+ targetLeaf :: Value
+ targetLeaf = graph
+ |> (\case
+ ObjectNode { objectValues } -> objectValues
+ otherwise -> error $ "expected object node, got " <> tshow otherwise
+ )
+ |> HashMap.lookup name
+ |> \case
+ Just (Leaf value) -> value
+ otherwise -> error $ "expected leaf node at " <> name <> ", got " <> tshow otherwise <> " in graph " <> tshow graph
+ in
+ "?, ?" |> withParams [PG.toField (nameOrAlias field), PG.toField targetLeaf]
+ compileSchemaSelection graph field@(Field { name, selectionSet }) =
+ let
+ targetNode :: StaticGraph
+ targetNode = graph
+ |> (\case
+ ObjectNode { objectValues } -> objectValues
+ otherwise -> error $ "expected object node, got " <> tshow otherwise
+ )
+ |> HashMap.lookup name
+ |> fromMaybe (error $ "Could not find node " <> name)
+ in
+ case targetNode of
+ ObjectNode {} -> ("?, json_build_object(" |> withParams [PG.toField (nameOrAlias field)]) <> commaSep (map (compileSchemaSelection targetNode) selectionSet) <> ")"
+ ArrayNode { arrayElements } -> ("?, json_build_object(" |> withParams [PG.toField (nameOrAlias field)]) <> commaSep (map (\targetNode -> commaSep (map (compileSchemaSelection targetNode) selectionSet)) arrayElements) <> ")"
+ Leaf { value = NullValue } -> "?, null" |> withParams [PG.toField (nameOrAlias field)]
+ otherwise -> error $ "Expected object or array, got " <> tshow otherwise <> " while trying to access " <> name
+ compileSchemaSelection graph FragmentSpread { fragmentName } =
+ let
+ fragment = findFragmentByName document fragmentName
+ selectionSet = get #selectionSet fragment
+ in
+ commaSep (map (compileSchemaSelection graph) selectionSet)
unionAll :: [QueryPart] -> QueryPart
unionAll list = foldl' (\a b -> if get #sql a == "" then b else a <> " UNION ALL " <> b) "" list
commaSep :: [QueryPart] -> QueryPart
-commaSep list = foldl' (\a b -> if get #sql a == "" then b else a <> ", " <> b) "" list
+commaSep list = foldl' (\a b -> if get #sql a == "" then b else (a <> ", " <> b)) "" list
spaceSep :: [QueryPart] -> QueryPart
spaceSep list = foldl' (\a b -> if get #sql a == "" then b else a <> " " <> b) "" list
@@ -334,4 +423,29 @@ unpackQueryPart :: QueryPart -> (PG.Query, [PG.Action])
unpackQueryPart QueryPart { sql, params } = (sql, params)
withParams :: [PG.Action] -> QueryPart -> QueryPart
-withParams params queryPart = queryPart { params = (get #params queryPart) <> params }
\ No newline at end of file
+withParams params queryPart = queryPart { params = (get #params queryPart) <> params }
+nameOrAlias :: Selection -> Text
+nameOrAlias field = fromMaybe (get #name field) (get #alias field)
+findFragmentByName :: Document -> Text -> Fragment
+findFragmentByName document name =
+ let
+ allFragmentNames = document
+ |> get #definitions
+ |> mapMaybe (\case FragmentDefinition (Fragment { name }) -> Just name; _ -> Nothing)
+ couldNotFindFragmentErrorMessage = "Could not find fragment named " <> name <> ". These fragments are defined: " <> Text.intercalate ", " allFragmentNames
+ in
+ document
+ |> get #definitions
+ |> find (\case
+ FragmentDefinition (Fragment { name = fragmentName }) -> name == fragmentName
+ otherwise -> False
+ )
+ |> fromMaybe (error couldNotFindFragmentErrorMessage)
+ |> \case
+ FragmentDefinition fragment -> fragment
+instance PG.ToField Value where
+ toField (StringValue string) = PG.toField string
+ toField NullValue = PG.toField (Nothing :: Maybe Int)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IHP/GraphQL/GraphQLWS.hs b/IHP/GraphQL/GraphQLWS.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65cd250a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IHP/GraphQL/GraphQLWS.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+Module: IHP.GraphQL.GraphQLWS
+Description: Implements a WebSocket server for graphql-ws as described in https://github.com/enisdenjo/graphql-ws/blob/master/PROTOCOL.md
+Copyright: (c) digitally induced GmbH, 2020
+module IHP.GraphQL.GraphQLWS where
+import IHP.Prelude
+import IHP.GraphQL.Types
+import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as Attoparsec
+import IHP.ApplicationContext (ApplicationContext)
+import qualified IHP.ApplicationContext as ApplicationContext
+import IHP.ControllerPrelude hiding (Error)
+import Network.Wai
+import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WebSockets as WebSockets
+import qualified Network.WebSockets as WebSockets
+import qualified IHP.WebSocket as WebSockets
+import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
+import qualified IHP.Controller.Context as Context
+import qualified IHP.Controller.RequestContext
+import qualified IHP.Log as Log
+import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import qualified Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal as Aeson
+import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar as MVar
+import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PG
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Types as GraphQL
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Parser as GraphQL
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Compiler as GraphQL
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Analysis as GraphQL
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Patch as GraphQL
+import IHP.GraphQL.JSON ()
+import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as AttoparsecText
+import IHP.DataSync.RowLevelSecurity
+import IHP.DataSync.DynamicQuery
+import IHP.DataSync.REST.Controller ()
+import IHP.DataSync.Controller (changesToValue)
+import qualified IHP.DataSync.ChangeNotifications as ChangeNotifications
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified IHP.PGListener as PGListener
+import qualified Web.JWT as JWT
+import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
+-- | Cannot be implemented natively in IHP as we need to accept the @graphql-transport-ws@ sub protocol
+routeGraphQLWS ::
+ ( ?application :: application
+ , ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext
+ , ?context :: RequestContext
+ ) => Attoparsec.Parser (IO ResponseReceived)
+routeGraphQLWS = do
+ Attoparsec.string "/api/graphql-ws"
+ Attoparsec.endOfInput
+ let ?modelContext = ApplicationContext.modelContext ?applicationContext
+ let ?requestContext = ?context
+ let respond = ?context |> get #respond
+ let request = ?context |> get #request
+ let acceptRequest = WebSockets.AcceptRequest { acceptSubprotocol = "graphql-transport-ws", acceptHeaders = [] }
+ let handleConnection pendingConnection = do
+ connection <- WebSockets.acceptRequestWith pendingConnection acceptRequest
+ controllerContext <- Context.newControllerContext
+ let ?context = controllerContext
+ WebSockets.startWSApp @GraphQLWSApp connection
+ pure $ request
+ |> WebSockets.websocketsApp WebSockets.defaultConnectionOptions handleConnection
+ |> \case
+ Just response -> respond response
+ Nothing -> respond $ responseLBS HTTP.status400 [(HTTP.hContentType, "text/plain")] "This endpoint is only available via a WebSocket"
+data GraphQLWSApp = GraphQLWSApp
+ { subscriptions :: !(HashMap UUID (MVar.MVar ()))
+ , asyncs :: ![Async ()]
+ }
+-- | Messages according to https://github.com/enisdenjo/graphql-ws/blob/master/PROTOCOL.md
+data Message
+ = ConnectionInit { connectionInitPayload :: HashMap Text Aeson.Value } -- ^ Direction: Client -> Server
+ | ConnectionAck -- ^ Direction: Server -> Client
+ | Ping -- ^ Direction: bidirectional
+ | Pong -- ^ Direction: bidirectional
+ | Subscribe
+ { id :: !UUID
+ , operationName :: !(Maybe Text)
+ , query :: !Text
+ , variables :: !(Maybe GraphQL.Variables)
+ , extensions :: !(Maybe Aeson.Value)
+ } -- ^ Direction: Client -> Server
+ | Next { id :: !UUID, nextPayload :: UndecodedJSON } -- ^ Direction: Server -> Client
+ | Error { id :: !UUID, errorPayload :: [Text] } -- ^ Direction: Server -> Client
+ | Complete { id :: !UUID } -- ^ Direction: bidirectional
+ deriving (Show)
+instance WSApp GraphQLWSApp where
+ initialState = GraphQLWSApp { subscriptions = HashMap.empty, asyncs = [] }
+ run = do
+ userIdVar <- newIORef Nothing
+ ensureRLSEnabled <- makeCachedEnsureRLSEnabled
+ installTableChangeTriggers <- ChangeNotifications.makeCachedInstallTableChangeTriggers
+ let pgListener = ?applicationContext |> get #pgListener
+ forever do
+ message <- Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict' <$> receiveData @ByteString
+ case message of
+ Right decodedMessage -> do
+ Exception.mask \restore -> do
+ -- Handle the messages in an async way
+ -- This increases throughput as multiple queries can be fetched
+ -- in parallel
+ handlerProcess <- async $ restore do
+ result <- Exception.try (handleMessage userIdVar ensureRLSEnabled installTableChangeTriggers pgListener decodedMessage)
+ case result of
+ Left (e :: Exception.SomeException) -> do
+ let errorMessage = case fromException e of
+ Just (enhancedSqlError :: EnhancedSqlError) -> cs (get #sqlErrorMsg (get #sqlError enhancedSqlError))
+ Nothing -> cs (displayException e)
+ Log.error (tshow e)
+ error errorMessage
+ Right result -> pure ()
+ modifyIORef' ?state (\state -> state |> modify #asyncs (handlerProcess:))
+ pure ()
+ Left errorMessage -> error ("Invalid message: " <> cs errorMessage)
+ onClose = cleanupAllSubscriptions
+cleanupAllSubscriptions :: _ => (?state :: IORef GraphQLWSApp, ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext) => IO ()
+cleanupAllSubscriptions = do
+ state <- getState
+ case state of
+ GraphQLWSApp { asyncs } -> forEach asyncs uninterruptibleCancel
+ _ -> pure ()
+handleMessage :: (?state :: IORef GraphQLWSApp, ?connection :: WebSockets.Connection, ?modelContext :: ModelContext, ?context :: ControllerContext) => IORef (Maybe UUID) -> _ -> _ -> _ -> Message -> IO ()
+handleMessage userIdVar _ _ _ Ping = sendJSON Pong
+handleMessage userIdVar _ _ _ ConnectionInit { connectionInitPayload } = do
+ initAuth userIdVar connectionInitPayload
+ sendJSON ConnectionAck
+handleMessage userIdVar ensureRLSEnabled installTableChangeTriggers pgListener Subscribe { id, operationName, query, variables, extensions } =
+ let
+ subscriptionId = id
+ handleEnhancedSqlError (exception :: EnhancedSqlError) = sendJSON Error { id = id, errorPayload = [ cs $ get #sqlErrorMsg (get #sqlError exception) ] }
+ handleSomeException (exception :: SomeException) = sendJSON Error { id = id, errorPayload = [ tshow exception ] }
+ handleError :: IO () -> IO ()
+ handleError inner = (inner `Exception.catch` handleEnhancedSqlError) `catch` handleSomeException
+ in handleError do
+ let document = case AttoparsecText.parseOnly GraphQL.parseDocument query of
+ Left parserError -> error (cs $ tshow parserError)
+ Right statements -> statements
+ tablesRLS <- ensureRLSEnabledForGraphQLDocument ensureRLSEnabled document
+ let emptyVariables = GraphQL.Variables []
+ let [(theQuery, theParams)] = GraphQL.compileDocument (fromMaybe emptyVariables variables) document
+ userId <- readIORef userIdVar
+ [PG.Only (graphQLResult :: UndecodedJSON)] <- sqlQueryWithRLS' userId theQuery theParams
+ if GraphQL.isSubscriptionDocument document
+ then do
+ ensureBelowSubscriptionsLimit
+ let (UndecodedJSON graphQLResultText) = graphQLResult
+ let (Just decodedGraphQLResult) = Aeson.decode (cs graphQLResultText)
+ -- We keep an in-memory version of the result to apply db changes to
+ graphVar <- newIORef decodedGraphQLResult
+ -- We need to keep track of all the ids of entities we're watching to make
+ -- sure that we only send update notifications to clients that can actually
+ -- access the record (e.g. if a RLS policy denies access)
+ let watchedRecordIds = GraphQL.recordIds document decodedGraphQLResult
+ -- Store it in IORef as an INSERT requires us to add an id
+ watchedRecordIdsRef <- newIORef watchedRecordIds
+ -- Make sure the database triggers are there
+ forEach tablesRLS installTableChangeTriggers
+ let callback table notification = case notification of
+ ChangeNotifications.DidInsert { id } -> do
+ -- The new record could not be accessible to the current user with a RLS policy
+ -- E.g. it could be a new record in a 'projects' table, but the project belongs
+ -- to a different user, and thus the current user should not be able to see it.
+ --
+ -- The new record could also be not part of the WHERE condition of the initial query.
+ -- Therefore we need to use the subscriptions WHERE condition to fetch the new record here.
+ --
+ -- To honor the RLS policies we therefore need to fetch the record as the current user
+ -- If the result set is empty, we know the record is not accesible to us
+ [PG.Only (UndecodedJSON graphQLResultText)] <- sqlQueryWithRLS' userId theQuery theParams
+ let (Just graphQLResult) = Aeson.decode (cs graphQLResultText)
+ case GraphQL.extractRecordById id graphQLResult of
+ Just (Aeson.Object newRecord) -> do
+ -- Add the new record to 'watchedRecordIdsRef'
+ -- Otherwise the updates and deletes will not be dispatched to the client
+ modifyIORef' watchedRecordIdsRef (HashMap.adjust (Set.insert id) table)
+ modifyIORef' graphVar (GraphQL.insertRecord table id newRecord document)
+ nextPayload <- UndecodedJSON . cs .Aeson.encode <$> readIORef graphVar
+ sendJSON Next { id = subscriptionId, nextPayload }
+ _ -> pure ()
+ ChangeNotifications.DidUpdate { id, changeSet } -> do
+ -- Only send the notifcation if the deleted record was part of the initial
+ -- results set
+ isWatchingRecord <- Set.member id . HashMap.lookupDefault Set.empty table <$> readIORef watchedRecordIdsRef
+ when isWatchingRecord do
+ let (Aeson.Object patch) = changesToValue changeSet
+ modifyIORef' graphVar (GraphQL.updateRecord table id patch document)
+ nextPayload <- UndecodedJSON . cs . Aeson.encode <$> readIORef graphVar
+ sendJSON Next { id = subscriptionId, nextPayload }
+ ChangeNotifications.DidDelete { id } -> do
+ -- Only send the notifcation if the deleted record was part of the initial
+ -- results set
+ isWatchingRecord <- Set.member id . HashMap.lookupDefault Set.empty table <$> readIORef watchedRecordIdsRef
+ when isWatchingRecord do
+ modifyIORef' graphVar (GraphQL.deleteRecord table id document)
+ nextPayload <- UndecodedJSON . cs . Aeson.encode <$> readIORef graphVar
+ sendJSON Next { id = subscriptionId, nextPayload }
+ let startWatchers tablesRLS = case tablesRLS of
+ (tableNameRLS:rest) -> do
+ let subscribe = PGListener.subscribeJSON (ChangeNotifications.channelName tableNameRLS) (callback (get #tableName tableNameRLS)) pgListener
+ let unsubscribe subscription = PGListener.unsubscribe subscription pgListener
+ Exception.bracket subscribe unsubscribe (\_ -> startWatchers rest)
+ [] -> do
+ close <- MVar.newEmptyMVar
+ modifyIORef' ?state (\state -> state |> modify #subscriptions (HashMap.insert id close))
+ sendJSON Next { id, nextPayload = graphQLResult }
+ MVar.takeMVar close
+ startWatchers tablesRLS
+ else do
+ sendJSON Next { id, nextPayload = graphQLResult }
+ sendJSON Complete { id }
+ pure ()
+handleMessage _ _ _ _ message = do
+ putStrLn (tshow message)
+instance FromJSON Message where
+ parseJSON = withObject "Message" $ \v -> do
+ type_ :: Text <- v .: "type"
+ case type_ of
+ "connection_init" -> do
+ payload <- v .: "payload"
+ pure ConnectionInit { connectionInitPayload = payload }
+ "ping" -> pure Ping
+ "pong" -> pure Pong
+ "subscribe" -> do
+ id <- v .: "id"
+ payload <- v .: "payload"
+ operationName <- payload .:? "operationName"
+ query <- payload .: "query"
+ variables <- payload .:? "variables"
+ extensions <- payload .:? "extensions"
+ pure Subscribe { id, operationName, query, variables, extensions }
+ "complete" -> do
+ id <- v .: "id"
+ pure Complete { id }
+ type_ -> fail "Invalid type"
+instance ToJSON Message where
+ toJSON ConnectionAck = object [ "type" .= ("connection_ack" :: Text) ]
+ toJSON Ping = object [ "type" .= ("ping" :: Text) ]
+ toJSON Pong = object [ "type" .= ("pong" :: Text) ]
+ toJSON Next { id, nextPayload } = object [ "type" .= ("next" :: Text), "id" .= id, "payload" .= nextPayload ]
+ toJSON Error { id, errorPayload } = object [ "type" .= ("error" :: Text), "id" .= id, "payload" .= errorPayload ]
+ toJSON Complete { id } = object [ "type" .= ("complete" :: Text), "id" .= id ]
+ toEncoding ConnectionAck = Aeson.unsafeToEncoding "{\"type\":\"connection_ack\"}"
+ toEncoding Ping = Aeson.unsafeToEncoding "{\"type\":\"ping\"}"
+ toEncoding Pong = Aeson.unsafeToEncoding "{\"type\":\"pong\"}"
+ toEncoding Next { id, nextPayload } = Aeson.econcat
+ [ Aeson.unsafeToEncoding "{\"type\":\"next\",\"id\":"
+ , Aeson.toEncoding id
+ , Aeson.unsafeToEncoding ",\"payload\":{\"data\":"
+ , toEncoding nextPayload
+ , Aeson.unsafeToEncoding "}}"
+ ]
+ toEncoding Error { id, errorPayload } = Aeson.econcat
+ [ Aeson.unsafeToEncoding "{\"type\":\"error\",\"id\":"
+ , Aeson.toEncoding id
+ , Aeson.unsafeToEncoding ",\"payload\":{\"data\":"
+ , toEncoding errorPayload
+ , Aeson.unsafeToEncoding "}}"
+ ]
+ toEncoding Complete { id } = Aeson.econcat
+ [ Aeson.unsafeToEncoding "{\"type\":\"complete\",\"id\":"
+ , Aeson.toEncoding id
+ , Aeson.unsafeToEncoding "}"
+ ]
+instance SetField "subscriptions" GraphQLWSApp (HashMap UUID (MVar.MVar ())) where
+ setField subscriptions record = record { subscriptions }
+instance SetField "asyncs" GraphQLWSApp [Async ()] where
+ setField asyncs record = record { asyncs }
+ensureRLSEnabledForGraphQLDocument :: _ -> GraphQL.Document -> IO [TableWithRLS]
+ensureRLSEnabledForGraphQLDocument ensureRLSEnabled document = do
+ let tables = document
+ |> GraphQL.tablesUsedInDocument
+ |> Set.toList
+ mapM ensureRLSEnabled tables
+ensureBelowSubscriptionsLimit :: (?state :: IORef GraphQLWSApp, ?context :: ControllerContext) => IO ()
+ensureBelowSubscriptionsLimit = do
+ subscriptions <- get #subscriptions <$> readIORef ?state
+ let subscriptionsCount = HashMap.size subscriptions
+ when (subscriptionsCount >= maxSubscriptionsPerConnection) do
+ error ("You've reached the subscriptions limit of " <> tshow maxSubscriptionsPerConnection <> " subscriptions")
+maxSubscriptionsPerConnection :: _ => Int
+maxSubscriptionsPerConnection =
+ case getAppConfig @DataSyncMaxSubscriptionsPerConnection of
+ DataSyncMaxSubscriptionsPerConnection value -> value
+initAuth userIdVar options = do
+ let jwt = HashMap.lookup "jwt" options
+ case jwt of
+ Just (Aeson.String jwt) -> loginWithJWT userIdVar jwt
+ otherwise -> pure ()
+loginWithJWT userIdVar jwt = do
+ let signature = JWT.decodeAndVerifySignature (getAppConfig @JWT.Signer) jwt
+ case signature of
+ Just jwt -> do
+ let userId = jwt
+ |> JWT.claims
+ |> JWT.sub
+ |> fromMaybe (error "JWT missing sub")
+ |> JWT.stringOrURIToText
+ |> UUID.fromText
+ writeIORef userIdVar userId
+ Nothing -> error "Invalid signature"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IHP/GraphQL/Introspection.hs b/IHP/GraphQL/Introspection.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca02a6f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IHP/GraphQL/Introspection.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+module IHP.GraphQL.Introspection where
+import IHP.Prelude
+import IHP.GraphQL.Types
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+resolveStaticGraph :: StaticGraph -> Document -> StaticGraph
+resolveStaticGraph graph document@(Document { definitions = (ExecutableDefinition { operation = OperationDefinition { selectionSet } }:rest) }) = mergeManyNodes $ map (makeSubGraph graph) selectionSet
+ where
+ nameOrAlias :: Selection -> Text
+ nameOrAlias field = fromMaybe (get #name field) (get #alias field)
+ findFragmentByName :: Document -> Text -> Fragment
+ findFragmentByName document name =
+ let
+ allFragmentNames = document
+ |> get #definitions
+ |> mapMaybe (\case FragmentDefinition (Fragment { name }) -> Just name; _ -> Nothing)
+ couldNotFindFragmentErrorMessage = "Could not find fragment named " <> name <> ". These fragments are defined: " <> Text.intercalate ", " allFragmentNames
+ in
+ document
+ |> get #definitions
+ |> find (\case
+ FragmentDefinition (Fragment { name = fragmentName }) -> name == fragmentName
+ otherwise -> False
+ )
+ |> fromMaybe (error couldNotFindFragmentErrorMessage)
+ |> \case
+ FragmentDefinition fragment -> fragment
+ makeSubGraph :: StaticGraph -> Selection -> StaticGraph
+ makeSubGraph graph field@(Field { name, selectionSet = [] }) =
+ let
+ targetLeaf = graph
+ |> (\case
+ ObjectNode { objectValues } -> objectValues
+ otherwise -> error $ "expected object node, got " <> tshow otherwise
+ )
+ |> HashMap.lookup name
+ |> \case
+ Just leaf@(Leaf value) -> leaf
+ otherwise -> error $ "expected leaf node at " <> name <> ", got " <> tshow otherwise <> " in graph " <> tshow graph
+ in
+ ObjectNode { objectValues = HashMap.singleton (nameOrAlias field) targetLeaf }
+ makeSubGraph graph field@(Field { name, selectionSet }) =
+ let
+ targetNode :: StaticGraph
+ targetNode = graph
+ |> (\case
+ ObjectNode { objectValues } -> objectValues
+ otherwise -> error $ "expected object node, got " <> tshow otherwise
+ )
+ |> HashMap.lookup name
+ |> fromMaybe (error $ "Could not find node " <> name)
+ in
+ case targetNode of
+ ObjectNode {} ->
+ ObjectNode { objectValues = HashMap.singleton (nameOrAlias field) (mergeManyNodes $ map (makeSubGraph targetNode) selectionSet) }
+ ArrayNode { arrayElements } ->
+ ObjectNode { objectValues = HashMap.singleton (nameOrAlias field) (ArrayNode (map (\targetNode -> mergeManyNodes $ map (makeSubGraph targetNode) selectionSet) arrayElements)) }
+ Leaf { value = NullValue } -> ObjectNode { objectValues = HashMap.singleton (nameOrAlias field) (Leaf NullValue) }
+ otherwise -> error $ "Expected object or array, got " <> tshow otherwise <> " while trying to access " <> name
+ makeSubGraph graph FragmentSpread { fragmentName } =
+ let
+ fragment = findFragmentByName document fragmentName
+ selectionSet = get #selectionSet fragment
+ in
+ mergeManyNodes (map (makeSubGraph graph) selectionSet)
+mergeNodes (ObjectNode { objectValues = a }) (ObjectNode { objectValues = b }) = ObjectNode { objectValues = HashMap.union b a }
+mergeManyNodes = foldl' mergeNodes (ObjectNode HashMap.empty)
+introspectionGraph :: [Definition] -> StaticGraph
+introspectionGraph definitions =
+ object
+ [ ("__schema", object
+ [ ("queryType", object [ ("name", Leaf (StringValue "Query")) ])
+ , ("mutationType", object [ ("name", Leaf (StringValue "Mutation")) ] )
+ , ("subscriptionType", object [ ("name", Leaf (StringValue "Subscription")) ] )
+ , ("types", types definitions)
+ , ("directives", ArrayNode [])
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+types definitions = ArrayNode (mapMaybe introspectType definitions)
+ where
+ introspectType TypeSystemDefinition { typeSystemDefinition = TypeDefinition ObjectTypeDefinition { name, fieldDefinitions } } =
+ Just $ object
+ [ ("kind", Leaf (StringValue "OBJECT"))
+ , ("name", Leaf (StringValue name))
+ , ("description", Leaf (StringValue ""))
+ , ("fields", ArrayNode (map introspectFieldDefinition fieldDefinitions))
+ , ("inputFields", Leaf NullValue)
+ , ("interfaces", ArrayNode [])
+ , ("enumValues", Leaf NullValue)
+ , ("possibleTypes", Leaf NullValue)
+ ]
+ introspectType TypeSystemDefinition { typeSystemDefinition = TypeDefinition InputObjectTypeDefinition { name, fieldDefinitions } } =
+ Just $ object
+ [ ("kind", Leaf (StringValue "INPUT_OBJECT"))
+ , ("name", Leaf (StringValue name))
+ , ("description", Leaf (StringValue ""))
+ , ("fields", Leaf NullValue)
+ , ("inputFields", ArrayNode (map introspectInputFieldDefinition fieldDefinitions))
+ , ("interfaces", Leaf NullValue)
+ , ("enumValues", Leaf NullValue)
+ , ("possibleTypes", Leaf NullValue)
+ ]
+ introspectType _ = Nothing
+introspectInputFieldDefinition FieldDefinition { description, name, argumentsDefinition, type_ } =
+ object
+ [ ("name", Leaf (StringValue name))
+ , ("description", Leaf (maybe NullValue StringValue description))
+ , ("type", introspectType type_)
+ , ("defaultValue", Leaf NullValue)
+ ]
+introspectFieldDefinition FieldDefinition { description, name, argumentsDefinition, type_ } =
+ object
+ [ ("name", Leaf (StringValue name))
+ , ("description", Leaf (maybe NullValue StringValue description))
+ , ("args", ArrayNode (map introspectArgumentDefinition argumentsDefinition ))
+ , ("type", introspectType type_)
+ , ("isDeprecated", Leaf NullValue)
+ , ("deprecationReason", Leaf NullValue)
+ ]
+introspectArgumentDefinition ArgumentDefinition { name, argumentType, defaultValue } =
+ object
+ [ ("name", Leaf (StringValue name))
+ , ("description", Leaf NullValue)
+ , ("type", introspectType argumentType)
+ , ("defaultValue", Leaf (fromMaybe NullValue defaultValue))
+ ]
+introspectType :: Type -> StaticGraph
+introspectType (NamedType name) =
+ object
+ [ ("kind", Leaf (StringValue "OBJECT"))
+ , ("name", Leaf (StringValue name))
+ , ("ofType", Leaf NullValue)
+ ]
+introspectType (ListType inner) =
+ object
+ [ ("kind", Leaf (StringValue "LIST"))
+ , ("name", Leaf NullValue)
+ , ("ofType", introspectType inner)
+ ]
+introspectType (NonNullType inner) =
+ object
+ [ ("kind", Leaf (StringValue "NON_NULL"))
+ , ("name", Leaf NullValue)
+ , ("ofType", introspectType inner)
+ ]
+object values = ObjectNode (HashMap.fromList values)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IHP/GraphQL/JSON.hs b/IHP/GraphQL/JSON.hs
index 7d6b3e9cf..cd4de9d81 100644
--- a/IHP/GraphQL/JSON.hs
+++ b/IHP/GraphQL/JSON.hs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import IHP.Prelude
import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Types as GraphQL
import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Parser as GraphQL
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
-import Data.Aeson ((.:))
+import Data.Aeson ((.:), (.=))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Attoparsec
@@ -33,3 +33,11 @@ aesonValueToGraphQLValue (Aeson.String text) = GraphQL.StringValue text
aesonValueToGraphQLValue (Aeson.Bool bool) = GraphQL.BooleanValue bool
aesonValueToGraphQLValue (Aeson.Object hashMap) = GraphQL.ObjectValue (HashMap.map aesonValueToGraphQLValue hashMap)
aesonValueToGraphQLValue Aeson.Null = GraphQL.NullValue
+instance Aeson.ToJSON GraphQL.GraphQLErrorResponse where
+ toJSON GraphQL.GraphQLErrorResponse { errors } = Aeson.object
+ [ "data" .= Aeson.Null
+ , "errors" .= map errorToObj errors
+ ]
+ where
+ errorToObj text = Aeson.object [ "message" .= text ]
diff --git a/IHP/GraphQL/Parser.hs b/IHP/GraphQL/Parser.hs
index 9be5432c3..d4cae64c2 100644
--- a/IHP/GraphQL/Parser.hs
+++ b/IHP/GraphQL/Parser.hs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
parseDocument :: Parser Document
-parseDocument = Document <$> many1 parseDefinition
+parseDocument = Document <$> (manyTill parseDefinition endOfInput)
parseDefinition :: Parser Definition
parseDefinition = skipSpace >> (executableDefinition <|> parseFragmentDefinition)
@@ -40,7 +40,13 @@ parseFragmentDefinition = do
name <- parseName
- selectionSet <- parseSelectionSet
+ on <- option Nothing do
+ string "on"
+ skipSpace
+ type_ <- parseType
+ skipSpace
+ pure (Just type_)
+ selectionSet <- parseSelectionSet > ("fragment " <> cs name)
pure (FragmentDefinition Fragment { name, selectionSet })
@@ -125,6 +131,7 @@ parseArgument = do
char ':'
argumentValue <- parseValue
+ skipSpace
pure Argument { argumentName, argumentValue }
parseValue :: Parser Value
@@ -142,13 +149,21 @@ parseValue = do
|> map (\Argument { argumentName, argumentValue } -> (argumentName, argumentValue))
|> HashMap.fromList
pure (ObjectValue hashMap)
- let string = do
+ let true = do
+ string "true"
+ skipSpace
+ pure $ BooleanValue True
+ let false = do
+ string "false"
+ skipSpace
+ pure $ BooleanValue False
+ let stringLit = do
char '"'
body <- takeTill (== '\"')
char '"'
pure (StringValue body)
- (variable > "Variable") <|> (object > "Object") <|> (string > "String")
+ (variable > "Variable") <|> (object > "Object") <|> (stringLit > "String") <|> true <|> false
parseName :: Parser Text
parseName = takeWhile1 isNameChar > "Name"
diff --git a/IHP/GraphQL/Patch.hs b/IHP/GraphQL/Patch.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48a2bf2dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IHP/GraphQL/Patch.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+module IHP.GraphQL.Patch where
+import IHP.Prelude
+import IHP.GraphQL.Types
+import IHP.GraphQL.Analysis
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
+import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
+import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
+insertRecord :: Text -> UUID -> HashMap Text Aeson.Value -> Document -> Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Value
+insertRecord tableName id object document result = foldl' (\json path -> applyFunctionAtNode insertRecordsAtNode path json) result paths
+ where
+ paths = nodePathsForTable tableName document
+ insertRecordsAtNode (Aeson.Array vector) = Aeson.Array (Vector.snoc vector (Aeson.Object object))
+updateRecord :: Text -> UUID -> HashMap Text Aeson.Value -> Document -> Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Value
+updateRecord tableName id patch document result = foldl' (\json path -> applyFunctionAtNode updateRecordsAtNode path json) result paths
+ where
+ paths = nodePathsForTable tableName document
+ updateRecordsAtNode (Aeson.Array vector) = Aeson.Array (Vector.map updateRecordAtNode vector)
+ updateRecordAtNode value@(Aeson.Object hashMap) =
+ if isRecordIdEq id value
+ then Aeson.Object (HashMap.union patch hashMap)
+ else value
+deleteRecord :: Text -> UUID -> Document -> Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Value
+deleteRecord tableName id document result = foldl' (\json path -> applyFunctionAtNode deleteRecordAtNode path json) result paths
+ where
+ paths = nodePathsForTable tableName document
+ deleteRecordAtNode (Aeson.Array vector) = Aeson.Array (Vector.filter (not . isRecordIdEq id) vector)
+isRecordIdEq :: UUID -> Aeson.Value -> Bool
+isRecordIdEq id (Aeson.Object hashMap) =
+ case HashMap.lookup "id" hashMap of
+ Just (Aeson.String uuid) ->
+ case UUID.fromText uuid of
+ Just uuid -> uuid == id
+ Nothing -> False
+ otherwise -> False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IHP/GraphQL/Resolver.hs b/IHP/GraphQL/Resolver.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c9c781db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IHP/GraphQL/Resolver.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+module IHP.GraphQL.Resolver where
+import IHP.Prelude
+import IHP.GraphQL.Types
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Introspection as Introspection
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Analysis as Analysis
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Compiler as Compiler
+import IHP.DataSync.DynamicQuery (UndecodedJSON (UndecodedJSON))
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
+import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PG
+resolve schema sqlQueryWithRLS graphQLRequest = do
+ let rootQuery = get #query graphQLRequest
+ let variables = get #variables graphQLRequest
+ rootQuery
+ |> Analysis.splitDocumentIntoResolvableUnits
+ |> \case
+ -- Avoid decoding the JSON in the common fast-path with a single resolver
+ [(PostgresResolver, document)] -> resolvePostgres sqlQueryWithRLS variables document
+ multipleResolvers -> do
+ results <- forM multipleResolvers \(resolver, document) -> do
+ case resolver of
+ PostgresResolver -> undecodedJSONToAesonValue <$> (resolvePostgres sqlQueryWithRLS variables document)
+ IntrospectionResolver -> pure $ staticGraphToAesonValue (resolveIntrospection schema document)
+ let mergedResult = (foldl1 mergeAeson results)
+ pure $ UndecodedJSON (cs $ Aeson.encode mergedResult)
+resolvePostgres sqlQueryWithRLS variables document = do
+ let [(theQuery, theParams)] = Compiler.compileDocument variables document
+ result <- sqlQueryWithRLS theQuery theParams
+ case result of
+ [PG.Only graphQLResult] -> pure graphQLResult
+ otherwise -> error "resolvePostgres: Unexpected result"
+resolveIntrospection schema document = Introspection.resolveStaticGraph (Introspection.introspectionGraph schema) document
+undecodedJSONToAesonValue :: UndecodedJSON -> Aeson.Value
+undecodedJSONToAesonValue (UndecodedJSON json) = case Aeson.decode (cs json) of
+ Just result -> result
+ Nothing -> error "undecodedJSONToAesonValue: Failed to decode postgres result"
+staticGraphToAesonValue :: StaticGraph -> Aeson.Value
+staticGraphToAesonValue ObjectNode { objectValues } = Aeson.Object (HashMap.map staticGraphToAesonValue objectValues)
+staticGraphToAesonValue ArrayNode { arrayElements } = Aeson.Array (Vector.fromList $ map staticGraphToAesonValue arrayElements)
+staticGraphToAesonValue Leaf { value } = valueToAeson value
+ where
+ valueToAeson (StringValue string) = Aeson.toJSON string
+ valueToAeson (BooleanValue boolean) = Aeson.toJSON boolean
+ valueToAeson NullValue = Aeson.Null
+mergeAeson (Aeson.Object a) (Aeson.Object b) = Aeson.Object (HashMap.union b a)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IHP/GraphQL/SchemaCompiler.hs b/IHP/GraphQL/SchemaCompiler.hs
index f425c9c45..7662d359b 100644
--- a/IHP/GraphQL/SchemaCompiler.hs
+++ b/IHP/GraphQL/SchemaCompiler.hs
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import IHP.IDE.SchemaDesigner.Types
type SqlSchema = [Statement]
-type GraphQLSchema = [Definition]
sqlSchemaToGraphQLSchema :: SqlSchema -> GraphQLSchema
sqlSchemaToGraphQLSchema statements =
@@ -56,15 +55,22 @@ mutationDefinition statements = TypeSystemDefinition { typeSystemDefinition = Ty
statementToQueryField :: Statement -> [FieldDefinition]
statementToQueryField (StatementCreateTable CreateTable { name }) =
- [ manyRecordsField ]
+ [ manyRecordsField, singleRecordField ]
manyRecordsField = FieldDefinition
{ description = Just ("Returns all records from the `" <> name <> "` table")
, name = lcfirst (tableNameToControllerName name)
, argumentsDefinition = []
- , type_
+ , type_ = NonNullType (ListType (NonNullType (NamedType (tableNameToModelName name))))
+ }
+ singleRecordField = FieldDefinition
+ { description = Just ("Returns a single record from the `" <> name <> "` table")
+ , name = lcfirst (tableNameToModelName name)
+ , argumentsDefinition = [
+ ArgumentDefinition { name = "id", argumentType = NonNullType (NamedType "UUID"), defaultValue = Nothing }
+ ]
+ , type_ = NonNullType (NamedType (tableNameToModelName name))
- type_ = NonNullType (ListType (NonNullType (NamedType (tableNameToModelName name))))
statementToQueryField _ = []
statementToMutationFields :: Statement -> [FieldDefinition]
diff --git a/IHP/GraphQL/Types.hs b/IHP/GraphQL/Types.hs
index 16d23022a..ba5568295 100644
--- a/IHP/GraphQL/Types.hs
+++ b/IHP/GraphQL/Types.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,22 @@ data GraphQLRequest = GraphQLRequest
, variables :: !Variables
+type GraphQLSchema = [Definition]
+-- An error response that renders to JSON like this:
+-- > {
+-- > "data": null,
+-- > "errors": [
+-- > { "message": "error 1" }
+-- > ]
+-- > }
+-- We don't support partial responses, so @data@ will always be @null@ in an error case
+data GraphQLErrorResponse = GraphQLErrorResponse
+ { errors :: ![Text]
+ }
-- https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Appendix-Grammar-Summary.Document
newtype Document = Document { definitions :: [Definition] }
@@ -122,4 +138,15 @@ data Type
= NamedType !Text
| ListType !Type
| NonNullType !Type
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+data StaticGraph
+ = ObjectNode { objectValues :: !(HashMap Text StaticGraph) }
+ | ArrayNode { arrayElements :: ![StaticGraph] }
+ | Leaf { value :: !Value }
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+data Resolver
+ = PostgresResolver
+ | IntrospectionResolver
deriving (Eq, Show)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IHP/IDE/CodeGen/MigrationGenerator.hs b/IHP/IDE/CodeGen/MigrationGenerator.hs
index 66f52f1cf..f46c799bb 100644
--- a/IHP/IDE/CodeGen/MigrationGenerator.hs
+++ b/IHP/IDE/CodeGen/MigrationGenerator.hs
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ import IHP.IDE.SchemaDesigner.Compiler (compileSql)
import IHP.IDE.CodeGen.Types
import qualified IHP.LibDir as LibDir
-buildPlan :: Text -> Maybe Text -> IO (Int, [GeneratorAction])
-buildPlan description sqlStatements = do
+buildPlan :: ByteString -> Text -> Maybe Text -> IO (Int, [GeneratorAction])
+buildPlan databaseUrl description sqlStatements = do
revision <- round <$> POSIX.getPOSIXTime
let slug = NameSupport.toSlug description
let migrationFile = tshow revision <> (if isEmpty slug then "" else "-" <> slug) <> ".sql"
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ buildPlan description sqlStatements = do
migrationSql <- case sqlStatements of
Just sql -> pure sql
Nothing -> do
- appDiff <- diffAppDatabase
+ appDiff <- diffAppDatabase databaseUrl
pure $ if isEmpty appDiff
then "-- Write your SQL migration code in here\n"
else compileSql appDiff
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ buildPlan description sqlStatements = do
, CreateFile { filePath = "Application/Migration/" <> migrationFile, fileContent = migrationSql }
-diffAppDatabase = do
+diffAppDatabase databaseUrl = do
(Right schemaSql) <- Parser.parseSchemaSql
(Right ihpSchemaSql) <- parseIHPSchema
- actualSchema <- getAppDBSchema
+ actualSchema <- getAppDBSchema databaseUrl
let targetSchema = ihpSchemaSql <> schemaSql
@@ -310,9 +310,9 @@ migrateEnum CreateEnumType { name, values = targetValues } CreateEnumType { valu
addValue :: Text -> Statement
addValue value = AddValueToEnumType { enumName = name, newValue = value, ifNotExists = True }
-getAppDBSchema :: IO [Statement]
-getAppDBSchema = do
- sql <- dumpAppDatabaseSchema
+getAppDBSchema :: ByteString -> IO [Statement]
+getAppDBSchema databaseUrl = do
+ sql <- dumpAppDatabaseSchema databaseUrl
case parseDumpedSql sql of
Left error -> fail (cs error)
Right result -> pure result
@@ -320,10 +320,10 @@ getAppDBSchema = do
-- | Returns the DDL statements of the locally running dev db
-- Basically does the same as @make dumpdb@ but returns the output as a string
-dumpAppDatabaseSchema :: IO Text
-dumpAppDatabaseSchema = do
+dumpAppDatabaseSchema :: ByteString -> IO Text
+dumpAppDatabaseSchema databaseUrl = do
projectDir <- Directory.getCurrentDirectory
- cs <$> Process.readProcess "pg_dump" ["-s", "--no-owner", "--no-acl", "-h", projectDir <> "/build/db", "app"] []
+ cs <$> Process.readProcess "pg_dump" ["-s", "--no-owner", "--no-acl", cs databaseUrl] []
parseDumpedSql :: Text -> (Either ByteString [Statement])
parseDumpedSql sql =
diff --git a/IHP/IDE/Graph/Controller.hs b/IHP/IDE/Graph/Controller.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b93425c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IHP/IDE/Graph/Controller.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+module IHP.IDE.Graph.Controller where
+import IHP.ControllerPrelude
+import IHP.IDE.ToolServer.Types
+import IHP.IDE.Graph.View.Explore
+import IHP.IDE.Graph.View.Schema
+import qualified IHP.IDE.SchemaDesigner.Parser as SchemaDesigner
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.ToText as GraphQL
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.SchemaCompiler as GraphQL
+import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PG
+import IHP.IDE.Data.Controller (connectToAppDb, fetchRowsPage)
+import qualified Web.JWT as JWT
+import qualified Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as Time
+import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
+import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+instance Controller GraphController where
+ action ExploreAction = do
+ SchemaDesigner.parseSchemaSql >>= \case
+ Left parserError -> fail (cs parserError)
+ Right sqlSchema -> do
+ let schema = GraphQL.sqlSchemaToGraphQLSchema sqlSchema
+ render ExploreView { .. }
+ action SchemaAction = do
+ SchemaDesigner.parseSchemaSql >>= \case
+ Left parserError -> fail (cs parserError)
+ Right sqlSchema -> do
+ let schema = GraphQL.sqlSchemaToGraphQLSchema sqlSchema
+ render SchemaView { .. }
+ action GraphUsersAction = do
+ connection <- connectToAppDb
+ rows :: [[DynamicField]] <- fetchRowsPage connection "users" 1 50
+ PG.close connection
+ renderJson rows
+ action GetJWTForUserId { userId } = do
+ let lifetime = 60 * 60 * 24 * 3
+ createdAt <- getCurrentTime
+ expiredAt <- addUTCTime lifetime <$> getCurrentTime
+ let claimsSet = mempty
+ { JWT.iss = (JWT.stringOrURI "https://ihp-dev-identity.digitallyinduced.com/")
+ , JWT.sub = JWT.stringOrURI (tshow userId)
+ , JWT.iat = JWT.numericDate (Time.utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds createdAt)
+ , JWT.exp = JWT.numericDate (Time.utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds expiredAt)
+ }
+ jwtSigner <- initJWTSigner
+ let token = JWT.encodeSigned jwtSigner mempty claimsSet
+ renderPlain (cs token)
+initJWTSigner :: IO JWT.Signer
+initJWTSigner = do
+ appJwt <- Exception.try @Exception.SomeException (BS.readFile "Application/jwt.key")
+ let privateKeyText =
+ case appJwt of
+ Left _ -> error "Could not find JWT"
+ Right result -> result
+ privateKeyText
+ |> JWT.readRsaSecret
+ |> Maybe.fromJust
+ |> JWT.RSAPrivateKey
+ |> pure
diff --git a/IHP/IDE/Graph/View/Explore.hs b/IHP/IDE/Graph/View/Explore.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3738de7bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IHP/IDE/Graph/View/Explore.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+module IHP.IDE.Graph.View.Explore where
+import IHP.ViewPrelude
+import IHP.IDE.ToolServer.Types
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Types as GraphQL
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.SchemaCompiler as GraphQL
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.ToText as GraphQL
+import IHP.IDE.Graph.View.Layout
+data ExploreView
+ = ExploreView
+ { schema :: GraphQL.GraphQLSchema }
+instance View ExploreView where
+ html ExploreView { .. } = [hsx|
+ |]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IHP/IDE/Graph/View/Layout.hs b/IHP/IDE/Graph/View/Layout.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d24670e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IHP/IDE/Graph/View/Layout.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+module IHP.IDE.Graph.View.Layout
+( headerNav
+) where
+import IHP.ViewPrelude
+import IHP.IDE.ToolServer.Types
+import IHP.IDE.ToolServer.Routes
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import IHP.IDE.ToolServer.Helper.View
+headerNav :: Html
+headerNav = [hsx|
+ where
+ exploreActive :: Bool
+ exploreActive = isActivePath ExploreAction
+ schemaActive :: Bool
+ schemaActive = isActivePath SchemaAction
+ url :: Text
+ url = "http://localhost:8000/api/graphql"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IHP/IDE/Graph/View/Schema.hs b/IHP/IDE/Graph/View/Schema.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7c2d23ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IHP/IDE/Graph/View/Schema.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+module IHP.IDE.Graph.View.Schema where
+import IHP.ViewPrelude
+import IHP.IDE.ToolServer.Types
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.Types as GraphQL
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.SchemaCompiler as GraphQL
+import qualified IHP.GraphQL.ToText as GraphQL
+import IHP.IDE.Graph.View.Layout
+data SchemaView
+ = SchemaView
+ { schema :: GraphQL.GraphQLSchema }
+instance View SchemaView where
+ html SchemaView { .. } = [hsx|
+ {headerNav}
+ {GraphQL.toText schema}
+ |]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IHP/IDE/SchemaDesigner/Controller/Migrations.hs b/IHP/IDE/SchemaDesigner/Controller/Migrations.hs
index 600056c65..87dda6ecb 100644
--- a/IHP/IDE/SchemaDesigner/Controller/Migrations.hs
+++ b/IHP/IDE/SchemaDesigner/Controller/Migrations.hs
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ instance Controller MigrationsController where
action NewMigrationAction = do
let description = paramOrDefault "" "description"
- (_, plan) <- MigrationGenerator.buildPlan description Nothing
+ (_, plan) <- MigrationGenerator.buildPlan theDatabaseUrl description Nothing
let runMigration = paramOrDefault True "runMigration"
render NewView { .. }
action CreateMigrationAction = do
let description = paramOrDefault "" "description"
let sqlStatements = paramOrNothing "sqlStatements"
- (revision, plan) <- MigrationGenerator.buildPlan description sqlStatements
+ (revision, plan) <- MigrationGenerator.buildPlan theDatabaseUrl description sqlStatements
let path = MigrationGenerator.migrationPathFromPlan plan
executePlan plan
@@ -63,7 +63,18 @@ instance Controller MigrationsController where
setSuccessMessage ("Migration generated: " <> path)
openEditor path 0 0
else do
- migrateAppDB revision
+ result <- Exception.try (migrateAppDB revision)
+ case result of
+ Left (exception :: SomeException) -> do
+ let errorMessage = case fromException exception of
+ Just (exception :: EnhancedSqlError) -> cs $ get #sqlErrorMsg (get #sqlError exception)
+ Nothing -> tshow exception
+ setErrorMessage errorMessage
+ redirectTo MigrationsAction
+ Right _ -> do
+ clearDatabaseNeedsMigration
+ redirectTo MigrationsAction
@@ -153,4 +164,10 @@ withAppModelContext inner =
pure (frameworkConfig, logger, modelContext)
cleanupModelContext (frameworkConfig, logger, modelContext) = do
- logger |> cleanup
\ No newline at end of file
+ logger |> cleanup
+theDatabaseUrl :: (?context :: ControllerContext) => ByteString
+theDatabaseUrl =
+ ?context
+ |> getFrameworkConfig
+ |> get #databaseUrl
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IHP/IDE/SchemaDesigner/View/Layout.hs b/IHP/IDE/SchemaDesigner/View/Layout.hs
index 510986ea8..bdafae6f5 100644
--- a/IHP/IDE/SchemaDesigner/View/Layout.hs
+++ b/IHP/IDE/SchemaDesigner/View/Layout.hs
@@ -350,6 +350,7 @@ suggestedColumnsSection tableName indexAndColumns = unless isUsersTable [hsx|