Without any doubt, this is the principal resource of Perses.
A Dashboard
belongs to a Project
. See the project documentation to see how to create a project.
It is defined like that:
kind: "Dashboard"
name: <string>
project: <string>
spec: <dashboard_specification>
See the next section to get details about the <dashboard_specification>
# Metadata.name has some restrictions. For example, you can't use space there.
# `display` allows to provide a rich name and a description for your dashboard.
[ display: <Display specification> ]
[ <string>: <Datasource specification> ]
# `variables` is the list of dashboard variables. A variable can be referenced by the different panels and/or by other variables.
[ variables: <Variable specification> ]
# `panels` is a map where the key is the reference of the panel. The value is the actual panel definition that describes
# the kind of chart this panel is using. A panel can only hold one chart.
[ <string>: <Panel specification> ]
# `layouts` is the list of layouts. A layout describes how to display the list of panels.
# Indeed, in Perses the definition of a panel is uncorrelated from the definition of where to position it.
- <Layout specification>
# `duration` is the default time range to use on the initial load of the dashboard.
[ duration: <duration> ]
# `refreshInterval` is the default refresh interval to use on the initial load of the dashboard.
[ refreshInterval: <duration> ]
A dashboard in its minimal definition only requires a panel and a layout.
This is the way to provide a rich name and a description for your dashboard. There is no restriction about the type of characters you can use there.
# The new name of the dashboard. If set, it will replace `metadata.name` in the dashboard title in the UI.
# Note that it cannot be used when you are querying the API. Only `metadata.name` can be used to reference the dashboard.
# This is just for display purpose.
[ name: <string> ]
# The description of the dashboard.
[ description: <string> ]
See the datasource documentation.
See the variable documentation.
kind: "Panel"
display: <Display specification>
# `plugin` is where you define the chart type to use.
# The chart type chosen should match one of the chart plugins known to the Perses instance.
plugin: <Panel Plugin specification>
# `queries` is the list of queries to be executed by the panel. The available types of query are conditioned by the type of chart & the type of datasource used.
- [ <Query specification> ]
# `kind` is the plugin type of the panel. For example, `TimeSeriesChart`.
kind: <string>
# `spec` is the actual definition of the panel plugin. Each `kind` comes with its own `spec`.
spec: <Plugin specification>
See the panel documentation to know more about the different panel plugins supported by Perses.
# kind` is the type of the query. For the moment we only support `TimeSeriesQuery`.
kind: <string>
plugin: <Query Plugin specification>
# `kind` is the plugin type matching the type of query. For example, `PrometheusTimeSeriesQuery` for the query type `TimeSeriesQuery`.
kind: <string>
# `spec` is the actual definition of the query. Each `kind` comes with its own `spec`.
spec: <Plugin specification>
We are supporting only prometheus for the TimeSeriesQuery
for the moment.
Please look at the Prometheus plugin documentation to know the spec for the PrometheusTimeSeriesQuery
kind: "Grid"
[ display: <Grid Display specification> ]
[ - <Grid Item specification> ]
kind: "Grid"
title: "Row 1"
open: true
- x: 0
y: 0
width: 2
height: 3
"$ref": "#/spec/panels/statRAM"
- x: 0
y: 4
width: 2
height: 3
$ref": "#/spec/panels/statTotalRAM"
title: <string>
open: <boolean>
x: <int>
y: <int>
width: <int>
height: <int>
"$ref": <json_panel_ref>
GET /api/v1/projects/<project_name>/dasbhoards
URL query parameters:
- name =
: filters the list of dashboards based on their name (prefix match).
GET /api/v1/projects/<project_name>/dasbhoards/<dasbhoard_name>
POST /api/v1/projects/<project_name>/dashboards
PUT /api/v1/projects/<project_name>/dasbhoards/<dasbhoard_name>
DELETE /api/v1/projects/<project_name>/dasbhoards/<dasbhoard_name>