This file describes the steps required to install and run MyCryptoBot
, locally as well as remotely (on Heroku).
The first step will be to create a fork of this repository, so that you can make local changes and set your own build environment. The fork button can be found in the top right corner of the repo homepage.
In order to run the bot locally, you'll need to have docker
installed. You can follow
the instructions here to install it. If you are on a linux based machine, verify that
you can run docker commands without sudo
privileges. If not, make sure you do the steps
detailed in the post-installation page.
The first thing we have to do is define the secret environment variables the app needs to function.
Create an .env
file at the root of the project, copy the template env variables from
.env.template. and enter the respective values.
$ touch .env
$ cp .env.template .env
POSTGRES_DB # Name of the database
POSTGRES_USER=postgres # Don't change this to avoid conflicts
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres # Don't change this to avoid conflicts
SECRET_KEY # A secret key to hash your application
BINANCE_API_KEY # Your personal Binance API key (check binance documentation)
BINANCE_API_SECRET # Your personal Binance API secret (check binance documentation)
BINANCE_API_KEY_TEST # Your personal Binance API key (binance testnet)
BINANCE_API_SECRET_TEST # Your personal Binance API secret (binance testnet)
USE_CLOUD_STORAGE # Either true or false - tells the app whether to use a cloud storage
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID # Your Personal AWS access key
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY # Your Personal AWS secret access key
AWS_BUCKET # The name of the S3 bucket where you'll keep your files
Note: The remote cloud storage ones (AWS) are only required to be set if you want to have that option enabled for local usage. For remote deployment they will need to be set, as that is the only way to have file persistence on the servers.
The database is handled by a postgres docker container as a service, which ensures maximum compatibility and isolation
from local installations. When the database service is up, the database can be accessed on the local server on
the port 5433
, instead of the usual 5432
In order to set up the database we need to start the services in detached mode via docker-compose
, as follows:
$ docker-compose up -d --build
This allows us to access the containers, in order to execute commands to migrate the schema and initialize the database. Execute the following commands:
$ docker-compose exec model-service python database/ migrate
$ docker-compose exec model-service python database/
In theory any of the web services can be used for the previous commands, but the other services will crash if there is no database yet.
Finally, we create a superuser, whose credentials we'll use in order to log in into the dashboard later on:
$ docker-compose exec model-service python database/ createsuperuser
If needed, one can access the psql
console inside the database container with the following steps.
First we enter the database container with:
$ docker-compose exec db bash
Once inside the container, we can enter the psql console with:
If you want to develop this app locally, whether to submit PR's or to make commits on your fork, it will be best to have a local environment setup. For this it is best to use Poetry, which can be installed by following the instructions on this page. Also, if you have a python version installed other than the accepted for this project, you might need to activate a different version. pyenv is a straightforward way of achieving that.
At the root of the project, run:
$ poetry install
$ poetry shell
Which will install the environment and activate the virtual environment. A requirements.txt
file is also included
if you want to use another virtual environment package. If you choose to do so, make sure you use a compatible
python version (>=3.7.1,<3.10
) when creating your virtual environment.
Now that everything is set up correctly, we can restart all the services and start all the apps with the following command:
$ docker-compose up --build
You can now go to http://localhost:3000 to open the dashboard app and log in using your superuser credentials.
The steps to deploy the apps onto remote servers will be using a heroku account, which you can sign up for here in case you don't have one already. You'll also need the Heroku CLI, which can be downloaded here
Note: This setup will incur some basic costs, which
can increase depending on the plans you choose for your infrastructure. As a minimum, you'll need the
database plan, the Mini
Redis instance and the Eco
Dynos plan. This has a minimum cost of 17$/month at the time
of writing.
After you've logged in to the Heroku CLI, choose a name prefix for your app, and run the following commands to
create the data
, model
and execution
apps on Heroku.
$ heroku create <YOUR_UNIQUE_DATA_APP_NAME> --region eu # Replace <YOUR_UNIQUE_DATA_APP_NAME> with a valid and unique name
$ heroku create <YOUR_UNIQUE_MODEL_APP_NAME> --region eu # ...
$ heroku create <YOUR_UNIQUE_EXECUTION_APP_NAME> --region eu # ...
Run the following command to create a new database with a Basic
plan and attach it to the data
$ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:basic --app <YOUR_UNIQUE_DATA_APP_NAME>
This command will output the name
of the database, which we'll need for the next commands. It should be something
with a similar format to postgresql-abcde-12345
. You can now run the following commands to attach the database
to the model
and execution
$ heroku addons:attach <YOUR_DATABASE_NAME> -a <YOUR_UNIQUE_EXECUTION_APP_NAME> # ...
Following a similar process as in the step before, we can create the redis instance with the following command:
$ heroku addons:create heroku-redis:mini -a <YOUR_UNIQUE_DATA_APP_NAME>
The last command will output the name of your redis instance (with the same format as in redis-abcde-12345
which we can use on the following step to attach it to the other apps:
$ heroku addons:attach <YOUR_REDIS_INSTANCE_NAME> -a my-crypto-bot-model
$ heroku addons:attach <YOUR_REDIS_INSTANCE_NAME> -a my-crypto-bot-execution
In order to upload the data we have locally into the remote database, run the following commands:
$ heroku pg:reset --app <YOUR_UNIQUE_DATA_APP_NAME> PGUSER=<pg_username> PGPASSWORD=<pg_password> heroku pg:push mycryptobot DATABASE_URL --app <YOUR_UNIQUE_DATA_APP_NAME>
Finally, running the following command will activate the worker dyno on the model
$ heroku ps:scale worker=1 --app <YOUR_UNIQUE_MODEL_APP_NAME>
On the page of your forked repository, navigate to There you'll need to create the following repository secrets, which will be used for deploying the apps to production.
HEROKU_API_KEY # Can be found in the heroku account settings page
HEROKU_EMAIL # The email address you use to login to Heroku
BINANCE_API_KEY # The API key associated with your live Binance account
BINANCE_API_SECRET # The API secret associated with your live Binance account
BINANCE_API_KEY_TEST # The API key associated with your test Binance account
BINANCE_API_SECRET_TEST # The API secret associated with your test Binance account
SECRET_KEY # An unique alphanumeric secret created by you
USE_CLOUD_STORAGE # Either true or false - tells the app whether to use a cloud storage
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID # Your Personal AWS access key
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY # Your Personal AWS secret access key
AWS_BUCKET # The name of the bucket where you'll keep you files
Then, navigate to the tab Actions
and click on I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them
. We can now
trigger the workflows on Github actions required to deploy our apps onto Heroku. We can achieve that by sending a
request to the Github API as shown below:
# - Replace <YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN> with a github api token, see
# - Replace <YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME> with your github username
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN>"\
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>/MyCryptoBot/dispatches \
-d '{"event_type":"on-demand-run","client_payload":{"testing":true,"build":true}}'
If the installation process went smoothly, you can now go https://<YOUR_UNIQUE_DATA_APP_NAME>
, enter
your superuser login details and you'll be ready to manage your app through the USER interface, just like when you were
running things locally. Enjoy!