Fun way to sort how people will start talking in meetings, with daily quotes to boost your day
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Run json-server and let it running
yarn db
Run project in another terminal at the same time
yarn dev
yarn build
yarn preview
- Shuffle Randomly Users (with random rounds between 5 and 10)
- CRUD application with JSON Server (with ability to upload image/avatar stored in base64, fallback to UI avatars API if no image provided)
- Randomly select daily who will shuffle
- Daily Random Backgrounds from Picsum API
- Daily Random Quotes and it's author with picture from Quoteable API
- Sound of deck cards shuffling
- Confetti effect when shuffle finished sorting (with an extra audio - 20th Century Fox Intro Flute)
You can check the changelog here
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.