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To start developing with Eclipse, follow one of the guides below:
- [[Gradle Setup|2)-Eclipse-Setup#gradle-setup]] (recommended)
- [[Maven Setup|2)-Eclipse-Setup#maven-setup]]
- [[Jar Setup|2)-Eclipse-Setup#jar-setup]]
- If you have Eclipse IDE for Java Developers installed, skip to 2., otherwise you need to install the Buildship Gradle Integration plugin first:
- Open up Eclipse and go to the Marketplace (located under the Help tab)
- Search for "gradle" and install Buildship Gradle Integration (Plugin-Page)
- After the plugin is installed, relaunch Eclipse
- Right click within Package/Project Explorer and select New > Other...
- In the Gradle folder, select Gradle Project
- Type a name for your Project and click on Finish. Your setup should look like this at this point:
- Delete the classes within
- Open up and edit the file
- Replace its content with the following code:
plugins {
id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "6.0.0"
mainClassName = "com.example.jda.Bot"
version '1.0'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
repositories {
maven { // on kotlin dsl use `maven("")` instead
url ""
dependencies {
compileJava.options.encoding = "UTF-8"
- Adjust the version of JDA you want to use (see dependencies-section of file) and fill in your Main-Class as soon as you have one (the one containing your
public static void main(String[] args)
method) - Save the file and do the following: Right click your project > Gradle > Refresh All
- Once all the dependencies have been downloaded, create your desired packages/classes in
and start coding! - To build your project you can run
gradlew shadowJar
in a terminal of your project root, and it will produce a jar filled with your compiled code and JDA included in a single jar file! The jar can be found inbuild/libs
- [[Setup Logback|Logging-Setup]]
Prerequisites: Maven-Plugin and local Maven installation
- Create a new Maven project. (File -> New -> Other -> Maven -> Maven Project)
- Check the
Create a simple project
box on the next page as we don't need to worry about archetypes.
- Add a groupId, artifactId and a name. Make sure you try to follow the naming conventions while you are at this step. The result could look like the image below.
- Now let's start configuring it, first off, open up your pom.xml and add the following lines right after
- This will make your project support UTF-8 characters (So you can have it on Japanese servers for example) and also force Java 8, which is needed.
- Now let's add JDA's repository, so we can fetch the jar (Place this after
- Now, add the dependency, make sure you change
to the latest version number (Check out at
- Now you need to set up the (build) maven-shade and maven-compile plugins, add the following lines right after
- NOTE: The following changes will force the compiler to use Java 8 (JDA needs it), so make sure you have it installed.
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
<mainClass>YourMainClass</mainClass> <!-- You have to replace this with a path to your main class like me.myname.mybotproject.Main -->
- After that, the project must be updated to download the dependencies *Right click > Maven > Update Project
- You are done! Now you can head to the Javadocs or see examples at the Examples page.
- [[Setup Logback|Logging-Setup]]
- Download the latest (Binary) version of JDA (with Dependencies):
- (Recommended)
- (Latest/Dev)
- Create a new Java Project
- Fill out the bot name, and set it to Java 8 (or above if available). This option might be set automatically when the
Use default location
box is checked.
- Right click the project, go to Properties
- Click on Java Build Path, then click on Libraries, then on Classpath, Add External JARs...
- Add your downloaded JDA-withDependencies-x.x.x_xxx.jar and expand its properties
- If you don't want Javadoc and source annotations, skip to 11 (not recommended).
- Click on Source Attachment, then on Edit..., then mark External Locations and click on External File
- Here, add your JDA-x.x.x_xxx-sources.jar and click on OK
- Next, click on Javadoc Location, then on Edit..., then mark Javadoc in archive and click on Browse
- Here, add your JDA-x.x.x_xxx-javadoc.jar and click on OK
- [[Setup Logback|Logging-Setup]]
You Are Done! You can start by taking a look at the examples Here or Reading the docs Here.