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SQKo edited this page Sep 13, 2021 · 30 revisions

Guilds are part of discord. Guilds are known as 'Discord Servers' in the Discord application.

A Guild is Discord's equivalent of a server. It contains all the Members, Channels, Roles, Bans etc.

function createRole(array $data): Promise(Role)

Creates a role in the guild with a given array of attributes. Returns the created role in a promise.

function getInvites(): Promise(Collection[Invite])

Retrieves a list of invites in the guild. Returns a collection of invites in a promise.

function getVoiceRegions(): Promise(Collection[object])

Retrieves a list of valid voice regions. Returns a collection of objects describing voice regions in a promise.

function transferOwnership(Member|snowflake $member): Promise

Transfers the ownership of the guild to another member. The bot must be the owner of the guild. Returns a promise with no data.

function unban(User|string $user)

Unbans a member. Alias for $guild->bans->unban($user)

Requires GUILD intent




Get a Specific Guild

Your BOT must be member of the guild

Change 123123123123123123 below with the Guild ID you want to retrieve

Cached, synchronous:

$guild = $discord->guilds->get('id', '123123123123123123');

If the code above returns null (which most likely won't since guilds are always cached), you may need to fetch it first (Promise, asynchronous):

$discord->guilds->fetch('123123123123123123')->done(function (Guild $guild) {
    // ...
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