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Top-rated games from Game Off 2024

Game Bytes

Another year, another incredible GitHub Game Off—and this one was secrets-ational! With over 500 submissions, participants turned the theme of “secrets” into an extraordinary showcase of creativity, humor, and mind-boggling mechanics. Play the top-rated games now!

Database logo

Popular topic

A database is a structured set of data held in a computer, usually a server.

This recommendation was created by GitHub staff

Pull Assistant

Pull Assistant

Every time you create a pull request, Pull Assistant analyses it and provides you all necessary information to perform code reviews faster and with confidence.

Cloud 66 for Rails  screenshot

This recommendation was created by GitHub staff

Cloud 66 for Rails

Cloud 66 for Rails

Cloud 66 for Rails allows you to build, manage and maintain your Rails applications that can be deployed to any cloud provider or to your own server. Cloud 66 for Rails helps you scale your database with master-slave replication, without having to make any configuration changes. You can add back-ups, load balancers and de-commission servers with a single click. Popular Rails and Rack frameworks available.