Benchmark: parse-chunked.js
How to run:
node benchmarks/parse-chunked [fixture]
Where [fixture]
is number of fixture:
– fixture/small.json (~2MB)1
– fixture/medium.json (~13.7MB)2
– fixture/big.json (~100MB)3
– fixture/500mb.json (500MB, auto-generated from big.json x 5 + padding strings)4
– fixture/1gb.json (1gb, auto-generated from big.json x 10 + padding strings)
Solution | S (~2MB) | M (~13.7MB) | L (~100MB) | 500MB | 1GB |
JSON.parse() | 18ms | 53ms | 592ms | 3325ms | CRASH |
@discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.createReadStream()) | 41ms | 89ms | 753ms | 3709ms | 7342ms |
@discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.readFileSync()) | 37ms | 83ms | 761ms | 3776ms | 8128ms |
@discoveryjs/json-ext parseFromWebStream() | 44ms | 92ms | 756ms | 3738ms | 7439ms |
bfj | 756ms | 3042ms | 55518ms | CRASH | ERR_RUN_TOO_LONG |
Solution | S (~2MB) | M (~13.7MB) | L (~100MB) | 500MB | 1GB |
JSON.parse() | 17ms | 59ms | 863ms | 3813ms | CRASH |
@discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.createReadStream()) | 52ms | 112ms | 1033ms | 4892ms | 9052ms |
@discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.readFileSync()) | 47ms | 110ms | 996ms | 4560ms | 10294ms |
@discoveryjs/json-ext parseFromWebStream() | 59ms | 114ms | 1067ms | 4949ms | 9015ms |
bfj | 924ms | 3241ms | 57905ms | CRASH | ERR_RUN_TOO_LONG |
Solution | S (~2MB) | M (~13.7MB) | L (~100MB) | 500MB | 1GB |
JSON.parse() | 6.50MB | 19.17MB | 113.74MB | 1.57GB | CRASH |
@discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.createReadStream()) | 11.41MB | 47.26MB | 146.38MB | 618.23MB | 1.23GB |
@discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.readFileSync()) | 10.83MB | 48.93MB | 222.70MB | 1.12GB | 2.15GB |
@discoveryjs/json-ext parseFromWebStream() | 12.04MB | 47.58MB | 146.34MB | 617.86MB | 1.24GB |
bfj | 63.93MB | 123.42MB | 2.32GB | CRASH | ERR_RUN_TOO_LONG |
> node benchmarks/parse-chunked # use benchmarks/fixture/small.json (~2MB)
Benchmark: parseChunked() (parse chunked JSON)
Node version: 20.14.0
Fixture: fixture/small.json 2.08MB / chunk size 524kB
# JSON.parse()
time: 18 ms
cpu: 17 ms
mem impact: rss +7.59MB | heapTotal +5.77MB | heapUsed +2.00MB | external +56
max: rss +11.39MB | heapTotal +10.19MB | heapUsed +6.50MB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.createReadStream())
time: 41 ms
cpu: 52 ms
mem impact: rss +5.46MB | heapTotal +6.82MB | heapUsed +2.36MB | external +56
max: rss +10.58MB | heapTotal +11.01MB | heapUsed +8.80MB | external +2.60MB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.readFileSync())
time: 37 ms
cpu: 47 ms
mem impact: rss +5.85MB | heapTotal +6.29MB | heapUsed +2.29MB | external +56
max: rss +10.86MB | heapTotal +10.75MB | heapUsed +8.75MB | external +2.08MB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext parseFromWebStream()
time: 44 ms
cpu: 59 ms
mem impact: rss +7.27MB | heapTotal +7.34MB | heapUsed +2.70MB | external +160kB
max: rss +12.44MB | heapTotal +11.53MB | heapUsed +9.28MB | external +2.76MB
# bfj
time: 756 ms
cpu: 924 ms
mem impact: rss +76.89MB | heapTotal +35.13MB | heapUsed +5.04MB | external +63
max: rss +87.65MB | heapTotal +81.15MB | heapUsed +62.38MB | external +1.55MB
> node benchmarks/parse-chunked 1 # use benchmarks/fixture/medium.json (~13.7MB)
Benchmark: parseChunked() (parse chunked JSON)
Node version: 20.14.0
Fixture: fixture/medium.json 13.69MB / chunk size 524kB
# JSON.parse()
time: 53 ms
cpu: 59 ms
mem impact: rss +61.62MB | heapTotal +49.00MB | heapUsed +18.96MB | external +56
max: rss +88.82MB | heapTotal +48.74MB | heapUsed +19.17MB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.createReadStream())
time: 89 ms
cpu: 112 ms
mem impact: rss +40.68MB | heapTotal +49.53MB | heapUsed +19.49MB | external +56
max: rss +56.57MB | heapTotal +58.82MB | heapUsed +39.33MB | external +7.93MB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.readFileSync())
time: 83 ms
cpu: 110 ms
mem impact: rss +39.27MB | heapTotal +48.48MB | heapUsed +19.19MB | external +56
max: rss +53.59MB | heapTotal +58.20MB | heapUsed +35.24MB | external +13.69MB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext parseFromWebStream()
time: 92 ms
cpu: 114 ms
mem impact: rss +42.29MB | heapTotal +50.05MB | heapUsed +19.61MB | external +160kB
max: rss +58.57MB | heapTotal +58.56MB | heapUsed +39.49MB | external +8.09MB
# bfj
time: 3042 ms
cpu: 3241 ms
mem impact: rss +142.38MB | heapTotal +97.80MB | heapUsed +20.87MB | external +63
max: rss +146.15MB | heapTotal +135.76MB | heapUsed +118.84MB | external +4.59MB
> node benchmarks/parse-chunked 2 # use benchmarks/fixture/big.json (~100MB)
Benchmark: parseChunked() (parse chunked JSON)
Node version: 20.14.0
Fixture: fixture/big.json 99.95MB / chunk size 524kB
# JSON.parse()
time: 592 ms
cpu: 863 ms
mem impact: rss +267.88MB | heapTotal +144.79MB | heapUsed +113.57MB | external +56
max: rss +466.63MB | heapTotal +145.05MB | heapUsed +113.74MB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.createReadStream())
time: 753 ms
cpu: 1033 ms
mem impact: rss +165.46MB | heapTotal +146.11MB | heapUsed +114.15MB | external +56
max: rss +181.78MB | heapTotal +155.53MB | heapUsed +136.42MB | external +9.96MB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.readFileSync())
time: 761 ms
cpu: 996 ms
mem impact: rss +238.55MB | heapTotal +146.37MB | heapUsed +113.98MB | external +56
max: rss +244.20MB | heapTotal +146.06MB | heapUsed +122.75MB | external +99.95MB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext parseFromWebStream()
time: 756 ms
cpu: 1067 ms
mem impact: rss +158.25MB | heapTotal +147.16MB | heapUsed +114.43MB | external +160kB
max: rss +175.23MB | heapTotal +163.68MB | heapUsed +136.24MB | external +10.11MB
# bfj
time: 55518 ms
cpu: 57905 ms
mem impact: rss +2.37GB | heapTotal +2.28GB | heapUsed +1.76GB | external +63
max: rss +2.22GB | heapTotal +2.36GB | heapUsed +2.30GB | external +17.76MB
> node benchmarks/parse-chunked 3 # use benchmarks/fixture/500mb.json
Benchmark: parseChunked() (parse chunked JSON)
Node version: 20.14.0
Fixture: fixture/500mb.json 500MB / chunk size 524kB
# JSON.parse()
time: 3325 ms
cpu: 3813 ms
mem impact: rss +612.47MB | heapTotal +608.58MB | heapUsed +568.88MB | external +56
max: rss +1.42GB | heapTotal +1.60GB | heapUsed +1.57GB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.createReadStream())
time: 3709 ms
cpu: 4892 ms
mem impact: rss +639.35MB | heapTotal +610.34MB | heapUsed +570.17MB | external +56
max: rss +671.11MB | heapTotal +635.09MB | heapUsed +607.74MB | external +10.49MB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.readFileSync())
time: 3776 ms
cpu: 4560 ms
mem impact: rss +604.73MB | heapTotal +609.81MB | heapUsed +569.98MB | external +56
max: rss +1.15GB | heapTotal +646.38MB | heapUsed +617.93MB | external +500.00MB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext parseFromWebStream()
time: 3738 ms
cpu: 4949 ms
mem impact: rss +637.76MB | heapTotal +610.34MB | heapUsed +570.55MB | external +160kB
max: rss +669.96MB | heapTotal +634.04MB | heapUsed +606.18MB | external +11.68MB
# bfj
<--- Last few GCs --->
[65418:0x130008000] 161105 ms: Mark-Compact 4042.4 (4128.6) -> 4026.9 (4129.1) MB, 4035.96 / 0.00 ms (average mu = 0.130, current mu = 0.015) allocation failure; scavenge might not succeed
[65418:0x130008000] 164489 ms: Mark-Compact 4042.8 (4129.1) -> 4027.2 (4129.4) MB, 3372.04 / 0.00 ms (average mu = 0.074, current mu = 0.004) allocation failure; scavenge might not succeed
<--- JS stacktrace --->
FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
----- Native stack trace -----
1: 0x1008fcb44 node::OOMErrorHandler(char const*, v8::OOMDetails const&) [/usr/local/bin/node]
2: 0x100a843ec v8::internal::V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, v8::OOMDetails const&) [/usr/local/bin/node]
3: 0x100c58ac0 v8::internal::Heap::GarbageCollectionReasonToString(v8::internal::GarbageCollectionReason) [/usr/local/bin/node]
4: 0x100c5c974 v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbageShared(v8::internal::LocalHeap*, v8::internal::GarbageCollectionReason) [/usr/local/bin/node]
5: 0x100c593d8 v8::internal::Heap::PerformGarbageCollection(v8::internal::GarbageCollector, v8::internal::GarbageCollectionReason, char const*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
6: 0x100c57160 v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage(v8::internal::AllocationSpace, v8::internal::GarbageCollectionReason, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [/usr/local/bin/node]
7: 0x100c4ddb4 v8::internal::HeapAllocator::AllocateRawWithLightRetrySlowPath(int, v8::internal::AllocationType, v8::internal::AllocationOrigin, v8::internal::AllocationAlignment) [/usr/local/bin/node]
8: 0x100c4e614 v8::internal::HeapAllocator::AllocateRawWithRetryOrFailSlowPath(int, v8::internal::AllocationType, v8::internal::AllocationOrigin, v8::internal::AllocationAlignment) [/usr/local/bin/node]
9: 0x100c33684 v8::internal::Factory::NewFillerObject(int, v8::internal::AllocationAlignment, v8::internal::AllocationType, v8::internal::AllocationOrigin) [/usr/local/bin/node]
10: 0x10101b394 v8::internal::Runtime_AllocateInYoungGeneration(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
11: 0x101378c44 Builtins_CEntry_Return1_ArgvOnStack_NoBuiltinExit [/usr/local/bin/node]
12: 0x10671cfe0
13: 0x106738eb4
14: 0x10675d248
15: 0x106721e1c
16: 0x106721088
17: 0x106722e6c
18: 0x10671de50
19: 0x10672f3dc
20: 0x10674d9d8
21: 0x1067561c8
22: 0x1012ee50c Builtins_JSEntryTrampoline [/usr/local/bin/node]
23: 0x1012ee1f4 Builtins_JSEntry [/usr/local/bin/node]
24: 0x100bc5f68 v8::internal::(anonymous namespace)::Invoke(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::(anonymous namespace)::InvokeParams const&) [/usr/local/bin/node]
25: 0x100bc53b4 v8::internal::Execution::Call(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>, int, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
26: 0x100a9fca4 v8::Function::Call(v8::Local<v8::Context>, v8::Local<v8::Value>, int, v8::Local<v8::Value>*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
27: 0x100828fa0 node::InternalMakeCallback(node::Environment*, v8::Local<v8::Object>, v8::Local<v8::Object>, v8::Local<v8::Function>, int, v8::Local<v8::Value>*, node::async_context) [/usr/local/bin/node]
28: 0x1008292b8 node::MakeCallback(v8::Isolate*, v8::Local<v8::Object>, v8::Local<v8::Function>, int, v8::Local<v8::Value>*, node::async_context) [/usr/local/bin/node]
29: 0x10089e464 node::Environment::CheckImmediate(uv_check_s*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
30: 0x1012d64e4 uv__run_check [/usr/local/bin/node]
31: 0x1012d0204 uv_run [/usr/local/bin/node]
32: 0x1008296f0 node::SpinEventLoopInternal(node::Environment*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
33: 0x10093c7c0 node::NodeMainInstance::Run(node::ExitCode*, node::Environment*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
34: 0x10093c4d4 node::NodeMainInstance::Run() [/usr/local/bin/node]
35: 0x1008c47ac node::Start(int, char**) [/usr/local/bin/node]
36: 0x18dede0e0 start [/usr/lib/dyld]
> node benchmarks/parse-chunked 4 # use benchmarks/fixture/1gb.json
Benchmark: parseChunked() (parse chunked JSON)
Node version: 20.14.0
Fixture: fixture/1gb.json 1000MB / chunk size 524kB
# JSON.parse()
FATAL ERROR: v8::ToLocalChecked Empty MaybeLocal
----- Native stack trace -----
1: 0x100824a20 node::OnFatalError(char const*, char const*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
2: 0x1009ae24c v8::api_internal::ToLocalEmpty() [/usr/local/bin/node]
3: 0x100831cf4 node::fs::ReadFileUtf8(v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value> const&) [/usr/local/bin/node]
4: 0x100a19f68 v8::internal::MaybeHandle<v8::internal::Object> v8::internal::(anonymous namespace)::HandleApiCallHelper<false>(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::HeapObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::FunctionTemplateInfo>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>, unsigned long*, int) [/usr/local/bin/node]
5: 0x100a19660 v8::internal::Builtin_HandleApiCall(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
6: 0x1012a0b24 Builtins_CEntry_Return1_ArgvOnStack_BuiltinExit [/usr/local/bin/node]
7: 0x106636a98
8: 0x1012183e4 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/usr/local/bin/node]
9: 0x1012183e4 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/usr/local/bin/node]
10: 0x10124f210 Builtins_AsyncFunctionAwaitResolveClosure [/usr/local/bin/node]
11: 0x1012fcfb8 Builtins_PromiseFulfillReactionJob [/usr/local/bin/node]
12: 0x10123eb94 Builtins_RunMicrotasks [/usr/local/bin/node]
13: 0x1012163f4 Builtins_JSRunMicrotasksEntry [/usr/local/bin/node]
14: 0x100aedf40 v8::internal::(anonymous namespace)::Invoke(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::(anonymous namespace)::InvokeParams const&) [/usr/local/bin/node]
15: 0x100aee42c v8::internal::(anonymous namespace)::InvokeWithTryCatch(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::(anonymous namespace)::InvokeParams const&) [/usr/local/bin/node]
16: 0x100aee608 v8::internal::Execution::TryRunMicrotasks(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::MicrotaskQueue*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
17: 0x100b157d4 v8::internal::MicrotaskQueue::RunMicrotasks(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
18: 0x100b15f70 v8::internal::MicrotaskQueue::PerformCheckpoint(v8::Isolate*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
19: 0x100750c4c node::InternalCallbackScope::Close() [/usr/local/bin/node]
20: 0x1007507bc node::InternalCallbackScope::~InternalCallbackScope() [/usr/local/bin/node]
21: 0x1007c7838 node::Environment::RunTimers(uv_timer_s*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
22: 0x1011f49d4 uv__run_timers [/usr/local/bin/node]
23: 0x1011f8234 uv_run [/usr/local/bin/node]
24: 0x1007516f0 node::SpinEventLoopInternal(node::Environment*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
25: 0x1008647c0 node::NodeMainInstance::Run(node::ExitCode*, node::Environment*) [/usr/local/bin/node]
26: 0x1008644d4 node::NodeMainInstance::Run() [/usr/local/bin/node]
27: 0x1007ec7ac node::Start(int, char**) [/usr/local/bin/node]
28: 0x18dede0e0 start [/usr/lib/dyld]
----- JavaScript stack trace -----
1: readFileSync (node:fs:448:20)
2: JSON.parse() (file:///Users/romandvornov/Developer/json-ext/benchmarks/parse-chunked.js:38:23)
3: benchmark (file:///Users/romandvornov/Developer/json-ext/benchmarks/benchmark-utils.js:65:28)
# @discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.createReadStream())
time: 7342 ms
cpu: 9052 ms
mem impact: rss +1.21GB | heapTotal +1.19GB | heapUsed +1.14GB | external +56
max: rss +918.83MB | heapTotal +1.26GB | heapUsed +1.22GB | external +11.53MB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext parseChunked(fs.readFileSync())
time: 8128 ms
cpu: 10294 ms
mem impact: rss +1.18GB | heapTotal +1.19GB | heapUsed +1.14GB | external +56
max: rss +1.59GB | heapTotal +1.20GB | heapUsed +1.15GB | external +1.00GB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext parseFromWebStream()
time: 7439 ms
cpu: 9015 ms
mem impact: rss +1.23GB | heapTotal +1.19GB | heapUsed +1.14GB | external +160kB
max: rss +1.32GB | heapTotal +1.27GB | heapUsed +1.23GB | external +11.68MB
# bfj
Error: Run takes too long time
at sizeLessThan (file://~/json-ext/benchmarks/parse-chunked.js:67:19)
at bfj (file://~/json-ext/benchmarks/parse-chunked.js:54:18)
at benchmark (file://~/json-ext/benchmarks/benchmark-utils.js:65:28)
at async file://~/json-ext/benchmarks/run-test.js:7:17
Benchmark: stringify-chunked.js
How to run:
node benchmarks/stringify-chunked [fixture]
Where [fixture]
is number of fixture:
– fixture/small.json (~2MB)1
– fixture/medium.json (~13.7MB)2
– fixture/big.json (~100MB)3
– fixture/500mb.json (500MB, auto-generated from big.json x 5 + padding strings)4
– fixture/1gb.json (1gb, auto-generated from big.json x 10 + padding strings)
Solution | S (~2MB) | M (~13.7MB) | L (~100MB) | 500MB | 1GB |
JSON.stringify() | 10ms | 42ms | 447ms | 2957ms | ERR_STRING_TOO_LONG |
@discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyChunked() | 20ms | 40ms | 645ms | 3476ms | 7536ms |
@discoveryjs/json-ext createStringifyWebStream() | 31ms | 46ms | 648ms | 3577ms | 7689ms |
@discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyChunked() | 27ms | 40ms | 933ms | 5530ms | 11433ms |
@discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyStream() | 37ms | 70ms | 1050ms | 5842ms | 12793ms |
json-stream-stringify | 33ms | 50ms | 1092ms | 5596ms | 11983ms |
bfj | 554ms | 2172ms | 75006ms | ERR_RUN_TOO_LONG | ERR_RUN_TOO_LONG |
Solution | S (~2MB) | M (~13.7MB) | L (~100MB) | 500MB | 1GB |
JSON.stringify() | 7ms | 32ms | 427ms | 1995ms | ERR_STRING_TOO_LONG |
@discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyChunked() | 37ms | 65ms | 698ms | 3595ms | 7690ms |
@discoveryjs/json-ext createStringifyWebStream() | 46ms | 73ms | 723ms | 3678ms | 7829ms |
@discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyChunked() | 45ms | 63ms | 972ms | 5405ms | 11280ms |
@discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyStream() | 52ms | 89ms | 1084ms | 5820ms | 12551ms |
json-stream-stringify | 58ms | 84ms | 1122ms | 5683ms | 12034ms |
bfj | 399ms | 850ms | 32648ms | ERR_RUN_TOO_LONG | ERR_RUN_TOO_LONG |
Solution | S (~2MB) | M (~13.7MB) | L (~100MB) | 500MB | 1GB |
JSON.stringify() | 4.26MB | 27.46MB | 210.13MB | 1GB | ERR_STRING_TOO_LONG |
@discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyChunked() | 671kB | 9.74MB | 56.73MB | 249.85MB | 500.65MB |
@discoveryjs/json-ext createStringifyWebStream() | 1.78MB | 12.09MB | 52.64MB | 262.89MB | 504.76MB |
@discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyChunked() | 6.88MB | 12.04MB | 73.69MB | 300.91MB | 596.83MB |
@discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyStream() | 7.75MB | 18.37MB | 64.11MB | 301.09MB | 592.95MB |
json-stream-stringify | 7.93MB | 14.18MB | 8.17MB | 8.60MB | 14.89MB |
bfj | 17.55MB | 17.91MB | 38.92MB | ERR_RUN_TOO_LONG | ERR_RUN_TOO_LONG |
> node benchmarks/stringify-chunked # use benchmarks/fixture/small.json (~2MB)
Benchmark: stringifyChunked() (JSON.stringify() as a stream of chunks)
Node version: 22.5.1
Fixture: fixture/small.json 2.08MB
# JSON.stringify()
Result: 2077407
time: 10 ms
cpu: 7 ms
mem impact: rss +7.67MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +48kB | external +56
max: rss +11.58MB | heapTotal +4.16MB | heapUsed +4.26MB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyChunked()
Result: 2077407
time: 20 ms
cpu: 37 ms
mem impact: rss +3.24MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +220kB | external +56
max: rss +3.18MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +671kB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext createStringifyWebStream()
Result: 2077407
time: 31 ms
cpu: 46 ms
mem impact: rss +5.78MB | heapTotal +8.91MB | heapUsed +641kB | external +160kB
max: rss +5.69MB | heapTotal +9.18MB | heapUsed +1.62MB | external +160kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyChunked()
Result: 2077407
time: 27 ms
cpu: 45 ms
mem impact: rss +5.31MB | heapTotal +8.65MB | heapUsed +223kB | external +56
max: rss +5.19MB | heapTotal +8.65MB | heapUsed +6.88MB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyStream()
Result: 2077471
time: 37 ms
cpu: 52 ms
mem impact: rss +10.91MB | heapTotal +8.65MB | heapUsed +275kB | external +56
max: rss +11.03MB | heapTotal +8.95MB | heapUsed +7.12MB | external +635kB
# json-stream-stringify
Result: 2077407
time: 33 ms
cpu: 58 ms
mem impact: rss +6.96MB | heapTotal +8.65MB | heapUsed +352kB | external +56
max: rss +6.78MB | heapTotal +8.91MB | heapUsed +7.93MB | external +56
# bfj
Result: 2077407
time: 554 ms
cpu: 399 ms
mem impact: rss +36.32MB | heapTotal +26.74MB | heapUsed +1.15MB | external +3kB
max: rss +36.32MB | heapTotal +29.36MB | heapUsed +17.54MB | external +3kB
> node benchmarks/stringify-chunked 1 # use benchmarks/fixture/medium.json (~13.7MB)
Benchmark: stringifyChunked() (JSON.stringify() as a stream of chunks)
Node version: 22.5.1
Fixture: fixture/medium.json 13.69MB
# JSON.stringify()
Result: 13693862
time: 42 ms
cpu: 32 ms
mem impact: rss +57.31MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +50kB | external +56
max: rss +84.41MB | heapTotal +27.39MB | heapUsed +27.46MB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyChunked()
Result: 13693862
time: 40 ms
cpu: 65 ms
mem impact: rss +10.67MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +97kB | external +56
max: rss +10.65MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +9.74MB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext createStringifyWebStream()
Result: 13693862
time: 46 ms
cpu: 73 ms
mem impact: rss +12.34MB | heapTotal +524kB | heapUsed +553kB | external +160kB
max: rss +12.16MB | heapTotal +786kB | heapUsed +11.93MB | external +160kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyChunked()
Result: 13693862
time: 40 ms
cpu: 63 ms
mem impact: rss +9.47MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +99kB | external +56
max: rss +9.37MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +12.04MB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyStream()
Result: 13693865
time: 70 ms
cpu: 89 ms
mem impact: rss +13.32MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +183kB | external +56
max: rss +13.14MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +15.16MB | external +3.20MB
# json-stream-stringify
Result: 13693862
time: 50 ms
cpu: 84 ms
mem impact: rss +9.72MB | heapTotal +524kB | heapUsed +192kB | external +56
max: rss +9.63MB | heapTotal +786kB | heapUsed +14.18MB | external +56
# bfj
Result: 13693862
time: 2172 ms
cpu: 850 ms
mem impact: rss +18.22MB | heapTotal +1.84MB | heapUsed +1.07MB | external +3kB
max: rss +18.12MB | heapTotal +2.36MB | heapUsed +17.90MB | external +3kB
> node benchmarks/stringify-chunked 2 # use benchmarks/fixture/big.json (~100MB)
Benchmark: stringifyChunked() (JSON.stringify() as a stream of chunks)
Node version: 22.5.1
Fixture: fixture/big.json 99.95MB
# JSON.stringify()
Result: 99947225
time: 447 ms
cpu: 427 ms
mem impact: rss +236.54MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +48kB | external +56
max: rss +435.98MB | heapTotal +199.90MB | heapUsed +210.13MB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyChunked()
Result: 99947225
time: 645 ms
cpu: 698 ms
mem impact: rss +57.05MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +106kB | external +56
max: rss +56.74MB | heapTotal +47.45MB | heapUsed +56.73MB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext createStringifyWebStream()
Result: 99947225
time: 648 ms
cpu: 723 ms
mem impact: rss +57.52MB | heapTotal +524kB | heapUsed +581kB | external +160kB
max: rss +57.18MB | heapTotal +48.76MB | heapUsed +52.48MB | external +160kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyChunked()
Result: 99947225
time: 933 ms
cpu: 972 ms
mem impact: rss +66.98MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +108kB | external +56
max: rss +66.73MB | heapTotal +58.46MB | heapUsed +73.69MB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyStream()
Result: 99947225
time: 1050 ms
cpu: 1084 ms
mem impact: rss +65.36MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +159kB | external +56
max: rss +64.82MB | heapTotal +57.93MB | heapUsed +63.79MB | external +326kB
# json-stream-stringify
Result: 99947225
time: 1092 ms
cpu: 1122 ms
mem impact: rss +8.80MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +152kB | external +56
max: rss +8.49MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +8.17MB | external +56
> node benchmarks/stringify-chunked 3 # use benchmarks/fixture/500mb.json
Benchmark: stringifyChunked() (JSON.stringify() as a stream of chunks)
Node version: 22.5.1
Fixture: fixture/500mb.json 500MB
# JSON.stringify()
Result: 500000000
time: 2957 ms
cpu: 1995 ms
mem impact: rss -34.59MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +47kB | external +56
max: rss +957.30MB | heapTotal +1.00GB | heapUsed +1.00GB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyChunked()
Result: 500000000
time: 3476 ms
cpu: 3595 ms
mem impact: rss +251.46MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +104kB | external +56
max: rss +250.58MB | heapTotal +245.10MB | heapUsed +249.85MB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext createStringifyWebStream()
Result: 500000000
time: 3577 ms
cpu: 3678 ms
mem impact: rss +255.30MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +577kB | external +160kB
max: rss +254.64MB | heapTotal +246.68MB | heapUsed +262.73MB | external +160kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyChunked()
Result: 500000000
time: 5530 ms
cpu: 5405 ms
mem impact: rss +186.20MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +106kB | external +56
max: rss +225.20MB | heapTotal +295.96MB | heapUsed +300.90MB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyStream()
Result: 500000000
time: 5842 ms
cpu: 5820 ms
mem impact: rss +186.86MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +190kB | external +56
max: rss +44.40MB | heapTotal +293.86MB | heapUsed +300.65MB | external +444kB
# json-stream-stringify
Result: 500000000
time: 5596 ms
cpu: 5683 ms
mem impact: rss +9.29MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +168kB | external +56
max: rss +9.11MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +8.60MB | external +56
> node benchmarks/stringify-chunked 4 # use benchmarks/fixture/1gb.json
Benchmark: stringifyChunked() (JSON.stringify() as a stream of chunks)
Node version: 22.5.1
Fixture: fixture/1gb.json 1000MB
# JSON.stringify()
RangeError: Invalid string length
at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>)
at JSON.stringify() (../json-ext/benchmarks/stringify-chunked.js:58:15)
at tests.<computed> (../json-ext/benchmarks/stringify-chunked.js:86:35)
at benchmark (../json-ext/benchmarks/benchmark-utils.js:65:28)
at async ../json-ext/benchmarks/run-test.js:7:17
# @discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyChunked()
Result: 1000000000
time: 7536 ms
cpu: 7690 ms
mem impact: rss +502.27MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +104kB | external +56
max: rss +501.27MB | heapTotal +495.45MB | heapUsed +500.65MB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext createStringifyWebStream()
Result: 1000000000
time: 7689 ms
cpu: 7829 ms
mem impact: rss +119.05MB | heapTotal +524kB | heapUsed +585kB | external +160kB
max: rss +81.26MB | heapTotal +497.03MB | heapUsed +504.60MB | external +160kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyChunked()
Result: 1000000000
time: 11433 ms
cpu: 11280 ms
mem impact: rss +301.89MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +106kB | external +56
max: rss +9.72MB | heapTotal +588.25MB | heapUsed +596.83MB | external +56
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyStream()
Result: 1000000000
time: 12793 ms
cpu: 12551 ms
mem impact: rss +374.57MB | heapTotal -262kB | heapUsed +193kB | external +56
max: rss +62.93MB | heapTotal +595.59MB | heapUsed +592.64MB | external +313kB
# json-stream-stringify
Result: 1000000000
time: 11983 ms
cpu: 12034 ms
mem impact: rss -12.12MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +175kB | external +56
max: rss 0 | heapTotal +934kB | heapUsed +14.89MB | external +56
Benchmark: strigify-info.js
How to run:
node benchmarks/stringify-info [fixture]
Where [fixture]
is number of fixture:
– fixture/small.json (~2MB)1
– fixture/medium.json (~13.7MB)2
– fixture/big.json (~100MB)3
– fixture/500mb.json (500MB, auto-generated from big.json x 5 + padding strings)4
– fixture/1gb.json (1gb, auto-generated from big.json x 10 + padding strings)
Solution | S (~2MB) | M (~13.7MB) | L (~100MB) | 500MB | 1GB |
JSON.stringify() | 13ms | 54ms | 518ms | 2726ms | ERR_STRING_TOO_LONG |
@discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyInfo() | 18ms | 34ms | 280ms | 1429ms | 3052ms |
@discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyInfo() | 22ms | 49ms | 562ms | 31342ms | 177746ms |
@discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyInfo() | 22ms | 48ms | 613ms | 3605ms | 8637ms |
Solution | S (~2MB) | M (~13.7MB) | L (~100MB) | 500MB | 1GB |
JSON.stringify() | 11ms | 47ms | 450ms | 1980ms | ERR_STRING_TOO_LONG |
@discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyInfo() | 28ms | 49ms | 329ms | 1602ms | 3339ms |
@discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyInfo() | 38ms | 61ms | 595ms | 31128ms | 175554ms |
@discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyInfo() | 39ms | 60ms | 643ms | 3681ms | 8431ms |
Solution | S (~2MB) | M (~13.7MB) | L (~100MB) | 500MB | 1GB |
JSON.stringify() | 4.30MB | 27.51MB | 210.20MB | 1GB | ERR_STRING_TOO_LONG |
@discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyInfo() | 1.66MB | 13.06MB | 26.41MB | 64.84MB | 121.28MB |
@discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyInfo() | 1.53MB | 1.13MB | 115.32MB | 480.38MB | 968.82MB |
@discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyInfo() | 1.42MB | 1MB | 103.87MB | 682.86MB | 1.37GB |
> node benchmarks/stringify-info # use benchmarks/fixture/small.json (~2MB)
Benchmark: stringifyInfo() (size of JSON.stringify())
Node version: 22.5.1
Fixture: fixture/small.json 2.08MB
# JSON.stringify()
Result: 2077471
time: 13 ms
cpu: 11 ms
mem impact: rss +8.03MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +77kB | external +1kB
max: rss +12.11MB | heapTotal +4.16MB | heapUsed +4.30MB | external +1kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyInfo()
Result: 2077471
time: 18 ms
cpu: 28 ms
mem impact: rss +3.78MB | heapTotal +524kB | heapUsed +237kB | external +1kB
max: rss +3.62MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +1.66MB | external +1kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyInfo()
Result: 2077471
time: 22 ms
cpu: 38 ms
mem impact: rss +2.57MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +227kB | external +1kB
max: rss +2.87MB | heapTotal +688kB | heapUsed +1.52MB | external +1kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyInfo()
Result: 2077471
time: 22 ms
cpu: 39 ms
mem impact: rss +2.08MB | heapTotal +524kB | heapUsed +232kB | external +1kB
max: rss +2.08MB | heapTotal +508kB | heapUsed +1.42MB | external +1kB
> node benchmarks/stringify-info 1 # use benchmarks/fixture/medium.json (~13.7MB)
Benchmark: stringifyInfo() (size of JSON.stringify())
Node version: 22.5.1
Fixture: fixture/medium.json 13.69MB
# JSON.stringify()
Result: 13693865
time: 54 ms
cpu: 47 ms
mem impact: rss +57.46MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +79kB | external +1kB
max: rss +84.79MB | heapTotal +27.39MB | heapUsed +27.51MB | external +1kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyInfo()
Result: 13693865
time: 34 ms
cpu: 49 ms
mem impact: rss +2.59MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +107kB | external +1kB
max: rss +1.87MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +13.06MB | external +1kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyInfo()
Result: 13693865
time: 49 ms
cpu: 61 ms
mem impact: rss +1.11MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +103kB | external +1kB
max: rss +1.47MB | heapTotal +688kB | heapUsed +1.13MB | external +1kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyInfo()
Result: 13693865
time: 48 ms
cpu: 60 ms
mem impact: rss +786kB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +108kB | external +1kB
max: rss +983kB | heapTotal +508kB | heapUsed +1.00MB | external +1kB
> node benchmarks/stringify-info 2 # use benchmarks/fixture/big.json (~100MB)
Benchmark: stringifyInfo() (size of JSON.stringify())
Node version: 22.5.1
Fixture: fixture/big.json 99.95MB
# JSON.stringify()
Result: 99947225
time: 518 ms
cpu: 450 ms
mem impact: rss +170.98MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +75kB | external +1kB
max: rss +369.48MB | heapTotal +199.90MB | heapUsed +210.20MB | external +1kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyInfo()
Result: 99947225
time: 280 ms
cpu: 329 ms
mem impact: rss +7.91MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +108kB | external +1kB
max: rss +22.09MB | heapTotal +14.81MB | heapUsed +26.41MB | external +1kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyInfo()
Result: 99947225
time: 562 ms
cpu: 595 ms
mem impact: rss +50.66MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +100kB | external +1kB
max: rss +113.18MB | heapTotal +106.76MB | heapUsed +115.32MB | external +1kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyInfo()
Result: 99947225
time: 613 ms
cpu: 643 ms
mem impact: rss +48.63MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +106kB | external +1kB
max: rss +99.70MB | heapTotal +94.16MB | heapUsed +103.87MB | external +1kB
> node benchmarks/stringify-info 3 # use benchmarks/fixture/500mb.json
Benchmark: stringifyInfo() (size of JSON.stringify())
Node version: 22.5.1
Fixture: fixture/500mb.json 500MB
# JSON.stringify()
Result: 500000000
time: 2726 ms
cpu: 1980 ms
mem impact: rss -6.47MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +75kB | external +1kB
max: rss +925.91MB | heapTotal +1.00GB | heapUsed +1.00GB | external +1kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyInfo()
Result: 500000000
time: 1429 ms
cpu: 1602 ms
mem impact: rss +8.01MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +107kB | external +1kB
max: rss +66.16MB | heapTotal +58.88MB | heapUsed +64.84MB | external +1kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyInfo()
Result: 500000000
time: 31342 ms
cpu: 31128 ms
mem impact: rss +221.92MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +100kB | external +1kB
max: rss +481.59MB | heapTotal +475.35MB | heapUsed +480.37MB | external +1kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyInfo()
Result: 500000000
time: 3605 ms
cpu: 3681 ms
mem impact: rss +225.82MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +105kB | external +1kB
max: rss +687.59MB | heapTotal +681.67MB | heapUsed +682.86MB | external +1kB
> node benchmarks/stringify-info 4 # use benchmarks/fixture/1gb.json
Benchmark: stringifyInfo() (size of JSON.stringify())
Node version: 22.5.1
Fixture: fixture/1gb.json 0
# JSON.stringify()
RangeError: Invalid string length
at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>)
at JSON.stringify() (../json-ext/benchmarks/stringify-info.js:45:32)
at tests.<computed> (../json-ext/benchmarks/stringify-info.js:65:21)
at benchmark (../json-ext/benchmarks/benchmark-utils.js:65:28)
at async ../json-ext/benchmarks/run-test.js:7:17
# @discoveryjs/json-ext stringifyInfo()
Result: 1000000000
time: 3052 ms
cpu: 3339 ms
mem impact: rss +6.90MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +106kB | external +1kB
max: rss +124.19MB | heapTotal +117.62MB | heapUsed +121.28MB | external +1kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.6.0 stringifyInfo()
Result: 1000000000
time: 177746 ms
cpu: 175554 ms
mem impact: rss +15.73MB | heapTotal 0 | heapUsed +100kB | external +1kB
max: rss 0 | heapTotal +966.36MB | heapUsed +968.82MB | external +1kB
# @discoveryjs/json-ext v0.5.7 stringifyInfo()
Result: 1000000000
time: 8637 ms
cpu: 8431 ms
mem impact: rss +29.08MB | heapTotal +262kB | heapUsed +105kB | external +1kB
max: rss +968.85MB | heapTotal +1.37GB | heapUsed +1.37GB | external +1kB