The Leadership Team is responsible for steering and operating all processes of the django CMS Association. The Leadership Team influences the overall course of the association through participation in the following strategic tasks:
- Creation of the Annual Report
- Updates to the product vision and the technical roadmap
- Updates to the strategy document including the annual budget proposal for the association
Please see the positions here:
We accept applications for a Leadership Team position year round. Please get in touch with someone on the Leadership Team and ask for a nomination, please include an introduction as per below example
Someone from the Leadership Team will then nominate you and your nomination will be discussed in the internal Discord Leadership Team channel upon which your Leadership Team contact will get back to you, hopefully with good news, to start your onboarding as a new Leadership Team member.
For Members of the Board, i.e. President, Vice-President, Secretary and Cashier: Accepting your nomination requres a formal vote during the yearly General Assembly of the django CMS Association. Prior to the Assembly, your nomination will be brought to the attention of all django CMS Association Members with due notice.
Auditors also will have to be elected formally same as Members of the Board.
So we can nominate you please provide the following information about yourself:
A profile picture, please see for best format and resolution.
<Names>, based in <city, country>
Linkedin Profile URL: <https://...>
<Roles>, <Positions> of <company/ies>
What the <company/ies> do/es
<Memberships in associations>, <Open source communities>
<Contributions in> Open Source packages / projects
<Previous and current roles, contributions and activities in django CMS>
<Conferences talks / presentations given, if applicable>
<Share something that defines your personal life such as family, hobbies, interests, passions, etc.>
Please do include anything else you deem relevant.
The Leadership Team meets periodically. Find below an agenda template.
Each team member to share:
- life updates (professional / personal life)
- their initiatives, activities, progress on django CMS topics
- news & trends from their fields of activity relevant to django CMS
The Leadership Team is responsible for the preparation of the General Assembly:
- Review the Annual Report
- Review the product vision and the technical roadmap
- Review the strategy document including the budget proposal