This project is now managed with hatch, which replaces setuptools, pipenv, and tox. Users of the package should not be impacted. Developers can refer to the readme for details. If you're packaging this project from source, I suggest relying on pip's isolated builds rather than using hatch directly.
- Fix #12: We no longer create AgentSettings objects when loading fixtures.
Default to AutoField to avoid spurious migrations.
- Fix #9: We now delete cookies for untrusted agents rather than saving them. :class:`~django_agent_trust.middleware.AgentMiddleware` also now includes a subclass hook for implementing more complex cookie policies.
- Fix #6: Trap and ignore the inevitable get_or_create race condition on AgentSettings. This also adds a signal handler to automatically initialize AgentSettings for new users, which should avoid this race condition in the first place.
- Fix #2: Improved AgentSettings initialization.
- Now supports Python>=3.5 and Django>=2.2.
Removed dependencies on Python 2 compatibility shims in Django < 3.0.
Routine updates to version dependencies and test matrix, plus miscellaneous cleanup.
- Add support for Django 2.0.
- Drop support for obsolete versions of Python and Django.
- Various cleanup and reorganization for forward compatibility.
- Adds support for the new middleware API in Django 1.10.
- Adds an initial migration for Django < 1.7 with South.
If you're using South, you'll need to run migrate --fake
django_agent_trust 0001
after upgrading.
- Adds an initial migration for Django >=1.7.
If you're using Django >=1.8, you'll need to run migrate
--fake-initial django_agent_trust
after upgrading.
- Fixes testing issues and deprecation warnings on Django 1.8.
- Tests pass with Django 1.6 under python 3.2 and 3.3.
- Added a tox.ini for automated testing in multiple environments.
- Cookie names now incorporate a hash of the username rather than the username itself.
Updating to this version will effectively revoke all previously trusted agents.
Custom user models are now supported.
Unit tests have been updated to work across Django versions, with and without USE_TZ=True.
The middleware is now disabled in Django < 1.4 and all unit tests are skipped.
- Add :func:`AgentSettings.unicode <django_agent_trust.models.AgentSettings.unicode>` for the benefit of the admin site.
- Switch to setuptools to install fixtures. The tests will fail otherwise.
- Include the username in the signed cookie payload and don't accept it for any other user.
- Added :func:`django_agent_trust.context_processors.agent`.
- Added :attr:`Agent.is_session <django_agent_trust.models.Agent.is_session>` to indicate session-scoped trusted agents.
Initial beta release. This project was spun off of django-otp-agents, part of the django-otp suite.