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DjangoCon 2015 Checklist
Jeff Triplett edited this page Apr 26, 2015
5 revisions
- Create a new DjangoCon repo (wiki, etc)
- Thank you blog post
- Solicit post-mortem feedback from staff
- Enter DjangoCon 2014 expenses
- Backup DjangoCon 2014 Wufoo data
- Add the Confreaks & Slidedeck links to the DjangoCon 2014 schedule pages
- Fill existing DjangoCon staff roles (use wiki, since site isn't launched yet)
- Identify and fill new staff roles
- Review the past DjangoCon survey results
- Determine tentative dates PyCon example (attendee focused)
- Determine tentative milestones PyCon example (staff focused)
- Reset/cull staff mailing list ([email protected])
- Update staff page on the site
- Schedule monthly staff meetings
- Succession planning
- Collect staff phone numbers and mailing addresses before DjangoCon
- Brainstorm fun ideas
- Determine budget for design
- Determine budget for website
- Determine budget for childcare
- Determine budget for financial aid
- Determine budget for swag
- Determine budget for t-shirts
- Determine budget for the opening reception
- Review budget with the DEFNA board
- Enter all DjangoCon expenses
- Ditch the press releases entirely?
- Email all attendees 1 month before DjangoCon
- Do two email blasts to user groups (call for proposals, registration)
- [June 16, 2014] Update the @DjangoCon twitter account bio with the new DjangoCon dates
- Blog call for launch day sponsors PyCon example
- Blog site launch PyCon example
- Blog call for proposals - talks PyCon example
- Blog call for proposals - tutorials PyCon example
- Blog call for proposal reviewers PyCon example
- Blog financial aid PyCon example
- Blog call for proposals reminders PyCon example
- Blog registration opens PyCon example
- Blog childcare PyCon example
- Blog early bird ticket warning PyCon example
- Blog keynote selection
- Blog accepted talks, tutorials PyCon example, and posters
- Blog financial aid reminder PyCon example
- Blog tutorial schedule and registration PyCon example
- Blog talk schedule PyCon example
- Blog sold out warning
- Blog sold out
- Blog sprints PyCon example
- Blog about sponsor workshops
- Blog after parties
- Blog passports required
- Blog about mobile options in Canada
- Blog about tutorials, final registration push
- Blog about the opening reception
- Blog about onsite lightning talk selection
- Blog about the DjangoCon mobile app
- Blog about the location of DjangoCon 2016
- Blog DjangoCon re-cap
- Blog Thanks!
- Monitor twitter on-site during DjangoCon
- Tweet events as they happen on-site during DjangoCon
- Call for launch day sponsors
- Review & update sponsorship prospectus
- Email past sponsors about being launch day sponsors
- Create guidelines for sponsor swag
- Create ad guide for sponsors (sizes, formats, etc)
- Create sponsors manual
- Update sponsor information on the site
- Email sponsors - encourage them to add their job postings to the site
- Email sponsors - reminders about print program assets
- Tweet each sponsor as they sign-up
- Collect the sponsor assets for the print program
- Help coordinate sponsor after parties
- Help answer the emails from sponsors with questions
- Thank sponsors on-site during booth setup
- Send out a sponsor satisfaction survey
- Make past DjangoCon site static
- Branding & design pass PyCon example
- Stand up new DjangoCon site
- Compile a wish-list of website improvements
- Determine who will be making these improvements
- Replace all references to 2014 with 2015
- Review all content to make sure it's current (English)
- Solve the mass email problem (mailgun?)
- Update DjangoCon.us site to be more current
- Password manager
- Notify Freenode as soon as we know our IP for the conference
- Ask the community for input PyCon example
- Have a committee determine the keynotes
- Reach out to the keynotes
- Collect the keynote bios and headshots
- Update the keynotes page on the site
- Create talk proposals for the keynotes, so that they can be scheduled
- Assign someone to be "responsible" for each keynote (as in keynote happiness)
- Book the keynote hotel rooms
- Reimburse keynotes for flights
- Select a keynote master of ceremonies
- Thank the keynotes
- Reset the [email protected] mailing list
- Determine the financial aid ticket price
- Determine the financial aid tiers
- Determine the financial aid selection criteria
- Update the financial workflow in the app
- Update the financial aid page on the site
- Use consistent naming on the website: financial aid, not assistance
- Review the financial aid applications
- Generate financial aid promo codes for registration
- Make sure financial aid recipients can register for one tutorial at a reduced rate
- Make sure financial aid recipients know about the free sponsor workshops
- Draft & send the accept/decline emails
- Save those emails in this repository for future reference
- Be prepared to answer a lot of email from financial aid recipients with questions
- Update the room sharing site, since we will not be pairing people going forward
- Let financial aid recipient know to get their invitation letters and visas ASAP
- Determine how grants will be distributed (cash, paypal, cheque)
- Figure out how we can make grant distribution less hard
- Get money from the bank (on-site)
- Determine precise dates, locations for on-site grant distribution
- On-site grant administration
- Put money back in the bank (on-site)
- Reset the [email protected] mailing list
- Determine which events will use the DjangoCon registration system
- Determine which events will use something else like Eventbrite
- Determine this year's conference prices
- Update the registration pages with prices etc
- Make sure the registration system supports Unicode characters
- Make the registration page "looks" better
- Add a registration FAQ to the registration menu
- Help answer misc emails to the registration mailing list
- Reset the [email protected] mailing list
- Update the call for proposal pages
- Enable talk proposals on the site
- Review proposals
- Provide proposal feedback
- Draft & send the accept/decline emails
- Save those emails in this repo for future reference
- Determine the talk schedule
- Publish the talk schedule
- Email all speakers with A/V requirements etc before DjangoCon
- Save that email in this repo for future reference
- Create registration for a program committee lunch
- Update the call for proposal pages
- Enable tutorial proposals on the site
- Review proposals
- Provide proposal feedback
- Determine tutorial stipend amount
- Communicate the stipend amount in the accept emails
- Draft & send the accept/decline emails
- Save those emails in this repo for future reference
- Create a form to collect instructor info (address, tax info, etc)
- Schedule the tutorials
- Publish the tutorial schedule on the site (without room numbers)
- Monitor attendance numbers, cap tutorials, etc
- Update the tutorial schedule on the site with room numbers, based on enrollment
- Email all instructors with A/V requirements etc before DjangoCon
- Save that email in this repo for future reference
- Prepare a tutorial survey
- Create registration for a tutorial instructors lunch
- Drop printed material (or an alternative) off in each room
- Take tutorial attendance
- Distribute tutorial survey link
- Only one day this year? (the Thursday)
- Enable workshop proposals on the site
- Have each sponsor enter a bio and workshop proposal
- Accept the workshop proposals
- Schedule the sponsor workshops on the site
- Create registration for the sponsor workshops
- On-site selection only (update the proposals page to reflect this)
- Update the sprints pages on the site
- Encourage projects to have a list of easy tickets ready and publish them beforehand
- Brainstorm ways to make sprints friendlier to new contributors
- Make sure sprint supplies have been ordered
- Create the sprint room allocation boards
- Make sure sprinters know when & where lunch is so food isn't wasted
- Check the temperature of the sprints rooms
- Determine how many DjangoCon Dinners we'll have
- Determine the cost of each dinner
- Determine where those dinners will be held
- Determine the dinner themes
- Determine who will host those dinners
- Create registration for the dinners
- Update the DjangoCon Dinners page on the site
- Arrange and communicate the A/V requirements, layout, etc
- Check-in with the dinners hosts in the weeks prior to the conference
- Have the registration desk print off the dinner attendee lists at 5pm before the dinner
- On-site dinner ticket collection (two DjangoCon volunteers per dinner)
- Thank the dinner hosts
- Design DjangoCon stickers
- Order DjangoCon stickers
- Design DjangoCon swag bag
- Order DjangoCon swag bag
- Brainstorm a fun DjangoCon souvenir (travel mug, etc)
- Water table during swag bag stuffing
- Music during swag bag stuffing
- Better box cutters for opening swag boxes
- Add volunteer slot to swag bag stuffing setup
- Determine who will be providing childcare
- Determine the cost per child per day
- Update the childcare page on the site
- Create registration for childcare
- Email people registered for childcare just before DjangoCon
- Save that email in this repo for future reference
- Add photography policy to site
- Update the volunteer pages on the site
- Do not reset the organizers mailing list [email protected]
- Help answer emails on the organizers mailing list
- Create the on-site volunteering spreadsheet (reg desk, swag had out, etc)
- Email volunteers before DjangoCon with more details, where they should meet etc
- Save those emails in this repo for future reference
- Add session staff sign-up to the schedule - the [s] buttons on the schedule
- Call for session chairs and runners
- Make sure those session volunteers have registered and are still attending
- Email all session chairs and runners before the conference with more info
- Save that email in this repo for future reference
- Make sure session staff know about any messages that should be announced
- Determine who will give the opening messages
- Determine who will give the closing messages
- Have the survey ready for the closing messages
- Staff room supplies
- Green room supplies: flipchart paper, 4x150 post-it notes in different colors, pens, printer, printer paper, large analog clock
- Prepare staff + speaker check-in board
- Prepare and print session staff + speaker information sheets ("Green Room" folder in Google Drive)
- Determine which company will be doing the A/V
- Who's creating video splash screen?
- Video Editing?
- Create new YouTube channel for the current year under the DjangoCon account (David Wolever has login info)
- Create spreadsheet with YouTube video titles + descriptions for A/V crew to copy+paste into YouTube; video crew will paste YouTube video URLs into this spreadsheet.
- Make sure that spreadsheet includes the DO NOT PUBLISH flag
- Ping PyVideo with URL for the spreadsheet (Will or Sheila)
- ConFreaks
- YouTube account
- Slides?
- Create a flickr group for DjangoCon pics
- Tweet that group from the DjangoCon twitter account
- Create a slide-show with those pics (closing ceremony)
- Publish menu online this year, so that people know what they can eat etc
- Ask the convention center to label the food so that people know what they can eat etc
- Menu: Tutorials, Day 1, Morning Break
- Menu: Tutorials, Day 1, Lunch
- Menu: Tutorials, Day 1, Afternoon Break
- Menu: Conference, Day 1, Breakfast
- Menu: Conference, Day 1, Morning Break
- Menu: Conference, Day 1, Lunch
- Menu: Conference, Day 1, Afternoon Break
- Menu: Conference, Day 2, Breakfast
- Menu: Conference, Day 2, Morning Break
- Menu: Conference, Day 2, Lunch
- Menu: Conference, Day 2, Afternoon Break
- Menu: Conference, Day 3, Breakfast
- Menu: Conference, Day 3, Morning Break
- Menu: Conference, Day 3, Lunch
- Menu: Sprints, Day 1, Lunch
- Menu: Sprints, Day 2, Lunch
- Menu: Opening Reception
- Menu: DEFNA lunch
- Menu: Program Committee lunch
- Menu: Tutorial Instructors lunch
- Menu: Staff room / green room coffee etc
- Menu: Water in the hallways
- Storage
- Staff Room
- Green Room
- Plenary
- Talks
- Tutorials
- Sponsor Workshops
- Childcare
- Sprints
- Misc Lunches
- Lunches
- Breaks
- Order easels from the venue
- Registration desk branding
- Podium branding
- Floorplan signage, with accessibility info
- Blank Signs with sleeve to use for directions etc
- Swag Bag Distribution Sign
- Opening Reception sponsor banner
- Coffee break sponsored by banner
- Expo hall cocktail table stickers
- Print sprint room sign-up board on foam core
- T-shirt signs (when unclaimed t-shirts will go on sale, etc)
- Determine a printer
- Publish the sizes & t-shirt brand in advance
- Design
- Staff shirts
- Fun run shirts
- Order them
- Badge Design
- Lead retrieval considerations
- Different badges for different attendee types
- Determine who will be making the print program
- Print program cover design & review
- Create dropbox folder for content
- Have the print designer create a floor plan
- Welcome message from the chair
- Expo hall booth map
- Email all speakers asking them to make sure their bios and desc are current
- Save that email in this repo for future reference
- Email sponsors multiple times about the print program deadlines
- Save those [generic] emails in this repo for future reference
- Export content from app
- Create a spreadsheet for print program change requests
- Have someone review the print program
- Determine how many print programs to order
- Order them
- Compile a list of all events (rooms, times)
- Have survey ready before DjangoCon
- Have thank you blog post mostly written before DjangoCon
- Have staff thank-yous ready before DjangoCon
- Don't forget on-site volunteers