Release 1.5 delivers the automatic metadata discovery of duplicate assets, Additional, in Tech Preview, Data Engine OMAS, and a data engine proxy server.
The first governance server is released:
- The Discovery Server supports the scanning of assets and the notification when duplicate suspects are detected.
This server is supported by:
The Discovery Engine OMAS supports the detection, recording and notification of exceptions and duplicate suspects.
The Open Discovery Framework (ODF) is now defined and implemented to support the interfaces for automated discovery services. It complements the Open Connector Framework (OCF) delivered in release 1.0.
There are new tutorials, hands-on labs and samples demonstrating the new de-duplication detection features.
The Data Engine OMAS supports the processing of notifications from data engines such as ETL platforms in order to catalog information about the data movement, transformation and copying they are engaged in.
The Data Engine Proxy Server is also included in the technical preview. It supports the polling of data engines such as ETL platforms in order to catalog information about the data movement, transformation and copying they are engaged in. It calls the Data Engine OMAS.
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.