Hardhat plugin to simplify the deployment and verification of contracts.
This plugin helps you deploy and verify the source code for your Solidity contracts through the specification of migrations. With sleek UX, the plugin enables users to:
- Specify custom smart contracts deployment rules and configuration via @ethers.
- Relax from the source code verification hassle due to seamless integration with @nomicfoundation/hardhat-verify.
- Enjoy full Typechain support for
, andTruffle
. - Leverage the "migration recovery mode" that automatically syncs up the deployment to the last failed transaction.
- Observe the real-time status of transactions being executed.
- Benefit from "reconnection spinner" if the network goes down during the deployment.
- Simplify the
usage via auto-linking mechanics. - And much more.
npm install --save-dev @solarity/hardhat-migrate
And add the following statement to your hardhat.config.js
Or, if you are using TypeScript, add this to your hardhat.config.ts
import "@solarity/hardhat-migrate";
See How it works for further information.
It is also mandatory to specify the naming convention for migrations such as this one:
- Where X is an ordinal number of the migration in which it will be applied.
- migration_name is simply the name of the migration.
task, which allows you to deploy and automatically verify contracts.migrate:verify
task, which helps you verify already deployed contracts.
Hardhat Config: Make sure they are follow the docs from @nomicfoundation/hardhat-verify
Do not import @solarity/hardhat-migrate
and @nomicfoundation/hardhat-verify
, @nomicfoundation/hardhat-ethers
together, the etherscan plugin is already included in the migrate plugin.
To view the available options, run the command (help command):
npx hardhat help migrate
This plugin does not extend the Hardhat Runtime Environment.
You may add the following migrate
config to your hardhat config file:
module.exports = {
migrate: {
from: -1,
to: -1,
only: -1,
skip: -1,
wait: 1,
verify: false,
verifyParallel: 1,
verifyAttempts: 3,
pathToMigrations: "./deploy",
force: false,
continue: false,
transactionStatusCheckInterval: 2000,
: The migration number from which the migration will be applied.to
: The migration number up to which the migration will be applied.only
: The number of the migration that will be applied. Overrides from and to parameters.skip
: The number of migration to skip. Overrides only parameter.wait
: The number of confirmations to wait for after the transaction is mined.verify
: The flag indicating whether the contracts have to be verified after all migrations.verifyParallel
: The size of the batch for verification.verifyAttempts
: The number of attempts to verify the contract.pathToMigrations
: The path to the folder with the specified migrations.force
: The flag indicating whether the contracts compilation is forced.continue
: The flag indicating whether the deployment should restore the state from the previous deployment.transactionStatusCheckInterval
: The interval in milliseconds between transaction status checks.
You can set your own migrations and deploy the contracts to the network you want.
npx hardhat migrate --network sepolia --verify --only 2
In this case, only the migration that begins with digit 2 will be applied.
The plugin will also attempt to automatically verify the deployed contracts after all migrations are complete.
npx hardhat migrate --network sepolia --from 1 --to 2
In this case, migrations 1 through 2 (both) will be applied without the automatic verification.
The plugin includes the following packages to perform the deployment and verification process:
- For deployment
- For verification:
The core of this plugin is migration files, you can specify the migration route that suits you best.
Below is a sample migration file (1_simple.migration.ts):
import { Deployer, Reporter } from "@solarity/hardhat-migrate";
import { GovToken__factory } from "../typechain-types";
const TOKEN_OWNER = "0x1E3953B6ee74461169A3E346060AE27bD0B5bF2B";
export = async (deployer: Deployer) => {
const govToken = await deployer.deploy(GovToken__factory, ["Token", "TKN"]);
const transferOwnershipTx = (await (await govToken.transferOwnership(TOKEN_OWNER)).wait())!;
await Reporter.reportTransactionByHash(
"Transfer Ownership of Governance Token to Token Owner",
`Governance Token ${await govToken.name()} (${await govToken.symbol()}) Address`,
await govToken.getAddress(),
This example illustrates the basic principles of how migrations operate:
- The core component is the
object, which acts as a wrapper for the @ethers library, facilitating the deployment and processing of contracts. - The
class, a static entity, logs intermediary information into the console. - It is required to import contract factories, or, in the case of Truffle, the necessary Truffle Contract Instance that need to be deployed.
- All relevant constants can be defined if necessary.
- The migration file's main body grants access to the deployer object, allowing for contract deployment and supporting recovery from failures in previous migration runs.
- Standard transaction-sending processes are used without special wrappers.
- The migration concludes with the
class summarizing the migration details.
Migration files are executed in ascending order, sorted by the ordinal file number (the number in the file name).
Parameters such as from
, to
, only
, and skip
influence the selection of migration files.
The Deployer offers several functionalities:
- deploy(contractInstance, argsOrParameters, parameters):
Utilizes ContractFactory
from @ethers to deploy contracts, inferring types and providing enhanced functionalities like transaction recovery and reporting. It also stores deployment transaction data for later contract verification.
- save(contractInstance | name, address):
Saves the contract to storage under the given address
without deployment.
- deployed(contractInstance, contractIdentifier):
Returns the deployed contract instance, inferring types and enhancing functionalities for comfortable interaction.
- sendNative(to, value, name <- optional):
Facilitates sending native assets to a specified address, primarily for the recovery process.
- getSigner(from <- optional):
Retrieves an ethers signer for use in migrations.
- getChainId():
Identifies the current chain ID for the deployment.
The Reporter, a static class, provides functionalities like:
- reportTransactionByHash(hash, name <- optional):
Retrieves and displays transaction receipts with standard formatting.
- reportContracts(...contracts: [string, string][]):
Displays a list of contract names and addresses in a table format.
The usage of these functionalities is demonstrated in the sample migration file above.
Most of the functions exposed by the Truffle contract, which directly impact or create the Truffle Contract Instance, are not supported.
The following function is supported:
- link
For a usage example, see the deployment scripts in the fixture project created to test how plugins work with Truffle.
We have introduced the capability to assign a specific name to each transaction, enhancing its entropy. This feature varies depending on the framework used.
In Ethers.js, you can specify the transaction name using the customData
field within the overrides.
A special field, txName
, is dedicated for this purpose.
Here’s an example of how to set a transaction name using Ethers.js:
await govToken.transferOwnership(TOKEN_OWNER, { customData: { txName: "Transfer Ownership" }});
This method helps avoid potential collisions and ensures a smoother recovery process.
For those using Truffle, the transaction name can be specified using the txName
field. Here's how you can do it:
await govToken.transferOwnership(TOKEN_OWNER, { txName: "Transfer Ownership" });
The primary purpose of naming transactions is to facilitate the deployment process.
If an error occurs, you can use the --continue
flag to resume the deployment from the point of failure.
The Migrator will utilize these names to distinguish between identical transactions
For a list of parameters that affect the verification process, see Parameter Explanation.
If verification fails, the attempts
parameter indicates how many additional requests will be made before the migration process is terminated.
- This plugin, as well as the Hardhat Toolbox plugin, use the @nomicfoundation/hardhat-verify plugin internally, so both of these plugins cannot be imported at the same time. A quick fix is to manually import the needed plugins that ToolBox imports.
- Adding, removing, moving or renaming new contracts to the hardhat project or reorganizing the directory structure of contracts after deployment may alter the resulting bytecode in some solc versions. See this Solidity issue for further information.
- This plugin does not function properly with native Truffle methods, such as in
, unless otherwise specified above at the instance level. For example, instead of usingcontract.deployed()
, it is necessary to use thedeployer.deploy()