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go get -u
// take mysql as an example
go get -u

Connect to Database

  • Gorm can support MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQlite, SQL Server. Take SQLServer as an example.
// import driver
import (

dsn := "sqlserver://gorm:LoremIpsum86@localhost:9930?database=gorm"
db, err := gorm.Open(sqlserver.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})
  • DSN(data source name).
  • Note that always check err before operating CRUD. Here panic is suggested if the database cannot be connected.


  • GORM uses ID as the primary key, the snake-case of the structure name as the table name, the snake-case field name as the column name, and uses the CreatedAt, UpdatedAt fields to track creation and update time. So, ID, CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, DeletedAt will be automatically created and work as their name.
type Product struct {
    ID      uint    `gorm:"primarykey"`
    Code    string  `gorm:"column: code"`
    Price   uint    `gorm:"column: user_id"`

    // can set default values
    Name    string `gorm:"default:galeone"`
    Age     int64  `gorm:"default:18"`

    // the belows can be created automatically
    CreatedAt time.Time
    UpdatedAt time.Time
    DeletedAt sql.NullTime `gorm:"index"`


  • One piece of data.
p := &Product({ Code : "042", Price: 100})
res := db.Create(p)
if res.Error != nil{
    // error handler
  • Multiple pieces of data
// Create a list of struct
products := []*Product{{Code : "041"}, {Code : "042"}, {Code : "043"}}
res := db.Create(products)
if res.Error != nil{
    // error handler
  • Is it no need to set values for ID, CreatedAt, etc.
  • Use clause.Onconfict to handle conflict. We cannot use when after Create().
p := &Product({ Code : "042", ID: 1})
// here we do nothing when conflict happens
db.Clauses(clause.Onconfict{DoNothing : true}).Create(&p)


  • First method returns the first data that meets the specified criteria, ErrRecodeNotFound if no such data.
u := &Prodyct{}
  • Find method returns multiple data meets where criteria, nothing if no such data.
p := &Product{}
// Get first matched record
res := db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").First(p)
// SELECT * FROM products WHERE name = 'jinzhu' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1;

products := make([]*Product, 0)
// Get all matched records
res = db.Where("name <> ?", "jinzhu").Find(&products)
// SELECT * FROM products WHERE name <> 'jinzhu';

// Other Inquiries
// IN
db.Where("name IN ?", []string{"jinzhu", "jinzhu 2"}).Find(&products)
// SELECT * FROM products WHERE name IN ('jinzhu','jinzhu 2');

db.Where("name LIKE ?", "%jin%").Find(&products)
// SELECT * FROM products WHERE name LIKE '%jin%';

// AND
db.Where("name = ? AND age >= ?", "jinzhu", "22").Find(&products)
// SELECT * FROM products WHERE name = 'jinzhu' AND age >= 22;

// Time
db.Where("updated_at > ?", lastWeek).Find(&products)
// SELECT * FROM products WHERE updated_at > '2000-01-01 00:00:00';

db.Where("created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", lastWeek, today).Find(&products)
// SELECT * FROM products WHERE created_at BETWEEN '2000-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2000-01-08 00:00:00';
  • When using a struct as an inquiry, the zero values(eg, 0, false) will not be used. If zero values is needed, we can use map as a inquery.
db.Where(map[string]interface{}{"name": "jinzhu", "age": 0}).Find(&products)
// SELECT * FROM products WHERE name = "jinzhu" AND age = 0;
  • Slice can used as a inquery.
db.Where([]int64{20, 21, 22}).Find(&products)
// SELECT * FROM products WHERE id IN (20, 21, 22);


  • Single
db.Model(&product).Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").Update("Price", 200)
  • Multiple
db.Model(&Product{ID : 111}).Updates(Product{Name : "hello", Age : 20})
  • Can use map or Select update zero values.
db.Model(&product).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"Price": 200, "activated": false})
  • Selected Column
// only update price even though multiple columns in the map
db.Model(&Product{ID : 111}).Select("Price").Updates(map[string]interface{}{"Price": 200, "activated": false})
  • SQL
db.Model(&Product{ID : 111}).Updates("age", gorm.Expr("age * ? + ?", 2, 100))


  • Hard Delete
// DELETE from products where id = 10;

// where could be used
db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").Delete(&p)
// DELETE from products where id = 10 AND name = "jinzhu";

db.Delete(&User{}, 10)
// DELETE FROM products WHERE id = 10;

db.Delete(&User{}, "10")
// DELETE FROM products WHERE id = 10;

db.Delete(&products, []int{1,2,3})
// DELETE FROM products WHERE id IN (1,2,3);

db.Where("product LIKE ?", "%jinzhu%").Delete(&Product{})
// DELETE from products where product LIKE "%jinzhu%";

db.Delete(&Product{}, "product LIKE ?", "%jinzhu%")
// DELETE from products where product LIKE "%jinzhu%";
  • Soft Delete
// use gorm.DeletedAt
// when call Delete(), the data will not be deleted physically
// but label DeletedAt as current time
// when calling Find(), soft-deleted data will be ignored
type User struct {
  ID int64
  Name string
  Age int64
  Deleted gorm.DeletedAt

db.Where("age = ?", 20).Delete(&User{})
// UPDATE users SET deleted_at="2013-10-29 10:23" WHERE age = 20;

// Use Unscoped can find soft-deleted data or realize hard delete
db.Unscoped().Where("age = 20").Find(&users)
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE age = 20;
// DELETE FROM orders WHERE id=10;


  • Transaction is a sequence of database operations that are either all executed or none of them are executed. A transaction consists of all database operations performed between the start of the transaction and the end of the transaction.
  • If CUD is not needed, better to disable transaction to improve performance. Use PrepareStmt caches prepared statements can improve the speed of subsequent calls.
db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("gorm.db"), &gorm.Config{
  SkipDefaultTransaction: true,
  PrepareStmt: true
  • Gorm Transaction provides Begin(), Commit and Rollback().
// use tx instead of db to start a transaction
tx := db.Begin()
// db operations
// ...// rollback if error occurs
if err := tx.Create(...).Error; err != nil{
// otherwise submit this transaction
  • Gorm also provides a Transaction method.
if err := db.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error {
  if err := tx.Create(&User{Name: "name"}).Error; err != nil {
    // rollback automatically
    return err

  if err := tx.Create(&User{Name: "name1"}).Error; err != nil {
    return err

  return nil
}); err != nil{


  • Hook are functions called before or after CRUD operations.
type User struct {
    ID      int64
    Name    string `gorm:"default:galeone"`
    Age     string `gorm:"default:18"`
type Email struct {
    ID      int64
    Name    string
    Email   string
func (u *User) BeforeCreate(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
    if u.Age < 0 {
        return errors.New("can't save invalid data")
    return nil;
func (u *User) AfterCreate(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
    return tx.Create(&Email{ID: u.ID, Email: i.Name + "@***.com"}).Error
  • Hook will be called automatically when calling CRUD. If it returns an error, GORM will stop subsequent operations and rollback the transaction.


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Code Generation
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Sharding Tables
Optimistic Lock
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