diff --git a/src/maritime_schema/subpackage1/__init__.py b/src/maritime_schema/schema/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/maritime_schema/subpackage1/__init__.py
rename to src/maritime_schema/schema/__init__.py
diff --git a/src/maritime_schema/subpackage1/module1.py b/src/maritime_schema/schema/module1.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/maritime_schema/subpackage1/module1.py
rename to src/maritime_schema/schema/module1.py
diff --git a/src/maritime_schema/schema/types.py b/src/maritime_schema/schema/types.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09f62cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/maritime_schema/schema/types.py
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+import json
+import logging
+from uuid import UUID, uuid4
+from enum import Enum, IntEnum
+from typing import List, Optional, Union, Dict, Any
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, Extra
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def to_camel(string: str) -> str:
+ words = string.split('_')
+ return words[0] + ''.join(word.capitalize() for word in words[1:])
+class AISNavStatus(str, Enum):
+ UNDER_WAY_USING_ENGINE = "Under way using engine"
+ AT_ANCHOR = "At anchor"
+ NOT_UNDER_COMMAND = "Not under command"
+ RESTRICTED_MANOEUVERABILITY = "Restricted manoeuverability"
+ CONSTRAINED_BY_HER_DRAUGHT = "Constrained by her draught"
+ MOORED = "Moored"
+ AGROUND = "Aground"
+ ENGAGED_IN_FISHING = "Engaged in fishing"
+ UNDER_WAY_SAILING = "Under way sailing"
+ RESERVED_FOR_FUTURE_AMENDMENT_OF_NAVIGATIONAL_STATUS_FOR_HSC = "Reserved for future amendment of navigational status for HSC"
+ RESERVED_FOR_FUTURE_AMENDMENT_OF_NAVIGATIONAL_STATUS_FOR_WIG = "Reserved for future amendment of navigational status for WIG"
+ RESERVED_FOR_FUTURE_USE_1 = "Reserved for future use 1"
+ RESERVED_FOR_FUTURE_USE_2 = "Reserved for future use 2"
+ RESERVED_FOR_FUTURE_USE_3 = "Reserved for future use 3"
+ NOT_DEFINED_DEFAULT = "Not defined (default)"
+class GeneralShipType(str, Enum):
+ WING_IN_GROUND = "Wing in ground"
+ FISHING = "Fishing"
+ TOWING = "Towing"
+ DREDGING_OR_UNDERWATER_OPS = "Dredging or underwater ops"
+ DIVING_OPS = "Diving ops"
+ MILITARY_OPS = "Military ops"
+ SAILING = "Sailing"
+ PLEASURE_CRAFT = "Pleasure Craft"
+ HIGH_SPEED_CRAFT = "High speed craft"
+ PILOT_VESSEL = "Pilot Vessel"
+ SEARCH_AND_RESCUE_VESSEL = "Search and Rescue vessel"
+ TUG = "Tug"
+ PORT_TENDER = "Port Tender"
+ ANTI_POLLUTION = "Anti-pollution"
+ LAW_ENFORCEMENT = "Law Enforcement"
+ MEDICAL_TRANSPORT = "Medical Transport"
+ NONCOMBATANT_SHIP = "Noncombatant ship"
+ PASSENGER = "Passenger"
+ CARGO = "Cargo"
+ TANKER = "Tanker"
+ OTHER_TYPE = "Other Type"
+class InterpolationMethod(str, Enum):
+ LINEAR = "linear"
+ COSINE = "cosine"
+ SMOOTHSTEP = "smoothstep"
+ ACCELERATE = "accelerate"
+ DECELERATE = "decelerate"
+ ORDINAL = "ordinal"
+class WaveSpectra(Enum):
+ PiersonMoskowitz = "Pierson-Moskowitz"
+ Bretschneider = "Bretschneider"
+class WeatherCondition(Enum):
+ Clear = "Clear"
+ Cloudy = "Cloudy"
+ Foggy = "Foggy"
+ Rainy = "Rainy"
+ Snowy = "Snowy"
+class PrecipitationType(Enum):
+ None_ = "None"
+ Rain = "Rain"
+ Snow = "Snow"
+ Sleet = "Sleet"
+ Hail = "Hail"
+class Environment(BaseModel):
+ air_temperature: float = Field(None, description='The air temperature in degrees Celsius', examples=[20.0])
+ water_remperature: float = Field(None, description='The water temperature in degrees Celsius', examples=[15.0])
+ precipitation: PrecipitationType = Field(None, description='The type of precipitation', examples=[PrecipitationType.Rain])
+ wind_speed: float = Field(None, description='The wind speed in m/s', examples=[10.0])
+ wind_direction: float = Field(None, description='The wind direction in degrees', examples=[180.0])
+ current_speed: float = Field(None, description='The current speed in m/s', examples=[1.0])
+ current_direction: float = Field(None, description='The current direction in degrees', examples=[90.0])
+ wave_spectrum: WaveSpectra = Field(None, description='The wave spectrum', examples=[WaveSpectra.JONSWAP])
+ significant_wave_height: float = Field(None, description='The significant wave height in meters', examples=[3.0])
+ wave_period: float = Field(None, description='The wave period in seconds', examples=[12.0])
+ wave_direction: float = Field(None, description='The wave direction in degrees', examples=[270.0])
+ visibility: float = Field(None, description='The visibility in nautical miles', examples=[5.0])
+ conditions: WeatherCondition = Field(None, description='The overall weather conditions', examples=[WeatherCondition.Clear])
+ class Config:
+ alias_generator = to_camel
+ populate_by_name = True
+environment = Environment(air_temperature=20.0, water_remperature=15.0, precipitation=PrecipitationType.Rain, wind_speed=10.0, wind_direction=180.0, current_speed=1.0, current_direction=90.0, wave_spectrum=WaveSpectra.JONSWAP, significant_wave_height=3.0, wave_period=12.0, wave_direction=270.0, visibility=5.0, conditions=WeatherCondition.Clear)
+class Position(BaseModel):
+ latitude: float = Field(..., ge=-90, le=90, description='WGS-84 latitude', examples =[51.2131])
+ longitude: float = Field(..., ge=-180, le=180, description='WGS-84 longitude', examples =[11.2131])
+position_example = Position(latitude = 57.2343, longitude=10.3432)
+class ShipStatic(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Static ship data that will not change during the scenario.
+ """
+ id: UUID = Field(..., description="Unique Identifier", examples = [uuid4()])
+ length: float = Field(g=0, description="Length of the ship in meters", examples=[230.0])
+ width: float = Field(g=0, description="Width of the ship in meters", examples=[30.0])
+ height: Optional[float] = Field(10, g=0, description="Height of the ship in meters", examples=[15.0])
+ mmsi: Optional[int] = Field(None, ge=100000000, le=999999999, description="Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI)", examples=[123456789])
+ imo: Optional[int] = Field(None, ge=1000000, le=9999999, description="IMO Number", examples=[1234567])
+ name: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Ship title", examples = ['RMS Titanic'])
+ ship_type : GeneralShipType = Field(description="General ship type, based on AIS")
+ class Config:
+ alias_generator = to_camel
+ populate_by_name = True
+ship_static_example = ShipStatic(id = uuid4(), length=230.0, width=30.0, height=15.0, mmsi=123456789, name='RMS Titanic', ship_type=GeneralShipType.FISHING)
+class Initial(BaseModel):
+ position: Position = Field(..., title = "Longitude and Latitude Values", description = "A geographical coordinate", examples = [Position(latitude = 51.2123, longitude=11.2313)])
+ sog: float = Field(..., ge = 0, title = "Initial ship speed over ground", description = "Initial ship speed over ground in knots", examples = [10.0])
+ cog: float = Field(..., ge = 0, le = 360, title = "Initial ship course over ground", description = "Initial ship course over ground in degrees", examples =[45.0])
+ heading: Optional[float] = Field(None, ge = 0, le = 360, title = "Initial ship heading", description = "Initial ship heading in degrees", examples =[45.2])
+ nav_status: AISNavStatus = Field(..., description="AIS Navigational Status")
+ class Config:
+ alias_generator = to_camel
+ populate_by_name = True
+initial_example = Initial(position=Position(latitude = 51.2123, longitude=11.2313), sog=12.3, cog=284.2, heading=283.1, nav_status=AISNavStatus.UNDER_WAY_USING_ENGINE)
+class DataPoint(BaseModel):
+ value: float = Field(..., description='the value of the data at the current timestep', examples = [12.3])
+ m_before_leg_change: float = Field(..., description='meters before the waypoint to start interpolating to the new value', examples=[10])
+ m_after_leg_change: float = Field(..., description='meters after the waypoint to finish interpolating to the new value', examples=[10])
+ interp_method: Union[InterpolationMethod, str] = Field("linear", description='Method used for interpolation')
+ class Config:
+ alias_generator = to_camel
+ populate_by_name = True
+data_point_example1 = DataPoint(value = 12.3, m_before_leg_change = 100, m_after_leg_change = 100, interp_method = "linear")
+data_point_example2 = DataPoint(value = 200, m_before_leg_change = 500, m_after_leg_change = 500, interp_method = "cosine")
+class Data(BaseModel):
+ sog: DataPoint = Field(None, description='Speed data point', examples=[DataPoint(value=12.3, m_before_leg_change=100, m_after_leg_change=100, interp_method="linear")])
+ heading: DataPoint = Field(None, description='Heading data point', examples=[DataPoint(value=180, m_before_leg_change=100, m_after_leg_change=100, interp_method="linear")])
+ class Config:
+ alias_generator = to_camel
+ populate_by_name = True
+ extra = 'allow'
+ json_schema_extra = {
+ "additionalProperties": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "value": {"type": "number"},
+ "mBeforeLegChange": {"type": "number"},
+ "mAfterLegChange": {"type": "number"},
+ "interpMethod": {"type": "string"}
+ },
+ "required": ["value", "mBeforeLegChange", "mAfterLegChange", "interpMethod"],
+ "description": "The 'data' field can include additional properties. All additional properties should be DataPoint objects."
+ }
+ }
+class Waypoint(BaseModel):
+ position: Position = Field(description="A geographical coordinate", examples=[Position(latitude=51.2123, longitude=11.2313)])
+ turn_radius: float = Field(0, description='Orthodrome turn radius as defined in RTZ format', examples=[200])
+ data: Data = Field(None, description='A `Data` object that includes `speed`, `course`, and `heading` data points')
+ class Config:
+ alias_generator = to_camel
+ populate_by_name = True
+waypoint_example = Waypoint(position=position_example, turn_radius=500, data=Data(sog=data_point_example1, cog=data_point_example2))
+class Ship(BaseModel):
+ static: Optional[ShipStatic] = Field(description = 'Static ship information which does not change during a scenario.', examples = [ship_static_example])
+ initial: Initial = Field(title = 'Initial own ship Initial', examples = [initial_example])
+ waypoints: Optional[List[Waypoint]] = Field(None, description='An array of `Waypoint` objects. Each waypoint object must have a `position` property.
If no turn radius is provided, it will be assumed to be `0`.
Additional data can be added to each waypoint leg. This allows varying parameters on a per-leg basis, such as speed and heading, or navigational status ', examples = [waypoint_example])
+ship_example = Ship(static = ship_static_example, initial = initial_example, waypoints = [waypoint_example])
+class OwnShip(Ship):
+ pass
+class TargetShip(Ship):
+ pass
+class TrafficSituation(BaseModel):
+ title: str = Field(description = 'The title of the traffic situation', examples = ['overtaking_18'], omit_default=True)
+ description: str = Field(description = 'A description of the traffic situation', examples = ['Crossing situation with 3 target vessels in the Oslofjord'])
+ start_time: Optional[datetime] = Field(None, title = 'Situation starting time', description = 'Starting time of the situation in `ISO 8601` format `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ`', examples = [datetime.now()])
+ own_ship: OwnShip = Field(title = "Own Ship data", description='Own Ship data', examples = [ship_example])
+ target_ships: List[TargetShip] = Field(None, title = "Target Ship data", description='Target Ship data', examples = [[ship_example]])
+ environment: Optional[Environment] = Field(None, description = 'environmental parameters', examples = [environment] )
+ class Config:
+ alias_generator = to_camel
+ populate_by_name = True
+ title = "Test Input Schema"
+ extra = 'allow'
+# if __name__ == '__main__':
+# schema = json.dumps(TrafficSituation.model_json_schema())
+# with open('input_schema\scenario_schema.json', 'w') as f:
+# f.write(schema)
+# from json_schema_for_humans.generate import generate_from_filename
+# from json_schema_for_humans.generation_configuration import GenerationConfiguration
+# config = GenerationConfiguration(template_name = 'js_offline', expand_buttons=True, link_to_reused_ref=False, show_breadcrumbs=False)
+# generate_from_filename("input_schema\scenario_schema.json", r"C:\Users\MINHEM\OneDrive - DNV\Simulator based testing\Schemas\input_schema\input_schema.html", config=config)
+from datetime import datetime
+from uuid import uuid4
+# Ownship
+ownship_initial = Initial(
+ position=Position(latitude=57.7089, longitude=11.9746), # Gothenburg
+ sog=20.0,
+ cog=90.0,
+ nav_status=AISNavStatus.UNDER_WAY_USING_ENGINE
+ownship = OwnShip(
+ static=ShipStatic(id=uuid4(), length=230.0, width=30.0, ship_type=GeneralShipType.PASSENGER),
+ initial=ownship_initial
+# Target vessel 1 (Head-on)
+target1_initial = Initial(
+ position=Position(latitude=57.7089, longitude=10.9746), # West of Gothenburg
+ sog=20.0,
+ cog=270.0,
+ nav_status=AISNavStatus.UNDER_WAY_USING_ENGINE
+target1 = TargetShip(
+ static=ShipStatic(id=uuid4(), length=180.0, width=28.0, ship_type=GeneralShipType.CARGO),
+ initial=target1_initial
+# Traffic situation
+traffic_situation = TrafficSituation(
+ title='head-on scenario',
+ description='One vessel is approaching head-on',
+ start_time=datetime.now(),
+ own_ship=ownship,
+ target_ships=[target1],
+name_example = 'AutoNavigation-System 1'
+name_example1 = 'Simulator-System 1'
+version_example = "1.2.3"
+vendor_example = "CompanyABC"
+class SoftwareConfig(BaseModel):
+ name: str = Field(..., description="The name of the system", examples = [name_example])
+ version: str = Field(..., description="The software version", examples = ["1.2.3"])
+ vendor: str = Field(..., description="The name of the system vendor", examples = ["CompanyABC"])
+ class Config:
+ extra = 'allow'
+software_config_example = SoftwareConfig(name = name_example, version = version_example, vendor = vendor_example)
+software_config_example1 = SoftwareConfig(name = name_example1, version = version_example, vendor = vendor_example)
+class CagaConfiguration(SoftwareConfig):
+ vendor_minimum_distance_to_targets: float = Field(None, description = "Minimum distance in meters that the system will keep to other Vessels", examples = [100])
+ vendor_critical_TCPA: float = Field(None, description = "If the projected CPA is less than minimumDistanceToTargets, and TCPA falls below criticalTCPA, a new manoeuver should be calculated", examples = [1000])
+ vendor_manoeuver_delay: float = Field(None, description = "Time given in seconds to the navigator / system, before the proposed manoeuver is no longer able to be excecuted", examples = [20])
+ vendor_safety_depth: float = Field(None, description= "Minimum safety depth", examples = [30])
+ vendor_automatic_manoeuver_acceptance_time: float = Field(None, description= "If automatic maneuver acceptance is enabled, the new route will be activated after a specified number of seconds", examples = [20])
+ class Config:
+ alias_generator = to_camel
+ populate_by_name = True
+ extra = 'allow'
+caga_config_example = CagaConfiguration(name = name_example, version = version_example, vendor = vendor_example, minimum_distance_to_targets=100, critical_TCPA=1000, manoeuver_delay=20, safety_depth = 20, automatic_manoeuver_acceptance_time= 7)
+class EncounterType(str, Enum):
+ OVERTAKING_STAND_ON = "Overtaking stand-on"
+ OVERTAKING_GIVE_WAY = "Overtaking give-way"
+ HEAD_ON = "Head-on"
+ CROSSING_GIVE_WAY = "Crossing give-way"
+ CROSSING_STAND_ON = "Crossing stand-on"
+ NO_RISK = "No Risk"
+class PredictedPoint(BaseModel):
+ time: Union[datetime, int] = Field(..., description = 'Date and Time of the predicted value `ISO 8601` format `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ`', examples = [datetime.now()])
+ value: Union[float, Any] = Field(..., description = "Value of the prediction", examples = [position_example, 100])
+position_example = Position(latitude = 57.2343, longitude=10.3432)
+position_example2 = Position(latitude = 57.2345, longitude=10.3432)
+position_example3 = Position(latitude = 57.2349, longitude=10.3430)
+predicted_point_example = PredictedPoint(time=datetime.now(), value=position_example)
+predicted_point_example2 = PredictedPoint(time=datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=10), value=position_example2)
+predicted_point_example3 = PredictedPoint(time=datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=20), value=position_example3)
+waypoint_example2 = Waypoint(position=position_example2, turn_radius=500, data=Data(sog=data_point_example1))
+waypoint_example3 = Waypoint(position=position_example3, turn_radius=500, data=Data(sog=data_point_example1))
+class DetectedShip(BaseModel):
+ id: UUID = Field(..., description="Unique Identifier", examples = [uuid4()])
+ position: Position = Field(..., title = "Longitude and Latitude Values", description = "A geographical coordinate", examples = [Position(latitude = 51.2123, longitude=11.2313)])
+ sog: float = Field(..., ge = 0, title = "ship speed over ground", description = "Initial ship speed over ground in knots", examples = [10.0])
+ cog: float = Field(..., ge = 0, le = 360, title = "ship course over ground", description = "Initial ship course over ground in degrees", examples =[45.0])
+ heading: Optional[float] = Field(None, ge = 0, le = 360, title = "ship heading", description = "Initial ship heading in degrees", examples =[45.2])
+ nav_status: AISNavStatus = Field(None, description="AIS Navigational Status")
+ encounter_type: Optional[EncounterType] = Field(None, description="COLREG encounter type", examples = ["Overtaking stand-on"])
+ colreg_rules_applied: List[int] = Field(None, description = "COLREG rules the system is applying to the vessel. Each item in the list must be of type `int` corresponding to the COLREG rule number", examples = [[16, 17]])
+ distance_to_target: float = Field(None, description = "Calculated distance from the own ship to the target vessel", examples = [1900.2])
+ dcpa: Optional[float] = Field(None, description= "Calculated closest point of approach", examples = [100.3])
+ tcpa: Optional[float] = Field(None, description = "calculated time to closest point of approach in seconds", examples = [2131])
+ predictions: Dict[str, List[PredictedPoint]] = Field(None, description = "List of predicted future values. This can be used to store data like a predicted path for each target vessel. The `value` field supports both numbers and objects", examples=[[predicted_point_example, predicted_point_example2, predicted_point_example3]])
+ class Config:
+ alias_generator = to_camel
+ populate_by_name = True
+ extra = 'allow'
+detected_ship_example = DetectedShip(id=uuid4(), position= position_example, sog=10.2, cog=181, nav_status = AISNavStatus.UNDER_WAY_USING_ENGINE, encounter_type=EncounterType.HEAD_ON, colreg_rules_applied = [12], distance_to_target = 874.00, dcpa = 300, tcpa = 1200, predictions = {"position" : [predicted_point_example, predicted_point_example2, predicted_point_example3]})
+class SimulatedShip(BaseModel):
+ id: UUID = Field(..., description="Unique Identifier", examples = [uuid4()])
+ position: Position = Field(..., title = "Longitude and Latitude Values", description = "A geographical coordinate", examples = [Position(latitude = 51.2123, longitude=11.2313)])
+ sog: float = Field(..., ge = 0, title = "ship speed over ground", description = "Initial ship speed over ground in knots", examples = [10.0])
+ cog: float = Field(..., ge = 0, le = 360, title = "ship course over ground", description = "Initial ship course over ground in degrees", examples =[45.0])
+ heading: Optional[float] = Field(None, ge = 0, le = 360, title = "ship heading", description = "Initial ship heading in degrees", examples =[45.2])
+ nav_status: AISNavStatus = Field(..., description="AIS Navigational Status")
+ acceleration: float = Field(None, description="Ship acceleration in `ms^-2`", examples=[0.01])
+ rate_of_turn: float = Field(None, description="Ship rate of turn in `deg/s`", examples=[1.8])
+ class Config:
+ alias_generator = to_camel
+ populate_by_name = True
+ extra = 'allow'
+simulated_ship_example1 = SimulatedShip(id = uuid4(), position=position_example, sog=10.0, cog=181, nav_status = AISNavStatus.ENGAGED_IN_FISHING, acceleration = 0.01, rate_of_turn = 1)
+simulated_ship_example2 = SimulatedShip(id = uuid4(), position=position_example3, sog=14.0, cog=7, nav_status = AISNavStatus.UNDER_WAY_USING_ENGINE, rate_of_turn = 0, mmsi=123456789)
+simulated_ship_example3 = SimulatedShip(id = uuid4(), position=position_example2, sog=20.0, cog=97, nav_status = AISNavStatus.UNDER_WAY_USING_ENGINE, rate_of_turn = 3, mmsi=987654321)
+class CagaTimeFrame(BaseModel):
+ time: Union[datetime, int] = Field(..., description = 'Date and Time of the predicted value `ISO 8601` format `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ`', examples = [datetime.now()])
+ target_ships: List[DetectedShip] = Field(..., description = "list of target ships detected by the CAGA system", examples = [[detected_ship_example]])
+ internal_status: Dict = Field(None, description = "Dictionary containing additional internal information about the system (health, status..)")
+ class Config:
+ alias_generator = to_camel
+ populate_by_name = True
+caga_time_frame_example = CagaTimeFrame(time = datetime.now(), target_ships = [detected_ship_example])
+waypoint_list_example = [waypoint_example, waypoint_example2, waypoint_example3 ]
+class CagaEvent(BaseModel):
+ time: Union[datetime, int] = Field(..., description = 'Date and Time of the event', examples = [datetime.now()])
+ route: List[Waypoint] = Field(None, description = "Planned CAGA Route", examples = [waypoint_list_example])
+ class Config:
+ extra = 'allow'
+caga_event_example = CagaEvent(time = datetime.now(), route=waypoint_list_example)
+class SimulatorEvent(BaseModel):
+ time: Union[datetime, int] = Field(..., description = 'Date and Time of the event', examples = [datetime.now()])
+ class Config:
+ extra = 'allow'
+class CagaData(BaseModel):
+ configuration: CagaConfiguration = Field(..., description = "System Configuration", examples = [caga_config_example])
+ time_series_data: List[CagaTimeFrame] = Field(..., description= "Time series data from the system", examples = [[caga_time_frame_example]])
+ event_data: List[CagaEvent] = Field(None, description = "Event data from the system", examples= [[caga_event_example]])
+ class Config:
+ alias_generator = to_camel
+ populate_by_name = True
+auto_navigation_data_example = CagaData(configuration = caga_config_example, time_series_data = [caga_time_frame_example], event_data = [caga_event_example])
+class SimulationTimeFrame(BaseModel):
+ time: Union[datetime, int] = Field(..., description = 'Date and Time of the predicted value `ISO 8601` format `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ`', examples = [datetime.now()])
+ own_ship: SimulatedShip
+ target_ships: List[SimulatedShip]
+ class Config:
+ alias_generator = to_camel
+ populate_by_name = True
+simulation_time_frame_example = SimulationTimeFrame(time = datetime.now(), own_ship = simulated_ship_example3, target_ships = [simulated_ship_example1, simulated_ship_example2] )
+simulation_time_frame_example1 = SimulationTimeFrame(time = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=10), own_ship = simulated_ship_example3, target_ships = [simulated_ship_example1, simulated_ship_example2] )
+class SimulationData(BaseModel):
+ configuration: SoftwareConfig = Field(..., description = "Simulator software configuration", examples = [software_config_example1])
+ time_series_data: List[SimulationTimeFrame] = Field(..., description = "TimeSeries data originating from the Simulator", examples = [[simulation_time_frame_example, simulation_time_frame_example1]])
+ event_data: List[SimulatorEvent] = Field(None, description = "Event data from the simulator")
+ class Config:
+ alias_generator = to_camel
+ populate_by_name = True
+simulation_data_example = SimulationData(configuration = software_config_example1, time_series_data = [simulation_time_frame_example, simulation_time_frame_example1])
+class OutputSchema(BaseModel):
+ creation_time: datetime = Field(..., description = 'Date and Time that this file was created, in `ISO 8601` format `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ`. This should be the simulation end time.', examples = [datetime.now()])
+ traffic_situation : Optional[TrafficSituation] = Field(None, description = 'The traffic situation that was simulated (input file). This should remain unmofidied.', )
+ caga_data: Optional[CagaData] = Field(None, description = 'Data generated by the system under test (auto-navigation / collision and grounding avoidance system) during the scenario.', examples = [auto_navigation_data_example])
+ simulation_data: Optional[SimulationData] = Field(None, description = 'Data generated by the simulator duirng the scenario', examples = [simulation_data_example])
+ class Config:
+ alias_generator = to_camel
+ populate_by_name = True
+ title = "Test Output Schema"
+ extra = 'allow'
+ json_schema_extra = {
+ "description": "#### This is a JSON schema for result data originating from Collision and Grounding Avoidance systems"
+ }
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ schema = json.dumps(OutputSchema.model_json_schema(by_alias=True))
+ # with open('output_schema\output_schema.json', 'w') as f:
+ # f.write(schema)
+ # from json_schema_for_humans.generate import generate_from_filename
+ # from json_schema_for_humans.generation_configuration import GenerationConfiguration
+ # config = GenerationConfiguration(template_name = 'js_offline', expand_buttons=True, link_to_reused_ref=False, show_breadcrumbs=False)
+ # generate_from_filename("output_schema\output_schema.json", r"C:\Users\MINHEM\OneDrive - DNV\Simulator based testing\Schemas\output_schema\output_schema.html", config=config)
+ # print('here')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/schema/test_schema.py b/tests/schema/test_schema.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eac62c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/schema/test_schema.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# pyright: reportPrivateUsage=false
+from maritime_schema.schema.types import int_to_str
+# def test_int_to_str():
+# """Example for a simple unit test."""
+# # Prepare
+# int_in: int = 1
+# str_out_expected: str = "1"
+# # Execute
+# str_out = int_to_str(int_in)
+# # Assert
+# assert isinstance(str_out, str)
+# assert str_out == str_out_expected
diff --git a/tests/subpackage1/test_module1.py b/tests/subpackage1/test_module1.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 288375f..0000000
--- a/tests/subpackage1/test_module1.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# pyright: reportPrivateUsage=false
-from maritime_schema.subpackage1.module1 import int_to_str
-def test_int_to_str():
- """Example for a simple unit test."""
- # Prepare
- int_in: int = 1
- str_out_expected: str = "1"
- # Execute
- str_out = int_to_str(int_in)
- # Assert
- assert isinstance(str_out, str)
- assert str_out == str_out_expected
\ No newline at end of file